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Thumbs up for non-DHB members
ASMS Hospice negotiation team: (L–R) Dr Simon Allan (Arohanui Hospice), Dr Di Winstanley (Mercy Hospice) and Julia Holyoake (Nurse Maude Hospice).
While most ASMS members work for DHBs, we also have almost 300 who work in the ‘non-DHB’ area.
They work across a broad range of services, including mental health, general practice, ACC, sexual health, ESR, hospices, the Ministry of Health and in rural hospitals. Over the past few months, new collective agreements have been successfully negotiated in several nonDHB organisations. One of those was at Hokianga Health, where senior industrial officer Lloyd Woods said, “It was time for a serious catch up for members.” There are seven ASMS members at the Northland Ma -ori health provider. The three-year agreement brings specialists at Hokianga Health in line with those employed in other rural hospitals. ASMS representative Dr Steve Main says the talks were respectful and collegial, and he welcomed the approach of Hokianga Health’s new Chief Executive (and former Ministry of Health Chief Nursing Officer), Margareth Broodkoorn, who has been a strong advocate for the health workforce.
Members at Hospice New Zealand were also pleased to have recently settled their MECA. The Hospice New Zealand MECA has 13 employers and covers 54 ASMS members.
Lloyd Woods praised the input from the ASMS representatives. “All of our non-DHB negotiations are heavily reliant on member input, and our representatives are key to obtaining good outcomes as we have in all of our non-DHB negotiations this year.” ASMS is negotiating 18 non-DHB collective agreements this year. Others that have been settled include Golden Bay Community Health, Family Planning, Clutha Health, Waitaki Health, Otara Wha -nau Medical Centre, and Ministry of Health.