P O R T F O L I o
Interaction design for me is similar to how we build relations. I believe human relations are built upon interactions with each other, and I think we can build relations with objects in a similar way. These interactions interests me a lot, and I like to experiment with both virtual and physical ways to make them happen.
Interaction Designer & Developer
Professional Skill
North Kingdom Master Thesis Stockholm
Tink Frontend Engineer Internship + Interaction Design
simon.aspp simon-asp
The Techno Creatives Software Developer Internship
Umeå University M.Sc. in Interaction Design
Hanyang University Exchange Student in Design Seoul, South Korea
Adobe XD
Premiere Pro
LaNGUAGE Swedish
Unovo Student Consulting Web Developer and UX Designer Umeå
Copenhagen University Exchange in Computer Science
Umeå University Tutor in Web Design Umeå
INTERESTS I always wanted to create something that can help the current situation of the world in some way, and I’m looking for a place to work that has a similar vision. I’m really excited about how we can use AI and smart technology for a better future, and I believe we can do so by using design thinking.
INDEX Digital Design
Ma ster Thesis How might we reduce food waste in restaurants?
Internship Frontend development at Tink
CHAT INTERVIEW Chatbot interviews for sports players
GENETIC BEATS A creative tool for musicians powered by AI
badrumsb oden A complete web application in React.js
SHELF Concept design for a future cooktop
GRAF Physical visualization of servers for a fintech company
D i g i tal D es i g n
Service Design
How might we reduce food waste in restaurants with a digital solution?
Food waste is a big problem today and I wanted to explore it in my master thesis. I went to the design agency North Kingdom that helped me along the way. One third of food is being wasted globally, and figures say that 23% is being wasted in Swedish restaurants. Waste happens in all parts of the food chain, and new solutions are needed in many of these steps. After doing desk research, I found that there are very few solutions made in the end part of the chain, when food is prepared and sold.
A Sustainable choice on the menu made from parts that normally isn’t used The main concept resolves around a dish on the menu of restaurants which opens up a space for parts of ingredients that normally isn’t used - like the end of carrots or potato peels. If such a dish would exist, and sold to a lower price, we would suddenly open up new revenue streams for restaurants, and an easy alternative for people to act sustainable.
The idea also includes an app for chefs to open up their imagination and get ideas on new dishes to create, as well as a way for customers to find where restaurants that serve the sustainable dish can be found. Here, restaurants can also showcase the work they put in into being sustainable.
We have preconceived images of what a dish should look like - which makes chefs create menus of those images, and prep accordingly...
When lunch service comes, the chefs are under extreme pressure, to produce dishes from what they have prepped, and do it fast. There simply is not time to take care of all parts of a vegetable
... and whatever does not fit the mold of a typical dish, goes to waste.
As the people of Fo say, we have to un create new dishes aren’t used
For some people it comes naturally, but these are just a few driving spirits. We need to make this easily digestible by more restaurants.
otografiska in Stockholm nlock our imagination to that utilizes parts that
From these insights I created the sustainable lunch concept
And presented the findings to chefs in Stockholm
Future Food To sell the concept to potential restaurants, I created a fictive company called Future Food, which had a website where they could sign up for the concept. The website included selling points that is unique to the concept, like new revenue streams for the restaurant.
Evaluation I then evaluated the concept with the help from the public. 165 respondents took part of a concept test where they were asked what they would choose on a given menu. 1/3 of the respondents chose the sustainable dish, which shows that the concept has potential to work.
Master thesis The work resulted in a master thesis report for my engineering degree in interaction design at UmeĂĽ University.
Read it here
Frontend Dev.
Internship Tink is a fintech company in Stockholm that lets people connect their accounts from multiple banks into one place, and on top of that, they provide categorization and statistics on your bank data. I worked as a frontend developer for the newly formed API-team. It was backend developers, frontend developers, designers and a product owner, 7 people in total. We worked in an agile manner, with two week sprints. I also took responsibility for user testing the application and worked closely to the designers. We often had demos and presentations showing what we accomplished. I also got hired after the internship as a part time developer! Year: 2018
Demo https://demo.tink.se
I developed it!
Tink recently opened up their API for anyone to use
This is what we built
In order to do that, customers has to authenticate themselves and agree to letting third party companies use their bank data. It was this authentication tool that I was building together with the rest of the team for the summer.
Hi! Calculate your credit score with us
Connect with Tink
A user enters a third party application. The applica-
This is the authentication flow
The user can read about what
The user gets a confirmation message,
tion is calculating a credit score for you, and needs
that we improved the frontend
data the third party will get
and get transfered back to the third party
to access your transactions. They use Tink for this,
for. It has five different languag-
access to, and then sign in
application. The third party can now
so the user gets transfered to Tinks authentication.
es and six bank markets.
using bank-id.
calculate the credit score.
Service Design
CHAT INTERVIEW Local newspapers covers sports less and less. It’s hard to be heard as a player and many people want to reach out with the sport that they love. Me and four classmates designed and evaluated an interview service for the Swedish startup Sportswik with guidance from the design firm Daresay. Our feature enabled Sportswik to interview players directly in their app through a chat interface. I took much responsibility in this project. Both as project manager and designer/developer. Year: 2017
Video Link www.vimeo.com/234804069
Service Design
FROM INTERVIEW TO ARTICLE Useful information about the match is displayed in the chat.
Questions from your friends makes a more dynamic and fun interview
Emojis gives a more relatable interview
1 Sportswik sends you AI-generated questions about the game you just played.
2 The chat gets converted in to an article and displayed in the feed.
3 When finished, you can ask questions to your friends for them to answer in their next interview.
Service Design
We went out to meet the users of Sportswik to see their needs and benefits. This was done with in-depth interviews with players, trainers and supporters.
Google Design Sprint was used to define our concept with the insights from the user studies. We held workshops together with Sportswik, went back to the drawing board, made an early prototype and user tested it before the development of the final prototype.
Final Test
A working chat application prototype was built from scratch in Node.js to enable us to test all the features that we had designed.
We let real soccer players test our application after a game in UmeĂĽ, Sweden.
We presented our findings both at Sportswik and as a final term project at UmeĂĽ University.
We kept track of what we were doing with Trello, and used Git to share the code between us.
This was particularly interesting since we could test our ideas in a real world scenario were the application was meant to be used.
A generative design tool for musicians, powered by AI.
score beats that you like Press generate The best beats are combined to make new beats
Do it again until you find beats you like
Genetic beats Genetic Beats is an application for artists, musicians and dj’s who wants to create musical beats in a new way. It’s made to be a creative tool that generates ideas to get inspiration from when making music. Under the hood is a genetic algorithm that improves the beats as the user votes for their favorites. Year: 2017/2018
Created with:
React.js Redux Tone.js
The IDEA Design tools that we can collaborate with and that gives us ideas seems to be something we will experience more of in the future, anticipated by Don Norman among others. I wanted to experiment with this and connected it with my old interest in music production. As in all creative work, we sometimes need a way to get new ideas, and experiment with different things we are not used to. This tool is an example of that.
A solution you didn’t think of!
Design process This was an idea that I wanted to try out during a class in computational design in Seoul, to see if genetic algorithms could work in a creative task such as creating music. I ideated, iterated, and let friends use it. I also got a lot of suggestions from my professor Kyung Hoon Hyun.
I believe that interaction design is sometimes about the technology behind the scenes - Technology that can enable us to interact with services in a new way. This project was mainly about that new way to interact, and less about user testing the UI.
User Research I conducted user research for the tool for a seminar paper at UmeĂĽ University. Here I tested two different graphical layouts in an experiment and compared them to see if users would understand and therefore trust the system better. For this, I did a unsupervised remote user test were I set up the applications in the cloud, and gathered user data through a database. It was a new fun way to do user testing! I later wrote an article about the whole thing and it got featured on “Becoming Human: Artificial Intelligence Magazineâ€? on Medium.
Developing + UX
badrumsboden Badrumsboden is a company that renovates bathrooms and sells bathroom articles in Sweden. Me and my classmate created their new web application. They now have a landing page, a brand new webshop, and a price calculator where you can get a figure of how much your new bathroom will cost. The application is built mainly with React.js. We were active in a student consultancy organization called Unovo, and we got to do everything from client hunting and client meetings to delivery and invoicing. Year: 2016
Developing + UX Landing page
Optimized for mobile usage too
Built with The customers can easily make price calculations
Pro d u ct D es i g n
P ro d u c t D esi g n
Shelf Shelf is a smart cooktop for the small home. It’s a futuristic product that explores new ways of interacting with the kitchen. In this project I got to design the physical form of an object and experience how it changes the designing of an interface. Umeü Institute of Design Year 2016
the smart cooktop The project contained both product design and interaction design. The interface was user tested, evaluated., and iterated. With the guidance from UmeĂĽ Institute of Design, I learned to sketch and deepen my design skills
Design Process
UI Design
I interviewed people in my
I learned the power of
A lofi prototype in paper was
The UI was finalized in
The project was then present-
vicinity about what they felt
sketching both as an ideation
created and user tested. It
Illustrator, a 3d-model was
ed at UmeĂĽ Institute of
was the biggest problems in
and communication tool.
was interesting to see how
created in Rhino 5, and a
Design at the end of the
the physical form of the
scaled physical model was
product created limitations
3d-printed for presentation
5 idea sketches
for the UI design that had to
3 form sketches
be considered.
their kitchen. Small space and hard to find inspiration for cooking was most common.
These were the sketches:
3 final sketches Picked out the best ones to continue with
P ro d u c t D esig n
Graf Graf is a physical visualization of servers for technicians. Instead of looking at written logs that describes what the servers are doing, Graf shows everything you need to know in a fast and easily perceivable way This project was done during a Makeathon in Umea with Alice Baggio, James Zshou, and Evgenia Katedouraki of UmeĂĽ Institute of Design. Year: 2016
Video Link www.vimeo.com/158194093
see the whole system at once
All servers are running normal
Different colors shows events happening in the servers
Being fixed
Disk problem
The direction of the block shows how severe the event is
Data transfer
Ram problem