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coldfeed bins
Founded: 1997
Mission Statement: Tarmac International Inc.’s mission is to provide safe and complete hot mix asphalt plant systems at the highest quality and competitive prices with installation and maintenance service.

• Plants/plant components pertinent to production (can include crushing equipment)

• Plant controls/automation
Sustainability with Asphalt
Tarmac rotary dryer systems are designed for lower fuel usage, low NOX and low CO emissions now available: www.tarmacinc.com
(1) Low NOX burners to improve NOX emissions to meet 30 PPM standards. Can be sold with CO reducing combustion chambers.
(2) Dryer shell insulation reduces exterior shell heat loss thus lower fuel use. Adjustable dryer flights to eliminate voids in material veil.
(3) Updated burner actuators with separate fuel/ air control with individual 20-point regression adjustment. Control of added third actuator for fuel is standard on all Burner Controls which is mandatory for low NOX burner duel natural gas valves. Separate Burner Control screen showing each burner interlocks verifying each interlock’s operation or failure.
(4) Data acquisition of drying variables with real time display on your mobile devise including fuel per ton, burner actuator positions for both air and fuel, ID fan position, burner faceplate negative pressure, gas and material discharge temperatures.
Our new Low NOX Burners, Burner Controls, and CO Reducing Combustion Chambers allow plants to meet emission standards in a growing state by state strict emissions arena.