DiGate Example Extension Estimate

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Builders Information

Site address: 1 Test Street TE0 0ST

Dear Customer, Subject: Extension Thank you for choosing the DiGate Estimating Service. Following the information and plans you have submitted, we are pleased to enclose your Estimate Pack which includes the following: Project cost summary Detailed cost breakdown for materials, plant and labour Detailed cost breakdown by build phase Indicative build programme A word document with full breakdown by build phase including your proposed mark up on costs Paper printouts of these documents can be provided for an additional charge of £14.99+VAT. If you are unsure about anything within the estimate, please refer to the Estimate Assumptions page within the pack. Alternatively you can email us at info@digate.co and we’ll be happy to help. We trust that we have interpreted your requirements correctly. Please note that VAT may be payable on some items. Although every care has been taken in the preparation of your estimate, on receipt of your completed estimate, it is your responsibility to check the estimate for any errors or omissions within 5 working days from date of delivery. Should you identify any errors or omissions that you believe require attention please contact your Estimator who will aim to promptly remedy the estimate without charge to you, as appropriate. Please see our full terms and conditions available on www.estimating-service.co.uk for details. All other variations to estimates post-delivery are subject to fees chargeable at our hourly rate. Please ask your Estimator for details.

Wishing you every success with your project. Yours sincerely

Builders Information

The Estimating Service team Email - info@digate.co Call – +447804209526

Builders Information Abbreviated Cost Breakdown Resource Labour Material Plant Subcontractor Sundry Grand Total*

Total £10,367.51 £11,610.18 £5,388.55 £7,673.47 £0.00 £35,039.71

*Includes builders mark-up Estimate Assumptions We have generally assumed good site access and where possible mechanical devices are available to assist with construction. Site is assumed to be level unless stated. Ground is assumed to be excavated using normal plant and machinery and that the ground is not rock or subject to ground water, running sand or other issues. Please note we have allowed the following Provisional Sums within this estimate: Supply of external doors and windows Supply and fit of electrics Supply and fit of heating Supply and fit wood burner and flue

£3,100.00 £1,000.00 £550.00 £2,400.00

Please note we have made no allowance for the following items within this estimate: This estimate does not include for any site management- on site labour and allowances for collections of materials Hard and soft landscaping - paving - paths - patios and alike Supply of floor coverings

We have estimated that the duration of the project will be 11 weeks This estimate includes £1390.86 of material roundup We have made an allowance for 305 x 102 x 25kg UB and 305 x 165 x 97kg UB to the new structural opening We have included an allowance of £650 supply of bricks per thousand We have included 2№ 6 m run of rain water drainage to connect to existing drain We have assumed that the existing boiler is capable of taking additional heating demands We have assumed that the existing consumer unit is capable of taking the additional wiring demands This estimate includes profit at 20% VAT

Builders Information New homes are currently zero rated for VAT in the UK and consequently the supply of eligible labour and materials used in the construction of new homes (as defined in HMRC VAT Notice 708 Buildings and Construction) is also zero rated. To ensure that self-builders who are not registered for VAT are not penalised there is a scheme that allows a one-off refund of VAT after the new dwelling has been completed. For new build, eligible labour and any materials supplied and fixed must be charged at the zero rate of VAT, and materials suppliers must charge the standard rate of VAT (20%). The VAT element can be recovered on completion of the project under HMRC VAT Notice VAT431NB. Those creating a new dwelling by the first time conversion of a non-residential building must pay the reduced rate of VAT on all eligible labour and materials (currently 5%) and the standard rate VAT (20%) on materials bought directly from suppliers, and can recover both following completion under HMRC VAT Notice VAT431C. Extensions and loft conversions are subject to VAT at the full 20% rate. There is no opportunity to claim the VAT back. Some saving in VAT could be made by using non VAT registered tradesmen. We have indicated the amount of VAT you can expect to pay on this project based on the estimated costs if all materials, labour and suppliers are VAT registered.

VAT on services including hire of plant tools or scaffold, delivery charges, packaging, professional fees, and non-construction materials such as carpets and white goods, is standard rated and cannot be recovered. VAT rules are complex and depend on how the contract between you and your client is configured. Please check with your accountant for further advice to confirm that our VAT estimate is appropriate. For advice on what you can and can't reclaim please visit www.homebuilding.co.uk/vat or www.hmrc.gov.uk Additional Costs Please note that the following fees and costs have not been included in the estimate unless explicitly stated. Typically these would cost around: Legal Fees (site purchase): £500-1,000 Stamp Duty and Land Tax (SDLT): SDLT tax is currently levied on sale or transfer of non-residential or mixed use property or land at: 0% up to £175,000 1% from £175,001 to £250,000, 3% from £250,001 to £500,000, 4% over £500,000 SDLT is currently levied on sale or transfer of residential property (e.g. dwelling for replacement or renovation) at: 0% up to £150,000 (£250,000 for first time buyers) 1% from £150,001 to £250,000,

Builders Information 3% from £250,001 to £500,000, 4% from £500,001 to £1,000,000 5% from £1,000,001 upwards For the most recent updates on SDLT rates visit http://www.hmrc.gov.uk Building Regulations Fees: £500-£1,000 (charged according to scale of project) Planning Application Fees: £335 Topographical Site Survey: Typical cost £350-£500 Design Fees: Architects charge 7-15% of the total build cost for a service involving design and supervision. For planning drawings from other sources expect to pay from £2,500-£3,500, plus a similar figure for Building Regulations drawings Structural Engineers’ Fees: £400-£500 Warranty: Around 1% of contract value Self-build Insurance: £500-£800 Service (utility) connections: Typically £3,500-£6,000 total Demolition Costs (where applicable): Typically £5,000-£10,000

Cost by Build Phase Date Required Build Phase 07/03/2016 Demolition

Demolition Total Site set up Site set up Total 10/03/2016 Commencement

Commencement Total 12/03/2016 Foundations

Foundations Total 14/03/2016 Footings

Type Carpenter Excavators Groundworker Light plant Spoil removal Power Tool Sundry Plant Sundry Labour Plumber Electrician

Total Cost (Ex Profit) Profit Total Inc Profit (Ex VAT) £300.59 £60.12 £360.70 £450.00 £90.00 £540.00 £152.00 £30.40 £182.40 £4.40 £0.88 £5.28 £1,030.00 £206.00 £1,236.00 £24.00 £4.80 £28.80 £50.00 £10.00 £60.00 £209.30 £41.86 £251.16 £50.00 £10.00 £60.00 £50.00 £10.00 £60.00 £2,320.29 £464.06 £2,784.34 £440.00 £88.00 £528.00 £440.00 £88.00 £528.00 £161.64 £32.33 £193.97 £152.00 £30.40 £182.40 £570.00 £114.00 £684.00 £50.00 £10.00 £60.00 £933.64 £186.73 £1,120.37 £79.00 £15.80 £94.80 £300.00 £60.00 £360.00 £27.24 £5.45 £32.69 £248.56 £49.71 £298.27 £42.41 £8.48 £50.89 £326.10 £65.22 £391.31 £0.15 £0.03 £0.19 £230.00 £46.00 £276.00 £1,253.46 £250.69 £1,504.15 £38.49 £7.70 £46.19 £653.80 £130.76 £784.56 £387.42 £77.48 £464.90 £167.70 £33.54 £201.24 £105.00 £21.00 £126.00 £27.24 £5.45 £32.69

Site Accomodation Excavators Groundworker Spoil removal Sundry Plant Aggregate Concrete Concrete Products Excavators Foundation Groundworker Light plant Spoil removal Aggregate Blocks Bricklayer Bricks Concrete Concrete Products

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Cost by Build Phase Groundworker Light plant Footings Total 18/03/2016 Oversite and slabbing

Oversite and slabbing Total 21/03/2016 Brickwork Shell

Brickwork Shell Total 28/03/2016 Erect Scaffold Erect Scaffold Total 04/04/2016 Roof Structure

£53.82 £10.76 £0.15 £0.03 £1,433.62 £286.72 £430.44 £86.09 £285.00 £57.00 £56.25 £11.25 £54.98 £11.00 £255.13 £51.03 £261.73 £52.35 £29.80 £5.96 £1,373.33 £274.67 £115.47 £23.09 £668.50 £133.70 £2,286.95 £457.39 £1,161.94 £232.39 £24.00 £4.80 £59.02 £11.80 £176.40 £35.28 £158.40 £31.68 £36.10 £7.22 £90.45 £18.09 £230.00 £46.00 £42.40 £8.48 £44.63 £8.93 £8.00 £1.60 £20.00 £4.00 £112.80 £22.56 £156.00 £31.20 £4.00 £0.80 £41.48 £8.30 £5,436.54 £1,087.31 £465.00 £93.00 £465.00 £93.00 £790.19 £158.04

Aggregate Concrete Excavators Foundation Groundworker Insulation Light plant Aggregate Blocks Bricklayer Bricks Carpenter Concrete Products Foundation Groundworker Insulation Metalwork Spoil removal Builders Metalwork Chimney sundries Bonded Abrasives Power Tool Lintels Roofing Sundries Sundry Material Carcasing Timber Scaffolding Contractor Carpenter

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£64.58 £0.19 £1,720.35 £516.53 £342.00 £67.50 £65.98 £306.16 £314.08 £35.76 £1,648.00 £138.56 £802.20 £2,744.35 £1,394.33 £28.80 £70.82 £211.68 £190.08 £43.32 £108.54 £276.00 £50.88 £53.56 £9.60 £24.00 £135.36 £187.20 £4.80 £49.78 £6,523.85 £558.00 £558.00 £948.22

Cost by Build Phase Metalwork Screws and Fixings Roofing Sundries Sundry Material Carcasing Timber Sheet material Rainwater Goods Roof Structure Total 11/04/2016 Roof Tiling

Roof Tiling Total 18/04/2016 Structural Openings

Structural Openings Total 20/04/2016 Drains

£113.75 £30.60 £22.64 £163.52 £545.34 £12.00 £97.73 £1,775.77 £0.00 £9.08 £58.00 £189.53 £67.00 £12.00 £704.19 £299.12 £112.08 £1,451.00 £781.28 £22.88 £32.01 £143.20 £958.25 £144.05 £230.00 £50.00 £5.80 £4.50 £54.55 £2,426.53 £337.60 £225.00 £111.62 £17.20

Aggregate Concrete Products Screws and Fixings Roofing Sundries Carcasing Timber Sheet material Roof Tiler Roof Tiles Plumbing Bricklayer Bricks Decorator Light plant Metalwork Plasterer Spoil removal Power Tool Carcasing Timber Roof Tiles Specialist Contractor Aggregate Excavators Groundworker Light plant

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£22.75 £6.12 £4.53 £32.70 £109.07 £2.40 £19.55 £355.15 £0.00 £1.82 £11.60 £37.91 £13.40 £2.40 £140.84 £59.82 £22.42 £290.20 £156.26 £4.58 £6.40 £28.64 £191.65 £28.81 £46.00 £10.00 £1.16 £0.90 £10.91 £485.31 £67.52 £45.00 £22.32 £3.44

£136.50 £36.72 £27.17 £196.22 £654.41 £14.40 £117.28 £2,130.92 £0.00 £10.90 £69.60 £227.44 £80.40 £14.40 £845.03 £358.94 £134.50 £1,741.20 £937.54 £27.46 £38.41 £171.84 £1,149.90 £172.86 £276.00 £60.00 £6.96 £5.40 £65.47 £2,911.83 £405.12 £270.00 £133.94 £20.64

Cost by Build Phase Spoil removal Power Tool Sundry Plant Drainage Drains Total 22/04/2016 Joinery 1st Fix

Joinery 1st Fix Total 25/04/2016 Electrician 1st Fix Electrician 1st Fix Total 27/04/2016 Plumb 1st Fix Plumb 1st Fix Total 01/05/2016 Plastering

Plastering Total 09/05/2016 Joinery 2nd Fix

Joinery 2nd Fix Total 14/05/2016 Electrician 2nd Fix Electrician 2nd Fix Total Plumb 2nd Fix Plumb 2nd Fix Total 15/05/2016 Internal Fitting Out Internal Fitting Out Total 16/05/2016 Internal Decoration

Carpenter Insulation Screws and Fixings Sundry Material Supply of external doors and windows Sheet material Electrical Contractor Supply and Fit of Heating 1st Fix Decoration Insulation Metalwork Plasterer Plastering Insulation Installer Carpenter Screws and Fixings Timber Mouldings Electrical Contractor Supply and Fit of Heating 2nd Fix Supply and fit wood burner and flue Decoration

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£170.10 £10.00 £50.00 £129.64 £1,051.16 £289.37 £509.81 £9.56 £25.05 £2,583.33 £16.50 £3,433.62 £416.67 £416.67 £250.00 £250.00 £30.00 £218.49 £51.80 £806.47 £253.78 £15.80 £1,376.34 £317.92 £9.28 £35.20 £362.40 £416.67 £416.67 £208.33 £208.33 £2,000.00 £2,000.00 £134.40

£34.02 £2.00 £10.00 £25.93 £210.23 £57.87 £101.96 £1.91 £5.01 £516.67 £3.30 £686.72 £83.33 £83.33 £50.00 £50.00 £6.00 £43.70 £10.36 £161.29 £50.76 £3.16 £275.27 £63.58 £1.86 £7.04 £72.48 £83.33 £83.33 £41.67 £41.67 £400.00 £400.00 £26.88

£204.12 £12.00 £60.00 £155.57 £1,261.39 £347.24 £611.77 £11.47 £30.06 £3,100.00 £19.80 £4,120.35 £500.00 £500.00 £300.00 £300.00 £36.00 £262.19 £62.16 £967.77 £304.54 £18.96 £1,651.61 £381.51 £11.14 £42.24 £434.88 £500.00 £500.00 £250.00 £250.00 £2,400.00 £2,400.00 £161.28

Cost by Build Phase Decorator

£240.99 £48.20 £375.39 £75.08 £29,199.76 £5,839.95

Internal Decoration Total Grand Total

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£289.19 £450.47 £35,039.71

Cost by Resource Type Resource Labour

Labour Total Material

Type Bricklayer Carpenter Decorator Groundworker Plasterer Sundry Labour Plumber Electrician Insulation Installer Roof Tiler Aggregate Blocks Bricks Concrete Concrete Products Decoration Foundation Insulation Metalwork Plastering Screws and Fixings Timber Mouldings Builders Metalwork Chimney sundries Bonded Abrasives Lintels Roofing Sundries Sundry Material Carcasing Timber Drainage Sheet material

Total Cost (Ex Profit) Profit Total Inc Profit(Ex VAT) £3,455.65 £691.13 £4,146.79 £1,722.07 £344.41 £2,066.48 £273.00 £54.60 £327.60 £1,209.06 £241.81 £1,450.88 £950.52 £190.10 £1,140.63 £209.30 £41.86 £251.16 £50.00 £10.00 £60.00 £50.00 £10.00 £60.00 £15.80 £3.16 £18.96 £704.19 £140.84 £845.03 £8,639.59 £1,727.92 £10,367.51 £1,001.00 £200.20 £1,201.20 £1,322.30 £264.46 £1,586.76 £1,352.52 £270.50 £1,623.02 £690.00 £138.00 £828.00 £122.58 £24.52 £147.10 £164.40 £32.88 £197.28 £273.79 £54.76 £328.55 £1,026.13 £205.23 £1,231.36 £1,214.25 £242.85 £1,457.10 £253.78 £50.76 £304.54 £107.44 £21.49 £128.93 £35.20 £7.04 £42.24 £42.40 £8.48 £50.88 £44.63 £8.93 £53.56 £8.00 £1.60 £9.60 £112.80 £22.56 £135.36 £368.17 £73.63 £441.80 £192.57 £38.51 £231.08 £659.62 £131.92 £791.54 £129.64 £25.93 £155.57 £40.50 £8.10 £48.60

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Cost by Resource Type Rainwater Goods Roof Tiles Plumbing Material Total Plant

Plant Total Subcontractor

Subcontractor Total Grand Total

Excavators Light plant Spoil removal Power Tool Sundry Plant Site Accomodation Electrical Contractor Scaffolding Contractor Supply and fit wood burner and flue Supply of external doors and windows Supply and Fit of Heating 1st Fix Supply and Fit of Heating 2nd Fix Specialist Contractor

£97.73 £19.55 £303.62 £60.72 £112.08 £22.42 £9,675.15 £1,935.03 £1,141.45 £228.29 £194.91 £38.98 £2,460.10 £492.02 £104.00 £20.80 £150.00 £30.00 £440.00 £88.00 £4,490.46 £898.09 £833.33 £166.67 £465.00 £93.00 £2,000.00 £400.00 £2,583.33 £516.67 £250.00 £50.00 £208.33 £41.67 £54.55 £10.91 £6,394.55 £1,278.91 £29,199.76 £5,839.95

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£117.28 £364.34 £134.50 £11,610.18 £1,369.74 £233.89 £2,952.12 £124.80 £180.00 £528.00 £5,388.55 £1,000.00 £558.00 £2,400.00 £3,100.00 £300.00 £250.00 £65.47 £7,673.47 £35,039.71

Itemised Cost by Build Phase

Build Phase Demolition

Resource Labour

Labour Total Plant

Type Carpenter

Description Joiner + Mate

Groundworker Sundry Labour Plumber Electrician

Groundworker General Labourer Skilled Labour + General Labourer + General Labourer Plumber Electrician


Mini Digger & Driver (8hr. day)

Light plant


Spoil removal

Wheelbarrow Skip 7m3 inc. Land Fill Tax Skip loading Dumper

Item Used For Remove the door Remove the door casing Remove the window Labour to break out and remove slab Labour to break out and remove wall Remove existing roof structure Disconnect and Make Safe Water Supply/ Plumbing Disconnect and Make Safe Electrics

Sundry Plant

Breaker - Bosch 11208/Kango 637 Breaker - Bosch Heavy/Kango 2500 Delivery (10 to 15 Miles)

Excavator for removal of wall Excavator for removal of slab Shovel for removal of wall Shovel for removal of slab Wheel barrow for removal of wall Removal of debris from site Dumper for removal of wall Dumper for removal of slab Breaker for removal of wall Breaker for removal of slab Plant delivery and collection

Plant Plant Total

Site Accomodation

Portable Toilet

Site Toilet

Labour Labour Total Plant



Banksman to assist with clearance of site

Excavators Spoil removal Sundry Plant

Mini Digger & Driver (8hr. day) Skip 7m3 inc. Land Fill Tax Skip loading Dumper Delivery (10 to 15 Miles)

Clear topsoil for removal from site Removal of spoil from site Dumper to assist with site clearance Deliveries of plant for site clearance



Excavate trench Place cavity fill Prepare bottom of trench Remove spoil from site Lay structural concrete Fix bottom reinforcement Tamp finish to concrete slab

Power Tool

Plant Total Demolition Total Site set up Site set up Total Commencement

Plant Total Commencement Total Foundations


Groundworker and Labourer

Labour Total Material

Material Total Plant

Aggregate Concrete Concrete Products Foundation

Ballast Bulk Bag R'mix Concrete GEN 1 50 - 70mm slump 6m3 (Allowance £100) Blue Circle Mastercrete (Plastic) 25kg Reinforced Steel Mesh 4.8 x 2.4m C283

Ballast for concrete pier foundation Structural concrete Cement for concrete foundation Brick pier Reinforcement to underside of slab

Excavators Light plant Spoil removal

Mini Digger & Driver (8hr. day) Shovel Skip 7m3 inc. Land Fill Tax

Plant for excavation of trench Plant for placing concrete Plant to remove excavated spoil from site


2 Bricklayers and Mate



Lay blockwork to inner leaf below dpc Lay bricks for use in splash course Lay Trench Blocks Backfill trench


Building Sand Bulk Bag


Bricks Concrete Concrete Products

Solid Dense Concrete Coursing Brick 7N 215 x 65 x 100mm Solid Concrete Blocks 7N 440 x 215 x 100mm Trench Block 440 x 215 x 300mm Facing Bricks - Provisional (Allowance £0.65 each) R'mix Concrete GEN 1, 125mm slump 2-3 m3 (Allowance £105) Blue Circle Mastercrete (Plastic) 25kg

Light plant


Plant Total Foundations Total Footings


Labour Total Material

Material Total Plant Plant Total

Sand below DPC in blockwork Sand below dpc in brickwork Sand below dpc in trench blocks Coursing blocks to inner leaf below dpc Blockwork to Inner leaf below dpc Trench Blocks Bricks for use in splash course Cavity Fill Cement below dpc in blockwork Cement below dpc in brickwork Cement below dpc in trench blocks Plant to backfill Trench

Footings Total

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Total Cost (Ex Profit) Profit Total Inc Profit (Ex VAT) £22.18 £4.44 £26.61 £12.76 £2.55 £15.31 £265.65 £53.13 £318.78 £152.00 £30.40 £182.40 £104.00 £20.80 £124.80 £105.30 £21.06 £126.36 £50.00 £10.00 £60.00 £50.00 £10.00 £60.00 £761.89 £152.38 £914.26 £225.00 £45.00 £270.00 £225.00 £45.00 £270.00 £1.20 £0.24 £1.44 £1.20 £0.24 £1.44 £2.00 £0.40 £2.40 £920.00 £184.00 £1,104.00 £55.00 £11.00 £66.00 £55.00 £11.00 £66.00 £8.00 £1.60 £9.60 £16.00 £3.20 £19.20 £50.00 £10.00 £60.00 £1,558.40 £311.68 £1,870.08 £2,320.29 £464.06 £2,784.34 £440.00 £88.00 £528.00 £440.00 £88.00 £528.00 £440.00 £88.00 £528.00 £152.00 £30.40 £182.40 £152.00 £30.40 £182.40 £161.64 £32.33 £193.97 £460.00 £92.00 £552.00 £110.00 £22.00 £132.00 £50.00 £10.00 £60.00 £781.64 £156.33 £937.97 £933.64 £186.73 £1,120.37 £29.36 £5.87 £35.23 £13.45 £2.69 £16.15 £26.91 £5.38 £32.29 £146.78 £29.36 £176.14 £82.40 £16.48 £98.88 £18.13 £3.63 £21.75 £9.06 £1.81 £10.88 £326.10 £65.22 £391.31 £79.00 £15.80 £94.80 £300.00 £60.00 £360.00 £27.24 £5.45 £32.69 £42.41 £8.48 £50.89 £448.65 £89.73 £538.38 £248.56 £49.71 £298.27 £0.15 £0.03 £0.19 £230.00 £46.00 £276.00 £478.71 £95.74 £574.46 £1,253.46 £250.69 £1,504.15 £39.40 £7.88 £47.28 £131.33 £26.27 £157.59 £216.69 £43.34 £260.03 £53.82 £10.76 £64.58 £441.24 £88.25 £529.49 £3.45 £0.69 £4.14 £14.36 £2.87 £17.23 £20.68 £4.14 £24.82 £70.00 £14.00 £84.00 £44.80 £8.96 £53.76 £539.00 £107.80 £646.80 £167.70 £33.54 £201.24 £105.00 £21.00 £126.00 £2.44 £0.49 £2.93 £10.16 £2.03 £12.19 £14.64 £2.93 £17.57 £992.23 £198.45 £1,190.68 £0.15 £0.03 £0.19 £0.15 £0.03 £0.19 £1,433.62 £286.72 £1,720.35

Itemised Cost by Build Phase

Oversite and slabbing



Groundworker and Labourer

Lay DPM to slab Place and compact sub-base to slab Float finish to concrete slab Place and compact concrete slab Lay sand blinding Fix perimeter insulation Lay insulation to underside of slab

Labour Total Material


Building Sand Bulk Bag MOT Type 1 Bulk Bag R'mix Concrete RC 30, 50mm slump 6m3 (Allowance £95) Polythene DPM Blue 4 x 25m x 300mu Celotex TB3025 1200 x 2400 x 25mm Celotex GA4100 1200 x 2400 x 100mm

Sand blinding to slab Sub-base to concrete slab Concrete in slab DPM to concrete slab Perimeter insulation Insulation to underside of slab

Excavators Light plant

Mini Digger & Driver (8hr. day) Shovel Wheelbarrow Power Float 36" Plate Compactor

Excavator for preparation of slab Shovel for slab construction Wheel barrow for slab construction Power float for slab construction Plate compactor for preparation of slab


2 Bricklayers and Mate

Fix cavity Insulation Lay blocks above dpc less openings Lay bricks above dpc less openings Lay coursing blocks above dpc Lay coursing blocks below dpc Lay partition blocks above dpc Lay blocks to pier below DPC lay block above DPC pier Brickwork labour to door form opening in new work Fix gable abutment (To abutment) Fit wall starters Construct chimney Labour to chop out brick or blockwork Form window opening Form dummy frame Place concrete to block pier foundation Excavate block pier foundation

Concrete Foundation Insulation Material Total Plant

Plant Total Oversite and slabbing Total Brickwork Shell



Bricklayer and Labourer

Labour Total Material

Carpenter Groundworker

Joiner Groundworker and Labourer


Building Sand Bulk Bag


Solid Concrete Blocks 7N 440 x 215 x 100mm


Celcon Standard Block 440 x 215 x 100mm 3.6N Celcon Standard 4N Coursing Units 4N 65 x 215 x 100mm Facing Bricks - Provisional (Allowance £0.65 each)

Concrete Products

Engineering Brick Blue Solid Class A 65mm Blue Circle Mastercrete (Plastic) 25kg


Polythene DPC 100mm x 30m

Insulation Metalwork Builders Metalwork Chimney sundries Bonded Abrasives Lintels Roofing Sundries Sundry Material

Manthorpe Cavity Closer 2440 x 100mm CELOTEX CG5000 Cavity Wall Board ....... CG5000 1200 x 450 x 50.0mm Class 4 Wall Tie 225mm (250 Box) Wall Starter Stainless Steel 2.4M Insulation Retaining Clip Dunbrik Straight Rolltop Chimney Pot Red 250 x 300mm Cut Off Wheel Stone 230 x 3.2 x 22mm Steel Lintel 100 mm Cavity x 1950mm Cavity Tray Gable Abutment Sundry Materials (£)

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Sand above dpc in blockwork Sand above dpc in brickwork Sand below DPC in blockwork Sand in Wall above DPC to pier Sand for mortar to brickwork Sand for mortar fill to chimney Blocks to form pier Blocks Below DPC Partition blocks above dpc less openings Blocks above dpc less openings Coursing blocks above dpc Bricks above dpc less openings Standard bricks to chimney Feature bricks Cement above dpc in blockwork Cement above dpc in brickwork Cement to block pier above DPC Cement to block pier below DPC Cement for mortar fill to chimney Cement for mortar to brickwork DPC to blockwork DPC to brickwork Thermabate cavity closer Cavity Insulation Brick ties Wall starters Insulation retaining clips Chimney pots Disc cutter blades CG90 lintel 1950 mm Gable abutment (To abutment) Allowance for sundries

£12.35 £55.57 £65.86 £53.51 £28.81 £18.45 £20.58 £255.13 £38.49 £391.95 £285.00 £54.98 £11.08 £250.65 £1,032.15 £56.25 £1.20 £2.00 £15.60 £11.00 £86.05 £1,373.33 £52.32 £419.61 £872.05 £32.83 £32.83 £271.12 £6.41 £20.31 £43.84 £57.80 £4.75 £256.00 £128.00 £89.09 £24.00 £28.80 £129.60 £2,469.35 £36.48 £70.30 £0.79 £3.16 £4.34 £0.40 £45.36 £11.94 £211.51 £336.00 £63.70 £1,111.50 £39.00 £11.44 £18.89 £36.21 £1.89 £0.83 £0.48 £0.72 £2.40 £2.40 £171.60 £36.10 £30.45 £60.00 £42.40 £44.63 £8.00 £112.80 £156.00 £4.00

£2.47 £11.11 £13.17 £10.70 £5.76 £3.69 £4.12 £51.03 £7.70 £78.39 £57.00 £11.00 £2.22 £50.13 £206.43 £11.25 £0.24 £0.40 £3.12 £2.20 £17.21 £274.67 £10.46 £83.92 £174.41 £6.57 £6.57 £54.22 £1.28 £4.06 £8.77 £11.56 £0.95 £51.20 £25.60 £17.82 £4.80 £5.76 £25.92 £493.87 £7.30 £14.06 £0.16 £0.63 £0.87 £0.08 £9.07 £2.39 £42.30 £67.20 £12.74 £222.30 £7.80 £2.29 £3.78 £7.24 £0.38 £0.17 £0.10 £0.14 £0.48 £0.48 £34.32 £7.22 £6.09 £12.00 £8.48 £8.93 £1.60 £22.56 £31.20 £0.80

£14.82 £66.68 £79.03 £64.21 £34.58 £22.14 £24.70 £306.16 £46.19 £470.34 £342.00 £65.98 £13.30 £300.78 £1,238.58 £67.50 £1.44 £2.40 £18.72 £13.20 £103.26 £1,648.00 £62.79 £503.53 £1,046.46 £39.40 £39.40 £325.34 £7.70 £24.37 £52.60 £69.36 £5.70 £307.20 £153.60 £106.91 £28.80 £34.56 £155.52 £2,963.23 £43.78 £84.36 £0.94 £3.80 £5.21 £0.48 £54.43 £14.32 £253.81 £403.20 £76.44 £1,333.80 £46.80 £13.73 £22.67 £43.45 £2.27 £1.00 £0.58 £0.86 £2.88 £2.88 £205.92 £43.32 £36.54 £72.00 £50.88 £53.56 £9.60 £135.36 £187.20 £4.80

Itemised Cost by Build Phase

Carcasing Timber

Dry Graded C16 Regularised 47 x 100mm

Dummy frame timber

Spoil removal

Skip 7m3 inc. Land Fill Tax

Power Tool

Angle Grinder 7" or 9"

Skip to remove spoil from brick pier foundation Remove debris from site Disc cutter

Subcontractor Subcontractor Total

Scaffolding Contractor

Scaffolding contractor

Scaffold budget




Fix Fix Fix Fix Fix Fix Fix Fix Fix Fix Fix Fix Fix Fix Fix Fix Fix Fix Fix Fix Fix Fix

Material Total Plant

Plant Total Brickwork Shell Total Erect Scaffold Erect Scaffold Total Roof Structure

Joiner + Mate

Labour Total Material


Screws and Fixings Roofing Sundries Sundry Material

Simpson Strap 30 x 5 x 1200 @ 150mm

Gable straps at joist level Wallplate straps Gable straps at verge level Roof structure fixings (allowance) Eaves ventilator fixings Eaves ventilator Eaves soffitts (side 1) Gable soffits (side 1) Soffit fixings Bargeboard fixings Bargeboard Eaves fascia General roof gable Ladder Rafters General roof joists General roof rafters Gable ladder noggings Noggings between rafters Noggings between roof joists Tilting fillets Soffit carriers Apex roof ridge General roof purlins Wall plate Tilting fillet support board Gutter unions Down pipe Gutter Stop ends Gutter clips Gutter outlet Down pipe unions Down pipe clips Swan necks

Simpson Strap 30 x 5 x 1600 @ 150mm Round Wire Nails 100mm x 2.5kg Screws Recessed 6G x 0.75 Inch Zinc Plated (200 Box) Manthorpe Soffit Vent 2440 x 10 mm White G800WH Multi Purpose Fascia Board White 400 x 10mm X 5m White plastic top Nail 40mm - 10G (100 box) Universal Fascia Board White 200mm x 5m

Carcasing Timber

Dry Graded C16 Regularised Treated 47 x 150mm

Sawn Treated 47 x 50mm

Sheet material Rainwater Goods

gable ladder noggings wall plate tilting fillet support board eaves ventilator tilting fillets soffit carriers noggings between rafters noggings between roof joists down Pipe gutter gable straps at verge level gable straps at joist level wallplate straps eaves soffitts (side 1) gable soffits (side1 ) eaves fascia apex roof ridge board General roof purlins General roof gable ladder rafters General roof rafters General roof roof joists bargeboard

Treated Firrings 2EX 47 x 75mm Treated Batten 25 x 38mm Sawn Carcassing Treated 25 x 200mm Dry Graded C16 Regularised Treated 75 x 225mm Dry Graded C16 Regularised Treated 75 x 100mm Soffit Strip Non Asbestos 4 X 2440 X 150mm Plastic Rectangular Gutter Union Plastic Rectangular Down Pipe 65mm x 4m Plastic Rectangular Gutter 4m Plastic Rectangular Gutter Stop End Plastic Rectangular Gutter Fascia Bracket Plastic Rectangular Outlet to 65mm Rectangular Downpipe Plastic Rectangular Downpipe Connector Plastic Rectangular Downpipe Clip Plastic Rectangular 65 mm Downpipe Bend

Material Total Roof Structure Total Roof Tiling


Roof Tiler

Roof tiler + mate

Fix Fix Fix Fix

Roof tiler

Page 3 of 6

ridge tile gable abutment (On roof) verge tiles tile undercloak 1

£41.48 £8.30 £2,717.19 £543.44 £224.52 £44.90 £5.48 £1.10 £20.00 £4.00 £250.00 £50.00 £5,436.54 £1,087.31 £465.00 £93.00 £465.00 £93.00 £465.00 £93.00 £12.55 £2.51 £18.60 £3.72 £18.60 £3.72 £37.20 £7.44 £16.50 £3.30 £9.90 £1.98 £78.34 £15.67 £17.40 £3.48 £16.50 £3.30 £37.20 £7.44 £13.20 £2.64 £13.20 £2.64 £16.50 £3.30 £5.58 £1.12 £5.02 £1.00 £30.69 £6.14 £15.34 £3.07 £47.12 £9.42 £68.02 £13.60 £245.74 £49.15 £39.37 £7.87 £27.62 £5.52 £790.19 £158.04 £27.87 £5.57 £34.83 £6.97 £51.05 £10.21 £26.20 £5.24 £4.40 £0.88 £22.64 £4.53 £25.85 £5.17 £23.27 £4.65 £17.59 £3.52 £10.41 £2.08 £40.92 £8.18 £45.48 £9.10 £54.30 £10.86 £62.85 £12.57 £196.16 £39.23 £4.84 £0.97 £30.21 £6.04 £6.71 £1.34 £20.07 £4.01 £2.50 £0.50 £12.90 £2.58 £107.50 £21.50 £47.30 £9.46 £12.00 £2.40 £5.90 £1.18 £14.22 £2.84 £29.55 £5.91 £6.39 £1.28 £13.20 £2.64 £8.20 £1.64 £2.22 £0.44 £3.65 £0.73 £14.40 £2.88 £985.58 £197.12 £1,775.77 £355.15 £17.85 £3.57 £106.08 £21.22 £7.95 £1.59 £9.54 £1.91

£49.78 £3,260.63 £269.42 £6.58 £24.00 £300.00 £6,523.85 £558.00 £558.00 £558.00 £15.06 £22.32 £22.32 £44.64 £19.80 £11.88 £94.01 £20.88 £19.80 £44.64 £15.84 £15.84 £19.80 £6.70 £6.03 £36.83 £18.41 £56.55 £81.63 £294.89 £47.24 £33.14 £948.22 £33.44 £41.80 £61.26 £31.44 £5.28 £27.17 £31.02 £27.92 £21.10 £12.50 £49.11 £54.57 £65.16 £75.42 £235.39 £5.81 £36.25 £8.05 £24.08 £3.00 £15.48 £129.00 £56.76 £14.40 £7.08 £17.06 £35.46 £7.67 £15.84 £9.84 £2.66 £4.38 £17.28 £1,182.70 £2,130.92 £21.43 £127.30 £9.54 £11.45

Itemised Cost by Build Phase

Labour Total Material

3 Roof tilers + mate

Fix tiles, felt and lathe.


Building Sand Bulk Bag

Concrete Products

Blue Circle Mastercrete (Plastic) 25kg

Screws and Fixings

Round Wire Nails Galvanised 65mm x 25kg

Roofing Sundries Carcasing Timber Sheet material Roof Tiles Plumbing

Ruberoid Rubershield Pro Breather Membrane 50m x 1.5m Treated Batten 25 x 38mm Soffit Strip Non Asbestos 4 X 2440 X 150mm Marley Moderns (£0.72 Each) Segmental Ridge Lead Flashing Code 4 300 x 3000mm

Sand pointing/bedding to verge Sand pointing/bedding to ridge Cement in pointing/bedding to ridge Cement pointing/bedding to verge Lathe nails Tile Nails Roofing felt Lathe Tile undercloak 1 Tiles Ridge tile Gable abutment (On roof)


2 Bricklayers and Mate




2 Plasterers and 1 Plasterers Mate

Bricks Metalwork

Engineering Brick Blue Solid Class A 65mm Universal Beam 305 x 102 x 25kg per m Universal Beam 305 x 165 x 97kg per m Materials to fabricate steels Sawn Treated 47 x 50mm Natural Slate 400 x 250mm (Each) (Allowance £1.50)

Bricks to support steelwork Lintel Number 1 Lintel Number 2 materials to fabricate steel work Noggings to steelwork Slates to pack steelwork

Spoil removal Power Tool

Shovel Wheelbarrow Strongboy Masonry Support Acrow Props 1, 2 & 3 Skip 7m3 inc. Land Fill Tax Disc Cutter 12" Electric

Shovel Wheelbarrow Strongboy masonry supports Acrow props Plant to remove spoil from site Disc cutter

Specialist Contractor

Specialist contractor

Shotblast steel Intumiscent paint to steel



Fix drainage bends and collars Fix drainage gullies Lay drains Backfill and compact drainage fill material Backfill and level cover material Backfill and level bedding material

Material Total Roof Tiling Total Structural Openings


Labour Total Material

Carcasing Timber Roof Tiles Material Total Plant

Plant Total Subcontractor

Light plant

Form opening and cart debry away from Structural opening Fix beams to structural opening Apply paint to plasterwork reveals and repaired plasterwork Apply paint to beam plasterwork Apply finish to repaired and boarded reveals Plasterboard and repair reveals to structural opening Apply finish to plasterboarded beam Plasterboard beam

Subcontractor Total Structural Openings Total Drains


Groundworker and Labourer

Labour Total Material


MOT Type 1 Bulk Bag OsmaDrain Drainage 110 x 3000mm Pipe Plain End 4D073 OsmaDrain Drainage 110 Double Socket Short Radius Bend 11degree 4D568 OsmaDrain Drainage 110 Double Socket Pipe Coupler 4D205 OsmaDrain Drainage 110 Double Socket Short Radius Bend 45 degree 4D563 OsmaDrain Drainage 110 Double Socket Short Radius Bend 67 degree OsmaDrain Drainage Single Seal Yard Gully 110mm 4D701

Pipe bedding Pipe cover material Pipe back fill material Drainage pipe 11.25 Drainage bends Drainage pipe collars 45.00 Drainage bends 22.5 Drainage bends Drainage gullies

Spoil removal Power Tool Sundry Plant

Mini Digger & Driver (8hr. day) Shovel Wheelbarrow Trench Rammer Wacker BS45/BS60 20 Tonne Tipper & Driver inc. Land Fill Tax Disc Cutter 12" Petrol Delivery (10 to 15 Miles)

Excavator for drains Shovel for drains Wheelbarrow for drains Trench compactor for drains Removal of spoil from drains Pipe cutter for drains Deliveries and collections of plant



Joiner labour to fit door frame Fix insulation to sloping ceilings (layer 2) Fix insulation to sloping ceilings (layer 1)


Material Total Plant

Excavators Light plant

Pea Gravel 10mm Bulk Bag

Plant Total Drains Total Joinery 1st Fix


Page 4 of 6

£562.76 £704.19 £0.00 £0.00 £3.24 £5.84 £37.29 £20.71 £189.53 £67.00 £12.00 £249.12 £50.00 £112.08 £746.81 £1,451.00 £417.14 £364.14 £23.71 £8.30 £53.35 £53.35 £18.67 £18.67 £957.34 £22.88 £295.75 £612.50 £50.00 £5.80 £4.50 £991.43 £1.20 £2.00 £100.00 £40.00 £230.00 £50.00 £423.20 £17.30 £37.26 £54.55 £2,426.53 £57.00 £9.50 £19.20 £20.74 £2.59 £2.59 £111.62 £59.93 £59.93 £217.75 £43.80 £17.90 £19.08 £17.90 £17.90 £13.05 £467.24 £225.00 £1.20 £2.00 £14.00 £170.10 £10.00 £50.00 £472.30 £1,051.16 £57.68 £60.19 £60.19

£112.55 £140.84 £0.00 £0.00 £0.65 £1.17 £7.46 £4.14 £37.91 £13.40 £2.40 £49.82 £10.00 £22.42 £149.36 £290.20 £83.43 £72.83 £4.74 £1.66 £10.67 £10.67 £3.73 £3.73 £191.47 £4.58 £59.15 £122.50 £10.00 £1.16 £0.90 £198.29 £0.24 £0.40 £20.00 £8.00 £46.00 £10.00 £84.64 £3.46 £7.45 £10.91 £485.31 £11.40 £1.90 £3.84 £4.15 £0.52 £0.52 £22.32 £11.99 £11.99 £43.55 £8.76 £3.58 £3.82 £3.58 £3.58 £2.61 £93.45 £45.00 £0.24 £0.40 £2.80 £34.02 £2.00 £10.00 £94.46 £210.23 £11.54 £12.04 £12.04

£675.32 £845.03 £0.00 £0.00 £3.89 £7.00 £44.75 £24.85 £227.44 £80.40 £14.40 £298.94 £60.00 £134.50 £896.17 £1,741.20 £500.57 £436.97 £28.45 £9.96 £64.02 £64.02 £22.41 £22.41 £1,148.81 £27.46 £354.90 £735.00 £60.00 £6.96 £5.40 £1,189.72 £1.44 £2.40 £120.00 £48.00 £276.00 £60.00 £507.84 £20.76 £44.71 £65.47 £2,911.83 £68.40 £11.40 £23.04 £24.88 £3.11 £3.11 £133.94 £71.91 £71.91 £261.30 £52.56 £21.48 £22.90 £21.48 £21.48 £15.66 £560.69 £270.00 £1.44 £2.40 £16.80 £204.12 £12.00 £60.00 £566.76 £1,261.39 £69.22 £72.23 £72.23

Itemised Cost by Build Phase

Fix window Fix window board Labour Total Material

Screws and Fixings

CELOTEX FR5000 Fire Resistant PIR Board FR5050 2400 x 1200 x 50.0mm CELOTEX FR5000 Fire Resistant PIR Board FR5100 2400 x 1200 x 100.0mm Screws Recessed 10G x 3 Inch Zinc Plated (100 Box)

Sundry Material Sheet material

Frame Fixings 8 x 100mm General Purpose Silicone White 310ml Softwood Window Board 25 x 225mm

Insulation to rafters (layer 2) Insulation to rafters (layer 1) Fixings to top and bottom Fixings to top Fixings to windowboard Fixings to sides Silicon bead Window board

Supply of external doors and windows

Supply of external doors and windows

Sundry quotation 1

Subcontractor Subcontractor Total

Electrical Contractor

Supply and Fit of Electrics 1st Fix

Electrician quote first fix

Subcontractor Subcontractor Total

Supply and Fit of Heating 1st Fix

Supply and Fit of Heating 1st Fix

Plumbing quote first fix



2 Plasterers and 1 Plasterers Mate

Insulation Installer

Plasterer Insulation Specialist

Apply finish to wall plastering Fix/apply plastering to walls Fix plasterboard to roof ceilings Apply finish to ceiling plaster to roofs Fix plasterboard to sloping ceilings Apply finish to ceiling plaster to sloping ceiling Allowance for plaster reveals Fix insulation to ceiling (layer 2) Fix insulation to ceiling (layer 1)


Trade Emulsion 5L

Insulation Metalwork

CELOTEX FR5000 Fire Resistant PIR Board FR5050 2400 x 1200 x 50.0mm CELOTEX FR5000 Fire Resistant PIR Board FR5100 2400 x 1200 x 100.0mm Pvc 4mm Angle Corner Bead 2500mm


Scrim Tape 50mm x 90m

Material Total Subcontractor Subcontractor Total Joinery 1st Fix Total Electrician 1st Fix Electrician 1st Fix Total Plumb 1st Fix Plumb 1st Fix Total Plastering

Labour Total Material



Dri-Wall Adhesive 25kg

Thistle Board Finish Plaster 25kg

Plasterboard 1200 x 2400 x 12.5mm Square Edge

Gyproc Fireline Board Straight Edge 2400 x 1200 x 12.5mm Thistle Multi Finish Plaster 25kg Gyproc Drywall Timber Screws 42mm (1000 Box) Gyproc Drywall Timber Screws 60mm (500 Box)

Decoration to reveal plastering Decoration to beam plastering Insulation to ceiling (layer 2) Insulation to ceiling (layer 1) Corner beads to reveals Corner bead to Beam Angle beads for reveals Wall plastering joint treatment Stepdown in ceiling joint system Reveal joint system to structural opening Plasterboard joint treatment for roof ceilings Plasterboard joint treatment for sloping ceilings Wall plastering fixing system / basecoat Reveal plastering fixing system Dry wall adhesive for reveals Plaster finish to walls Plaster finish to reveal Plaster finish to stepdown in ceiling or patched ceiling Finish to plasterboard for roof ceilings Finish to plasterboard for sloping ceilings Plastering to inner blockwall Plasterboards for reveals Plasterboard to sloping ceilings Plasterboard to roof ceilings Plasterboards to repair wall and plaster reveal Plasterboards to stepdown in ceiling or patch ceiling if beam is hidden Skim reveals Plasterboard fixings for roof ceilings Plasterboard fixings for sloping ceilings

Material Total Plastering Total Joinery 2nd Fix


Labour Total Material



Fix skirting boards Apply sealant Joinery labour to hang the door Glaze window

Screws and Fixings Timber Mouldings

Nails Cut Clasp 65mm x 0.5kg Skirting Torus/Ogee 25 x 125mm

Fixings to skirtings Skirting boards

Electrical Contractor

Supply and Fit of Electrics 2nd Fix

Electrician quote second fix

Material Total Joinery 2nd Fix Total Electrician 2nd Fix


Page 5 of 6

£89.09 £22.22 £289.37 £171.08 £338.73 £3.30 £1.65 £1.65 £2.96 £25.05 £16.50 £560.92 £2,583.33 £2,583.33 £3,433.62 £416.67 £416.67 £416.67 £250.00 £250.00 £250.00 £238.67 £198.89 £31.73 £68.00 £69.61 £149.17 £50.40 £7.90 £7.90 £822.27 £22.22 £7.78 £73.32 £145.17 £10.73 £12.63 £28.45 £5.00 £0.34 £0.97 £1.12 £2.47 £29.70 £5.76 £2.94 £17.67 £3.39 £1.19 £3.97 £8.71 £62.38 £7.40 £30.74 £14.01 £19.85 £6.95 £4.99 £7.99 £16.23 £554.07 £1,376.34 £57.22 £8.08 £197.57 £55.06 £317.92 £9.28 £35.20 £44.48 £362.40 £416.67

£17.82 £4.44 £57.87 £34.22 £67.75 £0.66 £0.33 £0.33 £0.59 £5.01 £3.30 £112.18 £516.67 £516.67 £686.72 £83.33 £83.33 £83.33 £50.00 £50.00 £50.00 £47.73 £39.78 £6.35 £13.60 £13.92 £29.83 £10.08 £1.58 £1.58 £164.45 £4.44 £1.56 £14.66 £29.03 £2.15 £2.53 £5.69 £1.00 £0.07 £0.19 £0.22 £0.49 £5.94 £1.15 £0.59 £3.53 £0.68 £0.24 £0.79 £1.74 £12.48 £1.48 £6.15 £2.80 £3.97 £1.39 £1.00 £1.60 £3.25 £110.81 £275.27 £11.44 £1.62 £39.51 £11.01 £63.58 £1.86 £7.04 £8.90 £72.48 £83.33

£106.91 £26.66 £347.24 £205.30 £406.48 £3.96 £1.98 £1.98 £3.55 £30.06 £19.80 £673.10 £3,100.00 £3,100.00 £4,120.35 £500.00 £500.00 £500.00 £300.00 £300.00 £300.00 £286.40 £238.67 £38.08 £81.60 £83.53 £179.00 £60.48 £9.48 £9.48 £986.72 £26.67 £9.33 £87.98 £174.20 £12.87 £15.15 £34.13 £6.00 £0.41 £1.16 £1.35 £2.96 £35.64 £6.91 £3.52 £21.21 £4.07 £1.42 £4.76 £10.45 £74.86 £8.88 £36.89 £16.82 £23.82 £8.34 £5.99 £9.59 £19.48 £664.88 £1,651.61 £68.67 £9.69 £237.08 £66.07 £381.51 £11.14 £42.24 £53.38 £434.88 £500.00

Itemised Cost by Build Phase

Subcontractor Total Electrician 2nd Fix Total Plumb 2nd Fix Plumb 2nd Fix Total Internal Fitting Out Internal Fitting Out Total Internal Decoration

Subcontractor Subcontractor Total

Supply and Fit of Heating 2nd Fix

Supply and Fit of Heating 2nd Fix

Plumbing quote second fix

Subcontractor Subcontractor Total

Supply and fit wood burner and flue

Supply and fit wood burner and flue

Sundry quotation 1




Apply decoration to wall or plaster Apply paint to skirting boards Apply primer to skirting boards Apply undercoat to skirting boards Prepare skirting boards for decoration Prepare wall or plaster for decoration Prepare plaster reveals for decoration Decorate reveals Decorate sloping ceiling plaster Prepare sloping ceiling for decoration Prepare roof ceiling for decoration Decorate ceiling plaster Apply gloss paint to windowboard Prepare window board for decoration Apply primer to windowboard Apply undercoat windowboard

Labour Total Material


Magnolia Trade Matt Emulsion 10L Dulux Trade High Gloss White 5L

Decoration to wall or plaster Paint for skirting boards Gloss Paint for window board Primer for skirting boards Under Coat for skirting boards Materials to decorate reveals Decoration to plaster sloping ceiling Decoration to plaster roof ceiling Undercoat for windowboard Primer for windowboard

Dulux Trade Undercoat White 5L White Trade Matt Emulsion 10L

Dulux All Purpose Primer 2.5L Material Total Internal Decoration Total

Page 6 of 6

£416.67 £83.33 £416.67 £83.33 £208.33 £41.67 £208.33 £41.67 £208.33 £41.67 £2,000.00 £400.00 £2,000.00 £400.00 £2,000.00 £400.00 £72.93 £14.59 £8.97 £1.79 £8.97 £1.79 £8.97 £1.79 £8.97 £1.79 £19.89 £3.98 £8.78 £1.76 £8.78 £1.76 £36.46 £7.29 £9.94 £1.99 £4.53 £0.91 £16.62 £3.32 £6.79 £1.36 £6.79 £1.36 £6.79 £1.36 £6.79 £1.36 £240.99 £48.20 £15.81 £3.16 £21.79 £4.36 £9.03 £1.81 £14.67 £2.93 £14.67 £2.93 £2.45 £0.49 £10.17 £2.03 £4.63 £0.93 £20.60 £4.12 £20.60 £4.12 £134.40 £26.88 £375.39 £75.08 £29,199.76 £5,839.95

£500.00 £500.00 £250.00 £250.00 £250.00 £2,400.00 £2,400.00 £2,400.00 £87.51 £10.76 £10.76 £10.76 £10.76 £23.87 £10.53 £10.53 £43.76 £11.93 £5.44 £19.95 £8.15 £8.15 £8.15 £8.15 £289.19 £18.97 £26.15 £10.83 £17.60 £17.60 £2.94 £12.20 £5.56 £24.71 £24.71 £161.28 £450.47 £35,039.71

Itemised Cost by Resource Type

Resource Labour

Type Bricklayer

Bricklayer Total Carpenter Carpenter Total Decorator Decorator Total Groundworker Groundworker Total Plasterer Plasterer Total Sundry Labour Sundry Labour Total Plumber Plumber Total Electrician Electrician Total Insulation Installer Insulation Installer Total Roof Tiler

Description 2 Bricklayers and Mate Bricklayer Bricklayer and Labourer

Purchase Units Hours Hours Hours

Joiner Joiner + Mate

Hours Hours



Groundworker Groundworker and Labourer

Hours Hours

2 Plasterers and 1 Plasterers Mate Plasterer

Hours Hours

General Labourer Skilled Labour + General Labourer + General Labourer

Hours Hours





Insulation Specialist


Roof tiler + mate Roof tiler 3 Roof tilers + mate

Hours Hours Hours

Building Sand Bulk Bag Pea Gravel 10mm Bulk Bag MOT Type 1 Bulk Bag Ballast Bulk Bag

Each Each Each Each

Solid Dense Concrete Coursing Brick 7N 215 x 65 x 100mm Solid Concrete Blocks 7N 440 x 215 x 100mm Celcon Standard Block 440 x 215 x 100mm 3.6N Celcon Standard 4N Coursing Units 4N 65 x 215 x 100mm Trench Block 440 x 215 x 300mm

EA M2 M2 Each M2

Facing Bricks - Provisional (Allowance £0.65 each) Engineering Brick Blue Solid Class A 65mm

Each Each

R'mix Concrete GEN 1, 125mm slump 2-3 m3 (Allowance £105) R'mix Concrete GEN 1 50 - 70mm slump 6m3 (Allowance £100) R'mix Concrete RC 30, 50mm slump 6m3 (Allowance £95)

M3 M3 M3

Blue Circle Mastercrete (Plastic) 25kg


Magnolia Trade Matt Emulsion 10L Dulux Trade High Gloss White 5L Dulux Trade Undercoat White 5L White Trade Matt Emulsion 10L Dulux All Purpose Primer 2.5L Trade Emulsion 5L Magnolia

10L 5L 5L 10L 2.5L Each

Roof Tiler Total Labour Total Material


Aggregate Total Blocks

Blocks Total Bricks Bricks Total Concrete

Concrete Total Concrete Products Concrete Products Total Decoration

Decoration Total

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Order Quantity Total Cost (Ex Profit) Profit Total Inc Profit(Ex VAT) 55.87 £2,849.46 £569.89 £3,419.36 7.01 £133.10 £26.62 £159.72 14.78 £473.09 £94.62 £567.71 77.66 £3,455.65 £691.13 £4,146.79 47.38 £947.58 £189.52 £1,137.09 23.47 £774.49 £154.90 £929.39 70.85 £1,722.07 £344.41 £2,066.48 14.37 £273.00 £54.60 £327.60 14.37 £273.00 £54.60 £327.60 33.73 £640.82 £128.16 £768.98 17.76 £568.25 £113.65 £681.89 51.48 £1,209.06 £241.81 £1,450.88 15.79 £900.12 £180.02 £1,080.14 2.29 £50.40 £10.08 £60.48 18.08 £950.52 £190.10 £1,140.63 8.00 £104.00 £20.80 £124.80 2.34 £105.30 £21.06 £126.36 10.34 £209.30 £41.86 £251.16 2.00 £50.00 £10.00 £60.00 2.00 £50.00 £10.00 £60.00 2.00 £50.00 £10.00 £60.00 2.00 £50.00 £10.00 £60.00 0.83 £15.80 £3.16 £18.96 0.83 £15.80 £3.16 £18.96 3.87 £123.93 £24.79 £148.72 0.92 £17.49 £3.50 £20.99 8.04 £562.76 £112.55 £675.32 12.83 £704.19 £140.84 £845.03 260.45 £8,639.59 £1,727.92 £10,367.51 5.00 £192.45 £38.49 £230.94 3.00 £119.85 £23.97 £143.82 14.00 £609.70 £121.94 £731.64 2.00 £79.00 £15.80 £94.80 24.00 £1,001.00 £200.20 £1,201.20 70.00 £70.00 £14.00 £84.00 28.00 £313.60 £62.72 £376.32 30.00 £336.00 £67.20 £403.20 70.00 £63.70 £12.74 £76.44 11.00 £539.00 £107.80 £646.80 209.00 £1,322.30 £264.46 £1,586.76 2028.00 £1,318.20 £263.64 £1,581.84 39.00 £34.32 £6.86 £41.18 2067.00 £1,352.52 £270.50 £1,623.02 1.00 £105.00 £21.00 £126.00 3.00 £300.00 £60.00 £360.00 3.00 £285.00 £57.00 £342.00 7.00 £690.00 £138.00 £828.00 27.00 £122.58 £24.52 £147.10 27.00 £122.58 £24.52 £147.10 1.00 £15.81 £3.16 £18.97 1.00 £30.82 £6.16 £36.98 1.00 £29.33 £5.87 £35.20 1.00 £17.25 £3.45 £20.70 1.00 £41.19 £8.24 £49.43 1.00 £30.00 £6.00 £36.00 6.00 £164.40 £32.88 £197.28

Itemised Cost by Resource Type


Foundation Total Insulation

Insulation Total Metalwork

Metalwork Total Plastering

Plastering Total Screws and Fixings

Screws and Fixings Total Timber Mouldings Timber Mouldings Total Builders Metalwork Builders Metalwork Total Chimney sundries Chimney sundries Total Bonded Abrasives Bonded Abrasives Total Lintels Lintels Total Roofing Sundries

Roofing Sundries Total Sundry Material

Sundry Material Total Carcasing Timber

Polythene DPC 100mm x 30m Manthorpe Cavity Closer 2440 x 100mm Reinforced Steel Mesh 4.8 x 2.4m C283 Polythene DPM Blue 4 x 25m x 300mu

Each Each Each Each

CELOTEX CG5000 Cavity Wall Board ....... CG5000 1200 x 450 x 50.0mm CELOTEX FR5000 Fire Resistant PIR Board FR5050 2400 x 1200 x 50.0mm CELOTEX FR5000 Fire Resistant PIR Board FR5100 2400 x 1200 x 100.0mm Celotex TB3025 1200 x 2400 x 25mm Celotex GA4100 1200 x 2400 x 100mm

SH SH SH Sheet Each

Class 4 Wall Tie 225mm (250 Box) Wall Starter Stainless Steel 2.4M Pvc 4mm Angle Corner Bead 2500mm Simpson Strap 30 x 5 x 1200 @ 150mm Simpson Strap 30 x 5 x 1600 @ 150mm Universal Beam 305 x 102 x 25kg per m Universal Beam 305 x 165 x 97kg per m Materials to fabricate steels

Box EA Each Each Each M M £

Scrim Tape 50mm x 90m Dri-Wall Adhesive 25kg Thistle Board Finish Plaster 25kg Plasterboard 1200 x 2400 x 12.5mm Square Edge Gyproc Fireline Board Straight Edge 2400 x 1200 x 12.5mm Thistle Multi Finish Plaster 25kg Gyproc Drywall Timber Screws 42mm (1000 Box) Gyproc Drywall Timber Screws 60mm (500 Box)

Each Each Each Sheet Each Each Box Box

Screws Recessed 10G x 3 Inch Zinc Plated (100 Box) Frame Fixings 8 x 100mm Nails Cut Clasp 65mm x 0.5kg Round Wire Nails 100mm x 2.5kg Screws Recessed 6G x 0.75 Inch Zinc Plated (200 Box) Round Wire Nails Galvanised 65mm x 25kg

Box Pack Box Box Box BX

Skirting Torus/Ogee 25 x 125mm


Insulation Retaining Clip


Dunbrik Straight Rolltop Chimney Pot Red 250 x 300mm


Cut Off Wheel Stone 230 x 3.2 x 22mm


Steel Lintel 100 mm Cavity x 1950mm


Cavity Tray Gable Abutment Manthorpe Soffit Vent 2440 x 10 mm White G800WH Ruberoid Rubershield Pro Breather Membrane 50m x 1.5m

EA Each Each

Sundry Materials (£) General Purpose Silicone White 310ml Multi Purpose Fascia Board White 400 x 10mm X 5m White plastic top Nail 40mm - 10G (100 box) Universal Fascia Board White 200mm x 5m

EA Each Each EA Each

Dry Graded C16 Regularised 47 x 100mm


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2.00 12.00 1.00 1.00 16.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 1.00 9.00 35.00 1.00 3.00 20.00 10.00 5.00 7.00 7.00 50.00 103.00 2.00 6.00 7.00 23.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 45.00 1.00 8.00 2.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 17.00 16.00 16.00 212.00 212.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 12.00 4.00 1.00 17.00 4.00 5.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 17.00 17.00

£4.80 £171.60 £42.41 £54.98 £273.79 £36.10 £244.40 £483.90 £11.08 £250.65 £1,026.13 £30.45 £60.00 £51.80 £62.70 £51.05 £295.75 £612.50 £50.00 £1,214.25 £9.90 £38.40 £34.93 £114.54 £26.80 £4.99 £7.99 £16.23 £253.78 £6.60 £2.96 £9.28 £26.20 £4.40 £58.00 £107.44 £35.20 £35.20 £42.40 £42.40 £44.63 £44.63 £8.00 £8.00 £112.80 £112.80 £156.00 £22.64 £189.53 £368.17 £4.00 £25.05 £49.12 £28.00 £86.40 £192.57 £41.48

£0.96 £34.32 £8.48 £11.00 £54.76 £7.22 £48.88 £96.78 £2.22 £50.13 £205.23 £6.09 £12.00 £10.36 £12.54 £10.21 £59.15 £122.50 £10.00 £242.85 £1.98 £7.68 £6.99 £22.91 £5.36 £1.00 £1.60 £3.25 £50.76 £1.32 £0.59 £1.86 £5.24 £0.88 £11.60 £21.49 £7.04 £7.04 £8.48 £8.48 £8.93 £8.93 £1.60 £1.60 £22.56 £22.56 £31.20 £4.53 £37.91 £73.63 £0.80 £5.01 £9.82 £5.60 £17.28 £38.51 £8.30

£5.76 £205.92 £50.89 £65.98 £328.55 £43.32 £293.28 £580.68 £13.30 £300.78 £1,231.36 £36.54 £72.00 £62.16 £75.24 £61.26 £354.90 £735.00 £60.00 £1,457.10 £11.88 £46.08 £41.92 £137.45 £32.16 £5.99 £9.59 £19.48 £304.54 £7.92 £3.55 £11.14 £31.44 £5.28 £69.60 £128.93 £42.24 £42.24 £50.88 £50.88 £53.56 £53.56 £9.60 £9.60 £135.36 £135.36 £187.20 £27.17 £227.44 £441.80 £4.80 £30.06 £58.94 £33.60 £103.68 £231.08 £49.78

Itemised Cost by Resource Type

Carcasing Timber Total Drainage

Drainage Total Sheet material Sheet material Total Rainwater Goods

Rainwater Goods Total Roof Tiles

Roof Tiles Total Plumbing Plumbing Total Material Total Plant

Excavators Excavators Total Light plant

Light plant Total Spoil removal

Spoil removal Total Power Tool

Power Tool Total Sundry Plant Sundry Plant Total

Dry Graded C16 Regularised Treated 47 x 150mm Sawn Treated 47 x 50mm Treated Firrings 2EX 47 x 75mm Treated Batten 25 x 38mm Sawn Carcassing Treated 25 x 200mm Dry Graded C16 Regularised Treated 75 x 225mm Dry Graded C16 Regularised Treated 75 x 100mm


OsmaDrain OsmaDrain OsmaDrain OsmaDrain OsmaDrain OsmaDrain

Each Each Each Each Each Each

Drainage Drainage Drainage Drainage Drainage Drainage

110 x 3000mm Pipe Plain End 4D073 110 Double Socket Short Radius Bend 11degree 4D568 110 Double Socket Pipe Coupler 4D205 110 Double Socket Short Radius Bend 45 degree 4D563 110 Double Socket Short Radius Bend 67 degree Single Seal Yard Gully 110mm 4D701

Softwood Window Board 25 x 225mm Soffit Strip Non Asbestos 4 X 2440 X 150mm

M Each

Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic

Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each

Rectangular Rectangular Rectangular Rectangular Rectangular Rectangular Rectangular Rectangular Rectangular

Gutter Union Down Pipe 65mm x 4m Gutter 4m Gutter Stop End Gutter Fascia Bracket Outlet to 65mm Rectangular Downpipe Downpipe Connector Downpipe Clip 65 mm Downpipe Bend

Marley Moderns (£0.72 Each) Segmental Ridge Natural Slate 400 x 250mm (Each) (Allowance £1.50)


Lead Flashing Code 4 300 x 3000mm


Mini Digger & Driver (8hr. day)


Shovel Wheelbarrow Trench Rammer Wacker BS45/BS60 Power Float 36" Plate Compactor Strongboy Masonry Support Acrow Props 1, 2 & 3

Week Week Week Week Week Week Week

20 Tonne Tipper & Driver inc. Land Fill Tax Skip 7m3 inc. Land Fill Tax Skip loading Dumper

20 Tonne Each Week

Angle Grinder 7" or 9" Breaker - Bosch 11208/Kango 637 Breaker - Bosch Heavy/Kango 2500 Disc Cutter 12" Petrol Disc Cutter 12" Electric

Week Week Week Week Week

Delivery (10 to 15 Miles)


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97.00 41.00 9.00 139.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 328.00 5.00 2.00 6.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 18.00 3.00 8.00 11.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 10.00 2.00 2.00 5.00 4.00 33.00 346.00 10.00 3.00 359.00 2.00 2.00 3576.00 5.07 5.07 1.05 0.80 0.20 0.20 0.20 10.00 10.00 22.45 0.61 9.00 2.00 11.61 0.80 0.20 0.20 0.20 1.00 2.40 6.00 6.00

£313.31 £62.66 £47.56 £9.51 £20.07 £4.01 £69.50 £13.90 £12.90 £2.58 £107.50 £21.50 £47.30 £9.46 £659.62 £131.92 £43.80 £8.76 £17.90 £3.58 £19.08 £3.82 £17.90 £3.58 £17.90 £3.58 £13.05 £2.61 £129.64 £25.93 £16.50 £3.30 £24.00 £4.80 £40.50 £8.10 £5.90 £1.18 £14.22 £2.84 £29.55 £5.91 £6.39 £1.28 £13.20 £2.64 £8.20 £1.64 £2.22 £0.44 £3.65 £0.73 £14.40 £2.88 £97.73 £19.55 £249.12 £49.82 £50.00 £10.00 £4.50 £0.90 £303.62 £60.72 £112.08 £22.42 £112.08 £22.42 £9,675.15 £1,935.03 £1,141.45 £228.29 £1,141.45 £228.29 £6.31 £1.26 £8.00 £1.60 £14.00 £2.80 £15.60 £3.12 £11.00 £2.20 £100.00 £20.00 £40.00 £8.00 £194.91 £38.98 £170.10 £34.02 £2,070.00 £414.00 £220.00 £44.00 £2,460.10 £492.02 £20.00 £4.00 £8.00 £1.60 £16.00 £3.20 £10.00 £2.00 £50.00 £10.00 £104.00 £20.80 £150.00 £30.00 £150.00 £30.00

£375.97 £57.07 £24.08 £83.40 £15.48 £129.00 £56.76 £791.54 £52.56 £21.48 £22.90 £21.48 £21.48 £15.66 £155.57 £19.80 £28.80 £48.60 £7.08 £17.06 £35.46 £7.67 £15.84 £9.84 £2.66 £4.38 £17.28 £117.28 £298.94 £60.00 £5.40 £364.34 £134.50 £134.50 £11,610.18 £1,369.74 £1,369.74 £7.57 £9.60 £16.80 £18.72 £13.20 £120.00 £48.00 £233.89 £204.12 £2,484.00 £264.00 £2,952.12 £24.00 £9.60 £19.20 £12.00 £60.00 £124.80 £180.00 £180.00

Itemised Cost by Resource Type

Plant Total Subcontractor

Site Accomodation Site Accomodation Total

Portable Toilet


Electrical Contractor

Supply and Fit of Electrics 1st Fix Supply and Fit of Electrics 2nd Fix

Unit Unit

Scaffolding contractor


Supply and fit wood burner and flue


Supply of external doors and windows


Supply and Fit of Heating 1st Fix


Supply and Fit of Heating 2nd Fix


Specialist contractor


Electrical Contractor Total Scaffolding Contractor Scaffolding Contractor Total Supply and fit wood burner and flue Supply and fit wood burner and flue Total Supply of external doors and windows Supply of external doors and windows Total Supply and Fit of Heating 1st Fix Supply and Fit of Heating 1st Fix Total Supply and Fit of Heating 2nd Fix Supply and Fit of Heating 2nd Fix Total Specialist Contractor Specialist Contractor Total Subcontractor Total Grand Total

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11.00 11.00 58.53 416.67 416.67 833.33 465.00 465.00 2000.00 2000.00 2583.33 2583.33 250.00 250.00 208.33 208.33 54.55 54.55 6394.55 10289.54

£440.00 £88.00 £440.00 £88.00 £4,490.46 £898.09 £416.67 £83.33 £416.67 £83.33 £833.33 £166.67 £465.00 £93.00 £465.00 £93.00 £2,000.00 £400.00 £2,000.00 £400.00 £2,583.33 £516.67 £2,583.33 £516.67 £250.00 £50.00 £250.00 £50.00 £208.33 £41.67 £208.33 £41.67 £54.55 £10.91 £54.55 £10.91 £6,394.55 £1,278.91 £29,199.76 £5,839.95

£528.00 £528.00 £5,388.55 £500.00 £500.00 £1,000.00 £558.00 £558.00 £2,400.00 £2,400.00 £3,100.00 £3,100.00 £300.00 £300.00 £250.00 £250.00 £65.47 £65.47 £7,673.47 £35,039.71

Extension for Mr & Mrs Test Customer


1 Test Street TE0 0ST

Mr & Mrs Test 1 Test Street TE0 0ST

Site address: 1 Test Street TE0 0ST

Friday, 26 February 2016 Dear Mr Test, Subject: Extension Thank you for your valued enquiry and instructions to quote for the above project. We are pleased to attach the following estimate as requested. Should you have any questions regarding this estimate, please do not hesitate to contact us. Considerations: This estimate is based on the specification described herein. Any changes to drawings or specification would be treated as a variation and may be subject to an agreed price adjustment. We have generally assumed good site access and where possible mechanical devices are available to assist with construction. Site is assumed to be level unless stated. Ground is assumed to be excavated using normal plant and machinery and that the ground is not rock or subject to ground water, running sand or other issues. Please note we have allowed the following Provisional Sums within this estimate: Supply of external doors and windows Supply and fit of electrics Supply and fit of heating Supply and fit wood burner and flue

£3,100.00 £1,000.00 £550.00 £2,400.00

Please note we have made no allowance for the following items within this estimate:

Hard and soft landscaping - paving - paths - patios and alike Supply of floor coverings

We have estimated that the duration of the project will be 11 weeks We have made an allowance for 305 x 102 x 25kg UB and 305 x 165 x 97kg UB to the new structural opening We have included an allowance of £650 supply of bricks per thousand We have included 2№ 6 m run of rain water drainage to connect to existing drain We have assumed that the existing boiler is capable of taking additional heating demands We have assumed that the existing consumer unit is capable of taking the additional wiring demands

This estimate is valid for a period of 28 days from date of issue. We trust that we have interpreted your requirements correctly as every effort has been made to accurately estimate your project. We look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely

Demolition An allowance has been made to carry out the demolition works as described. All demolition material to be either removed from site or recycled where possible. All demolition material becomes the property of the contractor.

Total Cost Excluding VAT


Site set up Set up site ready to commence building works. Provide site toilet, cabin, and security fencing to protect the building works during construction. Provide lifting equipment and other small tools. Ensure the provision of adequate health and safety documentation and insurance for the duration of the contract.

Total Cost Excluding VAT


Commencement Preparation of site and commencement of all building works.

Total Cost Excluding VAT


Foundations Excavate for foundations using mechanical plant (if required) and cast foundations. Please note that the Building Control Officer will inspect the foundation prior to concreting and may require changes to the foundation depth and construction. Variations for additional excavation, trench support and concrete etc. will incur additional costs.

Material House Block Pier (Block Laid Flat) (Chimney Piers)

Ballast for concrete pier foundation Cement for concrete foundation Brick pier

Ballast Bulk Bag Blue Circle Mastercrete (Plastic) 25kg

Brick and Block Cavity Wall (External walls) Structural concrete

R'mix Concrete GEN 1 50 - 70mm slump 6m3 (Allowance £100)

Foundation Re-Bar Reinforcement to underside of slab

Reinforced Steel Mesh 4.8 x 2.4m C283

Total Cost Excluding VAT


Footings Construct brick and block footings off prepared foundations.

Material House Brick and Block Cavity Wall (External walls) Sand below dpc in trench blocks Sand below dpc in brickwork Sand below dpc in blockwork Blockwork to Inner leaf below dpc Cement below dpc in trench blocks Cement below dpc in brickwork Cement below dpc in blockwork Cavity Fill Coursing blocks to inner leaf below dpc Trench Blocks Bricks for use in splash course

Total Cost Excluding VAT

Building Sand Bulk Bag Building Sand Bulk Bag Building Sand Bulk Bag Solid Concrete Blocks 7N 440 x 215 x 100mm Blue Circle Mastercrete (Plastic) 25kg Blue Circle Mastercrete (Plastic) 25kg Blue Circle Mastercrete (Plastic) 25kg R'mix Concrete GEN 1, 125mm slump 2-3 m3 (Allowance £105) Solid Dense Concrete Coursing Brick 7N 215 x 65 x 100mm Trench Block 440 x 215 x 300mm Facing Bricks - Provisional (Allowance £0.65 each)


Oversite and slabbing Construct ground floor comprising:

Material House Extension Slab (Extension slab) Sand blinding to slab Sub-base to concrete slab DPM to concrete slab Insulation to underside of slab Perimeter insulation Concrete in slab

Building Sand Bulk Bag MOT Type 1 Bulk Bag Polythene DPM Blue 4 x 25m x 300mu Celotex GA4100 1200 x 2400 x 100mm Celotex TB3025 1200 x 2400 x 25mm R'mix Concrete RC 30, 50mm slump 6m3 (Allowance £95)

Total Cost Excluding VAT


Brickwork Shell Construct facing brick in sand/cement mortar, leaving all joints with recessed finish. All openings around windows, doors etc. to be provided with vertical damp proof courses where required. Internal leaf to be formed in blockwork.

Material House Block Pier (Block Laid Flat) (Chimney Piers) Sand below DPC in blockwork Sand in Wall above DPC to pier Blocks Below DPC Blocks to form pier Cement to block pier above DPC Cement to block pier below DPC

Building Sand Bulk Bag Building Sand Bulk Bag Solid Concrete Blocks 7N 440 x 215 x 100mm Solid Concrete Blocks 7N 440 x 215 x 100mm Blue Circle Mastercrete (Plastic) 25kg Blue Circle Mastercrete (Plastic) 25kg

Block Wall (Chimney breast) Sand above dpc in blockwork Partition blocks above dpc less openings Cement above dpc in blockwork

Building Sand Bulk Bag Solid Concrete Blocks 7N 440 x 215 x 100mm Blue Circle Mastercrete (Plastic) 25kg

Brick and Block Cavity Wall (External walls) Cavity Insulation Sand above dpc in blockwork Sand above dpc in brickwork Blocks above dpc less openings Cement above dpc in blockwork Cement above dpc in brickwork DPC to blockwork DPC to brickwork Brick ties Coursing blocks above dpc Insulation retaining clips Bricks above dpc less openings

CELOTEX CG5000 Cavity Wall Board ....... CG5000 1200 x 450 x 50.0mm Building Sand Bulk Bag Building Sand Bulk Bag Celcon Standard Block 440 x 215 x 100mm 3.6N Blue Circle Mastercrete (Plastic) 25kg Blue Circle Mastercrete (Plastic) 25kg Polythene DPC 100mm x 30m Polythene DPC 100mm x 30m Class 4 Wall Tie 225mm (250 Box) Celcon Standard 4N Coursing Units 4N 65 x 215 x 100mm Insulation Retaining Clip Facing Bricks - Provisional (Allowance £0.65 each)

Chimney Stack (440 x 400 single stack) Sand for mortar to brickwork Sand for mortar fill to chimney Feature bricks Cement for mortar to brickwork Cement for mortar fill to chimney Standard bricks to chimney Chimney pots

Building Sand Bulk Bag Building Sand Bulk Bag Engineering Brick Blue Solid Class A 65mm Blue Circle Mastercrete (Plastic) 25kg Blue Circle Mastercrete (Plastic) 25kg Facing Bricks - Provisional (Allowance £0.65 each) Dunbrik Straight Rolltop Chimney Pot Red 250 x 300mm

Toothing in of Brickwork and Blockwork (Face brick toothing) Disc cutter blades

Cut Off Wheel Stone 230 x 3.2 x 22mm

Typical External Doors (External doors) Thermabate cavity closer CG90 lintel 1950 mm

Manthorpe Cavity Closer 2440 x 100mm Steel Lintel 100 mm Cavity x 1950mm

Universal Cut Roof (Main Roof) Gable abutment (To abutment)

Cavity Tray Gable Abutment

Wall Starters (Wall starters) Allowance for sundries Wall starters

Sundry Materials (£) Wall Starter Stainless Steel 2.4M

Windows (External windows) Dummy frame timber Thermabate cavity closer

Dry Graded C16 Regularised 47 x 100mm Manthorpe Cavity Closer 2440 x 100mm

Total Cost Excluding VAT


Erect Scaffold Erect scaffolding on site to provide access for our contractors. No allowance has been made to adapt the scaffolding for clients or their own contractors' requirements.

Total Cost Excluding VAT


Roof Structure Form roof structure including any fascias and bargeboards and associated guttering as described.

Material House Universal Cut Roof (Main Roof) General roof joists Noggings between roof joists General roof rafters Noggings between rafters Eaves fascia Bargeboard Soffit carriers General roof gable Ladder Rafters Gable ladder noggings Gable straps at joist level Wallplate straps Wall plate Gable straps at verge level General roof purlins Eaves ventilator Apex roof ridge Tilting fillet support board Eaves soffitts (side 1) Gable soffits (side 1) Tilting fillets Bargeboard fixings Soffit fixings Down pipe Gutter Stop ends Gutter unions Gutter clips Gutter outlet Down pipe unions Down pipe clips Swan necks

Dry Graded C16 Regularised Treated 47 x 150mm Sawn Treated 47 x 50mm Dry Graded C16 Regularised Treated 47 x 150mm Sawn Treated 47 x 50mm Universal Fascia Board White 200mm x 5m Universal Fascia Board White 200mm x 5m Treated Batten 25 x 38mm Dry Graded C16 Regularised Treated 47 x 150mm Sawn Treated 47 x 50mm Simpson Strap 30 x 5 x 1200 @ 150mm Simpson Strap 30 x 5 x 1200 @ 150mm Dry Graded C16 Regularised Treated 75 x 100mm Simpson Strap 30 x 5 x 1600 @ 150mm Dry Graded C16 Regularised Treated 75 x 225mm Manthorpe Soffit Vent 2440 x 10 mm White G800WH Sawn Carcassing Treated 25 x 200mm Soffit Strip Non Asbestos 4 X 2440 X 150mm Multi Purpose Fascia Board White 400 x 10mm X 5m Multi Purpose Fascia Board White 400 x 10mm X 5m Treated Firrings 2EX 47 x 75mm White plastic top Nail 40mm - 10G (100 box) White plastic top Nail 40mm - 10G (100 box) Plastic Rectangular Down Pipe 65mm x 4m Plastic Rectangular Gutter 4m Plastic Rectangular Gutter Stop End Plastic Rectangular Gutter Union Plastic Rectangular Gutter Fascia Bracket Plastic Rectangular Outlet to 65mm Rectangular Downpipe Plastic Rectangular Downpipe Connector Plastic Rectangular Downpipe Clip Plastic Rectangular 65 mm Downpipe Bend

Total Cost Excluding VAT


Roof Tiling Lay roof covering.

Material House Universal Cut Roof (Main Roof) Lathe Tiles Ridge tile Sand pointing/bedding to ridge Sand pointing/bedding to verge Cement in pointing/bedding to ridge Cement pointing/bedding to verge Gable abutment (On roof) Roofing felt Tile undercloak 1

Total Cost Excluding VAT

Treated Batten 25 x 38mm Marley Moderns (£0.72 Each) Segmental Ridge Building Sand Bulk Bag Building Sand Bulk Bag Blue Circle Mastercrete (Plastic) 25kg Blue Circle Mastercrete (Plastic) 25kg Lead Flashing Code 4 300 x 3000mm Ruberoid Rubershield Pro Breather Membrane 50m x 1.5m Soffit Strip Non Asbestos 4 X 2440 X 150mm


Structural Openings Form structural openings.

Material Extension Structural openings and steel work (Structural opening to wall) Lintel Number 1 Lintel Number 2 Bricks to support steelwork Slates to pack steelwork Noggings to steelwork materials to fabricate steel work

Total Cost Excluding VAT

Universal Beam 305 x 102 x 25kg per m Universal Beam 305 x 165 x 97kg per m Engineering Brick Blue Solid Class A 65mm Natural Slate 400 x 250mm (Each) (Allowance £1.50) Sawn Treated 47 x 50mm Materials to fabricate steels


Drains Excavate for all drains and manholes. Lay drains and form manholes as required. Provide all necessary trench supports during installation of drainage.

Material House Drain Runs (Drainage) Pipe bedding Pipe cover material Pipe back fill material Drainage pipe Drainage pipe collars 45.00 Drainage bends 22.5 Drainage bends 11.25 Drainage bends Drainage gullies

Total Cost Excluding VAT

Pea Gravel 10mm Bulk Bag Pea Gravel 10mm Bulk Bag MOT Type 1 Bulk Bag OsmaDrain Drainage 110 x 3000mm Pipe Plain End 4D073 OsmaDrain Drainage 110 Double Socket Pipe Coupler 4D205 OsmaDrain Drainage 110 Double Socket Short Radius Bend 45 degree 4D563 OsmaDrain Drainage 110 Double Socket Short Radius Bend 67 degree OsmaDrain Drainage 110 Double Socket Short Radius Bend 11degree 4D568 OsmaDrain Drainage Single Seal Yard Gully 110mm 4D701


Joinery 1st Fix Form carcassing and first fix timbers.

Material House Typical External Doors (External doors) Silicon bead Universal Cut Roof (Main Roof) Insulation to rafters (layer 2) Insulation to rafters (layer 1) Windows (External windows) Window board Silicon bead

Total Cost Excluding VAT

General Purpose Silicone White 310ml

CELOTEX FR5000 Fire Resistant PIR Board 50.0mm CELOTEX FR5000 Fire Resistant PIR Board 100.0mm

Softwood Window Board 25 x 225mm General Purpose Silicone White 310ml



2400 x 1200 x


2400 x 1200 x

Electrician 1st Fix Install all cables and conduits prior to plastering.

Total Cost Excluding VAT


Plumb 1st Fix Install all pipes and plumbing fittings as described.

Total Cost Excluding VAT


Plastering Apply plastering system to walls and ceilings.

Material Extension Structural openings and steel work (Structural opening to wall) Plasterboards to stepdown in ceiling or patch ceiling if beam is hidden Stepdown in ceiling joint system Plaster finish to stepdown in ceiling or patched ceiling Plasterboards to repair wall and plaster reveal Reveal plastering fixing system Reveal joint system to structural opening Plaster finish to reveal Corner bead to Beam Corner beads to reveals Decoration to beam plastering Decoration to reveal plastering House Block Wall (Chimney breast) Plaster finish to walls Plastering to inner blockwall Wall plastering fixing system / basecoat Wall plastering joint treatment Brick and Block Cavity Wall (External walls)

Gyproc Fireline Board Straight Edge 2400 x 1200 x 12.5mm Scrim Tape 50mm x 90m Thistle Board Finish Plaster 25kg Gyproc Fireline Board Straight Edge 2400 x 1200 x 12.5mm Dri-Wall Adhesive 25kg Scrim Tape 50mm x 90m Thistle Board Finish Plaster 25kg Pvc 4mm Angle Corner Bead 2500mm Pvc 4mm Angle Corner Bead 2500mm Trade Emulsion 5L Magnolia Trade Emulsion 5L Magnolia

Thistle Board Finish Plaster 25kg Plasterboard 1200 x 2400 x 12.5mm Square Edge Dri-Wall Adhesive 25kg Scrim Tape 50mm x 90m

Plaster finish to walls Plastering to inner blockwall Wall plastering fixing system / basecoat Wall plastering joint treatment

Thistle Board Finish Plaster 25kg Plasterboard 1200 x 2400 x 12.5mm Square Edge Dri-Wall Adhesive 25kg Scrim Tape 50mm x 90m

Typical External Doors (External doors) Plasterboards for reveals Dry wall adhesive for reveals Skim reveals Angle beads for reveals

Plasterboard 1200 x 2400 x 12.5mm Square Edge Dri-Wall Adhesive 25kg Thistle Multi Finish Plaster 25kg Pvc 4mm Angle Corner Bead 2500mm

Universal Cut Roof (Main Roof) Insulation to ceiling (layer 2)

Plasterboard joint treatment for roof ceilings Plasterboard joint treatment for sloping ceilings Plasterboard to roof ceilings Plasterboard to sloping ceilings Finish to plasterboard for roof ceilings Finish to plasterboard for sloping ceilings Plasterboard fixings for roof ceilings Plasterboard fixings for sloping ceilings

CELOTEX FR5000 Fire Resistant PIR Board FR5050 50.0mm CELOTEX FR5000 Fire Resistant PIR Board FR5100 100.0mm Scrim Tape 50mm x 90m Scrim Tape 50mm x 90m Plasterboard 1200 x 2400 x 12.5mm Square Edge Plasterboard 1200 x 2400 x 12.5mm Square Edge Thistle Board Finish Plaster 25kg Thistle Board Finish Plaster 25kg Gyproc Drywall Timber Screws 42mm (1000 Box) Gyproc Drywall Timber Screws 60mm (500 Box)

Wall Upgrade (Plaster to existing wall) Plaster finish to walls Plastering to inner blockwall Wall plastering fixing system / basecoat Wall plastering joint treatment

Thistle Board Finish Plaster 25kg Plasterboard 1200 x 2400 x 12.5mm Square Edge Dri-Wall Adhesive 25kg Scrim Tape 50mm x 90m

Windows (External windows) Plasterboards for reveals Dry wall adhesive for reveals Skim reveals Angle beads for reveals

Plasterboard 1200 x 2400 x 12.5mm Square Edge Dri-Wall Adhesive 25kg Thistle Multi Finish Plaster 25kg Pvc 4mm Angle Corner Bead 2500mm

Insulation to ceiling (layer 1)

Total Cost Excluding VAT


Joinery 2nd Fix Fix doors and windows, fixtures and fittings.

Material House Brick and Block Cavity Wall (External walls) Skirting boards

Total Cost Excluding VAT

Skirting Torus/Ogee 25 x 125mm


2400 x 1200 x 2400 x 1200 x

Electrician 2nd Fix Fix all electrical fixtures and fittings. (Please note that if additional specialist fixtures are required, additional charges may be incurred.)

Total Cost Excluding VAT


Plumb 2nd Fix Plumb in fixtures and fittings as described.

Total Cost Excluding VAT


Internal Fitting Out Fix internal fixtures and fittings as described.

Total Cost Excluding VAT


Internal Decoration Apply decoration. (Note that a basic paint specification has been used for the purposes of estimating the building works. However, colours and finishes may be changed by agreement in writing.)

Material House Block Wall (Chimney breast) Decoration to wall or plaster

Magnolia Trade Matt Emulsion 10L

Brick and Block Cavity Wall (External walls) Decoration to wall or plaster Primer for skirting boards

Magnolia Trade Matt Emulsion 10L Dulux Trade Undercoat White 5L

Under Coat for skirting boards Paint for skirting boards

Dulux Trade Undercoat White 5L Dulux Trade High Gloss White 5L

Typical External Doors (External doors) Materials to decorate reveals

White Trade Matt Emulsion 10L

Universal Cut Roof (Main Roof) Decoration to plaster sloping ceiling Decoration to plaster roof ceiling

White Trade Matt Emulsion 10L White Trade Matt Emulsion 10L

Wall Upgrade (Plaster to existing wall) Decoration to wall or plaster

Magnolia Trade Matt Emulsion 10L

Windows (External windows) Materials to decorate reveals Undercoat for windowboard Primer for windowboard Gloss Paint for window board

White Trade Matt Emulsion 10L Dulux All Purpose Primer 2.5L Dulux All Purpose Primer 2.5L Dulux Trade High Gloss White 5L

Total Cost Excluding VAT

Total Cost Excluding VAT Total VAT Total Cost Including VAT


£35,039.71 £7,007.94 £42,047.65

Acceptance of Estimate Reference: Extension (Estimate dated Friday, 26 February 2016) Mr & Mrs Test 1 Test Street TE0 0ST

Site address: 1 Test Street TE0 0ST

Please carry out the building works itemised in the Estimate defined above, dated Friday, 26 February 2016 to the value of:

Total Cost Excluding VAT Total VAT Total Cost Including VAT

£35,039.71 £7,007.94 £42,047.65

Signed Mr Test




Signed on behalf of Date

…………………………. ……/………/20………..

Acceptance of Estimate Reference: Extension (Estimate dated Friday, 26 February 2016) Mr & Mrs Test 1 Test Street TE0 0ST

Site address: 1 Test Street TE0 0ST

Please carry out the building works itemised in the Estimate defined above, dated Friday, 26 February 2016 to the value of:

Total Cost Excluding VAT Total VAT Total Cost Including VAT

£35,039.71 £7,007.94 £42,047.65

Signed Mr Test




Signed on behalf of Date

…………………………. ……/………/20………..

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