Smart City Vienna – what's the story?

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Smart City Vienna what’s the story? Some initial responses from aspern Seestadt

future mobility systems community housing initiatives high-tech made-to-measure infrastructure integration & education


mobility fund

energy efficiency religion & dialogue e-bike sharing

the final mile

green logistics training & inclusion

shared space hybrid timber construction

seestadt urban lab

communal neighbourhood garages energy research network monitoring

Industry 4.0

Vienna as a city is committed to the goals of resource conservation, high quality of life, innovation and competitiveness. Our focus at all times is on improving people‘s lives. Thomas Madreiter director of planning, City of Vienna

Seestadt is a new district of Vienna in which innovative concepts in the fields of housing, social provision, energy and mobility are being tested and put into action. In other words, Seestadt is an urban lab for the Smart City Vienna strategy. Gerhard Schuster CEO, wien 3420 aspern development AG


In 2023, the population of Vienna is projected to reach the two million mark. The need for housing, jobs, care places, green and open spaces and modern urban transport systems will increase accordingly. The City of Vienna sees these challenges as an opportunity to develop innovative ideas and concepts to improve the way people live together in the urban environment while simultaneously reducing their ecological footprint.

The integrated smart city as a success factor The Viennese are extremely proud of the high quality of life in their city. Innovation is essential to maintain this quality in a dynamic, prosperous city while also conserving resources. With its “Smart City Wien Framework Strategy”, the City of Vienna has committed itself to doing precisely that. Working together with citizens, businesses and research institutions, the city administration aims to initiate new interdisciplinary collaborations and implement showcase projects that generate traction for future development. This integrated strategy is also designed to ensure that Vienna retains its competitive edge and world-beating quality of life in the city in the years to come.

aspern Seestadt as an urban lab One thing is evident: innovative solutions are not about technological progress alone. A city is only “smart” when everyone benefits and the focus of innovation is firmly on people and their needs. New approaches to enhance community life in the urban environment and make it more eco-friendly are being piloted and tested at aspern Seestadt, the new city-within-a-city currently under construction and due for completion in 2028. Subsequently, these innovative projects in the fields of mobility, energy, social provision and housing could potentially be rolled out to other districts of Vienna, or indeed elsewhere. Seestadt functions as an urban lab, a pilot environment for urban planning and development. That makes Vienna a Smart City! “Smart City Wien” stands for diversity, inclusion and cooperation. Because a city, in its entirety and diversity, has to work properly. The master plan for aspern See­stadt pursues an integrated approach underpinned by a mixed-use urban design concept. Seestadt is both residential quarter and business hub, providing space and opportunities for people and organisations of all kinds to actively co-shape their urban neighbourhood.

rethinking the city 3

quality of life Participatory building projects

Seeparq community housing initiative

Here at the heart of Seestadt, immediately adjacent to the park and lake, we are currently planning a mixed-use “town house� complex for a community housing initiative, with owner-occupied apartments, co-working spaces, shared facilities and an organic grocer. The passive-energy building provides a wonderful living and working environment in a rich, productive setting, from airy garden studio to communal roof terraces. This site in the very centre of Seestadt is ideal for our project, as it allows a whole new quality of shared housing and workspace to evolve. Ursula Schneider general planner for the Seeparq project

Integration & education

Seestadt school campus

Our complex houses a nursery as well as a full-day primary school incorporating classes for children with special educational and physical needs. Integration and inclusion are the watchwords here at the Seestadt campus. We have the largest number of classes Vienna-wide for children with special physical needs, plus dedicated therapy rooms and activity spaces to help our pupils develop their potential. Hand in hand with this, there are two residential communities for children and adolescents in the immediate vicinity. Ulrike Kirchweger head of special needs education


aspern Seestadt is all about vibrant diversity and functional mix. Built on a foundation of innovative concepts, this city-within-a-city combines high quality of life with environmental awareness and economic drive. The “Score for Public Space” sets out the mandatory planning framework for the public green and outdoor spaces that play such an important role in the new urban centre. And the mix of shops and services has not been left to chance either. The shopping parade at Seestadt is centrally managed, and very successfully so. A special Neighbourhood Management scheme is also in place to help foster local events and initiatives. The team provide support for all local residents who want to make an active contribution to community life in the new urban district. Diversity in practice is likewise a feature of housing at Seestadt. Alongside affordable apartments to let and buy, there are several self-organised community housing initiatives offering space for to realise individual ideas.

Inclusion in the workplace

Wien Work

As a social enterprise for people who are disadvantaged on the labour market, Seestadt perfectly meets our needs. We have been able to build a completely barrier-free workshop facility providing workplaces for over 200 employees and apprentices. The new Wien Work premises also accommodate a 500 m2 self-service cafeteria, a print shop, laundry service, post office outlet and catering kitchen, as well as a creative workshop for needlework and upholstery. All in all, around 500 “Wien Workers” are employed here at Seestadt. Wolfgang Sperl CEO, Wien Work

Interfaith dialogue

Ecumenical Centre

Over the next few years we hope to build a shared Ecumenical Centre for eight faith com­ munities on a building plot north of the lake. The availability of a 10,000 m2 site at Seestadt has given us the opportunity to develop this unique project to promote interfaith dialogue. The centre will house places of worship for all the faiths as well as a venue for shared events. Ecumenical Centre project team


re sourc es Innovative hybrid timber construction

Hoho Wien

HoHo Wien is a lighthouse project – in the truest sense of the term, because here at Seestadt we’re developing the world’s tallest hybrid timber high-rise. At the same time, the multifunctional building complex ticks all the boxes for a new generation of employees and business people. The office of the future is high-tech yet sustainable: after all, it will take just one hour and 17 minutes for the timber used in HoHo Wien to regrow in Austria’s forests. Caroline Palfy HoHo Wien project developer & CEO of cetus Baudevelopment GmbH

Real-life mobility research at the

aspern.mobil LAB

The residents of Seestadt are treading new paths, both literally and metaphorically. Our mission at aspern.mobil LAB is to design eco-friendly solutions for urban mobility based on research, analysis and real-life testing. And it is not only researchers who are involved: a significant part of our project, which is funded by the Austrian Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology under its Future Mobility programme, consists of collaboration with local residents and businesses. They are the experts on the spot, providing us with input on when, where and how they wish to get around the city. Martin Berger project manager, aspern mobil lab


Seestadt fulfils the requirements of the 21st-century lifestyle as well as meeting the City of Vienna’s ambitious energy efficiency and climate protection goals. When it comes to mobility, Seestadt places a strong focus on public transport and a Mobility Fund that finances projects such as the SeestadtFLOTTE bike hire system. The extensive public spaces encourage people to cycle and walk – after all, a city’s feel-good factor originates in the spaces between the buildings. And at Seestadt, the buildings themselves set new standards. We’re producing innovative, high-quality architecture in accordance with Total Quality Building criteria, using smart construction logistics to ensure careful use of resources and eco-friendly operations on all building sites right from day one.

Smart building

Seestadt Technology Centre

With its Seestadt Technology Centre, the Vienna Business Agency has created a home base for research institutions and innovative businesses that meets the very highest standards of sustainability. As the very first building to be completed at Seestadt, it was deliberately designed to very stringent specifications using smart, cutting-edge construction methods. It is now being extended to create a further 10,000 m2 of flexible production facilities and office space for Viennese companies. Rainer Holzer head of property development, Vienna Business Agency

Green parcel delivery

DPD City Hub

Door-to-door delivery with zero vehicle noise or emissions – that’s the idea behind our DPD City Hub. Parcels for Seestadt residents are temporarily stored at our City Hub, which also serves as a parcel shop. From there they are brought to your door by electric cargo bike. This is the future for the “final mile” of parcel transport, particularly in densely built-up urban areas. Thanks to our innovative project, we were the very proud winners of the Austrian Economic Chamber’s HERMES Prize for Transport Logistics in 2017. On the back of this we have already opened two further DPD City Hubs in Salzburg and Linz. Rainer Schwarz CEO, DPD Austria


inno vation Networked energy research

Aspern Smart City Research

ASCR has been conducting research into energy efficiency at Seestadt since 2013. The joint venture was established by Siemens, Wien Energie, Wiener Netze, Vienna Business Agency and wien 3420. Our research work in the fields of smart building, smart grids, smart users and smart ICT is aimed at optimising urban energy production and consumption and hence reducing CO2 emissions. We analyse all components of the energy system using real data collected at Seestadt. In the future we will be able to extrapolate our findings to entire cities, thereby contributing to the development of a more efficient energy system with more careful use of resources. Robert GrĂźneis CEO, ASCR

Innovative Manufacturing

Industry 4.0 pilot plant

Since its opening in 2015, the TU pilot plant has been a key component of our strategic focus on Industry 4.0. The plant is a centre for basic research and applied research in partnership with business and industry, as well as research-led teaching and further education. Our focus is on developing prototypes, product and process technologies and manufacturing processes, from the ideas stage right through to market readiness. All these various fields interlock to ensure that the expertise generated here strengthens Austria’s competitiveness on the international stage. Sabine Seidler rector, TU Vienna


aspern Seestadt is evolving into a technology hotspot. As an urban lab for Smart City Vienna, the new district provides ideal conditions for technological innovation in a multitude of different fields – from energy supply and ICT right through to mobility. At the Vienna Business Agency’s Seestadt Technology Centre, researchers are already working side by side on a whole range of different projects. Smart City Vienna places a very strong focus on cooperation, especially between research and business. In order to meet the ever-growing needs of high-tech industries, the Seestadt Technology Centre has been developed as a competence centre for Industry 4.0. Seestadt thus also provides a unique testing ground for the future of urban manufacturing.

Fully automated bus


With tests and preparatory measures currently under way, auto.Bus Seestadt – Vienna’s first self-driving bus – is expected to go into service on the streets of Seestadt in 2019. Our showcase project brings together cutting-edge expertise from across the mobility sector: other stakeholders in the project beside Vienna’s public transport operator Wiener Linien are the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT), the transport research organisation KFV, training and certification provider TÜV AUSTRIA and SIEMENS Austria, as well as the French bus manufacturer NAVYA. Günter Steinbauer CEO, Wiener Linien

Digital competence hub


The Atos Competence Center for Industry 4.0 has found an ideal home at the Seestadt Technology Centre. With our workshops, training and presentations of existing use cases, our mission is to advance digitalization in Austria – the nearby pilot plant is naturally an asset here, and we already use it for a number of collaborative projects. By the same token, our facility also serves as a lab for other home-grown industrial enterprises. Johann Martin Schachner country manager, Atos Austria


The City of Vienna’s Municipal Department for Urban Development and Planning (MA 18) analyses challenges and drafts strategies of city-wide importance, including the urban development plan (STEP), and as such played a decisive role in the development of the Smart City Framework Strategy. MA 18 is also a partner of several research projects which promote Vienna’s development as a Smart City. The urban development plan STEP 2025 is a key urban planning instrument that sets the course for Vienna’s future development as a city. STEP 2025 is likewise designed to support the goals defined by the Smart City Framework Strategy.

The Smart City Agency, part of Urban Innovation Vienna, is a competence centre and think tank for future urban issues that was set up to support the implemen­ tation of the Smart City Framework Stategy 2050. The City of Vienna’s Smart City Framework Strategy 2050 addresses current global challenges such as climate change, energy supply and increasing urbanization. Structured around the focus areas Resources, Quality of Life and Innovation, the aim of the strategy is to safeguard Vienna’s high quality of life for future generations.,

Smart City Vienna is a living process that is constantly changing and evolving. Whether you’re keen to exchange ideas, you’ve developed a technical innovation, are looking for office space or production facilities or wanting to invest – we invite you to join the discussion and be a part of this evolution. We look forward to hearing from you! Wien 3420 aspern development AG; +43 1 774 02 74 City of Vienna, Executive Group for Construction and Technology – Project Management aspern Seestadt; +43 1 4000 82665 Smart City Project Unit – City of Vienna, Municipal Department for Urban Development and Planning (MA 18); +43 1 4000 88781 Smart City Agency – UIV Urban Innovation Vienna; +43 1 4000 84266


get in touch

vienna’s strategies seestadt for the urban lab The master plan for Seestadt developed in collaboration with Tovatt Architects & Planners was approved in 2007 and defines the basic urban design guidelines for the aspern Seestadt project. As the development agency for Seestadt, wien 3420 aspern development AG is the central point of contact for potential project applicants. It conducts location marketing activities, brings new partners on board and handles the sale and letting of building plots.

The projects, initiatives and companies profiled in this brochure also look forward to hearing from potential new partners: Seeparq community housing initiative

Seestadt Technology Centre

Seestadt school campus

Dpd City Hub

Ascr Wien Work

Industry 4.0 pilot plant HoHo Wien

auto.Bus aspern.mobil Lab



Credits Publisher City of Vienna, Municipal Department for Urban Development and Planning (MA 18) wien 3420 aspern development AG Graphic Design Atelier Unterkircher Jankoschek Editorial team City of Vienna, Executive Group for Construction and Technology – Project Management aspern Seestadt communication matters Kollmann & Hemmer GmbH English translation Angela Parker Photos Adobe Stock, Daniel Hawelka, PID/Christian Fürthner Printed on environmentally friendly paper from the “Ökokauf Wien” sample folder agensketterl Druckerei GmbH © Urban Development Vienna 2018

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