7th APG Annual Conference: Advertising Proposal

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APG ANNUAL CONFERENCE The annual conference organized by the Portuguese Association of Geologists aims to promote public awareness regarding the importance of Geology in the sustainable development of modern society. In recent years this event has become the most significant Geosciences event in Portugal, providing an open forum where participants share new perspectives and challenges in the scope of the strategic theme being addressed. The APG Annual Conference count on the active participation of governmental authorities, universities and specialists in finances and industrial development, as well as professionals, technicians and teachers who work in the various fields of Geosciences.

Why should you become a sponsor? By sponsoring this Annual Conference you will be able to demonstrate your company’s leadership by taking part in the most recent technical-scientific discussions, as well as gaining visibility and exposure to national and international leaders from a wide range of relevant organizations working in Geosciences. The Portuguese Association of Geologists is a nonprofit socio-professional association, and in this context we count on the investment of your company to dignify the experience of all involved. Contact us today to learn more about how you can get the proper exposure for your company in this event!

The Portuguese Association of Geologists The Portuguese Association of Geologists was founded in 1976. It is a nonprofit socio-professional association that brings together Geology professionals working in Geosciences. It is a founding member of the European Federation of Geologists and a member of the Portuguese Federation of Scientific Associations and Societies.

Board Commission José Romão (President), Alcides Pereira, José Mário C. Branco, Margarida Silva, Mónica Sousa, Pedro Carvalho e Vítor Correia.

Contact us! info@apgeologos.pt • http://www.apgeologos.pt Telephone/Fax: +351 213 477 695 Address: Museu Geológico, Rua da Academia das Ciências, n.º 19 - 2.º 1249-280 Lisboa

associação portuguesa de geólogos





1st APG Annual Conference Geology and Energy 5-6.sep.2011, facultY of sciences, universitY of porto

The 1st APG Annual Conference addressed four thematic areas of crucial importance for our country and of indisputable world relevance: oil, uranium, and high and low enthalpy geothermal energy. This conference brought together national and international speakers of recognized merit and included a set of workshops on oil and geothermal energy. [+] MORE INFO


2nd APG Annual Conference Geology and Portuguese Mineral Resources: Present and Future 7-8.dec.2012, facultY of sciences, universitY of porto

The 2nd APG Annual Conference addressed the exploration and exploitation of mineral resources. The lectures were presented by speakers fom the main companies operating in Portugal. Two workshops, one on metallography and the other on geochemical prospecting also took place. [+] MORE INFO


3rd APG Annual Conference The national geological potential: solution for the enrichment of Portugal 28-29.nov.2013, national laboratorY of civil engineering, lisbon

The 3rd APG Annual Conference intended to launch an in-depth reflection on the role of mineral resources in the creation of wealth in Portugal, and made a contribution to making Geology a key discipline for the national economy. The event also included the Open Session “Innovation through 3D Technology - Experience Surpac” and the Workshop “SURPAC Technical Session”. [+] MORE INFO



4th APG Annual Conference Economic Geology in Portuguese-speaking Countries: Bridge for Cooperation 3-5.dec.2014, national laboratorY of energY AND geologY, lisbon

The 4th APG Annual Conference allowed to disseminate the best examples of cooperation in the area of economic geology among Portuguesespeaking countries (from the exploration and sustainable exploitation of geological resources to the construction of infrastructures), demonstrating how the combination of determination, knowledge and geological potential can favor the develpment of a country or region. Two training courses, one on “Geology and Georesources of Angola” and the other on “Geology and Georesources of Mozambique” also took place. [+] MORE INFO


associação portuguesa de geólogos




5th APG Annual Conference Geology for Society: Challenges of the Future 9-11.dec.2015, national laboratorY of energY AND geologY, lisbon

The 5th APG Annual Conference allowed to debate and deepen the current issues related to Geology in its interconnections with society, as well as to alert for the challenges that stand for human life in the near future. In this context, several panels were discussed whose topics were as follows: 1 Climate Change and Geological Risks; 2 - Water - New Challenges; 3 - Raw Materials and Energy and 4 - Synthesis and Projection of the Future. Two training courses took place: “From Space to Field: Application of New Technologies in Structural Geological Mapping” and “Geo-environmental Rehabilitation in Urban and Mining Areas”. [+] MORE INFO



6th APG Annual Conference Geology as a factor of competitiveness and economic development 9-11.nov.2016, facultY of sciences and technologY, universitY of coiMbra

The 6th APG Annual Conference aimed to discuss the different perspectives and the various challenges that emerge from the new paradigms of Geological Sciences. In this context the following topics were addressed: 1 -Knowledge to well management and 2 - Resources for future generations. Two training courses were held in the two previous days: “Integrated Methodology for exploration, reserves evaluation and exploitation planning: application to non metallic minerals and “Project and supervision of groundwater extraction wells”. This last training course included the KINDRA Workshop “Geological knowledge inventory and harmonization applied to Hydrogeology” [+] MORE INFO



7th APG Annual Conference

. 9-10.nov.2017, facultY of sciences, universitY of porto

The 7th APG Annual Conference aims to explore the concept of Risk in the field of Geosciences, debating not only the nature and cause of geological, geotechnical and geological resources exploitation risks, but also currently developed research into the Science of Risk, the public perception of risk and risk management and assessment. In this context, the following themes will be addressed: 1 - Hazard, Risk and Resilience: managing uncertainty in a changing World; 2 - Managing Risks across the Lifecycles of Geological Resources Exploitation; and 3 - Managing and Evaluating Geotechnical Risk: from theory to practice. Two training courses, related to the topics under discussion, will be held in the two days previous to the conference.

associação portuguesa de geólogos



APG ANNUAL CONFERENCE: PREVIOUS EVENTS Sponsors Achilles Assimagra - Recursos Minerais Banco Carregosa Coba - Consultores de Engenharia e Ambiente Colt Resources Comité Nacional PIGC Portugal Constrotúnel - Construções, Projeto e Serviços, SA CRA Law - Coelho Ribeiro e Associados Dias de Sousa - Instrumentação Analítica e Científica, SA Drillcon Iberia Duromin EDM- Empresa de Desenvolvimento Mineiro, SA Fundação EDP Galp Energia Geo2000 Geárea - Consultores de Geotecnia e Ambiente Geocontrole - Geotecnia e Estruturas de Fundação, SA

Geoplano GGC - Geologia & Geotecnia, Consultores Gravimeta - Equipamentos para Laboratório IGT - Internacional Geophysical Technology Inspectorate Lundin Mining Maquesonda Maxam MTI – Ferro de Moncorvo, S.A. Obrangol Engenharia Lda Orica Mining Services Petrobras Repara Microscópios Sojitz Beralt Tin and Wolfram (Portugal), SA Somincor - Sociedade Mineira de NevesCorvo, SA (Lundin Mining) SPI - Sondeos y Perforaciones Industriales del Bierzo, SA Synege - Engenharia, Geologia, Energia Visa Consultores Triáguas - Sondagem e Captação de Água

Support Aniet - Associação Nacional da Indústria Extrativa e Transformadora APRH - Associação Portuguesa de Recursos Hídricos Assimagra - Recursos Minerais Cimpor - Cimentos de Portugal DGEG - Direção Geral de Energia e Geologia EFG - Europen Federation of Geologists FCTUC - Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra FCUL - Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa FCUP - Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto Geovia IDL - Instituto Dom Luiz INTRAW Project

associação portuguesa de geólogos

ISA- UL - Instituto Superior de Agronomia da Universidade de Lisboa Jornal de Negócios KINDRA Project LEAF - Linking Landscape, Environment, Agriculture and Food LNEG - Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia Partex Oil and Gas Renato Azenha - Sondagens e Captação de Água SPG - Sociedade Portuguesa de Geotecnia TARH Tavi UK Trade &Investment Universidade de Coimbra Universidade de Évora



Lecturers, Moderators and Trainers Alejandro Robador Moreno IGME Alexandre Tavares DCT-FCTUC Álvaro Santos Pereira Dep. Economia OCDE Amadeu Azevedo Petróleos de Angola António Chambel UE, ICT, AIH António Gomes Coelho APG António Mano EDP António Mateus FCUL Bramley Murton UK Nat. Oceanog. Center Carlos Barbosa CIMPOR Carlos Caxaria EDM Carlos Guerra MTI Carlos Leal Gomes DCT-UM Carlos Martins Andrade Galp Energia Carlos Pina LNEC Cláudia Pinto CML Cristina Rodrigues UFP Daniel Oliveira LNEG Daniela Lobarinhas EDM Diogo Rosa LNEG Dionísio Martins Aut. Nac.Petr.Timor-Leste Emanuel Assis Aut. Nac.Petr.Timor-Leste Eurico Pereira LNEG/FEUP Fernando Barbosa Teixeira EDP Fernando Barriga FCUL Fernando Noronha FCUP Fernando Tornos Cons. Sup. Inv. Cient. Esp. Filipa Naughton PMA Filipe Faria Colt Resources Georgina de Mello CPLP Helena Viegas DGEG Hélio Guterres Instituto de Petróleo e Geologia de Timor-Leste João Grabriel Silva UC João Graciano Univ. Fed. do Rio de Janeiro João Marques Gondwana José Bonfim FCT José Feliciano LNEG/FEUP José Luís Santos FCUP José Madeira FCUL José Mário Castelo Branco GGC Consultores José Martins Carvalho TARH

José Matos Dias Geólogo, Ex-ENU José Romão APG José Silva Pereira DGEG

José Tomás de Oliveira ex-LNEG Kevin Taylor University of Manchester

associação portuguesa de geólogos

Leal Gomes UMinho Lemos de Sousa UFP Luís Cortez CRA Law Luís Martins Colt Resources Luís Morais DGEG Luís Neves FCTUC Manoel Barretto CPRM – Serv.Geol. do Brasil Manuel Ferreira de Oliveira Galp Energia Manuel João Lemos de Sousa UFP Marco Petitta niversidade de Roma Marcos Frescata CIMPOR Maria do Rosário Carvalho FCUL Maria José Branco AR Mário Guedes EDM Mário Machado Leite LNEG Martins de Carvalho ISEP/TARH Miguel Goulão ValorPedra/Assimagra Nelson Martins Colt Resources Nelson Pacheco Somincor Nelson Rodrigues FCTUC Noel Moreira ECT-UE Nuno Castanho Eurocolt Paul White ILZSG Paulo Ferraz Sojitz Beralt Pedro Bettencourt NEMUS Pedro Cabral DGEG Pedro Ferreira LNEG Pedro Madureira Synege Ricardo Ribeiro ASPROCIVIL Rodrigo Neto Lundin Mining Raul Pistone COBA Rui Baptista Galp Energia Rui Dias ECT-UE, ICT Rui Gonçalves APA Rui Vide Felmica Sónia Alcobia NEMUS Telmo Jeremias LNEG Teresa Ponce Leão LNEG Virgílio Mendes EDP Virgílio Rebelo COBA Vítor Araújo Lundin Mining Vitor Correia FEG Vitor Guerreiro REN, Investimento e Exploração Vítor Hugo Forjaz UA/OVGA



Gold €4000 (limited to one sponsor)


Stand in the event lobby (limited to 4m2; resources to be provided by the sponsor);

Offer of four (4) resgistrations in the trainning sessions; Exclusive right of preferential exposure in the secretariat and conference registration area (banners pull-up to be provided by the sponsor); Recognition as Gold Sponsor on all printed and online dissemination materials; One (1) promotional page in the dissemination brochure; One (1) promotional obje ct to be included in the conference folder (to be provided by the sponsor within the recommended deadline, lightweight and up to A4 size);

By contributing with a Gold, Silver or Bronze sponsorship until September 30, 2017 you will also be able to advertise your company in GEONOVAS No. 30 (2017), taking advantage of special conditions. GEONOVAS is an annual journal that includes original scientific and technical articles covering all branches of Geosciences, dissemination articles, articles from specially invited authors, texts from lectures or conferences promoted by APG and informative news of interest to the Geoscience Community. The articles are peer reviewed. The first issue was published in 1981.

Take a look at GEONOVAS here.

Distribution of full list of conference participants, including name, institution and e-mail address (subject to participants’ permission). Silver €2000 Stand in the event lobby (limited to 4m2; resources to be provided by the sponsor); Offer of one (1) resgistration in the trainning sessions; Recognition as Silver Sponsor on all printed and online dissemination materials; One (1) promotional page in the dissemination brochure;

One (1) promo tional obje ct to be included in the conference folder (to be provided by the sponsor within the recommended deadline, lightweight and up to A4 size); Distribution of full list of conference participants, including name, institution and e-mail address (subject to participants’ permission).

Bronze €800

Recognition as Bronze Sponsor on all printed and online dissemination materials; Nonprofit organizations benefit from a 25% discount on Gold, Silver and Bronze Sponsoships.

Contact us for any questions!


One (1) promotional page in the dissemination brochure; One (1) promo tional obje ct to be included in the conference folder (to be provided by the sponsor within the recommended deadline, lightweight and up to A4 size); Distribution of full list of conference participants, including name, institution and e-mail address (subject to participants’ permission).

Coffee-Break €500

Exclusive right of preferential exposure during the coffeebreak (banners pull-up to be provided by the sponsor); One (1) promo tional obje ct to be included in the conference folder (to be provided by the sponsor within the recommended deadline, lightweight and up to A4 size);

Promotional Material €250

One (1) promotional object to be distributed to participants: conference folder, notebook, pen, flyer, folheto, promotional ribbon or other object to be provided by the sponsor within the recommended deadline, lightweight and up to A4 size.

associação portuguesa de geólogos



Museu Geológico, Rua da Academia das Ciências, nº 19 - 2º 1249-280 Lisboa Tel/Fax.: [351] 213 477 695 info@apgeologos.pt

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