Sponsorship plan 2012-2013

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Sponsorship plan 2012-2013

THE TEAM Cédric Paillé // PrEsident Patrick Chammas // VP ProjeCtS Audrey Savard // VP ProjeCtS Valérie Blackburn // VP Communication Eileen Rocard // VP Finance Anton Levchenko // VP DESIGN Jérémy Duhamel // VP Market Pub photos ARV CLASSIFIED ASSOCIATION MARKETING EXPOSURE HUBSPOT // http://www.flickr.com/photos/hubspot/5494672208 GRAPHIC DESIGN ANTON LEVCHENKO



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OUR ACTIVITIES Vision’s launch night 4@7 Marketing Vision The Sales Seminar The Pub Stand The Recruitment Cocktail The Taste Test The companies’ days “Journées entreprises” The agency visits The academic cases The professional-student collaboration

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OUR MISSION Seven students majoring in Business Administration make up HEC Montreal’s Association Marketing (AM). Our mission is to promote marketing within the university’s walls and to inform students about every facets of this discipline.

A PARTNERSHIP The Marketing Association acts as a direct link between the businesses and the students. Whether it is for networking, visibility or recruitment, we can offer you what you need. HEC Montreal students represent both your current and future clients and we can offer you different ways to be active among them. It is proven that by always being in your customer’s environment, you will create a positive attitude towards your business, your products and your services. This visibility will gradually transform in sales when the students actually start working. Everyone knows that a business’ growth depends on its staff quality. This is why recruitment is a very important issue that requires special attention. While interviews are useful to question the candidate about his resume, cocktails and academic cases will reveal much more information about someone’s personality. The AM can organize such events and it will be done in a way that will answer to your business’ needs.




4@7 séminaire des ventes


am TRIBUNE DE LA PUB cocktail de recrutement

visites d’agences CAS ACADÉMIQUES 5


Vision’s launch night Wednesday, September 12th 2012 Our first official event as the Marketing Association will be divided in two phases. We will first begin by unveiling our future activities to promote them and we will then thank our sponsors. Afterwards, a networking cocktail will follow. Students and professionals will be invited to speak with each other about the day-to-day tasks that are involved with a career in marketing, the advancement possibilities in their business, etc. For this event, we are looking for passionate professionals who want to share their experience with aspiring students.


4@7 Marketing Vision Thursday, September 20th 2012 The 4@7 is the time and place for students to meet and discuss for a couple of hours. We wish to organize ours the earliest possible to gain a larger crowd and a better visibility. We plan to launch a contest which is in relation with our team name: « Show me your crazy glasses ». Students will go vote on our Facebook page for the person they judge having the most original glasses. In order to get a large participation, we wish to offer a 100$ price for the winner, that is to say the one that will have had the most likes on his candidature picture. In compensation, the logo of the sponsor will be seen on all the pictures uploaded online, which will allow this last one to have a permanent enhanced visibility on HEC Montreal students’ social networks. In parallel to the contest, a 4@7 is the perfect opportunity for a sponsor of this event to promote his business and his products as there are numerous students from all specialties attending. We can furnish a kiosk giving the space of the Salon l’Oréal, as well as all the furniture we have.



The Sales Seminar Tuesday, November 6th 2012 « To pitch »… These words are used many times in a Business School. Nevertheless, many students reach their third year without having a clear idea of their signification. The Sales Seminar aims to show the students how to sell a product, a service, or even themselves. In the first half, a third-year student with academic cases competitions experience will come give his tricks and tips on the ways to prepare and present a pitch. Later on, sales representatives will lead workshops. As they are Business to Business and Business to consumer’s professionals, they are in the best position to explain the importance of selling for a lucrative organization. Thus, students will gain interest for this type of career, which is often the first job offered in a company. Additionally, workshops represent a recruitment opportunity: there will be negotiation and sales simulations between students. This will allow you to discover their talent and abilities, while being able to interact with them during all the simulations. You will be able to judge by yourself if these students have all the necessary qualities for a position in your business.

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The Pub Stand Wednesday, January 16th 2012 Though HEC Montreal is not strictly speaking a Publicity and Communication School, some students aim to work in this sector. This activity is made for them as well as for any publicity amateur. The Pub Stand is divided in three parts: first, before the event, students will be asked to send their favorite and all-time best commercials, through Facebook and our email. Then, we will make a montage that will be showed as the first part of the event itself. At last, a guest Creative Agency will present commercials they have made and one of them will be used as the subject of our next academic case. This could consist in analyzing the main strengths and weaknesses to improve in order to give a pertinent recommendation.



THE RECRUITMENT COCKTAIL MUCH Marketing Week 2013 March marks the beginning of the recruitment season. All possible candidates for internships are still to be found for the summer of 2013. The committee will organize a cocktail at HEC in collaboration with the MUCH Marketing week. Students from all four Montreal business schools will be attending this event. This event will take place at the Salon L’Oréal and guests will be able to dine with wine and cheese. Everything will be put into place so that we can create a perfect “business-casual” environment proper to networking. You cannot miss out on this opportunity to challenge students and meet the new stars of the marketing field.


ThE Taste Test Wednesday, March 27th 2013 As tradition dictates, every year the Marketing Association invites companies in order for them to sample products to HEC students. As usual, food industry will promote their new products and tastes and in return they will receive feedback about their new creations. The field of fashion and cosmetics will also be on the program to promote their new season trends. The video game industry will not be left out. We are looking for design firms in Montreal. The pool of students from HEC Montreal offers a wide variety of customers who will give their impressions on all products sampled at the taste test. This will be like having a spontaneous and live focus group, for free.

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The companies’ days “Journées entreprises” fall 2012 et winter 2013 If you choose to be one of our official partners, these events are part of your privileges. To thank you for your involvement in our association, we will hold a career day at school for you. It will be organized according to your needs and tastes to create the best possible event. This unique moment can take many forms; conference, cocktail, quiz and much more since this formula can be adapted to everything. The HEC marketing association can target different guests depending on what you are looking for: visibility or recruitment.

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The agency visits Wednesdays, November 28th 2012 and February 13th 2013 Visits of agencies and marketing departments are organized so that the students can learn and familiarize themselves with the marketing world. Students get to see the differences between theory and practice, letting them experience what a career in marketing looks like in “real life”. One will be organized in the fall and the other in winter. We make our way our main sponsors’ offices to increase students’ interests towards their business.



The academic cases Wednesday, October 3rd 2012 and Thursday, February 6th 2013 HEC Montreal is widely recognized for its active involvement in academic competitions. This is why we are going to cooperate with the Competition Committee of HEC Montreal (CCHEC) to organize marketing competitions that will bring together as many participants as possible. An academic case represents an opportunity for recruiters to meet with potential applicants from HEC. You can judge their capacity for analysis, reflection and application of the theory. You can also evaluate their eloquence and confidence during the presentation. In addition, case provided to participants will convey your vision, your values and your mission. This contribution is a true investment since it will allow you to pick better fits for your organization and get a free analysis about a problematic that you has at the moment.



The professionalstudent collaboration We keep in mind that a student association’s main purpose is to help its students. This includes helping them out with their classes’ assignments. Many courses of the Bachelor of Business Administration require interviews with companies’ managers or representatives as part of a research, especially in marketing classes. In order to help them reach the different contacts they need, we hope to create a support program in achieving work and academic research. Students will then use this program for their projects and companies will be able to benefit from the work teams of students





OUR VISION Seven students majoring in Business Administration make up HEC Montreal’s Association Marketing (AM). Our mission is to promote marketing within the university’s walls and to inform students about every facets of this discipline.



SOCIAL NETWORKING Facebook Facebook has become the biggest social network in the world. HEC Montréal’s students, graduates and committees form a very active community on the popular platform. It is featuring numerous students’ professional interest groups and committee pages, including one for the Marketing Association that counts over 300 likes as of June 2012, and that number is growing everyday. Originally created by last year’s committee, the page has been transfered to the new team which set a goal to reach over 800 likes by the end of the school year. This page will obviously be one of the most important ways to communicate with students. It will serve as a stepping stone to promote all activities. Official events will be created with hundreds of students invited to get maximum visibility.



Different in style, Twitter account is a must-have as well. It enables its users to share instant message text of up to 140 characters in length, throughout its community. The 2012-2013 AM will use this service both before and during events, to ensure their promotion and a have a direct live web presence. A tweet wall will be feautured during events. This device allows a live feed of tweets related to the event to be projected on a big screen. This simple process is realised when a twitter user writes a tweet featuring #assomarketing, which is then projected on the big screen. This allows a “bilateral conversation� between students present at the event.



WEB SITE The Marketing Association website will share two distinct functionalities. First, it will be the association’s official web presence, where we will find contact information, official sponsors list, event dates, and any other important information related to HEC Montréal Marketing Association. Finally, a section will be dedicated to the blog. Its goal will be to create a constant traffic on our website and therefore offer maximum visibility for our sponsors, while also presenting our year’s events. The blog will be updated weekly, sharing links to everything marketing. For example, our sponsors will have the possibility to present the association with subjects and information they would like to see appear on blogs. Trendy videos and special events will be presented. In order to satisfy our traffic expectations, every ticket published will be directly linked from our Facebook and Twitter pages. This will create a constant presence on all our social media and, in the meantime, will attract users to converge towards the website.



2012-2013’s AM will implement a direct marketing strategy to promote its activities. All very active in the student life of HEC Montréal, the AM’s seven members as well as the future members of the AM’s sub-committees will use the word-to-mouth to let their acquaintances know about the association and its events. In addition to that, during the few days preceding events, an acute promotion inside school’s walls will be conducted, using wallpapers, event reps at the students’ entry, multimedia presentations, etc.




Superior package



Very large






Hyperlink to your web site Distribution of your promotional materials for one of our events Participation to the database for the collaboration professionals-students Billposting of your logo on the door of AM’s office Display of your logo and your name during events to show your involvement as sponsors Access to the resume book of the members of the Association Marketing Invitation to all the events of the Association Impression of your logo on the AM official t-shirt Integration of your products or services in a video Videos entirely dedicated to your company Billposting of your logo on the pictures of our events that will be posted on social networks Billposting of your logo on the AM’s official winter coat The AM will have an information kiosk for your business during our 4@7 The name of your enterprise featured in the name of an event Official partner status Presence of your logo in the emails sent to BAA students and to event organized through social networks Academic cases from your company An organized visit in your offices

A “Journée entreprise” for your company


Mid-range package

Basic package

Minimal package




FOR MORE INFORMATION Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. medium



Valérie Blackburn

Vice President Communications

Phone: 514 293-9583 (cell.) e-mail: valerie.blackburn@hec.ca SMALL

Cédric Paillé President

Phone: 514 825-3514 (cell.) e-mail: cedric.paille@hec.ca


association marketing HEC MONTRéaL 3000, Chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine Montréal (Qc), H3T 2A7 LOCAL RJ-714 facebook.com/associationmarketinghec

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