Reflective Practice Template
Information-Gap Learning A final note! …………. Be mindful of how innovative information and ideas are received. If the subject is new (or potentially challenging) for the audience, you may need to pace people to successfully implement new interventions.
Information-gap learning Tension between these two states
Perceived small gap
Ignore. Knowledge unaltered
If closure found, select and store in long-term memory
External observation inconsistent with known
Information GAP
Previous knowledge in subject’s memory
Perceived medium gap
Intense curiosity. Seeks closure by V/S/R process
Perceived large gap
Fear. Possible Repression Org Defence starts
If closure not found, experience frustration
Non-perceived very large gap
No response
Driven: How Human Nature Shapes Our Choices (J-B Warren Bennis Series) by Paul R. Lawrence et al. Link: http://amzn.eu/d/cUAPbDz
V/S/R = Variety / Selection / Response influenced by 4 DRIVERS (Acquire, Bond, Learn, Defend) ©2019 Assentire Ltd
© 2019 Assentire Ltd – Collaboration Field Book – All Rights Reserved