Tanzania Project 2010: Maasai Women’s Education Centre
ROTH and its mission Reach Out to Humanity (ROTH) is a registered Canadian secular charity that is founded on the principle that every human being has the right to proper health care, clean water, education, nutrition, and shelter regardless of their race, gender, or religion. Our aim is to uphold these ideals through various initiatives throughout the developing world. The success of our projects lies in our partnerships with local governments, civil society groups and NGOs which play a pivotal role in helping us identify and respect local culture, promote ownership and ensure sustainability. Since its foundation in 2006, ROTH has successfully overseen numerous initiatives in both Sub Saharan Africa and South America. Some of our bigger projects include: The construction of the Piave Maternity Ward and HIV and AIDS Counselling Centre in Nakuru, Kenya, which offers free HIV testing, prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV/AIDS, appropriate ante and post natal care to mothers and counselling services to people in the community living with HIV and AIDS. The construction of the Hijos de Manana Day Care Centre in the Luya slum north of Lima, Peru, which offers over 100 impoverished children a basic education, daily meals, health care and vaccination services.
ROTH’s Tax ID Number Charity Business Number
86001 0990 RR0001 with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)
Description of the Maasai Women’s Education Centre Background Traditionally, Maasai girls between the ages of 12-15 are forced to marry a chosen husband who must pay a bride price to the bride’s family. This exchange of ‘property’ implies a form of ownership that denies girls of their educational, economic and property rights. Discontentment with the marginalization faced by Maasai girls within and outside their own communities provided the impetus for Maasai Women to form the Maasai Women Education and Development Organisation (MWEDO). MWEDO was founded by Maasai women for Maasai women and has been working hard over the past decade to ensure that girls are empowered to receive an education and to reserve financial rights within a marriage. Working closely with community leaders, Mrs Ndinini Kimesera and her collegues have been able to achieve great success in the last decade and they are increasingly shedding light on the prevalent gender issues within Maasai communities.
Project ROTH and MWEDO have partnered to take the above initiative one step further. The construction of the Maasai Women’s Education Centre will give MWEDO the opportunity to accommodate girls to receive a Secondary education (including room and board) and to be administered the required University entrance exams. Furthermore, the centre will serve to provide health and literacy programmes to thousands of women throughout the pastoral communities.
Budget The total cost of the build is around $100 000. ROTH has already secured the purchase of the land, the architectural plans and school supplies. Our local partners have shown their commitment by securing funding for the cost of teachers, staff and daily meals for the girls. A couple of fundraisers are scheduled to take place in Montreal, Ireland and Arusha in the upcoming weeks all proceeds from which will go towards purchasing the materials for the build.
Date and Location The construction will commence on May 10th 2010 and will be completed by July 29th, 2010. Around 40 canadians, americains and irish volunteers will join us in Arusha at their expense, to help ROTH with the construction project. The school will be operational for the start of the school year which debuts in January 2011. The construction project takes place in Arusha, Tanzania. Plan of the Maasai Women’s Education Centre are in the appendix at the end of this document.
Arusha, Tanzanie
Contact Frédérique Vallières Co President, Co Founder
Reach Out To Humanity C.P. 843, Succursale Place d’Armes, Montréal (QC) H2Y 3J2 info@reachouttohumanity.org
Appendix: Plan of the Maasai Women’s Education Centre