RANKINGS Design Intelligence, undergraduate interior design programs #19 in the nation
The interior design program at The Design School emphasizes collaborative and hands-on learning experiences created in the stimulating setting of a multidisciplinary school. The educational experience begins with our diverse and knowledgeable faculty. In addition, experienced local practitioners teach classes as visiting instructors, allowing the students to fully grasp the evolving and expanding nature of interior design. The program’s strong curricula includes the study of history, theory communication, materials, lighting, construction methods, technology, and other topics pertinent in design industry. This top-ranking program focuses humancentered interior design while fostering innovation. Students learn integrative and sustainable methods of interior design through creative, technical, and communication skills. Undergraduate Programs • Bachelor of Science in Design in interior design • Minors and Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies concentrations: interior design history Graduate Programs • Master of Interior Architecture (two-year and three-plus programs) • Master of Science in Design (research-based program) concentrations: interior design • Concurrent degrees available Certificates and Minors • Certificates: arts entrepreneurship, arts in education, digital culture, socially engaged practice • Minors: architectural studies, art history, art history (online), dance, digital culture, fashion, film and media production, interior design history, landscape studies, music performance, music, studio art, theatre, music theatre Request more information Have questions?
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