5 minute read
Doctor and Dentist Artists exhibition The good news is the Doctor and Dentist Artists exhibition we were planning to run alongside annual conference at the Academy of Fine Arts in Wellington, will still go ahead. More than 50 people have signed up to take part. If lockdown levels allow, we will look at a limited opening function. For those outside Wellington, you will be able to view the exhibits online. Doctor and Dentist Artists exhibition Good news! The Doctor and Dentist Exhibition we were planning to run alongside annual conference at the Academy of Fine Arts in Wellington, will still go ahead. More than 60 people have signed up to take part. If lockdown levels allow, we will look at a limited opening function. For those outside Wellington, you will be able to view the exhibits online.
Annual Conference going virtual
Sadly, due to the latest Covid outbreak and the risk of further disruption, the 33rd ASMS Annual Conference will be a virtual event. Disappointing we know! There will be a one-day meeting on 25 November. It will include an AGM, and address by the Health Minister, along with guest speakers.
The programme and registration forms are available on our website. Those who have already expressed an interest will automatically be sent a registration link.
Conference remits
If you have any items, you would like formally considered or voted on at annual conference, please get them in by 24 October. All remits must be in writing and can be sent to conference@asms.org.nz
Emails getting through?
A tightening of email security in DHBs has prevented some members from receiving ASMS updates, many of which are ending up in junk folders because of a change in firewall settings. The problem occurred after the cyber-attack at Waikato DHB in June. We have been working with DHB IT teams to resolve the issues as we want to ensure members know what is happening, especially with the MECA negotiations. If you’re not getting our emails, check your junk folder and accept these messages as legitimate. Another fix is for us to communicate with you using your personal email address. If you’re happy to provide this, please email membership@asms.org.nz or let your industrial officer know.
Volunteer vaccinator Dr Julian Fuller Mass vaccination at Trusts Arena in west Auckland
Pivoting to stop Covid
With the outbreak of the Delta strain of Covid-19, New Zealand’s vaccination rollout stepped into high gear, particularly in Auckland.
The call went out to any willing and able health worker who could pick up a syringe and volunteer their time. ASMS Executive member and North Shore Hospital anaesthetist Dr Julian Fuller was one of those who answered the call. He joined the mass vaccination effort by Te Wha -nau O Waipareira at Trusts Arena in West Auckland, where in just one day during the Level 4 lockdown, 1730 people received their Covid vaccine.
Access to non-clinical time is a MECA requirement.
If you do not have scheduled non-clinical time, or that time is eaten up with clinical tasks, your employer is not complying with your MECA entitlements. The ASMS MECA requires that job descriptions include a comprehensive list of non-clinical duties. These are, in the broadest terms, anything that doesn’t have a patient’s name attached and may include administration, attendance at departmental meetings, formal teaching sessions, audit or other quality assurance activities, and personal professional development, including journal reading and research.
A recent survey of ASMS members found 69% have some rostered nonclinical time, but over a quarter do not. Of those who do have non-clinical time, the majority access less than the recommended 30%. Clinical administration also often swamps clinical time.
ASMS services to members
As a professional association, we promote: • the right of equal access for all
New Zealanders to high quality health services
• professional interests of salaried doctors and dentists
• policies sought in legislation and government by salaried doctors and dentists.
As a union of professionals, we: • provide advice to salaried doctors and dentists who receive a job offer from a
New Zealand employer • negotiate effective and enforceable collective employment agreements with employers. This includes the collective agreement (MECA) covering employment of senior medical and dental staff in DHBs, which ensures minimum terms and conditions for more than 5,000 doctors and dentists, nearly 90% of this workforce
• advise and represent members when necessary • support workplace empowerment and clinical leadership. Other services
ASMS job vacancies online Check out jobs.asms.org.nz a comprehensive source of job vacancies for senior medical and dental specialists/ consultants within New Zealand hospitals and health services.
Contact us
Association of Salaried Medical Specialists Level 9, The Bayleys Building, 36 Brandon St, Wellington Postal address: PO Box 10763, The Terrace, Wellington 6143 P 04 499 1271 E asms@asms.org.nz W www.asms.org.nz Follow us
facebook.com/asms.nz twitter.com/ASMSNZ Have you changed address or phone number recently? Please email any changes to your contact details to: asms@asms.org.nz If you have reason or need to seek a reduction or waiver to your annual subscription, please write to us. Our constitution allows for this in certain circumstances. Emails should be addressed to sarah.dalton@asms.org.nz
ASMS staff
Executive Director Sarah Dalton
Communications Senior Communications Advisor Elizabeth Brown Senior Communications Advisor Eileen Goodwin Industrial Senior Industrial Officer Steve Hurring Senior Industrial Officer Lloyd Woods Senior Industrial Officer Henry Stubbs Industrial Officer Ian Weir-Smith Industrial Officer David Kettley Industrial Officer Tina McIvor Industrial Officer George Collins Industrial Officer Kris Smith
Industrial Officer Georgia Choveaux Policy & Research Director of Policy and Research Charlotte Chambers Policy Advisor Mary Harvey Support services Manager Support Services Sharlene Lawrence Membership Officer Saasha Everiss Support Services Administrator Cassey van Riel
PO Box 10763, The Terrace Wellington 6143, New Zealand +64 4 499 1271 asms@asms.org.nz