Assentire® Tech Adoption Audit

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Tech Adoption Audit AssentireÂŽ Technology Edition 2016


Tech Adoption Audit Assentire® Technology Edition 2016

A diagnostic tool for exploring the risk associated with ‘Role Concern’ & ‘Agile Environments’ by Assentire Ltd. Specifically designed to identify Technology Adoption potential and readiness in relation to the context within the organisation.

Published by Assentire Ltd © 2016

Why has the Tech Adoption Audit been created? In a fast changing and increasingly complex world, it is those organisations that are agile and unafraid to try new ideas (to trip and learn) that will be most effective. Those able to flex and change quickly as the market requires, without losing cohesion and strategic direction will be the ones that lead the way. In order for this potentially different way of thinking & working to be most effective, the context in which the new technology operates needs to be supportive. To maximise this potential, both individuals and the organisation need to be aligned and be able to work in both a high performance and a learning environment.

Assentire Ltd Š 2016

How has it been developed? The Tech Adoption Audit has been created following extensive research into ‘resistance to change’, ‘information systems success’ and the development of two further frameworks, the Organisational Eco-cycle and the holistic Grow Through Change (GTC) framework. These frameworks help review the risks associated with ‘role concern’ factors in relation to the context with the Organisation.

Consider where you are & where you have come from. What is your position on the Organisational Eco-cycle shown on the facing page? This directly impacts the thinking and actions at play in your organisation today, even if you are not aware of the fact.

Maintaining the holistic view. Now it is time to place the Tech Adoption Audit into the organisational context. The GTC framework illustrated on the following spread details the underpinning factors that came out of our research. The Tech Adoption Audit is paying attention to the lower half of the GTC framework. Assentire Ltd © 2016

Eco-cycle Framework Where would you place your Organisation in the Eco-cycle? Where would you place your Tech challenge in this Eco-cycle?





Innovation Peer Learning Groups

Opportunity vs Risk


Strategic Management Entrepreneurial Action WHAT TO GROW?



Assentire Ltd © 2016


GTC Framework 1

Purpose Lack of a clear Purpose.


Leadership Low awareness regarding Leadership of Transformation and Individual Transition. Different Mind-sets perceived different realities.


Managing Change & Performance Staff involvement, Tipping Point, Assimilation capacity and Change-cycle (Transition Psychology).


Intra & Inter Group Dynamics Old habits die hard, perceived excessive work, present system is OK, outdated life-cycle view ‘Group-Think’.


Motivation Self-determination Theory (SDT) Purpose, Mastery, Autonomy.


Personal Dynamics Fear of failure, Personal ‘ROI’, conflict with an individual’s ‘System’ and/or career objectives.


Communicating Change & Performance Appropriate Process and Content.


Culture Sins of the past, low trust in the leadership, limited ‘business management/soft skills’ awareness in the leadership, inadequate training or support provided. Assentire Ltd © 2016


Purpose 2



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Assentire® - GTC Audit



Motivation Assentire©

Assentire Ltd © 2016

The theory behind the Tech Adoption Audit. Alongside the insight from our own research and extensive behavioural & psychometric exploration, two key models have influenced the design of this tool. These are the ‘Stages of Concern about the Innovation’ developed by G Hall, integrated with an organisational perspective of ‘Self-determination theory’ (SDT) developed by D Stone, E Deci and R Ryan. Assentire’s Integrative Leadership Development Framework demonstrates how this diagnostic tool is used in practice. We ‘map’ the territory of individual, team and organisational development into nine different regions. This highlights the Mind-sets in play and the Context: Individual, Team or Organisation, making it easier to identify the most appropriate starting point for any professional or personal development; in this instance we will be auditing technology adoption readiness using the Tech Adoption Audit. The Mind-sets in play align to Robert Kegan’s and others work on integrative development. Assentire Ltd © 2016

Integrative Leadership Development Framework Know the context and mind-set(s) you are working with



Active Contributor

Doing what’s asked by the organisation

Aligned Achiever

Doing more than what’s asked by the organisation

Adaptable Integrator

Going beyond the organisation while integrating the other modes




Developing Individuals

Developing Teams & Groups

Developing Team Leaders




Exploring Behaviours & Performance

Auditing Tech Adoption ATA

Auditing Alignment for Strategic Direction

Delivering Transformational Practice

Delivering Innovation Strategy



Delivering Organisational Performance


Assentire Ltd © 2016



Tech Adoption Audit T

What you will gain from completing this Audit? • Recognise what role concern actually is and why understanding these perceptions will make the difference to success rates in any Technology Adoption project. • Understand the risks associated with role concern, the context within the Organisation and know if an agile environment is in play. • Review if the combination of role concern and agile environment is appropriate for your current need or if it is beneficial to shift to another place?

Outcome. You will be able to confirm what profile for role concern & agile environment you need as you grow. Whilst this tool can be used as a standalone intervention and create immediate insight to start discussions & reflections, it will deliver the most impact when considered alongside the GTC framework & the Eco-cycle. Assentire Ltd © 2016

Time is important. This version focuses on the ‘here and now’. Alternative versions can be created to explore the past and what is needed for the future. By better understanding where we have come from, where we are now and where we want to go to, the likelihood of understanding what is really needed to make a transition successful is more likely to emerge.

Completing this Tech Adoption Audit This questionnaire represents an ideal opportunity to share individual experiences on a day-to-day basis. The questions are structured to explore each individual’s perceptions of concern in relation to their own role as well as the environment within the organisation.

Assentire Ltd © 2016

A. Exploring risks associated with Role Concern This is considering the relationship with the technology adoption.


How strongly do you agree with the following? Where 0 = Not at all and 10 = Strongly Agree I am concerned that I do not really understand why we are introducing this system

Refocusing Collaboration Consequences

I know of some other approaches that might work better


I am concerned about not having enough time to organise myself each day


I am concerned about the conflict between my interest and my responsibilities


I am concerned about my inability to manage all the system requires


I would like to know who would manage the decisions in the system

Informed Unconcerned

I have very limited knowledge about the system

I am unable to help my colleagues use the system more effectively I am concerned about the attitude of my colleagues about the system

I am more concerned about priorities that are more important

A = Average of above values

Assentire Ltd Š 2016

A: Exploring Role Concern Shade each segment to represent your score for each question.


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Assentire Ltd Š 2016

B. Exploring Agile Environments This is considering the wider ‘context’ in which you work. How strongly do you agree with the following? Where 0 = Not at all and 10 = Strongly Agree


People openly ask questions and are invited to participate in problem solving. (R)


People actively listen and acknowledge perceptions of all group members. (R)


Choices are offered within the organisation including clarification of responsibilities. (A)


Coercive controls, such as rewards and comparisons with others, are minimised. (A)


Sincere, positive feedback is provided that is intuitive, factual and non-judgemental. (C)


Talent is developed and knowledge shared to enhance competency and autonomy. (C)


Monitoring and support is integrated at all times for all group members. (CC)


There is awareness and control of the amount of Action and Learning required (assimilation demand), holding back where necessary. (CC)


People actively look for conflict of interests without judgements or blame and negotiate any changes. (TP)


When people in the organization encounter opposition to change, they see this as an opportunity to learn, treating the objections as a form of organisational intelligence. They don’t assume everyone is always resistant to change. (TP)

B = Average of above values Assentire Ltd © 2016

B: Exploring Agile Environments Shade each segment to represent your score for each question.


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Assentire Ltd Š 2016

Tech Adoption Plot Plotting Your Scores.

Role Concern Risk = A





Agile Environments = B Assentire Ltd © 2016


Once you have completed the questionnaire, calculated and plotted the score for Role Concern & Agile Environments using the Tech Adoption Audit, you will be able to confirm the spread of results you have across the team, in terms of individual perceptions of those within the team.

Gaining different perspectives. Other ways the Tech Adoption Audit can be used.

• For a team or group, have each member complete the selfassessment on their own, then bring the team or group together and see where each individual’s perspective appears on the plot • If you have a large number of contributors, you may want to take advantage of the online profile, as we are able to create your collective plot and provide you with a comprehensive workshop to explore further what insights might be emerging. We provide Cluster and Correlation analysis and contrast with the ‘norm’ groups we have available. Assentire Ltd © 2016

Assentire uses a broad range of best-in-class profiling tools many recognised by the British Psychological Society (BPS). More recently we have been combining knowledge from HC Analytics and Net Promoter Score (NPS) methods when we have needed to develop our own tools further. Our overall approach enables individual pathways to be designed and defined per person and per team, in a systematic way. This in turn enables us to engage pro actively in the Return-on-Investment (ROI) discussion that so often creates a challenge for those wanting to commission developmental support for their staff.

Director of Assentire Ltd. Rod Willis

Our lens is different to many having explored the latest in Business School education, then understanding and filling the gaps we have found. We use the sparks that are created when you integrate frontline Management Practice with an Engineering approach and Business Psychology. The Integrative Leadership Development Framework is used in a pragmatic manner, suitable for those wanting to learn with limited time. For further information about this audit & other related material please get in touch and explore the world of leadership through our lens. +44(0) 7788 457 202 Assentire Ltd Š 2016

Published by Assentire Ltd © 2016 Rod Willis.

Published by Assentire Ltd © 2016 Rod Willis.

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