Monthly Forecast: June 2015
Feature article: Venus in Leo! Swag Your #HashtagHottie Card!
Choosing Your Career By Your Zodiac Sign – Aquarius
As The World and Stars Turn – an Ontological View of Monthly Astrology
What’s New? – Books, products, services, and concepts in Astrology
Ask Anne The Astrologist – syndicated astrology column from global Super-Psychic Phenomenon – Vol. XXII June 2015
Queen Ola Reads – Juno – Key To Marriage, Intimacy, and Partnership by Maritha Pottenger
Feature article: Do You Want To Feel Better? Healing with Chiron Retrograde in Pisces
HEADLINE Monthly Forecast: June 2015
SUMMARY Read the astrology events for the month of June 2015
BODY Where April created new energy, May was about fusion. What have we learned from our experiences up to this point in life? How can we use what we know to better self and improve from an inside out technique? Last month’s New Moon in Taurus + Mercury Retrograde in Gemini + April’s Lunar Eclipse in Libra made us all come to fast decisions. May’s Full Moon in Scorpio at 13’22 degrees wanted us to find a new system we can work at on a daily basis to transform into the self we’ve always wanted to be. It wanted us to let go of all that old stuff we were hiding in our emotional closets. Did we – let go? Is there something lingering still? If there are, June presents alternatives that require getting more selective in processes of elimination. Focus on fears by countering them with hopes or alternative perceptions. It’s scary and for some our greatest fear to hit bottom. But think of it in this perspective. What is the best way to watch the stars if not lying on our back? Think of all the times you laid back and watched celestial activities, transits, and cosmic phenomenon. We know we are not alone when we see the home of universe. Just like we fix up our home surroundings to make things better we do the same process in working astrology profiles to align with key celestial events. We have to hitch our wagon on to better horses of passion and expound on what we know as experts in astrology to educate, entertain, and re-generate mass energies of psychic awareness. June does all of this with so much happening with Neptune, Chiron, Mercury, and North Node it’s no small wonder many felt like fish out of water. When home is disrupted or home-like surroundings our world is literally shaken, stirred, and flipped upside down. The good part is by having the right perspective we prove to self we are strong enough to weather any storm. How do we accomplish this? May asked us to discover ways to ground self, spiritually with some new way of getting the right advice, answers, and just plain old figuring things out using personal astrology. Yes, there are several free general readings and they can be quite insightful. They can also be hit and miss when we apply data in a generalized platform. You are seeing more of the big picture of why this or that happened but are we getting the whole bigger picture?
Yes, in those famous words – “We could need a bigger boat” to sail through what life is handing us as #GetOutOfJailFree cards. What will your magic ticket be? How can you get off one ride to take advantage of another inspires, promises, and excites you more? Tis a pickle but with the right advisers nothing, absolutely nothing is too impossible to score or anyone if your greatest concern is more love and less BS. Let’s start with the basic philosophy of life. Life is change. Life attracts change. Life must transform from one moment into another to bring us safely to what was destined the entire time. A-ha moments are realized by O-HA thinking. What is O-HA? Optimism. Hope. Awareness. We become more optimistic as we receive greater awareness to hope for something, which hasn’t happened YET. Positive thinking is a proven scientific method of attracting more of what we want and less of what we don’t. When Venus entered Cancer in April suddenly it became more about what we love, what we love to feel, and what we want to feel like on a daily basis. We all want to be surrounded by those we know love us because it makes us feel like we are special, wanted, and needed. We all like to receive more of what we do want because it increases natural levels of joy, pheromones, and positive energy. Positive Energy is called Theta Brainwaves in the spiritual or esoteric circles. There are several practitioners to find online. Theta energy is super powerful, potent, and reinvigorating. We produce theta energy every time we are joyful. That’s right theta energy is joy, contentment, healing, and being in one’s #happyplace all the time. Theta Healing transforms the whole self inside out by working with one’s astrological DNA. If you are scratching your head saying, huh? No worries. Imagine having the worst day end and receiving the greatest news you could possibly receive! How’s that for a turnaround? Well, when Jupiter turned direct on the 8th of April our luck momentum began swinging in a totally new direction. What causes this change? Communication. People have to talk, discuss, debate, and get things out of those emotionally cluttered closets. We needed to share what we know in the world as some new business, product, or service to enlighten others. When we enlighten we un-lighten the heavy load we bear from worrying. When a person worries the aura or auric field of energy plummets and the light inside dims. When we trust, have faith, and find ways to stay joyful we block the negative energy and receive the positive full blast! This is the impact of O-HA. Thanks to the Moon, Juno, and Jupiter all powering Leo April 25-27, we received a huge blast of I-Can-Do-This energy! Now is when we work and benefit from this amazing supernatural frequency of Divine Blessing, Divine Healing, and yes, Divine Intervention into life’s biggest problems. We had to learn how to make homework for us by tapping directly into the universe and fusing its vibrations with our own. We just never know when something is going to turnaround for the better unless we put ourselves in the stream for them to happen as good luck and Divine Blessings. Light work is nothing new but it is new to those coming to The Light of living out self-truths. We can only be
who and what we are, nothing more. But we can build on this knowledge to create and initiate stronger systems and periods of self-gnosis. Self-gnosis is the spiritual equivalent of selfknowing. How well do you know your self? Where are those habits coming from? Have you figured out a soul purpose, soul mission, or soul direction to work towards? It’s a fact the more we love what we are doing for a living, the better we become naturally at doing it. If you want faster results to weight loss, more confidence, or any heart’s desire – heart has to love the process or soul leaves the building searching for the light it finds attractive. There are different types of health and healing systems to treat what worries, ails, and alerts us most. But now all of these systems are fused into one dynamic of wholeness. Wholeness is synonymous with wellness. We are more than mind, spirit, and body so it only makes good common sense to treat imbalances with wellness healing by developing a wellness lifestyle that truly fits our ultimate goals. Health is everything. Without it nothing can be enjoyed, right? So it’s time to replenish on our wells of joy by creating more wellness options to live life on the daily. We can’t wait on things to jump. We have to initiate, engage, and enlist the heart with all we’ve got to really push agendas through. According to Wikipedia there are 16 types of energy forms. That means there are multiple ways to work favorable dharma aka light working. Light is energy and we have to work it to twerk it, people. We operate the soul on all levels of each of these different types. When we eat healthy food our aura changes. When we realize the truth in situations our aura changes. When we draw the right conclusions on whether something felt natural or better to be around or with, our aura changes. The greater self-improvement we make the brighter our light shines because the aura is being transformed to reflect the 3rd eye POV of self as a whole being of light. Now today’s astrology adds this data by taking a metaphysical approach to healing. What we learn from tarot, astrology, numerology, and herbal diagnosis greatly improves health. We are less concerned with the unexpected and focused solely on what is destined to be our greatest potential. Universe is all potential energy. So all those types of energy are neutral until we make a decision, take action, or draw a conclusion. Energy can only be changed in these avenues or productivity. Huh? We can’t get out something what hasn’t been put in there in the first place. We have to get ghetto about things in seeing the raw of a situation. When we see the raw we can organize and organically put the pieces back together to make the lights come back on. Light is clarity. Light is psychic awareness. Light is what makes us have hope, be optimistic, and want to know or learn more. Light motivates because we are coming out of the darkness of the soul to be enlightened about who we really are and what we are born to achieve this lifetime. Light work is how we charge and work universe to produce, manifest, and attract what we wish to have, experience, and gain more wisdom about. If we are unaware of how great a new opportunity can be why would we ever try it as an option? Awareness is light and experience is
light of wisdom. They create the perfect marriage of life as a book, system, and tree of nurturing experiences we draw from to know what to do next as soul purpose. Without light there is no motivation and no curiosity to see what is on the other side of self. It’s time to step out of self-imposed isolation. It’s time to come out of the cave to see what the world has to offer as new opportunities to share our wares, test personal strengths, and elevate to the next level. The other piece is wellness fitness. There are more ways to be fit than physically. Physical fitness is a huge component of overall good feeling, bio-regeneration, and feeling confident. But fuse the physical of fitness into being emotionally, mentally, and spiritually balanced. Pluto (R) in Capricorn is nurturing all of these by allowing us situations to bounce back from. We are proving our inner strength and strengthening the core of our being! How’s that for Divine Intervention? See why we need to get our feelings out in a constructive manner? We are working the energies which fuel universe to work and work properly. We are cogs in a cosmic wheel of Fortune as depicted in Tarot Card Key X – The Wheel of Fortune. When we are fit in every way or as best as possible we can give our personal best towards any endeavor. We don’t crumble when something fails. In fact we rejoice because it means we are that much closer to reaching the ideal to be established in July. How do you feel when you read a Fortune Cookie and it actually applies to what you are going through? And what you read inspires you to have hope again? With that said let’s begin June. Doors open when we discover how to be our own door. If we don’t support, love, and nurture our own charms, gifts, and talents, who else will? Champion personal causes with so much passion the world falls in love watching you succeed. They cheer you on to the finish line. They want you to make that extra mile and go that extra step to get in rhythm by dancing into our blessings. Heaven opens doors because to not do so would constipate the natural order of life and death. What happens when we can’t go to the bathroom – when we need, to – badly? Emotional and mental health both power Heart Intelligence (HQ) and Emotional Intelligence (EQ) rates in metaphysics. Now to translate what this means in layman’s terms for potential means explaining how we overcome personal hardships and deeper sources of sorrow by singing, dancing, acting, directing, writing, drawing, and all other forms of art and artistic expression. It’s positively charging to be the Lion or center of other’s universe but first we have to astral project into the future and prophecy our birth is born to fulfill and self-fulfill. It’s the 3way mirror telling one 3rd Eye story. Whenever so many planets, asteroids, and stars move into either Gemini or Sagittarius we can expect an expansion in HQ and EQ because we are seeking more ways to discover joy so like honeybees we can re-create it. Making people feel naturally good as opposed to drugging them gives them the strength to cope when life becomes too freaking real to self-accept. We must live our self-truths and this means greater platforms of self-expression. Cancer rules self-expression, self-awareness, and intuition production because Cancer rules the Moon. Isn’t the Moon the only star, planet, and system to
travel the entire universe by providing the power of eclipses, the elliptic, and cosmic energy regulation. It is collecting emotional data to pronounce celestial judgments. It helps us speak our self-truth via Lunar Energy downloads. The Moon acts as an absolute High Priestess for communicating The Divine. When we stop seeing good vs. evil, light vs. dark, and just see one unified balanced feminine masculine energy we identify we have choices to create, initiate, and hocus-pocus into being. This feminine masculine energy is keyed in tarot to The Lovers. Whatever we focus energy on most is what manifests fastest because the Moon, Venus, and a special star called Regulus all work together to mirror the purest most vital energy of all, selftruth. When we have proof that what we believe is so, it gives one strong feelings of supernatural strength. We tap The Divine by becoming one with universal energies, which link the spiritual realms with the physical ones we manifest in our daily lives. Do you really think this life this moment is all there could possibly be to who you’ll become? Smh. No. There is much more to be discovered in personal strengths for humanity. But it’s important not to get out of balance with hubris or acts of disregard for the safety of others. With such power of hierointelligence we are held accountable, responsible, and on the hook for all we do to put our heavenly healing charms to good and proper use. This creates and stimulates the 9th House, which is ruled by Sagittarius. Saturn continues it’s retrograde through social-athlete Sagittarius. Remember the first time you fell in love or felt real love? It was like a high wasn’t it? Sagittarius like its brother sign Aquarius loves to chase rainbows. In fact no sign is more notorious for harvesting more thrill-seeking, larger than life characters of a very big imagination. Think Brad Pitt. Think Steven Spielberg. Think Britney Spears. Think Tina Turner. In terms of Gemini think Clint Eastwood. Think JFK. Think Jacques Cousteau. You see Sagittarius takes the Leo fire to heart as Divine Awareness and Gemini pushes self-exploration by diving into depths of awareness with brutal self-inquisitions. Pluto (R) in Capricorn clarifies this by making us become more objective about realizing potential. Gemini teases the Leo fire getting it crackling with passion by dancing with it like a gypsy in ritual. Ever watch famous Gemini/Leo couples like JFK and Jackie O? They played well off one another and matched in popular appeal. It sizzled on camera and off when fellow Gemini Marilyn Monroe notoriously carried an affair with JFK. What greater thrill than publicly sacking the husband of the Ambassador or Couture Coolness? It was catnip too scandalous not to taste and it proved to be Marilyn’s apple of wisdom. She learned a very valuable life lesson and suffered the greatest sorrow of a broken heart. Marilyn died not being able to speak her selftruth. How un-Gemini since Gemini rules communication. What are we not saying that needs to be said as self-truths? We have to live the life and not the movie projecting inside our mind’s eye. It’s very sad when we ignore what our heart is telling us to do, say, and be.
This is the fun and fluff side of Gemini-Sagittarius dichotomies but we digest or is it digress? See what happens with a Saturn (R) in Sagittarius and Mercury (R) in Gemini polarity? This means communications are being received but not expressed as well as they could be. Thus, we use psychic awareness, art, and other modes of non-verbal ways to communicate what we feel inside. Music is such a gift! It is highly therapeutic and healthily habit forming to express anger, the unsaid words of heart, and what we feel is missing inside to make us joy-filled, again. It’s the necessity to crave, desire, and want something more than you’ve ever known before. It’s the anticipation of knowing what’s coming is so good you can’t sit still! It’s winning that lottery ticket when you spent your last $5 bucks to get gas but you trusted a hunch. It was no demands we be absolutely sure about what we want and this is supporting Pluto’s retrograde in neighboring Capricorn. Sagittarius connects one to our animal spirit or inner shaman – animal spirit. Native Americans often called liquor firewater and we call it spirits to this day. Ever think about why we call them that? We are drinking something, which influences brainwaves so much one taps The Divine but one is not discerning one type of energy from another. This is because the 3rd Eye is what is known as decalcifying. It is becoming insensitive or unaware of what we should be more aware towards, psychically. It’s primal instinct when we see someone for the first time and we just know its real love at 1st sight. We just know Okay. This really could be the one because criterion matches metaphysically. Choices mean making types as wise, smart, or just plain wisdom, because wisdom is gained to give one greater powers of awareness and having the chutzpah to communicate it to bigger ponds. When asked how he pulled off the filming Jaws, there was a great deal of back-story – Spielberg coolly replied, I don’t think about it. I think about telling the story. How that happened was pure symphony of Box Office Ca$hola. Jaws went on to set major records and to this day is cited as one of the greatest films of all kinds from the most reputable of critics. We all have opinions but do our opinions matter to the masses? How well are we getting our point across in balancing the nature of spirit? This feeling and ability as an element is what jet fuels motivation. Where Sagittarius inspires across the zodiac wheel Gemini motivates by fanning the flames. How many times have any us dated a Gemini and it was an experience you really wanted to keep or absolutely erase from the memory. It’s those moments of unusually high levels of feeling things from a subliminal level. It’s also the reason many Geminis love to smoke weed but detest any other drug unless they have strong Aries in the chart. Both Aries and Gemini work the light of charging others with energy or zapping them brain dead. These signs multiply blessings because these types of energy force one to use their imagination to create wealth. The 9th House and 3rd House correlate directly to Divine Communication and Communication in general. Sagittarius is keyed to tarot Card Key 14 – the eagle with the boiling cauldron. Something is always stirring within us to do something create something and building the world has not seen. Pure light of genius and thinking in terms of duality because in astrology and shaman astrology there is only one animal which walks both and all lines, The Lion.
Regulus is the heart of the lion in the constellation of Leo. It makes us roar and roar loudly when our cages are rattled. We are quicker to take a stand and protect domains of territory by instinct. There is a high level of mystery in being a lion. Ever stare into the eyes of a lion or a lion’s picture captivated? You should. The eyes are the windows to the soul. Lion’s represent being the best, the dominant, the leader, and the royalty of anything. What are we roaring so loudly about? June gives us a real peek inside of the Lion’s mouth but like the Lady in tarot Card Key XVIII, the mouth is opened gently. We must ease out of our addictions. We must ease into the right relationship. We must ease into the perfect weight. Why? We’ll be going so fast at reaching goals on a lion-level we can sometimes be too focused to have fun, unplug, and unwind in safe havens. June’s Twins present the perfect host(s) to make even the grouchiest lion purr like a kitten, again. Aries and Gemini both excel at sales because they are always selling to one special type of customer a Leo. Leos have their hearts set in stone on what they will and will not do under absolutely any circumstances. Gemini believes a heart can be persuaded with charm, beguiling, and lots of romance. Gemini energy gets us involved by making the mind entertain possibilities. What if this does happen – I mean it could happen Gemini says but letting this energy sway to the negative is detrimental to Emotional and Heart Intelligence. We are telling and selling lies to the heart, but heart is and Pluto (R) in Capricorn are shaking their heads saying, No, this ain’t the real thing. It wants us to stop trying to psyche self-truth using manipulation mind tricks. Heart won’t be pacified. It can only be satisfied like soul. Duality and balance of duality like Gemini the twins within must come to some type of accord to harmonize and attract new surprises. The only way to stay in clear balance of these two powerful extremes is by having a clear conscience and creating good karma for self and others. Good karma is the bank of infinite potential. We draw from it all the time to achieve the impossible against all odds. We successfully create results others can draw clear conclusions about. There is no mystery and no one to doubt what heart knew all along. This was the purpose behind Native American Vision Quests. It was the Gemini-Sagittarius concept of going out into the world and leaving the safety of home. We carry what we learned in Taurus as life lessons, experience, and cultivate those pearls into cash-making wisdom, which can help others express their thoughts. We are building bridges of communication that will last long after we have passed on as legacies. This is the Regulus, Lilith, and Moon influence in Virgo. Life must come to order for it to mean something to the heart. There has to be a purpose and life must serve a higher purpose for things for us to draw the right conclusions. Do the people we hang with share the same values? Or are they sucking the life out of us and we are too comfortably numb to it al? North Node in Libra along with April’s Full Moon + Lunar Eclipse + Blood Moon demand nothing short of our best to offer. Aries creates energy for Libra to balance and offer up heavenly sanctions which jurisdictions celestial natural laws.
Libra represents the function of a High Priestess because links Venus with the Moon and currently it sextiles Lilith, all power and un-power the laws of attraction. We work the laws of attraction to charge universe UP with wishes. Wishing is also keyed to Cancer because it is the power to pull from the Moon and to telepath what we feel to the right people to receive such feelings. If universe uses metaphysics shouldn’t we do the same to reach higher potentialities? Venus determines what comes our way in the form of luck, events, people, places, and passion. Its how we build up momentum, become inspired, and motivate the heart to take action or let go completely. Heart won’t open unless what we present to it matches self-truth. We have to romance the stone by romancing more possibilities in who or what we commit to. Remember Gemini and Sagittarius believe in free love so adding the gypsy to anything adds major luck. Keep ‘em guessing is the mantra to sure and lasting success. Don’t you love when a person goes out of their way to find out what you like and what you both like together? It shows strong intent to build something meaningful, lasting, and endless. When something feels too good to be true, it might be but in the world of astrology and metaphysics that doesn’t apply. Why? Metaphysics, which is the realm of Cancer, demands we observe natural laws to reach the heart of how we feel. There are no shortcuts to real healing because it’s a self-initiated journey in and out of the self as a universe. What kind of impression are we making on the world with our personal self-journey? How can we enlighten it from a fresh perspective? Things get hopping on the 2nd! Venus in Cancer blends heavenly with North Node now in Scorpio. It should be easier than ever to make the time to look within and drum up new ideas to self-improve. Mars in Gemini challenges Pluto (R) in Capricorn. Are we living self-truths or just playing them out in our head? Could we be stuck in our head too much? How can we use humor to diffuse moments of intense mood changes, guilt complexes, and other stuff we’ve been stuffing away in emotional closets? Whether it’s sexual addictions, an overactive libido, fetish realizations, or life and death situations – Scorpio rules all of these – the good part is what was in darkness now comes to light and full circle. A Full Moon in Sagittarius 11+degrees – it will be harder than ever to disguise how we really feel about situations, people, and anything we feel is adding pressure or restricting personal freedom. This Moon hi-fives Saturn (R) and Pallas in Sagittarius, while opposing Sun, Mercury (R), and Mars in Gemini + 3 very key asteroids. These asteroids influence how we show our feelings towards what heart loves, faves, and likes. Heart wants to be healthy and flow with energy again! It is searching for what lights it up inside and it takes us on along for the ride of lifetimes. Saturn (R) in Sagittarius torches more interest into Twin Flames and this will influence all esoteric businesses, psychology resources, and tarot providers. As salmon swim upstream to mate so more Twin Flames will need to weather erratic energies that create pendulum mood swings. What is causing these changes going on inside?
Wellness products provide more natural and organic products without processed sugar. We discover the impact binging can have on our psyche and body. There are more fitness challenges to motivate global awareness of being fit, healthy, and holistically balanced. ADD, ADHD, bipolar and other social disorders are normalized when the world opens up to understand what it’s like to be full of creative energy with limited places to showcase wares. Greater attention is given towards parenting new generations of Indigo Children and those with light working charms. There is greater care being given to create products to expand cultural awareness and compassion. We are learning tolerance, appreciation, and love of self by thinking of how we make others feel. It’s a complete natural high to know you are making a positive difference in the world’s emerging philosophies. We must learn life lessons and expand our takes on things to fix cracks, leaks, and scandal in political systems. We open up and discuss how we feel on hot topics openly and this brings in a Golden Age of Self-Expression! Universe is balancing the elements in our favor to help us enter new soul cycles. We enter larger social circles and work with people who feel meant to be. There will be greater attention given to providing health services for Twin Flame symptoms and metaphysical gifts. Are you aware of what new psychic gifts you’ve inherited from the recent Fire Grand Trine, which began in late 2014? Sagittarius expands our awareness of travel, space, astral travel, and anything having to do with holistic medicines. Sagittarius like Libra shares the ability to high priest or shaman the miraculous by inspiring and coupled with Gemini it stimulates a new curiosity to get out in the world. Are you going after those big dreams to expand some new concept, business, enterprise, or technology app, which can revolutionize current markets? Have you devised a plan to go global and incorporate strong social media presence with templates, formulas, or ways to work the system? Sagittarius slips back into Scorpio later on and it is now prepping us for the next level in transforming our environment. How can be tap and use this new energy from The Divine? Simple we learn balance, appreciate nature, and observe inner wisdom with workshops, classes, chat groups, and awareness blogs that teach us about things like reincarnation, Twin Flame vibrations, being Twin Flames, and working personal electricity to charge universe with more wishes towards self-fulfillment. This is not all there is, there is far more fun to have in getting the most value out of life. Ceres retrogrades in Aquarius at 9+ degrees. The only way to find the right way to get things working is to discover what karma has been working against us with Karmic, Shaman, and Past Life astrology, tarot, and rune systems. Service is more specialized than ever but it means knowing what to look for and when. This is how transit reports come in handy. They’re easy to review in the morning over tea. Horoscopes provide alternate ways to work energies for us because they are more accurate thanks to the Grand Fire Trine infusion. Although we are traversing through Taurus placements we are being prepared for the unexpected in Gemini.
Mercury the trickster and magician planet rules Gemini and it is triangulation with this planet, which sparks so much excitement! On the 5th Sun in Gemini sends Pluto (R) into a tizzy! Venus enters Leo. Venus is the planet of attraction and loves to play Big Kitten in this sign. But watch out for over indulging. We must balance work, play, and personal time this is how Leo manages every thing. There is a time for this and a time for that, and they like Cancer are quite compulsive on how time is accounted for daily. Leo balances heart with conscience #checklists. Virgo organizes these checklists so Leo never wanders around aimlessly. Soul purpose is achieved by working this dynamic and this is how to navigate Gemini influences of duality. We have to account for our feelings and do things based on what we feel like doing not what others expect of us to do. Mars in Gemini wants Jupiter in Leo to react and get involved! Leo rules the heart, back, spine, and central nervous systems. Leos are natural bosses, financial managers, and the managingtype that all other zodiacs listen to because Leo is The Lion. The great part is a rollover from April 25-26th. A celestial torch was lit! We’ll be more passionate than ever to go after what lights our fire based on spiritual needs versus lust. Many learn lessons in love. What or who we love must love us in return to be the real thing. We can talk all we want but at the end of the day who has our back? Who is there to nurse and nurture us back to health and a proper perspective? On the 6th Venus and Saturn (R) agree in fire signs. On the 7th Vesta enters Aries! The world is infused with cosmic awareness and greater divine genius to know things intuitively. Couple this with key astrology transit info and you can set the world on fire by timing when to do certain activities and targeting special demographics in search of products you offer. On the 8th Sun and Jupiter provide insight, inspiration, and flavor! You’ll be noticed by infusing metaphysics into communications, ads, and social media. Feng Shui is completely changing the game for several small companies by making them look like Top 5 Corporate giants. We are learning fun ways to write, speak, and get others involved with cool words, snazzy phrases, and original hash tags. That special event between Juno, Jupiter, and the Moon in Leo is reenergizing us to feel powerful and exert this power towards something big and creative! If you’ve wanted to work in the arts now is when you get the opportunity to work with VIPs, brands, and distributors who are ready to take ideas to the next level in marketing! We have a fresh outtake on how to reach people and touch the soul with soul-stirring messages. We use the spiritual to manifest the physical. To focus on only the physical defeats the purpose of soul growth because it keeps a person in fear of losing it all. Leo says be hopeful and build up our strengths by knowing what we are good at and using this as the platform to generate huge outlays of cash. Leo produces sexiness, verve, swag, and confidence by the buckets. Just look at any famous Big Cat like Jane Fonda, Robert DeNiro, 44th POTUS Barack Obama, Lucille Ball, and Jennifer Lopez.
On the 9th Mars spoons Uranus in Aries. Watch an overactive imagination. Discover the healing power of art and artistic self-expression. Art helps us get control of runaway feelings and depression by cheering us up! Venus cues Neptune in Pisces. Leo has a dark side, which hides a beast within. This energy is where we meet the supernatural of self – strength. In tarot Venus is the Empress and Leo is keyed to card Key VIII Strength. It’s a picture of a Lady opening the Lion’s mouth. We have to romance that stone and use mastery to create miraculous twists to unexpected events. We have to keep a positive attitude and believe in self. Mercury plays tricks on Uranus. Believe in the power of self. Start saying to self, “I can do this!” Set smaller goals to get bigger results in anything. You want to be practical in how charms are used, making it practical magic. Those wild ideas, tips, and ways you discover to make something pop can be trademarked, copyrighted, and benchmarked as tomorrow’s franchise. The world wants to be healthier so use this as motivation to start something new, big, and fun to try but make it organically. Mercury, Uranus, Sun, and Venus all play ball with our destinies! Mercury turns direct Gemini at 7+ degrees. The keyword is clarity. How can we have more of it in stressful situations to intuit the right options or direction to take next? Hit real financial and career homeruns with better astrology planning and make a game of it by keeping a journal. It could be what propels you into the world of becoming an authority, expert, or voice to listen to. From the 11th to the 12th Chiron is conducting traffic with Mars, Venus, and the Sun. If you are an expert, life coach, or person who teaches others how to embrace wellness, you’ll be busier than a one-legged man at a buttkicking contest! Put fun in ads and make entertaining but educational pod casts, You Tube videos, or blogs to promote what you are about or doing. That’s the other Leo charm – humor of all types. Wiccans be sure to get the word out about what you offer prior to help others prepare for the coming New Moon. Leo shares this with Gemini and Capricorn so when things do happen find a way not to take self too seriously until mind is ready to deal with reality. If you are having a disagreement you can stop it all by – choosing not to participate. It takes two to argue, remember. We are forced to cope with heartbreak as some realize what love really is and isn’t. What a person says has to match what they are doing. A person can profess love from here to #OrangABangChina but not mean it based on their actions or lack of compassion. This is when we’ll hear of breakups and some become public examples of coping with sorrow. Neptune retrogrades in Pisces at 9+degrees. Remember there is the darkness of the soul to deal with because Gemini is doing heart spring cleansing. We are learning how to accept what is and what just wasn’t meant to be. As more reach Twin Flame vibrations there is a calling to one’s nature we must answer. We will go where our heart feels most at home. This means mating will be based on temperance, one’s personal type, and soul possession. We experience déjà vu and meet the one but timing or availability is a restriction. Do we go after the type we’ve fallen for or do we follow inner callings to find the one? Just as we are born to achieve certain feats we are born to be our Twin Flame and for some this will dredge up very uncomfortable feelings,
which must be dealt with thanks to Mercury’s, retrograde in May. We are intuitive beings and we select Twin Flames based on intuition. We will be all the better for knowing the truth, right? June 13th, Venus, Mars, and North Node in Scorpio says, Yes! There is no clarity to see things when we are emotionally charged or connected thus the need for 3rd Eyesight and foresight. If we are aware of what a person is likely do on a certain date or within a certain timeframe we don’t just prepare we prepare well because we have other eggs hatching in new baskets. Life comes in options. Yes, we hate the It’s-not-you-It’s-me speeches but are we thankful for them when we’ve made other arrangements based on sound esoteric advice? This is the best time to prepare for Wicca ceremonies or visit with one in love, finance, and career rites or rituals. Have you been keeping a Dream Journal or writing criteria for what you wish to attract? Be sure to take this with you or have it available to share with the practitioner. June 14th Mercury, Uranus, Sun, and Mars are banging our inner drums to break free! Navigate around problems with Ancient Wisdom and nurture love from the esoteric perception! Love, Karmic, and Soul astrology/tarot systems are all designed to help us get to the bottom of what we are really feeling with psychoanalysis. If a person is not returning communications it’s a sign they may just not be the person you thought they were. Tarot reveals these kinds of information because experts read emotions around cards to cipher what it means to you. For those who took the advice of horoscopes, personal readings, and spreads you could be saying, Whew! Saturn (R) regresses into Scorpio at 29+degrees. Full disclosure makes us play musical chairs. We change soul groups to meet those we are destined to have in our life permanently! If you’ve been waiting for what’s right for you, expect good news! Wishes come true after great sorrow, long suffering, and self-improvement. Some dodge major bullets, arrows, and missiles from bad relationships. You’ll know things because the cards will alert you on what to expect and prepare for. Online tarot forums become major hotspots as more enter the world of DIY tarot and astrology. Sun and Venus get things heated on the 16th! Schedule time to stop at the spiritual bookstore instead of passing it by. We never know until we try a new approach to solve old problems. Astrology compatibility reports take the guesswork out of discerning chemistry. More online dating services are matching candidates based on metaphysical data. Need some alone time to think? Want to find a healthy way to talk about feelings? Friends will be great to hang out with and get back to the lighter side of life. No you don’t have to pour liquor down but it would be wise to meditate so what was a mystery can be made crystal clear. Gemology helps with this! Power stones, gems, crystals, quartz have been used for ages but they make a comeback in popularity as more light workers emerge and awaken. The same day, we have a New Moon in Gemini at 25 degrees! When Leo wants something it chases with an all heart attitude. Gemini does the same turning thoughts into manifested wishes. Both signs make us more ambitious. We’ll be super-finicky about who give our hearts to
because we’ll have checklists that describe the one we are seeking to mate with. Ever observe how cats choose their owners not vice versa? Like lions in a zoo we are breaking out whatever we feel is holding us back from succeeding. Like Cancer, Leo uses power of persuasion, charm, and emotional catnip to get what heart wants and so does Gemini. We won’t settle for anything less than the real thing and we’ll know based on how strong we feel. This is how the New Moon in Gemini and Pluto (R) in Capricorn combo play for or against us when we are forced to rebuild. Loss of employment or income in one direction means destiny and heavenly connections have something else better for you. Having financial strains? Put ego aside and hunt for what’s available with freelance websites and job boards. You may need to work a job to pay the bills while hunting the career that makes you happiest. Hustles attract good luck. Some luck into great paying gigs or assignments but more will be demanded of you as we are in Gemini. It pays to bet on y-o-u! Don’t fear risks see challenges as a chance to show what you are made of! That gig or assignment turns into something permanent if you’ve been doing a great job. The bosses or those in charge take notice. Have in mind what you want to make and what benefits you find attractive to commit. Are you overworking to avoid emotional issues at home? Stop. You are doing no one any favors showing up disconnected from what you are doing. Deal with the issues and incorporate some Feng Shui or yoga to release old energies. Make new morning habits like meditating to start the day with positive energy. From the 17th into the 20th Venus, Neptune (R), North Node, Saturn (R), Pluto (R), Mercury and Jupiter set off fireworks! The next day on the 21st Sun enters Cancer and it’s time to get in touch our feelings. What we do next could have people really talking! Suddenly we are driven to live out self-truths as whole truths. We want to live the life we dream of and we want to do it legally. This is a good time to share insight if you’ve already gone through this with blogging or writing a script for a made-for-TV movie, film, short, or documentary. If you’ve wanted to write for a living or write about what you are passionate towards – journalism, broadcasting, and blogging opens all kinds of doors to explore natural talent. Apply! Sign up with freelance websites and drive to a new future doing what you love and what can pay the bills. Mercury eyes Pluto (R) on the 21st. Work ADD, ADHD, and bipolarity to your advantage. Explore your creativity with a career in social media. Good with Feng Shui or putting colors, themes, and templates together? All you need is experience with the right visual software programs to turn ordinary into the extraordinarily g-o-o-d! You’ll be worth a fortune to VIPs on the hunt for the next big way to promote businesses creatively. We all buy things that appeal to our soul so it only makes sense to infuse more of it into what we create as products, services, and forms of trade. All those studies of others’ cultures pay off when you can put crafts together that make people remember Mama. Much of this has to do with Regulus, Lilith, and Moon being in Virgo on the 1st, 22nd, and 23rd as we gear up for Jupiter entering Virgo August 11th. If you’ve been hard on self, stop and try a little
more tenderness. Ease the truth out with journal keeping, or see a psychologist. Accept the help being offered, it’s Divine Intervention. We meet the right people to start roads to wellness by thinking positive thoughts. You are good enough and soon you’ll be vested with infused energy to create something wonderful! We are gathering the ingredients to our personal recipe to good living. This is the Venus in Cancer influence that directs psychic traffic until Leo takes over on the 5th. It takes 30-days to feel the full effect of a Full Moon in Sagittarius/New Moon in Gemini because passions are being stoked like lovers in heat we are drawn to what naturally turns us on. You can have heaven on Earth by expressing how you feel. Who wants to hold on to a guilty conscience when there is so much good karma to create with self-love, love of nature, and dancing around like a gypsy? This is the real effect love and love at 1st sight has and it’s this vibration of love that keeps Twin Flames attracted as the spiritual glue. TWFs share the same life missions and life missions unite them faster when there is self-improvement. It is a grooming process to be brided or redeemed to the one heaven feels is right for you. Astrology reads this heavenly process as transits, synastry, and aspects. Imagine having beautifying love as a torch within that never blows out. It’s love at 1st sight as a love that doesn’t bite in the ass, later on! Divine Love is correlated to the 12th House, which is ruled by Pisces. The identities of each Twin Flame are kept secret until one meets the other via the subconscious. It’s meeting someone you’ve loved from past lifetimes and the other side of our soul depicted in card Key VII The Chariot. Twin Flames bring out good and evil in each other. Love teaches both TWFs to control what is gluing them together like the Angel morphing in tarot card Key XVI Temperance. It looks like two but it is two becoming one at a nexus – fusion, sex, spiritual alchemy, magic. The nexus is the life mission they share and which draws one to the other like lightening bolts. They heal one another and once they are together they will never be apart. Synergy happens to reflect syzygy. Each Twin Flame is the Sun and Moon to each other and a universe exists between them. So this is another synchronized recap of March Madness x 3! Past loves will reconnect. Choices will have to be made with lasting consequences or blessings. We are smarter and wiser about who, what, and how we love. We unite based on passion appeal. We all want a lover who blows our socks off, but we must put in the work to become Twin Flame material. Want to take an astrology approach to psychoanalysis? It has been divined certain planets and asteroids trigger certain behaviors and misbehaviors in our psyche. Psychological Astrological is making huge strides in psychosis. We need to know why we do what we do to unlock the potential to break free and try what will work. Capricorn wants us to be diverse and sample first. Try freebies offered as 2-for-1s or hunt the Internet for astrology deals. Gemini promotes mental awareness and demands we get fit mentally by finding more ways to tap clarity. It’s one thing to find out why something happened as it did and we have deep gratitude for universe for knowing what’s best in sending us what we really wish for!
Drop what’s habit forming and just be a gypsy in trying this or that until we find what works best in taking us where we wish to be. Leos don’t want to eat scraps when they can create and dine on sushi every night without worry. Why? They know how to work metaphysics to their favor. This is what June teaches us how to do by learning how to be brave and take charge with optimism. Aren’t we more confident when we are aware of what to expect using all the right tools? This is where Taurus comes into to show us how to work Leo energies of passion. Remember the heart judges for or against us when we are honest about how we feel and hold these feelings inside. Jupiter and Uranus alchemize us! Venus in Leo dances with Chiron in Pisces. Create a niche market and specialize what you do with brands, variety of each brand and type, just let imagination fly with ideas that randomly come now. Make time to meditate on where you want to be in career by visualizing, writing wish lists of people you want to work with, approach VIPs via social media. They can only say yes or no but at least you took the opportunity to express an idea, desire, and curiosity the world could be inspired by! On the 24th Chiron retrogrades in Pisces at 21+ degrees. Start a business helping other businesses get on the map. Awareness creates healing because it gets things stirred up for us to make better choices. Integrity to self becomes more important. Self-expression is cathartic to the soul and it empties the heart to feel free to experience the new. Employers create stressfree zones at the workplace. The same day, Mars enters Cancer! Add holistic, wellness education, or organic healing services as job fringe benefits. Who wouldn’t love a certificate to the spa every now and then? Happy employees mean more productive employees. Detect when things are right and send links to places to go for assistance discreetly. It increases loyalty, teamwork, and being better people to work around. From the 25th into 28th cosmos is gutting things out North Node makes another big turn! There is a 6-outer planet pile up going on! Psychic awareness now reaches sharper levels of intuitive thinking and thought processes. What are we doing with this extra psychic know-how? Work will never be the same when you come up with cool new ways to get things done and off the desk using templates. This includes creating a new version or template of self. When one door closed about 7 new ones opened when we just start talking. The 29th is another super-powered day under the radar. A mathematical pattern forms when Venus, Jupiter, and Chiron (R) cook up fresh perspectives. Moon powers Saturn (R) in Scorpio! All those hours of meditation and deep thinking pay off with $$$-making ideals to heal others going through what we went through or life-graduated from. The beauty of metaphysics is there is enough space for everyone because there is always a certain type of vendor for a certain type of buyer and vice versa! Pay attention to dreams, strong hunches, and in some cases vivid flashes of what is about to happen. Pick up books on astral projection, quantum jumping, and quantum physics. Venus ensures it will all make sense! Venus tangos with North Node, Pluto (R), sweet talks Uranus into anything. We have carte blanche good luck to walk right into our blessings! Don’t worry about missing opportunities just trust universe knows what its doing and
everything will be all right when we apply astrology! Match what you intuit with any astrology or tarot system and keep track of dates. Jupiter jolts Chiron (R) but in a positive way! Every person is an expert on his or her personal experience. Become a speaker, motivator, or life coach using what you’ve learned as technique, e-books, and templates for mental wellness. We rebuild self and projects taking metaphysical approaches like matching up times to advertise with favorable astrology dates. We are ready to align chakras and flow with universal oneness. At-one-ment begins. Don’t make promises self can’t keep to soul. This is what makes many seek out soul purposes. Soul and Esoteric astrology, tarot, and rune systems are best because they put Ancient Wisdom towards its highest use in working spiritual laws, drawing down lunar energy, and optimizing yoga positions. Yoga is more than just a trend it’s a lifestyle of infinite strength. Life moves. Energy moves. When we combine yoga with spiritual music, reiki, or any other holistic we become brand new inside out. When we are aware of what to expect we are confident that whatever we want can easily be attracted with the right pose, position, or movement session. Yoga, energy work of all kinds, and dancing all direct telekinetic and kinetic energy waves and we call this telepathy. It’s true thoughts are energy so keep good ones close to mind and heart. Spend daily time meditating on what you want to happen next. Energy Studies will advance as Pluto completes Capricorn well into 2023. Whatever energy we put out into universe is what returns. Pluto symbolizes this in its astrology glyph and as the meaning behind rebirth. Rebirth gives us the power to bounce back by using power in its most organic form. Put 100% heart, passion, and joy into whatever you do to further goals. When we put our all into anything is manifests super fast. We are being groomed for big turns of celestial events that culminate during that timeframe. The past is the foundation of the future. But until then universe is teaching us its’ manual by sharing our life lessons in astrological aspects. Universe like a mirror receives energy and pushes the resend button as “Wish Granted” or “Wish Un-granted”. Wishes un-granted come back around as 2nd, 3rd, 4th chances. What is meant to be will definitely become. It’s a certainty grounded by the Natural Laws of Attraction. If wishes are manifesting its universe’ way of saying we need to put the energy out there for it to read. Universe hears our thoughts and sends telepathic messages to match up with destined opportunities. Think of a person with talent and no money meeting a person with money and seeking the perfect talent for some unique purpose. Synchronicity and serendipity ensure we are in the right place at the right time. We have to live our self-whole truth or be true to who we are, what we love, like, and favorite. Using all of these powers us to ambitiously make wishes come true by first believing this can happen instead of fretting with too many negative #WhatIfs. Universe is powered by karma. Karma is the energy-powering universe because it represents movement of one’s stars, natal planets, and life lessons. Pluto fuels self-esteem, and produces self-confidence when we commit
to what agrees with personal belief systems. We are keeping it real, living our self-truth, and fulfilling soul purpose when we simplify and become more spiritual.
“The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential…these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal experience.” <Confucius>
MASTER PLANETS “SPEAK” – What are they saying? - The affects of May activity in June May 3 – Full Moon – (11:42pm EST) – Scorpio Today emotions ruled as we came full circle to make big decisions about who we want to be in our life and share our experiences. The heart is a treasure with a special key to open what secrets it holds. Yes we are born to achieve certain feats but are we working on it daily with a system of habits that work for our benefit? How can we apply higher wisdom and knowledge to benefit others walking similar paths? What ways can be branch out to find like minds and passions? This continues well into the second week of June. Prepare for the unexpected with regular astrology transit reports. Being fore informed is being well armed to weather any storm especially in finances. If you found some gems to invest in as holdings, stocks, or shares do the research and speak to the right experts in astrology. Timing is crucial to recap losses or coup major cash flows. See what’s hot using astrology trends that way if you know what people will need you can be in the right place at the right time. Some relationships hit rock bottom when communications are way off and there is a greater need for compassion. Try to see things from your love’s perspective. Love triangles disperse when certain parties are no longer interested in being the part time lover. There is more to be desired and commitment is a deal breaker. How emotionally vested are we in relationships we know aren’t healthy for us? Time to think about letting go of what no longer serves a purpose. Many enter new spiritual circles as soul groups disperse and regroup with new faces from past lifetimes. Reincarnation studies are easy to understand. A Past Life, Karmic, or Love astrology or tarot reading provides keen insight on what to do next. May 4 – Saturn (R), Uranus – Sagittarius, Aries Sex is making things hot! Sex sells but sensuality smolders. Appeal to senses of intimacy and building something real rather than going the easy route showcasing lust. Keep ideas tasteful and classy when presenting new material to VIPs or those you wish to buy into what you’re selling. Everything can’t be #50shades but it can be thought provoking and soul stirring. Often we make something appealing by showing how much we enjoy it. Make videos, pod casts, and hire a literary agency that uses metaphysics to create ideal templates that gets you noticed. We all need that certain sumthin sumthin to make old ideas, wisdoms, and ideals fascinating again. New Twin Flame potentials emerge and cross our path as alternative choices in endless love unions. If you feel ready to get on this level of mating find out how to become Twin Flame Material. June is plenty of time to start new workouts that work for you. Keep things interested by changing routine and adding what makes things fun to do. Read more metaphysics to stoke passions, improve self-confidence, and restore inner peace. Release guilt trips with a visit to the Karmic Astrologist of choice. Don’t have one? Get hooked on a new website that shows you where to go, like .
May 7 – Venus enters Cancer – 00’00 Did we check into someone’s yoga class or try it at home with online videos? Yoga gives the body agility and de-ages it by promoting stronger blood circulation to mind and heart. There is a need to be near water or in nature to relax. Plan a vacation now by shopping for deals throughout June. The ideal getaway is just an imagination away! Coming from vacation? Great now you have new juices to put towards some worthy project. Suddenly life is feeling good, again when we feel good about the choices we make. What we put out returns in weight loss results, a new promotion, a new career, or more customers for a growing business. It’s time to pluck the fruit of mindfulness and create something exciting the world will love to buy and buy into! If you work in wellness, metaphysics, or any type of holistic healing offer services to big corporations as fringe benefits. Create individual, family, and corporate packaging to suit any need. We all want someone to show us how to feel better about self. Don’t forget to smile even through heartbreak. It turns things around inside out in luck vibrations. We attract what we feel strongest about. Have a secret crush but need help talking up a date? There are online videos and tarot, which share what you need to make the first move. Find out your love interest’s zodiac and start talking about what gets them into you! May 11 – Mars enters Gemini – 00’00 Now is the time to start some program, workout routine, or daily meditation that brings clarity, inner peace, and ease of soul. We have to shut off the gadgets, devices, and reconnect to self. What do you want to do? What do you feel like doing most? Now where do you want or who do you imagine providing these to you? Soothe the restlessness of the inner child with mental games. Call up a game of poker with the guys or gals and order pizzas. Keep the system flushed with more water so brain functions properly. Have you started a new herb or herbal cleansing system? Make sure to follow the directions and stick to schedule. Feng Shui the bedroom or living room to infuse life in the joint! Change the shades, blinds, and curtains to some exciting power color you love to wake up looking at. You could be doing some cleaning in the friends department. We are growing up and the people we hung out with before may not be good to hang with now on a full-time basis. Be there for those who count and have your back, too. May 18 – New Moon – (12:13am EST) – Taurus Whatever we’ve been working on or working towards comes to light to others on the hunt for great ideas, power-based partnerships, and money. Protect ideas with copyrighting, trade marking, and benchmarking brands. Break out old ideas and see how you can work them into brands for new products. Hire a literary company to put some eye-catching SEO content together for social media campaigns. Incorporate Feng Shui and astrology to capitalize on perfect timing! Take a fun approach to making metaphysics practical. We have to match up with matches our potential so our best is brought out. Self-worth increases by trusting gut instincts about first impressions. Trust self first and verify intuitive thoughts with tarot sessions or key tarot spreads that enlighten you. New talent in broadcasting, journalism, and blogging are
recognized. Don’t be surprised to be awarded or asked to guest on a popular TV show! Open the mind, seek clarity, exercise regularly, and watch self-confidence attract whatever you desire – to come to pass. In love secret thoughts have us wondering whether we are with the right person for true personal growth and happiness? Astrology and Sexual Astrological compatibility reports provide proof on hunches. May 19 – Mercury retrogrades – Gemini (Until June 11th) We get to know our darker sides using Psychology, Psychopathic, and Sociopathic Astrology systems. Everyone has a pair or match they love more than others as their type. Are you with yours or are you passing time waiting for the moment to jump out of one relationship to land another? Remember energy is karmic so end things on a positive note with honesty. That way there is nothing hanging in the wind to tidy up or take into a new more fulfilling union with the one who fits what we are naturally drawn towards. Love is spiritually based and we choose to be with those who make us feel good about self. If you made a commitment during the last retrograde now is when glitches began to appear. Mercury retrogrades have a way of undoing all pairings which is why its best to begin anything as friends, first. Finances are strong for past projects whose time has come to be popular and in need. Break out the journal and review what ideas you can make happen as something bigger than life. Start small but think big and keep a positive mindset to counter those nasty #WhatIfs. May 21 – Jupiter, Pluto – Leo, Capricorn Do you know when something or someone is being real with you? Is what they are saying matching up to what they are doing? June gives time to analyze to wait to make decisions. Its best to be in observation mode and wait to see if a person has true interest in you or just lust. Sexual Astrology and tarot both provide keen insight on these types of topics. We make final choices about whom we give our heart to in love relationships. Is jealousy breaking you a part? Confront old feelings and talk it out with creative self-expression. Play a song that speaks what’s in the heart. Send a letter to clear the air for good. It’s time to forgive and start fresh on a good foot in June. Finances are strong when there is devoted passion and those involved in mutual projects are on the same page. If you feel things can be better assess weaknesses and this includes coworkers who may be slowing things down. Employers offer holistic fringe benefits and a trip to a mental wellness counselor. Over working? Stop. Find ways to balance personal and professional demands. It may be time to re-do our personal schedules to make better management of time and energy. May 21 – Sun enters Gemini – 00’00 We enter the #hash tag wars where everyone is coming up with clever ways to get noticed. More creativity means more to choose from. Buyers are more selective to please so target those you wish to sell to based on who is most likely to enjoy your type of products, services, and wares. If you work in any esoteric profession give personal websites a makeover with Feng Shui social media and SEO content. You want those who visit to feel at home and want to shop
around. Provide beneficial facts and present data with eye-catching spiritual material to support what you are expressing. Drum up new ways to appeal to niche markets using reincarnated talents now apparent. Not sure of what charms you’ve inherited from the Grand Fire Trine? Online search for list of metaphysical talents or speak with a metaphysical astrology expert to assess your astrology profile and tell you. When we know how to make wise decisions we make smarter choices in everything. When we are absolutely sure there is no room for doubt or second-guessing, right? Get the right tools to make well-informed decisions in June. Subscribe to reputable daily horoscopes like ours! #AstrologyAnswers
Earth signs – Virgo, Taurus, and Capricorn – 1st Half of the month – OVERALL Some of you are ready to explore and redefine who you are spiritually. Easy! In word and with astrology deeds, too because when we work with our astrology profile and regularly get transit reports, we prepare self, emotionally. With the new Psychological Astrology systems it’s more natural than ever to change bad habits, environment, and associations. We are the pearl being cultured by the world we co-create. Wise choices make for wiser decision-making down the road. We are building greater cosmic awareness via self-awareness. It’s a proven fact when we are emotionally calm or poised, money flows increase. Worrying only blocks energy. So do what it takes to prevent things from keeping you up at night. Tarot retools and cleanses karma especially Karma and Past Life spreads designed to tell us exactly what needs to be addressed, transformed, or let go altogether by revealing why. Do you want better weight loss results? Detour to a health & wellness store. Ask about herbal detoxification systems or herbal teas that cleanse the blood stream. This promotes a healthier libido, mindset, and clarity! All of this translates to a better you and a better life. Get out of jail free with more self-belief and selfcontrol over impulsive actions. It’s not about doing what others expect or feel is meant to be. What do you feel is meant to be – for you? CAREER, MONEY, FINANCE Finances will be strong for anything related to metaphysics. Before buying or investing into a company ask how things get done. Take note of how long it takes to do things to optimize multitasking strengths. Personal time management systems open doors for new gurus and they are also effective in motivating employee production. This is gold if you own a small business or run conglomerates. Employees take advantage of casting your opinion. Ask for better fringe benefits to cover spiritual health options. Healthy employees means healthier profits, better bottom lines, and less overhead costs from too many vacations or absentees. Open up new departments in human resources and create positions for those with these kinds of skill sets. Life coaching doesn’t have to be personal it can be for the collective, too. Shop for good deals with a reputable life coach to come and speak or provide onsite counseling. Want to expand business
or work overseas? Advertise and send winning queries to big corporations on the hunt for what you offer. Customize packaging and look for sponsors to jump on board. It’s a small world. Second chances present opportunities to work with new faces and funding sources. Prepare well by having the right documentation. Don’t have a business plan? Hire a literary expert. Let them know if you are working with a budget up front. Make sure to reconnect with missed calls and clean out the voice mail. You could be pleasantly surprised when a person you never thought of hearing from leaves a soul-touching message of gratitude. This person has been an angel in disguise and working behind the scenes for some time as a benefactor and in some cases, a devil’s advocate. If you learned and passed financial struggles expect returns of epic proportion! For some this could be large lump sums won by lottery, scratch offs, or some other kind of gambling. Want to go to Las Vegas? The 1st and 3rd weeks of June look very promising. If you have an Earth Sun, Moon, Venus, or Ascendant act on strong hunches when you feel it! LOVE Many of you have a new banging body and the natives are restless for their shot at what the cat has to offer. You are the new cream of the crop. All those hours in the gym and being consistent pay off huge! But with a new you on the outside is there also a new you? Or is the grit of character greater within? If so, you’ll be prime and ready to be swept of your feet by some Prince or Princess Charming. The person we attract will be based on the values we have in the present. Has criteria been set on what it takes to steal your heart? Do you already have an idea of Mr. or Ms. Right? If you are looking for Mr. or Mrs. Right Now there are several lined around the block all waiting for a good time or summer romance. If you are a young adult remember you have time to find out. It’s good to sample and be diverse but if you’d like to pare things down try a Love or Sexual Astrologist. Cheating, a BFF, and scandal could break up a happy home if signs go undetected. Listen to ESP if flags go up. Don’t accuse, just outright ask – but be prepared for an answer you weren’t expecting, at first. Avoid haggling and pointing the blame. Accept responsibility be accountable for feelings, and be strong enough to walk out and into something better for you. In order for romance, love, and passion to last we must be on the same page spiritually and share the same values. We can’t be afraid to let go when it’s destiny to do so. Avoid dating those who aren’t single and available to commit. It’s a waste of time to try to make someone something they aren’t. We are what we are and a person’s nature never changes – it expands. On the flip side, if you want to be with someone else – say it. At least you have a clear conscience, right? 2nd Half of the month – OVERALL Are you living your self-truth or letting it play out like a movie inside that 3rd Eye projector? Mindfulness requires a vivid and strong imagination. Whatever we project the soul is communicating as what it needs to be satisfied. We want be able to pacify self with knock-offs. If the heart feels its not the real thing, it will keep searching because it is set and predestined to
break free from any thing blocking it from getting what it wants. Soul purpose wants us to take classes and learn more about Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and Heart Intelligence (HQ). When the heart is strong it can make fast confident decisions. Discernment increases clarity, and stimulates positive thinking patterns. Real security is grounded from strong or powerful emotion to believe and keep going regardless of how things look. Remember, there is always hope but we need to use the right tools to find it. Soul, Esoteric, and Vedic astrology systems all provide great directions on starting new soul purposes. Avoid making the same past life mistakes with Karmic or Past Life astrology reports and tarot spreads. Don’t you feel you deserve better? It’s okay to say no or I’ll think about it when you are sure on whether to commit. When we agree to do things and miss the mark it creates guilt trips we shouldn’t book as cruises. Incorporate daily self-forgiveness mantras and meditations to clear the heart so it can reset. Make agreements you can commit to easily and set smaller goals. Yoga! Yoga! Yoga! It increases awareness and regenerates the body on DNA levels. CAREER, MONEY, FINANCE We are now romancing prospects to sign with our businesses and for some this means creating a budget for certain kinds of expenses. We can’t expect to receive if we aren’t giving what attracts new customers. Pay closer attention to website feedback. Give product inventory a makeover to suit different types of customers or customer groups. Wellness and holistic services are slammed with business! More and more are looking for ways to feel good about self, naturally. If you have answers or suggestions put them into a business plan. Shop for funding or volunteer free services to those in need via non-profit organizations, functions, or fundraisers. The more love given the more to be expected in return. Ask the right questions before signing any partnership agreements. Do the research to know who you’ll be working with and familiarize with any creative content you hope to bring to life. Make sure legalities are covered to operate a business. If you aren’t sure ask the experts! There are several companies and nonprofits that show us the ropes in starting a business. They’ll provide you with the best templates, notices, and checklists for any industry. Enroll in workshops that show you how to optimize social media. Take software classes and read expert blogs on how to make the most out of hash tags. Query people who have done what you hope to achieve. You’d be surprised how many celebrities and VIPs respond to personal Tweets with advice. Get familiar with what is hot in the market and who is buying what – when. Match up what you learn with personal astrology luck cycles to get timing right. Solar and Vedic astrology systems are perfect for this function! Seek experts to provide data breakdown in forms you can easily understand. Read between the lines if someone seems iffy in business dealings or what you need to know is not made apparent. We are responsible for how & where we spend money and emotions because both power each other’s growth and stability. LOVE If any of you made commitments during Mercury retrogrades, things come up to force new decisions and directions in the relationship. Repercussions and consequences are buzzwords
connected to feelings of regret, guilt, and being loyal instead of being in love. Are you with a person or are they with you for mismatched motives? There are strong reasons and flags that reveal whether we are meant to be. If we go against our conscience we impose sanctions, restrictions, and communications of all kinds. This hinders intimacy and the ability to relate feelings, compassion, and real empathy. Retrograde periods are not good for any marital ceremony because the head may not be in its right mind. Some discover the grass wasn’t greener and back track to past loves. This will definitely be the case for Twin Flames as new Twin Flame potentials cross our path. Do we forgive and start anew or go a completely new direction? Twin Flame couples must work with a Twin Flame Counselor to learn how to work shared energies, powers, charms, and talents. Many meet now while finding new life missions! Try Twin Flame or Sexual Astrology to avoid feeling exploited. Try tarot to see true intentions. Couples must be on the same page to keep the flames going. Try retreats, counseling, and exchanging journals so you can get to the heart of coming together. Experiment with tantric yoga and sexual positions to build trust. Start fitness goals together and hold each other accountable by providing support. Singles, friends make introductions to someone that fits your type! Go slow with getting physical so you can get to know each other. Work on building a solid friendship, first.
Water signs – Pisces, Scorpio, and Cancer – 1st Half of the month – OVERALL When it comes to shopping new self-beliefs and taking long soul-stirring walks, you feel right at home. You in the market for something real, easy to do or adapt to, and within budget of money expectations and it’s a snap with astrology. Stronger clairvoyance and clairsentience are just a few of your new charms from the Grand Fire Trine. Fire heats you up and get you excited to move! Now which direction will you move? Which of the three difference directions feels most natural to walk, be, and embody? The road to recovery involves restoring past life memories that enhance psychic talents. You’ll be the lights in the world helping others find emotional balance. Why? When it comes building up Emotional Intelligence (EQs) you are born knowing what to do. Intuition is a feature you use subconsciously that means without thinking you go on strong instincts. These instincts prove to be right so trust you inner lantern of self-gnosis. Sharpen skills and find out greater ways to put them to use in the world as new power businesses and fitness challenges. If you’ve been working on weight goals you produce results! Enroll in classes to find out, study, and master what is missing to know as a light worker. Do you know what type of light worker you are? Earth Angel? Incarnated Angel? Indigo Child? Starseed? Do you love to star gaze and feel the connection? Are you spot on when others come to you for advice? How about starting a profession as an Expert Astrologer. You’ll naturally select the best systems to learn, master, teach, and use for consultation. Browse online for specials and check for feedback from others who have graduated or attended. See where it took them. This doesn’t
define what happens to you but it will give you a practical idea of what to expect moving forward. CAREER, MONEY, FINANCE Life Missions are being handed out. We are being pulled from what we usually do for a living to pursue more spiritually based careers or learning how to adding spiritual themes to how we do work. Job satisfaction is crucial to stay on a job. Do you feel under appreciated? Have you watched others move up the ladder? Are you tired of being overlooked? Its time to invest in what you are naturally good at doing to create niche markets and that means starting your own shop, business, or ecommerce company. Start thinking of a logo you want others to see when they think of you. Pick up books on branding. Hire a professional small public relations firm to give you swag appeal. There is a desire but a knowledge that is holding you back from getting to the next level. Get there with workshops on metaphysical topics. It’s time to learn how to work the elements and know when its time to make the right financial moves. Stop letting other overload you with information and fast-talking. Slow things down by saying, Let me think about it and I’ll get back to you on that. You must remove whatever hinders emotional freedom to make clear decisions. No one can make a good decision or see a good choice if the heart is involved. Share concerns on projects with a personal astrologist and research the vibrations or biorhythm of a project with astrology. Use the date you came up with an idea as its date of inception or birth date. Record the time and use where you are as the birth place to predict the best times, places, and so forth to do certain activities of expansion – like broadcasting, marketing, and launching campaigns. You can also try a metaphysics specialist to Feng Shui office space. If you run a business small or large giving the work environment a makeover can make all the difference in higher productivity. You’ll set and meet goals with a snap when coworkers are in a good mood or having fun on the job. Have you thought of becoming a reiki expert? Take advantage of training classes and shop for real deals by keeping local. Some are natural Twin Flame counselors. Consider sharing your story and opening a practice. What universe reveals to you makes all the difference for other Twin Flames who’ll seek you out. Use hash tags like crumbs to lead new customers to you. You won’t have to use charms but charming ads do the trick every time! Here’s a freebie. Citing TWF symptoms as inspiration, works! Have a plan to hire more staff in mind or in the works. LOVE Did you find out what someone said wasn’t matching what they were doing – to you? Did they smile in your face or use false praise to draw you in? Did you discover why with astrology or tarot? Tarot is best to know read thoughts, intentions, and what is motivating certain actions happening now. It’s also the time of the year when beloveds are most likely to creep and find other ways to enjoy personal time away from you. We are experiencing a replay of March Madness. More Twin Flames are being divinely brought together to make joint decisions on soul contracts. You’ll know a soul contract type relationship by identifying whether it’s a karmic tie, soul tie, or Twin Flame union. There are several free online checklists for Twin Flame symptoms
or which tell us the reason behind behavior and misbehaving. It’s your turn to forgive, forget, and move on together or go with a new Twin Flame Potential universe has lined up. Either way you won’t be alone for long. The key is observing what type of environment and person brings out the best in you and feels most natural to be around. If you aren’t ready to heal Chiron changes all of that! Many times heartache isn’t about you but the other person’s need to heal and see what’s missing. If you want to keep the relationship offer peace and time away. Whatever you decide to cope, don’t turn to old vices like alcohol, drugs, or passive mood swings. This time fight depression by facing off with what is bothering you most. Psychological Astrology systems are excellent to help you re-build self and get back on track with self-esteem. It may also be a Past Life issue. Try Past Life tarot to nail things down and get real insight on what’s been holding you back emotionally. 2nd Half of the month – OVERALL Have you thought of using karaoke as therapy? Singing is a great way to express feelings freely. Why? The more you get into the song the deeper you are into soul. Ever notice or participate in public, ceremonial, or sacred dance rites? Study dance or take classes. Doesn’t matter what your present weight is by the time you finish you’ll be lighter inside out. We don’t dance enough as a whole and we should. You don’t have to be any particular place to break into song and dance. Seen the viral videos of people getting others involved in song and express? Song and dance are both forms of praise. Videotape or record your voice. Listen to what you haven’t heard before. It opens and releases energy through the chakras. Try chants in the morning or before yoga to distill the aura and reset it back to calm feelings. Emotion doesn’t just rhyme with ocean it metaphors how feelings can take us over. When you get upset try a song to calm you down and collect thoughts. Breathe with breathing exercises. It will ground you and add centering to any spiritual mindset. Make it a practice to regularly meditate before starting the day. It makes a world of difference in attracting positive energy! CAREER, MONEY, FINANCE Starting over financially can be fun! Reinvent you by choosing the ideal career that fits the type personality, persona, and life mission. Whether it’s working in natural surroundings as a landscape artist or contracting to create private gardens for others. There is money to be made in making others feel better. Share insights on what worked for you if you are a celebrity and spokesperson positive self-image and self-esteem causes. It boosts popularity instantly! People love to tune into those who can relate to their problems by shedding new light on therapy. If you tried something out of tradition copyright it as a new template for industry. Start creating a brand or line of brands that cater to emotional needs. Provide and offer deals to corporations to come and speak on what you expertise. Share why self-gnosis is beneficial with numbers, statistics, and present both sides of using and not using products. Let people draw their own conclusions and keep a calm head when the phone rings with good news! Consider taking up a
creative communication class or creative writing. Search for places that teach how to write metaphysical literature or shop for videos you can watch at home. Get creative with founding the right business type, model, and template for what you wish to see in the world as light! Share the credit on mutual projects to keep good vibrations going. Praise coworkers when they do a great job! It only makes a more positive atmosphere and it gives self the greatest store of joy! We have to grow businesses like we grow plants and this include business relationships. We get what we put in as investment return potential. Real estate dealings are lucky now. Keep an eye out for low buy-ins or estate sales. Some could purchase music rights to songs that become Billboard hits! But be more social and sociable. If surroundings don’t feel right – leave. Speak from the heart. Explain what is and what isn’t working in any partner dealings. Shop for new partners who are on the same page there are several. Need creative work done on a project? Hire a freelance artist. Register with freelance websites and use the right key words for what appeal to you as a match. Be patient and keep a hopeful outlook. What you want comes along with positive thoughts. We are romancing opportunities by co-creating them. Writers and artists alike, purchase an SEO content package to create the perfect social media presence. Investors and producers on the hunt for the next big story, go with what sings to you. Pick passion projects and watch the results when ticket sales hit! If we don’t believe in what we are doing as entertainers no one else will either. Invest in ways to make you feel better with organic selfhealing workshops and fund a few to share the love. We can’t put love into what we produce until we put love in self via self-improvement. Confidence boost sales and it can no longer be prepackaged or fake. LOVE Love may have been hit and miss for several singles but at least you put self out there to meet new people to date. Is a dating service type working? If you aren’t getting the results you want, find what will work using hash tag searches. Browse for services that match up based on metaphysics, astrology, numerology, and other crucial data for chemistry. We are more likely to go after what we find naturally attractive. So if a candidate isn’t quite what you hoped for, pass and say why so search engines can be customized to fit the ideal. If a friend wants to hook you up ask the right questions like can I see a picture, and what do you know about this person, personally? Habits have to match, too! Couples could be dealing with infidelity, cheating, and lying under intense interrogation. Stop treating a relationship like a business where things have to be perfect. Do the work to perfect a shaky relationship by owning up to real feelings and saying what you think. Communication should improve but if it doesn’t read the signs, flags, and clues of a dead-end. Do all you can to part on good terms so there is good karma going into a new relationship. We have to grow up and stop the pink elephants. Put down the alcohol and pick up a pen to write what’s irking you. Be adult to stand up to the facts good or bad. Of all the things we leave with others we want to leave a good impression. Tarot and Love tarot are all the right tools to provide the best guidance when sorting our feelings and cleaning emotional closets. Next check into a workshop on raising Heart Intelligence (HQ). It keeps us from repeating the same mistakes.
Air signs – Gemini, Aquarius, and Libra – 1st Half of the month – OVERALL The 1st week is much better than the 2nd when it comes to dealing with feelings. If you are born around these times and have any Pisces or Sagittarius placements expect the most activity in the house they fall in. Avoid over-indulging in alcohol, drugs, or other vices to cope. It dulls the senses and when the high goes the problem returns. Not sure how to DIY? Hire an expert to do it for you and subscribe to any freebies they offer that apply. Shop online for free transit reports we have one at and upon request. All it takes is reaching out and asking for the best help. Referrals are the fastest way to find the right specialist for is ticking you off balance. For many the mind could be playing tricks with too many #WhatIfs. Pick up an imaginary remote control and press mute to bad angelic advice. Know the difference between what benefits in the long run versus what is going to satisfy right now. Getting a fix now doesn’t guarantee you won’t be chasing the rainbow later on. Are you Twin Flame material? Do you know what it is? Browse online for Twin Flame checklists, videos, and insight from experts who share what they’ve found out on this very hot topic. Air and airnatives feel Twin Flame vibrations strongest if you haven’t connected to the one. It could be a need to fix the aura. We attract and power love with our auras. See a reiki specialist or try acupuncture for lower back pains. It’s a sign chakras need to be re-aligned. Yoga is always a positive option and its super convenient. There are several free videos you can do at home. Soul is seeking clarity, inner peace, and self-gnosis. CAREER, MONEY, FINANCE Work in the holistic industry or have you been creating some new mental wellness product? No? You should! It will hit grand slams now as more people are seeking ways to ease into wellness lifestyles. Design something that is fun and fulfilling to try. Now package it as a fringe benefit to employers on the hunt. All you need is an eye-catching brochure! Infuse more astrology and esoteric gnosis into logos or reading materials to inspire, motivate, and get others excited! Offer free samples. Ask for feedback from new customers or people familiar with the product. Be a voice for special causes for those with ADD, ADHD, bipolarity, or any other emotional mental imbalance. Talk about what you do to cope, write an e-book, book, or hire a literary company to ghostwrite for you. Self-expression is a king/queen industry for you because it really gives you an opportunity to give back and receive major loot doing it. What could be better than making others feel good about self, again? Not on a spiritual journey? Embark on one and invest in companies that do this. It’s good karma and great free publicity when word gets out on social media. You may be in the market for a new public relations person to repair a damaged career or to start a new one. Artists and any person in the public can all benefit from good public relations. Volunteer or sponsor charitable ventures. It gives a positive image in community and gets people talking in a good way. Been in the business and experiencing burnout? Reach out to
those with metaphysical savvy to reinvent the wheel. Create checks and balances for getting projects completed based on how you feel. If you aren’t sure about committing- don’t. Wait for what you really want to come along. How about starting an open-mic for new artists to come and share talent? Ask small businesses to sponsor or big corporations by having a mission in mind for what you hope to accomplish. We have to provide reasons to get others motivated and involved. Writers, now is the time to launch new books of any kind dealing with self-gnosis and metaphysics. Create launch campaigns using favorable dates throughout the month with astrology and Financial Astrology. Some could feel like gambling, if it’s new to you go small. If you feel comfortable invest what you feel is sufficient but keep things moderate. LOVE Don’t make promises you can’t keep it produces a guilty conscience that binds the soul and restricts the spirit from true expression. Take and make the time to find out with compatibility reports in astrology and numerology. You don’t have to throw shade or attitude to provoke a reason to leave. Grow up and speak on what you feel to be true about self. If a person loves and accepts you as you are there is room to improve and grow together. If nagging persists it only makes you clam up and stop all communication. Try alternative ways to talk and if emotions escalate have a cutoff point or create free zones where anything can be said without being held against one another. Emotions will rule in every way because they are what we feed off as vibes positive or negative. Have you come to a self-realization about a certain person who has stolen your heart? Are you confused on how to present it to them? Try a social media improvisation and create something colorful and meaningful to only you and that person. You want to touch the soul and free the spirit within both of you. It’s time to fuse together and combine energies to enhance love vibrations. Try working with a gemologist or energy medicine provider to stimulate positive thought patterns. Read more blogs related to Twin Flame topics and symptoms. Are you more spiritual than religious but super hard to live with? Charge universe to balance what’s missing and ask for magic to happen! You do deserve second chances or thirds if that’s what it takes to be happy. Soul satisfaction is something to be cultivated by diving into new philosophies and making more trips to the metaphysics aisles at the bookstore. Reading pleasures you and entertains the mind to stay on track. Make it a point to learn something new daily, weekly, or monthly. Join social groups to commune with like-minds. Life isn’t so lonely when we go out in the world to create the right networks socially and otherwise. Couples incorporate more social and sports activities you can share to get fit and elevate intimacy play. Write each other love letters and have contests on who can surprise each other best. Keep it friendly as this can lead to awesome sex sessions, too! How about redecorating home and the bedroom with Feng Shui power colors to keep the fires high. Our surroundings greatly influence mood sets.
2nd Half of the months – OVERALL You’ll be the regular social butterfly and take a full 180 from prior weeks of deep thinking. But there is still a need to have space for meditation, prayer, and affirmations. We can’t withdraw what hasn’t been deposited as personal strengths. Once there is realization now it’s about actualizing dreams and making them real to others as ideals. If you are going through hardship change the tides by gathering a different perspective. There are others who have gone through what you are traversing. Browse for online blogs on astrology sites. Find go to sites for resources, news, and timely revelations that turn hard knocks into blessings. Every negative has a positive ending in sight we can and can’t see. What can’t be seen is felt through heart chakras. A visit with a Past Life tarot expert or astrologist can allay fears and dispel self-doubt by providing a mirror of what soul needs to be satisfied. Set aside time to do activities you love to balance out over work. Put more fun into workouts with different types of cross and weight training. Practice more patience if you aren’t seeing dramatic results and check eating habits. Look for supplements that help the body to burn fat and get into detoxifying the liver with herbal cleanses. Focus on body sculpting exercises and yoga! Stop making excuses for feeling better organically. Everything begins with a process and ends with commitment to completing goals no matter how long it takes. The point is to be persistent and never give up. Start saying and believing, you can live the life you’ve been dreaming about. Journal and build questions for astrology readings so you are well prepared to learn and receive heavenly guidance. CAREER, MONEY, FINANCE If you work in sales, real estate, or anything related to sales you hit major scores with big name clients, VIP, and high profile people. If you work in broadcasting, social media, writing, public relations, or any thing else related to getting the word out – expect major attention from those seeking you out. You’ll have an unusual gift with words, phrasing, and copy write others find enviable. Don’t feed into hype. Stay focused set goals and make them by keeping true to self. Set meetings or appointments with dates you can easily make on time. Being punctual is a reflection of keeping one’s word. Some do handshake deals but it’s always best to get terms, agreements, and negotiations of any kind in print. After being unemployed suddenly the phone rings with all kinds of offers for different lines of work. Don’t take something because you need the money unless there is no other recourse. We love the jobs that pay the bills but heart has to be in it to win it. Many talk themselves into career breakthroughs by being in the right place at the right time. This can happen more by entertaining positive thoughts. Thoughts are energy. Energy manifests ideal situations we can walk into by staying hopeful. Lottery winnings will be sparse so it’s best not to go on flukes. Play the odds by observing when people are winning. With dates there is always a pattern to the well-trained eye of intuition. It tells you a great deal on when to purchase.
LOVE Many will be super romantic and ready to take your love out on the town for wine, dancing, and moonlight. The New Moon is ever so friendly toward these kinds of thoughts. Do you have a crush on someone who seems unavailable emotionally? Find out what they love, like, and favorite. Discern which of them you can share or expound on. We all love and light up when we are entertained by someone who can tell us things about self we didn’t realize. If relations have been tense stop the silent treatment and make a dinner to discuss stuff openly. Remember with wine there is truth, so keep an open mind on why something is being said and verify whether it’s true. Be open to accepting constructive critique to sharpen awareness. It bridges gaps and enhances compassion from all sides. Timing may not be the issue for broken promises, dates, or outings. It may be disinterest, boredom, and in some cases secret loathing over personal habits with our partner. Sex and not getting enough of it can also be what’s going on. If there is little to no attraction it’s time to either work on the relationship or decide to part ways. Focus on the positive like what did you learn about self? What do you want, like, and need in the next relationship to feel satisfied? Set new criterion for what will work to keep the heart burning with passion and stop settling. You’ll find what you want sooner than you can blink an eye just by being honest with self. Universe listens to wishes and sends new soul mate potentials. If you want to rekindle a past love again, honesty is key to getting the heart to open and receive the love being expressed. Love and light are the forms of energy we need to stay with that special person who makes things sparkle. Admit wrongs, ask for forgiveness, and give it in return. Once the air is cleared and the heart can speak that’s when the magic commences a new chapter for the endless love we crave.
Fire signs – Sagittarius, Leo, and Aries – 1st Half of the month – OVERALL The first week you’ll be putting some feelings about a matter to an end. Something came to the light. It’s time to move on and upward, you could say to self. A tough decision or several hangs in the balance regarding old associations, a past life relationship, and for some old habits you’ve out grown. We can’t solve lingering problems with the same old vices, something has to give and on the second week you figure this out if you apply the lesson of patience. What is meant to be will be easy to re-destine. It’s time to learn how to march to the beat of your own drum, fire signs. Freedom is what you demand, and respect more than any other spiritual laws. Why? Simple. Fire and Air zodiacs are natural free spirits – gypsy runs in the blood. You won’t tolerate being emotionally hemmed up or boxed in by anyone. Fire signs don’t do guilt they confront it by being creative with the truth. This can be self-deceptive if it allows one to over indulge. If we are putting too much energy towards one thing that means there is less to direct towards others. Balance comes by planning things out and doing certain activities at certain times. Fire like water must feel like being productive. You’ll maintain schedule but things could be dragging
due to loss of energy or feeling zapped of energy by the demands of others. Did you know this could change by being more artistic with self-expression? True story! Art is the best way to express thoughts and articulate. It’s the main reason for getting a tattoo or becoming addicted towards getting several. Yes, it’s time to face addictions and addictive tendencies by addressing why we do this or that using the right astrology and tarot systems. The key to dealing with anxieties or energy lapses is more exercise on a regular basis. Stop doing things the same old way every time. Change it up. Diversify workout routines to pump new life into them. Reach goals by having more fun and letting go of old emotions. Let emotions like anger power the body while exercising. It builds stamina and gets those nasty thoughts out in a healthy way. CAREER, MONEY, FINANCE You’ll be closing or sealing deals on important contracts. Go over terms slowly and use checklists in all processes. You won’t miss crucial details that were unplanned for down the road. Intuition has to be a part of every decision made because it provides a checkpoint to the conscience. If you don’t feel right about working with certain people or being in certain surroundings it hampers productivity. This shows in business dealings if you are having an issue with following through or being on time. There’s no way we can be at our personal best if home is sucking the life out of us or stressing us out. Make it a point to initiate positive changes. Ask the boss for more fringe benefits like holistic healing options, trips to the spa as incentives, and free life coach counseling. You’ll be working with new faces and it’s imperative to make a good impression but not at the expense of emotional turmoil inside. Money flows from doing anything related to art and being artistic about the way you do your job. Fitness, health & beauty, and self-expression are all new ways to make money for a living as a new home-based business. Some could be considering becoming a distributor for new wellness products. CaChing! You’ll cash super big checks by coming up with new ways to have fun in the workplace and being more health-conscious. Just copyright ideas before presenting them. Look for careers and profession which align with soul purpose and life mission. Astrology and specifically Financial Astrology can reveal much you didn’t know about self and this opens all kinds of doors to new opportunities in business and working with the right people. Many win big payouts in lottery winnings and Scratchoffs by acting on hunches. The same goes with investing in real estate or intellectual property. You have to feel motivated or connect to an idea passionately to get on board any project or endeavor financially. If you don’t wait for what will push those buttons to come along, it does around the second into the third week of June. LOVE Find true love could be the furthest from the mind if you are a young adult but you’ll still wish to experience love at first sight moments. If you are older cynicism could be clouding judgment. True love does exist but we must be patient in getting to know and love self to attract it. When we are younger we can afford to make mistakes with the heart but as we mature it becomes more crucial than ever to find the one who makes our heart pitter patter, all the time. We say no one is perfect and there is no perfect relationship – that’s untrue. The truth is perfection is
something we have to work at all the time to make any situation work out but when we use astrology to select the one we hit homeruns. Why? We are looking at the soul and matching up based on what naturally attracts us versus what ideally attracts. Some leave old love triangles for good by having more faith in universe and laws of attraction. It’s time to seek companions who share the same values and belief systems. We are pulled in new directions to meet those who we are most likely to set up shop with emotionally. We are being health-conscious about who lights our fire and who is most likely to keep them burning with love! Astrology compatibility reports save time, heartache, and worry because each clearly shows whether a relationship will be worth time, effort, and yes – money. Don’t you want to know how to play to one’s strengths and understand what is triggering weaknesses in the relationship? 2nd Half of the month – OVERALL Okay, so after we get emotions out in the air with exercise we can breathe differently. There is a great euphoria in knowing the worst is behind and there is nothing but hope before us. We create our own boogiemen when we refuse to take responsibility for how we feel or be accountable to the heart. This is a great time to enroll in creative communication or creative writing class. It sharpens skill set and creates an empathic way to get ideas across to others. We can have what we want by being smarter and wiser about the choices we make. It’s good to explore more culture, philosophy, and ways of thinking. We meet like minds that feel as we do and attract more of these types of relationships. We expand emotional intelligence by keeping an open heart, positive mindset, and thinking big with ideas. Chase away negative #Whatifs with positive thinking, self-affirmations, and spend more time reading more astrology blogs. Create positive alternate endings! See self as the director of what happens in the next scene by attracting it with gems, power stones, and amulets. Give home a fresh makeover. Paint. Wallpaper. Tear down walls and build new rooms. Nothing gets a fire sign more consumed than working on the home. You love to make surroundings more beautiful. It gives you a reason to wake up and smile! Catch home décor sales and make it a point to join mailing lists for special offers. A house is not a home until we make it so. CAREER, MONEY, FINANCE If one income ended it’s a sign another is either beginning or about to commence. You don’t have to possess a degree to offer the best in quality service or professionalism. All you need is a eye to detail, style, and character to push new brands. Give brands variety by appealing to different types of customers. Pay attention to feedback and cater to that when it comes to drumming up fresh ideas, templates, and business services. Know what people will be buying. Subscribe to monthly horoscopes like this one and build an empire using time-relevant hash tags. Get creative and be original so hash tags are easy to remember. Infuse humor, esoteric meaning, and personal strength with animals that represent you or what the product does spiritually. You want people to identify and connect by establishing a strong social media
presence. If you don’t have one, hire a publicist to get the word out and schedule TV guest spots or radio interviews. Hunt for non-profit causes to champion as inspiration. Provide freebies at public or social events. Set up meet n’ greets, mixers, and other social networking activities. Invite people of influence based on mutual passions, interest, and back-story. When we work with people who get it we move mountains and mountain-like attitudes. Fire signs you must live your self-truth and embody it to feel satisfied on the job, at home, and in the bedroom. Everything for fire signs relates to sex and you will use it in advertising. Instead of raunchy go for sensual, thought provoking, and the subliminal. You may need to go back to school to get some training, licensing, or business permit. Keep it short so you aren’t taken off the path too long. We want to passions to increase towards worthy goals and objectives. Set dates but don’t set anything in stone. Career Astrology is perfect to reveal what you are best suited to do as a career, vocation, or niche market. What isn’t’ available leaves rooms to be created as the new standard or #nextbigthing. Make sure to set aside time to meditate and right down what you intuit. It makes $$$ later on when you develop them into ideals or new business templates. Ever thought of going into social media and creating art to sell others’ products? It may begin as a passion which blossoms into a new franchise or international market. Think big when it comes to creative brainstorms. Anything will be ideal to play games of chance because intuition is super strong! Listen and act on hunches. Subscribe to horoscopes that offer lucky numbers. Visit with a tarot reader on best times. Because you are a different type of intuitive what works for you doesn’t work the same for other elements except water. LOVE Someone asks you out for a date, and you say, “Finally!” It seems this person had a strong crush and watched from a distance calculating the perfect time to approach. This person is extremely shy and may not be the best at communicating. But the connection you share is telepathic. Words may be extra when body language and facial expression says it all. Wear the perfect ensemble to accentuate the positive and keep the fires stoked. What are your power colors, stones, and gems to adorn with? What happens next is entirely up to you to be for the long term or the just for right now. Be up front with intentions so there are no misunderstandings or hurt feelings. Not interested - at all? Well, ignoring a person is not the mature way to being honest. Stand your ground and if there is a potential of being attracted but there are conditions to be met first, say so. It gives a person hope and not false hope of dangling on the hook. Couples it may be time to start dating – each other. Stop bringing other people into the relationship to avoid intimacy with one another. If sexual chemistry is off address it with Sexual Astrology or Tarot. We can’t slay dragons we don’t see. If trust is the issue start talking and stop putting pillows between you. Create special code words as anger buffers. When one says a certain word everything stops, you both breathe, and start again by hearing each other’s take. Save the drama for the makeup sex! Are the lies becoming too much to deal with – take a break go on a short vacation or walk away on good terms. You want to end something on a good note so you aren’t bringing baggage into a new relationship. If you aren’t over a certain person say so to get it off the chest. Holding things in only creates health issues – major ones because the heart’s
wishes aren’t being respected. Remember fire has to live self-whole truths not partial ones. We must be true to our nature. If we don’t we become deeply imbalanced and bitter.
Transitions to Watch June 2 – Full Moon – (12:19pm EST) – Sagittarius Time to live a more moderate lifestyle. Exercise away frustrations! Incorporate variety in routine by changing things up. Do one thing one day and try another the next day. Create a schedule you can commit and stick with. Need motivation? Shop for trainers with reasonable rates if budget is an issue. Give self no excuse for real self-improvement. Venture out into untested waters in career. Turn passions into businesses! Get others as excited as you are by sharing what turns you on about particular topics and why. End relationships on a positive note by being honest about true feelings. Reach out to people you’ve always wanted to collaborate with. They respond favorably when it’s a mutual life mission or interest of study. Sexual energies are at an all time high. Couples have more date nights. Singles attend special mixers and stop frequenting too may nightclubs if you are seeking a long-term relationship. June 5 – Venus enters Leo – 00’00 You’ll be ready for some kind of makeover, hairstyle, or wardrobe upgrade. Restyle with power gems, stones, amulets, and talismans to work as charms. You want to work powers of attraction towards what heart wants to feel satisfied. Sexual performance and incompatibility may be at the heart of relationship issues. Try Sexual Astrology or tarot to work out the bugs or kinks. You want to be on the same page. If trust is an issue say something and stop brooding bad vibes. Singles do you have a crush on someone special? Find out what they like, favorite, or love to create the best way to impress them just make sure its something you enjoy, too. Have a business? Develop brands and offer variety to attract new customers. Sponsor social media functions or non-profit fundraisers. Give advertising and marketing ads metaphysical makeovers using Feng Shui. All it takes is matching up with the right expert who gets you. June 11 – Mercury goes direct – Gemini Communications should be going well as more people get back in touch with you. VIPs and persons of special interest return from vacation, refreshed and ready to hear you. Schedule pitch meetings and keep demands on time down to a minimum by creating promotional material that reflects what you wish to convey as passion. Infuse astrology events and celestial wonders into marketing. Some could be ready for travel or traveling for work. Make sure home is well taken care of before departing. You want a home to return to not a house of chaos. Past loves return to work out differences. What’s meant to be will be made known. Check those transit reports or get one for free with us – or There is a greater need to establish clarity. Try workshops and DIY videos online or schedule a Past Life tarot session. Something is missing. Find out what or who it is.
June 12 – Neptune retrogrades – Pisces (Until November 18th) Prophecies come to light! Reflect on what you promised to self from childhood to the present. Are you fulfilling those promises or drifting through the day to get by? Watch over indulging in vices. Put them down and face what’s really wrong inside. Past Life loves return but is it what you want now? Take time to journal the ideal mate by setting criteria. Nothing is perfect until we decide to perfect where we went wrong before. Tarot and Love tarot soothes heartbreak by making us accountable for feelings. Once we see our dragons we can slay them and kick bad habits – for good by making a commitment towards wise decision making practices. Stop by the bookstore and spend more time in the metaphysics section. For others it may be time to let go of emotional baggage. Bring the darkness of soul to the light of higher understanding. Some experience the supernatural. Angel tarot readings provide surprising accuracy into matters of the heart. A loved one could be going on the deep end stage interventions and if you are a couple schedule counseling sessions to identify pink elephants. Find ways to remain calm when hearing loved ones out without turning to vices and angry outbursts. You’ll be more creative than usual and this is great therapy to love self, again. June 14 – Saturn (R) regresses – Scorpio It’s time to regroup, plan, and kick off some new self-improvement to stabilize radical mood swings. If we aren’t doing what we always wanted it creates emotional upsets and imbalances. Try visiting with a Psychological or Karmic Astrologist to unlock unrealized potential. Psychic awareness increases! You could be ready to start some kind of spiritual or esoteric career, business, or practice! Find classes for training and enroll! Readings will be spot on in sharing vital information we need to make real positive changes. Turn things around by getting a fresh perspective from an expert astrologist. Search for the right expert based on what is you need to know most now. Astrology like all other systems is specialized if you aren’t sure request a referral. Avoid making commitments you aren’t absolutely sure you can handle or hold up at your end. In relationships breakups happen when we don’t share the same values and beliefs. Focus on what you learned about self for the next go around. You are all the wiser for it! Stay in positive moods with singing out loud! Take friends up on hitting the karaoke bar. It’s good for the soul to just let it all out so you can let it go. June 16 – New Moon – (10:05am EST) – Gemini Ever thought of planning parties or special events for others? Do you have DJ skills? There’s no better time to get business cards and a publicist. The unexpected happens and now we have new choices to make! Analyze what you need to be fulfilled, active, and alive inside with tarot psychoanalysis. The good part is if you were having a time in getting started heavenly help arrives to make the connection in love, work, career, and home. What was missing is provided. Believe you will find the right person. Believe you will sell that big account. Believe you will find the perfect new home to relocate to. Positive thinking attracts positive results and turns things around completely. All it takes is trust and belief in self. You can do this! The planets are
showing you how with personal astrology transit reports. Get one today and re-assert self. A crush or secret admirer makes a move or asks you out for a date. Not sure of what to do? How about a light dinner and lots of dancing under the New Moon? Park the car on a lookout point and enjoy the ambiance of stargazing. Release your inner gypsy! June 20 – Saturn (R), Pluto (R) – Scorpio, Capricorn We’ll be more interested in reincarnation, soul mates, and past life relationships than ever! If you are an expert get the word out so others can find you via social media. If you are searching for answers Go To resources for Twin Flames offer great assistance in being matched up with the best expert to answer questions. Take a journal or recorder so you can play it back and meditate on what is revealed. Sexual vibes are strong but this time we know what we want or who and we going after this person. True love prevails! Heaven rejoices and makes magic happen for Twin Flames to meet under the right conditions and in the best environments. Divine Timing intervenes to pair us up with the one we belong with and to. Business dealings are really successful in getting ideas across to others. All it takes is being an expert at what you do and providing data that turns things around. If you see what others aren’t speak up, blog, or create products. One person at a time can save the world! Love what you do and share the love commercially by creating tomorrow’s wellness products – today! June 21 – Sun enters Cancer – 00’00 It’s time to get in touch with our feelings. We’ll be ready to try new exotic recipes. We’ll also be shopping for products without side effects. There is more focus on movements to aid those dealing with ADD, ADHD, OCD, and bipolarity. Greater psychic awareness stirs up empathy to offer alternatives in natural healing. Metaphysics goes mainstream to create safer places to live, love, and thrive. Markets will offer more sugar-free, vegan, and organic options for food brands, alcohol, and anything else we consume. We’ll be re-educated on how too much sugar can affect self-control and impulsive behavior. It’s time to turn the world into a global home. Visit with the folks or grandparents. Moms and Mother figures are important to stay in touch with. If you’ve been too busy to reach out, call it will cheer them up to hear your voice and to know you are doing all right. June 22 – Jupiter, Uranus – Leo, Aries Sexual attraction is strong and all fire signs or fire natives will be beating off admirers lined around the block. Couples you could call in today and possibly tomorrow morning, too. Love will have the two you like glue to one another. Singles go on dates but try to get to know a person before getting physical, first. Develop intimacy with good conversation and leave your date imagining what it will feel like to keep passions burning. Dance or try sports as first dates. That way you work off energy and bond at the same time. Try bowling, golfing, or pooling activities. Turn off the phone or put it on vibrate so all attention can be given where it should be – your date. All this heat is great for making $$$. Play the stocks. Buy lottery tickets or scratchoffs. A whole new life awaits you! Bask in good luck, being in the right place at the right time, and
popularity! Just remember when others copy it’s a form of flattery. New talent gets the first taste of fame when word gets out on social media. Something goes viral and just like that everybody knows your name. Hire a publicist and start planning the next big career move! June 24 – Chiron retrogrades – Pisces Are you ready to live a wellness lifestyle? Are you aware of what it entails? Do you know your personal body type? How about speaking with a nutritionist, herbal specialist, or expert metaphysician? Healing is easy and fun when we select what works best for our type. Match up with what appeals to you by trying different systems in each area. Wellness encompasses more than just food, although that is a big part. It involves emotional, mental, and metaphysical balance. Once we have this type of information we can select more products that enhance powers, talents, and charms. We are what we eat and what soul feeds off of emotionally. Feed it with more studies in metaphysics and anything related to sharpening psychic abilities. Some could experience the supernatural when the unusual happens. Try Angel Tarot readings for deeper answers. Love gets back on track when partners make new agreements to work together. Telepathy improves communication and empathy will be higher also. This makes it easier to understand one another on deeply intimate levels. Twin Flames and Twin Flame couples schedule regular visits with a Twin Flame counselor to balance out power shifts. Remember Twin Flames share the same soul and that includes soul energies. June 24 – Mars enters Cancer – 00’00 Emotions rule today and that means we’ll be acting on them or acting out. Practice more compassion and patience when there are outbursts of anger. Look beyond what a person is doing to understand why they are doing it. From this place we can see how best to react, treat, and resolve emotional turmoil. Yoga! Seek out clarity workshops. Ever thought of becoming a writer, blogger, or Rock Star journalist? Opportunities line up and doors open for new talent, fresh faces, and new voices in publishing careers. Be one of them by starting a blog site. Write about passions and write with passion. You want readers to experience what you write by flavoring words and letting creative juices flow. Free write a draft and go back later to edit when the mind is fresh. Couples work through emotional hang-ups. Avoid mind games and giving each other the silent treatment. If you can’t speak write a letter or a list of what you do like about each other. Singles sign up with dating services that use metaphysics or astrology as matching criterion. June 30 – Jupiter, Chiron (R) – Leo, Pisces Are you a new healer or healing business? Community outreach is crucial to making life long connections and building the right kind of popularity. Global campaigns for healing Mother Earth make us all want to recycle, clean up public facilities, and re-landscape public parks. Do your part and volunteer. Want to work in entertainment? You get plenty of opportunities as more producers are on the hunt for fresh material. Don’t show anything until it has been copyrighted or registered, first. Go into meetings with polish and well-prepared samples. Dress to impress
and wear body oils that leave a good impression without overwhelming the senses. Subtlety is key to getting what you want but confidence in conveying what you know lands the account, gig, or assignment. If you are interviewing for a new job the same goes. Make sure you are well rested by meditating at least 20 minutes before starting the interview. Visualize what you want to happen and believe in self. You can keep promises to self by doing things on smaller scale. Break out bucket lists and go item by item at smaller levels. It makes you glow inside! Small companies can look like Big 5 Corporations using metaphysical approaches and working on a budget with freelancers who know their stuff! Supporting local businesses and artists adds flavor, self-esteem for others, and good karma for you!
How to Prepare June is a revisit to March Madness when there is a strong desire to unite and be with the one we belong with. It’s getting from where we are now to where we wish to be. If we aren’t happy in a relationship much of this has to do with the Mercury retrograde and last month’s Inferior Mercury. Flashes of psychic clarity come and suddenly we realize who we love and why? We’ll gravitate to the right person by Divine means and heavenly interventions. Serendipity and synchronicity bring the right people together via shared life missions, beliefs, and values. We are ready to live whole self-truths. The light inside shines brighter than ever to attract the ideal true love. Heart wants the real thing and the fake stuff just won’t cut it anymore. If there are problems in getting things started consult with an expert tarot that specializes in love, money, career, or spiritual guidance. We need a plan in place to follow. This plan has to match astral configurations and work universal laws to our favor. Schedule regular transit reports. Subscribe to monthly, weekly, and daily horoscopes. Make a commitment to begin the day with positive thoughts. Believe what you want is possible and it happens for you! We are learning more about Twin Flames and how it influences the world especially where finances are concerned. More love given means more love to share. Remember Twin Flames are from prior lifetimes and no matter what you’ll always come together at some nexus – the life mission. From there the sky’s the limit on what the two can do to work the miraculous. Twin Flame unions heal the world and restore balance to nature. If you’ve already met your Twin Flame but are having a time making the connect visit with a Twin Flames counselor or astrologist. Stop trying to self-medicate with vices like alcohol, pills, and distractions. If you aren’t ready for such a connection a suitable soul mate could be the option for now. Work on loving self with regular exercise, fresh air, and long nature walks. When we remember nature it networks the senses and refreshes outlook on life. Things are as bad as they appeared. Use lunches and breaks to get out of the office to see the sun shine. Get off sugary foods, drinks, and go organic by reading grocery labels before purchase. Avoid shopping on a hungry stomach. Find more ways to get the family involved in exercise activities or sports. Schedule family night and enforce having dinner together so you can talk. In finances and money make decisions that resonate to the soul and make sense to you spiritually. If you aren’t emotionally invested it’s no use wasting energy, time, space, and money. If we don’t believe we can’t get others to believe, either. Share information and data in a way that shifts perception to see a clearer picture. You can make dreams happen on a budget. Be up front on what you can afford and shop freelance websites for leads. Support local business and charity events to build up image, promote brands, and expand to greater markets overseas. Think big but stay objective with goal setting. Avoid using work as a means to deal with emotional turmoil at home. It’s the same as passing a cold to coworkers. Heal within or take the time you need to get back to natural beauty within. Use alone time to reflect on how
you can make something better by choosing differently. Never feel you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have options. Just keep an open mind and a song in your heart.
HEADLINE Venus in Leo! Swag Your #Hash tagHottie Card! - Feature article
SUMMARY Imagine 2 girls entering the same bar. Girl #1 looks sexy but safe to approach. Girl #2 looks wild, dark, mysterious and oh-so drop-dread gorgeous? She demands a stud with confidence or a lesbian with lip-appeal! It is only by nurturing the dark we end up in the light. Which do you choose as the hottest? Need more info? Venus in Leo supplies this kind of who’d you rather selection in what makes really happy – long term. Be a part of the curve making real change in business growth! Learn the techniques to swag website appeal, social media, and working with personal goals that put you in sight! All eyes will be on you after applying these powerhouse astrology techniques to using today’s social media. Want the confidence to approach Girl #2 or Guy #2? We show you how to build up selfesteem with self-compassion. Isn’t it time to become a hash tag hottie? Wouldn’t you love more natural attraction from others? Want the apple of your eye to stop playing hard to get and start getting in your bed, for good? Read on and may the real force of metaphysics be with you!
Figure 1
Venus enters Leo June 5th! This re-sparks the Juno + Jupiter + Moon in Leo torch-lighting combo which took place April 25-27! If you are a Leo or have strong placements in your chart in Leo youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be smoking, smoldering, and smelling like $$$-catnip! Those with Leo from 0 to 10 degrees are up for huge upsets but how you handle them emotionally is what dictates all outcomes as victory or failure. This aspect slightly reoccurs but Juno is paralell instead of conjunct, around June 21st.
Figure 2
This synastry stimulates Chiron in Pisces DIY self-healing! Chiron retrogrades on June 24th until Christmas, December 25, 2015. We are celestially groomed to evolve by populating smarter choices. We enter the 2nd Quadrant (AprilMay-June) of the metaphysical astrology houses by taking a 4th Quadrant (October-November-December) approach. North Node in Libra deals some tough lessons in love. We are balancing what or who is worth giving our heart to. What we love heals because love is returned twinfold – by Sun, Mercury, Mars, Eros, and Sappho in Gemini! Our minds will be acute and more unconsciously aware. We’ll have more confidence to take big risks that pay off in 6, 7, and more figures! We’ll radiate genuine hotness to others as being awesome. But only if we get in alignment with the stars written for us to fulfill as greater destinies. Ambition drives us to go after what or who we love most because this is the love soul is searching to possess as wellness. It’s the oasis in smack dab in the middle of a desert of options. We tap this energy by being more hopeful about what we are going through. Hope brings passion back to life. Passions are being reignited with a certain someone or event crosses our path to enlighten us or make us see things differently. Ceres retrogrades opposite Leo in Aquarius at 9.13 degrees on June 2nd. Many of us felt a transformation going on inside. Soon what’s been going on inside manifests as our new natural beauty and power to attract. Cosmos
turned on its lights so we can finally see where we are and where we hope to be in the near future. What happens when the hottest planet fuses with the hottest sign of the zodiac? Why is Leo the hottest? It’s ruled by the Sun! Suncentered personalities are heart driven, emotionally stabilizing, and pure positive energy to be around. They radiate life and being the life of the party every where they go.
Figure 3
You know Leos right off by the way they walk, strut, work, and play as Big Jungle Cats with big hearts. Think POTUS Barack Obama. How many times have we seen him personalize tough situations and turn them around with well seasoned words? When he speaks the lights turn on in our minds of alternative ways to do things, see them, and re-utilize resources. They are the epitome of being friends in need when generous and the salt of the earth when they show affection. Ever try to resist a Leo’s charm? Hard to do isn’t it? Leo energy is catnip to the soul because it’s this energy we use on the daily to re-manage our lifestyles. Like the Sun Leo energy strengthens and there are few as benevolent in giving heart-felt praise or soul-deep chastisings. Most will say you haven’t
been cussed out until a Leo has given you the royal business of taking care of business. What if you would wake up to everything going right and everyone being happy around you? This is happens every time we wake up in a positive mindset and keep an open mind. We have to turn on the light by being the light of our own darnesses. There are no real boogie men except those we create and co-create with false self-belief systems. Venus in Cancer last month gave us the keys to power higher emotional intelligence. Is something as it appears or are we making mountains out of mole hills?
Figure 4
Patience, equanimity, and cold calculating prowess give us the strength to make important decisions after seconds of deliberation. When we know the self we can trust the self to make the right decisions every time. Are you emotionally secure now? Is everything as it should be or could it be a lot better? Venus in Cancer gives us the self-awareness to know what we like, love, and fave without prejudice. We are no longer afraid to try something new, different, and exciting as an approach to distill the madness of not knowing what to do next. Leo is the sign of creativity, art, and artistic expression. All that darkness we went through can be used as inspiration for some great book, script, play, slogan, T-shirt, coffee mug, or inspirational quote to save the lives of others. Isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t that what happened when Forest Gump did a nationwide run after
getting his heart broken for the last time? Remember when he wiped his face on the T-shirt and the guy had a new business ideal template? We have no idea how important it is to share challenges and healthy to others going to like or similar circumstances. Truth is, we are all hoping to have our lights turned on to make us love living again!
Figure 5
Now imagine personalizing your own brand of inspiration? See creating logos which resonate with the message you ae radiating to the world. How many non-profits have benefited from hard luck stories to turn things around for those in need? It can be a brand others quickly identify as something we
love to use, have, or possess as real joy. Like children in candy shops we light up whenever universe arranges for us to get more of the good stuff without all the side effects, health issues, and drama. We don’t mind wading through the BS to get to the other side of personal hells. The effort is worth the investment when a return is not only in sight but guaranteed! Success happens every time when we slow down and take a well-calculated approach to stop and smell the roses.
Figure 6
The closer Jupiter comes to synching with Juno and quincunxing Chiron the more pressure there is to do something big that makes the world sit up to take notice. If you work in any healing profession most of your customers and customer prospects will be those working in art and artistic fields. Artists give inspiration so it only makes sense they must receive it to learn how to turn on their own lights within. Art comes from a phenomenon in astrology we call dark night of the soul. In astro/geo+physics it’s the turning point of when the sun evolves into its darker places. All art comes from darkness we we didn’t know but had to find out. Think about it. When we are seeing the sun’s light does it ever dawn on us to contemplate what the sun’s darkside which is well concealed? When some one is smiling on the outside can we
see the inner turmoil within that is well hidden under layers of emotional defenses? This is where Leo and Gemini resemble. Leo hides the Virgo side, just as Gemini hides its’ other twin until the time comes to reveal it. Both hide masculine and feminine energy. Both energies twin the other to conceal, protect, and hide vulnerability. It’s scary to put our feelings out there but once we do don’t we feel so much better for it?
Figure 7 Dark Night of Soul
Universe works the same because when it’s time for us to know – that’s when the unexpected reveals what we weren’t seeing as obstacles, blocks, and hinderances to reaching real results in success. If experts told you every thing they learned to get where they are would you see them as experts? Once we know how a magician’s secret aren’t we inclined to disbelieve…unless they can show us a new trick or new way to do the old tricks? Artists often go through this process of rebirth by reflecting on past achievements to rebuild the inspiration for new ideas, concepts, and blueprints to what the world has yet to behold as light of wisdom. Going from a purely intellectual breakdown this is how we process real data. Data is raw or organic facts of what occurred and what really didn’t. Data is organized into information. Information is recycled into knowledge. Knowledge is the power that consolidates and clarifies experience. Experience is re-evaluated and transformed into wisdom. Once soul has wisdom it begins to do more open searches for greater wisdoms, greater truths, and greater self-truths by being honest. Honesty clears the way
psychically for subconscious awareness to fruition, blossom, and force us to make the right choices. The right choices leads to sharper senses of judgement, cosmic awareness, and the power to discern whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s best for you now, in 6 months, or for the rest or your life. Try different astrologists, numerologists, tarot readers until you find what works for you on a regular basis. Everything is trial and error because we are romancing options by cooking up new ways to make things happen. Life is a recipe of success we personaliy define for self.
Bought sense is better than no sense at all.
Figure 8 Lyrics - Stairway To Heaven (song) by Led Zeppelin
A Full Moon in Sagittarius 11.49 degrees (June 2nd) and Saturn (R) in Sagittarius anchor all planets and luminaries in Gemini. We have to make things relevant again to make new ideas popular, appealing, and valuable. We must take a buffet approach towards finding the right belief system by using what we
love to set emotional values, boundaries, and limitations to promote selfcontrol, self-discipline, and self-respect. We are finding out where we naturally belong in the cosmic scheme of things. We either find our place or get put in it by a series of destined events.
Figure 9
We only attract what we are most emotional about. Discover other cultures. See how people around the globe are surviving and thriving. In seeing other cultures we appreciate our own that much more. What’s old to one person can be new to another. But we’ll never know until we start communicating and breaking communication barriers. This is also the time we’ll select permanent mates and people meant to be in ouf life for good based on the power of prior relationships, past life relationships, and a culmination of all the above as facts, factors, and factoring processes. Yes – everything in the absolute involves numbers, figuring, and mixing this with that to create #thenewandimproved. When we travel and return aren’t we a different person then when before we left? So if love failed, pick self back up and start over with a better plan. Try Love Astrology compatibility reports. Give Love Tarot readings a chance to work by applying the advice from sessions or readings. Listen when strangers offer heavenly insight. Match your definition of love with the person you wish to be with by asking them, theirs. Don’t be afraid to be alone. Rejoice because it’s more time to consider, deliberate, and weigh what’s best for you. An ounce of caution is worth a pound of cure, right? Ask the
right questions up front before feelings are invested so you know this is a love heart can purchase for the long term. We buy our lessons in life, and are given lessons in love from those choices. We either make smarter choices and grow wiser, or stop evolving altogether by staying in emotional ruts and holding lots of pity parties. Divine timing entails playing the odds in [h]our favor by lining up with universal energies, alignments, and synastry. We are acting out what heaven is predicting via astrology. Life is a script, scroll, book, and prophecy to be written, unwritten, and rewritten. This means taking well-calculated risks instead of betting it all by the crotch of our pants. Saturn is the life lessons giver, teacher, and assignment station. Saturn challenges what we say to be true by giving us the means to prove what we believe to be true as a system of organizing our daily life. If a person shows a before and after picture, whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the first question that comes to mind?
Do results match up to what a person is professing to be true? Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the institution of self-gnosis aka self-knowledge. There are two ways to know if something is true for a fact. One we live it and go through the hard knocks of experience. Or two, we tap into our intuition and follow feelings by trusting what we intuit. Think of all the geniuses who invented something from primal
passion and strong feelings that something was meant to be. Think of all the child geniuses in the world who grew up to become what they had been dreaming of being all their life? It’s never too late to pursue dreams by just goin back to life school via metaphysics. Hunter S. Thompson put the Dr. in front of his name after doing both! He always believed he could be a great writer because it was in him to begin with. But now he had to prove it. He did with the Fear and Loathing franchise. Thanks to that film we have more geniuses bravely stepping out to communicate self-truths. The term Rock Star journalist became synonymous with Thompson’s Gonzo writing style because of its raw and in-your-face presentation. We either loved or hated what we read but either way we weren’t the same after reading. Hunter’s background is rich with culture. He never went to the same old boring places to be inspired. He took radical chances and sometimes hubris took over, but in the end – Hunter was just being Hunter. It was when he stopped the ideas, the stories, and the inspiration stopped flowing. He’d dug himself into an emotional rut which put a clamp on his productivity as a writer. We can benefit from this example by learning how not to do what he did to get in such a predicament. We must take new precautions to secure the right future by reading our charts and getting the best in expert care, service, and regard. We can’t expect the best from self until the best is deposited as culturally enriching. Take more trips to the library. Go to the bookstore and plan trips to exotic eating places. All of this yields opportunities to scale back, observe life, meet meaningful people, and travel to places we’ve always wanted to be physically and metaphysically. We create the story by putting self smack dab in the middle of living it! Remember the same people judging will the first to congratulate when what you said comes to pass as you spoke it. This is the grounding behind arts like Spoken Word, prayer, and the power to prophesy. Mercury goes direct in Gemini 7.12 degrees - June 11th. The next day, Neptune retrogrades in Pisces at 9.49 degrees until November 18th. What we feel inside must match what is happening in our culture and vice versa. Aren’t we most likely to believe a person with chops, expertise, and authority on a subject than a nutcase on the corner with a megaphone? But what if the nut case proves to be right? It can happen if that is where thoughts are leaning. Universe doesn’t discriminate who receives energy until we re-align our chakras to get in line to receive cosmic blessings.
Figure 10
When cosmos blesses us with new jobs, homes, loves, or spiritual powers it is because we earned them from listening. Every time we meditate we are listening to where universe is directing us to go next. Remember what happened in Jonah and The Whale which eventually became Moby Dick. Captain the ship of self so you stop the storms, and bring the right winds to direct whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sailing you along. Everything has a divine plan, purpose, and
mission in motion. But are we connecting to with the decisions we are making right now? We have to live out personal truths by sticking to our guns and standing up for what we believe to be true about self. We can’t speak for others but in speaking up for self we include others to join in and give their opinion. Momentum builds ambition into conviction of the soul. Now that we are aware of what’s going on we are driven to do something positive about it. There is a great personal satisfaction in knowing what we did is making a profound difference in culture.
Figure 11
There are always 3 ways back to one’s origin of inner peace, joy, and solitude. Wellness treats more than the symptom it unravels the whole ball of yarn to see what caused what, when, how it can be better, and inspiration to motivate corrective measures. It’s the boss or autotune feature to soul
searching. Soul searches for what it needs to feel content, whole, and in its happy place. When we are happy our lights turn ON! We attract more of what we want, who we wish to associate with, and the types of people who motivate us to be better individuals. That hard ass, brassy, loud mouth character could be the best thing that happened since sliced bread. Why? Let’s reflect on a very inspirational film on the topic – What About Bob? In the film Bob was riddled with constant What If fears, and forced by the ever patient Psychiatrist Dr. Leo Marvin (Richard Dreyfuss) to come to terms about his fears. Through an arduous series of couch sessions and not-sopredictabe antics both Dr. Leo and Bob emotionally grew up. Dr. Leo was no longer giving treatment but living it to prove valid points in the process of psychosis. Towards the ending Bob was cured by being brave enough to admit admit and see the truth of the lie he’d been living. It is by not taking the self too seriously we come to see the reason why certain events took place. We are able to laugh at expensive life lessons we accrued and that’s when we tap the New Moon in Gemini (June 16th)for FREE Get Out of Personal Hell cards. We re-enter personal Gardens of clarity to think, reason, and judge what opportunities are best to act on. Intentions must be clear to reach objectives. We must learn the difference between ego-based thinking and selfcompassion reasoning. Failures are going to happen for good reason. How would we know what success if unless failure took place, first? We know are strengths and can identify what we can and can’t do by redefining what we did do. It’s the same process as growing up from teen into adulthood. Aren’t teens expected to screw up because they have to learn some time? This soul cycle exits teen-age perceptions to gear us up for adult emotional feelings from soul-deep places within. All those experiences sum up to good and wellearned common sense. The perfect example of Venus in Leo in Hollywood would be the Sex & The City characters. We loved to watch these 4 women go through hell, slug it out, and be there for one another because we could relate to it all. Women weren’t the only ones benefiting from staying tuned in. Drama is great when we are watching it on TV but no one likes to go through it in real life, well – there are a few signs who are the exception, like Gemini. Gemini loves to get things stirred up, buzzed up, and opened for us to exchange ideas, talk, communicate, and just relate to one another.
Why? Mercury rules communication and it is the ruling planet for Gemini and Virgo per books. Virgo is thought to be ruled by Vulcan which is yet to be confirmed to the cosmic books as a real planet. But the Ancients were well acquainted with the story of Vulcan and its premise of becoming an artisan of something. You could say Vulcan represents the darkness of Gemini’s light and bubbly outlook on life. Vulcan in Greek mythology is the husband and consort of Venus, Goddess of Love. Where Venus is beauty, Vulcan captures beauty by transforming junk into treasures. What others perceive as nothing Vulcan encourages us to feel something of value we can’t walk away from. Ever have a job you did out of passion and would do even if you were paid little or nothing for it? Ever agree or contract to a position you hated but the pay was so damn good you couldn’t say no, to? Yeah, it’s a pickle to be committed to something you thought was real only to find out by scratching the surface a little more it was a real fake? Pluto (R) in Capricorn forces us to emotionally open our eyes and come to our senses about what is worth time, effort, and energy based on how it makes us feel inside. Why would you love a person who isn’t loving you in return? Why would you do something against your nature? Why would you go against strong feelings telling you not to do something? Duality. What we wish to do, we often don’t. What we don’t wish to do, we will most likely do. Why? Energy. Energy flows in opposing directions but it is by tapping both we create alternative options. It is by reading energy patterns we can make sense of what’s really going on in astrology, tarot, numerology, and all other Feng Shui oriented metaphysics. Aquarius in Ceres (R) is powering and boosting all levels of productivity. We are productively working towards what we are most passionate about and towards. It’s the natural laws of attraction and Venus at full blast! Venus attracts alternatives to us as the planet of attraction, charms, lust, and love. Venus, Jupiter, Juno, and the Moon in Leo are benevolent to all planets and luminaries in Gemini. Magic works and the lights come on when we are either doing what we love or loving what we are doing. Yeah, Gemini makes us pay dues, cover charges, and life lesson karma but Leo says – FREE RIDE because the two power Mercury’s power to magicin alternatives we can live with. There is a happy medium created when people just talk and hear each other out. Emotional boundaries are set and there is a new awareness, understanding, and outlook.
Outlooks lead to flashes of psychic enlightement we call A-ha! Moments. We take those moments one step further by infusing hope into things. An optimistic outlook trumps all negative perceptions. By being hopeful we turn on the light at the end of dark emotional tunnels we’ve dug for self to pass through. Emotions have to pass through our system or wash out as some new form of perception. Suddenly we are glad for having those eccentric pointsof-view because it’s the therapy self needed to be back on track with intuitive powers. Karma also has to pass to make things just, right, and righteous as balance, poise, and wisdom from the Divine.
Figure 12 (Cartoon Still) Magical Maestro by Tex Avery
All magicians have trade secrets for working the laws of nature and inside of every person is a magician waiting to reveal what we know to be true about self. A magician makes what he or she wants to happen with powers of the esoteric, occult, and supernatural. We do the same when we work the hell out of our personal astrology profiles. We are what we believe, perceive, and conceive self to be capable of as greatness. We unlock and magician potential by using the most appropriate materials in metaphysics. A how is only as strong as its foundation. What are we founding self-beliefs on and what is anchoring those beliefs to make us stand up and fight to finish? We mustn’t limit potential by being against trying something new. Gemini and Leo love passion projects, are driven by excitement, and demand us to be hustlers extraordinaire in making magic happen for self. Once we get started that’s when universe sends the right people at the right time to help us complete goals, missions, and any thing else heart desires. The point is to find a way to have fun during the learning
process to invent or reinvent learning curves, just like in school. The more one person achieves the higher the stick of measure rises for others to follow suit or surpass. The only limits are those we place on self’s intelligence. Start believing you are good enough, smart enough, wise enough, sexy enough, and soon you will be just that! Presto–Chang-O-Abracadabra-Bibbity-Boppity-Boom! How else did the Big Boom just happen? We have to be the light and dynamite to ignite new soulstirring discoveries. Take all those radical ideas you’ve been writing and put them to some kind of use as a business, practice, or industry of fortune. Visualize and follow through by sticking to a plan made for you that matches astrology with other systems in metaphysics. Experts create more hybrid ways to read others and patent those formulas as books, e-books, and any other DIY literature. A Gemini has more respect for losers who admit failure but keep trying than those who give up. A Leo has more respect for those who are willing to die for what they believe and that never give up on the possibility of victory. Both are ambitious and promote the mantra Get Rich or Die Trying. It’s a concept based on natural laws of survival of the fittest. If we think we can we will, if we think we can’t we’ll never get off the ground to try. Wings must be tested and this means a lot of missed flights, premature take offs, and bad landings we can learn from as lessons in love. These options act as hybrid outcomes where the ending justifies the means to get where you wanted to be. With so many planets headed to Leo and Virgo it is clear we are entering new soul cycles which demand we stop doing the same things in the same old tired ways. It’s time to get passionate again about what we do for a living and how we love. We have to find new ways to romance possibilities, seal the deal on contracts, and attract the ideal mate based on what we naturally love, like, and cater towards. What are our personal tastes? Do you like to eat the same meal day in and day out the same way? If it’s that good to eat, Yes! If there’s room for improvement – Hell No! See how passionate those responses are? That’s how strongly we’ll feel about what we are doing with our personal time professionally. Leos are time managers and gurus on getting creative with time management. Leo is most productive when they are having fun or making hard work look like fun. Think Tom Sawyer painting the white fence and talking all his friends into doing it. Can you do this with your brand? Can you make the un-cool cool again? Talk about what you love and share those rare-odd-bird experiences. It opens doors in all the right places but first get re-acquainted with self gnosis.
Know the person you are, understand where those personal strengths originated from and why you are tapping them now. Assess the right questions by knowing Self and defining what self wants versus what it needs for the right now. Memories or the past returns not to haunt us but to justify the means to where we are now. How far have we evolved? If we can’t believe in something how in hell do we expect others to get it? We can’t. But when we do believe in self we transform hell back into heavenly states of grace to create clarity. Tarot is best to populate clarity for readers, experts, and querents. The more accurate a reading is, the more we evolve self-gnosis in all directions. We are more likely to trust self when we can emotionally trust our means ot judging a matter. We tend to stick with what works out of habit. Habits are formed emotionally. Soul always sticks to what satisfies until results are no longer satisfactory. When belief systems fall apart it’s related to strong emotions and powers of attraction. We stop attracting losers when we start seeing self as a winner all the time! Emotions can either drive us closer to goals or further from them. Tarot reads emotions and experts read tarot cards using the power of emotion to discern what’s self-true and what’s self-false.
Figure 13
Emotions cause us to act, act out, and act upon opportunities which stimulate real growth as patterns, cycles, and seasons of emotional intelligence.
Figure 14 Shock To The System (film Still) starring Michael Caine (1990)
The stronger self-awareness is, the more emotional intelligence soul possesses. A good sense of self is the foundation of one’s personal and our collective culture. When culture transforms society graduates out of the old and into the new with a confidence never known until we meet with destiny. So in conclusion how does all of this information relate to being a hash tag hottie? Simple. When we are searching for things online we initiate these searches based on feelings. When we are seeking an expert to read certain questions we type in key words and those key words for those in business are hash tags to find you or the service you provide. Unless we know the name of where we are going don’t we search for what we want based on how we wish to feel? We want the #best, the #finest, and the #premiere providers for whatever service we are hunting for. We do the same in selecting a mate. Power words drive us spiritually because it taps the emotions. We each have a power word which motivates us to try new things or do new stuff. Find out what these are for your particular industry. Ask for feedback and make a space for others to comment. Ferret out what words are being asked more than others. Get to know astrology trends and match hash tags for promotion purposes. We influence culture by driving what’s hot and what’s not and this is all based on cosmic awareness. If we can anticipate what others will need and provide it before they ask, that’s playing the politics of one’s cultural environment to advantage and unlocking full potential. We get ready by staying ready for what’s to come intuitively but we wish for the experiences by going through the motions.
Pearls are cultured not dug out of the ground. We have to become what we wish to attract. But before all of that we need to be sure it’s really what we want based on what we need at the time.
CHECKLIST – 9 Tips To Enhance Emotional Intelligence 1. Make it a daily ritual to ask self, “How am I feeling?” Doing so creates dialogue to hear what heart is saying as self-truths. 2. Everything you are feeling does matter. Instead of quickly dismissing something away with, “I don’t care” or “Oh well” – give feelings more time for thought. Is the way I felt just? Was I mistreated? Am I right for feeling as I do? All of these are excellent questions to build on in deep thoughts which can steer thinking patterns in the right direction. 3. Identify feelings and organize them with a journal. Writing things down or writing in general allows the self a way to release pent up frustrations. It’s also ideal to reflect on feelings written in print. We put self in a 3rd eye POV by being an observer to our personal dealings with self and others. Emotional boundaries must be set to keep the same hurts from happening. Allow time to pass and for others to heal away hurts but don’t stop talking to them. Be a friend but not a door mat for others to use or wipe their ego on. 4. Hold self accountable for what you are feeling and match it up with how you should feel using metaphysics. Metaphysics are all the esoteric systems available to psychoanalyze situations properly. Astrology, numerology, tarot, runes, and all forms of divination are used to psychoanalyze what is going on right now and what to expect further down the road. If you want a certain kind of outcome we have to do what it takes to make those kinds of events happen, emotionally – first. If we want to sell something we assess what it will take to turn the lights on and motivate others to buy and buy into what we are saying as real, valid, and relatable. 5. Stop doing things you feel physically uneasy about doing or completing. Forcing self to do what it doesn’t want only causes health issues galore because we are living in a comfortable lie instead of living out the virtues of self-truth. The truth sets us free from emotional jails like guilt, misdirected anger, holding grudges, and being bitter. 6. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you don’t know. There are experts who do and they are more than willing to offer assistance. Pick up the
phone, write that email, or write up that query to get what heart is seeking and soul is searching for. Potential is measured by intelligence, will, emotion, and all it takes to gather the right spiritual POV. Once we become godly in our dealings it’s nothing to tap godlike powers of wellness. No matter what death we suffer it’s an ending to the beginning we always hoped for but didn’t see as another option. 7. Make it a point to daily wake up with positive thoughts, mantras, affirmations, and meditation. Meditation reconnects us to the sub and unconscious levels of self as perception. If we tell self the same thing we eventually begin to believe and act on what we believe to be true within. 8. Share what you’ve learned as a book, e-book, column, blog, script, play, or any other form of dramatic art for others to learn from. Let your real voice come through in words and wording. Don’t just tell a story – entertain and share the story as an experience. The more vivid and expressive we become the more strength we gather within to keep telling it and living it to the next chapter. We decide when life will be exciting, thrilling, and a joy ride! 9. Be more socialable. Get out and mingle with those who share beliefs and belief systems. Suddenly you don’t feel alone, crazy, and like the kitten dangling on the wire. You’ll develop the strengths you need by being around those who possess such qualities. Think Birds of a feather succeed together. Don’t be afraid to work with new faces if you share the same voice, passion, and emotional intelligence. Remember intelligence comes in all levels, types, and styles as one’s personality or brand. We can only be who we are inside. Culture the inside and it will naturalize the light you are within. Others find strength being around those with strong convictions and real self-honesty. It’s not what a person says that matters most, but what are they doing to back it up?
Be sure and tune in for July’s issue. When we discuss: The Full Moon in Capricorn and more!
HEADLINE Choosing Your Career By Your Zodiac Sign – Aquarius
SUMMARY A huge part of getting the most out of life is doing and being what one “loves”. We use an astrological approach to finding one’s best career match based on one’s Zodiac placements.
BODY Like Love, Career placement – meaning finding the best career for you to employ can be linked directly to your Zodiac sign. But which one and where in your astrology chart can this secret best be discovered? Remember going to the Guidance Counselor and going over your test scores? Pencil in mouth, and a rather twisted facial expression conveyed a plan as to what job you are best suited for? Trouble was with this scenario most of the discussions from these assessments turned out to be WRONG. How may people have wasted their time doing jobs they utterly hate just to pay the bills? This creates hostility and “depression”. It is depressing when we are told as little children we can grow up to be whatever we want, and then others act as “hindrances” to reaching our dream or ideal state of “wellbeing”. This takes a toll on one emotionally when dreams go on unfulfilled. We can’t ignore urgings to secure truth, people. We strive, because life does. It keeps on moving. Are you striving after ideals? Are you achieving them? Or, going for the “easy ticket” to nowhere? Be willing to explore your secret garden. Some are, but sadly – most aren’t, and there are those who “just aren’t sure” of what they should be doing. All they do know is bills keep coming in and have to be paid. But what if you could do what you love and be paid well for it? What if doing what you love leads you to a whole new lifestyle?
Aquarius, Born (February 11, 1969) is an American Actress, Director, Producer, and co-Founder/Principal of Plan B Production Company. She gained fame as Rachel Green on Friends (1994–2004), a role that earned an Emmy, Golden Globe, and Screen Actors Guild Award. Aniston has played the strong female lead in numerous globally successful comedies. Her career is solidified platinum to worthy investors all to eager to sponsor any endeavor she champions. Box Office hits include Bruce Almighty (2003), The Break-Up (2006), Marley & Me (2008), Just Go with It (2011), Horrible Bosses (2011) and We're the Millers (2013), each grossed over $200 million worldwide. In 2008, Aniston co-founded Echo Films.
- (“Jennifer Aniston”) – Few people ever know the whole truth let alone self-truth about another unless they have walked similar paths and made similar failures. At that point it’s no longer an exchange of superior to subjective but an exchange of equal perspectives each meriting the same passion of respect as the other. In an Aquarian Age – which we are living through BTW – we are more than ever in search of ways to feel equal and promote equality in one’s employment aspirations. The more we know we are capable of the further the soul will reach to get closer to the ideal dream come true manifesting in hope-filled Pisces. Pisces is Aquarius’ next-door neighbor and no other sign is more empathic to Aquarian themes as Pisces. So what is Aquarius teaching that has us all on the hook for more to know? Simple. Leo rules the heart Aquarius rules the circulation system. What is the main purpose of the circulation system? It is to
deliver fresh blood, perspective, knowledge, and gnosis. This requires studious concentrated effort towards observing and collecting data. The more information one collects the wiser one becomes in how to play the system or pass through, get through, and get by with things. Leo and Aquarius have habits, ways, and means of getting to know what they wish to experience by picking what the heart is withholding. Pisces reveals what’s holding us back but Aquarius shows – who. Aquarius are master heart locksmiths but the problem in collecting so much data can be overload, being or feeling overwhelmed, and ambushed into things. Remember Aquarius is Leo’s counterpart and partner in crime as long as what’s in secret matches what is known. But when there is self-deception this leaves the mind vulnerable to playing tricks on itself via an over vivid imagination. Leo goes into a deep calm when angered – it’s a tense stillness you can feel is there as displeasure. For Aquarius this is one’s greatest fear, to be misunderstood because the feelings when love are hidden and remain yet to be known. Aquarius is the hopeless romantic and Gemini’s alter ego. Uranus is the hiero-self of Mercury. Mercury draws from Uranus’ strength to communicate what is known and missing from the perfect picture of health in all regards. Intuitively, Aquarius knows where it belongs where as Gemini is willing to wander and make sure intuition is correct through trial & error. New Age philosophy is really Ancient Wisdom re-interpreted and repackaged by today’s rock star spiritual writers, gurus, and Jupiterian philosophers who believe and serve the natural laws of abundance, prosperity, and free love. All of these positions demand to attain certain levels of compassion for the rights of others, passion in one’s art, and absolute devotion towards some higher self-whole truth. Aniston falls right in line with this perspective of thinking. Ever watch her TV interviews or newsreels? Looking at Aniston’s photos you’d right off think Leo Ascendant with that hair, but no – she’s a Libra Ascendant. Leo rules her 11th House, however. She will naturally draw popularity and popular friends who give her strength. No doubt with a Sagittarius Moon she chooses friends from diverse cultures and cultural backgrounds. She establishes relationships based on the metaphysical and no so much the physical.
When she does do so it counters her balance by basing profound life decisions on superficial or artificial common factors. What are common factors? They are the values, beliefs, belief systems, and habits. The last being the strongest form of bond one can form. Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius are all air signs who much share bonds based on thinking the same way or seeing things in the same light of wisdom. Because they deal with the mental these zodiacs based everything on practical logic that can be a problem if there is not enough fire to reconnect them to passions. It is a necessity to do what you feel is spiritually right for personal belief sets – mindsets, what the hearts sets in stone, and what soul is destined to secure as wholly true about self. Factors like change, growing up, and becoming emotionally intelligent bring these signs back from the dead. What the spirit supplies as self-gnosis literally turns those not in the know as those who tell others what to know and when. Foresight is a wonderful talent especially when Aquarius develops powers of prophecy to work higher good for community. Like Leo, Aquarius wants to teach but more than anything it yearns to be taught more about the secrets of love. Those inquisitive eyes beg to know more about a person to establish deeper bonds of intimacy, trust, and real friendship. They love to be the person others count on in times of crisis. They love to provide free counseling to the downtrodden and beaten in spirit. If you are an Aquarius like Aniston – and fellow Aquarians like Oprah Winfrey and Ellen DeGeneres – you thrive in positive environments where you can offer healing and healing insights. Leo in Jupiter is really good for Aquarians like Aniston because it gives others the chance to turn things around by finding more ways to think and be positive about life. Holistic and spiritual careers in ministry, writing, activism, and organized rebellions benefit Aquarius greatly. It’s a way to not only give back but get what’s hidden in the heart off the chest. It’s passing feelings along by staying mindful of all there is to be grateful about. Leos are optimists and Aquarians profess optimism as the ultimate weapon to love unconditionally. How? They like Gemini and Libra see the beauty of duality. If all were dark there would never be light and if all were light there would never be anything to discover, rediscover, uncover, and recover from. We have to die for our art, and live for our passions as mantras. We must be
devoted, dedicated, and loyal to something of profound meaning in order for life to be meaningful. If you have Aquarius as a Sun, Moon, or placement of strength in your chart this is where you can get to know what it will take to give light to dreams coming true. Having an expert unlock Aquarian principles and show you how to use them as strengths means taking a much deeper look at that 11th House, Uranus placement, and anything related to what Aquarius rules as a zodiac, law, and natural law. There are types of everything and it’s important to know what type of a profession you wish to specialize doing. It’s even more important to know the type of specialist you wish to dominate to become Top of field, industry, or business market. We have to specialize at knowing what others like, favor, and love so we can appeal to the senses. We have to have a desire to get to know others by working on self via mental balance, awareness, and emotional intelligence gathering. When we know what we love the 11th House shares with us where to go to find it. In tarot card Key XI is called Justice and Aquarius is keyed to card Key XVII The Star, what one’s hope for and “on” to manifest dreams. We are taking from the spiritual realms ideas and pouring them as streams of consciousness or new ways of thinking to repopulate choices, options, and establish the select. If we want others to choose us we must offer wholehearted service that caters to what they love, like, and favorite to impress them emotionally. When we impress a person we touch the soul or reach the heart. This equates to flow of energy, popular appeal to the masses, and strong likeability. The more we like the greater we will love and use something to motivate passions, right? Start searching for those who are like-minded and want the same out of life as passions. Match with those who feel like they belong in your life. Stop being an emotional doormat and establish clear boundaries of self-respect. Become more devoted towards taking care of the body with regular exercise or search for professions that allow you to stay physically active. Blood requires exercise to flow and so does a spiritual outlook. Indulge those strong desires to learn new and different cultures. Join professional chat circles, groups, and organizations. Don’t be afraid to offer trade for trade options to get goals completed. Yes, you should be paid for
work well done but the work has to be worth the effort spiritually to be enlightening soul food. Fitness comes in types – physical, emotional, spiritual, esoteric, and elemental. The more we fall in line with soul purpose by identifying soul mission the faster we arrive at what’s destined to be – blessings. We must be in line to receive the blessings universe is lining up and this requires yoga of all types – mind, heart, body, spirit, and otherwise. What is the common factor, theme, or message of what we like, prefer, and do as habits? In finding out we re-align chakras and naturally fall in line to receive periods of grace and this is the purpose of studying astrology and metaphysics – to increase clarity and cosmic awareness. There is so much out there to be discovered and all it takes is a curious mind, willing heart, and well-directed soul. Just study Jennifer’s life lesson quotes, watch her interviews, and watch how she crosses those legs with über-cool-runway-chic. She’s doing it because she’s full of light to share as wisdom, experience, and hard knocks about karma. We all see the finished product but rarely do we scratch the surface to understand what a person had to endure to get where they are. Just work on the positive and avoid cheating self of the full experience of getting to know. It’s not just the destination that fascinates self. It’s also the pure joy of taking the journey. Light has to shine to be seen – and Aquarius is all about making our light brighter by getting to know real self-truths and living them bravely as who we are born to be. Make it fun to get to know self and that’s when those wishes will be granted – FASTER! The 11th House rules – Wishes to be received or granted by others, friends, astrology, flair for the dramatic arts, interpretation, knowledge, revelation of the intellect, data, expectations to come seen as the now, psychic flashes of future events, stars, what we really love, inside trading, secret kept hidden but felt, electricity, new age philosophies, astral projection via altered consciousness (the act, not the verb of astral projecting), knowledge/gnosis of metaphysical talents, collective awareness, secrets of the heart, humanitarianism, technology, how we collect facts/data/knowledge, light of wisdom, darkness of ignorance, light bearers, light working, practice of selfcompassion, ridding self of guilt, relationship intimacy, being intimate, getting closer to something
Now let’s take a look at how Jennifer synthesizes the spiritual into the material. Spiritual Goals/Life Purposes
Material/Physical Goals/Purposes
Jennifer is famous for her eccentric but deeply esoteric insights on sensitive topics. She is highly esteemed by women all over the world for being a person who seeks to heal, help, and outreach. It makes her super popular and well loved.
Secrets of the Heart
Aniston’s public breakup with Brad Pitt was sorrowful. We watched her deal with a very sensitive part of her life, publically. In showing poise she showed grace under fire, lady-like cool, and an iron will to rise from one’s emotional ashes. Her interview on Oprah is still regarded as one of the most insightful about enduring heartbreak with a person we feel soulfully intimate with. To this day Aniston remains on friendly terms with Pitt but it’s obvious she learned a great life lesson in the bargain.
Flair for the Dramatic Arts
Aniston employed astrological strengths to transform into the acting powerhouse she is today. With unpredictable roles, she proved she’s not just a great pair of gams or another pretty face. She is quick to choose passion projects and champions what she believes in as a person. Aniston uses her fame to bring awareness to women issues, equality, and treating others with fairness. She uses life lessons to identify with
characters she portrays. If a role isn’t relative to personal experience we won’t see Jennifer acting it out. The truth is we are still learning what works and what doesn’t. But the best place to look in your astrology chart to determine what career works best for you is by doing the research for the following Houses. House in Astrology
1st House – What appeals to you, objective
2nd House – How you will earn your money
5th House – What you’d love to do all the time True Passion/Love
Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars,
6th House – Employment/trade/health
Mercury (Vulcan)
8th House – What others will pay you to do
Pluto, Sun
9th House – Any profession that makes you feel like “doing” what you love “forever”
10th House – What you were born to do and What you will be famous for
Saturn, Sun, Mars
Develop those yearnings into something you can mold or make as a new concept, product, or service that can add value to society’s habits. What can you learn from infinite knowledge to access eternal wisdom that provides a good living to support yourself? Are these the questions, which are keeping you awake at night?
The Next Phase: Imagine Doing What You Love Next, you need to picture doing what you love after you have researched the career options of the above placements. What do you identify with most? What activity best describes your personality? Those who excel at their careers have one big matter in common: they love what they do whenever they are doing or being the ideal.
What is your ideal? This is again determined by the above astral placements and configurations in your natal astral chart (astrology chart). It also means being honest with you. Remember a job is temporary, whereas a career can be for a lifetime or successions of periods of such. Meditation will help to clear and clarify the cobwebs in your mind creating those doubts. What if I fail? What if you succeed? You won’t know until you try and give it a go. Life is too short not to enjoy it. The days where Dad just went to work and waited until the weekend to be “himself” are over. Now you and Dad can build a better tomorrow by being conscious of the “present”. It is by being aware of the choices to change the present we become fully aware of how to optimize the future. In our next issue we will take a gander at Pisces. So if you are an Pisces Sun, Rising, or have a great deal of Pisces in your natal chart – don’t miss our next article in this series.
HEADLINE As The World and Stars Turn – an Ontological View of Monthly Astrology
SUMMARY Providing an ontological interpretation of global June 2015 astrological events.
BODY The world will balance the scales of world needs with individual want. We are moving away from the old template of money is power and closer towards love is power, empowering, and powerful. We will be forced into situations where we may need to fend for self-survival by teaching others what we’ve learned about feeling well. We may have to start over financially. See the cup half full and build on hope! Hope is wellness of the soul. No matter what happens in the physical we can trust the metaphysical will always prevail! Wellness is the new face of fitness. It’s no longer enough to have a bangin bod if it isn’t carrying a mentally well and emotionally stable character. A pretty face only goes so far but a beautiful mind is a reflection of perfect intelligence. What we once thought was impossible to reach, as personal best is no longer the case. We are now proving we can entertain the supernatural and work with the powers that be to counter dys-intelligence with real intelligence. What is real intelligence? Intuition of course! Yes it helps to have experience but what happens if one runs out of creative ideas to refuel interest in one’s craft? What happens when sex appeal sizzles and we have to go back to the drawing board? Original thoughts have to come from somewhere and if we are feeling creatively blocked it’s a sign we must dip deeper into wells of self-loathing, sorrow, and whatever other powerful emotions stirring within. Something has to break to make us hit as far and close to bottom that can be reached because nothing sells a story like living to tell the motherfu***r. As we clear Taurus and Gemini some celestials like the Sun, Mars, and Eros enter Cancer, The Sign of The Cosmic Mother. It’s a gathering point where karma is collected, weighed, and weighted for new soul cycles, karma, and karmic conclusions to old business, ways of doing things, and the ignition of real game changers in industry.
Thanks to creative expression, self-expression, and creative communication we are finding more ways to talk about what we love, like, and fave to other around the globe. This creates interest, and interest in terms of money means stimulating the markets, flooding commercial niches, and raking in the $$$ for creative thinking coupled with savvy timing of knowing when people will want, need, and be hunting for certain items. DIY astrology services and books will hit phenomenal sales as more people finally catch on the metaphysics of aligning chakras to reach full wellness potential. We always sensed this could happen but now we witness it coming to fruition. Welcome to the new Golden Era of Free thought, freedom of the press, and free wheeling sales tactics. We’ll find more ways to get attention for our businesses by trying things like Feng Shuioriented astrology, tarot, herbal, and corporate templates. Imagine your business reflecting your personal energy and thriving off harvests meant for you based on Divine Timing and knowing when something is going to be hot. It’s not new to follow trends but what is new is how we’ll be setting new ones. Intelligence comes in all varieties, types, and kinds but emotional intelligence is a main stay because like accounting the principles never change. Those principles are heavenly founded on numbers, statistics, psychology, and playing the odds in one’s favor by knowing things intuitively and proving them with actual results. All it takes is observation and power to know what to observe as an expert in any field. If we ever want to be royal, the best, or the most noticed it entails hard work and seeing what’s out there already to compete with. What can we add to a market, industry, or standard to improve it for others to love, prefer, or cater towards? Politics is how we bend, control, and manipulate our culture and cultural environment as dharma. Either we are influencing or being influenced based on personal decisions, activities, and habits of nature. What we are most likely to do is how well others can capitalize on invested funds for small businesses, home-based businesses, and any thing related to distribution. We have to sell what the public wants, needs, and is in demand for to pad our pockets. This means if we are tapped out at home the next step is working overseas markets and allowing them to do the same in our neck of the woods. The same applies in selecting new or fresh faces in political offices remember these are the people pulling the strings and creating bureaucratic rules. Rome no longer applies we are smack dab in the middle of Egyptian thinking where soul has to fend for self in coming up with ways to make money doing what we love. We tap the power of wishing to manifest real products, business templates, and ways of doing business simply by learning and understanding global culture in relation to cosmic awareness. How aware are we of what exists in space? How far have we come in
technology? Who has say-so in today’s most successful crown industries? Where are political aspirations headed? How well connected are we to our communities? All of these questions will be answered throughout June and well into July to prepare for the Leo-Virgo conversion in August. Sun reaches elliptic during the last degrees of Leo and the first degrees of Virgo. Leo is the flame or fire that burns the old away and Virgo is the strength of awareness to know what’s best for self. It’s the moment we grow up emotionally to make real progress at soul evolution. Like a teenager enters adulthood physically we’ll be doing this stage of metamorphosis psychologically when we feel more accountable towards our conscience. With great powers come greater responsibilities to do what’s best in every situation. It will be the only way to have and support a clear conscience by doing what feels best for the long term. We’ll be more emotional but, all the better for evolving through this stage of life. This is when all we learned in 1 st half of the year dictates what happens next in the 2 nd half. We can finish strong or weak based on our own powers of will, determination, and ambition to be successful. Why? One word. Wellness.
When we-love, we evol-ve. Economics and the laws of physics work hand in hand when it comes to matching supply with demand. If we can imagine we need it there is someone out there preparing for a demand for it. Be one of them by working ideas you can sell in open or free markets. Don’t worry about having the money to support campaigns, or promote. Do what you can on budget and let destiny, and the laws of attraction do the rest! If you build it they will come. Things get tense, hot, and real emotional when we are dealing with other people’s money and coming up short. So if any sponsor or sponsorship supports you keep things 100 in telling the facts in all business dealings. Now is when some brands pop and when others fizzle out. If one person isn’t giving the consumer what they want another will. This increases competition in markets. New forms of employment will be found in freelancing websites. More will realize the freedom of working for self and making a damn good living at it by taking well-calculated risks using astrology and anything related to metaphysical approaches. Nothing sells print like telling the truth as it is emotionally taking place. Mercury turns direct June 11th and this greatly improves topics related to communication, working overseas, making big connections in business, and securing hard-to-get deals. It’s
one thing to pitch the sale but quite another to make the sale stick to agreed upon terms, isn’t it? This translates into foreign policies as well. New businesses types and templates mean re-negotiations of terms for sales and use and taxation of said marketable assets. We pick up where Gonzo left off to explode into a new era of Ginzu, which is the next level of writing things with precision, being more observant, and being a lot more open in reporting bad data. Its going into July and things always get hot the closer we get to the hottest month of the year – August. In August major celestial events set all matters to right when Sun reaches its elliptic to conjoin and re-power Regulus. From the 10 th to the 13th of August Jupiter will conjoin Regulus at precise degrees. But up until that time we are racing the clock to reestablish Ancient Wisdom into modern culture by reinventing the Wheel of Karma Saturn (R) is spinning from June 14 th forward. Why? Simple. The Lords of Karma –aka- the winds of change make huge turns and turnarounds in what we perceive as real, true, and factual. Those with say-so become those who had say-so as those with the powers of persuasion move the masses with powers of belief and believability. Emotions will rule everything and this is new terrain for humanity as a global collective. We’ll feel completely comfortable in telling it like it is because psychic awareness is injecting new blood into our collective brain of information. More and more are spiritually awakening, Twin Flames are reuniting, and Heartbreak is running rampant as more people realize where they belong in life. We’ll match up and work with those who share similar self-beliefs and belief systems. But in all of this chaos light of order comes when Neptune’s retrograde in Pisces on the 12 th in Pisces. Neptune (R) in Pisces triggers new upsets in 12 th house oriented activities. Nothing makes us more emotional than losing money, wasting money, or missing out on big money opportunities. It’s downright depressing! What worked before will no longer have its magic in today’s new system of templates. Our interests have changed too much to go back to the old ways of doing things if they no longer apply to the rules of nature now. It’s a jungle and only the strong survive. Metaphysics strengthens foundation, structure, and creates kingdoms into empires of wealth for those who watch where the money is going as astrology and psychology astrology trends. World governments hire top-notch experts, forensic experts, and information gurus all the time to tell them what the numbers are saying. But it takes more than experience to read into what digits are saying. We have to match statistics with bell curves and use a good sense of judgment to foresee what happens next or – we can go back to the old systems of stargazing. Farmers follow
almanacs to plant their crops shouldn’t we take the same process to heart as businesses? Isn’t a business more likely to flourish in cultures where it is demanded? It’s time to tune into to psychic talents and use them in the best ways to grow commercial seedlings into giants of operation. At the same time we must cater to cultural awareness by supporting our communities, first. Nothing makes a business more successful than good corporate karma and lots of publicity outreach to help others in turmoil. Share the love and share the profits of good health, and immense wealth. We don’t feel our best until we can help others to reach their personal best as a service, trade, organization, or wellness product. It’s time to see how we can reinvent healthy foods to make them appealing. It’s time to create herbal and holistic shows that entertain and inform us of better ways to take care of the mind, body, and spirit. It’s time to set new health challenges others can join in on to feel good about self, again. Welcome to summertime where the living is easy! June 2 – Full Moon – (12:19pm EST) – Sagittarius Time to live a more moderate lifestyle. Self-improvement programs, DIY astrology, and anything that helps people self-improve at their own pace will thrive! Metaphysics makes us all feel better especially when we show others the results of applying what we know as experts and life’s hard knocks. What you know can be exactly what another is hunting to find out. Anything related to publishing, publication, and getting the word out will be hot as careers, professions, and business services. More businesses need that special insight on how to make their business H-O-T! If you are gifted take classes get more esoteric training do whatever is necessary to improve quality of service. People are willing to pay well for what makes them feel wellness. Singles awareness workshops for dating tips will be in high demand. People want to know how to attract, keep, and build the best relationship for them. We’ll be more into ways to increase self-confidence using holistic or alternative methods. If you’ve always wanted to open a bookstore or metaphysical library today offers the best vibrations! June 5 – Venus enters Leo – 00’00 Are you talented with making others look beautiful? Can you bring out the inner beauty and turn the lights on? Start searching for a way to start a business out of the home. Think big but set small goals. Start with a few products and turn them into brands with an online merchant store. New talent find what is the best way to query big corporations. Scan the internet for templates that match up with what you want to do. Customize them or hire experts with expertise in building start-up companies. All it takes is organizing creativity into productive moves. You want your energy to mean something by approaching those in search of what you have to offer. Are you are healer with expertise in selfesteem, self-confidence, and self-compassion? Now is the time to get the word out via social media. Find the best hash tags to use and get things cooking by finding the best times to post SEO content. There is always a curve, pattern, and way to get timing just right. Or – just hire those with metaphysical chops in corporate or financial astrology to guide you. It’s worth every penny!
June 11 – Mercury goes direct – Gemini It’s time to learn how to speak, write, and communicate ideas to new audiences, platforms, and markets here and overseas. Use feedback, testimonials, and consumer inquiries to style new ways to outreach to the public. The mission is to find ways to help others relate to what we are communicating or conveying emotionally. The more culturally aware we become the better we evolve to cater to the right types of customers for our business templates. We must be selective about who we are selling to and become more sensitive to what others find offensive. Astrology services and providers get the word out on what you specialize at doing and provide examples or samples. Seeing is believing and nothing speaks more than results we can all believe in. Approach big corporations to offer wellness services as employment benefits. Happy employees are healthy employees and healthy work environments means bigger profit margins. Joy attracts money. Aren’t we more likely to spend our money at places that seem to be passionate about what they do or offer? June 12 – Neptune retrogrades – Pisces (Until November 18th) Prophecies come to light! We experience a major migration in soul patterns today. Emotions are change socio and psychic landscapes in culture. We enter higher cosmic awareness of space, and the atmosphere we live in. More insights emerge from new faces in spiritual leadership. Be prepared for the unexpected with personal transit reports and offering them to the public. Create short versions and offer the long versions for reasonable pricings. Customer appreciation campaigns harvest lots of new business! Find ways to offer consumers more bang for the buck with spiritual or esoteric freebies. There will be more interest in supernatural studies and the paranormal. Interest in tarot increases! Share valuable information in an entertaining and humorous way that charms the eye and appeals to the soul. Take more time to build slogans and create business advertising that reflects the spiritual values of the organization as a whole. Virtue sells! June 14 – Saturn (R) regresses – Scorpio It’s time to self-improve and stabilize radical mood swings. If one way of healing or therapy isn’t working seek out new ways to get it together emotionally. Try visiting with a Psychological or Karmic Astrologist to unlock unrealized potential. Psychic awareness increases! We are ready to start some kind of spiritual or esoteric career, business, or practice! Find classes for training and enroll! People will seek esoteric services with hash tags that reflect #accuracy and the word #real in front of them. Turn things around by providing fresh perspective from your personal experience. Offer summer time specials in time for Jupiter and Venus transits into Leo. The more creative and Feng-Shui oriented advertising is the more business we’ll attract! Twin Flame awareness increases so get the word out if you are a specialist in Twin Flame information. June 16 – New Moon – (10:05am EST) – Gemini Ever thought of planning parties or special events for others? Do you have DJ skills? There’s no better time to get business cards and a publicist. People are in the mood to party, have a good time,
and feel good without hangovers – if necessary. Find moderate ways to help others fulfill big dreams to feel special for their birthday, wedding, red carpet, or any other form of personal entertainment. If you are releasing a new film today make sure the promotions are upbeat and soul stirring! Avoid selling fluff and drama by going for grit & character. Pitching a sale or having a big meeting with VIPs or celebrities it’s key to prepare metaphysically with spiritual grounding techniques. Experts find more ways to cater to new talent, fresh faces in art, and those who create art for a living. What we give out needs to be received back. Some must be taught how to receive love from the right directions, places, and people. Offer classes on self-love, self-therapy, and self-motivation. If you aren’t an expert but have a passion for reaching out to others – start a column, blog site, or inspirational quote service. There is nothing bigger than a big heart for others who need to know what real love is all about. June 20 – Saturn (R), Pluto (R) – Scorpio, Capricorn Studies in reincarnation, soul mates, and past life relationships increases dramatically! The world wants to know the individual self so we can relate to Higher Self thinking and powers of perception. If you are an expert get the word via social media. If you are searching for answers Go To resources for Twin Flames offer great assistance. Check online an YouTube shop for videos related to Twin Flame topics. Sexual astrology, tarot, and compatibility reports will be in high demand! June 21 – Sun enters Cancer – 00’00 It’s time to get in touch with feelings. We’ll be ready to try new exotic recipes. If you are a Chef or person in the culinary arts put out fresh pod casts. Offer wellness tips and ways to make old dishes new and exciting again! We’ll also be shopping for products without side effects. There is greater awareness given to inform the public about ADD, ADHD, OCD, and bipolarity. Greater psychic awareness stirs up empathy to offer alternatives in natural healing. Metaphysics goes mainstream. Markets offer more options in eating sugar-free, vegan, and organic food brands, alcohol, and anything else we consume. We’ll be re-educated on processed sugar influences emotional selfcontrol and impulsive behavior patterns. It’s time to turn the world into a global home with wellness lifestyles. We’ll give more attention towards the wisdom of elders, grand parents, and those with seniority. June 22 – Jupiter, Uranus – Leo, Aries Sexual attractions are strong and all fire signs or fire natives will be steaming us up with greater passion. Whatever we attempt to do will require lots of devotion and all heart approaches. Life Coaching offers many a new way to earn successful livings. Couples will require the counseling services to strengthen intimacies. Twin Flame studies increases! Finances get huge boosts in anything related to improving self, sex appeal, and ways to attract the one. If you offer the best in service prove it with testimonials, before & after pictures, and catchy word phrases. Find more ways to work hash tags with metaphysics. Hire literary or social media from freelance websites. Ask for samples. New business templates and niche markets stimulate employment income and statistics. For new talent, destiny changes -suddenly the world is on fire talking about y-o-u!
June 24 – Chiron retrogrades – Pisces More ways to feel demands more ways to heal from recent heart break. We have to find the strength to recover from setbacks. If you are good at motivating others to self-improve or find the best way to feel whole again get the word out. Penal systems and institution concerns get more attention via non-profit awareness. This is not the day to be late to court of any kind. Shop new holistic programs, workshops, classes, and services to find what will work this time around. Promote small businesses and home-based businesses on an affordable budget with freelance websites, social media, and literary services. Be up front with what is expected and keep an open mind with hash tag driven searches. There is always a second, third, and fourth option to anything. June 24 – Mars enters Cancer – 00’00 Emotions rule and that means we’ll be acting on them or acting out. Practice compassion and patience when there are outbursts of anger. Look beyond what a person is doing to understand why they are doing it. From this place we can see how best to react, treat, and resolve emotional turmoil. Yoga! Seek out clarity workshops. Ever thought of becoming a writer, blogger, or Rock Star journalist? Opportunities line up for new talent, fresh faces, and new voices in publishing careers. Write about passions and write with passion. We want readers to experience what we are writing by flavoring words and letting creative juices flow. Couples work through emotional hang-ups with couples retreats or a counselor. Twin Flame counselors get the word out and offer specials that highlight benefits of using what you offer. Ask clients to provide honest feedback and be open about their experience with your service. June 30 – Jupiter, Chiron (R) – Leo, Pisces Are you a new healer or healing business? Community outreach is crucial to making the best alliances, connections, and networks of others professionals. Create ways for others to come together to address world needs like recycling, emotional intelligence awareness, and anything that can enrich the livelihoods of others. Be open to collaborating with fresh talent. See what can happen from working on common goals and ask for corporate sponsorship, gifts, or donations. Offer free publicity, press, and advertising in exchange for donations to worthy causes. Running for an office or career in politics or serving the public? Assess community needs and provide free job fairs, health fairs, or events to pass out timely awareness information with free entertainment. Query local and big organizations that can umbrella support or access greater distribution. Share what you know with passion and that’s when “who you need to know” appears. Not sure who they may be? Brainstorm and come up with a checklist to work from.
HEADLINE What’s New? – Books, products, services, and concepts in Astrology
SUMMARY Check out the latest trends - in metaphysics, herbs, astrology, numerology, and spiritual gnosis. Using a 5+ star system to rate each for value. We keep you in the know! We are your ONE-STOP “go-to” for real wellness 411.
BODY Beyond Past Lives: What Parallel Realities Can Teach Us about Relationships, Healing, and Transformation
There is nothing better than fresh perspective from those who have lived to tell and share personal victories. An expert Regression Therapist, Kelley shares insight from client cases and personal life lessons she has encountered. If you are seeking #selfmotivation tools that work this is a must-have in your metaphysics library.
By Mira Kelley
Detox Cleanse – Pure African Mango Formula Continue any Liver Detox program with this 100% organic body cleanse. Remove pounds and belly fat in days with this amazing product. Reviews are great for use of African Mango based cleansing systems. Try it today and please send in Before & After pictures. Always consult a reputable physician or herbalist prior to usage.
By Supreme Pure Liver Detox *****
Heather’s Tummy Tamers Peppermint Oil – (90) Capsules #IrritableBowelSyndrome is never fun to experience. When we become stressed or agitated this causes IBS symptoms to flare up. Try this natural cure as a healing alternative to self-regulate the body’s waste removal gently and decrease flatulence. You’ll be able to wear those pants, now.
By Heather’s 100% organic, perfect for IBS! *****
Do It Yourself Relationship Astrology Whether you are looking to save a few bucks, sharpen skill set, or discover ways to better reading sessions you’ll find a lot of use with this resource. It is one of the top 10 astrology series regularly used and cited by experts as one of the best ways to understand your natal chart and synchronize it with another. Regardless of what type of relationship you are seeking it’s always great to know what you are working with as #selfcharacter. We attract what we want by embodying the qualities we are seeking. Expert DIY Reference *****
By Lyn Birkbeck
Venus Signs: Discover Your Erotic Gifts and Secret Desires Through Astrology Natural self-confidence is found by looking at one’s Venus and Chiron placements. Shepherd takes a stab at topics like #selfpossession, #selfpleasure, and how sexuality relates to how we build up #selfconfidence. Sexual and Emotional wellness is crucial to stabilizing radical mood swings and working with feelings of violence.
By Jessica Shepherd Sexual Astrology ****
Ask Anne The Astrologist – Vol. XXII June 2015
SUMMARY Syndicated column - global “Super-Psychic Phenomenon” astrology columnist – the fantabulous Ask Anne! “Honeychile! Let me help guide you with common sense astrology!”
BODY A-HA – HAPPY 2015 Y’ALL! Fortunately 2015 is all about manifesting more Good Fortune and experiencing serious reversals of luck. Wealth is passed from one hand to the other and old industries bite the dust. We have a new attitude for gratitude and a focus for forgiveness. In order to operate natural laws we must work with energy instead of going against the grain. 2015 is the year we are delivered from hardship. It’s the year fresh faces hit the scene as New Talent. I’m Anne The Astrologist and I’m so glad to be a part of this wonderful magazine. Expansion of markets always means great news for those in my profession because we can share our knowledge with bigger ponds, Honeychile. I’m all about “expansion”. So a bit about me, what I do and have done in the marvelous field of astrology, darling. First, like mast of us who are born aware, I knew there was something different about me. Growing up as a child I’d play with my cousins and they would say or do something to hurt my feelings. I would think a thought and see it come to pass. At first this was scary to my cousins and to myself, and it made for a very interesting and often times lonely childhood. The good part of it all was it made me aware that we are not alone on this planet. No sirree – this place is cohabited and shared with the spiritual realms in simultaneous timing. Isn’t that cool? It’s called dimensions. Honeychile, we have plenty of time to discuss Shaman Astrology. Inside of everyone is a “cat” waiting to be let out the bag. Now about my gifts – I am a Clair-Intelligent, telepathic, telekinesis, and an Earth Angel sent here to help bring Earth up to code spiritually. We all are, actually but we need more to step up to the line and share their light. Hopefully this segment will encourage you to do so. It’s not easy living life in a conscious mind of doing the “right” thing or action.
Commented [AU1]: Use animated caricature to represent “Anne”
So I’ll be sharing my letters I receive in hopes something jibes with you and gets you “motivated” in a positive way. You are special, and not just because I said it – but because it’s true. You have to believe it first and this is how I can help. Storytelling is the best and oldest form of “inspiring others to reach greatness”. Walter, 19 – New York City, NY writes: Hi Anne, I study a lot about astrology in fact I’d like to work as a tarot reader. Do you see this in my chart? And whatever you see as far as my gifts would you please share? – W. Information is 7/18/96, 3:36am – New York, NY – Hi Walter, In checking out your natal North Node it’s apparent you are right on time and in tune with the right career Walter. There is a strong conjunct that shows you a gift in seeing all sides of a matter. In fact, if you are doing any tarot spreads for others now they are likely to be highly accurate thanks to your Chiron placement. You have a creative way of expressing things that personalizes what you are saying to that particular person. As for what type of tarot reader you would be best at doing try a free tarot reader’s test online, speak with other tarot readers on how they got started, or take a huge leap of faith and just start a practice. We can always learn as we go! With Libra ruling your 5th House tarot reading will give you great pleasure, job-satisfaction, and longevity in career aspirations.
Figure 15 Walter's Profile
Asc – Gem 28.27, 5th – Lib 7.56, and 12th – Tau 19.15 + Chiron Best of good luck! Do things as close to the 16th as possible to cash in on that New Moon in Gemini it conjuncts your Ascendant. So you will need to walk the walk and talk the talk by learning more tips, lingo, and expressions of reading tarot for self. When you do this it will be a snap to read for others, too. We are our best examples and samples of our work.
God bless! – Anne PalJoey – Boston, MA writes: Hello Anne, I’ve been seeing two gals and I love them both! But I don’t want to lose either by lying and promising things I can’t deliver. I’m including both of their info in hopes you can help me choose the best for me to be with. – PJ. – My Information is 5/20/86, 5:17am – Boston, MA. Girl#1 11/30/71- Trenton, NJ Girl#2 6/3/88 – Boston, MA Well PalJoey, You are or will soon be busy or buzzing. Love Triangles are fun at first but what happens when truths start flying out? What happens when someone meets the right one for them and decides to leave? What if one finds out about the other? These are just a few questions swirling in my head. Then again, I’ve seen them last, too. It just depends on what each person is seeking for the short and long term, doesn’t it?
Figure 16 PalJoey's Profile
Asc – Lib 28.21, 5th – Pis 7.25, 9th – Gem 28.49, and 11th – Vir 7.25 + 1 Asteroid Without more information I’ll have to make an estimate by looking at what is provided. In seeing things the Sagittarius offers more passion but may soon fizzle when she meets someone else more exciting. Sorry. But we must look at the whole of a matter and see the risk of losing love based on factors of lust. You have more to talk about and she indulges those natural gypsy ways of yours. Girl #2’s Moon matches well with your chart and emotionally offers more long-term value. She’ll be more tolerant about free love and could be open for the Love Triangle to remain if you made the introduction. But if she finds out because you lied, things could turn dramatic real quick. What do you want out of a relationship? Are you in the market for the right now or the further down the road type of thing? These are questions to
consider and a Sexual Astrology compatibility report wouldn’t hurt either for clarification. God bless – Anne
Got issues? Let me help you Honeychile! Please read my next column for more juicy and interesting “answers” – see you later for now Honeychile, thanks for reading and keep growing! --- Ask Anne
FEATURE HEADLINE Queen Ola Reads – Juno – Key To Marriage, Intimacy, and Partnership by Maritha Pottenger
SUMMARY There is no way to be sure about the future until we are clear about the present. On the day we were born the celestials aligned to tell the story we’d live as true someday. If you are tired of living the tragedy start writing the comeback using this high quality astrology reference tool. It’s used by the experts but its written in terminology anyone can grasp and gain super insight to self with. The more we know the stronger we grow. It is only by identifying strengths and weaknesses we learn how to work our personal magic. Every magician needs a good formula. Create yours with a copy of this phenomenal book. Keep the highlighters close by!
Figure 17 Juno – Key to Marriage, Intimacy and Partnership by Maritha Pottenger
ABOUT THE AUTHOR – Maritha Pottenger – Maritha Pottenger has been a professional astrologer for 20+ years. She has held lectures around the world for numerous conferences. Maritha has authored 8 titles on various astrology and metaphysical topics. She possesses a B.A. (in Psychology) from UC-Berkeley and a Soror of Phi Beta Kappa. Pottenger received her M.A. in Clinical Psychology from the California School of Professional Psychology in Los Angeles and is ordained by the Los Angeles Community Church of Religious Science. She consults for Astro Communications Services. Maritha is the daughter of Expert Astrologist Zipporah Dobyns (1921 – 2003) an ISAR Lifetime Achievement Award and Southern Cross Award Recipient! Figure 18 Healing Mother-Daughter Relationships with Astrology by M. Pottenger & Z. Dobyns
We all want the perfect relationship whether its love, business, career, or networking. Having someone in your corner is the same as money in the bank because it creates security to know we are covered, insured, or backed by someone who can vouch for us. Relationships are the framework we build institutions like marriage on as self-truths. We behold these self-truths to be evident, factual, and without bias – or do we? What our mates, spouses, and significant others know about us could make some shutter, others gasp, and some really – smile. In order to have the perfect relationship with others there has to be a marriage to self, first. This means lots of sessions of self-love and getting to know the real you. For some this can be a super scary process if the conscience is so cluttered with past memories no light can shine through. But even the most dismal outlook can be cleaned, cleansed, and cleared from psychic auras. Light work is the new way of working past inner pains, deep emotional wounds, and stimulating greater awareness. All of this adds or rather sums up to clarity, clear decision-making, and a fair weighing of all the facts. We have to make wholesome decisions by assessing all the factors which make us bond to one another. The same things that attract us to someone can un-attract when things like boredom, predictability, and judgmental behavior come into play. That person you couldn’t live without becomes the one person you can do without when lines of self-respect and emotional boundaries get crossed up. Self-bashing and self-unhappiness are usually the bottom lines for making the lives of those in our life miserable. Hey mud rolls downhill not up. If the breadwinner is suffering guess what this means for the rest of the household? But thanks to this wonderful book by expert Astrologist Maritha Pottenger things don’t have to get to bad in the home before we figure out 1 + 1 = 2, not “3”. If we are consistently experiencing the same problems in finding the best relationship it’s a sign to look within. If we can’t be happy, content, or satisfied within self there is no point looking for from someone else. In fact, if we go that route we are soon to see appearances are not as they seem. Sometimes we put on more of a show to keep others out of our business and we end up attracting more of it as sympathy. There goes that poor clueless guy or girl – people say in passing. We can feel the looks, gazes, and stares but do they mean anything to us as being accurate? Did we ignore the signs and proceed down the bumpy path to prove we are right or they were wrong? What makes us choose paths over accessing gateways of information to ensure the best choice in a mate? Fear. No one wants to live alone or live with the fear they may die alone. But we must confront fears by standing up to them and proving them false with real self-application of what we know to be true via astrology. If we are afraid to be alone or spend time in isolation getting to know self, we are afraid to open up and be real on the greatest levels of intimacy. What if a person finds this out or that and doesn’t think we are so great anymore? What if they realize we really aren’t all that passionate in bed – all the time? What if the perfect person does cross our path after we’ve made the biggest mistake thus far in life? Irony is serendipity’s first cousin and regret’s brother from another Mother.
If we are going into relationships or forming bonds to prove how strong we are we put on a show, façade, and artifice. We end up revealing how weak and vulnerable the relationship really is. Why? The foundation of any sound relationship begins with being the best of friends - first. How well do we know the person we are with? Can we tell them anything? Can we confess the darkest deepest secrets without flinching, twitching, or tossing around in our chair?
Figure 19 Table of Contents - Juno - The Pottenger courtesy Amazon
When we visit a Love Astrologist the first place to look on strengths in a relationship begins with Juno placements in the natal chart in combination with other key planets like Venus, Mars, Mercury, and for Twin Flames – Saturn. When you are dancing how do you choose the perfect person? Don’t we naturally gravitate toward the one who seems to be in time, tune, and tone to our personal biorhythm? Yes physical attraction is important but for sexual attraction to synchronize and solidify genuine intimacy is required. The same holds true in business relationships. We won’t do business with people we feel we can’t trust. It takes time to find out what we like and what others will like about us to make the best recipe for real love. How much time are we willing to invest in a matter of the heart? How soon can we expect destiny to come to light about a person we’ve been considering? How long is long enough to wait and see? We must question what their definition of love is and match it up with our own. We need to ask the right questions to make sure the person we give our heart to is on a permanent or soul basis. There are different types of relationships and different types of common factors we bottom line as relationship deal breakers or seal makers. Marriage fuses us to synchronize love vibrations and powers of attraction. If one mate is not being 100% with their intentions it’s impossible to expect anything less than something temporary at best.
The Yin and Yang harmonize and we have to do the same when matching self to the one. Soul is hunting for the other half of itself and it won’t stop until it finds what heart feels to be the one and only master key. If we are living separate lives how is that being of oneness in the relationship? Are we dancing together or meeting up in the middle when we get the itch for drive through passion and lip service?
Figure 20 Natal Placements - Juno - The Pottenger courtesy Amazon
Well according to Pottenger securing the best mate in a relationship correlates directly to one’s Juno, and the House Juno falls in. Synastry is the art of interpreting certain characteristics for a zodiac, its degrees, and house placing in the natal chart. Pottenger provides samples and examples of correlating one’s Venus with one’s Juno to produce the best formula to find the one who lights you up! Juno in Greek mythology is the spouse of Jupiter, and the goddess of marriage, marital rites, and the one we are most likely to be with in any relationship type. Venus is the planet of attraction, lust, love, and powerful feelings. It attracts whatever we are most emotional about. In working with our Juno we align with universe to send Prince or Princess Charming – faster! If you aren’t sure or you’ve been bad luck in attracting the ideal mate this is the book to read! It’s in Kindle e-book format that makes it super easy to access and read on the go while traveling. The more we get to know and love self, the stronger we become at realizing what we have to offer and what is needed to make us #soulhappy and #spiritsatisfied. If we aren’t feeding into a person what are we creating for them to feed off of?
Until next time -- Namaste -Queen O.
COMING NEXT MONTH! Join us for July. We share our favorite metaphysical reading recommendations as – “Queen Ola Reads”. She puts the “(ph)un” in physics. There’s no weird science to her sage wellness advice just good common sense. Meet well accredited Master Metaphysician – Queen Ola Move over Oprah, there’s a new Queen Bee bzzz-ing the best 411 about metaphysical reading material! Don’t miss out on the next Queen Ola Reads…Where she reveals her exclusive TOP must-reads for successful wellness living today! Get your soul growth ON!
HEADLINE Do You Want To Feel Better? Healing with Chiron Retrograde in Pisces. Mars enters Cancer – Feature article
SUMMARY Are you tired of waking up feeling tired? Cranky? Discontent? Over wrought? Universe is answering prayers and sending miracles but there comes a time when we must help self to feel better. On the 24th two momentous transits occur. Mars enters Cancer. Chiron retrogrades at 21 degrees Pisces synchronizing with June and Jupiter in Leo, days after a tango with the Moon in Virgo! It’s time to get organized about health, karma, and getting to the heart of what’s wrong to be heavenly righted. We get our day in the celestial courts of Divine Justice and North Node in Libra continues to make adjustments. Find out what to expect from this life changing synastry. We want to feel good and universe wants us to feel better about trusting #realastrology. Real astrology will always be best because it guarantees accuracy. The results will match up with what we feel to be true at soul deep levels.
Figure 21 Deviant Art, "In Flames - Come Clarity" by Ashateh
On June 24th we experience the biggest turnaround thus far in human history! Mars enters Cancer. Cancer rules the 4th House of Home and the Heart. Home is always where the heart is. Chiron retrogrades in Pisces at 21.33 degrees. Universe asks a question and all beings have to give a resounding answer. The question is, “Do you want to be healed for good?” Our answer has to come from heart, mind, and soul in 3-part harmony of agreement, accord, and inner peace. We will need to increase clarity to undo what’s been done as bad karma and expand on what is considered good karma by reaching out and talking about self-journey to full recovery. It’s time to get stuff off the chest, clear the air, and hunt new rabbits of pleasure.
Figure 22
We all have times we miss our childhood and the feeling of Mom coming in with the medicine, the big spoon, and all the hugs one can charm. At some point we reflect on what Mom or someone else said as wisdom to get through present turmoil of the soul. An illness whether physical or otherwise is still imbalance with self. We aren’t getting what we are hoping to receive. Somewhere we have to become
accountable about our own feelings by being brave enough to understand “why” we feel as we do about matters of the heart. Much like the medicine in Mom’s Big Spoon life can be hard to take and emotionally rushing when we aren’t living up to soul purpose or through life missions. If the work we do, the people we spouse, the homes we reside in don’t match up with soul purpose or life missions, nothing will seem worthwhile. It will be dead to us emotionally because we are just going through the motions without having any emotional attachment towards them.
Figure 23
Somewhere we have to go back to where we took wrong turns to discern the right ones this time around. That’s when we let old flames go out so new ones can become apparent for soul to see this is what it’s searching for. If something isn’t healing it’s hurting and hindering progress. Don’t we deserve better? Doesn’t self deserve to feel better? Doesn’t soul deserve the right to preserve itself with good karma? It’s time to take a stand on core beliefs about self. It’s time to stop the pity parties and show other types of self-celebrations, isn’t it? This time we have to be Mom to self and find the right kind of medicine to be well inside out. Chiron demands nothing less! As we grow up and mature into adulthood what happens to this intense feeling of being safe, loved, and cherished? Where do we store it inside our memory bank? What items do we associate with this feeling – or people, places, and locations? We never forget anything. Memories are stored in the mind, heart, body, and psyche of soul. So whenever we encounter places or people who make us think of “home” we automatically want more of the good stuff!
Figure 24
With May’s Full Moon in Scorpio more people crossed our path that felt like home to us. We call this déjà vu. For others we realized how much certain persons fascinate and hold our attention endlessly and effortlessly. Why does this happen now? Simple. June is the 2nd coming of March Madness for Twin Flames. It’s another chance to recapture what was lost and could only be heavenly restored. In Greek mythology, Chiron is the wounded healer that heals everyone else but seems unable to heal self, in the process. What happens when we keep giving and don’t receive? Simple. We give out, pass out, or lose out on golden opportunities. In terms of energy that means we have to wait until karma brings them back around. Good part is we are going through karmic cleansing right before Jupiter enters Virgo August 11th – this goes to show we are clearing a karmic cleansing period making June the 2nd hottest month of the year. We have to let things burn away to heal from old scars, past life karma, and the unconscious. Memories are the visual aids we count on, draw from, and build upon to feel good about self, again. Self has to feel loved back into wells of good health we call wellness. If you felt like staying home, calling in, and watching TV from the bed with a bowl of cereal that’s OK because self is healing. We are finding a way to retreat, unplug, and recalibrate biorhythms.
Figure 25
Bio-what? Biorhythms. If we were to compare it to a plumbing system biorhythms would equate to the shut off valves, the pipes, the system itself, and how it is controlling release of water. Water is the only element that can’t be controlled. But it can be managed by clearing, cleansing, and replenished.
Water symbolizes one’s emotions, emotional control, and emotional intelligence system. What are our first reactions when something happens that throws us off balance of reasonability? How do we handle stress? How well are we able to bounce back from trauma and psychotic episodes? Believe it or not, millions sit up every night waiting for the droning sound of a TV to put them to sleep and spirit to rest.
Figure 26
Like hanging cobwebs personal and financial issues hover waiting to be cleared away for good. It’s never relaxing to go to bed, not knowing how this or that will be paid. It’s not simple to meditate on healing when we have so many daily responsibilities to tend towards. But it is expect of us to handle our lot in life and manage the best way we know. So that means if we want to start healing and feeling better, it’s time to increase what we know about life, life skills, and life class. There are some lessons only life, experience, and higher wisdom can’t teach us about living a satisfactory lifestyle. Are we shutting off our emotions much too quickly or should we trust prime instincts about others? Should we go with hunches when we first meet a person or ignore
signs, flags, and whistles because we find them H-O-T? Finding the right mate and selecting this person for life takes a toll on the body’s health systems. If we are in a relationship we know is untrue it becomes very unhealthy. It is rewriting a system installed and instilled in our psyche that is untrue about self. We can’t live comfortable lies in fact, there is no such thing unless we go in with a mindset that a situation is only temporary. If we don’t have the patience to wait on universe, universe throws up its hands to let us find things out the hard way. But if we pay attention to the signs we end up right where we belong and soul becomes satisfied, again.
Figure 27 Thinking With Your Soul p. 101, by Richard Wolman
Satisfaction builds, recharges, and regenerates the old into the new again. Emotions are the one thing we can’t shut down because if we aren’t feeling we aren’t alive, you might as well say we are become zombies, the undead, and those without conscience. This is pure hell for the soul and the total opposite of feeling at home. Home means security, protection, nurturing, and a place we know we can always return to be accepted, as we are the beautiful, the ugly, the good, the evil, and the fugly. There is total acceptance in home zones because it is something we have psychically created to always ground self. Home is where the heart is. Home is our
inner sanctuary. Home is warm hugs, and Momâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fresh baked apple pie. Home is that favorite sweater, blanket, or jacket. Home are all the trinkets, antiques, and things that remind us of Grandma and Grandpa. Home is pictures having the times of our life with best friends, favorite family members, and people who make us feel good inside.
Figure 28
Home is laughter. Laughter is healing to the soul and so is freedom of self-expression. Once we break free of what was holding us back or what was missing, we feel free to speak self-truths. We say, Look how strong I really am. I went through all of that and I am still here! Life is defined by character and soul searches for characterbuilding experiences. We either psyche self into doing things or psyche the soul out of its inheritance for good will, good karma, and good loving. We must believe we are worthy of being loved and allow self to be loved by giving it freely without strings attached.
When we walk away without having said what we really feel its hell because it condemns soul to dark places in psyche spiritually. We aren’t living self-truths because we aren’t keeping it real to self.
Figure 29
We are trying to bypass all the bad by imagining to tap the good. In Ebonics we call this faking it until you make it and in other cultures it’s called faking and shaking. Lady Gaga wrote a hit song about it called, “Poker Face”. But even the staunchest socio or psychopath must take a day off to be human, again. We crave compassion and we’ll do anything to secure it in any type of relationship. Compassion guarantees there will always be others to understand and support us when we crash into darkness. Isn’t that a lovely notion of emotion? First we have to create the right kinds of spiritual foundations to support such stellar systems of feeling at home. We can only be who we really are at heart and in it. Poker faces only work – temporarily. What happens when we are alone in the dark and all our fears come to confront us?
Swag is real success that is earned by getting one’s stripes in life. When we take life on the chin, but keep our shoulders square don’t we get through it all, some how? If something or someone is good for us it shows in character. We naturally evolve and feel at home where we naturally belong. May’s Full Moon in Scorpio changed soul groups and this means hanging out with new types of crowds. Circles evolve, devolve, and revolve like planetary transits. Everything including energy is shifted by karma as its own dharma. We are the universes we co-create. Our life ends as we write it out and when that right to write is taken karma creates the balance emotionally. Sorry. Karma and karmic energy flows demand we let emotions pass through the system and that means being of sound mind to feel our way out of the darkness. Cancer rules emotions in the zodiac and the Moon rules Cancer because it mirrors all emotions. The Moon is the only luminary to travel the entire distance of the globe. The Moon is a Divine Satellite and has a dark twin called Lilith. Lilith in astrology is seen more as an asteroid but it is known in Ancient Wisdom as the Dark Moon – what we can feel but can’t always tangibly see or touch in the physical. We know its there because heart is sensitive towards the energy which shifts the mindset from dark to light and back again. When we are emotional, psyched up, or driven with ambition it’s this lunar energy we are tapping. It creates the beastlike effect of super powers, contact with the supernatural, and enhanced psychic awareness because this moon addresses our nature. What will do out of habit and what we will do out of nature are two entirely different shades of self. We usually love to do dirty deeds and dark activities in secret where only the conscience records the truth. Those moments lusting over another woman’s picture while you are married to someone else is recorded as an act of karma. It sticks to the conscience whether we admit it or not. That time we went cruising for sex, excitement, and a little rock n’ roll while the spouse was away are all recorded in the conscience. We don’t need to hire a TV camera crew to put a cheater on blast because depending on how intimate a relationship is – we intuit when we are being cheated on. I love you both! is an honest approach to the problem but it denies the others persons involved the right of free will to say whether cheating is a deal breaker. What is cool with one being’s conscience does not justify being cool with another. Don’t we all have the right to love who we want and be loved by the one we choose? In a perfect world, Yes – but for some we like to be Johnny Live Dangerously. This can be exciting – temporarily. Think 9 ½ Weeks the erotica noire Box Office Hit starring Kim Basinger and a very sexy Mickey Rourke.
Figure 30 Kim Basinger, 9 1|2 weeks (1986)
He wasn’t the only one engaged with a bowl of popcorn watching Kim’s sensually maddening gyrating silhouette. She was literally driving the man mad with passion by appealing to what drew them together – mad monkey hot blood hanging from the rafters S-E-X! This kind of temptation is catnip to the dark night of the soul because it removes all reason to be inhibited. We just let go and go for the gold in getting satisfied. At first this is love at first sight but if passions are lust-based the feelings dissipate and like a drug the euphoria wears off. Situations and high-strung emotions power sudden swift changes in the psyche as adrenaline rushes.
If home isn’t right nothing else will be either. Gemini is keyed to the 8, 9, and 10 of Swords in tarot, and this zodiac represents the temptations we suffer or survive based on selecting the best and most right choice. When we are forced to get in touch with this part of psyche we become more driven to break free. We want only one thing – to possess what soul desires. But conscience rules that the heart has to be involved in all decision-making choices. We call this the dark night of soul and it’s no fun place to be emotionally. This part of the psyche is Virgo-ruled because it relates to what is gothic. Air as an element has to be grounded by Earthly elements or that which feels like it is from the same Earth-home. Gemini relates to what is familiar and Virgo relates by familiarizing with one’s surroundings. Intelligence is based on the facts of awareness we gather in those seconds before judging whether a situation is perfect or in need of being perfected. We decide personally what it will take to light up inside and keep the fires of home burning in the heart. Once the light flickers out there is no passion,
enthusiasm, or joy in doing anything. Depression stops when we find ways to feel better, feel good, and feel productive.
Gemini O=the circle of self, the number 22/0, Tarot Card Key 22/0 = The Fool Virgo Government, Governance, Gevurah Mercury rules both Gemini and Virgo. They are the signs governing intelligence. These zodiacs are twin-flame energies to one’s ability to judge clearly because they trigger “flow” of energy and one’s ability to be productive. It’s cold and there are no friends, no family, and no loved ones to bring us back. There is only self in this zone of being and it is from this point many begin the self-journey back to wellness, feeling good, and feeling better about life in general. Soul must serve its purpose, meet its mission, and reconnect with the love of its soul lifetimes once we have awakened spiritually within. These three cards show an evolution of emotion, regret, and worries that keep one up at night from bad decisions. Gemini is the sign of one being judged for something because Gemini separates fact from fiction like its counterpart Sagittarius. Countering the 8, 9, and 10 of Swords is the 8, 9, and 10 of wands all keyed to Sagittarius. Saturn retrograded in Sagittarius June 14th and the New Moon occurs in Gemini at 25.07 degrees. When these cards show up in a reading the wands show us how to magically make the right, best, and most select choice by listening to our heart. Need to know your soul’s purpose? Try Angel Tarot and experts get acquainted with different types of tarot spreads or invent new ones. Nothing is written until we think it, write it, and live it as fact or fiction. We are the best judges of our own justice systems. We make sensible judgment calls with powers of clarity. Where the 8 of Swords is about feeling bound and unable to make a move, the 8 of Wands shows moves being made on our behalf we don’t see. Arrows of love shooting in the air from all directions in hopes of reaching the heart of a matter with happy endings intended as outcomes. Love gives the soul hope that something can be done and justice can be restored to initiate balancing. Emotions must be objectified via tools like Karmic Tarot and Astrology systems.
On the 29th a celestial formation begins between Regulus + Lilith in Virgo, Jupiter, Juno, and Venus in Leo, + Chiron (R) in Pisces lasting well into the 2nd of July! There are different types of holistic healing systems to familiarize with now that we have hybrid templates and new ways of doing one reading. General readings are great for on the go thinking but the best readings are the ones we set time aside to personalize. We can turn any negative situation around by taking alternative points of views on resolving them but only if we keep an open mind, positive mindset, and receptive heart to reason. Pluto (R) in Capricorn wants us to stick to self-made promises working out kinks and bugs in our emotional-software. It’s time for us to be clear on what’s natural and what isn’t to define what’s true about self. Capricorns demands we keep it real with self about trust issues. If we are having intimacy hang-ups in sexual relations, Sexual Astrology, Tantric Astrology, and Sexual Tarot are all clarifying options because they focus on specifics. Instead of closing the dialog box click on one of those free links to a compatibility report and see what happens. When something is clearly laid out in facts we can assess, evaluate, and evolve by making smarter wiser selections. Venus and North Node in Libra agree! We’ll naturally set up the criteria to block what we don’t want and receive what we do want to experience more of – it’s our own natural process of selection. Every being has this ability to intuit what is right, wrong, and best and through a 3rd eye clarity what makes the most sense to choose based on the timeframe we feel comfortable with. Moon and Saturn (R) meet in Scorpio at 29.11 degrees exact. There are things that will work out temporarily and those that will work out for the permanent. By natural law we all possess the right to free will, choice, and power to choose. Who can make clear decisions on bogus facts or self-denial? There is no such thing as it just happened when we get into the metaphysics of choosing what we wish to attract. If we don’t want to attract a certain type of person we change our aura by getting more enlightened on our personal astrology. We learn what works for us and why based on astrological DNA. We can transform the dead back into the full of life, again by simply taking a different turn at the Wheel of Fortune. This means really reflecting on what life lessons we are to be working on this lifetime and doing the work it takes to become Twin Flame material by being more committed to the healing process. It’s good to admit hurt, vulnerability, and even toss a dish at the wall. The question remains, “What are we going to do to heal self?” When will the road to self-recovery begin? For how long do we wish to take the ride to personal freedom and a life we’ve always wanted? Yes, we work jobs that pay the bills but there is nothing anywhere that says we have to hang it up and throw in the towel. When the going gets tough, remember you
are tough enough to keep going. Stop saying I can’t do this and start chanting – I have done this and remember how with Past Life tarot or astrology systems. On the 29th Venus in Leo trines Uranus in Aries! We only keep doing the same stupid stuff until we know there are better options available. It’s up to us to find out what they are and to take advantage of them. Reason can come in all shades and from all different types of sources. So why discount using tarot, numerology, astrology, herbs, reiki, acupuncture, or Tai Chi yoga because it’s way out there to others? Why should we care about being judged if something is working well for us? We shouldn’t. There is a system in metaphysics to heal every malady whether it is neurosis, psychosis, or the psychotic. Spiritual medicine provides answers without side effects because it helps us keep it together by keeping it real with self about our feelings. Feelings build into emotion and depending on how long we’ve been holding it in, that’s how powerful the emotions become when unreleased, un-expressed, and unaddressed. Emotions build molehills into mountains. We are upset about one thing after another until there is the straw that breaks the camel’s you-know-what. But why do we have to get to these stages of self-pressurization? It’s our nature of duality. The conscience holds the light and dark of the soul but the heart is what drives its ambition to tell on us. Ever notice when a person is saying one thing but their body is doing another? We call it telling on the self in psychology. Forensic Lie Detection devices have been around since the origins of time because we intuit. Intuition requires absolute clarity to work at its best. All decisions are made from intuitive foresight or pre-meditation whether we admit it or not, there are a few seconds delay in between the time we think of doing and actually act out. Gemini however might disagree, as this is their forte of expertise. If you are a Gemini or have strong Gemini placements within 5 degrees of 25 degrees either direction, you’ll be feeling this New Moon most. Watch for events related to your Gemini’s position to unfold as emotional-tied or triggered circumstances. The 10 of Swords is when the walls of Jericho come tumbling down inside. We let go and accept the self as we are by surrendering what is blocking the mind from justifying what heart is feeling. It’s that moment when we realize we don’t know it all and some things must be left up to universe to conclude for us. We have to let dead things be put to rest and this includes past life, reincarnation, and Twin Flamerelated issues within. When we aren’t happy in the soul out of loneliness or feeling isolated universe hears our cries for help and steps in with alternatives. These alternatives may not be what we had in mind but in taking the leap of faith we jump into the best possible outcome.
Outcomes shape the culture we eventually find self living in as our world, universe, and paradigm of self-actualization. We judge self into doing this or that. We wrote every moment in our life into our natal charts. Experts in any of the metaphysical healing holistics can show us the way back to full recovery by taking natural means to do them. Smoking medicinal cannabis has far less side effects than a person hooked on drugs. It’s a proven fact some even make better workers and become more productive at reaching personal goal sets. When the mind is clear and the heart is pure there is clarity. We can easily make sound judgment calls when what we judge with is uncluttered by emotional dysfunctions wouldn’t you agree? So this time when Chiron retrogrades it’s about finding the right system to heal self with and not caring how others see what you are doing. If it’s working and producing the right results stick with it. If it’s not – let go, and find what will work well. Healing is an ongoing process we have to work at daily with diligence, devotion, and conviction of soul. If we fall it’s okay, we get back up with a new outlook, different approach, and new expert if necessary. The point is to keep trying to chase those rabbits eventually you catch them. Rabbits symbolize the hopes, dreams, and wishes of the soul coming true. It can when we give self the right power tools to do so. Make those appointments for regular readings. Subscribe to horoscopes that have proven to be accurate for you. Try working with a personal expert astrologist who can refer you to other astrologists that specialize in what you are seeking to understand. Make the time to daily meditate on what’s making you feel better and what isn’t. We have to auto tune the psyche so it always knows where home really is and heart is no longer led astray in wishful thinking and counterbalancing karma.
Thank you! Be sure and tune in for July’s special feature articles! If you don’t, you are “missing” out.
Astrology Today is the 1st of its kind e-zine created by Top Master Metaphysician and Expert Astrologist – “Queen Ola”. Queen Ola had an unusual childhood but shared a secret power with her Mother. It was gifts to interpret astrology, numerology, Wicca, and work the supernatural. There was more to light work Ola found, than just mapping folks’ stars and planets. It was a system of good health practices as components. It takes a whole system of organic means and herbs – to create spiritual wellness and “balance”. Ola’s Mom specialized in more than baking wellness cookies. She was an expert in iridology, creating powerful herbal remedies, and telling big time southern folklore that made folks laugh. Descended from a long line of royal spiritualists with white hair, unique eyes, and a penchant for reading “nature” – Ola was trained to become an expert Metaphysician. Metaphysics is the art of slowing things down to “study” and perfect. You know “tweak things a bit?” Now Ola shares the benefits of a lifetime’s work. All magicians have trade secrets and she is a master at creating formulas, keys, and easy to use personalized astrology for better results. Her information “un-picks” the secretly locked doors of destiny. Benefit monthly with observations that give heavenly solutions to daily problems. At last metaphysics now makes common sense by “re-thinking”. Build fresh perspectives that crop new and fun creative ideas. In addition to writing AT, Queen Ola blogs monthly to keep you - “in the know” – 1st. Subscribe to exclusive and #shocking revelations. Read keen business insights to personalize windfalls. Queen Ola is a master at reading – Lilith Astrology, Financial Astrology, Magi Astrology, Love Astrology, Soul Astrology, Sexual Astrology, Psychological Astrology, Jupiter+Saturn Astrology, Career Astrology, Quantum Physics, Strata physics, Metaphysics, genealogy, Ancient Egyptian Astrology, Advanced Numerology and expanding the realm of Shaman Astrology for commercial usage. Please feel free to leave comments about this e-zine at **All images used are for the purpose and intent of education, enlightenment, and comparison of study. Please check with a doctor before using any herbal recommendations.