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A Teacher’s Guide to ARITHMECHICKS ADD UP: A Math Story by Ann Marie Stephens, Illustrated by Jia Liu Read Aloud Use the following questions and guidance to engage students in discussing the mathematical concepts featured in Arithmechicks Add Up.

Prior to reading: Show students pages 1 and 2 and provide them with some time to make sense of the picture. Ask: What do you notice? What do you wonder? Pages 1-2: Invite students to count the number of chicks with you as you point to each one. Pages 3-4: Look at the picture. How many chicks can you find? What do you notice? What do you wonder? Pages 5-6: How many chicks are on the seesaw? What do you notice about the picture the chick has drawn in their notebook? Pages 7-8: How does the chick show what they see in their notebook?

Page 9-10: What do you notice about the note this chick made in their notebook?

Page 11-12: What is the chick at the top of the tube doing to figure out how many chicks are playing hide and seek? Are there more chicks inside the tube or outside the tube? How do you know? Page 13-14: Look at the model this chick drew in their notebook. How does this show what they noticed on the slide?

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