What Happened to the Walla Walla General Hospital? | Vol. 102, Issue 03

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Ne w s p a p e r o f Wa l l a Wa l l a U n i v e r s i t y

Collegian The

Volume 102 | Issue 03

Microbes Inside Us? pg. 7

“Wherever the art of medicine is loved, there is also a love of humanity” --Hippocrates

October 12, 2017

S e n a t e | N e w s | C o l l e g i a n W i s d o m | R e l i g i o n | E W B | H i s t o r y | M e d i a / Te c h | F e a t u r e | E v e n t s | F o o d | S c i e n c e | C u l t u r e | O u t d o o r s | O p i n i o n | P o l l

Last Things First college place, wa | walla walla university

| October 2017 Issue 3

Cringe By Meghann Heinrich You know those moments you wish you could take back? The times where everything would’ve been fine if you had just kept your mouth shut? The snapshots of your life that you’ve done your best to forget, but, instead of disappearing, wait in hiding until you’re lying in bed four years later, and unexpectedly choose to resurface? Then, suddenly, instead of drifting off to sleep you’re wide awake, reliving the time you consciously messaged a guy you thought was the cat’s pajamas, but instead of saying, “Hey, what’s up?” or even “Hi friend,” you led with “God bless you.” I believe the technical term for such instances is “cringe” — something I feel uniquely qualified to talk about. However, instead of regaling you with a lengthy cringe tale, I think it’s best for me to pass on some quick tips on how to navigate through common cringe situations:

Shower Thoughts “The other day I was cooking and a lid flew off of one of my pots and I just thought “That’s why household accidents are so scary: you never see them coming. Cooking is a high-contact sport!” -Lauren Heinrich

1. Hug etiquette. You know what I’m talking about. Two people acknowledge each other and start to move toward one another while simultaneously raising their arms in universal hug gesture. In these pivotal moments before embrace, you have to make the decision — both your arms above theirs, both your arms below theirs, the classic one up/one down situation, or the sad side hug? It’s a lot to think about; one wrong move and you could be smothered in their armpit. Solution: keep raising your already elevated arms, get that funky beat in your feet… 5,6,7,8... IT’S FUN TO STAY AT THE YMCA!

2. Awkward door-holding distance. There are those wonderful souls who always wait to see if there’s anyone behind them they can hold the door for. They’re lovely human beings , and I have no beef with them until they misjudge the distance between you and the door. Then you not only feel obligated to go into that building (even if you have no reason to) but also must shuffle-run with your backpack1 to acknowledge their kindness. Solution: door-holder sees you 50 feet. away, make eye contact and smile. Then simply lay down on the ground and chant “potato, potato, potato” until they leave. It won’t happen again.


3. Unsolicited, unwarranted and unwanted confessions of love. Solution: two words — finger guns. I am a firm believer in the power of finger guns. Imagine, if you will, a person you are perfectly indifferent toward makes a move. No problem, you’ve got your quick draw. Whip those babies out, point them at the source of the cringe and back out in the direction of the nearest exit and just “pew pew” your way right out of there.

4. When your tummy starts to gurgle and whine. This is a frequent and natural occurrence for the average human being. The people in your immediate vicinity will most likely cast judgmental glances in your direction, pressuring you to somehow tell you tummy to hush up. Solution: lean over conspiratorially, give a saucy sailor wink and say, “My tummy trolls are tap dancing.” They will move, and you can gurgle in peace. Now you know how to navigate the cringe. Embrace it. ATTENTION: In the next week or two I will be doing a Last Things First: Joke Edition. If you have any chuckle-worthy anecdotes or puns, send them my way! meghann.heinrich@ wallawalla.edu

College Cuisine Monday






“You’re too big. If you were a grasshopper you could breathe out of your butt and it’d be fine!” -Professor Kyle Craig “If you put a clown on crystal meth the odds of the clown going in a straight line are kind of limited.” -Professor Tom Ekkins “I am an ignorant peasant hoeing in my garden” -Professor Terry Gotchel “Math can be hard, you need a bit of humor to get it down” -Professor Tim Tiffin “Be weird, its OK. Be knowledgeable, be weird.” -Professor Bryce Cole

Email your faculty verbatim or shower thoughts to meghann.heinrich@wallawalla.edu to be featured!




October 2017 Issue 3 | walla walla university | college place, wa

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Cover|Sophie Bailey



Daniella Silva Dear Reader, Talking about an ending may seem premature for week three of the quarter — midterms haven’t even begun yet! However, we at The Collegian feel the Walla Walla General Hospital’s closure over the summer merits a special feature in this issue. Its closing has had a profound impact on many members of our community both on- and off campus. Last week, our team put out a call for stories from those who have been affected by the hospital’s closure, a few of which are featured in this issue. We explore what this change might mean for those who came to depend on the hospital. We also reached out to Providence St. Mary’s Hospital for a statement on their competitor hospital’s closure

to provide space for both positions to be heard. In other news, Service Day was this Wednesday! I hope most of you were able to participate in this event to help serve our community. Whether you participated in Service Day or not, we hope you had a nice break from classes and took some time to appreciate the act of community service.

In the past week, wildfires have ravaged Napa, Sonoma, and Santa Rosa in Northern California. As of Wednesday night, 23 people had died and hundreds were still missing. Many students at Walla Walla University come from this area, and our hearts go out to them and their families. We also want to keep our sister school Pacific Union College in our thoughts as they have had to cancel classes and events to protect the students and faculty living there. Fortunately, the campus is not in immediate danger and an evacuation has not been issued. However, Redwood Adventist Academy did not survive the fire. On Monday, Oct. 9, the school was caught in the flames and destroyed. We are shocked and horrified at the devastation left behind by the blaze. Thankfully, no one was physically harmed by the fire, but we recognize the emotional pain will have a lasting impact on the community. Our prayers go out to all those affected as they deal with the loss and rebuild. If you would like to help the academy as they begin reconstruction of their campus, you can donate at this link: https://www.purecharity. com/redwood-adventist-academy.

If you have any questions, comments, or article submissions for The Collegian, you can email them to aswwu.collegian@wallawalla. edu. You can also participate in our weekly yes/no poll to let your voice be heard on campus.

SENATE DISTRICT 1 Leonardo Zamos (73) Luke Greenwood (46)

DISTRICT 2 DJ Madrid (49) Tyler Humphries (48)

DISTRICT 3 Barbie Chaves (53) Ashley Samuel (44)


Andrew Nascimento (58) Izzy Constantino (61)

DISTRICT 5 Joshua Huh (50)

Evelyn Ouro-Rodriguez (43)

ASWWU Senate elections were held on Tuesday, Oct. 11 during CommUnity. The results are now in!

The Winter Educational Complex’s gym was packed Tuesday morning for ASWWU’s yearly Senate elections. Ballots were distributed at the door and students seated themselves on bleachers around the stage for a pre-vote performance of “Anne Hodgson and the 15 Department Heads.” In the play, each ASWWU leader helped Anne have fun, despite the devious plans of a dopey, sleepy, and grumpy dean, played by Scott Rae. Following that performance the audience watched a video of ASWWU’s first “Senate’s Got Talent.” District candidate hopefuls were pitted against each other on screen as they attempted to win the popular vote.


When asked for comment, ASWWU President Adam Hagele, said, “What a great group of applicants. Good job Omar!” He then patted Omar on the shoulder.


Immediately after the video, students swarmed backstage to pick up a muffin and new ASWWU t-shirt. The ballots were collected and counted in the bottom of Kellogg Hall that same afternoon. Once the numbers were in, Omar Alfaro, ASWWU vice president, released a statement to The Collegian: “I’m looking forward to the great privilege of working with the elected senators for ASWWU.”

Jackson Shampo (33)

Grady Dietrich (92)

*There was a tie between Derek Glatts and Giovani Ribeiro! There will be a poll set up on Sunday for only the constituents of District 6

to break the tie so be sure to vote!


Redwood Adventist Academy (Redwood Adventist Academy Facebook)

California Highway Patrol shows destruction in Santa Rosa’s Coffey Park neighborhood.


Water Outage By Niqolas Ruud Walla Walla University experienced a water outage on Monday morning due to a pump malfunction. “Pump number one had a failure,” said Scott Rae, associate dean of men at WWU. “The failure was due to some electrical component not being secured properly, and so it heated itself enough to cause a short or surge in the system.” Rae continued, “The short or surge then welded itself to the pump and fried the electrical component.” Students, staff and faculty alike were all without running water, resulting in toilets, sinks, showers and

drinking fountains all over campus being out of order until the pump was fixed mid-Monday. Around 9 a.m., just after the outage initially occurred, Rae sent out a satirical email to the residents of Sittner and Meske halls claiming the water outage was “a practice run for what it could look like if we did not have running water.” Rae has since said that, “lots of guys came to me about the email thinking that I was being serious. I was just trying to be funny!” No injuries have been reported due to the pump’s malfunction. Niqolas Ruud is a theology major.

Mice Are Evolving to Survive Life in New York City Squeaks of “I’m walkin’ here!” can be heard throughout alleyways Impatient mom gets jail time for pulling gun on son’s barber She was angry because he couldn’t shave time off the wait Man calls in bomb threat to avoid paying bar tab If only I could do that for my student loans Mum wrestles shark spotted while swimming in beachside rock pool and casually throws it out of the water Too bad I can’t do that for my grades Fidget Spinners Are Safe for Children’s Psyche, Russian Watchdog Finds The same doesn’t go for their parents

walla walla university

| October 2017 Issue 3




A Taboo CommUnity By Peter Flores

assess the messages in a helpful way. None of these issues are topics we can just set aside and ignore. How we react is up to us as individuals. However, we also have hope that Walla Walla University is a place that is willing to equip us to be better at loving others. Here are some things you can do to help:

While sitting at a table outside The Atlas, I was drawn into various conversations about last week’s Week of Worship topics. I heard comments like, “Do I have to be hypersensitive about everything that I do now because it might offend someone?,” “Do we have to hold people accountable if they are addicted to porn?,” and “Did Pastor Haffner really dive deep enough into all of the topics?”

Engage in conversation about issues you are uncomfortable with or don’t know about with people you trust. Perhaps the University or ASWWU can create a space for this kind of conversation. Also, submit questions for the “Ask Anything Season 2” series happening now. Perhaps the answer you seek will come in the form of a sermon? Follow the Instagram account (@askanythingwwu), or email Lindsey. Haffner@wallawalla.edu and Alex.Bryan@wallawalla.edu.

I assume that last week, at least one topic struck a chord with you. If not, maybe you’re a robot or you didn’t go. Either way, I think we can all agree that the topics Pastor Haffner brought up are important whether we want them to be or not. I’m not really aspiring to answer every question about last week, nor am I offering an unbiased opinion, but I can assure you, processing last week’s topics is important. Monday: Racism. It shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone that this topic remains fueled by mainstream media and the current political climate. Pastor Haffner correctly and biblically condemned the behavior, but I don’t personally remember a tangible way for us to all gather as a campus and counter it. Being a Hispanic male, I don’t really experience it in the same way a white or black male would and being the middle guy, at least on a melanin scale, honestly doesn’t make me feel on fire for the cause. What should we do? What should I do? Maybe I should just become the first brown G.C.¹ President.

Week of worship preaise team (Tommy Moen) Thursday: Pornography. Pastor Haffner called out the top searches and visibly made people uncomfortable when he mentioned what they were.² It’s not comfortable to go up to someone and ask, “Hey! You addicted to porn? You should stop! It’s bad. Okay, have a good day” or “Hey I’m addicted to some really nasty porn, what should I do?” Who do we talk to about this? Is it really hurting us in a personal way? These are some questions we can ask ourselves.

Tuesday: LGBTQ+. We dove into this topic much like we did with Pastor Alex during last year’s “Ask Anything” series. We skimmed the surface as much as we could and talked about as much as we could without directly contradicting the church. Haffner is the pastor of an Adventist church and we have to understand that he can’t directly condemn a person or policy of the church without some consequences. I wonder if we could have talked more about how to deal with homophobia which seems to be the bigger issue regarding LGBTQ+ for many young people in the church. Do the people condemning this way of life understand the people living it? Are they even trying to? Can we help homophobic people around us think of LGBTQ+ not in terms of an issue, but in terms of people?

Friday: Satanism. Pastor Haffner recommended dealing with the issue of Satanism through prayer. Personally, I had more questions than I really wanted to think about: Is Satanism a real issue in our church? Do we just wait for someone to come up and ask us when they have problems with this? Are we currently in danger of being attacked by a demon? Perhaps you can join me in one or two of these trains of thought. Vespers: Hypocrisy. Do we practice what we preach? Do we live a homophobic, racist, porn-addicted, fake life, knowing we are hurting those around us? Do we think about the consequences our comfortable lives impose on other people? Important points to remember are: we can start to change ourselves for the better at any time, we can look at the example of Jesus for many of these topics and we have access to many people and resources that can help us process our thoughts.

Wednesday: Suicide. Haffner presented many biblical points for why suicide isn’t the unpardonable sin and why we need to do something to help the people with suicidal thoughts. This topic isn’t far away from anyone at WWU, and this may be the only topic I remember being able to do something tangible: talk to people whose behavior may indicate something is wrong and if you have these thoughts, seek help. Please, listen to those around you when they speak out.

Please keep in mind that this article was not meant to critique, but to

Week of worship speaker Pastor Haffner (Tommy Moen)


Electricity in Japura By Stephanie Septembre Breathing is hard at 13,000 feet. Anything is hard, really, but regions like the Peruvian Andes serve as a testament to humankind’s will to survive. Indigenous communities continue to live at altitudes of 13,000 feet and beyond, surviving on what they can grow, which isn’t much — mostly potatoes and corn. In part because they are so remote, many of these communities lack basic necessities such as health care, schools, potable water and electricity. Walla Walla University’s Engineers Without Borders (EWB) chapter has spent the past four years working in one of these remote districts. The communities are so remote that many of the locals had never seen foreigners before the engineers arrived.. Many were initially hesitant to trust EWB (we were once accused of coming to mine their land for gold), but our commitment to partnership has slowly built trust. Alongside community members, EWB-Walla Walla has constructed two potable water systems and, most recently, completed its first electricity project in Japura, Peru. When asked why electricity was so important, Japura community members gave a unanimous response: “we want our children to study at night.” Japura is large enough for a two-room primary school, but in order to attend secondary school, children must walk approximately two hours each way every day. The sun sets in Peru at approximately 6 p.m. year round, leaving children barely any time to study. Electricity would also revolutionize primary education.

One teacher dreamed of purchasing a multimedia projector so “the children [wouldn’t] have to draw their lessons.” EWB does not believe in quick fixes — barging into new territory, building something, and leaving. We partner with a community to self-identify a need, which involves various assessment trips and lots of relationship building. Once a need has been identified, engineers design a system with the intent that all parts can be sourced locally so the economy will benefit and community members can replace parts as needed. The community and local government pay for 30 percent of the project, ensuring their commitment and financial capacity to sustain the system. As of June 2017, 76 homes in Japura have electricity. Individual photovoltaic (PV) systems provide each home with three lights and two electrical outlets, supplying light for up to 10 hours each day along with a small amount of power for other appliances such as televisions, radios and cell phone chargers. Families are using electricity to start and expand small businesses, which will allow them to achieve financial independence and support their children. Children are able to study at night, and teachers are implementing technology in the classroom. An electrical committee, comprised of dedicated community members, has been educated on how to properly care for and maintain the system. EWB’s vision is that these systems will continue to meet the community’s needs for years to come. Stephanie is a contributing writer.

EWB 2017 March Solar Implementation - Japura, Peru

Don’t be afraid to explore your own thoughts about these issues and how they affect you. Are these thoughts healthy? Are you wanting to change but don’t know how? Seek help. Speaking to a professional may be a good option in some cases. We have counselors available on this campus on the main floor of Meske. Pray and seek out uncomfortable situations that may help you grow to understand these issues more. Be an active listener to those around you. You could be the difference in someone’s life. Email me at peter.flores@wallawalla. edu if you think I should write more about certain issues, if you think I’m wrong, if you want to sit and talk, or whatever!

1. The General Conference of Seventh Day Adventists 2. You can watch all the talks online through the ‘Campus Ministries — WWU’ Facebook page. Peter Flores is a theology major.



October 2017 Issue 3 | walla walla university | college place, wa


First Lady of The World

Eleanor Roosevelt was born 133 years ago on October 11th By Zachary White Standing an impressive 5-feet 11-inches, Eleanor Roosevelt is tied with Michelle Obama as the tallest First Lady of the U.S. While her physical presence was indeed impressive, Mrs. Roosevelt’s legacy of human rights and civil rights advocacy is what makes her a truly larger-than-life figure in both women’s history and world history broadly. Born 133 years ago on Oct. 11, 1884, Eleanor Roosevelt was called “perhaps the greatest woman of our time” by Martin Luther King, Jr., and dubbed “First Lady of the World” by President Harry S. Truman because of her illustrious career of international activism and diplomacy that spanned long after the death of her husband Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1945.1,2 In the aftermath of World War II, Mrs. Roosevelt became a leading advocate for the U.S.’s entrance into the United Nations and was the U.S.’s first delegate to the U.N. In 1946, she served as founding chair of the U.N. Commission on Human Rights and oversaw the creation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Additionally in 1961, Mrs. Roosevelt became the founding chair of the Presidential Commission on the Status of Women, advising the Kennedy administration on issues of women’s rights in the workplace.

In later memoirs, Eleanor Roosevelt is candid about her horror at the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II and speaks of her attempts to challenge her husband’s position on the issue. As First Lady during this period, Mrs. Roosevelt sought to use her influence to dissuade Americans from anti-Japanese hysteria. In a 1943 speech, she said the following:

“A Japanese American may be no more Japanese than a German American is German, or an Italian American is Italian, or of any other national background. All of these people, including the Japanese Americans, have men who are fighting today for the preservation of the democratic way of life and the ideas around which our nation was built. We have no common race in this In an epitaph to the First Lady upon her death in 1962, Martin Luther King, Jr. referred Eleanor Roosevelt as “perhaps the country, but we have an ideal greatest woman of our time.” (NATIONAL ARCHIVES) to which all of us are loyal: plight of the treacherous snakes we call drafting, many “economic” rights are all on the basis of merit.”5 we cannot progress if we look 4 Japanese.” outlined that are still hotly debated Eleanor Roosevelt was seen down upon any group of people issues in current American politics. ArWhile she is obviously now by many of her peers as an idealist, amongst us because of race or ticle 25 declares that everyone has “the revered as one of the great women of but her life is not at all a lesson in right to a standard of living adequate religion.”3 American history, many of Eleanor idle day-dreaming. In a 1951 radio Roosevelt’s positions and beliefs were controversial in her time, and some of them may still be today. For example, in Articles 25 and 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which Mrs. Roosevelt played a central role in

for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care.” Additionally, Article 26 identifies education as a right and states that “higher education shall be equally accessible to

After these comments were made, Even during her time as First The Los Angeles Times called on Mrs. Lady, Eleanor Roosevelt was a powerful Roosevelt “to retire from public life” voice within the Roosevelt administrabecause she dared to “bemoan the tion; her outspokenness was not only influential but also controversial. While agreeing with her husband’s relatively progressive political agenda, Mrs. Roosevelt was often at odds with her husband when it came to her aggressive advocacy for black civil rights and the humane treatment of Japanese Americans after Pearl Harbor. In 1939, Mrs. Roosevelt caused a scandal when she publicly resigned from the Daughters of the American Revolution after they barred the world-renowned opera singer Marian Anderson from performing at Constitution Hall because she was black. To make up for this racist treatment, the First Lady arranged another performance for Anderson, this time on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on the National Mall. (A video of this incredible performance exists on YouTube and the link can be found below.) Aside from this episode, Mrs. Roosevelt was also an early white ally in the campaign to end lynching in the 20th Century, often supporting legislation and initiatives that her husband and Democratic party leaders refused to touch. In 1958, when Mrs. Roosevelt was in her 70s, the Klu Klux Klan put a Eleanor Roosevelt, then founding chair of the UN Commission on Human Rights, seen presenting the Universal Declaration bounty of $25,000 on her head because of Human Rights, the drafting of which she oversaw. The declaration was officially proclaimed at the UN General Assembly in 1948. (NATIONAL ARCHIVES: 6120927) of her outspoken civil rights activism.

broadcast, Mrs. Roosevelt famously said, “It isn’t enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn’t enough to believe in it. One must work at it.”6 Sources: Marian Anderson sings at the Lincoln Memorial, video, 1939: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAONYTMf2pk 1. http://www.thekingcenter.org/archive/document/ epitaph-first-lady-eleanor-roosevelt 2. https://www.trumanlibrary.org/eleanor/1949.html 3. https://www.nps.gov/articles/erooseveltinternment.htm 4.http://www.nydailynews.com/opinion/matthew-dallek-japanese-internment-muslim-registry-article-1.2877960 5. http://www.un.org/en/universal-declaration-human-rights/ 6. goo.gl/PKVHMY

Additional Sources: https://www.neh.gov/humanities/2000/januaryfebruary/ feature/eleanor-roosevelt https://fdr.blogs.archives.gov/2016/02/12/eleanor-roosevelts-battle-to-end-lynching/ http://docs.fdrlibrary.marist.edu/tmirhfee.html http://www.nydailynews.com/opinion/matthew-dallek-japanese-internment-muslim-registry-article-1.2877960 https://www2.gwu.edu/~erpapers/teachinger/lesson-plans/ notes-er-and-civil-rights.cfm

Zachary White is a history major.



Blade Runner 2049 Starring Ryan Gosling, Harrison Ford, Ana de Armas, Jared Leto, Robin Wright Directed by Dennis Villenueve Screenplay by Hampton Fancher, Michael Green Review by Matthew Fennell I don’t like “Blade Runner.” I know a lot of people love “Blade Runner,” and I completely understand why. It’s a film that was ahead of its time, a landmark of filmmaking, stylistically and technically. On top of that, I love so many of the ideas and things that surround “Blade Runner.” I think the Voight-Kampf tests are super neat, the soundtrack is incredible,

and Rutger Hauer’s “tears in the rain” monologue never fails to give me goosebumps. The fingerprints of “Blade Runner” can be seen and felt on so many of the other things that I love, but as a whole, I think the movie is pretty boring. There’s a whole lot of nothing; a lot of buildup without payoff.

necessary sequel to a film that I must stress, I didn’t like. I don’t know why I was pulled in by “Blade Runner 2049,” but ever since I left the theatre, my mind has been spinning, and there’s one thought that keeps on surfacing: I have never seen anything like this before in my entire life.

I say all this just to preface my feelings about “Blade Runner 2049”, in case you’re in the same camp as me. I don’t know why I decided to go see itBlade Runner 2049. The trailers teased action, but they also highlighted what looked like a lot of the original’s slow, boring detective work (which, warning, this movie is slow and kind of aimless in a few parts). On top of that, it’s 2 hours and 45 minutes long, which is a pretty solid time commitment for any movie, let alone a new, completely un-

In the world of both films, replicants are artificially engineered life forms that look and behave like humans. They’ve got enhanced strength, and intentionally shortened life spans, which make them the perfect slave labor. 30 years have passed since Rick Deckard, a replicant hunter (or Blade Runner) retired the four escaped replicants in Los Angeles and ran away with Rachel, one of several prototypes with implanted memories and open-ended life spans. The sequel opens with Offi-

cer K, a new Blade Runner, on his own mission to track down and retire the last of the open-ended prototypes. His journey unveils the existence of another special feature that these prototypes had that could destroy the already tenuous human/replicant relations, and plunge society into chaos. As the rest of the police force works to find and cover up any remaining evidence of this revelation and a seemingly malevolent corporation searches for the evidence for their own mysterious reasons, K struggles with his own reaction to the assignment. His boss wants him to continue being the good, dutiful cop he’s always been, his girlfriend wants him to open his eyes and finally admit that he’s more than just another cog in the machine, and he’s caught somewhere in between. As someone whose life has had a clearly defined path, the opportunity to finally make a huge decision is crippling for K, so he decides to hunt down the clues left behind in his earliest memories, and the missing man who might be able to make his decision for him. So that all sounds like pretty standard sci-fi right? What makes this movie so special? First, the visuals in this film are unparalleled. Like I said before, this is par for the course for “Blade Runner” films and for most high-end studio films now, but this one just feels different. Sweeping shots of not only the neon city of the first film, but foggy wastes, rainy junkyards, dusty ruins, and a treacherous coastline establish each of the locales that K visits while on the case. The sense of scale that this film imparts, with landmarks, moods, and colors, shows us just a fraction of a world that feels as real as our own. At the risk of sounding

silly, I cannot remember the last time a film made me feel so small. But without some sort of story to tie meaning to these beautiful sights and the equally beautiful sounds, we’re taken back to the issues of the first movie, where everything felt meaningless. This is where “2049” shines. This is a movie about how we decide what path our life will take. K’s path has an arc, and therefore something for us to hold onto as the movie slips past. There is growth, anger, fear, tension, disappointment, sacrifice, and, most important of all, wonder. There are images from this movie that are granted such significance by plot that as a result, will be with me for the rest of my life. I watched a glittering set of hands, superimposed over real ones, clasping and grasping at K’s neck; I saw the angry, cold ocean, beating over and over at a quickly sinking transport pod, its light quickly fading into the darkness around it. These moments, these pictures, these feelings and in particular, the very final scene, (which left me genuinely misty-eyed) set this movie apart. I’ve already gone about 400 words over the limit that Daniella gave me, so I’ll wrap this up. This movie is special. All I can say is that if you are someone who enjoyed “Drive,” “Interstellar,” “Fury Road,” “Ex Machina,” or any other big, serious try-hard movie, you owe it to yourself to see “Blade Runner 2049.” Please, don’t miss it.

(9 out of 10 stars)

Matthew Fennel is a computer engineering major.



FEATURE walla walla university

| October 2017 Issue 3


What Happened to the Walla Walla General Hospital? By Michael Jensen In a small community like Walla Walla, change is often keenly felt. This was especially clear in June of this year when Adventist Health announced that it would be closing the Walla Walla General Hospital. For community members accustomed to receiving care at the hospital and for healthcare professionals working there, this announcement was tragic. Why did the

hospital have to close after such a long and successful life? More importantly, what will Walla Walla’s new healthcare scene look like without Walla Walla General in the picture? To answer these questions, I reached out to several people with inside knowledge. First, I spoke with John Cress, former Foundation Executive Director at Walla Walla General. Considering his position and nine-year tenure at the institution, Cress is well

acquainted with the hospital’s history, administration and financial situation. He graciously agreed to share his knowledge with me. History Founded in 1899, Walla Walla General Hospital has long been a presence in the valley. Originally, the hospital, then called the Walla Walla Sanitarium, was located in College Place. They set up shop in some basement rooms of Walla Walla

College. The sanitarium was started by Isaac and Maggie Dunlap, Walla Walla residents who studied medicine and nursing, respectively, in Battle Creek, Michigan. As the operation grew, it was relocated several times before 1906, when the sanitarium purchased an old College Place public schoolhouse. The building was moved to the campus of Walla Walla College, then hoisted on jacks so that a new ground floor could be built below.1

Things continued going well for the sanitarium, and it moved to new facilities several times (including a building that is now a dormitory at Whitman College). In 1945, the name was changed to Walla Walla General Hospital, and in 1977 the hospital moved to the Second Avenue facility, which it occupied until its closing this year. It seems that throughout its history, the hospital maintained a focus on patient care that has distinguished it as an excellent facility. A Gleaner article

I asked Kathleen about St. Mary’s ability to handle the increased capacity resulting from Walla Walla General’s closure, and she helpfully outlined some of the steps they have taken to better serve the community. They have:

the new reality of health care in Walla Walla, please know that the majority of the providers, nurses and others that they trusted their care to in the past are still in Walla Walla, and are now working for Providence, the Walla Walla Clinic, Family Medical Center or other facilities. Please be patient as the medical community adapts.”

Walla Walla General Hospital (GOOGLE IMAGES) from 1968 announces the hospital’s “winning [of] first-place honors in our nation for its ‘Overall Patient Relations Program,’” 2 and the hospital won 5-star awards in multiple categories as recently as 2011.3 Trouble While the hospital has always excelled at providing quality care, it historically found that this mission was accompanied with financial success. Of course, some periods of its history were stronger than others as the hospital fluctuated between red and black years, but overall the hospital was financially healthy for most of its life. As I learned from my conversation with Cress, there was actually a time when Walla Walla General had the upper hand in market share and was approached by St. Mary Medical Center looking for a buyout. Cress explained to me that Walla Walla General declined to buy out St. Mary because everyone expected it to die out on its own. Unfortunately for Walla Walla General, the tides turned, and St. Mary eventually began to eat up market share. Even with a smaller market share, Walla Walla General managed to hang on. However, this situation changed with the economic recession of 2008 and the shifts in the American healthcare landscape that came with a new presidential administration. As Medicare reimbursements decreased and healthcare costs soared, Walla Walla General began to lose money to the tune of $4 to 5 million per year. Adventist Health, the company that owned Walla Walla General and owns other healthcare facilities in the western U.S., essentially kept the hospital afloat, pouring millions into its budget each year. In a serious effort to stanch the financial hemorrhaging, the hospital undertook a $16 million expansion project which included dramatically expanding the ER and modernizing other parts of the hospital.4 While this move has been widely criticized as irresponsible in the face of the hospital’s financial troubles at the time it was undertaken, Cress explained the logic behind the decision. The project was a reinvestment of corporate capital in the Walla Walla community, and new business from the expansion of services was expected to quickly recover the costs of the development. Unfortunately, the economic jumpstart was not quite enough to bring the hospital to an economically sustainable condition. Cress prefaced his conversation with me by explaining that Walla Walla was one of the smallest communities in the U.S. to have two acute care hospitals. In other words, it is surprising that this community ever managed to support two such facilities at all. While it is unfortunate that the General Hospital eventually lost the market share battle, Cress maintains that it was not for lack of good leadership or corporate investment. He told me that as a legacy property with such rich history, Corporate had no desire to close Walla Walla General — a statement supported by the fact that Adventist Health poured millions into the hospital for years

in order to keep it alive for as long as possible. He also explained that the hospital leadership team had always been excellent during the 33 years he has spent interacting with them in the Walla Walla community. At the end of the day, the hospital closed because it could not maintain enough market share and earn enough money to keep its doors open. The Future Losing an employer and care provider as prominent as a hospital naturally puts strain on a community. Those who worked at Walla Walla General lost a workplace and employer, while the hospital’s many patients lost their care facilities and, in some cases, their physicians. When I asked Cress about the impact of the closure on the hospital’s employees and patients, he

“...it seems likely that the quality of care available will remain high.” —Michael Jensen readily recognized the difficulties and frustrations faced by both groups of people. He also offered some encouraging news: St. Mary Medical Center has hired over 200 doctors, nurses and related healthcare professionals who used to work at Walla Walla General. Others have been hired by the Walla Walla Clinic and the Family Medical Center. Still others have moved out of the area to take jobs elsewhere. The end result is that the pool of people looking for jobs is much smaller than the pool securely employed in new positions. Unfortunately, people are still looking for work as a result of the hospital’s closure, and there are likely those who had to move away from Walla Walla for work despite preferring to stay. One individual shared the following story with the Collegian team: “My dad was a radiologist at the General Hospital for close to 20 years. The hospital was the whole reason we moved here. It never even crossed our minds that the hospital would close, especially not after they spent so much money on a new façade, which we took to be a sign that the hospital was doing well. Since the hospital’s sudden closure, Dad has had to work night shifts in Spokane for a week at a time, and we have had to sell our house and a lot of our things. Though this has been troubling and at times frustrating for my family, it has reminded us that God is our ever-present support. My heart goes out to all the others who have also been affected by the hospital’s closure.” Unfortunately, the damage done by the closure is not limited to former employees. Cress explained to me the frustration faced by patients whose doctors are no longer working in the community, or who have to wait until their doctors finish going through the process of getting recredentialed that comes with changing employers. He also mentioned that St. Mary Medical Center is struggling to meet

the new healthcare demand within the community in their inadequately sized facilities. This issue may mean that the medical center will eventually expand into the old Walla Walla General facilities, perhaps bringing back jobs and services to the community. While closing the hospital was a job no one wanted to do, Cress believes it was handled in such a careful and professional way that the Walla Walla General administrative team may have “written the book” on how to close an Adventist Health hospital with minimal negative impact on community and personnel. “I’m really proud of Walla Walla General and what it’s done throughout its history,” Cress told me. “I’m sad about the closure, but it has left — even in closure — a good legacy in the community, and I think that legacy will continue in the community for a long time.” That, at least, is something to be thankful for while our community works to recover from its loss. St. Mary Medical Center To gain an additional perspective on this story, I reached out to Kathleen Obenland, director of marketing and communications for Providence St. Mary Medical Center. She explained to me that although they do not track

Leased two clinic buildings on the former Walla Walla General campus to give themselves more space for the new providers being hired. Moved Providence Medical Group Family Medicine clinic to the leased clinic building at 1112 S. Second Avenue. Increased the number of treatment areas in the Providence St. Mary Emergency Department, and changed work flows to help people get through faster. Continued to increase the number of available hospital beds. (They have been increasing beds for several years as the inpatient need in the community has grown.) Began a public education program to help people determine when it would be more appropriate to choose Express Care or Urgent Care, rather than going to the Emergency Department for non-emergency conditions such as sprains, earaches, rashes, minor injuries, etc.

Clearly, Providence St. Mary is working hard to take up the slack left by Walla Walla General. While there will undoubtedly be difficulties and growing pains as Walla Walla transitions to a one-hospital community, it seems likely that the quality of care available will remain high. Have you been personally affected by the closure of the Walla Walla General Hospital? Do you have stories, comments or criticisms about this story to share with our team? Drop me a line at michael.jensen@wallawalla. edu, or better yet, write a letter to the editor and send it to aswwu.collegian@ wallawalla.edu!

Providence St. Mary Medical Center (GOOGLE IMAGES)

new hires based on their former employer (meaning that their numbers are approximated), the medical center has “hired over 150 former Adventist Health employees, including 10 providers” over the past few months, in addition to the medical professionals hired from non-Adventist Health backgrounds. “Providence St. Mary Medical Center and Providence Medical Group are continuing to hire as we thoughtfully expand to meet the community needs.”

Continued to add information to the site they set up (www.providence. org/wallawalla) in order to answer common questions like, “How do I transfer my medical records,” and provide updates and offer a portal that the public can use to ask questions or make suggestions. I also asked Obenland if she had any advice or assurances for former Walla Walla General patients who now have no choice but to change hospital systems. Her response was helpful: “As for advice for former Adventist Health patients who are navigating

1 “Our Heritage of Healing,” https://www.adventisthealth.org/walla-walla/pages/about-us/our-heritage-of-healing.aspx 2 “Walla Walla Hospital Best in Nation,” Gleaner, July 29, 1968. http://documents.adventistarchives. org/Periodicals/NPG/NPG19680729-V63-30.pdf 3 “Awards,” https://www.adventisthealth.org/ walla-walla/pages/about-us/quality%20of%20care/ awards.aspx 4 “WWGH Completes $16 Million Renovation Project,” GleanerNow, November 3, 2013. http://gleanernow.com/news/2013/11/wwgh-completes-16-million-renovation-project

Michael Jensen is a mechanical engineering major.



October 2017 Issue 3 | walla walla university | college place, wa


October 12-18 Thursday



Maxey Museum Fall Exhibit @ Maxey Hall, 12 p.m. (Whitman) Farmer and Artisans Market @ College Place City Hall Parking Lot, 4-7 p.m.


National Gumbo Day


ASWWU Weekend of Worship @ University Church, 8 p.m. “Why Would U Commit?” by Ofa Langi Men’s Soccer vs. Warner Pacific College @ WEC, 3-5 p.m. Maxey Museum Fall Exhibit @ Maxey Hall, 12 p.m. (Whitman) National No Bra Day



Cultural Heritage Night @ WEC, 7-10 p.m. Maxey Museum Fall Exhibit @ Maxey Hall, 12 p.m. (Whitman) Downtown Farmers Market @ Crawford Park, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Sabbath Morning @ Village Hall, 10:30 a.m. Sabbath Afternoon: “Sit Back Sabbath” @ Rooks Park, 3:30 5 p.m. - chill outdoor games


PNW Ben a.m.



Be Bald and Be Free Day looking at YOU Dr. Tilstra…










Breakfast in a Mug By Hannah Thiel I don’t know about you, but I’m starting to settle into routines — routines for working, eating, sleeping, studying, etc. One routine I have trouble establishing every year, however, is breakfast. I’m not really a breakfast person in the first place; I’m just not often hungry in the mornings. But especially on days when I don’t have much time for lunch, I know missing breakfast can make for a miserable afternoon. I’m trying to develop strategies to make sure I fit breakfast in each morning. Having a quick and healthy recipe on hand really helps — otherwise I often end up rushing to classes without eating at all. One recipe that’s helped me get breakfast in the mornings is this mug cake recipe. It’s simple, tasty and healthy, too! Dorm-friendly tips: you can get many of the ingredients for this recipe directly from the cafeteria. Just get a takeout box and grab a banana, chocolate chips from the oatmeal station, peanut butter from the sandwich station, and milk. The only things you would have to get from the store or your dorm room would be the flour, baking powder and sugar. If you don’t like bananas or chocolate chips, or just want to try some-

BANANA CHOCOLATE CHIP MUG CAKE Adapted from Running with Spoons blog Cuisine: Vegan with vegan chocolate chips and nondairy milk; gluten-free with alternative flour 2 Tbsps flour (You can use coconut flour as the original recipe calls for, or you can simply use whole wheat or all-purpose flour.) ¼ tsps baking powder 1-2 tsps brown sugar (Granulated sugar would probably work just as well if that’s all you have.) ¼ Cup milk (The original recipe1 calls for almond milk, but any kind will work. Keep in mind you may want to add more or less brown sugar depending on whether the milk is sweetened or not.)

½ ripe banana (Either eat the other half or make your roommate a mug cake too!) 1/2 Tbsp nut butter (This is my favorite part! The added protein will help you get through the day. Any type of nut butter should work.) Sprinkle of chocolate chips (The original recipe says this step is optional, but let’s be real, it’s really not.)


Mix together dry ingredients (the flour, baking powder, and brown sugar).


Stir in milk, then mix in the banana, nut butter, and chocolate chips.


Put in the microwave for 2-3 minutes. Make sure it cools off before you try it!



thing else, try the Oatmeal Breakfast Mug Cake from Sarah’s Cucina Bella.2 The recipe uses an oatmeal packet as the base which is super ingenious and likely to be something lying around your dorm room! I’d replace the olive oil in the recipe with applesauce or mashed banana. If you’re okay with a more involved recipe and want a fall-themed mug cake, try Lean Clean and Brie’s recipe for an Apple Cinnamon Mug Cake.3 You can use whatever sweetener you prefer (it doesn’t have to be Stevia) and again, you can replace the oil with either applesauce or mashed banana. If you used maple syrup as the sweetener, you could find all but the flour and baking powder in the caf! Now that’s a “caf hack.” If you have any questions or recipes/food topics you want me to write about, let me know! Email me at Hannah.Thiel@wallawalla.edu. Hannah Thiel is an art major.

1 http://www.runningwithspoons.com/2014/07/08/ banana-bread-mug-cake/ 2 https://sarahscucinabella.com/2015/08/13/maplebrown-sugar-oatmeal-breakfast-mug-cake/ 3 http://www.leancleanandbrie.com/2015/10/apple-cinnamon-mug-cake-2.html


It’s Corn Maze Time By Daphne Novak Hopefully by now, all of you have gone to Klickers,1 bought pumpkins and made some soup to warm your fall-obsessed souls. Now it’s time for another classic Walla Walla fall activity: the corn maze. Honestly, I’ve always loved corn mazes. They’re a part of my childhood and most of them involve good memories! One time I severely sprained my ankle when I was around 7 years old. It had just rained and the mud was sticky. But you know, other than that, I loved it! I love the smell of the dying corn stalks and the wind rustling through them. I love the cool fall air. The Walla Walla Corn Maze is a classic one. Despite the fact that it’s my fourth year here in Walla Walla, I’m still pumped for it. In the past, the corn maze’s design has been spiders and other classic Halloween designs, but this year they decided to go floral. This year’s maze design is a sunflower (at least I think, judging from the photo…). For all the basic

around and enjoy myself. Also, some clubs offer free tickets to the maze so watch out for deals!

folk out there, this will probably warm your PNW, Northwest-is-best, coffeeand flower-photographing hearts. While you may be thinking, “but Daphne… how can I possibly take my own picture of this flower?” Well, may I suggest a drone? We all have those lying around, right? Or, if you must post that “Instagram pic,” you could just use the lovely picture from their website. It may be a little tacky, but sometimes you just need that picture. Anyways, the corn maze is open from now until early November. Along with its regular hours, it has specific “scary hours” when people in the maze dress up in costumes and carry fake chainsaws once it gets dark. Personally, I like to go when I can just wander

Here is the need to know info: Hours Thursdays: 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. Fridays: 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. Saturdays: 2 p.m. to 11 p.m. Sundays: 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Cost 3 years and under: free (must be with a parent or guardian) 4-11 years: $5 12 years and up: $7 First Responders and Military free when badge or ID is shown Address 853 Five Mile Rd. Walla Walla, Wa 99362 FYI, phone service there is awful. Daphne Novak is a psychology major. 1 Um...can I admit that I have never been to Klickers...


college place, wa | walla walla university


W Outdoors Ex Rx @ nnington Park, 7:15 - 8:45 . - It’s free exercise!

ional Grouch Day

ional I Love Lucy Day




Graduate Student Convocation @ WEC 209, 6-10 p.m. Athletes for Disaster Relief Concert @ Reid Campus Center, Whitman College, 6-10 p.m. - free by donation National Feral Cat Day


| October 2017 Issue 3




Hispanic Heritage Community @ University Church, 11 a.m. Painting Class for Adults @ Milton-Freewater Public Library, 6-8 p.m. - call 541-938-8247 to register


National Pasta Day

Maxey Museum Fall Exhibit @ Maxey Hall, 12 p.m. (Whitman) 43rd Annual Balloon Stampede Kid’s Day @ Howard Tieton Park, 7:15 a.m. - free National Chocolate Cupcake Day National No Beard Day








Microbes Inside Us: How Do We Get Them? By Forrest Sheperd We may be less human than we think we are… that is, scientists estimate that there are at least 10 times more foreign microbial cells living in and on us, most of which live in our large intestine, than there are of our own cells.1 It turns out that as we learn more about our microscopic friends, we realize that we literally could not live without them. For the next two weeks in a three-part series, we will be exploring some important aspects of the hot and trending topic of the human microbiome. This week: what is the microbiome, and how do we get it? Next week: how can our microbiomes affect our health and longevity? And we’ll end the series with what the surge of recent research in this field is showing us about making our microbiomes healthy rather than causing health problems (are probiotics the answer?). Although our first exposure to microbes likely begins inside the womb2, our first major exposure to microbes begins from the moment we pass through the birth canal, when we are smeared in microbes which begin to populate our skin.3 As we will learn more about next week, these microbes are actually very important for an infant’s long-term health, as babies born by cesarean section or who are given antibiotics after birth are more likely to develop immune diseases

such as Asthma, allergies, Type I Diabetes and more.4 One way our guts are first populated by microbes is by our mother’s milk, which contains natural probiotics: microbes transported into the mother’s milk by immune cells from her gut.5

begin to be populated by microbes.6 Don’t worry, being covered in microbes is normal and healthy! We are developing our natural populations of symbiotic microbes, or microbiota, and their collective genetic material, which is called the microbiome. Our

A colorized scanning electron micrograph of E. coli, a common strain of bacteria in the human gut. (WIKIMEDIA COMMONS) As we begin our lives touching surfaces and eating in this unsanitary world covered in microscopic life, every surface of epithelium (the cell barriers between our true insides and the outside world), including the inner lining of our digestive tract--which is technically not inside of our bodies--

microbiomes include organisms such as bacteria, fungus, parasites and viruses!7 With these microbes growing and populating our bodies, how do we all not get infections and die? To start, we need to know that not all microbes are created equal. Some help us while others, called

pathogens, harm us. What we know as an infection may just be an influx in the population of harmful microbes or a more extreme version of what is called dysbiosis, an imbalance in our microbial populations. One important way this imbalance is prevented in infants is that when we are breastfed by our mothers, we consume special sugars which feed only the beneficial microbes in our gut, starving out everything else.8 Antibodies such as sIgA, supplied by our mothers’ breast milk, bind to unwanted microbes or viruses in the gut and tell the immune system to attack it.9 With help largely from our mothers, other people living alongside us and exposure to the outside world, our microbiomes begin to develop and diversify. The positive effects of this exposure are shown in children who play in the dirt more often, and even in families with pets, who have fewer immune diseases like allergies or asthma.6 Now that we know what our microbiomes are and how we get them, come back next week to find out how they can have a major impact on our quality of life and longevity!

1 Turnbaugh, Peter J. et al. “The Human Microbiome Project: Exploring the Microbial Part of Ourselves in a Changing World.” Nature 449.7164 (2007): 804–810. PMC. Web. 5 Mar. 2017. 2 Moles, Laura et al. “Bacterial Diversity in Meconium of Preterm Neonates and Evolution of Their Fecal Microbiota during the First Month of Life.” Ed. Yolanda Sanz. PLoS ONE 8.6 (2013): e66986. PMC. Web. 15 Aug. 2017. 3 Makino, Hiroshi et al. “Transmission of Intestinal Bifidobacterium Longum Subsp. longum Strains from Mother to Infant, Determined by Multilocus Sequencing Typing and Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism .” Applied and Environmental Microbiology 77.19 (2011): 6788–6793. PMC. Web. 15 Aug. 2017. 4 Cho, Clara E., and Mikael Norman. “Cesarean Section and Development of the Immune System in the Offspring.” American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecolgy 208.4 (2013): 249-54. Science Direct. Web. 17 Aug. 2017. 5 Fernández, Leónides et al. “The Human Milk Microbiota: Origin and Potential Roles in Health and Disease.” Pharmacological Research 69.1 (2013): 1-10. PMC. Web. 09 Oct. 2017. 6 Azad, Meghan B et al. “Infant Gut Microbiota and the Hygiene Hypothesis of Allergic Disease: Impact of Household Pets and Siblings on Microbiota Composition and Diversity.” Allergy, Asthma, and Clinical Immunology, vol. 9, no. 15, 22 Apr. 2013. BioMed Central. Web. 17 Aug. 2017. 7 Qin, Junjie, et al. “A Human Gut Microbial Gene Catalogue Established by Metagenomic Sequencing.” Nature 464.7285 (2010): 59-65. ProQuest. Web. 17 Aug. 2017. 8 Smilowitz, Jennifer T. et al. “Breast Milk Oligosaccharides: Structure-Function Relationships in the Neonate.” Annual review of nutrition 34 (2014): 143–169. PMC. Web. 15 Aug. 2017. 9 Rogier, Eric W., et al. “Secretory Antibodies in Breast Milk Promote Long-Term Intestinal Homeostasis by Regulating the Gut Microbiota and Host Gene Expression.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111.8 (2014): 3074. ProQuest. Web. 25 Aug. 2017.

Forrest Sheperd is a biology major


The Freezing Rain that Froze By Niqolas Ruud This week I had the privilege of conducting my first proper interview with none other than the Walla Wallarenowned Peter Flores himself. As a super-super-super senior, Flores has a whole lot of trendy PNW wisdom to share with those of us who are far less super. I sat down with Flores after one of the Week of Worship programs last week to talk about his recent adventure climbing the Matterhorn. For those of you who don’t know, the Matterhorn is this fabulous peak in Switzerland, sitting at nearly 4,500 meters (14763 feet) with the easiest route up the mountain consisting of technical 5.7-grade climbing.1 However, I was disappointed to find out that the “Matterhorn” peak that Flores and his compatriots climbed two weekends ago was actually just southeast of us in the Wallowa Mountains: a hike topping out at 2,995 meters (9826 feet).2 Since I had already invested so

much time into the interview (asking how to spell Flores’s name, sitting down, taking out my pen, etc.), I decided to listen to the entire story, and I’m sure glad I did. “Peter,” I said, “can you tell me a little bit about this trip?” He replied: “Seven guys, three tents, one night.” At this point I was getting very excited. He continued: “I had one of those Wal-Mart sleeping pads! It rained all night long, softly at first, and then freezing rain. Then the rain froze on the tent!” Aha! Very exciting there, Mr. Flores! “The rain froze on the tent!” gets me every time I read it. As it turned out, two more of our seven adventurers, Kraig Davis and Brett Wilson, happened to pass by as Flores was telling me about the freezing rain that froze. Davis took the time to drop us a quote about the length of their weekend excursion: “There was some discrepancy about the length of the trail we hiked on, somewhere between 20 and 82 miles— all in Crocs!”3 Amazing, Mr. Davis! Not wanting to feel left out, Wilson

later texted me the following quote: “As I stood on top of that mountain and looked towards our lakeside camp, I thought to myself, ‘Man I wish I could make some Top Ramen right now.’”4 Great quote, Mr. Wilson! And with that great quote, we close out our Ruud Remarks interview for the week. I had a fantastic time chatting with Flores, Davis and even Wilson, and hope to speak with them again someday. Until next time, don’t forget to go outside at least once a month for health purposes; it’s a great place to go.5





If you would like to place an ad in our weekly paper, please contact our advertising manager, Amanda Maizar, for rates.

Niqolas Ruud is a theology major. 1 https://www.alpineascents.com/climbs/matterhorn/ 2 http://www.summitpost.org/matterhorn-oregon/150682 3 Not an ad for Crocs 4 Not an ad for Top Ramen 5 Not an ad for the outdoors

E aswwu.collegian@wallawalla.edu P 509-527-2255* *This is the general number for the ASWWU offices. Please mention you are calling about The Collegian.



October 2017 Issue 3 | walla walla university | college place, wa


Home Away From Home By Savanna Pardo Typically, most students who go to college live hours or even days away from home. As for myself, I live in southern California, which means I live about 16 hours away by car. Last year, I was excited to be so far from home, or so I thought. Since it was my freshman year, I was more than ready to start my journey and live on my own away from my parents. I wanted nothing more than to be the independent woman I had so long dreamt about. That was until reality struck and I realized that living so far from home wasn’t all that I had expected. Don’t get me wrong, I made some good friends and had amazing experiences, but I missed home. I wanted my mom’s cooking, homemade and fresh. I wanted to shower without having to wear sandals, to sleep in my massive bed with my cat. It was the little things at home I began to miss. Then one day I talked to my mom and told her her how much I missed home. To this day, I still remind myself what she said to me then. My mom told me that living on your own for the first time isn’t easy, but it’s up to you to make the best of it. She told me that in order to make Walla Walla feel like home I needed to explore it, so that is exactly what I did. When I wasn’t busy with school, I would go out to town. It is truly amazing the places you come across once you actually get away from campus. There are so many shops downtown that I hadn’t noticed before: the record

A living room in Conard Hall. (GOOGLE MAPS) shop, the bookstore, all the coffee shops and so much more. Some days I would go walk downtown with friends after church. Other days I would go sit at a coffee shop and write for hours. This was all part of me establishing a new home for myself. I needed to feel comfortable with my new community, and there is no better way to do that than to go out and explore. Walla Walla may seem like a small town in size, but it has a lot of

opportunities to see new places and try new things. You just have to take some time to figure out what you like most about this small town. The people here are very friendly and welcoming. If you’re unsure about where to begin, it is more than okay to ask for exploration recommendations. Students who have been here longer will give you some of the best parks to visit or the tastiest restaurants to try.

Walla Walla is a treasure and is filled with so much beauty. The seasons here are gorgeous and offer a lot of opportunities to explore. My advice is that you take full advantage of everything. In the fall, visit a pumpkin patch and play in the leaves. During the winter, head up to the mountains to go sledding. Spring is the perfect season to explore all the parks and hiking trails.

It is very easy to make this place feel like home. Walla Walla is a small but very delightful community. I have learned to call this place home. Slowly but surely, I fell in love with this little town, and I like to believe that this is my home away from home. I have friends here who are dear to me. I enjoy the experiences I have had here and look forward to all the new ones I will create. Being at Walla Walla is my first experience living on my own. At first it was tough, and I wanted nothing more than to go home, but this place has really grown on me. It’s a kind community that I have come to love. The people, history and food are all things that I appreciate about this town. I’m sure they are things that you may appreciate as well. Take advantage of everything this small town has to offer and you’ll come to find out this truly is home away from home. Savanna Pardo is an English major.


Space Exploration:

The Best World’s Most Incredible Waste of Money By Parker Bailey The U.S. government has spent about $52.9 trillion on space travel and exploration through NASA between the years 1958 and 2015. The number 52.9 trillion is a difficult one to wrap your mind around, so let me help you break it down: that would pay for the tuition of 1.8 billion students at this fine university. If billions are still too difficult to conceptualize, that is enough money to buy the company of Google 77 times over. In short, that is a lot of money. Good things have certainly come from this exuberant spending. We have learned more about astrophysics, planetary motion and stars. We have built rockets to put satellites into orbit allowing for international wireless communication, as well as more accurate weather predictions and planetary mapping. We have even put a man on the moon. The list goes on and on, but

does it go on enough to justify $52.9 trillion? I believe that everything achieved from the space administration could have been achieved for a lot less money. Satellites are extremely expensive and, according to NASA, there are approximately 3,000 currently operating in Earth’s orbit. The question is, do we need that many? The main use of satellites is as a GPS, but on-planet replacements are already being developed because of the excessive cost and poor reliability of satellites (underground, indoors, in big cities, etc.). Also, can we mention that most of NASA’s programs are unsuccessful? I think that’s kind of a big deal. Another point is the amount of people employed to work for a space program. That amount of mental power could be used to solve some of the earth’s terrestrial problems that are more immediately concerning. A third idea I’ve come across is one

most people don’t consider: if we are sending spacecrafts out into space on a mission with no return, who’s to say it won’t crash into a planet, contaminate

its ecosystem, and wipe out all life that may or may not exist there? Also, why are we exploring space when we haven’t even finished exploring the earth we live on? The ocean is pretty deep. Ever been to the bottom? Didn’t think so. Therefore, I believe space exploration is a financial black hole. We wish to understand the unknown because it

scares us. People might ask, “What’s out there?” and I might answer, “A lot of wasted money. A lot of wasted money.” If you think I’m totally wrong, I’d love to hear it through the survey below. Also, the results from last week’s survey are in and the verdict, 100 percent of people who voted are communist supporters! Granted, only three people actually voted, but hey, results are results. It’s better than nothing, though I think you all can do better than that.

https://goo.gl/iyQyvp Parker Bailey is an engineering major.



Should Adventist healthcare centers be promoted more than any other healthcare centers? YES — 39%



said no

said yes

“I think Adventists have a unique way of combining scientific knowledge with a healthy lifestyle which has already proven itself throughout our church’s history and the history of LLU. Are Adventist healthcare centers perfect? Of course not. They are subject to the same bureaucratic nonsense that afflicts other hospitals. But, if a healthcare institution keeps God, the Great Physician, as its chief adviser, incredible things can be accomplished in the lives of others.” “If Adventist Health centers are really doing the work of Christ, we should let people know.”

“Adventist healthcare centers are already a minority, so it makes sense that they should be given more promotion. This would bring in additional non-Adventist people, making it possible to share the Gospel with more people.” “Adventists tend to have a more holistic approach to medicine and health.”

NO — 61% “Because of this, we shouldn’t act like we are at the best. We should let actions talk for us and strive to be the best in healthcare.” “Healthcare is healthcare, Adventist or not.”

34 total participants

Next week’s question: “Should the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) applications be reinstated?” https://goo.gl/9o9cwJ

“The health of the people you are promoting to is more important than the hospital you are promoting. Therefore you should promote the hospital that is best suited for the needs of the group you are promoting to. If the Adventist Hospital is the best hospital in the area, then it should absolutely be promoted.” “The best hospital should be the one promoted. Our focus shouldn’t be on promoting our hospitals because they are Adventist, but making them the best so they deserve the promotion.”

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