Why Walla Walla? | Vol. 102, Issue 02

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Ne w s p a p e r o f Wa l l a Wa l l a U n i v e r s i t y

Collegian =The

Volume 102 | Issue 02

Indigenous Peoples’ Day pg. 7

“Adventist schooling has blessed me immensely. I have found a Christ-centered environment, applicable classes, lifelong friendships and endless haystacks”

October 5, 2017

—Adam Hagele, ASWWU President

R e l i g i o n | W i s d o m | W e e k o f W o r s h i p | C u l t u r e | E v e n t s | F o o d | O u t d o o r s | T i t l e I X | F e a t u r e | S c i e n c e | M e d i a / Te c h | H i s t r o r y | O p i n i o n | S u r v e y

Last Things First college place, wa | walla walla university

| October 2017 Issue 1

The Old Stomp and Swerve By: Meghann Heinrich To my old friends, hello again! To the year’s worth of new people on campus since I’ve been around, new phone who ‘dis? I’m just kidding. I’m sure you’re a fine lot. Getting right down to business… let’s talk about summer. I’m a big fan. Like many, I had a great job at summer camp, but there is that time after summer jobs end and before classes start where, if one doesn’t take precautions, one might begin to morph into an idle lump of inactivity. At first it is glorious—no one on earth expects anything from you! However, within a matter of days you’re driven to extremes, like starting to work out (don’t worry, it didn’t take) or marathoning karaoke sessions in full costume (we’ve all been there, am I right?). These are excellent indicators that it’s time to use that lifeline, phone a friend and spend a few hours not sneaking up on your dog with a scary old man mask on your face. I was in the throes of boredom when my dear cousins (undoubted-

Shower Thoughts “When squirrels bury nuts, are they investing in their children’s future?”

ly sensing my alarming spiral into vegetable art) invited me on a 3-day, 2-night backpacking adventure. I tore myself away from the early planning stages of what promised to be a dang cool celery cabin to grab my mom’s retro Kelty backpack and a roll of toilet paper, 2 things I knew the value of, and hit the road. I won’t give you a play-by-play of the trip. Suffice it to say, it was a hoot, but the real fun started on the drive home. I’ll start with three declarations: 1. Highway 80 is the worst 2. I am a proficient, nay, excellent driver. 3. I’m not above admitting that when camping, I consider it my sacred duty to stay up all night listening for bears because it seems like no one else can be bothered to do so.1 Highway 80 isn’t inherently evil, but when you add aggressive California drivers, a 70 mph speed limit that literally no one obeys and more semis than you can shake a stick at, that right there is my nightmare. Also, I was operating with little-to-no sleep (see declaration number 3). Now I knew that my

front left tire had a slow leak, and that information hopped around in my exceptionally active imagination until I arrived at the conclusion that one wrong move and all four tires were going to explode. I also had a real and unfounded conviction that the road was too steep and that my brakes were just one tap away from throwing the towel in. About 2.5 hours into my 4-hour drive home the car commenced shimmying and shaking, and I thought it was the end. I exited and did a hasty walk around, kicking tires and such until I felt reasonably confident that the aforementioned shimmying was due to uneven pavement, not the angry gnome living in the car and drumming up trouble like he does. I got back in, turned up my Barbra Streisand CD and vowed to block out the haters. Just as I was merging back onto the freeway, I found myself in what was very nearly a semi sandwich—this didn’t help my already shady rep with the truck drivers. A few high-speed evasive maneuvers later I found myself surrounded by semis and with a single

tear sliding down my face. At this point, I had to give myself a little tough love: “Alright Heinrich, I’m just gonna say this once: TIGHTEN UP! Also, you are a strong, independent young woman, and the world is your oyster.” It kind of did the trick, that is to say I didn’t die. Just as things were settling down, and I thought I might make it, a movement on the dash caught my eye. To my extreme horror, it was a huge hairy spider casually making its way over to the driver’s side. I did my best to focus, but let me tell you, when homeboy fell down by my feet it was game over. Michael Flatley would’ve envied the riverdance moves I cooked up in the next 20 minutes. There I was, flying down Highway 80 stomping up a storm and to add insult to injury I had to oui oui (as the French say) with no rest stops in sight. I finally got off the highway in a small town and inexplicably got stuck in a right-turn-only lane until I was in a historic downtown street filled with fancy pubs. I didn’t care. I screeched to a stop in front of one

such establishment, and much to the surprise of the patrons sitting outside, I flailed/fell out of my car and bolted straight to the back of the pub, desperately looking for a restroom and taking no prisoners. When I returned, I put in a rigorous search for Mr. Spider, but I never found him. He is probably still in there living his best life. I did make it home and 4 days later made it here to WWU, where I am currently reliving the most stressful driving experience I’ve had to date. I will leave you with this: as your quarter picks up momentum, and the proverbial spider falls on you while you’re already going 70 mph, don’t slow down, just give it the old stomp and swerve.

1 When I was young my family took a trip to Yosemite. I remember seeing a terrifying bear safety PSA video wherein a bear busted into a car to get toothpaste. From that day on, I’ve been on bear watch because I know those cheeky bears can smell my minty fresh breath.w

Verbatim “Cruelty has its place (pause). That should be embroidered on a pillow.” --Professor Tim Tiffin “What if I was a cross between Beyoncé and Dr. Golden?” --Professor Timothy Golden

“Once we’re done curing all the cancer in mice, then we can work on humans. “ -Professor Kirt Onthank “Am I a banana?” --Professor Pablo Wenseslao

Email your faculty verbatim or shower thoughts to meghann.heinrich@wallawalla.edu to be featured!




October 2017 Issue 2 | walla walla university | college place, wa

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Cover|Sophie Bailey


Daniella Silva Dear Reader, Welcome back to this year’s first issue of The Collegian, and a special welcome to all our Fall Classic guests! As the year begins, we are starting off with a philosophical question: “Why are we here?” Before you roll your eyes and flip the page, let me qualify this question: “Why are we all here at Walla Walla University?” In this issue we explore why so many of us choose to stay in the Adventist system and what the consequences of that choice might be. However, we also have articles for every audience. Check out the “Life” section, opinion columns, and back page for more quality content. Many of you will remember that last year’s editor’s note was also

written in French. While we will not be translating every week, we will periodically have this column translated into one of the various languages represented on campus. My hope is that this simple action will promote an environment of inclusion and shared experience between all of us who call this campus home. While our articles this week may not be quite as “taboo” as Karl Haffner’s Week of Worship, we still want to hear what you have to say! Visit our Facebook page, and check the WWU Daily Reminders to participate in our weekly Yes/No poll. Each week’s question is tied to the theme of the upcoming issue. If you have any questions, article submissions or suggestions, you can email me at aswwu.collegian@ wallawalla.edu.

SPECIAL NOTICE On Monday, a gunman opened fire on concert-goers in Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino. During the shooting, 59 people were killed and 527 people were injured, making it the worst mass shooting in U.S. history. The shooter was 64-year old Stephen Paddock, who was locked up in an apartment 32 stories up, 400 yards away. His motive is still unclear. We at The Collegian and in the campus community have been shocked and deeply wounded by this event. On Wednesday night, Walla Walla University organized a vigil in honor of those who lost their lives. Countless family members and friends have been left behind to pick up the pieces. No one expects something like this will happen to them; no one deserves it. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims of this tragedy.


The River is My Brother? By: Peter Flores If you’ve taken “World Religions” with Dr. Paul Dybdahl, you know that nature plays a big part in Native American spirituality. If you’ve taken “Christian Ethics” from Dr. Pedrito Maynard-Reid, you also know that nature, to certain religions, is like family. The partnership of nature and spirituality is not isolated to religion alone but also appears in movie culture, furthering the idea that nature has a spiritual effect. A prime example would be the Disney film “Pocahontas.” In one of her songs, Pocahontas sings, “The rainstorm and the river are my brothers. The heron and the otter are my friends.” Now if you are familiar with Disney, you know they do their research. I won’t get too deep with specifics, but essentially nature means so much to people who live in it. In the case of Native Americans, nature was everything. Even though we may not have the same beliefs, we can learn from their emphasis on finding spiritual elements in nature. Last weekend I went hiking in the Wallowas towards Ice Lake with 6 friends. On the way up to the lake you could tell that breathtaking sights were a-comin’. There were animals running along the trail and

(PETER FLORES) snow on the peaks. I don’t personally do much backpacking, and this is probably the longest and hardest hike I’ve ever done. Despite the fact most of it was physically miserable, I kept walking and eventually got to the top of a few peaks. The


view was worth every step. I think there’s something to be said about how awe-inspiring the outside world is and how small it can make us feel. Perhaps exploring nature and practicing introspection is the basis

for the native spiritual experience. As a Christian, I am drawn to my knees when I encounter scenes that make me feel small. I feel my Creator around me and know that I am loved because I sense that the scenery around me was made just for me.

As you go out in the beautiful nature of the Pacific Northwest I encourage you to search for an adventure--an adventure that brings you closer not only to nature but also to God.

Researchers Claim They’ve Found The Secret Tomb Of St. Nicholas Not sure whether to tell children Santa was real, or that he’s dead. Adorable Fluffy Cat Joins New Zealand Cop On His Shift Probably enjoyed purr-suing criminals in the paw-trol car. FDA says ‘love’ is not a real ingredient in bakery’s granola Countless grandma’s question research behind decision. Scientists Underestimated Impact Of Cow Farts On Climate Change Moove over fossil fuels: cows have raised the steaks. Man stopped with 3,100 pounds of weed in van Auto-pots… roll out!



Week Of Worship walla walla university

| October 2017 Issue 2


An Interview With Karl Haffner by: Daniella Silva Sitting at one of the round tables in the SAC, Pastor Karl Haffner was talking to students about life, religion and of course, taboos. He had already been here for several hours, so I worried he might need to take a break before answering some questions for The Collegian. However, when I approached him to suggest an interview for tomorrow once he had rested, he quickly insisted that he still had time that night.

Then would it be fair to say that you don’t want to take a strong personal position on any of these issues? I think all of the topics are really complex, so I don’t want to show up on campus and spit out some simple answers to really complex challenges. That said, I think it’s important to have strong, biblically grounded convictions on

How has the response from the campus and surrounding community been so far? It’s been as I anticipated it would be—all over the map. Some are very positive, others maybe not so much, and everything in between. Many people, as you would expect, have been very encouraging. I know they’re praying for me, and I’ve felt those

When it comes to those who openly disagree with you, how do you generally handle their criticisms? Basically, my approach with criticism has always been: listen to what they have to say, learn what you can, and leave judgement to God. Truly, it begins with listening; I have found in all criticisms something that God’s trying to teach me. And then, I have to let it go and not stew in feelings of wanting to lash back or hurt them. I always try to remind myself of those three things: listen, learn, and leave judgement to God. Do you have an overarching philosophy or methodology for talking about tough subjects? At some level, I have a template for how I go about preparing talks. I have a certain rhythm, which is to explore, read widely, [and] to try to take in the different viewpoints. I start, of course, with scripture and ask, “how does scripture speak wisdom to this particular issue?” Then I read broadly about what other teachers have to say about the subject. I will typically listen to about a dozen sermons online, as well as some TED talks.

How did you decide on the theme, “Taboo”? Was it assigned to you, or did you choose it yourself? I was really very inspired by Pastor Alex’s “Ask Anything” series last year. Earlier this year, I did a series on some of the same topics that were asked during last year’s series. Then Walla Walla invited me to do the Week of Prayer, and Paddy, Alex and I started talking about topics. We thought about a lot of different topics and then they settled on “Taboo” because we thought it would be a good mix with Ask Anything: Season 2. We all prayed about it. We all thought, “Walla Walla can handle it” [he laughs]. I was happy to do it, but they also kind of asked me to do these topics.

Why do you choose to focus on storytelling instead of facts and figures? I believe it to be the most effective means of bringing about a conviction and ultimately a life change. People must be able to connect with the message, and I find that stories do that in a way facts and figures just can’t. And of course, I look to the example of Jesus who taught with such rich stories that the people could really understand and relate to.

Did you have a specific goal in mind when you took this speaking engagement? I hoped that this Photo taken from “The Bigger Debtor” sermon 1/16/16 (VIMEO.COM) would be a conversation starter—I wanted it what the Bible teaches about these prayers. I do feel like Walla Walla to encourage open dialogue in the topics. I don’t want to shy away University is an open environment church community. We didn’t frame from saying, “this is what God’s that is committed to conversation, this series in a way that meant I word teaches,” but all these topics honest dialogue, and following was going to come and give answers are so multi-layered and nuanced Christ on what that looks like in to these really difficult topics. Our and challenging that I don’t think this community. In that sense, the goal is to make students, and really it’s realistic to think you can come feedback has been very encouragthe faith community, cognizant that in with six simple answers on how ing, but obviously there’s just some it’s okay to talk about these things. to deal with the LGBTQ+ commudiffering opinions on these things. The world is talking about all of nity. It’s more of a, “what are we If they were easy things to talk these things. Frankly, the church going to do to address these issues about, then the series wouldn’t be just seems irrelevant if we seem to that affect the church?” entitled “Taboo.” be avoiding all those topics because it makes us feel uncomfortable.

If you could pick, which theme are you most nervous to talk about this week? I think the topic I’m most nervous or overwhelmed about is pornography. As I was doing my reading and research for this talk, I was overwhelmed by the prevalence of pornography and how it’s changing us as a society. I could only work on it in short spurts because I would start to feel really down and overwhelmed. It is an addiction that’s destroying us. There’s so much people need to know, and it is in many ways the ultimate taboo topic. What would you like students to take away from this week? (answer quoted to right)

Fom poster (ETHAN BRODY)

“I want students to know the church is a safe place to explore. I want them to know it’s a place to grow, and learn, and provoke one another toward love and good deeds. We talk about these things together because it is important to grow together.”

—Karl Haffner

CULTURE FALL ACTIVITIES By Hannah Thiel Hello, and welcome to the culture column! My name is Hannah, and I’m a junior art major. Daphne and I are collaborating on writing the food and culture columns this year, so every week we will be alternating which column we write for. No matter the column, however, I’m looking forward to writing about some of the things I’ve experienced in Walla Walla, whether it’s a cultural event or good food I’ve made or had in the valley. Let me start with a little intro-

duction. My family has lived in Walla Walla for about 10 years, so I’m basically in Walla Walla all the time. However, since I haven’t lived here all my life—my family moved from California—I do have the experience of being new to Walla Walla, though admittedly it was a while ago. Lately I’ve been trying to get accustomed to the idea that it’s fall now. Personally, I’m a huge spring and summer person. It’s really sad for me to see the days starting to get shorter, so if I’m going to try to get into a fall mood I feel like I have to go all in.

This week, I’d like to tell you about a fun thing you can do in Walla Walla on a slow afternoon (if you have any of those) or on a weekend. Whether you moved from somewhere where fall is genuinely a season or, like me, you moved from somewhere like California, Walla Walla is a great place to experience fall. One way to do that is to go to Klicker’s Pumpkin Patch. It’s east of town and owned by one of the old Walla Wallan families, the Klickers. The family owns well-known strawberry fields, an antique store, and a Christmas tree lot.

Here’s my guide to the complete Klicker’s Pumpkin Patch experience this fall: 1

Put on lots of layers: sweaters, scarves, a pair of boots, the works.


Find a couple friends to come along with you.


Play your favorite fall tunes in the car.


Pick up a favorite fall drink on the way (I’m thinking hot cider, that new Maple Pecan Latte from Starbucks, or maybe even a Pumpkin Spice Latte)


Now that you’re all set, head into the pumpkin patch, and find some pumpkins! The pumpkin patch provides wagons, so you can get as many as you want. Pick up a couple to carve later.


Don’t forget to try out the slide! It’s set up in the haystacks in the middle of the pumpkins— you can’t miss it.


Pics or it didn’t happen! Don’t forget to take some fall-themed pictures with your friends and your pumpkins.


Check out the antique store on the way out—maybe you’ll find that extra touch your dorm room has been missing.

Don’t forget to snag an extra pumpkin so that you can try out Daphne’s pumpkin soup recipe on the next page. Klicker’s is open from 9 a.m. through 6 p.m. every day. They’re located on the east side of town—so you’ll want to get on Highway 12, take the turnoff on the right at Airport Road, turn left on East Isaacs Avenue, and you should see it on your right! Thanks for getting in the fall mood with me everyone! Catch me in the food column next week!



October 2017 Issue 2 | walla walla university | college place, wa


October 5-11 Thursday



Fall Classic begins Medic concert @ 7 p.m. - Kretschmar lawn Volleyball game @ 8:30 p.m. National Get Funky Day

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Fall Classic continues Soccer halftime @ 3 p.m. by BSCF


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Downtown ministries outreach: @ 2:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. - meet at U book store Faculty recital - Kraig Scott: @ 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. - U-Church Fall Classic continues



67 45

Soccer ga - halftime Volleybal - intermis National Clergy Ap

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Let’s Learn to Feed Ourselves By Daphne Novak I don’t actually cook or bake much when I’m home, simply because I just don’t need to. My parents usually just make the food—which is great, but it doesn’t really give me the chance to develop my culinary abilities. When I am at home, I miss being able to cook for myself. Adult-ing can be shockingly fun. Learning to feed yourself is a valuable growing opportunity. Many of you readers have meal plans, but don’t let that stop you from learning how to make a few things! This column will feature a lot of recipes and some non-recipebut-still-food-related articles may be thrown in here and there. I like to keep up on the latest and greatest in the food world. Before I share this week’s recipe I wanted to make note of a few things: A lot of the recipes I share will be inspired by my favorite online food blog, “Minimalist Baker,” and my all-time favorite cookbook, “Thug Kitchen” (which is also one of the funniest cookbooks I have ever used). Both are exclusively vegan and mostly gluten free as well. Yes, a lot of my recipes will be vegan, but here’s the twist: I don’t consider myself vegan, and I’m not the most dedicated vegetarian (but I’m trying!). These recipes generally ask for simple ingredients, are simple to make and are flippin’ delicious.

Vegan food goes beyond carrots and soy cheese—you will learn that by the end of the school year. Seriously, to all of you in the dorm, make friends with off-campus people. Obviously you want to be friends with them because you value them as people, but another perk is that you can probably ask to use their kitchen or their blender and then probably share some of your food with them to be nice. Do it. Grocery shop at the Caf. Sometimes you just really don’t want tater tot casserole for dinner. Don’t let that stop you from getting your money’s worth with your meal plan! I’m all about getting the most out of your dollar. Let’s say you really want to make your own bean soup. Just go to the Caf and get a to-go box full of various beans. (Don’t forget about those to-go cups as well). Feel free to expand your horizons with what you can get—the beans are just an example. The recipes I provide will, for the most part, be Caf-grocery-shopping-friendly. Lastly, if you are having issues with a recipe I publish or are confused about an ingredient, please send me a polite email at daphne. novak@wallawalla.edu. I’m happy to help and will try to respond as soon as I can. So, without further ado, here is one of my favorite fall soups. It’s fairly cheap and simple to make.

PUMPKIN SOUP Adapted from “Minimalist Baker” Cuisine: Vegan, Gluten Free Serves 3-5 2 sugar pumpkins (check out Klickers’ and get them there or just use 2 15 oz. cans of unsweetened pumpkin purée. Fair warning, the soup will not taste as good but it is more convenient)


If using fresh pumpkins, start at step 1. If not, skip down to step 4.


Preheat oven to 350° and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.


Using a sharp knife, cut off the tops of 2 sugar pumpkins and then halve them. Use a sharp spoon to scrape out all of the seeds and strings.


Brush the pumpkin flesh with oil and place face down on the baking sheet. Bake for 45-50 minutes. To test whether it’s done, try piercing the skin with a fork. If it pierces easy, it’s done. Remove from the oven, then peel away skin and set the pumpkin aside.


Put a large saucepan over medium heat and add 1 Tbsp olive oil, shallot and garlic. Cook for 5 minutes, or until slightly browned and translucent. Turn down heat if cooking too quickly.


Add remaining ingredients, including the pumpkin, and bring to a simmer.


Transfer to a blender to puree the soup (If you are using canned pumpkin, I recommend still blending it. This is when it’s good to have off-campus friends!). Pour mixture back into pot.


Cook for a few more minutes. Garnish with balsamic vinegar if you want (Yeah, my balsamic drizzle didn’t look good, but ya know what, it was flippin’ delicious).



2 shallots, diced (or just one large onion LOL—whatever floats your boat) 3 cloves of garlic, minced 1 box of vegetable broth (or, you can also substitute chicken broth; I used my homemade chicken broth which is super easy to make—email me for my recipe.) 1 cup coconut milk However much fresh sage and thyme you want (This is the best part. Please don’t skip this. If you don’t plan on using a blender, make sure you chop the sage and thyme really well) Salt and black pepper to taste

My name is Jennifer Carpenter and I’m WWU’s Title IX coordinator. Title IX is part of the US Education Amendments designed to protect you from sex discrimination and sexual misconduct. WWU provides support, advocacy, and a variety of resources related to Title IX. Learn more at wallawalla.edu/title-ix.

Want to be part of the conversation?

Soup featured above. (NIC CHEBELEU)

Email me at jennifer.carpenter@wallawalla.edu to join a student task group focused on Title IX education resources for campus.

college place, wa | walla walla university



ame @ 1 p.m. e by His Kids Club ll game @ 1 p.m. ssion by APIC club Pierogi Day ppreciation Day



Native American Day Columbus Day National Leif Erikson Day 1192- Richard I of England, the Lionheart, leaves Jerusalem in disguise 1941 US President Franklin D. Roosevelt approves an atomic program - beginning of the Manhattan project

65 43


| October 2017 Issue 2




ASWWU Senate Elections: @ 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. in the WEC TOP SECRET EVENT (secret breakfast by ASWWU social) National Stop Bullying Day National Take Your Parents To Lunch Day


69 45

Fall Service day: @ 8:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. - meet at CTC bowl Guest recital Johannes Möller, guitar: @ 7:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m.

68 45


Old Beginnings By Niqolas Ruud Summer is over; bummer for you, bummer for me. However, just because those coveted sunny days are behind us, that doesn’t mean we

can’t continue to rehash our recent memories of the hot and hotter for another week or so. This school year, here at Ruud Remarks, we will be revisiting the memories of your recent summer

explorations, as well as your adventures to come (and they will come). So buckle your helmets, zip up that wetsuit and get cozy on your couch or camp chair, it’s going to be one heck of a ride.

The author takes a selfie while contemplating the future title of this article and what it means in regards to his current predicament of night quickly approaching while on the summit of Bugaboo spire. (NIQOLAS RUUD)

This week, instead of a fullfledged interview, I decided it would be best to peruse the various faces of Walla Walla University in search for some catchy one-liners about a few individuals’ summer happenings. What follows are graphic depictions of far-less graphic events: Notebook in hand, I began to wander the many halls of my “home,” Sittner Hall. As I made my way towards the lobby, a distinct sound of a strange rendition of “some song I have probably heard before” echoed round and round the air of the place. I followed it; louder and louder it became, until all at once, I was in the presence of Deans Scott Rae and John Nickel. I sat down, took out my pen and pad, and began to probe for questions. As it turns out, Rae had spent his summer hiking up, down, and all around in the good ol’ great outdoors (good ol’ San Fran, specifically) in a boot! Not just any boot mind you, but one of those boots which might as well feel like one your car could be wearing after you’ve had a run-in with the police due to parking in an inappropriate location! Rae, in reaction to his painful appendage, decided it best to hike from Coit Tower to the “next highest point in San Francisco [in that darned boot]!” Now that is an outdoor adventure if I have ever heard of one! Nickel, on the other hand, said that he had gone deepsea fishing in the Pacific Ocean. He

also said that he used a “50 pound line” and caught a fish somewhere between “three and 40 pounds in weight.” Very exciting indeed. After a few more conversations with a few more people, I came across a few more interesting quotes about a few of this summer’s outdoor adventures. Due to the high sensitivity of these quotes, the authors have requested to use pen names, or pseudonyms as they are also known.* Hyler Tumphries said, in regards to a specific French climbing partner, that “when they won’t go up, you pull them up.” Very insightful Hyler Tumphries! Cissa Lark said that she “took a haunted tour around old cemeteries at night,” AND “jumped in a creek during a friend’s wedding” all in the same summer! How exciting! Don’t forget to get in touch with me at niqolas.ruud@wallawalla.edu if you have a striking story about the great outdoors (so like, things not indoors) which you are just itching to tell. Whether you just put up a new solo line in the Himalayan Rockies, or somehow ended up sleeping out on Centennial Green, let’s sit down, sip some lukewarm water and chat about it.

These pseudonyms have been generated randomly and are not intended to represent the names of the true authors. Any similarities are undoubtedly unintentional.


Sexual assault is a crime as well as a violation of WWU policy.


Title IX prohibits discrimination of the basis of sex (gender).


Title IX applies to all students, faculty and staff at Walla Walla University.


Conduct prohibited by Title IX includes sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual misconduct, relationship (dating or domestic) violence, and stalking.



Title IX requires the University to take immediate and appropriate steps to investigate and end sexual harassment or sexual violence.


Walla Walla University has designated certain individuals for students to contact regarding Title IX complaints: Jennifer Carpenter, Title IX Coordinator TitleIX@wallawalla.edu or Jennifer.Carpenter@wallawalla.edu (509) 527-2141 or (509) 527-2222 after-hours

Upon a report of the Title IX concern, the University will work with the Complainant to put interim measures in place to ensure a safe, hostile-free environment.

Kristen Taylor, Deputy Title IX Coordinator Kristen.Taylor@wallawalla.edu (509) 527-2539 Annette Riebe, Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Sattelite Campuses Annette.Riebe@wallawalla.edu (503) 251-6118


The Discrimination Complaint Form is confidential, and anonymity is an option.


You can find more information about Title IX here: https://www.wallawalla.edu/resources/ human-resources-payroll/titleix/



Why Walla Walla? walla walla university

| October2017 Issue 2

FEATURE ARTICLE By Jacob Sloop Do you remember your first week of school at Walla Walla? Perhaps you, like me, were asking yourself, “Why am I here?” It’s confusing, a little stressful (okay, maybe a lot), but isn’t that what makes the college experience so memorable? So then why did we, reading The Collegian wherever we may be, choose Walla Walla? To answer this question I hit the streets—or rather the sidewalks—of campus to ask our newest students. I quickly interviewed some 30 freshmen and five high school seniors. In an incredibly unscientific fashion, I set out to discover why each of them had chosen Walla Walla University. One female student from Virginia chose Walla Walla because of the school’s great nursing program. A male student from Alaska chose Walla Walla because his parents wanted him in an Adventist school. As I continued my research, I found that many freshmen originally came to Walla Walla under parental pressure, while others come for academics, and others still cite the school’s location, but as I asked more questions, there was an overwhelming theme: people love it here. There is a certain irony in the fact that roughly half of our incoming freshmen, based on my interviews, would not have selected Walla Walla as their first choice but still love it here. It could be easy to attribute this success to our beautiful campus or perhaps our excellent administration, but I don’t think that’s the principle reason. The happiest freshmen I talked to were in groups, sharing jokes and laughing amongst themselves; this wasn’t a

coincidence. To them, Walla Walla isn’t defined by the academics or staff; Walla Walla is an experience made by friends. Some may say that my interviewees were simply retaining their high school cliques, but this simply isn’t true; most everyone I talked to had known their companions for less than a week. With this preliminary knowledge, I set out to zero in on what drew students to our schools. In my search for information I first spoke with Scott Ligman, Associate Vice President for Academic Administration who directed me to Jodi Wagner in Marketing and Enrollment Services. We sat down with preliminary niceties: “Your official position is…?” I asked. “I’m the Vice President of University Relations and Advancement,” she responded. “Where do Walla Walla’s students come from?” Wagner swung around to her computer and pulled up an Excel spreadsheet from your worst nightmares: it contained data from 569 different high schools. Each column listed different data points, from high school senior class size to the number that transition to Walla Walla, and most importantly the aggregate percentage that transition to Walla Walla over an entire decade. Within the massive spreadsheet were statistics to support my claim that Walla Walla students created new friendships rather than sticking to their old high school cliques. WWU’s biggest feeder schools rarely sent more than half their senior classes. For being feeder schools you’d expect much higher numbers, but this

was almost never the case. WWU’s biggest feeder was Upper Columbia Academy, followed by Portland Adventist Academy and Walla Walla Valley Academy. All these schools combined didn’t surpass a 50% transition rate; even WWVA failed to send half of their class. So while some cliques from high school carry over, they remain limited. Most people find new groups in college, thus defining their freshman experience with burgeoning friendships. It became clear to me that old high school relationships don’t define those in college. As simple as it may sound, there are a multitude of preconceived notions about collegiate success and friendships based on the idea that we need pre-existing connections. This just isn’t true. We have one of the friendliest student bodies, even though many incoming freshmen come from a

diverse set of schools. This diversity is the backbone of our welcoming culture and is also one of our most valuable characteristics. As my conversation with Wagner continued, she explained what prospective students most commonly ask about: academics— specifically engineering, business, nursing, and pre-med programs. Others would ask about athletics, intramurals and—most importantly—scholarships. Many would compare schools based on price instead. Jodi commented that Walla Walla’s rising enrollment could easily be attributed to better scholarships, but when I asked what caused students to change from prospective students to applicants, she said it was campus visits. “Students that visit campus and take our tour are 30% more likely to come. Of current students,

81% visit beforehand though either tours or sports related trips. These are significant predictors of future student attendance. Students meet our campus [family], and they realize we’re a community, and that’s something they want,” said Wagner. As I talked to more freshmen, their impression of the campus was overwhelming: we’re friendly. As a campus we care about each other, and that’s powerful. So this year as you bury yourself in homework, a new relationship, or any other pursuit, let’s remember why so many came: community. This year is our chance to give that same sense of community to the newest additions to our Walla Walla family.



In the Shadow of the Moon By Forrest Shepherd If you have social media accounts, watch the news, or talk to people, you likely heard about the solar eclipse that passed over the U.S. from Oregon to South Carolina on Aug. 21. Maybe you were even able to go and see it for yourself! What is a total solar eclipse anyways? It can be described simply as the moon casting its shadow, called an umbra, onto the earth. But it turns out to be much more than that—being under the moon’s shadow has been described by many as

WWU industrial design major Kai Kopitzke backpacked for several days atop Table Mountain in the in the Grand Tetons, Wyoming to capture this and other incredible images of the total solar eclipse of 2017. The corona of the sun can be seen surrounding the silhouette of our moon. (KOPITZKE 2017)

one of the most awe-inspiring natural phenomenon that we can experience here on Earth. The moon’s

imperfect, wobbly, oval-shaped orbit creates this scenario every year or two somewhere on our planet.1 The total eclipse occurs when the moon’s orbit lines up perfectly, both by alignment as well as its distance from the Earth, so that it’s the exact same size as the sun in the sky, covering up the sun’s surface completely, leaving only parts of the sun’s atmosphere visible around the moon’s silhouette. This summer the moon created a shadow about 71 miles in diameter lasting at most 2 minutes and 40 seconds.1 On the morning of the eclipse, I found myself with a few other friends parking in a public field a few miles outside of Corvallis, Oregon. Looking through our eclipse glasses, we could see the sun slowly being covered up by the circular shape of the moon. Before the eclipse reached totality, we were unable to tell anything was happening at all without our glasses. However, it wasn’t long until I noticed


A Good Place to Start

the lighting surrounding us was discolored. A little later, I realized the temperature was dropping and a cold breeze began to pick up. As the uncovered sliver of sun got smaller and smaller, the lighting began to change dramatically. It was as if the Earth had turned down a dimming light switch. At this point, my friends and I took off our glasses to see one of the most stunning sights of our lives. The world around us had just turned into night. With a 360-degree sunrise above us and a star-filled sky surrounding it, words and pictures failed to describe what we were seeing. A black ball could be seen in the sky, surrounded by a mist of light (the sun’s corona), and even flecks of red light around the moon’s surface (the sun’s chromosphere). The chromosphere and corona make up the outer atmosphere of the sun.2 It was at times like this that people seeing the eclipse thousands of years ago

would think the world was ending! Even knowing what was happening, the experience made the hair on your arms stand up and your hands tremble, making photography a challenge. As fast as it began, the sun rose over the other side of the moon and the dim light began to brighten. It was the fastest “sunrise” I had ever experienced. If you missed out on this year’s eclipse make sure you get the chance to see one in your lifetime. The next one will pass through Chile and Argentina in July 2019. If you can’t travel that far, there will be one going through Texas and the East Coast in April 2024.3

more than they expected and, perhaps, more than they can handle. In the end, the book is a story about dealing with depression and struggling to find joy in the circumstances and blessings we’re presented with. Please, check it out.

fect neighborhood (complete with dozens of frozen yogurt stores). Except everything isn’t perfect because Eleanor was supposed to be sent to “The Bad Place.” Season 1 is available to stream on Netflix and the season 2 has just started airing, so now is the perfect time to jump in. Don’t miss this one! Well I think that’s all I have room for this week, but before I close I want to thank you for reading this far—it means a whole lot to me. I want this column to be something that’s fun to read, so if you have any suggestions, comments, questions or complaints, please feel free to email me at matthew. fennell@wallawalla.edu, and I’ll do my absolute best to get back to you. Bye!

By Matt Fennell Hey! My name is Matt Fennell. I’m a senior computer engineering major from Maryland (go Ravens!), and I’m here to talk to you about my absolute favorite things in the whole world: stories. Every week, I’ll do my best to bring you my recommendations for whatever story-based content I think you should be consuming. Sometimes I’ll talk about just one new or old thing that I’ve recently enjoyed; other times I’ll share recommendations from the rest of The Collegian staff. Today, however, I’ve put together a quick list of the things going on right now that I really think you should get into. Here goes!

Libby Technically, I’m also the technology writer, so I want to take a second to tell you about this really cool app for your phone called Libby. Libby is run by OverDrive, a company that used to manage an absolutely terrible audiobook-lending software for libraries. Libby is a new version of this idea that 1) also includes e-books and 2) isn’t absolutely terrible. If your local library uses OverDrive you can create an account with your library card and check out thousands of e-books and audiobooks straight to your phone for absolutely no charge (unless you’ve racked up late fees, which, oops, I had).

“The Magicians” Using Libby, I checked out the first installment of Lev Grossman’s trilogy which is sort of a weird hybrid of “Narnia,” “Harry Potter,” John Green books and “Dungeons and Dragons.” The story focuses on Quentin Coldwater, an absolutely miserable teenager who is accepted into a magical college hidden away in upstate New York. He thinks he’s finally found his place and people as he studies the science and practice of magic, but after graduating, realizes he’s still pretty miserable. Quentin and his friends eventually embark on a quest to save a magical world somehow tied to our own. In the process they’re forced to face

“The Good Place” The newest sitcom from Michael Schur (“The Office,” “Parks and Recreation,” “Brooklyn Nine-Nine”) is the story of Eleanor Shellstrop, a woman who dies and goes to “The Good Place,” where people are paired with their perfect soul mate to live in their perfect dream home in an absolutely per-

1 “Google Maps and Solar Eclipse Paths: 2001-2020.” NASA. NASA, 09 Dec. 2013. Web. 2 “The Sun.” NASA. NASA, n.d. Web. 3 “Solar Eclipse Page.” NASA. NASA, n.d. Web.

college place, wa | walla walla university

| October 2017 Issue 2




How to Celebrate Indigenous Peoples’ Day

In a growing number of cities, Christopher Columbus will share Oct. 9 with Natives. By Zach White If you happen to be in downtown Walla Walla near the Marcus Whitman Hotel, you may see a large statue across the street on the corner of 3rd Avenue and Rose Street. The monument depicts a man with long hair and a spear in his hand. He stands regal—his head held high and eyes looking onward. According to the plaque at his feet, his name is Peopeopeomoxmox, or Chief Yellow Bird, and was born before Lewis and Clark’s arrival in the Northwestern territories. As head chief of the Walla Walla tribe, he resisted new restrictive reservation policies and fought for the creation of a reservation for the Walla Walla, Cayuse and Umatilla tribes during the Treaty Council of 1855. The plaque also describes that Yellow Bird was brutally murdered by white men while attempting to negotiate peace during the Battle of Walla Walla. His body was mutilated and his burial place remains unknown. A few blocks away from this monument, placed prominently in front of the Walla Walla County Courthouse, is another statue: this one to Christopher Colombus. To many, Columbus was the man “who gave the world a continent,” as the courthouse statue’s inscription states. To others, Columbus represents the genesis of a 500-year project of brutal colonization, during which a continent was stolen from millions of indigenous people, like Chief Yellow Bird, who lived in these lands before the Europeans arrived. Columbus is also regarded by many as being a merciless and torturous governor who infamously launched the Atlantic Slave Trade “in the name of the Holy Trinity.” 4 The statue of Columbus in front of the Walla Walla County Courthouse has a complex history, as it was installed in 1911 by Italian immigrants facing discrimination from the Anglo-Protestant majority of the day. Yet it is difficult to escape the juxtaposition of the statue’s position in front of a building dedicated to justice in a region with a rich and deeply painful indigenous history; the haunting inscription behind it on the courthouse wall which reads: “JUDGE THYSELF WITH SINCERITY, AND THOU WILT JUDGE OTHERS WITH CHARITY” only adds to the irony. It seems that a nation should be able to judge its own history with a similar sense of candor. This Monday, Oct. 9, the U.S. will observe Columbus Day. However, many cities across the country 1, 2, 3 , will observe Indigenous Peoples’ Day on the same day in celebration of aboriginal, indigenous and native history and culture. Berkeley, California was the first city to make the switch in 1992. Since then, states like South Dakota and Vermont have also began observing Indigenous Peoples’ Day, along with cities such as Seattle and Olympia, Washington; Portland and Eugene, Oregon; Phoenix, Arizona; Santa Fe, New Mexico; and, as recently as this summer, Los Angeles, California. In most Latin American countries, the day of Columbus’s arrival to North America, Oct. 12, is observed as El Día de la Raza (The Day of the Race) and is a celebration of South American culture and indigenous heritage in the wake of colonial rule. While nations with a white majority like the U.S. have long marked Columbus’s arrival in the New World as the “discovery” of a continent, the advent of Indigenous Peoples’ Day represents an opportunity to honor indigenous narratives in the history of North American colonization and reflect on contemporary native issues such as tribal sovereignty and water rights. While most Americans were taught about Columbus Day in school and observed it as children, many Americans (like myself before researching for this article) may be less familiar with Indigenous Peoples’ Day and how it should be celebrated. Here are a few suggestions for things to do on Oct. 9 or throughout this month:

Monument to Peopeomoxmox or Yellow Bird on the corner of Rose Street and 3rd Avenue. PHOTO BY ZACH WHITE 2017

The Columbus statue at the Walla Walla County Courthouse. PHOTO BY ZACH WHITE 2017 The National Geographic Society - a map of Native American cultural regions in North America (HTTPS://WWW.NATIONALGEOGRAPHIC.ORG/PHOTO/NATIVE-AMERICAN-CULTURES/) 1. Visit Whitman Mission and Visit Tamastslikt Cultural Institute. There are two phenomenal museums within an hour of the

University that do a great job of immersing visitors in indigenous history and culture. I had the opportunity of visiting these sites this month, and I highly recommend both. The closest one, Whitman Mission, tells the story of a white missionary family, the Whitmans, and the Cayuse Indians at Waiilatpu. After the Whitmans’ arrival, white wagon trains in the 1840s brought a measles epidemic on the Cayuse tribe, wiping out half their population. Tragically, a small group of suspicious Cayuse who blamed the Whitmans for the disease killed Marcus Whitman and his family in 1847. What followed was a massive backlash against native people across the country, resulting in a

series of bloody Indian wars, many in the Walla Walla region, and the restriction of native people to shrinking, often desolate reservations.

Tamastslikt Cultural Institute is in Pendleton, Oregon, less than an hour away from College Place, and has a much larger museum than Whitman Mission. Tamastslikt is also unique in that the museum tells the story of the Cayuse, Walla Walla, and Umatilla people from a native point of view. With beautiful tapestries, incredible artifacts such as spears, a life-size longhouse and an array of multisensory media such as bird sounds and mission bells ringing. The museum takes visitors through 10,000 years of local indigenous history. Among the more tragic parts of the museum are the sections which describe the coming of white people to the Northwest and the slow and often

brutal theft of sovereign tribal land. Vivid in my memory is the model and photographs of the Chemawa Indian Training School—one of many schools across the country designed to strip native children of their cultural identity (it was a policy in these schools to beat children who were caught speaking their native language). Despite great tragedy, Tamastslikt tells the story of a people of great strength, who have not allowed themselves to be exterminated and continue to be a strong people today. The museum is open from Monday to Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and is free on the first Friday of every month (including this Friday, Oct. 6). 2. Look at linguistic and tribal maps of pre-Columbian America and familiarize yourself with your local native history. Whitman Mission and Tamastslikt are a must for anyone who lives or goes to school in this area, but if you are from a different part of the country (or world), learn about the people who lived there before you. You are likely to find that they are still there or have left behind signs of their history. 3. Check out a book about native history. Historian Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz received the 2015 American Book Award for her comprehensive “An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States.” As far as primary sources on the arrival of Columbus and the treatment of indigenous people during the initial stages of Old World contact, “A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies” by 15th century monk Bartholome de las Casas remains

a must-read. A number of books on local Native American history can also be found at the WWU library such as “Wiyaxayxt/As Days Go By/ Wiyaakaa’awn” edited by Jennifer Karson, “Indian Wars of the Pacific Northwest” by Ray H. Glassly, “A Little War of Destiny: The Yakima Walla Walla Indian War of 1855-1856” by John C. Jackson, and “The First Oregonians” edited by Laura Berg. 4. Find a halloween costume and room decorations that don’t appropriate native culture. After a 500-year history of land theft, insensitive theft of culture can be painful for many Native people. 5. Listen to native voices online and in literature. Read about last year’s native-led resistance at Standing Rock to the Dakota Access Pipeline now currently under construction, keep up with other national debates over water rights and Tribal Sovereignty, check out online op-eds from native people such as “How I Feel As a Native Woman When Trump Idolizes Andrew Jackson” by Adrienne Keene 5, watch the One Word series on YouTube that asked Native Americans to do word associations with terms like “reservation” 6, or expose yourself to the incredible short stories and novels of Washington’s own Sherman Alexie or the perspectives of early-20th century author and philosopher Luther Standing Bear. ADDITIONAL ANNOUNCEMENT: WWU’s Donald Blake Center for the Study of Race, Ethnicity, and Culture will host an event on Thursday, April 19th, 2018, featuring a presentation by University of California, Los Angeles professor of history Benjamin Madley. Madley will speak on the topic of his book, “American Genocide: The U.S. and the California Indian Catastrophe, 1746-1873.” The Donald Blake Center’s theme this year will focus on “the lives and experiences of indigenous people.”

1 http://time.com/4923164/indigenous-peoples-day-columbus-day/ 2 http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/lame-ln-indigenous-peoples-day-20170829story.html 3 https://www.cbsnews.com/news/columbus-day-indigenous-peoples-day-vermont-phoenix/ 4 Howard Zinn. A Peoples’ History of The United States. http://www.historyisaweapon.com/defcon1/zinncol1.html 5 https://www.teenvogue.com/story/andrew-jackson-native-woman-idolize-donald-trump 6 https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=OOWUDM1GBhk



October 2017 Issue 2 | walla walla university | college place, wa


An Open Letter to My Generation By Savannah Pardo Most young adults attending college find it to be an eye-opening experience. Students are given the chance to study abroad, join organizations and clubs and play an active role in our communities. College gives students the opportunity to find their passion and possibly figure out who they want to be. Walking into college, most people have a mindset that they’re going to change the world. This isn’t necessarily wrong, but more than likely, you will graduate and move on with your life. We, as the new generation, have put so much pressure on ourselves to change the world. In my opinion, not everyone is meant to play Superman, saving hundreds of lives. We all have so many opinions and thoughts we want to put out there to help liberate and protect others, but very few of us will be able to perform such a task. Over the past few years the world has experienced so much heartache and devastation. Just recently there was a shooting in Las Vegas that took over 50 lives. Tragedies happen every day whether we choose to acknowledge them or not. We need a change, a drastic one, if we plan on keeping this country together. As a nation, we are more divided now than ever. We don’t need someone to step up and play

the role of Superman; we just need genuine people. Our generation has the most hope for the future, and it is greatly needed. The world is in a fragile

We are told that we need to be the best we can be, that we must work hard to become a better person and to believe in ourselves. We are taught so much about self-

must make for themselves. It wouldn’t hurt to spread some love, either. Our nation is experiencing devastation, with natural disasters and killings happening all the time.

Tri-College Service Day 2016. (TOMMY MOEN 2016) state, and most people choose not to recognize this. It is our responsibility to become aware of what is going on in the world around us. By coming to college you have taken your first step into the real world. At this point you have become an active member in the community, and it is up to you to play your role.

love, but what about loving others? I feel that this selfish mindset is the point from which our problems stem. How is the world supposed to become a better place when all of our focus is set on ourselves? As a nation, we cannot rely on one person to change our ways because that is a decision each individual

We need some healing, and we are not going to heal if we separate ourselves from our communities. This nation needs all the healing it can get; to eliminate all the hate and sadness we must come together. So, why is it so hard to support each other and show kindness? Like I said before, I’m not

advising you to play a heroic role. I only ask that you be kind. Simple acts of kindness can go a long way. There is so much hurt in this world that a little appreciation can change a person’s entire outlook. When you are selfless and you help others, you shouldn’t expect recognition: act out of love and the goodness of your heart. We are only human, we want to love and be loved. When did that all seem to fade away? Life is a gift and we should treat it like one. We need to care for those around us, whether they are family or not. Be kind to all those that you come across. Open a door or lend a helping hand. You don’t need to be a hero to change the world, you simply need love. Your life will change for the better once you come to understand the power of love. It may sound cliché, but it is true. The smallest act of kindness or love can alter one person’s view on life for the better-that is part of changing the world. No one expects you to cure cancer or to spend your life volunteering. What is expected is that you be patient and kind. If you have to, start small: open a door for someone, tutor someone in your class, or smile at people as you pass them on the street. Whether you believe it or not, you’re capable of changing the world. Just invest in others as much as you invest in yourself, and you’ll begin to see a



The Best Thing That Will Never Work By Parker Bailey Okay, before you totally tear this article apart, hear me out. Many of you have an inherent hatred for communism just because of American history. Many of you might not even know what communism is or what it stands for. Allow me to briefly inform you: by definition, communism is a political theory that is designed to lead to a society where all property is publicly owned and everyone works and is paid according to their abilities and needs. Here’s more or less what it would look like in an ideal scenario: Work • Everyone works as hard as they can, doing whatever is needed to help the nation, and everyone gets paid the same according to

the government anyway in an ideal situation. • Nobody owns property, so there are no property disputes or taxes on property. All your stuff is everyone else’s stuff too, but it’s an ideal situation so everyone is nice about it.

their abilities and needs. • Poverty and unemployment are completely eliminated. • The economy is very teamwork-driven; everybody works, so everyone benefits.

Government • A basic communist society has no leader aside from the people.

Social • Everyone gets a fair pay, so in essence everyone is rich. There is no imbalance between the super rich and super poor. This disintegrates socioeconomic inequality as everyone has the same income. • The needs of the general public are supplied by the government. Personal money is not spent on needs, it is only spent on wants. • In a true communist society, nobody gives up any personal rights. They have freedom of speech, but everyone supports

Looks like a great plan, doesn’t it? Like it could work really well? The reality is that it could, but never will, and here are some reasons why. Some of you may have already noticed holes in the idea. One that strikes me immediately is the fact that everyone owns everything. This causes problems when somebody steals (because people aren’t perfect). According to the system, they are completely allowed to do that, because all property belongs to them. Property is a public commodity. Theft strips the public property idea of its logic. Another problem

is power-hungry people. Though it states that communism has no leader other than the people, there always seems to be at least one person to rise up to run (or ruin) it all. History shows this to be true on multiple accounts. A third problem is equal pay. This almost always causes uprisings somewhere in the society because people believe they deserve more than what they are getting. The only way communism could ever work is if it were introduced to a group of people who all were on the same socioeconomic level, which is impossible. There is only one place I know of where communism has actually worked: a small village called Marinaleda in Spain. It began in the 1970s and is still working today, but won’t last forever because, like I said before, people tend to ruin it. Go look Marinaleda up anyway—it’s a neat story. Another place where part of the idea of communism worked was actually in the book of Acts 2:44-45. The main reason communism can never work is because of sin.

People aren’t perfect and we’re bound to screw up communism by being greedy, by hating, by stealing, etc. Sin tears apart the communities we create, bringing forth persecution, corruption, poverty, greed and an imbalance in power; these are the things we normally associate with communism. Maybe one day when the Earth is made new and humanity isn’t evil, communism could work. That’s my opinion, what’s yours? Voice your opinion here: http://bit.ly/2geoQex. The results will be posted in next week’s issue.


Did your high school significantly affect your decision to come to Walla Walla University? NO — 39% “I went to a public high school that encouraged its students to go to universities like WSU, UW, or EWU. I was actually the only SDA in the entire school. My parents were the ones who encouraged me to go to Walla Walla.”


said no


said yes

“WWU offered an insignificant scholarship to every graduate. It was in no way an incentive to attend as it was such a small percentage of the high tuition. As someone already planning to attend, I wasn’t going to complain, but I could afford to attend without it. I wish WWU would have done more for my eager friends who never found their way.” “I had already made up my mind to go to Walla Walla, my high school didn’t really affect that decision one way or another.”

82 total participants

“I didn’t want to come to WWU because going to CAA, I thought it was mainstream. But I’m so glad I’m here!” “I went to a public school. Walla Walla probably sounded like a South American country to anyone at my school.”

YES — 61% “Well, I went to UCA and pretty much the entire class migrated to WWU! I guess I was a sheep, but we all became wolves!” “While I feel that I benefited from attending public high school in terms of learning about different perspectives, I knew that a continuation of that type of atmosphere in college would likely result in a complete abandonment of my faith. Thus, I chose to come to WWU in

Next week’s question: “Should Adventist healthcare centers be promoted more than any other healthcare centers?” http://bit.ly/2yqQK1x If you have been affected by the closure of the Walla Walla General Hospital and would like to share your story, you can email us at: aswwu.collegian@wallawalla.edu.

order to rekindle my relationship with Jesus.” “Because UCA is so crazy about WWU you have to issue a court subpoena just to have your transcript sent anywhere else.” “This was back in 1986, and Auburn Adventist Academy brought all of us seniors over on a bus to spend a few days at Walla Walla College. The college girls I stayed with in the dorm were committed Christians and actively engaged in a spiritual life here on campus that was very obvious. I was so encouraged by this. . .and looked forward to attending--which I did, the next fall.” “Adventism is an unbreakable cycle. You are born in Adventist hospitals, go to Adventist schools, get married in Adventist churches, and work in Adventist institutions.”

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