Latin III Page 1
In Principiis Wednesday, February 24, 2010 10:40 AM
Salvius himself had arrived at the campground a little earlier. He sat in the headquarters of the second legion, anxiously waiting for Agricola. He was worried, because in the letter he sent to Agricola had many dishonest things. In particular, he accused Cogidubnus of rebellion. He wondered if Agricola would believe him. He had lead Belimicus himself with him, in order that he was a witness.
Suddenly, having caught sight of Agricola entering, Salvius hurried to him in order to greet him. He then repeated about the things which were written in the letter. Agricola, when he heard of this, was quite for a long time. At last, very excited, he said:
"What great treachery!" , "What great madness"! That which you reveal to me, I can hardly understand. Cogidubnus and I have been friends for a long time. The king is insane. The cheiftians of the regnensis are insane! I should have known not to be friends with barbarians, they always betray us.
Having said this to Salinus, the commander of the legion turned to himself . "Silane," he said, "it is necessary for us to crush the king and the cheiftians of the Regnensis as quickly as possible. You must set out at once with two cohorts.