1 minute read


Great sales results always get talked about. The work that makes them happen, usually doesn’t.

There’s so much smoke around sales, that it’s hard to even talk about it in a brochure without a smile. Everyone makes claims, but the obvious truth, is not everybody is equally good at this.

What we can do for you:

Give you the best and most relevant market information to support accurate decision making

Work through your objectives and the decision to sell

Confirm if selling is the best action to meet your objectives

Understand and market against all competing properties Develop an elite marketing campaign for your property

Leverage our database of potential buyers and personal networks

Negotiate the best possible price and terms

Keep you informed, so your decision is informed

One of the differences at Aston Commercial, is that while what we say might be called an “opinion”, it’s always based on evidence. We do our homework first and talk later.

Another difference is that for us, sales is very much a whole team exercise, where there are many players and all our departments work together in the pursuit of the best result.

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