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Drones, robots and VR

ASU Drone Studio

The 10,000-square-foot ASU Drone Studio is academia’s largest indoor space for drone, robot and other large-scale research of swarming, cyber-physical systems and human-robot interactions.

The space is now open to additional members of the ASU community and government and industry partners as a recharge center. New ASU and external partners can now make paid reservations at hourly rates.

ASU Drone Studio users can take advantage of 105 high-precision Optitrack infrared cameras, 3D tracking system and other capabilities and software. The systems can capture 360 measurements per second for up to 150 robots simultaneously and with 0.5-millimeter accuracy. The studio can support both ground and airborne robots and drones.


Dreamscape Learn is a VR education platform developed in conjunction with ASU that serves as a virtual laboratory for students. The platform allows users to develop complex learning and problem-solving skills. Dreamscape recently secured a multimillion government training contract within the defense and intelligence arenas, brokered by In-Q-Tel. In-Q-Tel invests in organizations and companies that have advanced technical capabilities that benefit national security.

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