Market Research Assignment Helper

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Marketing Research Assignment Help

Marketing Research Assignment Help ď‚— marketing research is one of the important notion to

attain the objectives of the firm and introduced the products and services in the market in an effective manner ď‚— For making marketing research plan of company, we have

selected the virtual organization: Kudler Fine Foods.

Introduction  Kudler Fine Food was established by Kathy Kudler,

which is one of the premieres gourmet grocery shop situated in Southern California.  Consumers can buy finest bakery, cheese and dairy

products over these stores along with variety of wines.  The main objective of the firm is to expand business in

global market and become one of the finest shops of gourmet

Introduction ď‚— This paper justifies the importance of marketing research

in the development of Kudler Fine Food's marketing strategy and tactics. ď‚— Furthermore, different areas, where additional market

research is needed, are also discussed in this paper.

Importance of Marketing Research ď‚— Justification of Importance of Marketing Research in the

Development Marketing Strategy and Tactic for Kudler Fines Foods : ď‚— Marketing research can be defined as a process of

business study, which facilitates the firms to gather data and information about consumer, target market, competitors, needs and requirements of consumers, etc.

Importance of Marketing Research ď‚— Marketing research also enables the firms to evaluate the

complexities and variability that are available in the external environment. ď‚— By conducting marketing research, it becomes easy for

the business associates to find out different ways to cope with the complex business environment. ď‚— According to Kotler, marketing research is important for

the business firms to introduce the company product in the adequate market.

Importance of Marketing Research  With the assistance of marketing research, three different areas can

be researched by the companies such as consumers, products and distribution of goods and services.  Kerin, Hartley, Berkowitz & Rudelius have also stated in their

study that marketing research allows the marketing department to evaluate the potential of product’s success and growth.  For Kudler Fine Food, marketing research is important to attract

potential customers and retain current customers..

Importance of Marketing Research  Furthermore, marketing research is also significant to evaluate the

environmental changes and analyze current trends  One of the significant objectives of Kudler Fine and Food is to

increase profitability along with the satisfaction among its customers.  With the assistant of marketing research, Kudler’s management can

analyze the perception of customers about the services, prices, quality and experiences of Kudler to them.

Importance of Marketing Research  This is one of the best ways to analyze the company’s

strength and weakness, so that firm can utilize the market opportunities and minimize the threats. By conducting marketing research, company can identify the reason of its failure and success and mitigate risk. ď‚— Thus, conducting marketing research is essential for the

companies to implement innovative strategies and tactics and find out the issue of customer regarding the firm.

Additional Market Research ď‚— In order to conduct marketing research and utilize the

benefits provided by market research, it is essential for the firms to identify the different areas, where marketing research is most necessary.  In the current environment, focusing customer’s needs and

requirement is significant but some other areas such as maximizing market shares, reduction in operating cost, improvement in image and good will of the firm, establishing brand name, etc. are also important.

Additional Market Research ď‚— Concentration on all these areas would enable the firm to

develop strategies to reduce prices and maintain quality.

ď‚— For instance, if Kudler Fine Food concentrates on different

ways to minimize the operating cost and reduces internal production cost,

Additional Market Research ď‚— it would be easy for the firm to reduce cost of products for

the customers. This ultimately increases the customer database and creates a competitive advantage for the firm. ď‚— Thus, firm can conduct surveys with customers and

employees to identify the loopholes and improve the production system with low operating cost. Additionally, company should also focuses on employee motivation, brand enforcement and sustainability to establish a strong brand reputation.

Conclusion ď‚— Thus, on the basis of above discussion, it can be

said that marketing research is one of the important part for the company for introduced the products and services in the market in an effective manner.

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