A Sample Report on Consumer Behavior
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TABLE OF CONTENTS Literature review ......................................................................................................................... 3 Significance of consumer behavior .......................................................................................... 3 The concept of Nostalgia .........................................................................................................5 Function of Nostalgia in consumer behavior ............................................................................6 Determinants of nostalgia ........................................................................................................7 Role of Nostalgia in consumer behavior .................................................................................. 8 CONCLUSION ......................................................................................................................... 10 REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................... 11
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LITERATURE REVIEW Significance of consumer behavior Consumer behavior is the study of processes which are used by individual or organization to satisfy the needs and also study the impact of these processes over consumers and to the society. Consumer behavior is an important theory for the any organization which helps them to innovate their existing marketing strategies far better. This theory helps the marketers to module their organization in an effective manner by understanding the needs of consumers. It also insures the regulation of consumable goods and therefore maintains the economic steadiness. According to Cui (2015) helps marketers to overcome their marketing problems as consumer behavior theory enables them in utilizing their marketing resources in more appropriate manner (Cui, 2015). Consumer behavior not only improves the performance of company but also improves the working of middle-men and salesmen. Marketing programs became more effective with analyzing consumer behaviour. It helps the marketer to rapidly shift to the trends and patterns which attracts the consumers. On the other hand, Routledge and et.al (2012) has also stated that theory not only helps in identifying current trend but also enables to forecast future trend. In addition to this, customer behavior changes with the introduction of new trends and direction as customers readily accepts the changes. Therefore, marketers must assess the behavior of customers so that they can determine the need and requirement of the customers so that they can render required product that satisfy their requirement. According to Holbrook and Schindler (2006) with the change in the attitude and emotions of the customers it may also affect their purchasing decisions. Thereafter, marketer must attempt to arouse the past feeling in order to influence the behavior of customers towards the products (Holbrook and Schindler, 2006). As per the view of Solomon, Russell-Bennett and Previte (2012) there are different factors that affect the consumer behavior regarding purchasing the commodities that is cultural factor, personal factor, psychological factor etc. the key factor is cultural factor that affect the behavior of customers while purchasing some merchandise and products (Solomon, RussellBennett and Previte, 2012). Cultural factor also include sub culture that is difference in geographical, religions, nationality etc. that affect the behavior of consumer. However, Sultan Get plagiarism free document on consumer behavior assignment help to secure dream grades in UK.
Muehling and Sprott (2010) has also stated that personal factor of an individual also influence and affect the behavior of customers that is nostalgia concept, lifestyle, personality etc. nostalgia can be defined as past feeling or emotion of an individual that affect the behavior of individual while they are purchasing commodity or merchandise (Sultan, Muehling and Sprott, 2010). For instance; if the customer is attached with the similar brand since their childhood and is attached with their products then it can be said that in the future also customer will purchase the same products as the past experience and feeling is attached with the product. According to Merchant and Rose (2013) it can be stated that nostalgia concept support the customer to become loyal with the brand and their products that assist them in purchasing the same products as they use to purchase in the past (Merchant and Rose, 2013). In addition to this, psychological factor also considered as core factor that impact and influences the consumer behavior regarding purchasing the products. Psychological factor generally focuses on motivation as well as perception of the customers that assists the customers in selecting the products that would satisfy their needs. Consumer behavioral theory help in differentiating the customers on behalf of their taste, preferences and needs. It became easy for marketer to segment their customers according to their wants. For new marketers, pre consumer behavior study help them to easily and successfully enter in the market and existing marketers can hold their customers. Competitive capability of the company is improved by the the consumer behavioral theory. It helps the marketers to satisfy the needs and wants of the customers before the competitor (Hafeez and et.al., 2015). Marketers can do their job dynamically, actively, and effectively against competitors. It ensure the efficient and effective use of resources and also initiates the organization to became consumer-oriented. As per the view of Belk, Askegaard and Scott (2012) it is significant for marketer to understand the psychology and behavior of the customers as it support them in understanding the requirement and values of the customers that assist them to engage in the purchasing activities (Belk, Askegaard and Scott, 2012). However, for measuring the success and failure of the products in the market consumer behavior plays significant role. In addition to this, if the customers are satisfied with the commodities offered by the organization then he/she will have positive behavior towards that products. On the other hand, if customers are not satisfied with the products offered by the company then consumer may have negative behavior towards consuming that product and in the future they would not choose to purchase the product. Therefore, Batcho Get plagiarism free document on consumer behavior assignment help to secure dream grades in UK.
(2013) has stated that positive behavior of customers will results in repeating their purchase activities and in future they would also suggest the products to other customers (Batcho, 2013). In addition to this, studying the behavior of customers also support the manager in understanding their attitude and emotions towards purchasing products that would support them in designing the products that meet the requirement of the customers. Muehling and Pascal (2012) has also stated that studying consumer behavior also assists in understanding the continuous changing behavior of the customers that further assist them in creating effective marketing strategies that would result in optimizing sales of products in the market (Muehling and Pascal, 2012). However, importance of understanding customer behavior is also effective as it focuses on understanding the different factors that influences and affect the behavior of customers. According to Mitchell and Imrie (2011) the key aim of marketing is to sell the merchandise among the customers therefore, it is essential to assess the behavior of consumer so that they can produce and design the required product according to their need and requirement (Mitchell and Imrie, 2011). The concept of Nostalgia In the contemporary era of marketing to influence the behavior of consumer organization are using the powerful tool of marketing that is they are incorporating nostalgia marketing in the action. Nostalgia is defined as sentimental feeling from the past experience of product or services. However, the nostalgic experience generally focuses on providing reassurance of past feeling of accomplishment and happiness. In the present context of influencing consumer behavior nostalgia plays significant role as branding strategies that enhances the image of brand in the mind of customers. According to Gineikiene (2013) one of the positive aspect of introducing nostalgia concept in the marketing is to elicits past emotional reaction regarding the products so that consumer in the present scenario can purchase the products (Gineikiene, 2013). Furthermore, nostalgia marketing focuses on establishing strong coalition of emotional connection among the brand and the ultimate customers. As per the view of Cui (2015) the feeling associated with the past not only connect the consumer from the past but it also result in evoking self directing thoughts of an individual (Cui, 2015). In the contemporary environment for initiating the advertising campaign organization are using the concept of nostalgia for attracting the customers. However, it further support the Get plagiarism free document on consumer behavior assignment help to secure dream grades in UK.
individual in influencing their behavior regarding purchasing the particular products. Hunt and Johns (2013) has also stated the concept of nostalgia in marketing is favorable than that nonnostalgia ad as it generally evokes the past experiences and emotions associated with the particular brand (Hunt and Johns, 2013). On the other hand, (Zhao, Muehling and Chai, 2010) has also stated that nostalgia is also associated with increasing and enhancing social bond that results in responding to negative moods with the optimistic memories (Zhao, Muehling and Chai, 2010). Furthermore, both intangible and tangible stimuli results in arousing the nostalgic feeling that further affect and influences the behavior of customers for purchasing the products and services. Marchegiani and Phau (2010) has also concluded that the effectiveness of nostalgia within advertisement enhances the level of brand awareness in the market through creating emotional aspect for the products and services (Marchegiani and Phau, 2010). In addition to this, nostalgia concept basically serve three global psychological purpose that it basically generate positive aspect among the customers, it results in enhancing the self-esteem level of consumer as well as it may also serve as repository of societal adjoining. According to Olivier (2011) nostalgia concept within the marketing also result in turning bad feelings into the good ones that outcome in enhancing individual mood, increasing and raising the individual self-esteem, enhancing and raising the feeling of social connectivity etc (Olivier, 2011). therefore, in the modern scenario, nostalgia plays significant role within marketing as through this organization can easily communicate with the customers so that they can easily accomplish the objective of marketing. However, marketer in the present scenario focuses on triggering nostalgia concept to advertise their products and merchandise as they are aware regarding the fact that past feeling among the customers will influence them to engage in the purchasing activity. According to Bambauer-Sachse and Gierl (2009) the feeling of nostalgia recreate the feeling past that can be related with any object or product or feeling that represent or shows the memory of past to the consumer (Bambauer-Sachse and Gierl, 2009). Therefore, the marketer are generally focuses on the concept of nostalgia to affect the behavior of consumer so that they pursue in the purchasing activity. As per the view of Mitchell and Imrie, 2011) the contemporary environment is focusing on nostalgia marketing whose main purpose is to arouse the past feeling among the customers. The feeling arouse can be negative or positive that impact the mindset of customers towards Get plagiarism free document on consumer behavior assignment help to secure dream grades in UK.
purchasing (Mitchell and Imrie, 2011). However, nostalgia is considered as significant emotion that makes the customers happy. Function of Nostalgia in consumer behavior In the modern scenario, nostalgia plays positive aspect that forms optimistic behavior among the customers that support them in purchasing the required product. As per the view of Ford and Merchant (2010) there are different role of nostalgia that assist in shaping the behavior of customers related with engaging in the purchasing process (Ford and Merchant, 2010). The function of nostalgia basically results in improving the mood of the customers that is nostalgia proneness often outcome in overcoming the stressful situation as well as it also support in coping the issues that hinder's the individual happiness. According to Muehling (2013) another function of nostalgia results in enhancing the social link among the customers and products as nostalgia go around the past memories with the close ones thus results in increasing support (Muehling, 2013). However, perception of social support also gets enhance with the nostalgia concept as the feeling will provide sense of belongingness among the individual that would result in influencing and affecting their behavior. However, Williams (2014) has also stated that with the nostalgia concept it would also play significant role in promoting the psychological growth among the consumer that would result in purchasing products that satisfy their past feeling (Williams, 2014). In addition to this, nostalgia also support the individual to engage to the process that would result in growing their needs and aspiration that higher their self esteem. Therefore, it is essential for organizational manager to focus on nostalgia concept while marketing their products and services as through nostalgia advertisement they can easily understand the behavior of the customers.
As per the view of Mugge, Schifferstein and
Schoormans (2010) with the nostalgia advertisement manager can easily raise the past feeling and emotions among the customer by designing and creating the promotional message that would instantly attract the customers towards the products (Mugge, Schifferstein and Schoormans, 2010). However, it will be also beneficial for the organization to enhance the sales of products that often result in generating the revenue as product convey customers past feeling and emotions. On the other hand, Huang, Phau and Lin (2010) has also stated that if the customer or individual have negative past feeling and emotions related with the products than the nostalgia-themed advertisement will result in reviewing the past activities and emotions that Get plagiarism free document on consumer behavior assignment help to secure dream grades in UK.
results in affecting their mood (Huang, Phau and Lin, 2010). Therefore, it may also results in arising the situation of stress or depression among the individual that influence their buying activities. According to Holbrook and Schindler, 2006) another function of nostalgia include that reliving or re-experiencing the past memories result in providing comfortable environment that affect or impact the mental health of the customers. It has been sated that with rethinking the good memories will contribute in making customer comfortable as well as it also support in reducing the stress level or depression level. On the other hand, Solomon Russell-Bennett and Previte, 2012) has also concluded that past experience results in enhancing the perception of the customers towards the particular objective and products and in the future will purchase the item as it will provide them sense of accomplishment through purchasing the product (Solomon, Russell-Bennett and Previte, 2012). In addition to this, the key function of nostalgia is to render comfortable environment and situation to the customers that affect their activities. Determinants of nostalgia Nostalgia is the past feeling that assist and influences the behavior of consumer so that they may engage in the purchasing activities. As per the view of Holbrook and Schindler (2006) the key determinants of nostalgia include attitude and emotions. Attitude is refer to an individual perspective towards the products and services (Holbrook and Schindler, 2006). An attitude may be positive or negative that assists the consumer to engage in the purchasing activities.
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As per the view of Bambauer-Sachse and Gierl (2009) attitude can also be termed as negative concept in the consumer behavior as the attitude of customers varies from one person to another (Bambauer-Sachse and Gierl, 2009). If it is not in attitude of customers to purchase the products that shows their past then customers will not purchase the products. On the other hand, Sierra and McQuitty (2007) has also stated that some customers are so attached with the past feeling that they purchase the products that provide them satisfaction by purchasing the product. However, it has also being stated that nostalgic advertisement of the organization results in evoking the positive attitude among the consumer that assist them to engage in the buying behavior. In addition to this, another determinant of nostalgia that support in enhancing the consumer behavior include emotions of the individual. As per the view of Hunt and Johns (2013) emotions can also be termed as feeling among the customers that assist them towards purchasing the merchandise and goods as it provide them sense of accomplishment and positive feeling to the customers (Hunt and Johns, 2013). In addition to this, with the nostalgia advertising it will heightening the positive emotions among the customers regarding the products. According to Hafeez and et.al (2015) Nostalgia also go around the memories that are close enough to the consumers thus, it result in increasing and building the social support as well as connection among the consumers (Hafeez and et.al 2015). Therefore, emotions and attitude are consider as key determinants or outcome of nostalgia. According to Huang, Phau and Lin (2010) nostalgia advertisement by the organization results in arousing or eliciting the positive or negative feeling among the customers. For instance; if customer have negative feeling regarding the object or product than in the future they would not prefer to purchase the product or services (Huang, Phau and Lin, 2010). On the other hand, if through watching the nostalgia advertisement it elicits the positive feeling or emotions among the customers then it would result in consuming the products that provide them positive or comfortable feeling. Belk Askegaard and Scott (2012) has also concluded that nostalgia concept also results in changing the attitude of customers towards the product or objective (Belk, Askegaard and Scott, 2012). For instance; if there is positive emotion among the customers then attitude of customer will be also positive towards the products and services of the organization. Get plagiarism free document on consumer behavior assignment help to secure dream grades in UK.
However, if there are negative emotion towards the products or merchandise then customers will also have negative attitude toward them that affect their image. According to Zhao Muehling and Chai (2010) customers with positive emotions and attitude are mainly considered as loyal customers towards the specific product and services. Whatever, the situation may be customers will purchase the product that provide them satisfaction (Zhao, Muehling and Chai, 2010). Role of Nostalgia in consumer behavior In the present scenario, Nostalgia can be considered as a feeling of sadness or happiness which has been developed by remembering events occurred in the past. Furthermore, it has started to play very important role in the entire process of buyer behavior. In simpler terms Nostalgia is defined as the condition of being homesick. Consume behavior consist of set of different characteristic which helps individuals to determine whether they should buy a particular product or not. As per the view of Marchegiani and Phau (2011) people start living in their past when they are nostalgic (Marchegiani and Phau, 2011) This means that they tend to buy products and services which they used to buy in past and made them happy. Sometime, individuals also starts perceiving the fact that their past was more positive as compared to their present in which they live. This means that nostalgia has an direct impact on consumer behavior and it encourages them to buy products which they have already experienced earlier. This means that factors such as advertisement, marketing, prices, quality etc, do not have any kind of impact on the overall buying behavior of individuals. However, Muehling and Sportt (2014) argued that the marketers have come up with new concept of nostalgia marketing in order to attract customers and affect their buying behaviors (Muehling and Sportt, 2014). Many brands in the world such as Pepsi, Nike etc. have started using design and logos which they were using in their past operations. These make people remember of about their childhood days and also encourages them to buy that particular product or services. Nowadays, brands are required to become aware of all the major factors which affects behavior of people in market. Therefore, they with the help of using old designs and ads they force people to think about their past. According to Marchegiani and Phau (2010) modern marketers generally engage in creating the nostalgic advertisement that would positively impact the customers and their attitude towards the products that outcome in purchasing activity (Marchegiani and Phau, 2010). It is consider as a modern form of advertisement that basically focuses on rising and heighten the inner feeling and emotions of Get plagiarism free document on consumer behavior assignment help to secure dream grades in UK.
customers that they have attached with the products. Therefore, it plays significant role in influencing and pursuing the customers to purchase their products. In addition to this, nostalgia concept consider as a positive feeling and attitude that might be interesting in raising the personal feeling. As per the view of Solomon, Russell-Bennett and Previte (2012) nostalgia idea within the marketing also outcome in turning bad sensitivity into the great ones that result in heighten individual temper, accelerating and raising the individual self-esteem, heighten and raising the impression of social connectivity towards organization and their products (Solomon, Russell-Bennett and Previte, 2012). As per the view of Muehling, Sprott and Sultan (2014) nostalgia and preferences of customers are interconnected with each other that is if the consumer are attached towards some products and services in the past then in the future also they will purchase the same product (Muehling, Sprott and Sultan, 2014). In addition to this, it will also support the organization seeking emotions and past feeling from the past that assist them in purchasing the required product. For example, if customers tends to prefer the Nike shoes since their childhood because of fine quality of material and leather product thus in the future also they will prefer the same products that they are purchasing from the past years. Another example of nostalgia include that if a customer is attached with a song as playing the song result in recalling the days of childhood therefore, in future playing the song will lead to attain the nostalgic feeling. According to Muehling and Pascal (2012) customers who are attached with the past feeling and often recall the memories are most6 emotional customers and they will purchase the same product or merchandise that they used to purchase from the past (Muehling and Pascal, 2012). On the contrary, Sultan, Muehling and Sprott (2010) has concluded that customers who have negative feeling and emotions attached to the specific product then they would not prefer to buy the products (Sultan, Muehling and Sprott, 2010). Therefore, it can be said that nostalgia concept will change and influence the consumer behavior regarding the products. As per the view of Merchant and Rose (2013) it can be said that nostalgia in the marketing would be beneficial for the company in selling and distributing the products as there is attached feeling and emotions the accompanying with product (Merchant and Rose, 2013). However, it will also benefit the organization in influencing and prompting the behavior of customers towards purchasing their products as it will enhance the esteem level of the customers. Get plagiarism free document on consumer behavior assignment help to secure dream grades in UK.
According to Hunt and Johns (2013) there is positive relationship among the consumer behavior and nostalgia concept as with arousing the past feeling it will result in influencing the behavior of customers towards the certain products (Hunt and Johns, 2013). In the present scenario, brand must focus on nostalgia advertisement and marketing as it elicit the inner feeling of customers towards the products. For example, Coke, Pespsi etc. are focusing on modifying past logos and tag line so that they can maintain the essence of past with the new flavors.
CONCLUSION From the above review it can be concluded that nostalgia is consider as past feeling and experience that support the customers in influencing and affecting the consumer behavior. However, the review has also concluded that there are different factors that affect the consumer behavior that is personal factor, psychological factor and cultural factor. The review has also concluded that if marketer engage in the nostalgic advertisement then it will positively result in purchasing their products thus, it will also ensure attaining the sense of accomplishment through purchasing the products.
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REFERENCES Books and Journals
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