Au weekly november 30, 2015

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AU WEEKLY ...keeping you updated November 30th, 2015

HIGHLIGHTS Economic Justice 

Data Revolution and Harmonisation in Africa

Understanding the AU 

Boosting Coffee Industry in Africa

Upcoming Events

Social Justice

 

Gender Equality in Africa

Ending Child Marriage in Africa

Democratic Governance 

 

Stakeholders Engaging the African Union: International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance Liaison Office to the AU

AU-EU Action Plan on Democratic Governance and Human Rights

Promoting Constitutionalism and Rule of Law in Africa Presidential Election, Seychelles Competition for the Position of AUC Chairperson

4th Scientific Conference on Medicines Regulation in Africa “Building Partnerships for Sustainable Capacity Development on Medicines Regulation in Africa” Policy and Capacity Development Workshop on „National and Regional Reconciliation‟ 6th Citizens‟ Continental Conference „African Year of Human Rights‟

Follow us on: Facebook - Oxfam International Liaison Office to the African Union: OI-AU Twitter - twitter@oxfam_AU Disclaimer: Views or articles presented in this publication are solely those of the media source and do not represent Oxfam’s views

AU-Weekly Published by Oxfam Liaison Office to the AU 1

AU Weekly

Economic Justice

Data Revolution and Harmonisation in Africa The Committee of Directors General of National Statistics Offices (CoDGs) held its 9th annual meeting on “Data Revolution, Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2063" from November 26 - 27, 2015 in Libreville, Gabon. During the meeting, participants reviewed the implementation strategies of previous Decisions as well as statistical development challenges within the Continent. Best practices and methodologies at institutional and national levels were shared to enable all stakeholders track progress and make the necessary adjustments to ensure transparency and mutual accountability in related projects. The meeting concluded with the following recommendations:  The need for the quick operationalization of the African Union Institute for Statistics, which is based in Tunis;  The need to encourage more Member States to ratify the African Charter on Statistics and revise their national laws and procedures in line with the continental development agenda;  The need to encourage Member States to increase budget allocation for statistical activities and production;  The need to call upon all institutional and regional stakeholders to further build capacity towards 2008 SNA through guidelines, national action plans and the use of appropriate technological tools;  The need to call upon Member States to provide in-depth studies and data on labour markets, informal sector economy, employment, peace and security and education;  The need to fast-track the 2020 Round of Population and Housing Censuses. Further reading: data#sthash.4I7fQQXb.dpuf 2

AU Weekly

Economic Justice

Credited: Comunicaffe

Boosting Coffee Industry in Africa The 3rd African Coffee Symposium took place from November 23 - 27, 2015 in Luanda, Angola. During this event, the African Union Commissioner for Rural Development and Agriculture, Rhoda Peace Tumusiime called on governments and the private sector to join efforts in support of the coffee industry in Africa for inclusive growth, jobs and income opportunities for women and the youth on the continent. She specifically emphasised the need for a focus on inclusive growth through women and youth participation; influence and market access; financial inclusion for women and the youth; agribusiness incubation; and agricultural technical and vocational education training as key strategic areas which need attention. Further reading: -economy-and-agriculture-addresses-3rd-african-coffee#sthash.k2i3qRMT.dpuf 3

AU Weekly

Social Justice Gender Equality in Africa

Ending Child Marriage in Africa

The 1st Specialized Technical Commit- The 1st African Girl Summit organized tee (STC) on Gender and Women’s Em- by AUC Department of Social Affairs in powerment (GEWE), was held from No- collaboration with the Government of vember 25 - 28, 2015 in Khartoum, Su- the Republic of Zambia took place from dan. Convened by experts from AU Min- November 26 – 27, 2015 Lusaka, Zamistries of Gender and Women’s Affairs, bia. Participants during the Summit the 1st STC on GEWE is to consider the shared experiences and good practices rule of procedure of STC on gender as well as challenges on ending child equality and women’s empowerment. marriages at country, regional and international levels, particularly with counThe meeting also considered and aptries that have already launched the proved the projects under Fund for AfriAUC Campaign on ending Girls’ Child can Women (FAW), as well as adopted Marriage. AUC Chairperson Dr. the report of mid-term review of the AfriNkosazana Dlamini-Zuma identified six can Women Decade (AWD), including areas of focus for the Year of Women the outcomes of the review of the Prowhich includes leadership, education, jects under the 2015 theme of AWD peace and security, agriculture and “Education, Science and Technology” in- economic empowerment. cluding the AU theme for 2015 “Year of The summit commits to secure and/or Women’s Empowerment and Develop- renew commitments from stakeholders ment Towards Africa Agenda 2063”. notably governments, to invest more on The outcomes of this event will be for- ending child marriage in their respective warded to the forthcoming Summit of the countries. It will also be a forum to disAU Assembly to be held in Addis Ababa, cuss the successes and challenges Ethiopia in January 2016. faced by community leaders, traditional, Further reading: religious leaders, girls affected by child marriage as well as youths advocating pressreleases/19361/au-convene-1stspecialized-technical-committee-gender- against child marriage. equality-and women%E2%80% Further reading: newsevents/19343/first-african-girls% 99s#sthash.gDtVlcD0.dpuf E2%80%99-summit-ending-child4 marriage-africa

AU Weekly

Democratic Governance AU-EU Action Plan on Democratic Governance and Human Rights The AU-EU Human Rights Dialogue annual meeting held its 11th session on November 24, 2015 in Kigali, Rwanda. Led by the AU Commissioner for Political Affairs, Dr Aisha L. Abdullahi and the EU Special Representative for Human Rights, Mr Stavros Lambrinidis, the dialogue among other things, intends to implement the AU-EU Action Plan and Joint Strategy within the partnership on Democratic Governance and Human Rights. In addition, the meeting aimed to share experiences on issues related to Human Rights, Democratic Principles and the Rule of Law in Africa and in Europe, with a view to overcoming the challenges and consolidating the achievements, as well as enhancing coordination on Human Rights issues in multilateral fora. A joint Communiqué on a number of issues of mutual interest as well as programmes and activities to be implemented in 2016, the Year of Human Rights in Africa with Special focus on the Rights of Women was concluded upon.  Both sides reaffirmed their commitment to the promotion and protection of human rights on both continents and to collaborate on the effective implementation of continental and international human rights instruments.  Both institutions decided to reiterate their commitment to fighting impunity of all sorts. They welcomed the AU Commission of Inquiry Report on South Sudan and committed to cooperating on the justice, truth and reconciliation mechanisms in South Sudan within the AU and the EU transitional justice policy frameworks.  The AU and the EU decided to jointly support a Continental Conference on Freedom of Expression in 2016 based on the recommendations made by the civil society seminar, as well as a Seminar on Freedom of Association. Both sides also agreed to help develop national action plans on safety and security of journalists and freedom of expression advocates in conflict zones in Africa and support the production of status report on implementation of access to information in line with the African Model Law on Access to Information adopted by the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights. 5

AU Weekly

Democratic Governance 

Both parties agreed to jointly commemorate the UN declared International Day to End Impunity of Crimes against Journalists on 2 November 2016 as part of their common commitment to fight impunity. The AU and the EU agreed to partner in organizing the High-Level Dialogue on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights in Africa in which issues of mutual interests will be discussed. Both parties agreed to provide technical and financial support to their respective civil society steering committees in order for them to effectively execute their mandate. AU and EU encourage both steering committees to develop individual mandates as well as a joint mandate to govern and guide their scope and modalities of work. AU and EU recommended to both Civil Society Steering Committees to inclusively and meaningfully contribute and ensure their role in all activities and programmes of the partnership on democratic governance and human rights. The two institutions agreed that the CSOs Seminars are of great value within the context of the Human Rights Dialogue and jointly affirmed the need for greater space for civil society within this partnership to do its work without undue interference. The AU and the EU agreed to hold the next round of the Human Rights Dialogue in Europe in 2016.

Further reading: or


AU Weekly

Democratic Governance Promoting Constitutionalism Presidential Election, Seychelles and Rule of Law in Africa AUC Chairperson Dr. Nkosazana DlaminiThe African Union Commission, the Pan African Parliament in collaboration with International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA) on November 25, 2015 in Midrand, South Africa, held a continental consultation that will help promote constitutionalism and Rule of Law on the Continent. It is conceived as the first of a series of consultations to be undertaken with national and regional parliaments. AU Director for Political Affairs Dr. Khabele Matlosa speaking on behalf AU Commissioner for Political Affairs Dr. Aisha Laraba Abdullahi, underscored the rapid growth of non-respect of constitutional clauses that is on the rise and contributing to political instability noting that constitutionalism has now entered a phase of intense activity and is now an important part of political life in Africa that cannot be overlooked. Further reading: en/pressreleases/19371/ consultation-pan-africanparliament-and-regionalparliamentspromote#sthash.r104uc2s.dpuf

Zuma has approved the deployment of seventeen (17) short-term election observers to the upcoming presidential election in the Republic of Seychelles scheduled to take place from December 3 - 5, 2015. The observers will be led by Mrs. Julia Dolly Joiner, former AU Commissioner for Political Affairs. Further reading: pressreleases/19384/african-union-deployelection-observers-republic-seychelles% E2%80%99-december2015#sthash.bD2t3d05.dpuf

Competition for the Position of AUC Chairperson Although not publicly admitted, the divide between Anglophone and Francophone African countries sometimes causes difficulties in the AU system. With this controversy, and 2016 being the year of AU elections – for members of the Peace and Security Council and for Commissioners, calls for concern. The question is if this divide between Anglophone and Francophone Africa will again rear its head. Or will it be a trump card in the hands of compromise candidates from the minority language groups within the AU? The victory of South Africa’s Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma over the incumbent Jean Ping was seen by some as a victory for Anglophone Africa over Francophone Africa. Further reading: pscreport/addis-insights 7

AU Weekly

Understanding the AU Stakeholders Engaging the African Union: International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) Liaison Office to the AU International IDEA has a longstanding relationship with the African Union. This relationship has culminated with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the two organizations in Accra, Ghana, 30 June 2007. The MoU contains a detailed five-year Joint Action Plan which outlines the key programs of collaboration including: Support to the implementation of the African Charter on Democracy, Elections, and Governance and its provisions, as well as the provisions of previous Charters and Declarations, promotion of democratic elections, strengthening of political parties, support to constitution building, and mainstreaming gender issues to promote the involvement of women. The focal points for IDEA-AU relationship is the IDEA Liaison Office in Addis Ababa and for the AU -IDEA is the Department of Political Affairs. However, the adopted flexible framework of the JAP calls for wide range of partnerships, involving all relevant AU departments and partners in the implementation of the plan. The mandate of International IDEA Liaison Office to the African Union is to ensure the smooth running of the JAP. The office also shapes the relationship between IDEA at large and the African Union Commission and engages in dialogue with IDEA Member States and civil society organizations located in Addis Ababa, on how best to support the African Union. DPA/AU and IDEA Liaison Office jointly define needs, skills and resources which will contribute to the implementation of specified tasks. Together they develop coordination mechanisms, detail targets, work plans and timetables. IDEA inputs consist of human, financial, information, knowledge and technical resources, among others. Support to AU is based on IDEAs areas of specialization and the comparative experience and knowledge base. Contact Information: Tel: +251 11 371 0908 / +251 11 371 0913 Website: 8

AU Weekly

Upcoming Events Event: Fridays of the commission under the theme "The future of the ACP-EU relations: what role for the AU? "


Venue: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia



Event: 4th Scientific Conference on Medicines Regulation in Africa


Venue: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

02-04 Dec

Contact: -2015-addis

Event: Policy and Capacity Development Workshop on „National and Regional Reconciliation‟


Venue: Kuriftu Resort, Debrezeit, Ethiopia Contact: Desire Assogbavi–


Event: 6th Citizens‟ Continental Conference


Venue: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Contact: The Centre for Citizens' Participation on the African Union (CCPAU) Email: - Tel: +254 710 819 046 Follow us on: Facebook - Oxfam International Liaison Office to the African Union: OI-AU Twitter - @oxfam_AU

Disclaimer: Views or articles presented in this publication are solely those of the media source and do not represent Oxfam’s views

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