Integrative Leadership Development

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Assentire Building better Leaders


Assentire Building better Leaders

1 Published by Assentire Ltd Š 2015 Rod Willis.

Stimulating & Supporting Integrative Leadership.

We design short-term task-orientated initiatives for business.

Building agile & adaptable 21st Century management teams for an international market.

Why? The 21st Century Issue.

In the UK productivity is 21% lower than the rest of the G7. 1 An estimated ÂŁ19bn is wasted each year due to poor management practice. 2 UK management has failed to improve in over a decade. 3

The Management Challenge.

The management environment is changing daily and often feels impossible to adapt quickly enough. Those that don’t know how to respond are likely to keep doing the same thing - just faster, consuming valuable resources and inevitably becoming one of the many failing organisations we see each year.

The Solution?

Work Smarter, Not Harder. For those wanting to survive & prosper there is need to develop entrepreneurial practices, integrating Individual & Group Dynamics creating Agile Management Teams. For agility to be long-lasting it is essential that the culture of the organisation can and will support wholeheartedly these new behaviours. Know what compatible teams look like. Know how to productively manage conflict. Know how to manage people and ‘Resistance to Change’.

Real World Practice.

Are there examples of such agile organisations working today? Yes. John Lewis Partnership, Rolls Royce and 3M and many others. These organisations have developed their own programmes, demonstrating their success over many years. What do they do? They adapt & change - while maintaining trust within the organisation.

Our Approach.

We improve people management & develop leadership skills through workshops & profiles aligned to your business context, modes of management and culture. We stimulate & support more effective action for the 21st Century. Supporting Integrative Leadership across the organisation, developing awareness, management skills and motivation for both the individual & your business.

Working in 3 clear groups with 9 distinct areas.

Individual Group & Team Supervisor & Manager

Leadership Awareness Management Shift Leadership Culture Shift

Transformational Leadership Organisational Innovation Reinventing the Organisation

Do you want the business advantage?

If you would like to discuss a potential project or just find out more, don’t hesitate & contact us directly. Phone Rod Willis or send us an email.

+44(0)1628 632340 You can also connect with us on: Twitter, Facebook & LinkedIn

All tools need to be used at the right time, in the right context and the reports that are produced need to be used in a particular way. None have any answers but all create interesting questions to be explored. Our aim is to facilitate increased awareness, identifying the skills to better manage self and others. Enabling confidence and drive to bring this new awareness to support the organisation’s objectives more effectively.

Our Tools


Integrative Leadership Development Framework - Understanding Context T

The ‘Management Challenge’ for those wanting to survive and prosper, is the need to develop innovative and entrepreneurial practices. The need to integrate Individual and Group Dynamics creating Agile Management Teams. For Behavioural Agility to be long-lasting it is essential that the ‘Culture’ of the organisation can and will support these new behaviours wholeheartedly. Those wanting to embark on this journey can be guided and supported by our unique framework ‘Stimulating and Supporting Integrative Leadership’ delivering enhanced performance.

Explore when People are Resistant to Change 4 T

Our research, starting back in 2011 ‘Resistant to Change from a Leaders’ Perspective’ has shown repeatedly that for successful change, there is the need to develop management and leadership awareness, skills and capabilities especially within the Interpersonal domain. The way we work with you will depend on the context and challenge you face. We typically use one or more of the assessment tools like ‘The Innovation Audit suite’ designed to explore particular aspects within Personal, Group and Organisational Dynamics.

The Innovation Audit Suite Exploring Group Behaviours T

Innovation Audit tools are used to measure and facilitate behavioural change for Organisations, Teams and Workgroups. Building on best practice to help organisations or groups gain new insight into how they are positioned regarding Learning, Agility and Flexibility.

Primary Colours ® Model Developed over 25 years T

Based on concepts taught on Executive programmes at Oxford University’s Saïd Business School. Primary Colours® makes sense of the factors that cause managers and professionals to succeed. Primary Colours® provides the organisation with a common language for people and organisational development processes. The appeal of the model is its simplicity. If your organisation already has a competency model or qualities framework that describes the required tasks and behaviours of the management group, Primary Colours® will map on to it.

CORE Employee Engagement Survey T

Employee Engagement is key to building commitment, retention and improved performance. Research has consistently shown that engaged employees help their organisations to perform better through retention, superior customer service, innovation and productivity. We can help you identify, track and manage your levels of employee engagement and the key factors that influence this via an employee survey. Then watch commitment, discretionary effort and performance improve.

The Leadership Circle™ For Transformational Leadership T

A suite of tools to connect a well-researched battery of competencies with the deep motivations and underlying habits of thought. It reveals the relationship between patterns of action and the internal assumptions that drive behaviour. Ultimately, it gives you the whole picture, going to the source of behaviour to get greater leverage on change. In an instant, it gets your leader in touch with what is working, what is not, and why. We can use this framework to explore Management, Leadership and Leadership Team Culture.

Team Trust Survey Exploring different perspectives T

Find out how trust, or the lack of it affects the way people engage, decide, produce, innovate and share in one another’s success. Explore the survey with your teammates to answer questions such as: Our team is performing acceptably. So how do we begin to take our team to its full potential? The situation is out of control and we feel ‘dysfunctional.’ Now what?

Managing Team Roles MTR-i™ To know where you stand T

Explore at depth all aspects of team and group development . It forms part of the Type Mapping System which allows personal preferences to be mapped onto team roles and aligned with organisational imperatives.

FIRO element B™ To explore Compatibility 4 T

Exploring Interpersonal Relationships and Team Atmosphere. FIRO element B™ has many uses and is regularly applied to areas and issues such as self-esteem, decision- making, negotiations, team compatibility (or atmosphere) as well as exploring defensiveness.

Emotional Intelligence EIQ3D Questionnaire T

The effect that self-awareness has on performance exploring both Personal and Relational Intelligence. Uniquely, it provides a paired process, which is both personally challenging and also highly conducive to development.

NEO PI-R™ Personality Inventory T

A rich understanding of personality traits that underpin day-to-day behaviour. Based on the Five Factor Model of personality. The inventory reviews: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Emotional Reactivity.

Hogan™ Development Survey T

Identifies personality-based performance risks and potential derailers of interpersonal behaviour. These derailers affect an individual’s leadership style and actions. If these behaviour patterns are recognised, they can be better managed through coaching and personal development.

Type Dynamic Indicator TDI 速 T

This explores our current and desired preferences. What attracts and energises us in terms of external (Extraversion) and internal (Introversion) focus. How we see the world through Sensing and Intuition. How we make decisions through Thinking and Feeling. How we manage the world through Judging and Perceiving.

Productive Conflict Management 4 T

Discover yours and others preferred approach when faced with conflict, and explore how to use different styles to cope with various types of conflict situations. Understanding this combined with a straightforward process creates Productive Conflict Management

References 1. Statistical Bulletin: International Comparisons of Productivity - Final Estimates, 2012, ONS, 20 February 2014 2. Leadership & management in the UK - The Key to sustainable growth, Department for Business, Innovation & Skills, July 2012 3. Are UK organisations getting better at managing their people? CIPD, Dec 2014 4. Core Management Skills

Tool Credits TDI® MTR-i™ ITPQ™ are Registered Trademarks owned by Team Focus Limited. NEO PI-R™ is a trademark owned by Psychological Assessment Resources Inc. FIRO element B™ is a trademark of Will Schutz Associates. The Leadership Circle Profile (TLCP), and Cultural Survey (TLCS) were developed and are owned by The Leadership Circle™. Hogan™ is a Registered Trademark of Hogan Assessment Systems Inc. Primary Colours® Model of Leadership and the CORE Employee Engagement Survey - developed and owned by Primary Colours Consulting - an Edgecumbe Consulting Group Ltd business 2014. Any trademarks or logos used are the property of their respective owners.

Published by Assentire Ltd © 2015 Rod Willis.

If you would like to discuss a potential project or just find out more, don’t hesitate & contact us directly. Phone Rod Willis or send us an email.

+44(0)1628 632340 You can also connect with us on: Twitter, Facebook & LinkedIn

Published by Assentire Ltd Š 2015 Rod Willis.

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