When I was pregnant with our last son, he was due in November. Early in my pregnancy during my prayer time, I could hear the Lord始s voice telling me to be patient over and over again. I didn始t fully understand what God was trying to tell me. I thought it was something that I needed to work on with my other children, being patient with them. As the end of my pregnancy drew closer, my OB was called to a conference that put her out of town the week of my due date. She gave me a choice to be induced a week earlier or wait until she returned a week later. Being impatient, I chose the early induction. This was the BIGGEST regret of my life. My impatience caused stress on our unborn son and he had to spend the first week of his life in NICU because of ME. He is now three years old and is in perfect health. Thank God he had no longtime heath repercussions, but I was devastated and learned a hard lesson on patience. Patience: waiting with a good attitude. That始s how I define patience in my mind. Waiting can be one of the hardest things to do in life.
In James 1, the brother of Jesus tells us that patience is a process that must be worked through us. He further goes on to say that the process of patience requires wisdom that we can freely obtain from God. If we lack wisdom, we are instructed to ask for it from God without doubting. James even gives us instructions on what to do while we are waiting; DO NOT FALL INTO TEMPTATION! This can be the temptation of trying to fix it yourself and figure it out. Instead we are to recognize that all goodness comes from God. We should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to grow angry. God will work it out in the proper time.
Practice makes perfect. The next time you are faced with waiting, do it with a good attitude. Occupy your time with progressive thoughts about what how this delay can add to your day instead taking away. See God ironing out your path and making it straight. Waiting is God’s GPS of re-routing me around traps. Be Encouraged! Some things we just can’t control. Even the most perfect plans can go awry. This is not always a negative thing. See the good in your delays and rejoice because God is in truly in control.
Say This Out Loud! “I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in His Word I put my hope.” Psalm 130: 5
Display preference. When you are able, prefer your fellow man. Let someone in front of you in traffic and in the grocery line. Demonstrate to yourself and others that it is really okay for you to wait. You will be okay. This is a great example to show your children or grandchildren that life is not about YOU but really about others and how you treat them. Be Encouraged! Practicing preference is one of the
great commandments that Christ left with the disciples. ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.” If we are commanded we are equipped. You can do this!
Patience pays off. Remember the rewards of patience; maturity, completeness, salvation, justification, we receive the promises of God. Allow patience to work on the inside of you fully without interfering. God’s ways are better than yours. Be Encouraged! Whatever God asks you to wait for is always better than your rush job. Whatever you are waiting on receive the inner strength that will come from your patience! You will be stronger, smarter and closer to God if you wait!
Say This Out Loud! “Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; Wait I say on the Lord.”
Psalm 27:14
Say This Out Loud! “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. ” Isaiah 40:31
There’s a prize in your perfected patience! Be Encouraged!
Kira McConico’s universal assignment is to deliver encouragement to the hopeless through her Assigned To Encourage! ™ Words are powerful and can be spoken into dark times and bring light to life's situations. In addition, Kira is an inspirational speaker. Her target audience is young women ages 17-30. She frequently speaks at area schools, domestic violence shelters and other organizations to encourage young women to pursue their dreams no matter their past. While her target audience is young women, the message of encouragement is for everyone! For booking information visit: www.assignedtoencourage.com.
All written materials are the original work of the author. Copyright restricted. All rights reserved. Scripture is taken from the Holy Bible - various versions.
Be Encouraged is a publication of Assigned to Encourage!™ Design and layout provided courtesy of Integrity Designs