June 2016 Month N Review

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The June 2016


Arkansas State University - Newport

Volume 3, No. 6

ASUN Students Win Gold at National SkillsUSA Chelsea Barnett, a recent graduate of Arkansas State University-Newport, took top honors in the Cosmetology division, and current ASUN student Mysti Kirkpatrick won the Esthetics division at the National SkillsUSA competition held June 20-24 in Louisville, Ky. Barnett, of Jonesboro, and Kirkpatrick, of Little Rock, won the gold medals by defeating competitors from across the nation who won their state-level SkillsUSA competitions. Barnett and Kirkpatrick competed under the instruction of Melinda Odom and Rebekah Vinson, ASUN Instructors of Cosmetology on the Marked Tree campus. Ashlyn Warren of Brookland served as the model for Kirkpatrick at the competition. “Everyone at ASU-Newport is extremely proud of the efforts of these students and their instructors,” said ASUN Chancellor Dr. Sandra Massey. “The strong tradition of our success at SkillsUSA, both on the national and state level is a testament to the talent and hard work of Melinda Odom and Rebekah Vinson, our Instructors of Cosmetology. Chelsea and Mysti have taken that tradition to another level, putting in the hard work that led to their firstplace finishes. I am confident that their wins at SkillsUSA will only enhance what would have already been a successful beginning to their careers following their graduation from ASUN.” Barnett’s first-place finish

From left, Rebekah Vinson, ASUN Instructor of Cosmetology; Ashlyn Warren, Esthetics model; Mysti Kirkpatrick, gold medalist in Esthetics, Chelsea Barnett; gold medalist in Cosmetology and Melinda Odom, ASUN Instructor of Cosmetology. was the first for an ASUN stuThe Esthetics competition Marked Tree campus at 870dent in the Cosmetology divi- evaluated each contestant’s 358-2117. sion, while Kirkpatrick’s gold preparation for employment SkillsUSA is a partnership medal marks the second time and recognized outstanding of students, teachers and indusan ASUN student finished first students for their excellence try working together to ensure in the Esthetics division. Bri- and professionalism in the field America has a skilled workgitte Schwartz, a 2014 ASUN of Esthetics. The competition force. SkillsUSA helps each Cosmetology graduate, won the was made up of an oral commu- student excel, and is a national Esthetics competition that same nications assessment, one writ- nonprofit organization servyear. ten examination and separate ing teachers and high school The Cosmetology competi- skill performance tasks. The and college students who are tion evaluated each contestant’s performance tasks included fa- preparing for careers in trade, preparation for employment cial, massage, daytime makeup technical and skilled service and recognized outstanding and fantasy makeup. occupations, including health students for their excellence Arkansas State Universi- occupations. and professionalism in the field ty-Newport’s Cosmetology SkillsUSA enhances the of Cosmetology. The compe- students have competed in lives and careers of students, tition was divided into four SkillsUSA competitions for 29 instructors and industry repseparate skills performance consecutive years. The ASUN resentatives as they strive to be tests, consisting of three haircut Cosmetology program is locat- champions at work. styles and an evening up-do. ed on the Marked Tree campus, The organization serves Competitors also took part in and applications for the January more than 300,000 students a written examination and an 2017 class are currently being and instructors nationally, with oral communications competi- accepted. To begin the appli- more than 13,000 school chaption. cation process, call the ASUN ters in 54 states and territories.


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