MONTH November/December
Marked Tree Celebrates 50 Years Arkansas State University-Newport celebrated the 50th Anniversary of its Marked Tree campus with a public celebration on Friday, November 3, 2017, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Founded in 1967 as Delta Vocational Technical School, the Marked Tree campus initially offered seven vocational programs, maintained a staff of 17, and enrolled 71 students. Today, 50 years later, the campus boasts 25 full-time staff members and faculty, 30-40 parttime employees, serves an average of 250 students a year, and offers seven in-demand technical programs including Automotive Service Technician, Collision Repair and Refinishing Technology, Energy Control Technology, Computer and Networking Technology, Cosmetology, Surgical Technology, and Practical Nursing. “Over the last 50 years, the Marked Tree campus has seen over 11,000 full-time students graduate and make better lives for themselves and their families,” stated ASUN Chancellor Dr. Sandra Massey. “We celebrate this important milestone with the local community, and look forward to the positive economic, social, and cultural impact the campus will continue to have on its students, the local community, and its residents.” In addition to offering associate degrees, technical certificates, and certificates of proficiency, the Marked Tree campus also offers an Adult Education GED program. Since 1970 more than 4,000 students have successfully completed this GED program.