Ne w s p a p e r o f Wa l l a Wa l l a U n i v e r s i t y
Collegian The
Volume 102 | Issue 11
Peacekeeping Week pg. 5
January 18, 2018
“Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.” - James Baldwin
C o l l e g i a n W i s d o m | S e n a t e | J o b s | H i s t o r y | M e d i a + Te c h | R e l i g i o n | S c i e n c e | Fe a t u r e | S u b m i s s i o n s | We e k i n Fo r e c a s t | C u l t u r e | Fo o d | O u t d o o r s | O p i n i o n | P o l l
Featuring discrimination testimonials from students and faculty at Walla Walla University.
Last Things First college place, wa | walla walla university
| January 2018 Issue 11
The Great Minivan Mix-Up By Meghann Heinrich I was born with an innate ability to identify possible threats and make them known. From a very young age, I considered danger detection my personal burden to carry. “Mom they put all the fat people on our side of the plane! We’re gonna tip over and die!” “Mom! Tell Uncle David to stop driving the boat in circles before the lake turns into a toilet, and we all get flushed down and die!” These PSAs were given frequently and at full volume, just to make sure that at any given moment my friends and family had a good read on the risks associated with any given activity. Even as a child I could sense the embarrassment I caused my mom, but I reasoned she’d rather be a little embarrassed and well-informed than not know at all. My family did its best to change me, but I would not be
Hey Thanks! “Thanks for not making the second week of school Week of Worship, so I have a shot at actually figuring out when/where my classes are before the fruit basket upset.” “Thank you power bills for reminding me that I am stronger than I think, and can go without heat.” “Thank you, giant puddle outside the CTC. Without you, I never would have felt the need to buy rainboots.”
swayed. “Meghann, honey, you don’t have to worry all the time. It’s not healthy,” my mom would say. “Yes I do! If I don’t worry, then no one will, and then we could all die!” There is no arguing with bomb-proof logic like that, so my mother resigned to letting her child fret away her youth. This brings me to The Great Minivan Mix-Up, a harrowing tale of miscalculations and safety concerns brought to you by 7-year-old me. It was an average day of running errands with my mother and sister—nothing too fancy, just a little light grocery shopping. We had one stop left: Walmart. We parked and started piling out of the minivan; this is where things got dicey. You see, I had a small drama getting my seatbelt to release, and where I finally emerged from our trusty Ford minivan, my family was nowhere to be
found. I frantically scanned the parking lot, doing my best to quell the panic rising in me before I hit DEFCON 1 and initiated the subsequent reaction sequence of running and screaming and biting anyone who dared touch me. Just as I felt my initial scream climbing up my throat, I spotted them; my mom and sister were just crossing the street and heading for the main doors. Immediately, I started to evaluate the risks involved in crossing the street without someone holding my hand and whether I could make it in time to reunite with them before they entered the store and were inevitably lost in the sea of bargain shoppers. Every second that passed upped the risk factor which then begged the question: what are my options? Just as I realized I didn’t really have any options, I saw my mom and sister walk through the doors and
seal my fate. There was no way I could cross the street on my own, and every stranger passing me had started to look like Frankencelery.1 I did the only thing I could possibly think of: return to my trusty minivan and wait for my family to return. I made a mad dash for the van and as soon as I got inside locked all the doors. I sat there waiting for approximately 11 seconds, at which point I realized that devious characters could easily spot me sitting in my minivan. I did the only thing I could think of: crawl under the bench seat and lay perfectly still on my tummy singing happy songs while I contemplated my current predicament. This accomplished two things: 1. effectively keeping me out of sight of the ne’er-do-wells, and 2. effectively keeping me out of sight of my mother who had instantly realized
I was no longer with the party and had come running out to look for me. Within minutes, Walmart was on lockdown, and every man, woman and child was searching high and low for me. Meanwhile, I was jamming out to Baby Beluga and all the other Raffi greats thinking life wasn’t so bad after all. She eventually found me, and that was good, but she never took me back to that Walmart again. 1 Frankencelery is a character in “Where’s God When I’m S-Scared,” the pilot episode of the much loved television series, VeggieTales. He is a scary looking celery at first, but in a delightful turn of events we find out he is actually an actor named Phil Winkelstein from Toledo.
Verbatim “If we go faster, the wrong notes last a whole lot less time!” - Professor Brandon Beck “We live love in human relationships. I should put that on Twitter #GoldenRules.” - Professor Timothy Golden “Jesus is my homeboy.” - Marketing and Media Director Chris Drake “The Philistines are upon us.” - Professor Alden Thompson “This is my ‘day one tie’. You will immediately respect me and expect great speeches only to be disappointed because of it.” - Professor David Crawford Email your faculty verbatim or thanks to to be featured!
January 2018 Issue 11 | walla walla university | college place, wa
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Daniella Silva Dear Reader, If you did not attend the MLK Jr. CommUnity with Dr. Olive J. Hemmings on Tuesday, you missed out. I was deeply moved by her message of love and solidarity as a tool to alleviate human suffering and alienation. These themes are especially pertinent as we observe Peacekeeping and Global Citizenship week. At this time, it is especially important that we listen to those in our community who have been historically abused and alienated by society. As Hemmings so aptly put it, “Love is listening to one another.” Last week, The Collegian put out calls for personal stories of discrimination experienced as a result of race, sexual orientation or gender. The writers were given the opportunity to remain anonymous by submitting their stories through our online typeform. Please take some time to read these stories and to reflect on our duty as a campus community to stand in solidarity with those of every ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and religious affiliation. “We cannot blame God for evil when we stand by and allow it to happen,” said Hemmings. “We are not passive objects but active subjects in infinite entanglement.”
Last week, our opinion poll question was, “Do you think it was appropriate for WWU to invite a Jesuit priest to speak at CommUnity?” 1 Father Boyle’s presence on our campus sparked a controversy over whether or not Jesuits pose a significant threat to our Adventist faith, even if they are coming to speak on a general topic like Christian ministry. In many ways, the controversy over Father Boyle’s religious affiliation has overshadowed his message of love and kinship for criminals and gang members. It is my personal belief as, Editor-In-Chief, that no religious community or sect should claim a monopoly on God’s love or how it is expressed. That being said, we still decided to publish the poll responses, which can be found on page 8. Daniella Silva 1 The question itself was somewhat inflammatory because it put the emphasis only on Father Boyle’s religious affiliation instead of on him as an individual or the work that he is doing with Homeboy Industries.
Olive Hemmings speaking at CommUnity. (CLAYTON KRUSE)
Peacekeeping Week Submission Anonymous As a black female venturing into womanhood I went through a stage of self-discovery. A time where self-image is impressionable and self-confidence is based on the validation of other individuals. By the time I was in 5th grade I was 5’6, a sore thumb amongst my peers. My older brother was my inspiration and I followed him loyally so naturally, I was a tomboy. Crushes were abundant in the classroom and no existent in my world. But even at a young age, I was able to see the trend, none of the black girls from 5th received attention from the boys like the other girls did. Trivial as it may seem at a young age I began to see myself as undesirable in the eyes of... society really. As I got older the whole concept
of self-worth arose and I pushed all the emotions of feeling undesired and sub-par to the back of my head. One day I was minding my own business at a Shopper’s Drug Mart and this attendant came up to me a struck up a conversation. Everything about the conversation was normal until he said: “you’re pretty for a black girl”. I thought to myself “Oh! So I’m not pretty compared to every other female just black girls... hmm okay”. I said “Thank you” and left. I don’t think it’s only me, but when I get together with my friends you get excited to be around one another and so the volume of the conversation increases. So why is it that when black people get loud it’s “rachet” but when white people get loud and rowdy
it’s “lit” or they get the generic “Oh, they’re just excited”. Being black on a predominately white campus the goal is ultimately not to fit the stereotype and that means being aware... ALWAYS, be aware of how I interact and act with other people. My favourite is when I’m the only black person in a class and the topic of racism comes up. I can almost sense it every time. Wait for it... almost... “does anyone have anything they would like to add”? No one wants to look at you cause that would be too obvious but after some else says “well maybe if we stop talking about racism it will go away” they expect a response. I’ve gotten to the point where I know how people will perceive what I have to say before I say anything. Most of the time passion is perceived as anger, wit as attitude, and catchphrases or slang
would be ghetto. So I stay quiet. Not out of fear or lack of input but because of interpretation. People hear what they want and explaining myself and how life as a black female has treated me over and over again gets redundant. I don’t want pity, I want the freedom to be unapologetically me.
Turn to page 5 under the Feature article to read more submissions for Peacekeeping Week.
COLLEGIAN WISDOM Thermometer In World’s Coldest Village Breaks As Temperatures Plunge To -62°C Meanwhile, Californians in Walla Walla bundle up with three layers for 40°F.
People Petition Patron’s Purses for Pony’s Penis Procedure to Prevent Painful Predicament and Potential Passing Please provide pecuniary provisions to promote a proper package.
China Wants To Clean Earth’s Orbit By Blasting Space Junk With Giant Lasers
SENATE Senate is now in Bowers Hall!
ANNOUNCEMENTS Swing dancing and mocktail bar on Saturday! Starts at 7:30 (come at 7:15 for lessons) in the Black Box in the CTC with more modern music beginning at 9 p.m. tWWUnes Every Monday from 7-9 p.m. Smoothies are $1.50 (50% off) from 7-8 p.m. You can bring your own instruments to jam, and there will be board games! Waffle Wednesday 10-12 a.m. At the ASWWU offices.
Apparently “Asteroids” is the most popular game among Chinese scientists.
Aussie Flu Can Be Cured By Having Sex As Experts Reveal Immune System Boost Nine months later, the Australian birth rate experiences an unexpected rise.
Seventh-Day Adventist Church in North America Issues Statement Emphasizing Importance of Equality For All Americans But not Canadians.
Black Death Spread By Humans, Vindicating Rats Rats sue, asking for $40 million in damages.
ASWWU JOBS Collegian Layout Designer Spiritual Team Event Coordinator
college place, wa, walla walla university
| January 2018 Issue 11
Coretta Scott King: More Than a Widow
The wife of MLK fought for women’s rights and LGBT rights and opposed war and apartheid. By Zachary White As Americans consider the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. during the week of his memorial holiday, it seems appropriate that the woman who spearheaded the creation of the holiday in the first place be acknowledged as well—his wife, Coretta Scott King. April 4, 2018, will mark the 50th anniversary of her husband’s assassination in Memphis, Tennessee. During the years that followed, Mrs. King would carry on her husband’s legacy as a warrior against racism and other forms of injustice until her death in 2006 at the age of 78.
Immediately after Martin Luther King Jr.’s death in 1968, Mrs. King, in her grieving, threw herself into the struggle for justice in place of her husband. The Poor People’s Campaign, which had fatefully brought him to Memphis that April, represented Dr. King’s final wish: a radical multiracial working-class movement for economic
justice in the U.S. On June 19 of that summer, Mrs. King spoke to a crowd at the Lincoln Memorial, calling on American women to “unite and form a solid block of women power to fight the three great evils of racism, poverty and war.” 3 Mrs. King’s activism extended far beyond words, however. In addition to carrying on her husband’s contro-
versial opposition to the U.S. war in Vietnam, Mrs. King was also arrested in 1985 while protesting the racist South African apartheid regime, after being “charged with the misdemeanor offense of demonstrating within 500 feet of an embassy.” 4 In this act of civil disobedience, Mrs. King, who was arrested with her children Bernice and Martin III, honored the legacy of her husband, who himself was arrested 30 times.5 In a tragically relevant episode of her activism, Mrs. King, in 1986, wrote a 10-page letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee to oppose the nomination of her fellow Alabamian and current U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions to a federal judgeship. Citing Sessions’ failed and baseless charges of voter fraud against veteran black civil rights leaders, Mrs. King wrote, “Mr. Sessions has used the awesome powers of his office in a shabby attempt to intimidate and frighten elderly black voters. For this reprehensible conduct, he should not be rewarded with a federal judgeship.” She continued, “I believe his confirmation would have a devastating effect on not only the judicial system in Alabama, but also on the progress we have made toward fulfilling my husband’s dream.” 6 Sessions, who had been appointed for the judgeship by President Ronald Reagan, was ultimately not confirmed after multiple colleagues of Sessions testified to his racist behavior before the Republican-controlled Senate. Sessions, a campaigner for Donald Trump during the 2016 election, was confirmed as U.S. Attorney General in February of 2017.
Coretta Scott was born on April 27, 1927, in Marion, Alabama. After receiving a B.A. in music and education from Antioch College, Scott left for Boston to study concert singing at the New England Conservatory of Music. While in Boston, Scott met a young man studying for his doctorate in systematic theology at the University of Boston. Coretta and Martin were married on June 18, 1953. In 1954, the young couple moved to Montgomery, Alabama, where King had been called to be pastor at the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church. A year later, an ambitious group of local civil rights leaders (E.D. Nixon and Rosa Parks, to name a few) were looking for a fresh face to help lead out their boycott of the racist Jim Crow bus system in Montgomery. The rest is, quite literally, history. During the next decade of her life, Coretta Scott King gave birth to four children, raised them, fulfilled her many duties as a pastor’s wife, spoke at events, performed concerts, supported her husband’s work in the civil rights movement and did what she could to shield her children from the racist hatred, death threats and FBI abuse that her husband’s leadership attracted.1, 2
While continuing in her husband’s footsteps in the fights for racial and economic justice, Coretta Scott King also went beyond the horizons of Martin Luther King’s vision.7 In a 1998
speech Mrs. King said, “Homophobia is like racism and anti-Semitism and other forms of bigotry in that it seeks to deny a large group of people their humanity, their dignity and personhood. This sets the stage for further repression and violence that spreads all too easily to victimize the next minority group.” 8 Referring to criticism she faced for her LGBT advocacy, Mrs. King continued, “I still hear people say that I should not be talking about the rights of lesbian and gay people, and I should stick to the issue of racial justice. But I hasten to remind them that Martin Luther King Jr. said, ‘Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.’ I appeal to everyone who believes in Martin Luther King’s dream to make room at the table of brother-and-sisterhood for lesbian and gay people.” 9 1 2 what-an-uncensored-letter-to-mlk-reveals.html 3 coretta-scott-king-78-widow-of-dr-martin-lutherking-jr-dies-2006013193576375069.html 4 5 6 wp/2017/01/10/read-the-letter-coretta-scott-kingwrote-opposing-sessionss-1986-federal-nomination/?utm_term=.d9edaa1c22a7 7 8 editorials/2006-01-31-letters-king_x.htm 9 ibid.
Zachary White is a double history and sociology major.
Coretta Scott King. (BIOGRAPHY.COM)
Deluxe Snack Platter By Matt Fennell Hey, remember last week when I said that I had a whole bunch of exciting plans for new and different columns this quarter? I promise that I’ve still got all those exciting plans, but I also have a whole bunch of less-exciting engineering and computer science classes, so the cool new experimental stuff is going to be put on hold until next week. This week, I’ve got another set of things that I’ve enjoyed recently that I’d like to present to you with the absolute highest possible recommendations, like a sort of platter of party foods (please, try the mozzarella sticks, they’re delicious). Let’s get started! Star Wars: The Last Jedi Yeah, I know, such an original and unexpected pick from the dorky computer engineering guy. But, seriously, “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” is phenomenal. Easily my favorite “Star Wars” movie, and definitely my second favorite movie of 2017 (what up “Blade Runner 2049?”). As someone who didn’t grow up with “Star Wars” (aside from the really, extremely, very
bad Episode I, which my older cousins made me watch one summer) this was the first entry in the series that really made me care. From the roller-coaster opening bombing mission, to the slow literary moments1 and finally the big, dramatic finish, “The Last Jedi” had me on the edge of my seat. The story of risk, failure, growth and, ultimately, hope that radiated through each of the three intertwined plotlines pulled me into the worlds of these characters, their magic space religion and the weird alien planets that they inhabit.2 I loved every second of this movie. See it now if you haven’t already, and if you have, see it again! Guppy (Charly Bliss) While my brother Jeff and I were exchanging some shoes at the Vans store after Christmas, this really catchy, kinda greasy-sounding, female vocals-backed punky pop song was playing over the radio. You know, the kind that was all the rage during, like, 2000. I thought I recognized it,3 so I said, “Siri what song is this?” and Siri changed my life. “Guppy” is a new al-
bum from indie-punk-pop-rockers Charly Bliss, and it rules school. Like I said, it sounds like something that slipped through a hole in time from 2000; it is so upbeat and so easy to sing along to. In a year where some of my bands have put out albums that feel heavy, introspective and demanding, it’s nice to listen to something that’s just fun, and this album is a blast. Shoutouts to tracks three, four, and seven (“Glitter,” “Black Hole” and “DQ”). NOS4A2 This book gave me nightmares. It is the single most terrifying piece of media I’ve experienced in my entire adult life. “NOS4A2” is a massive, blood-soaked tome from Stephen King’s son, Joe Hill. Just like his dad, Hill spins a yarn full of normal people with normal problems who get caught in terrifying supernatural situations that mirror and exacerbate the stuff they were already dealing with. “NOS4A2” is the story of Victoria “Vic” McQueen, a girl who discovers that she can ride her bike across a bridge that only she can see. On the other end of the bridge, Vic always finds whatever lost item she was looking for. Naturally, this is a pretty useful talent that Vic makes frequent use of. During her travels, Vic crosses paths with one Charles Talent Marx III, an ancient man with an ancient Rolls Royce Wraith (license plate number NOS4A2) who may or may not be a child-eating vampire. Everything pretty much unravels from there. If you like horror movies or enjoyed “IT” or any other Stephen King story, give this one a shot. American Crime Story: The People vs. O.J. Simpson This one popped up in my recommended queue on Netflix,4 and I’d heard good things, so I decided to give it a shot. Wow. I was familiar with the broad strokes of the O.J. case and had watched the first part of the ESPN “30for-30” documentary that aired a few years ago, but I was not prepared for how emotional this one got. Granted, this is a dramatized retelling, but the characters, the main points and, most importantly, the big picture feelings all line up. This show is hard to watch, hard to digest and hard to think about after the fact, but it’s a top-notch production. The performances are chilling and the questions it asks about the O.J. case and about race in America as a whole can’t be easily answered. Give this one a watch. Almost out of time this week, so two more things real quick: PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds
Star Wars: The Last Jedi. (STARWARS.COM)
“The Hunger Games” videogame you’ve always wanted.5 You and 99 other people drop onto an island and fight
NOS4A2. (STEPHEN KING WIKI) your way through a janky, bombed-out Eastern-European styled warzone. Pick up flak jackets, purple trench coats, crossbows and dune-buggies in a fight against time and those 99 other players. This game is a beautiful mess, available on Xbox One and PC. Pocketcasts I ditched the Apple Podcasts app and picked up this one, which is amazing. It’s got a slick tile design and fully customizable settings for each and every one of your podcasts. Do you want to be notified when a new episode of “My Brother, My Brother and Me” drops? Want a special category to hold all your favorite Greg Miller content from the past two weeks? Silence Trimming? Customizable skip buttons? It’s all there, and best of all, it won’t secretly download 28 GB of podcasts and crash your phone. Well, that’s all for today. As always, thanks for reading, and if you’ve got any questions, comments or concerns, let me know (matthew.fennell@! Have a good one!
1 OK, seriously, there were SO many of these. How great is it that the Jedi holy place is a mountain cliff looking out over the world, and the Sith holy place is a mirror, looking DIRECTLY BACK INWARDS? I’M LITERALLY SCREAMING. 2 Part of my finally caring about Star Wars includes finally understanding the appeal of the massive Expanded Universe that’s grown up around it. I started reading some of the Thrawn books, and am slowly playing through KOTOR 1, and yeah, I’d also tentatively recommend both of these things. 3 I thought it was either Metric or Plumtree, which are both excellent bands as well.
[4] I was going to watch the third season of “Broadchurch” because I like watching slightly trashy drama TV, but I decided to watch the OJ one instead. 5 After, of course, setting aside all concerns about “missing the point”, that my high school english teacher brought up that one time.
Matt Fennell is a computer engineering major.
January 2018 Issue 11 | walla walla university | college place, wa
Like a Good Neighbor, Part 2 By Peter Flores Last week, I wrote about talking more about sexual orientation on campus and whether or not doing so is even necessary. I also addressed the fact that Jesus may not have been on board with the neglect we have given to this discussion. Lastly, I mentioned some of the things in the official Seventh-day Adventist response that stood out to me. During the week I was able to interview a few students and staff regarding the article. Some of those questions and responses are below in question and answer form. These responses were mainly from people that I didn’t know. I only included the ones that stood out to me. I asked about 50 people and, because
I didn’t know the majority of them, I think they felt like they could say what they wanted to. Question 1: “Do you feel that, as a campus, we treat those with different sexual orientations with justice?” Answer 1: “I think we treat them right.” A2: “I wouldn’t know because I don’t know any of them.” A3: “No. There is so much that we don’t do that we should to help people of different sexual orientation feel welcome. There is also so much that we don’t say on campus that is just as oppressive as saying something derogatory.” A4: “I don’t really see any evidence of injustice on campus.”
A5: “If we talk about people with different sexual orientations and bring attention to them it could be seen as treating them unjustly. I wouldn’t want attention to be brought to me about my orientation.” A6: “I think at WWU we do a better job treating them justly than at other schools.” Q2: “Do you think people with different sexual orientations on campus feel that they are being treated justly?” A1: “I don’t think that they will ever feel they are being treated justly.” A2: “I would guess so. I think that we do an okay job at talking about the different issues.” A3: “Hell no. We have such a long
way to go. There need to be programs or at least some kind of place where we can talk about sexual orientation openly.” A4: “While I don’t personally think so, there are probably things that I don’t know about or don’t realize are unjust because I’m heterosexual. Is it homophobic for me to be against homosexuality because it’s a sin? If I refer to it as a sin I’m going to offend someone, right? I don’t know how to personally change that. If the Bible says that it is clearly a sin to be homosexual, how do I respond in a way that will be just? Isn’t it my job to point them to the ideal lifestyle?” A5: “I think the students of different sexual orientations coming to an Adventist school know that they will feel treated unjustly at some point just because of the fact that every Adventist that believes the way the church does will be against different sexual orientations. How could you feel treated justly if you feel that everyone is judging you all the time?” A6: “No. Imagine the shame someone would feel knowing that if they come out as homosexual, they would be judged by most people around them. There wouldn’t be a safe place for me to feel free from judgement on this campus if that was me. Where do I go? The chaplain’s office? Do I go to ASWWU?” I think, if you look at the responses, there is quite a bit
of variety and polarization. What does this say about our campus? Do we need more spaces for people to feel safe to talk about these things? Sure, there are counseling centers, but should our only option for talking about sexual orientation openly be in one-on-one scenarios? Whatever your opinion, I think it is worth the time it takes to process it and make sure that you really feel that you are doing justice. Make an informed decision about how you treat others and how that may affect them. This concept isn’t just limited to sexual orientation but should also be applied to how you treat anyone in general. Your opinion shouldn’t rest solely on what you think but rather on what Jesus did and how he lived and loved. Remember that the Bible is all about helping the oppressed and those that are treated unjustly. We are called to live accordingly. I’d like to end this two-part series with two quotes, one from Olive Hemmings, the CommUnity speaker for Jan. 15, and one from Martin Luther King, Jr.: “Some Christians don’t want to hear the ‘J’ word. Justice. It’s a ‘secular’ word.” – Olive Hemmings “In the end, we will not remember the word of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.
Peter Flores is a theology major.
Walla Walla University’s Administration Building. (USNEWS.COM)
Engineering Body Tissue By Forrest Sheperd When you think of what your body is made of, you might think of the obvious: cells! Although that is largely true, your body is not simply globs of cells stuck together. Your body is composed of a diverse range of what are called body tissues. What makes up a body tissue is a complex structure of specialized cells attached to and surrounded by what is called the extracellular matrix (ECM). Cells and these extracellular molecules combine to create the tissues which form organs; these structures then facilitate the physiological processes of our bodies. When we get injured and some of our body tissues die and lose function, our bodies can usually repair this with scar or native tissue; however, sometimes the damage is too great to be repaired by our bodies. This is where tissue engineering can have a lifesaving impact on those with major injuries. Tissue engineering is the field that our own Dr. Janice McKenzie is working to push forward in one of WWU’s largest research and development programs. It was from a young age that Mackenzie realized that she excelled in math and science. Wanting to combine both skills into her career, she completed a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering with a biology and biochemistry focus. Biology is one of the sciences she used at the Center for
Biofilm Engineering, an interdisciplinary center for collaboration between engineering and microbiology, during her undergraduate career at Montana State University. During this time, she researched how buildups of microorganisms, called biofilms, impact humans and industry, and she worked with genetic engineering. Toward the end of her undergraduate career, she decided to pursue a rapidly-growing field which is the perfect combination of engineering, medicine and biological science: biomedical engineering. Mackenzie began a PhD program at Purdue University and quickly fell in love with the classes she was able to take. These classes included gross anatomy, neuroanatomy and physiology: subjects that she had not been exposed to in undergrad. She applied this knowledge in graduate school while working in a lab developing biomaterials for neural implants, using carbon nanofiber composites. They worked to develop a material to coat neural implants that reduces the body’s tendency to form scar tissue around a neural implant. Their goal was to use polyurethane to create a composite material with mechanical properties similar to neural tissue and use carbon nanofibers to give it similar electrical conductivity.
and orientation of proteins that adhere to the surface of the biomaterial. According to McKenzie, these proteins act as a signal to determine what type of cell and how many of them will attach to the surface. The material she developed resulted in a patent, and a biomedical company was even formed based off the technology and was developed further in her lab. After her PhD program, she began to work for this very company.
These circular plates of newly constructed biomaterial composite will soon undergo testing in the bioreactor to determine the cell response to the material and, therefore, its viability as a tissue scaffold or implant. (JANICE MCKENZIE)
Mackenzie’s career had officially begun; however, she began to see ever more clearly that God was calling her to use her skills in a different way. A teaching position as the chair of the biotechnology program at a community college had opened, and she felt taking this position was God’s will for her. She had already been teaching for community health programs, which helped to prepare her for her new career path, even though speaking up front was far out of her comfort zone.
Although this position as the chair of a biotechnology program was a huge load—Mackenzie taught all nine of the yearly classes in the program—it These material properties, such as prepared her well for her next position, the texture of the surface, are vital in this time in the Adventist system. determining the density, composition Because she was an engineer, WWU was the clear choice. Needing to work with technology other than the carbon nanofiber biomaterial that was licensed by her job in industry, she shifted her research to using a biomaterial based on a naturally-occurring pigment polymer called melanin, which is what makes skin darker1 and is electrically conductive like neural tissue. Using a material native to the body will increase the positive cell response, meaning cells will be more likely to grow and Students at work with the electrospinning machine built for Dr. McKenzie’s lab by differentiate on Michael Rafuse. This machine uses an electrical gradient to spin sub-micron fibers the material. As
into a web similar to the extracellular matrix of our tissues. (JANICE MCKENZIE)
biopolymers such as melanin are very expensive, McKenzie’s lab synthesizes its own melanin. McKenzie’s lab experiments with several different biomaterial composites for different implant applications. These include bone graft materials, small diameter cardiovascular grafts and neural implant grafts. For neural implants, a composite of polyurethane and melanin is the most mechanically similar to the native tissue and will allow for the most positive cell response. To create these biomaterials, McKenzie’s lab has been developing their own versions of two common biomaterial construction methods. The first is a rapidly-growing technology: 3D printing. This method can create precise structures by laying down liquid biomaterial composite. McKenzie’s 3D printers were designed and built by WWU engineering professor Ralph Stirling. The second method is electrospinning, where an electrical current is used to form submicron fibers by ejecting them from a needle pulled by an electrical gradient. This method has the advantage of creating smaller fibers which are much closer to the size of proteins found in actual ECM, although this method cannot place fibers as precisely as is possible through 3D printing. Engineering student Michael Rafuse designed and built McKenzie’s electrospinning machine as his senior project. McKenzie’s lab has been working to combine these two methods into one using their new Second Generation BioPrinter (2GBP) which will use the precision of 3D printing while incorporating the smaller fibers of electrospinning by using both methods to layer the biomaterial scaffold. After these biomaterials are prepared, the next step is to determine the cell response to the structure. That is, how well do cells grow and differentiate on these structures? Which structures formed by these different methods yield the most positive cell
response? The cell response of each structure is tested in a bioreactor, which simulates the conditions in a B living organism, such as temperature, pH, nutrient supply and waste removal. t Biomaterial scaffolds are seeded with cells before placing them in the a bioreactor, and they make themselves a r at home on the scaffolds. How well the cells grow and differentiate is then t evaluated. An ideal biomaterial scaffold for a tissue engineering application will c also degrade and eventually be com- w pletely replaced by native cells.2 g d The work done in Dr. McKenzie’s lab has been a collaborative and t
interdisciplinary effort made possible by many students and faculty from fi diverse backgrounds over the years. Dr.b McKenzie is continually taking on new c students to help out. a Engineering microscopic struc- m “ tures to aid in tissue replacement
procedures continues to be a rapidly growing and innovating field. The work s that is being done by Dr. McKenzie’s p lab is helping to forge new and innova- h tive biomaterial designs by developing t and testing new biomaterial composites and structures —and testing them b mostly with equipment made at WWU. a a 1 Riley, P.a. “Melanin.” The International Journal “ of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, vol. 29, no. 11, Nov. g 1997, pp. 1235–1239. ScienceDirect, doi:10.1016/ o s1357-2725(97)00013-7. c 2 Lu, Lichun, and Antonios G. Mikos. “The Importance of New Processing Techniques in Tissue Engi- t neering.” MRS Bulletin, vol. 21, no. 11, Nov. 1996, pp. 28–32., doi:10.1557/s088376940003181x.
Forrest Sheperd is a biology major.
2 e t
Feature college place, wa | walla walla university
| January 2018 Issue 11
PROFILE PROBLEMS By Jake Sloop It was early December, and we were all stressed about finals when Carlos* received his engineering portfolio project grade back. It was a passing grade—and although he wasn’t particularly proud—that wasn’t what irked him. Rather, his grade was accompanied by a lengthy note saying: “Since English is not your first language, you will need to get started on writing assignments early and go to the tutoring center to get help with grammer [sic]. Having proper grammar is part of professionalism. But realize you have a great talent in Knowing [sic] more than one language! — [sic] which will be a great asset in your career.” This comment, while perhaps not initially disturbing, becomes more complicated when considering the fact that Carlos was born and raised in the U.S., he holds U.S. citizenship and most curiously, was raised in an English speaking home. He went on to explain, “I find it funny that she automatically thinks I speak Spanish because I have darker skin and a stereotypical last name—I’m not even fluent!” This error, while seemingly benign, represents a case of racial profiling. Racial profiling, according to the ACLU, is defined as, “the discriminatory practice [...] of targeting individuals [...] based on the individual’s race, ethnicity, religion or national origin.”
As I discussed Carlos’ case, he pointed out that had this been a singular incident, he would not have been quite so annoyed. But this wasn’t the case. His good friend Juan* had also received a near-identical note. Juan was disheartened by the note; he had, unlike Carlos, been raised in a Spanish-speaking home. His family sacrificed a great deal to come to the U.S., and Juan didn’t take this lightly. He gave his utmost effort to assimilating into the American culture and English language. Now, after a decade of residency—of adaptation—a teacher told him he wasn’t good enough. Even as I spoke to Juan, I could see the shame come back into his face; it was a surreal pain. His culture, his people and his language were special, and yet he’d given so much of that away for a better life. Carlos, like myself, couldn’t stand to see Juan like this. So, later that week, he went to the engineering office and talked to the teacher. The teacher blew off Carlos, explaining that all grading had been completed by readers, therefore absolving his responsibility for the profiling. With seemingly no options, Carlos was forced to drop the issue. On our campus, we maintain some of the highest diversity statistics in the region. A third of Walla Walla University students are non-white, as compared to only one-in-five in the city
of Walla Walla and one-in-four at Whitman College. Despite these efforts, we hardly remain exempt from the reality of racial divides. Carlos’s and Juan’s cases weren’t alone, and sadly we can never know just how many others stand with them. In fact, Juan himself was reluctant to agree to an interview, and only agreed on the condition of anonymity. He explained that he feared a professor might retaliate, further exacerbating his situation. As the evening progressed, Carlos pointed out that this wasn’t uncommon. Sadly, he’s right: these incidents continue to happen. Each and every instance of profiling accompanied by a culture of silence leads to the opportunity for another to occur. It creates an illusion of acceptability and tells the student that their abilities are diminished and that their cultural heritages are worthless. While these may never have been the intentions of Juan’s grader, the results cannot be denied. Regardless of the grounds on which these assumptions are made, this profiling has happened, happens, and will continue to happen until we stand up and end the silence. Racial profiling, discrimination or whatever you’d like to call it, isn’t okay. To better understand how to end profiling, I also talked to a number of African-American students on our campus. As a minority of just four percent
Walla Walla University Demographics. on our campus, they represent one of our smallest people groups. Talking with each of them, I came to a surprising conclusion. Education on diversity, while important, could sometimes be as harmful as it was helpful. When our energies are devoted to highlighting disparity, we not only fail to solve the problem but also contribute to perpetuating its existence. We need to change our approach to come to celebrate our strengths in diversity, help each other with the talents and privileges we pos-
sess and learn to leave our differences behind. We are, after all, citizens and residents of the United States, and should act accordingly. *Not real name.
Jake Sloop is a biochemistry major.
Peacekeeping Submissions By David E. Thomas Not a few years ago, I was asked to consider taking a pastoral position in Florida. At the request of the church, I flew down for a visit and hiring interview. The visit went quite well until the time of the interview came. The interview was conducted in front of the whole Church Board. I was asked a lot of questions. At one point, a man who I later learned was originally from Jamaica, asked how I got along with people of races other than my own. I replied that I do not attach significance to the color of a person’s skin preferring, to see them as fellow human beings. He paused, then asked the exact same question again, this time with more intensity. As I set out to answer the question in more detail, he suddenly interrupted the process by bursting out saying, “This man is a racist! He was born in South Africa, and he is a racist! I know that because he is moving his
congregation out of the city into the suburbs where he now lives.” I tried to explain that, though I was born in South Africa, I had never lived there, and that, though born in South Africa, I was born a British citizen and did not favor apartheid at all; that the reason for moving the church had to do with getting it into proximity to the Church School not in order to get away from racial difference; that my church was the only multi-ethnic Adventist church in the whole city, but he would not listen at all. With considerable indignation, he re-stated his assertion that I was a racist if for no other reason than the place of my birth. As you can imagine, the meeting broke down in great disarray coming to a rather awkward end. The Chair of the meeting was quite embarrassed and apologetic. Needless to say, I did not end up pastoring in Florida.
Not All Men
By Melodie Selby
When I was 14, a trusted man tried to finger me because he “loved me and wanted to see how I was becoming a woman.” I told myself, “he didn’t really mean it” and “not all men think that’s okay.”
When I was 17, a group of boys crowded me off the campus our band was visiting because “we only let pretty girls come here.” I told myself, “they didn’t really mean it” and “not all men think that’s okay.”
When I was 22, a coworker on my first internship told me that I shouldn’t be allowed to study engineering because I should be home making babies and not taking a man’s place. I told myself, “he didn’t really mean it” and “not all men think that’s okay.”
When I was 23, the desk I was assigned at my second internship faced a poster of a fully nude woman exposing her genitals. I told myself, “not all men think that’s okay.”
When I was 25, I reported to my boss at my first professional job that another employee was cursing at me and throwing things at me because “what do you know? You’re just a girl.” He responded by promoting the other employee because he “had taken charge.” I told myself “not all men think that’s okay.”
men.” I told myself, “not all men think that’s okay.” When I was 34, I didn’t get promoted because they wanted someone with a “commanding presence.” When I asked what that meant, they told me: “a man.” I told myself, “they didn’t really mean it” and “not all men think that’s okay.” When I was 41, a man I loved and trusted broke into my house in the middle of the night to kill me. Fortunately, I wasn’t there. I told myself, “he didn’t really mean it” and “not all men think that’s okay.” When I was 46, the chair of a committee I was on would not acknowledge any suggestion I made unless it was repeated by a man. I told myself, “he doesn’t realize it” and “not all men think that’s okay.” When I was 49, I took a group of male students on a field trip. Every place we went, they assumed one or another of the students was the professor, never me. I told myself, “they don’t realize it” and “not all men think that’s okay.” When I was 53, the country I live in elected a man as President who bragged about sexual assault. I now tell myself, “enough men think that’s okay.”
When I was 26, a gunman shot 28 people, killing 14 women at an engineering school in Montreal because they were “taking places away from Anonymous
I personally don’t remember this, but my mom told me that when I was just a few months old, we were at the grocery store when a white woman came up to us and said, “What a cute little pickaninny.” A pickaninny is a racial slur that refers to black children.
Something that I’ve noticed is that many times people believe that I’ve accomplished so many academic successes “because I’m black.” I’ve had people express to me that the only reason that I’ve won certain scholarships or been admitted to certain “prestigious”
One Viewpoint of the AsianAmerican Life By Victoria Ico I am an Asian American. My story is not of facing a deranged Caucasian telling me to speak English or go back to China. My story is of facing other Asians and their judgments—a hidden type of racism that rarely anyone talks about. There are traditional stereotypes that Asians face, such as not being able to drive; having exceptional mathematical abilities; always having a funny, hard-to-understand accent or name; and always eating rice. Sometimes these are all true, sometimes just one, but for sure we all eat rice (just kidding—I had a Taiwanese friend who hated rice). While these are mainstream perspectives, some have rooted themselves into the minds of Asians as well. Take, for instance, academics. Asians are usually perceived to have the highest GPA and impressive mathematic skills and are likely to enter big-name colleges to pursue pre-med studies. While the origins of this stereotype come from the rags-to-riches story of poor Asian parents pushing their kids to do well in order to have a better life, it has now become an expectancy that is met with judgment and disappointment if any of the aforementioned expectations are not fulfilled. Because of this stereotype, many Asian-American students nowadays rip their hair out over the stress and pressure they feel to keep up with what their
programs is not because I was smart or qualified, but simply because of the color of my skin. People believe that since companies and programs want to advertise their diversity, they only accept me and my peers so that they can claim diversity. People with that
history and ancestors expect from them. The result is depression and general unhappiness. According to the American Psychological Association, Asian-American college students think about suicide more often than their fellow students who are white, with contributing factors including unrecognized depression and feelings of being a burden to others.1 Moving past depression and academics, Asian-American kids and teens have a habit of judging other Asian Americans on the notion of “you’re not Asian enough.” I have seen fellow Asian Americans ridicule one another for not taking their shoes off in the house, not knowing how to cook a pot of rice or for not enjoying x, y, z food. They usually express their judgement in a way that immediately puts the other person down without taking into consideration their home life, what generation of American they are or any other personal situation. I think some of them judge others to get the satisfaction of feeling “more Asian” than the other, but for what reason? Now, when it comes to questions from Asians older than us, often our responses are followed with an obvious disappointment that makes me want to curl up under a rock when they don’t get the answer they’re looking for. Things like not pursuing a medical profession, not finding an Asian partner or not having children prompt clear disapproval. It’s one thing to feel disappointment from someone around
mindset aren’t aware of how scarring hearing things like that are. Because of that, I’ve found myself second guessing my successes and wondering if I had truly earned them or if I only got them on account of my skin color.
the same age as you, but it’s absolutely devastating to see disappointment in the face of someone older than you. This tradition of age and respect is the biggest division among Asian Americans. To explain it easily, the younger you are, the less you know and the less likely you are to be able to have an opinion or say in any matter. A favorite argument made by Asians is that because they are older, you just have to agree and go with whatever they say, no matter how much you disagree or see a better solution to things. While it is good to respect your elders, Asians take it to the point that, regardless of education, experience or exposure, the older person will always know better. At this point it is no longer respect, but dictation. All of the things I’ve written here come from personal experience, and while they might be a common experience for some Asian Americans, they do not apply to all of them. I have some Asian-American friends who have never dealt with any of these pressures and challenges, and sadly, I envy them for it. However, I realize that these experiences of struggle and overcoming prejudices help shape the character of any person, regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation or religious affiliation. Everyone has their experience that becomes their unique story of how they became who they are. 1
January 2017 Issue 11 | walla walla university | college place, wa
January 18-24 Thursday
Peacekeeping Week: Onions, Wine, and Immigrants— Justice for the Sojourner @ Peterson Memorial Library, 6-7 p.m.
PW: Hot drink and constitution handout @ Admin. Entrance and Chan Shun Pavilion stairs, 8-11 a.m.
Women’s Basketball v. Multnomah @ WEC, 7-8 p.m
PW: WWJD—How can I be a peacekeeper? @ SAC, 9:3010:30 p.m.
Men’s Basketball v. Multnomah @ WEC, 9-11 p.m.
Women’s Basketball v. Multnomah @ WEC, 12-1 p.m.
National Peking Duck Day
Men’s Basketball v. Multnomah @ WEC, 2-4 p.m.
National Winnie the Pooh Day
PW: Practical Peacemaking @ CTC 105, 10:30-11:30 a.m. ASWWU Swing Dancing @ CTC Black Box, 7:30-9 p.m.
(Modern music after 9 p.m.)
Men’s Basketball vs. New Hope Christian College @ WEC, 8-10 p.m. National Cheese Lover’s Day National Buttercrunch Day
Last day to Withdraw from a Class with a 75% Refund and have Class Deleted from Record
Banff Film Festival By Daphne Novak
Details WHAT
Banff Film Festival
Cordiner Hall, Whitman College, 44 S Park, Walla Walla, WA
Jan. 24, 2018 @ 7 p.m.
Tickets available to buy one week before Jan.24 at both the Whitman College Bookstore and the Outdoor Program Rental Shop. Tickets will also be available at the door.
Adults: $15 Students (non Whitman) w/ID: $10 Children (13 years & under): $5 Whitman Alumni: $5
Sometimes winter activities in Walla Walla can be a little sparse. Things get a little dry around here. One of my favorite and soon-to-be-most-missedwhen-I-graduate winter activities is the Banff Film Festival screening at Whitman College. I was lucky enough to go my first year of college. It has become a yearly tradition ever since. My fiancé and I always get excited when winter comes to Walla Walla because we know that it is Banff time.
Every fall in Banff, Canada, selected films premiere at the Banff Film Festival. If you are not quite aware of what all the Banff Film Festival entails, let me help you out. It’s similar to how the Sundance Film Festival works: after a voting period following the premieres, the winners are announced, and then those winning films go on a world tour during the following winter months. All film submissions involve some form of epic outdoor activity or the human-nature relationship while most of the time also incorporating heartwarming stories about relationships between people or people and their pets. One of my favorite past submissions is a film titled “Sun Dog” about this guy who does backcountry skiing with his very good boy of a dog always running after him through the snow. Bonus: “Sun Dog” also features a couple cute cat shots. Like “Sun Dog,” the films that come out of the Banff Film Festival have never disappointed me, and I do not expect them Banff Mountain Film Festival. (TIDEMARK THEATRE) to this year. I always leave the festival inspired and a little somber. the attention of any climbers out there. Bolivian ski lift operator whose family One of the winning titles from the In the 1950s and 60s, Fred Beckey gave has operated and lived at a ski resort last festival was “Before Who I Was,” a up the comforts of the modern world to for generations, but now, snow no lonstory about a 10-year-old Tibetan boy’s live in the back of his car and trek from ger falls on those mountains; “The Last struggle overcoming obstacles such as one climbing spot to the next. Beckey Honey Hunter,” the story of Nepali peopoverty and political upheaval with the pioneered rock climbing by completing ple who go to great, dangerous lengths help and guidance of his elderly guardroutes that were previously thought to collect a rare type of hallucinogenic ian. This year’s People’s Choice Award to be incompletable. Other films from honey in the Himalayas; and “Blood went to “Dirtbag: The Legend of Fred this year’s festival include: “Samuel in Road,” the story of two ultra-endurance Beckey.” Hopefully, that name caught the Clouds,” a story about an elderly mountain bikers as they journey the
Build Your Own Salad By Hannah Thiel In place of an article this week, I thought I’d give you ideas for some salads you can make, even at the cafeteria!
Cobb Salad
Ingredients: Chicken/Chik Patty Eggs Tomato Avocado Spinach Dressing suggestion: Vinaigrette or Ranch
Grain Salad
Ingredients: Walnuts Dried Cranberries Wheat Dressing suggestion: Vinaigrette
Margherita Salad
Ingredients: Mozzarella Bell Pepper Tomato Spinach Dressing suggestion: Italian
Hannah Thiel is an art major.
1,200 miles of the Ho Chi Minh trail through Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. Long story short, this year is going to be a good season.
Daphne Novak is a psychology major.
college place, wa, walla walla university
Monday Nothing is happening today, so why not get ahead and do homework? Squirrel Appreciation Day National Hugging Day
tWWUnes @ SAC, 7-9 p.m.
ASWWU Student Week of Worship @ U-Church, 11:40 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Graduate Student Convocation @ U-Church, 12 p.m. Shortened Class Schedule for Week of Worship
ASWWU Student Week of Worship continues @ U-Church, 11:40 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Waffle Wednesday by ASWWU Social @ ASWWU Offices, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
Walla Walla Symphony Concert: Peking Acrobats @ Cordiner Hall, 7-9 p.m.
ASWWU Student Week of Worship continues @ U-Church, 11:40 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Shortened Class Schedule for Week of Worship
Shortened Class Schedule for Week of Worship National Compliment Day
National Pie Day
National Peanut Butter Day
Rad Lib Your Way out of Winter Hibernation By Niqolas Ruud Feeling sleepy? Three cups of coffee each day not quite cutting it? Even with the days getting longer, are your energies getting shorter and shorter? Well, here’s the thing for you, you rad individual: Ruud Remarks’ very own “Rad Lib.” Find a friend or stranger and let’s get started:
It was a/an
, cold January day. I woke up with layers of
Ruud Remarks: Rad Lib
frost on my
the darned [same type of bedding]. Eventually, I calmed down
and drank an entire cup of [beverage]. Packing up my [type of luggage], I made sure I had BEVERAGE
plenty of [type of food] for the remainder of the [length of time]. I took out my twin pair of TYPE OF FOOD
[type of tools] and made my way to the base of the [type of landform]. As I began climbing TYPE OF TOOLS
, I frequently thought about how [feeling adjective] I was to be climbing
[same landform]. About [percentage] of the way [same direction , I decided I would turn SAME LANDFORM
[different direction] as I was running out of [nounnoun] and was feeling pretty [emotion] DIFFERENT DIRECTION
about only having [numberhe] ice screw(s) to go along with my [different number] meter(s) NUMBER
of rope. A/An [length of time] into the climb I realized I was past the point of no [nounno] LENGTH OF TIME
and would have to continue [most recent direction] until I reached the summit. Brushing MOST RECENT DIRECTION
aside loose [type of natural substance] from the [same landform] I was eager to find [noun], TYPE OF NATURAL SUBSTANCE
to make the climbing easier. But it didn’t, so I began to [verbblah] profusely. Nearing the VERB
summit, now [length of time] since waking up, I was beginning to get very [emotion] about LENGTH OF TIME
the whole experience. And so I climbed [rate of speed] all the way to the summit! “I did it!” I RATE OF SPEED
shouted to [plural
noun]! I finally summitted the [same landform]!
Well, congratulations from all of us here at Ruud Remarks on summitting that [same landform]. We are so very [feeling adjective] about your accomplishment! SAME LANDFORM
Was your Rad Lib too funny not to share? Send it to me at Who knows, if I laugh so hard I fall out of my [nounnound], you might just [verbverbvv] a NOUN
really cool [nounnound]! NOUN
Niqolas Ruud is a religious studies major.
[type of bedding]. Scared out of my mind, I crawled out of my [type of shelter] and began to frantically [verb]
page 7
National Handwriting Day
National Blonde Brownie Day
| January 2017 Issue 11
January 2017 Issue 11 | walla walla university | college place, wa
VR, AR, & RR By Parker Bailey Advances in technology are some of the most exciting things to hear about in the news. Consumer Electronics Show 2018 kicked the year off to a promising start. We saw some really cool things, like 8K TVs, OLED1 curvy walls and a lot of VR2 devices. We also saw some weird things, like a laptop CPU3 made by both Intel and AMD, competitor companies. Overall, CES introduced some interesting products that we may see in the near future and that are likely to invade our lives within the next decade or so. I’m not here to discourage anyone from buying an 8K TV in 2024, but has anyone noticed that a majority of the products we see advancing into the future are ones that encourage isolation and augmentation or replacement of our current realities? Simply put: it’s
Virtual Reality. (UPLOADVR.COM) called VR because it is just that. It suggests that the reality we live in is something that needs to be fixed, amplified or replaced. On a college campus this
idea is rather prevalent. People either want to distract themselves from inevitable suffering, or they want to get rid of the suffering altogether.
My point is this: our world is continuing to put forth opportunities for us to lose ourselves to something that is temporarily better, rather than motivating us to make the world we will always have a better place. Don’t get me wrong, though; VR and AR4 have very useful applications in business, gaming, design and other fields. I think VR and AR are great ideas ,but also dangerous ones, as many great ideas are. Don’t let them distract you from the world we live in. Our world is in desperate need of some help, and if we are too busy wearing headsets or pointing our phones at the ground to sit with the lonely person at lunch or to solve the world’s energy crisis (two very different problems), then we will have two problems—only one is virtual.
Let me know what you think by taking this quick survey: 1. Organic Light Emitting Diodes 2. Virtual Reality 3. Central Processing Unit 4. Augmented Reality 5. Replacement Reality
Don’t let VR or AR become RR.5 Parker Bailey is an engineering major.
Inevitable Reinvention By Savanna Pardo Have you ever tried to reinvent who you are? Maybe you’ve tried changing your style, listening to different music or hanging out with a different crowd. Reinventing yourself should not be seen as a bad thing; it just means you understand yourself enough to change your current ways. In order to reinvent yourself, you have to acknowledge your strengths, weaknesses, passions and failures. In short, you have to know yourself completely.
my habits, but I was in the process of reinventing myself. Little did I know that the friends I made would help shape me into the person I am now.
go through our lives, we are constantly changing. Most of the time, this change is not in our control. We might not ask for the change, but it happens eventually.
We, as humans, naturally take the shape of the places that we inhabit. As we
Whether you notice it or not, you are changing everyday. If you compare
your playlist now to a playlist that you favored a year ago, you will likely see a difference. The people you associate with will help change your personality. The classes you attend will expand your train of thought.
Those who decide to reinvent themselves have made peace with who they currently are so that they may go on this journey of transformation. This process of change is not one to be scared of because it is inevitable. It is common to start changing when you reach college because during this time many people are trying to figure out their purpose and whom they are. As a student in high school, I remember fantasizing about college and all it would bring. To me, college meant that I had a fresh start ahead of me. As a freshman, no one knew my history. I was a blank slate, and it was up to me to decide who I wanted to be. This doesn’t mean I abandoned all of
Before college, I had this idea that my life was something I could single-handedly control. Now, I know that is far from the truth. I realize that college is a place made for reinvention. I know who I am currently, but I am still in the process of finding out who I want to be. I am not a finished product, and I am not sure I ever will be, because everything is constantly changing. Everyday is a new opportunity to reinvent yourself because you are going to have to learn how to adapt to the environment around you. The idea of reinvention is not that of self-rejection; it’s simply understanding yourself and confronting the inevitable change that is coming your way.
Savanna Pardo is an English major.
Do you think it was appropriate for Walla Walla University to have a Jesuit priest speak for CommUnity?
92 total participants
Next week’s question: “Next week The Collegian will be discussing mental health issues on campus, so we have a short survey that we’d love for you to participate in. Rest assured, there will be no written answer portion!”
“Having a Jesuit come to WWU to speak at CommUnity is no reason to panic. Furthermore, a fear or distrust of Catholic people is irrational and close-minded. The speaker’s message clearly was focused on helping those in the U.S. that are hurting and forgotten, and all people (SDAs included) should not only respect his work but also aspire to be as loving and generous as he is. Even had he spoken of his own beliefs, exposure to a differing religious belief is a great opportunity to grow and start a dialogue that will ultimately make each person’s faith stronger. Finally, as an academic institution, it is important that students at WWU be exposed to lifestyles and religions different than their own, as this is a great learning opportunity. Stop worrying about the Catholics being the enemy; start doing good work like the establishment of Homeboy Industries.”
“The pulpit is a sacred place, and we need to protect it. Those that are contrary to the truth are contrary to what we believe and stand for. I would say no for any priest, but if you have read the Jesuit creed, they honestly are out to kill us. Our very church manual disapproves of it. Most Adventist college students haven’t even read the Bible all the way through; they haven’t developed a strong enough Biblical base to analyze the information being spoken. “Oh be careful little eyes what you see, oh be careful little ears what you hear…”
“I think having a variety of speakers is excellent. However, his use of colorful language was not professional.” “We shouldn’t be afraid of hearing different perspectives, especially if the point of the presentation is to minister to people on the edges of society. If our focus is on the presenter’s personal faith (no matter how incompatible with ours), rather than an appeal to care for God’s children, I think the issue is with us, not them.”
“Jesuits represent the beast’s power.” “If I wanted a Jesuit education or wanted to be influenced by a Jesuit, I would attend a Jesuit facility. Walla Walla is not a Jesuit facility, right? It is a blatant disregard of all things Seventh-day Adventist to expose us to these types of influences. It’s not as if I wouldn’t know where to find such opinions if I wanted to hear them. With over 18 million Seventh-day Adventists, couldn’t you have found any one of those 18 million, still within our Seventh-day Adventist faith, who had a lot of knowledge to share?”