11 minute read
Picture-Perfect Trucks Shine on Social Media
Throughout its area of operation in Connecticut and New York, American Pavement Specialists has established a reputation for its clean, shiny, bright red trucks. The family-owned asphalt paving company offers paving, milling, reclamation and grading services, mostly for commercial and DOT clients, as well as area municipalities.
Based in Danbury, Connecticut, American Pavement Specialists was founded in 1993 by Bill Jr. and Colleen Stanley. “Even when my father had one truck, he made sure it was kept clean,” said Matthew Stanley, the youngest of the couple’s four sons, all of whom are now foreman on American Pavement’s crews.
“The type of care we take in our fleet is hard to ignore,” Matthew said. “Paving trucks aren’t supposed to be cleaner than sports cars going down the road or have tire shine dripping off them at the asphalt plant. It’s that wow factor.”
A few years ago, Matthew and his brothers began expanding the company’s picture-perfect image by effectively leveraging the power of social media. Here, he shares the company’s strategy and lessons learned in the process of growing a global online following.
American Pavements lays an average of 80,000 tons of asphalt per year.
Can you give us a brief bit of back
ground on American Pavements? Asphalt paving is in our blood. When my father made the tough decision to go on his own, he had a set of hand tools, a small truck and a roller my grandfather gave him. He didn’t have any employees. His first job was a small driveway. Using a pick to pull the old driveway out, he threw the old asphalt on the truck hauled it away. Picked up the asphalt, dumped it, shoveled it, raked it and rolled it, all by himself. Then picked up his check.
Even before establishing a successful social media strategy, American Pavement Specialists has always taken pride in its picture-perfect fleet.
Fast forward 26 years later, through years of happy repeat customers, constant rein vested growth and an eager desire to be the best, American has distinguished itself as an industry leader.
What is your marketing strategy in a
nutshell? In a nutshell, our marketing strat egy has always been our image backed by our performance. This may not sound like a marketing strategy to many people, but the way we maintain our trucks and equipment is hard to ignore. Each one of our trucks is waxed/polished weekly, tires shined, you name it. Along with our trucks, our equip ment is maintained at the highest level.
Our goal is when a potential customer sees us on the road or a contractor sees us in the field their first thought is either, “Who are those guys?” or “Those guys must be good!” It’s our mission to deliver on those expectations and gain referrals. Our quali ty fleet reflects our quality work. When you do that, you create a reputation that sticks out from others. One that’s worth keeping an eye out for on the road, one that’s worth supporting, worth following on social me dia, and worth being a customer one day.
How has social media expanded your ability to illustrate this message to a
broader audience? Social media has been fuel to that fire. Our reach started with con tractors across the country and now spans the world. We receive messages from peo ple from Australia, Brazil, UK, Germany, France and Russia to name a few letting us know they love what we do and the way we do things. It’s very gratifying and awesome motivation to constantly improve and push the envelope in an industry we love.
Many asphalt paving companies have embraced the ability to market on so cial media. For those that haven’t...how might they be missing out by not engag
ing on social media? Once our social media following started to grow, not only were we able to showcase our work and build on our word-of-mouth reputation, but we were also able to create some leverage within our mar ket. Not only against competition, but also with the manufacturers of the machines we run daily, equipment dealers and the asphalt plants we buy mix from (even when work ing with plants we don’t normally buy from). Oftentimes, the plant operators are familiar with us already because of our presence on social media.
Matthew Stanley, pictured, and his three brothers are all foremen at American Pavement Specialists. All of the Stanley brothers have access to the company’s social media accounts to post content from their projects.
Stanley believes the two keys to a successful social media strategy are understanding your audience and being authentic
Historically, the biggest companies doing the most numbers get the best service. In some cases this is still true. When an equipment dealer or asphalt plant realizes our influence, we think it incentivizes top quality service, just like a popular blogger might get special service at a restaurant or hotel. Our relationships have improved through social media, and we’re optimistic they will continue to grow. We want our opinion and our influence to matter.
We’ve been able to create a number of relationships we wouldn’t have been able to develop without social media.
In my experience, even FEWER asphalt producers (versus paving companies) are on social media. What, if anything, could those companies gain by engaging
on social media? It’s tough to say, since mar kets are so different from region to region. Regardless of the local market, I do think there’s an opportunity for asphalt plants to support the contractors who buy their product. Stay ing engaged and showing they care goes a long way. We have some reps from asphalt plants we buy from often that follow our page. They’re able to stay engaged with us and our jobs without physically being there.
Have you found any benefits related to attracting new crew members using so
cial media? We are just starting to experiment with attracting young talent from social media. We actually posted job offerings for the first time and received lots of promis ing responses. Some local, some even looking to relocate. It's definitely something we see as another avenue when it comes to the recruiting process but we are not sold on it just yet. We have a slow turn over rate within our company and take pride in the fact that we have several employees that have been with us for 25+ years.
What channels do you use, and why? I believe there are two important factors to be successful on any social media platform. First, understanding your audience, and second (and most important), being authentic. We can proudly say we have a strong presence on almost all social media platforms. (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, even TikTok).
Instagram has been our most popular plat form, with a growing audience of almost 15,000 followers and more than 100,000 en gagements per week. With Instagram and on our Youtube channel, we like to get creative. That’s where we post all of our fun videog raphy to capture that 18-to-35-year-old audience that we believe holds a strong impact on the future of the construction industry. We post all types of content: flashy red trucks and seamless paving jobs are what draw the most attention.
It seems that the audience on Facebook is a bit older, so I keep it more official. In addition to posting our clean, pretty fleet out in the field every day, I like to share photos of our complet ed job sites, testimonials, and things like that.
Do you have any tips on generating con tent for social channels? Do you incentivize crew members to take photos? Do you have a shared Google Drive for them to upload to, or do they text them to you? Or is it one person capturing all the content?
To attract a following and gain some ground in the social media world, you 100 percent have to be authentic with what you post. No more boring posts of a crew standing around in their brand new safety vests and hard hats. Know what your company stands for and try your best to relay that message through your con tent. I love to portray our hardworking-whatever-it-takes attitude. It’s what I feel our followers latch on to: the hustle.
Although I love when my guys send pic tures from the job site, one special thing about our account is multiple people have access to it. My three brothers, who are also foremen in the field, also have access to the account. So, if I’m paving a parking lot 30 miles away from the other crew, my broth er could be with the milling crew that day on a town road and posting from there. That way our followers get to see all sorts of job sites in different locations. It keeps them en gaged, and engagement is important.
What are your top 3 tips for companies just getting started on social media? 1. Get active. Make it a point to post every day.
Whether its progress from the job or even just a thought you had, share it! 2. Post content with purpose. Whether you're on there to gain work, build relationships, attract new employees, or just gain expo sure, do it with a purpose. 3. Follow other people in your industry. En gage with them.
What are your top tips for companies who have started their pages, but hav en’t seen growth/realized the benefits of social yet?
1. Promote the places you're working at. I personally love when we do a plaza or a restaurant. I make sure to get their sign/ business location in my pictures with their fresh new parking lot. They tend to share it themselves. 2. Create giveaways/contests—maybe for a company shirt, hat, decals, etc. Get your followers engaged and sharing your posts. 3. Collaborate with others who do have a following. 4. Be patient. Don’t get caught up in the fol lower counts, the amount of likes, or the comments. Persistence is everything on social. We've been consistently posting content for 6 or 7 years. The following will come.
Construction Angels, Inc. 501(c)3 Payroll Deduction Form

Your tax deductible donations help support families that have lost a loved one, working on a construction site
Dear Construction Employee,
Construction Angels, Inc. provides immediate financial assistance to surviving children and spouse of a construction worker’s family when they lose a loved one to an onsite construction fatality. Your decision is yours alone to make, but Construction Angels will be there to help you or your friend’s family, pick up the pieces, if a tragedy such as this should occur.
Is your family prepared? Everyone expects to return home at the end of the day to our families, but for unforeseen accidents, the loss of a family member or friend is heartbreaking.
Construction Angels hopes you and your family will consider the option to support “One of our Own” in the construction industry.
• Use this form to file for deductions from your payroll. • You can obtain additional copies of this form, by asking your HR department. • Print in capital letters with blue or black ink. Give a copy of this form to your Employer. • Note: Your deductions will be automatic every pay period. • Visit www.constructionangels.us for more information about this charity you are donating to.
1. What would you like to do? (Check only one box, and then complete all sections of this form.)
❒ Establish Payroll Deduction (Check this box to establish payroll deduction for the first time.) ❒ Increase or Decrease Amount (Use this form to increase or decrease your deductions. To stop payroll deduction speak with your employer.)
2. Contribution Instructions (You must complete all applicable parts of this section.) ✓ Tell your employer how much to deduct from your pay each pay period.
The minimum contribution is $1 per week option, per pay period. Please Circle Contribution Amount per pay period: $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $10
✓ Tell your employer when to begin these deductions. Unless otherwise indicated, your deductions will begin as soon as possible following receipt of all paperwork in good order.
3.Employee Authorization and Signature
By signing below, I authorize my employer to process periodic deductions from my paycheck for contribution into the Construction Angels, Inc. Fund.
This authorization will remain in effect until canceled by me or by the Employer, Charity, or upon termination of my employment with my employer.
Construction Angels, Inc. • 2436 N. Federal Hwy, Suite 313, Lighthouse Point, FL 33064 754-300-7220 Office • www.constructionangels.us
Teach Your Crew What it Takes to Pave a Bonus-Worthy Mat

AsphaltPro magazine joined forces with hall-of-fame paving consultant John S. Ball III of Top Quality Paving & Training to bring you the newest online training resource for your crew: Asphalt Paving 101.
The course is available on any device, anytime, anywhere to train your entire crew. Your single subscription to the best curriculum of all time gives you access to train all of your employees, each time you bring in a new hire.

Asphalt Paving 101
In this course, your crew will learn: • How to stay safe on the job site • How to build a takeoff ramp • How to determine fluff factor • How to determine yield • How to prep for real paving in the real world • How to maintain equipment the right way • Job responsibilities for each paving crew member • and so much more…