January/February 2016 Arkansas State University - Newport
Volume 4, Nos. 1 & 2
ASU-Newport Hits the Ground Running as 2017 Begins When ASU-Newport faculty and staff members returned to campus in early January following the holiday break, preparations for the Spring 2017 semester were already in full swing. ASU-Newport staff members from all three campus locations logged over 800 hours over the holiday break in preparation for the launch of the college’s new Enterprise Resource Planning software, Campus Nexus, which controls and manages the data associated with each of our students. Additionally, other staff members devoted numerous hours over the break preparing for ASU-Newport’s February Higher Learning Commission re-accreditation visit. ASU-Newport’s re-accredi-
tation process with the Higher Learning Commission occurs once every 10 years, and is a comprehensive evaluation of every department of the college. The all-encompassing visit involved staff, faculty, students and community members from each of the college’s three campus locations. The three-member evaluation team arrived on ASUN’s Newport campus Feb. 27 to begin an intense two-day assessment of the college. Beginning with an early-morning meetand-greet with various institutional representatives, the evaluation team enjoyed dialogue with members of virtually every department at ASU-Newport. Additionally, discussion forums were held with students from all three sites, commu-
ASUN Chancellor Dr. Sandra Massey (right) looks on as Peyton Inman, a Liberal Arts student from Newport, addresses the group at the HLC Evaluation Visit opening meet-and-greet session. Inman spoke about her experiences as a student at ASU-Newport. nity members from across the region, and finally, faculty and
Members of the communities served by ASU-Newport look on as Michael Boyd, a member of the HLC Evaluation Team that visited ASUN, speaks at an open forum and luncheon on the Newport campus. Forums were held with members of the community, students and ASUN staff and faculty.
staff members. Following the two-day evaluation, the HLC team members praised ASU-Newport for its preparation for the visit, its “one college/multiple location philosophy,” and for its sense of unity and shared support among faculty and staff as the institution continues to grow together as an agent of higher learning Additionally the team recognized the champions that make up our students and communities, and felt that ASUN is a “beacon of light” in the communities we serve, as evidenced by the passion displayed by our faculty and staff.
The ASU-Newport Mission Statement ASU-Newport provides an accessible, affordable, quality education that transforms the lives of our students, enriches our communities and strengthens the regional economy.