Ending with a Beginning | Vol. 102, Issue 01

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Ne w s p a p e r o f Wa l l a Wa l l a U n i v e r s i t y

Collegian =The

Meet the new editorial staff ! p pg. 4

Volume 101 | Issue 26

“I’m excited about the direction and vision of the new staff and I can’t wait to see what topics and issues they bring to light this coming year!”

June 1, 2017

—Hilary Catlett, Assistant V.P./Dean of Students

Fo re c a s t | I n t ro d u c t i o n o f S t a f f | Fe a t u re | Q u e s t i o n n a i re | L i f e | O u t d o o r | M e d i a / Te c h | Fo o d / C u l t u re | S c i e n c e | O p i n i o n | H i s t o r y

h t i w g n i End g n i n n i g a Be As the year closes out, ASWWU prepares for next year.. With new staff, a new cycle begins.

OUTDOOR | I want to hear the stories about your adventures in the great Pacific Northwest. pg. 10

FOOD/CULTURE | Awareness is truly a great thing. Culture and food are so intertwined! pg. 11

RELIGION | There once was a foreign man walking down a small village’s road wearing a hat. pg. 11

SCIENCE | After starting my own fossil collection and donating some of my finds to museums... pg. 12

OPINION | Create, fail, and learn. That’s the cycle of the creative life. . pg. 13

HISTORY | “Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past.” pg. 14


Dear Reader,

Chères lecteurs,

My name is Daniella Silva, and I am thrilled and honoured to serve as The Collegian’s editor-in chief, 2017-2018. As a Canadian, there are a few things I want to address right of the bat. In Canada, everything is written in both English and French. “Z” is pronounced “zed,” Tim Horton’s is better than Starbucks, and sometimes, you might hear me say, “eh?” I’ve also been known to call the bathroom a “washroom,” and I’m really sorry if that’s been causing some confusion around campus. Joking aside, next year’s focus will be on local investigative journalism. Our hope is that The Collegian will reflect our desire to engage with the community and to present thoughtprovoking, informed articles on a wide range of topics. Additionally, we would like to expand our online content. This will allow us to share our work with a wider readership, as well as provide a digital platform for ongoing dialogue about the issues that matter most to our readers. I am so excited about each and every member of my team for next year. The Collegian would not be possible without the talented student writers, designers, copy editors, and distributors who make this paper a reality. We rely on you, the reader, for input and inspiration. If you have questions, comments, and contributions, you can email us at aswwu.collegian@wallawalla.edu. Thank you all for your continued support of student publications, and have a fantastic summer!

Si vous pouvez lire ce texte, ça veut dire que vous êtes plus cultivé que la plupart des lecteurs de The Collegian, 2017-2018. Évidemment, je blague un peu. Il se peut que vous êtes juste un simple étudiant de la langue française, comme moi. Par contre, vous pourriez être québécois. Dans ce cas soyez, vous êtes même plus stéréotypiquement canadien que moi. Finalement, les plus sournois parmi vous ont déjà tapé ce texte entier dans le traducteur de Google. Peu importe que vous lisiez le français ou non, je vous souhaite la bienvenue. L’année prochaine, nous nous concentrons sur le journalisme d'enquête. Notre espoir, c’est que The Collegian reflète notre désire de s’engager dans la communauté. Nous aborderons des sujets variés qui font réfléchir. En plus, nous voulons élargir notre présence sur Internet pour que le lectorat agrandisse et que le dialogue continue hors de la publication imprimée. Je suis très heureuse d’avoir une équipe si formidable pour l’année prochaine. The Collegian ne sera pas possible sans le talent des écrivains, dessinateurs, relecteurs, et distributeurs qui travaillent chaque semaine sur cette publication. Nous comptons sur toi, lecteur, pour ton inspiration et ta contribution. Si vous avez des questions, des commentaires, ou des contributions, vous pouvez nous envoyer un email à aswwu. collegian@wallawalla.edu. Merci à tous pour votre soutien continu, et passez un été fantastique! EDITOR-IN-CHIEF DANIELLA SILVA


LAYOUT DESIGN Kyra GreyEyes Sophie Bailey Geoffrey Lopes JOURNALISM Michael Jensen Delia Frey Jake Sloop OPINION Parker Bailey Savannah Pardo FOOD & CULTURE Daphne Novak Hannah Thiel BACKPAGE Meghann Heinrich

MEDIA & TECH Matthew Fennell OUTDOOR Niqolas Ruud SCIENCE Forrest Shepherd HISTORY Zachary White RELIGION Peter Flores COPY EDITORS Karli Hart Jocelyn Griffin

Did you notice a little change in the design? I wanted to implement elements in this issue that allude to next year’s design; a modern twist on the traditional news journal. With a stronger web-base, personalized graphics, and important content we hope to make The Collegian more accessible and relatable to you. Expect to be visually intrigued this next year. CREATIVE DIRECTOR HANNAH CHEBELEU

If you are interested in contributing to The Collegian, speak with one of our illustrious staff members. The Collegian is enhanced by regularly incorporating a wide range of campus perspectives.

Cover Credit: Sophie Bailey

The Collegian is the official publication of ASWWU. Its views and opinions are not necessarily the official stance of Walla Walla University or its administration, faculty, staff, or students. Questions, letters, and comments can be sent to aswwu. collegian@wallawalla.edu or daniella.silva@ wallawalla.edu. This issue was completed at 7:50 A.M. on Thursday, June 1, 2017.

The Collegian | Volume 102, Issue 1 | 204 S. College Avenue, College Place, WA 99324 https://issuu.com/aswwucollegian





SENATE This week, Senate had 13 bills in old business and zero bills in new business.

White supremecist Richard Spencer banned from SoundCloud. Maybe that's what getting punched in the face sounds like.

Thursday: Clouds in the morning, sun in the afternoon. Chance of Precipitation 20%.

Friday: Sunny. Chance of Precipitation 0%.

OLD BUSINESS F.L. 18 – Campus Board for WEC (approved) F.L. 19 – Donation for ASWWU Outdoors for Campus Board (approved)

Scientists create super sponge for diabetics to regulate blood sugar.

F.L. 20 – Trussing for ASWWU (approved)

Who lives in your bloodstream and soaks up your junk...

F.L. 21 – ASWWU Portland Campus Budget (approved) F.L. 22 – Lightbulbs in Rigby

Sean Spicer claims the president and a select few knew exactly what "covfefe" meant. That's what that leaked codeword was.

G.L. 22 – Social VP Campaign Event Plan G.L. 23 – Updated Job Descriptions G.L. 24 – ASWWU Wellness & Diversity Officer (approved) G.L. 25 – Employee Evaluation Rework

Germans build underground pipeline— for beer.

Saturday: Partly Cloudy. Chance of Precipitation 0%.

Monday: Sunny. Chance of Precipitation 0%.

Sunday: Partly Cloudy. Chance of Precipitation 20%.

Tuesday: Sunny. Chance of Precipitation 0%.

Protests over the fact that the pipe isn't leaking.

G.L. 26 – Redistricting (approved) P.L. 45 – Hope Heaton for Social Events Coordinator (approved) P.L. 46 – Brooke Thompson for Social Events Coordinator (approved)

New Collegian heads stay up until 8 a.m. finishing a most brilliantlydesigned paper.

P.L. 47 – Alex Chase for Social Events Coordinator (approved)

There isn't enough coffee in the world to rocket surgeon am I hearing colors?

At the end of spring quarter, senators are asked to continue to be in these positions. Up to 10 senators are allowed to work in Summer Senate. The incoming executive vice president communicates with them to have a smooth transition from summer quarter to fall quarter. The following students were asked and accepted to be Summer Senate: Andrew Yamada, Zachary White, Hannah Chebeleu, Sarina Meservia, Courtney MacPhee, Joshua Huh, Gabrielle Pahler, Kyle Simpson, Micah Hall, and Evelyn OuroRodrigues.


Meet The Team


Our “Skilled” Staff

Angelica Chan -

Daniella Silva -

Daphne Novák -

Delia Frey -

Penguin whisperer

Correctly uses the word "eh?"

Professional tree identifier

Being the least picky eater

Forrest Sheperd -

Geoffrey Lopes -

Hannah Chebeleu -

Hannah Thiel -

Jake Sloop -

Jocelyn Griffin -

Parallel parking

Carnegie Hall Musician

Holding many things in pockets

Extreme sandwich maker

Directing insults towards your cat

Singing like Louis Armstrong

Karli Hart -

Kate Beckner -

Kyra GreyEyes -

Matthew Fennell -

Meghann Heinrich -

Michael Jensen -

Master suitcase packer

Renowned cat herder

Being a real-life ninja

Christmas tree lumberjack

Competitive snorkeler

Sodium-free halotherapist

Niqolas Ruud -

Parker Bailey -

Peter Flores -

Savannah Pardo -

Sophie Bailey -

Zachary White -

Overtone singing

Playing the pipe organ

Doing fairly convincing mouth trumpets

Mad softball skills

Expert burrito folder

Writing other people’s Instagram bios




s the school year nears completion, students, faculty, and probably parents are feeling the anticipation of happy conclusions and new beginnings. Final projects are wrapping up, class content is winding down, and everyone is preparing for a summer spent working, playing, studying, or all of the above. For everyone but seniors, this is a familiar and exciting time where anticipation of the approaching summer activities, and the promise of the new school year to follow lends a certain excitement to everyday activities, and the ever-improving weather certainly helps with this as well. For seniors, however, emotions are more complex. The brilliant energy of spring melting into golden summer is tempered by the realization that college life is nearly over. There is the ever-increasing sense that each distinct element of college life at Walla Walla University is about to be unavailable—no more ASWWU events, no more Worm Ranch, no more living a few minutes from friends. But with these realizations comes the knowledge that opportunity knocks: a new life free from exorbitant school bills and constant academic stress awaits everyone,1 along with the chance to live and work nearly anywhere in the world while forging a unique path and adult identity. So much potential, so much responsibility, and so much change all at once. Some seniors already have a job or grad school lined up and know exactly where they will head after graduation. Others are still searching for a place to land, perhaps pondering how to tell their parents that they need to crash at home for a while. Either way, there is the knowledge that things are about to change, and with that knowledge the fear and anticipation that always accompanies it. But more exciting

is the celebration of surviving four years of instruction, dedication, and arduous work. Upon graduating in two weeks, each senior will be joining the roughly 32 percent of Americans over age 25 with a bachelor’s degree, becoming eligible for many of the jobs and responsibilities that will shape the future of the world.2 In celebration of that milestone, Walla Walla University goes all out to ceremonially recognize each graduate and the commitment that they have made to quality education. This year, the graduation commencement ceremony will begin Sunday morning, June 11. The university is expecting over 2000 attendees at the commencement to share in the graduates’ joy and recognize the work they invested to earn a degree. On behalf of The Collegian team and as a friend of many graduating seniors, I wish hearty congratulations to everyone graduating this spring. And to everyone else, whether you plan to be at the ceremony or not, I encourage you to take a moment to congratulate graduating seniors on their achievements and capitalize on the fleeting time left to share a few more memories with them before they head on to the next phases of their lives. Dedicated Collegian readers may recognize my name from my work on this last year’s publication team. As one might infer from my contribution to this issue, I will be continuing in my role as a feature writer next year. During this time I look forward to focusing more on local news stories and investigative journalism projects alongside the top-notch team we have for the 2017 to 2018 school year. For those who don’t know me personally, yet care enough about my background to read this far, I am a rising senior mechanical engineering student who enjoys travel, writing, video production, and adventure. Hopefully my enthusiasm for communication and passion for seeking out unusual and interesting experiences will help me bring you some exciting stories during this coming school year.

Except those going to grad school. Educational Attainment in the United States: 2015, United States Census Bureau, https://www.census.gov/ content/dam/Census/library/publications/2016/demo/p20578.pdf 1 2




alla Walla University and Southern Adventist University have a long history of recruiting from each other’s academic resources. This year, however, recruitment has reached a fever pitch, with two Walla Walla University administrative positions being filled by Southern expatriates. The most recent announcement was the hiring of Dr. Doug Tilstra, Southern’s director of outdoor education and leadership. In this position, he oversaw the master’s degree program, and proved valuable to Southern’s academia—valuable enough to be recruited. Of course, this isn’t the whole story. It all began when the position of vice president of student life and mission became vacant. Dr. David Richardson was sniped by Oakwood University to serve as their next vice president for spiritual life and mission. Immediately, WWUs human resources department launched a manhunt. According to WWU President John McVay, the school compiled a list of over 40 candidates. McVay explains, “Someone off campus suggested Tilstra’s name, so we wrote it down. We started doing research, and he ended up being the best candidate. Eventually we called him and asked him if he’d be willing to apply, which he did.” The rest is history. However, the ethics are still in question. "How often does Southern snipe WWU staff and vice versa?" I asked McVay, focusing my question especially on the history of “McStay,” wherein two years ago

he was recruited by Southern, culminating in a student campaign entitled #McStay, which were apparently successful. McVay was quick to point out that he has never been employed by Southern, but did recieve his undergraduate education there. McVay then paused, trying to remember anyone Southern may have sniped from WWUs in the past. McVay remembered, “They took Glenn Carter, our associate vice president of financial administration, and they also snagged his wife Jennifer. Yeah, they sometimes steal from us, sometimes we steal from them.” 1 As it turns out, Southern doesn’t steal from WWU all that often. McVay implied that this may be because we are inherently a better school, and have an environment, that no professor wants to leave. While we may all be inclined to agree, I think we should venture to disagree. It’s much more plausible to say that Southern doesn’t want any of our staff right now. That will inevitably change. Regardless of the political realities surrounding WWUs propensity to hire Southern’s professors, Tilstra isn’t the first and definitely won’t be the last. Just this month, WWU also signed with Dr. Linda Crumley, Southern’s dean of the school of journalism. Next year she will be the chair of the Communications and Languages Department. It’s safe to say WWU is most definitely sniping talent from Southern. With this in mind, I asked McVay how ethical he considers these practices. He replied:

I agree with McVay, the possibilities within the Adventist system provide a structure for growth that is unparalleled within the academic world. WWU is benefiting right now, but one day the tables will turn, if only for the benefit of individual academic staff. Regardless, the greater Adventist system stands to benefit us all through the continued interchange of intellectual resources. Hi, I’m Jake Sloop, a freshmen who somehow ended up in the Collegian. I’m from California, and if probability is on my side, then you are too. Regardless, I’m a relatively new immigrant to California as my family is native to Washington, and I actually went to school in Canada.2 I’m a published author, designer, and occasionally get hired to work for fine institutions like ASWWU.

I think it’s wise to allow people that are performing well to get noticed and to have access to every opportunity that they’re earned. So I think it’s a great thing that we have a system where people who are doing a great job have access to a wider set of opportunities across our Adventist system. I think this is a very positive thing for the system as a whole. Obviously any given campus will have to adjust to the realities of the moment, but overall I believe it’s a very positive thing. It should be noted that Pacific Union College has also engaged in academic sniping. Dr. Bob Cushman has accepted an invitation from PUC to serve as their next president. Perhaps his replacement will come from Southern. 2 Shoutout to Fountainview Academy 1




ith finals right around the corner, the idea of studying for each of them can seem extremely overwhelming and stressful. I’ve compiled a list of study hacks, tips, and scientifically proven techniques that I hope will make you feel like you’re tackling finals with a real strategy instead of diving headfirst and blindfolded into murky waters. Make and Keep a Study Schedule The majority of us have more than one final exam to study for. This, coupled with looking for any summer jobs and/or not knowing what to do after graduation, can make everything you have to get done feel enormous. Set aside hours of each day to study/work on projects. Then divide up your study/project time into categories for each class so you can focus the right amount on each final. Make sure to include time to sleep, eat, and exercise as it is important to be healthy and feeling good when tackling difficult tasks.

Don’t Overcaffeinate Although a cup of coffee or energy drink may seem like your only way to get through the day, over caffeinating does more harm than good. In fact, overcaffeinating increases your body’s stress response which isn’t the most helpful when you’re already extremely stressed. I love a good cup of coffee just as much as the next PNW college student, but a good night’s rest and maybe a power nap is better for you than five cups of coffee or that quad shot.

Use the Pomodoro Method Being able to look forward to a break can help you study more effectively and will help you pay attention. The Pomodoro Method suggests you study hard for 25 minutes straight and then take a short five minute break. The five minute break can be especially helpful if you use it to walk around and stay hydrated. Don’t be too shy to laugh a little during that mini break too. The goal is to make the break a great stress reliever so you can be more focused while you study.

Adapt the Chunking Method Chunking is a study method meant to improve short-term memory and is especially effective for memorization. This is a great technique to implement for those of us who have been slacking the whole quarter and now need to squeeze everything we need to know into the remainder of dead week and the weekend before final exams. Chunking is basically what its name implies—grouping information to be able to remember more information quickly. So if you have to remember 50 vocabulary words or formulas and you just can’t seem to remember everything, simply divide your list into smaller groups and work on memorizing one group before moving on to the next.

I hope these methods help you out in prepping for finals over the weekend! I'm sure planning to implement at least a few of them. For more study hacks and techniques visit www.discoverbusiness.us/learning/ Good luck during your finals and have a great summer!

Disclaimer: If you fail all your finals, please don't blame me





i, everyone! My name is Angelica Chan, and I’m a history major with a career goal in medicine. As the life editor for this next year, I look forward to exploring a variety of lifestyle facets on campus. One of the most important things for a healthy lifestyle is self-care, which can be difficult to think about when you’re just trying to get through the quarter. But self-care isn’t just for peak-stress times; it’s also important in the off-season, especially in the period immediately following weeks of pushing. So, here are a few things you can look forward to doing post-finals. After spring quarter is finished, treat yo’ self ! Sleep As we all know, college students are among the most sleep-deprived people around, considering that aside from the usual late hours studying or doing assignments, we also balance work and a social life. This summer, when the term is over, catch up on those lost hours of sleep. While you can't necessarily get those hours back, re-balancing your sleep schedule and getting back on track is extremely important for your health and well-being.


his yes/no column is inspired by Upfront magazine and will be written with the goal of tackling difficult or controversial questions in an informed, unbiased way. A new question will be presented biweekly to complement the feature article. Every other week this space will be dedicated to student responses to the question from the previous week. You will be able to email your responses to aswwu. collegian@wallawalla.edu However, because this is the last issue of the year, the question for this week is more lighthearted and hopefully won't cause an explosive debate1 on campus. Above all, we encourage all of next year’s contributors to be respectful of both viewpoints presented and to dialogue rather than debate whenever possible. If you’re reading this, “Queen” Silva, I did double check the usage of “debate.” In this case, I am using “debate” as a verb to indicate “argument (about a subject)”. 1


Try Not to Think About School I know, it's hard to stop thinking about school when you don't know if you actually passed your final, or got a good grade on that final project, or if there's a curve, or if you even passed any of your classes. I get it. That being said, you've done what you can, and worrying won't change the results. Once finals are done, it's helpful to step away from things that could potentially put your mind into overdrive. Focusing on other things (such as hobbies or activities you enjoy) allows you to keep your head in the present and shoo those negative vibes away.

Exercise Being active seems counterintuitive when you're supposedly trying to relax, but getting your blood pumping is a key part of putting yourself back together after being broken by the term. If you’ve been skipping consistent exercise in favor of studying for the past few weeks, like me, summer could be a great time to get back in shape. Things like going for a run, dancing, or even doing yoga are great at helping clear your mind and can also help your body balance itself out.

Talk to People You Care About While time for yourself is important, don't forget that you have friends and family to lean on! It can be helpful to share your concerns about the academic term to get them off your chest, but be sure to let yourself get distracted in positive conversations, too! Whether you're sitting and talking or heading to the movies together, being with friends is one of the best ways to escape your troubles and enjoy life. If you’re going home for the summer and are worried about missing your friends from school, try setting up a time to Skype so you don’t lose contact. Have a Period of Total Relaxation What better way to destress than with a spa day? Putting on your favorite face mask, lighting some scented candles, doing your nails, and spending time on yourself is the ultimate way to unwind. Basically, don't be afraid to indulge a little—you deserve more than just a pat on the back for getting through the term. You're one step closer to all the benefits that come with having a degree, even if you didn't get the grades you wanted. So buy something for yourself that you've wanted for a while, or do something you don't normally get to do. Do what you feel like doing, and enjoy it. You deserve it after the end of the year!



• No one wants to do school when it’s cold, rainy, and dark by 4 p.m. outside.

• No one wants to do school when it’s sunny, warm, and gorgeous outside.

• You wouldn’t have to worry about sheet ice while running late to class.

• There’s no air conditioning in Conard, Sitner, or Meske hall.

• Winter break would cover all the major holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s, meaning we could have fewer breaks during the school year, and get out earlier.

• Having summer break as well as short winter holidays means breaks are more evenly distributed. I suppose we’d get a week off for the Fourth of July.

• More daylight equals more productivity (hopefully).

• Unless every university switched to the winter break system, finding jobs and internships would be a real pain.

• You wouldn’t have to haul all your winter clothes to university.

• Working at winter camp sounds a lot less fun than working at summer camp.




ometimes the best things in life are the hardest to put into words: a budding relationship, free things, mangos, adorable dogs (or maybe cats if you’re a cat person). The list goes on. In my own life, I have come to realize that nearly every time I surround myself with people I love, I have a hard time putting that experience into words. The same is true of the times in which I am surrounded by Mother Nature, pushing myself to experience the present more and more fully. I have found that it is the best things in life which are often the most inexplicable. My name is Niqolas Ruud, and I’m a person. I’m a person who loves both people and the places we are privileged to encounter. While a collection of words

about an experience cannot do it any semblance of justice, I still want to hear your stories about people in the great outdoors. I don’t care if you just soloed a new route up some 8,000 meter peak in the Himalaya or somehow ended up sleeping on Centennial Green during

dead week; I want to hear your story, how relationships were forged, and how the experience affected you as a person. This coming year I want to hear the stories about your adventures here in the great Pacific Northwest. Open the email floodgates. Don’t let me catch an ounce of air amidst your deluge of comedic content. Seriously, feel free to ask or tell me anything; I will be looking to chat with folks of all skill and knowledge levels about things other than skills or knowledge. So start sending stuff to my email, which is my first name, plus my last name, plus the “at” sign (which looks like the following symbol:



ey! My name is Matt Fennell. I’m a computer engineering major, almost done with my junior year. Unlike most of you, I’m an East Coast boy from Maryland (Go Orioles!). You may wonder what I’m doing here, in The Collegian. Honestly, I’m still trying to figure it out myself. Daniella just kinda left the office unlocked, and I thought for sure someone would’ve noticed and deleted this column before the issue went to print. In all seriousness, I’m here for one reason: I love stories. I love TV, books, movies, podcasts, music, video games, and pretty much anything and anyone with a story to tell. Surprise, surprise, I think everything and everyone has a story to tell. Next year I want this column to be a place where I can share those stories with you. I’ve put together a quick list of some of the stories I’ve been enjoying, to give you a little taste of what I hope to do next year. "Office Space" is a Mike Judge film that, despite being from 1999, feels just as current and comically tragic as every episode

of his newest show, "Silicon Valley." Bonus points to this one for the use of some truly inspiring hardcore gangster rap. Something about white guys smashing a printer while an angry dude shouts about the thug life in the background always makes me laugh. "Wolf in White Van" is a cool little book that I read on the trip home this past weekend. It tells the story of a man left with a disfiguring scar after a tragic accident who runs a sort of choose-your-own-adventure pen pal service. He provides harmless escapism in his correspondence with his customers, until a few of them take the game too far. What sets this book apart is the way it flows and sings, pulling you into a sad, bizarre dream of a story that the author so expertly shares. If this sounds like your jam and you want to borrow my copy, let me know! "Sawbones" is the podcast I’m listening to while I write this column. It’s billed as a “marital tour of misguided medical history” from podcast emperor Justin McElroy and his wife, Dr. Sydnee McElroy. This podcast is a fun, lighthearted and educational hour of weekly listening that covers topics such as the science of Kombucha, the EpiPen crisis, and the bizarre and disgusting story of Tarrare: the man who ate everything.1

So, each week I’ll try to find a story that I, the rest of the staff, or one of you loved and I’ll talk about it for a little bit. If there’s a new book or movie I think you might like, or an awesome new album you can stream, or a TV show that you need to get up on, I’ll do my best to let you know. In addition to the more traditional media stuff, if something crazy is happening in the news, tech, sports, or just in town or on campus, I’ll try to find the story that will help you make sense of it. Well, that’s about it! Thanks for reading this far, it means a whole lot to me.2 I want to do my best to make my 500 to 600 word chunk of this paper something you want to read every week. Tips or thoughts to point me in the right direction are always appreciated. You can shoot me an email at matthew.fennell@wallawalla.edu at absolutely any time, and I’ll do my best to get back to you.

No, really. He ate everything. Unless of course you’re the girl from speech class who told me I “sold my soul.” That comment definitely didn’t stick with me and definitely didn’t directly lead to me applying for this job. (But this job is cool, so I guess I should be thanking you.) 1 2

@), followed by the first two words in our university’s name, lower case only please, with a small dot (this will be displayed at the end of this obnoxiously long sentence for visual reference) directly after, followed by the first three letters of the word education. Now go home (which could be that very sexy, red, 1996 Toyota Corolla, custom-built with a bed in the trunk, you have been eyeing around campus for the last couple of years),1 and enjoy a summer filled with frequent alpine climbs, long trail runs, near-death whitewater kayaking experiences, jumping-jacks, and sitting on that yoga mat you purchased to do yoga on. It’s going to be one heck of a summer.


Refer to photo (left)




f you type, “What is religion?” into a Google search bar and hit enter, you will come up with 48,600,000 responses. Isn’t that just what you’d expect? It is no surprise that Google has become the go-to place for all the answers to questions that we don’t know the answer to. I have done this myself a few times for a few things. The issue with approaching religion like this is that you are taking something away from yourself—the search for honest and authentic spirituality. It is my opinion that no matter what we do in our lives we will always come up with different results in our search for religion. That is to say, it is possible we will all see the same thing from completely different perspectives. I remember an African folktale I was told when I was younger about one

such instance, which I will now paraphrase for you. There once was a foreign man walking down a small village’s road wearing a hat. Villagers were sitting and standing on either side of the road as it was the start of their workday. On the east side of the road people watching the man looked in awe at the bright color of his hat and remarked to each other, “I have never seen such a bright green color!” The “East Siders” talked about this event for most of the day, as nothing really happened in their small town, and did not give up talking about it until they heard something from the other side of the road. Those on the west side had apparently seen the man as well but were having a different reaction; they decided it would be best to copy the man’s style, so the "West Siders" recreated the hat. To the astonishment of the East Siders, the hat they recreated was incredibly wrong. It was a pure red—brick

red to be exact—and at once the East Siders marched over to confront their color-blind and clearly-mistaken neighbors. As they took up speaking with their neighbors, they found themselves infuriated by the conviction with which the West Siders held to their belief that the hat was, in fact, red. “The hat is green!” said the East Siders in unison. “The hat is red!” said the West Siders with united effort. They were both at an impasse. A decision was made shortly after to consult the village elder about the matter, and two emissaries, one from each side of the road, were chosen to go and speak to the elder. Upon arriving, they both explained each situation and the elder took a few moments to come up with a response. He finally replied, “Go find the foreigner and ask him what color his hat is.” At once both emissaries took off and searched for the man.

It was not until the sun was setting that they found him and, to their amazement, they both saw the hat sitting on a rock and it was clearly green. The quickly growing smirk and audible pride emanating from the east-side emissary slowly faded as the man picked up the hat and placed it on his head. You see, this hat was double sided, one side a bright green and the other brick red. Each and every one of us will have a different experience with religion, and we should make sure to be cognisant of what others feel, think, say, and do because none of us will ever have the fullest picture. I am a Seventh-day Adventist Christian. I ask that you give me a chance to search with you.

As of Thursday, June 1, 2017




ey there hungry, culturally deprived student! Our names are Daphne and Hannah, and we’ll be writing the food and culture columns next year. We’re planning to switch off writing for each column every other week, and hopefully, that will keep content fresh for all of you! Normally, we won’t be talking in unison, so don’t get too weirded out. It’s just for this week! We’re hoping to concentrate on writing articles that are accessible and interesting for you all this next year. Here is a little bit about us: Hannah will be a junior art major. Daphne will be a senior psychology major. And guess what: both of those majors happen to be culturally with-it majors. On top of that, we both love food. Not to toot our own horns, but we’re excited and ready for a great year at the Collegian. We have a ton of ideas for the food column. First up, we’d like to try to make the food column dorm-friendly. We are both

plan to write Caf Hacks—new combinations you can try at the caf to change up your routine and, hopefully, make the idea of eating on campus more palatable.1 Also, we’d like to continue writing about recipes that are easily mobile so that you can bring them with you throughout your busy day. Finally, we’d like to provide you with recipes that are more accessible, meaning some will be specifically dedicated to all our special diets out there.2 The culture section will focus on events that are happening not only on campus but also those in the wider Walla Walla community and beyond. The Adventist bubble is strong, but we’d like to encourage Walla Walla University students to interact more with the community. We’d like to not only write articles that make readers aware of these opportunities, but also provide reviews of performances in the community, interview people involved with productions, and provide starter guides so that you can become more cultured. While we won’t be giving you sweet food and culture ideas over the summer,

fear not! This is chance a to digest what to expect from our food and culture column. For example, we challenge you this summer to become more aware. Become aware of the cultures around you. Find what can be appreciated in them. Or, look into your own culture—what do you see there that is beautiful? This encompasses the food and culture section. Every culture has something beautiful to love. The same goes for food. Become more aware of the ingredients in your food or the process that it takes for your food to get on your plate.3 Become more aware of your body. What helps it feel sustained? Awareness is truly a great thing. Culture and food are so intertwined! Here are some ways to experience food and culture over the summer: • Go visit a museum from a different culture than yours. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the feelings and emotions of that culture. • If you’re traveling, get to know some locals. • Ask about the food or dances of that culture. How are they different or how

are they similar? • Find what helps you relate to other cultures. • The same goes for food. Try a new cuisine and see what you like about it. • Find a recipe that you’ve never made before. Introduce yourself to ingredients and flavors that are different. • Try a vegan or gluten-free recipe. The point is, get out there and do something new. Alright, that’s it for now! We’ll see you again in the fall. Get out there and embrace new food and cultures.

Seriously, we know that’s asking a lot sometimes. Vegan, gluten-free, etc. 3 That carbon footprint though. 1 2


EXPLORING THE WORLD THROUGH SCIENCE FORREST SHEPERD SCIENCE AND TECH WRITER Hey Walla Walla University! My name is Forrest Sheperd, and I will be the Science and Tech writer for The Collegian next year! Who am I, and what sorts of articles can you look forward to next year? Let’s start off with who I am. I have a fairly diverse background in science. My passion for science began like it does for many people: with a curiosity about the world around me. I was always that kid flipping over rocks to look for bugs, or exploring the great outdoors of my yard. After expanding my

horizons beyond my backyard, I discovered an even more amazing world, and other areas of science such as paleontology, health and nutrition, and astronomy. After starting my own fossil collection and donating some of my finds to museums and researchers, one of the teachers at my school told me about the Dinosaur Research Project being conducted by Southwestern Adventist University. The next summer I got the chance to go help in the field with them, and have gone back for the past nine summers. I have even been able to conduct and present research in collaboration with the project. Since then, I have only continued to explore the amazing world we live in through

learning about many other exciting frontiers of science. Because that’s what science is all about: understanding the world around us. This has even led me to study biology here at WWU to prepare me for a career in medicine, where I hope to apply what I learn about the world and the human body to healing people. I am excited to share with you what I have learned and continue to learn every day. Having such broad interests in science, you can expect a little bit of everything from me. Not coming as a surprise, you will likely see articles about paleontology. How are Seventh-day Adventists contributing to our understanding of the prehistoric world? We will also dig into the complex and often

controversial world of health and nutrition. What is the best way to live a long and healthy life according to the best available balance of evidence? And is the Adventist health message supported by current research? Additionally, next year’s science column will include articles highlighting you. What kind of science is being conducted by professors and students? And what are the pressing issues in the scientific community that are important to this campus? I hope you’ll join me next year as we broaden our horizons about the world of science, and address the topics in science that are important to you as faculty, staff, and students of Walla Walla University.



reetings fellow students, and welcome to my article. I’m an engineering student finishing my first year here at this fine establishment. I am also a photographer, and I’ll be writing about photography this week. As for next time, who knows? I’m a strange and highly variable person, as you may come to know. As for now, sit back,1 relax, and read my words of wisdom containing some tips for photography in order to foster the creative spirit that is in all of us. Summer is upon us, and with it comes a change in the weather. Plants are growing, flowers are blooming, and the clouds are parting. As a photographer, I can say that I am genuinely excited. One of my favorite things to photograph is nature, be it scenery or wildlife. Another one of my favorites is people, and both people and nature seem to come out in the summer. So, this is my call to all you photographers, whether aspiring or pro: get out there and shoot someone or something.2 The more you do it, the better you will be. Here are some ideas:

Easy: Go out with a spray bottle and experiment taking photos of flowers with water droplets on them. You may find that water droplets can create some very interesting effects. Easy-Medium: Try portrait photography with friends in unusual places near where you live. Medium: Experiment with using several types of glass, like prisms, mirrors, magnifying glasses, or other lenses to create abstract forms of light in your photos. Medium: Create wide panoramas by stitching multiple normal-sized photographs together. This can be done via photoshop or other photo editing software. Medium-Hard: Create some dual-exposure photos by overlaying photos within the same frame. Hard: Attempt astrophotography.2 Try using extended exposures to create star trail3 or, if you can get away from the light pollution, try pulling out a photo of the milky way.4

These are just a few of many different things you can do with photography, and your imagination shouldn’t stop there. Go write a story, paint a picture, make some music, or build a sand-castle. It doesn’t matter who you are, there is always something to be created. We were made to be creative beings, and we all should use that gift as much as we can. Create, fail, and learn. That’s the cycle of the creative life. Failure is unavoidable but very necessary. To be creative, all you need is yourself. The box comes with nothing in it; assembly is required. It’s your job to decide what to make of what you have, and that can be anything. It can be new, it can be old. You can try to copy someone, but it will never




s the school year comes to an end, we students are left only with feelings of relief and joy. This last year was my first year of college, and I cannot wait to go home for the summer. I live in Southern California and am more than excited to go home to hot weather and sandy beaches. As finals get closer, I can only think about all the great things I will get to do this summer. For example: I can get home-cooked meals and shower with no sandals on. My freshman year has helped me to appreciate the little things.

be the same. Each work is infinitely unique. Whatever you create today cannot be copied exactly ever again, by you or anyone else. Doesn't that make everything that much more special? The words you write, the songs you play, the paintings you brush, the words you sing, or the castles you build are the only ones like it that will ever be and ever can be, and they’re yours. Or stand, or whatever you want. Preferably with a camera. 2 The use of photography in astronomy; the photographing of celestial objects and phenomena. 3 This achieved by an exposure time of at least a few minutes shooting towards Polaris (the star that all the other stars rotate around in the northern hemisphere). 4 The best conditions for this are from June 15 to 29 at midnight, shooting south. 1 1

Coming to Walla Walla University was a big decision. It was the first step at starting my own life, and I couldn’t be happier with my decision. At first, my freshman year was a struggle between trying to balance my schedule and finding friends. I wasn’t ready for all that college really had to offer: sleepless nights finishing homework, having a roommate, and spending your days studying away. This year has really made me appreciate every little moment that life has to offer, like sleep. I didn’t realize how important naps were until I came to study at WWU. My first year was nothing but great experiences, and I wouldn’t change a thing. This past year has truly shown me how God

works in mysterious ways. Just this quarter I decided to change my major. I thought that was a bad idea because I had my life planned around a medical career. Then I realized that this change was good; I was lucky to find out that what I really wanted was to be an English major. I’ve received nothing but support for my decision, and I couldn’t be happier. When I first came to WWU, I had no one. I hardly knew my roommate, the person I would be living with for the next year. I was scared, but once again, God did what he could to make me feel right at home. I was given the opportunity to play on the softball team for our school, which I am very grateful for. In no time, I made friends who I

could truly count on while playing the sport I love. I had no idea what to expect walking into this year, but WWU gave me a very good impression. There is so much that is offered, it is unbelievable. The community here is so welcoming, and I can only hope to share that with you through my writing this next school year. Once again, I feel God has given me an opportunity to get involved on campus and meet more people. This next year, I will be writing to let you all know what goes on in the community and how to get out and enjoy your college life. As for now, I would like to congratulate you all on finishing another, or perhaps your first, year of college.




here are a lot of things that “make us human.” Some say one uniquely human attribute is our capacity to love or our capacity to reason. Others argue that our ability to construct complexities such as language or mathematics is what sets us apart from other species. You could probably make good arguments for all of these hypotheses. The essence of the human condition is likely a combination of multiple factors. But the thing that fascinates me the most about being human right now is our desire to tell and listen to stories.


April 4: Martin Luther King Jr. denounces the Vietnam War during his sermon at the Riverside Church in New York City, which earns him scathing treatment in the mainstream newsmedia.

There’s nothing we like better than a good story. From the founding of all the major world religions to the highest grossing blockbusters in theaters today, the way stories captivate humans is unparalleled. It doesn’t matter if it’s Homer or Christopher Nolan, Shakespeare or Kendrick Lamar, storytelling is central to the human experience. The stories we tell about ourselves and about other people define our interactions and our lives. That’s what I love about history. A history is the collective story that a group of people tell about themselves.

I’m a history/sociology double major at Walla Walla University right now. My plan is to eventually go to grad school and study the history of race relations in the United States. It’s a dreary topic, I know. But I think the way we talk about the past is so important. It’s rather cliche at this point, but nothing explains what I mean better than the Party slogan from George Orwell’s “1984:” “Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the

I’ll be able to highlight the histories of the not-so-powerful. I hope to tell the stories that don’t always end up in the history books—to democratize and decolonize the narrative, if you will. I also hope to incorporate history that is bizarre, funny, or pertains to things we take for granted. Next year you’ll get a dose of history from me each week. But for this issue, I had to pick something for you to savor all summer. Lucky for us, this summer marks

which has been called the soundtrack of the Summer of Love. Other than being considered one of the most famous albums of all time and an early example of the LP as an art form, “Sgt. Pepper” was also the first rock album to win the Grammy Award for Album of the Year. The album, which contains stylistic influences such as vaudeville, circus, music hall, avant-garde, psychedelia, and Indian classical music, opened the Beatles’ horizons for later 1967


April 15: Over 100,000 people gather in New York City to protest the Vietnam War, Martin Luther King Jr. and others give speeches. Before the march, nearly 200 draft cards are burned in central park. In San Francisco on the same day, 20,000 marchers also gather to oppose the war. Coretta Scott King was in attendance. The Doors’ self-titled debut album soars in the charts. The album contains iconic early examples of psychedelic blues rock, such as the hit “Break On Through (To the Other Side)” and the album’s legendary nearly 12-minute finale “The End.”

April 28: Heavyweight champion Muhammad Ali appears in Houston for his scheduled induction to the U.S. Army but refuses three times to step forward after his name is called. Ali openly expresses his moral and religious reasons for opposing the war. Ali is barred from boxing and is eventually arrested, found guilty of draft evasion charges, and stripped of his boxing titles. (He remains the only three-time lineal heavyweight champion and is named by "Sports Illustrated" as the greatest athlete of the 20th century.)

past.” What Orwell is getting at here is that stories are everything. Just look at the political sphere today. “Immigrants are stealing our jobs.” “Corporations are eating away at our democracy.” “America is falling apart and we need to make it great again.” “Racists are taking over the White House.” No matter which side of the aisle you are on, you're buying into a story. Some of these stories are true, some of these stories are false. Orwell argues that the powerful in society are the ones who ultimately get to decide which stories end up in the history books. It’s my hope that in my career and in this column,

the 50th anniversary of one of the most famous summers of all time: the 1967 Summer of Love—a period of cultural upheaval, musical innovation, racial tension, and political unrest. I could probably rant for pages and pages on the significance of the Summer of Love, but, in short, it marked the unofficial launch of the Counterculture/ Hippy/Flower Power era. It is remembered for riots, music festivals, psychedelic drugs, and anti-war protests. Today, June 1, marks the 50th anniversary of The Beatles’ iconic album “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Heart’s Club Band,”


May 12: Jimi Hendrix releases his breakout album, "Are You Experienced?," which achieves massive success in both the U.S. and U.K. Tracks from that album, like “Purple Haze,” are launch Hendrix’s bright and short career into stardom. He is now widely considered the greatest guitarist of all time.

hits such as “Strawberry Fields Forever,” “I Am The Walrus,” and “All You Need Is Love.” As a history nerd and classic rock fanatic, I can’t overstate the importance of the year 1967. And as someone who reads the news and is conscious of current events in 2017, I also cannot overstate the relevance of the year 1967 to the massive cultural shifts of today. 1

1 http://www.historyisaweapon.org/defcon1/bpp.html

HISTORY 15 May 15: The Black Panther Party publicizes its original Ten-Point program, demanding freedom and self-determination for black people in America. Point #7 reads, “We want an immediate end to POLICE BRUTALITY and MURDER of Black people.”

June 12: The U.S. Supreme Court rules in Loving v. Virginia, mandating that states may no longer make laws prohibiting interracial marriage.

June 17: The People's Republic of China tests its first hydrogen bomb, further stoking the U.S.’s Cold War fears of communist governments during the threat of nuclear conflict.



June 5: The Six-Day War in IsraelPalestine begins. The war causes 300,000 Palestinians to flee the West Bank and 100,000 Syrians to leave the Golan Heights region as refugees.


June 11: Violent protests break out in Tampa, FL, after a white patrolman shot and killed a fleeing black youth, 19-yearold Martin Chambers. This would be one of the first out of 159 riots that take place during the summer of 1967.


June 13: President Lyndon B. Johnson nominates Thurgood Marshall as the first African American justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. Marshall is confirmed in August and joins the Court in October.

June 16-18: The Monterey Pop Festival, often considered the progenitor of Woodstock, is held in CA with an attendance of over 20,000 people. The festival is considered a quintessential moment during the Summer of Love, and includes performances by Janis Joplin, Otis Redding, Jefferson Airplane, The Who, The Grateful Dead, Indian Classical musician Ravi Shankar, and The Jimi Hendrix Experience. The Monterey Festival is remembered for the iconic moment when Jimi Hendrix closed his show by setting his guitar on fire with lighter fluid and smashing it onto the stage.

July 23: In Detroit, MI, the 12th St. Riot begins. After a police raid of an unlicensed bar in a predominantly black neighborhood, conflicts between police and citizens devolve into one of the deadliest riots in American history. After 5 days of violence, 43 people die, over 1,000 are injured, over 7,000 people are arrested, and more than 2,000 buildings are destroyed.


June 25: "Our World," the first live, international, satellite television program is launched, reaching 400 million viewers. It features the live debut of The Beatles' song "All You Need Is Love."


June 28: Israel begins its occupation of Arab East Jerusalem.


July 30: The Milwaukee Riot of 1967 begins in Wisconsin.

September 18: Daytime television program "Love Is A Many Splendored Thing" debuts, often called the first TV show to depict an interracial relationship between a white man and an Asian-American woman. CBS deems the couple to be too controversial, causing the show’s creator to resign. The Asian-American woman is written out of the show by the next year and never heard of again.

Topping the charts in 1967 “I’m a Believer” by the Monkees, “Respect” by Aretha Franklin, “Light My Fire” by The Doors, “Happy Together” by The Turtles, “Can’t Take My Eyes Off You” by Frankie Valli, “San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair)” by Scott McKenzie, and “All You Need Is Love” by The Beatles. PEXELS

Last Things First position to take some time to introduce themselves while incorporating snappy little witticisms to simultaneously inform and prove themselves to the audience. Traditionally this has left the reader at ease knowing the legacy of hilarity long associated with the back page will not go down in flames with the arrival of a new writer. With that in mind, I’d like to assure you, I make no promises. So buckle up (or don’t, that’s definitely your own metaphorical prerogative) because this venture promises to be a good oldfashioned kick in the pants!



ello Champions, my name is Meghann Heinrich, and I have the distinct pleasure of taking over the back page of The Collegian next year. “Who is this Heinrich kid?” you may ask, and more importantly, “Is she qualified to take on the pressures of the backpage writing position?” Naturally, I assume these are the kind of hard-hitting questions burning foremost on every reader’s mind, so I'm taking the liberty of curating a variety of personal and professional references (along with my own supplementary comments) for your perusal: “As a former Backpage writer, Life section editor, and Collegian assistant editor, I believe my opinion of Meghann should hold some serious weight. She's okay, I guess.” —Abigail Wissink (There you have it folks, straight from the top!) "Meghann Heinrich is qualified for the job of The Collegian backpage writer for the following reasons: 1. She has a dog named Pepper. 2. Her middle name is Renée. 3. Her favorite butter is Land O' Lakes. 4. She is a good friend. —Micah Hall, B.A." (The logic checks out, and at least two of those items are true.)


“If there is one thing I know about Meghann, it's that in the world of competitive snorkeling, she is kind of a big deal.” —Lauren Heinrich, junior marketing major (Her words not mine. And yes, we are related, but only by blood.) “Top scientists have theorized that, if harnessed, Meghann’s pure enthusiasm could solve the world’s energy problems forever. But alas, due to a lack of funding Meghann has resolved to solve the world’s problems by herself, the eventuality of which I have no doubt.” —Ben Selby, junior math education major (I can neither confirm nor deny the above assertion, except to say that it is 100 percent true.)


“Popsicles come to her for tips on being cool.” —Anonymous Popsicle Aficionado "She's the type of girl who puts her mittens on before her jacket." —Anonymous Meghann Heinrich Fan (subtle relevance) "If Meghann were to wake up one day as a llama, she would be very sassy and have no problem communicating with the new language barrier, which I think uniquely qualifies her for The Collegian." —Spokesperson on behalf of Ms. Heinrich’s llama friend/coworker. So rest easy! As you can see, the overwhelming consensus is that I can, in fact, do the "thing." I’ve been informed that it is customary for the writer in my


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"In the summer time in Walla Walla I have seen two trees fighting over a dog." Dr. Curt Nelson on how hot is gets here in the summer. “OK, I almost fell off my own bus. Now I’m back on.” Dr. Benjamin Jackson, trying to explain ODE and confusing himself. "OK class, prepare for class tomorrow. We are going to do guns and weed." Professor Fred McFarland

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