Ne w s p a p e r o f Wa l l a Wa l l a U n i v e r s i t y
Collegian The
Volume 102 | Issue 12
A Year In Pictures – 1968 pg. 4
“I’m going to take a hot shower. It’s like a normal shower, but with me in it.” - Jonathan Muriu, ASWWU Diversity and Wellness Officer
January 25, 2018
O p - E d | R e l i g i o n | C o l l e g i a n W i s d o m | S e n a t e | J o b s | H i s t o r y | S c i e n c e | Fe a t u r e | We e k i n Fo r e c a s t | Fo o d | C u l t u r e | O u t d o o r s | M e d i a + Te c h | O p i n i o n | P o l l
Last Things First college place, wa | walla walla university
| January 2018 Issue 12
Caterpillar Life: A Study in Chagrin By Meghann Heinrich “Everyone is like a butterfly, they start out ugly and awkward and then morph into beautiful graceful butterflies that everyone loves.” - Drew Barrymore1 I’ll be honest—this morph thing has not been my experience. Though I hold Ms. Barrymore in the highest regard, I have yet to see it really take off in my personal experience. Some of us are just late bloomers. This is not a pity party, no sir. I count my extra-long caterpillar stage as a huge blessing, for from it I have honed the skills necessary to accept—nay, revel—in my daily blunders. I mean, for human butterflies, I can see how maybe sitting in a friend’s pie might not be something you want headlining the day after. But for us caterpillars, that is the stuff of life. You see, mishaps like that happen so frequently for us, they become second nature. It wasn’t always this way, no. I remember times before I was aware of
Hey Thanks! “Thank you Spotify for making all the iTunes gift cards I got for Christmas obsolete.” “Thank you Week of Worship for making me confused about my class schedule. Again.” “Thanks, homework. I didn’t need to sleep anyway, it’s fine.”
my semi-permanent caterpillar state. I was so embarrassed, so concerned that I would never recover from my follies, I would do my utmost to strike all evidence of my humiliation from the record and move on as hastily as I could. Like in second grade, when my pants split during P.E., and my whole class could see my new princess undies (which I was actually really proud of but thereafter put a blight on my good name). I remember great wailing and gnashing of teeth as I informed my mother that I would never be able to go to school again. Or at that formal banquet in high school—you know the kind—where everyone is dressed up really fancy and your date gets you one of those wrist corsage things and you feel like a million bucks; but also you are in high school, so really you are just sweating a lot and trying not to be weird. Anyway, you didn’t spill spaghetti on your dress or anything, so you’re feeling successful. Then, in the car on the way back, someone
asks, “Who sings that R.E.S.P.E.C.T. song?,” and you jump in to say “Aretha Franklin,” except you accidentally say something else for her first name and immediately regret everything. Yes, that happened... it was the definition of awful. Like I was saying, at some point, I recognized the pattern: recurring embarrassment that was just a cut above average any way you looked at it, and I realized—I had a gift. So I took that realization and made it into a way of life. The turnaround time it takes me to be able to recount my blunders has gone from weeks to days, and on occasion, even hours after they happen. I still go through the classic five stages of post-blunder grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Acceptance to me is being able to share my stories and, in doing so, moving on to the next. Acceptance brings me to this: I haven’t been completely upfront with
Verbatim “We have no erasable markers? Anyone have a sharpie? I have acetone in the lab.”
you. There is a story I have withheld because those involved are still connected to this campus, but seeing as how you’ve stuck with me this far, I guess now is as good a time as any to confess. I’m also banking on the fact that they probably won’t read this. I’ll be brief; this isn’t the sort of thing I’d like to dwell on. When I was a freshman here at WWU, there was a chap with whom I frequently spent time with. On one occasion, we went to a local coffee shop that shall remain unnamed. It was one of the more hipster places I’ve been to, and, as such, I felt a little out of my element. I went to order and decided to stick with something I recognized. I got an iced mocha. I went over to the pick up area to wait for my order while the chap chatted with the barista, and what do you know, my drink was already there waiting for me! I thought it was uncannily fast service, but you know, maybe they just had iced mochas on
standby or something. I picked up the glass and took a sip—big mistake. To this day I have no idea what it was. I can’t even describe it to you; it was brown but also carbonated and definitely not an iced mocha. I thought maybe that was just how hipsters make iced mochas and was about to comment on it when I heard, “Here’s your iced mocha.” I turned to see my drink on the pick-up table and froze. I realized my mistake, but no one had seen me, and so I did the unthinkable. I put the weird drink back on the pick-up table and snatched up my iced mocha. Then to my horror I saw a man come in from the patio, pick up the weird drink I had just sampled, and leave. I said nothing, and I live with that shame to this day. All hail the caterpillars. 1
We had some chemistry... Wanna hear a potassium joke? Sure.
That was your worst one yet.
- Professor Joseph Brannaka “I had a good friend named ‘Zed,’ and he wasn’t even Canadian!” - Professor Jim Nestler “Be anxious for nothing, all you oldsters.” - Professor Linda Felipez, talking to a class of senior design students
Wow. This is...
“If you learn anything from this class, learn to chill your soda before you open it.” - Professor Melodie Selby
Email your faculty verbatim or shower thoughts to to be featured!
Don’t say it.
January 2018 Issue 12 | walla walla university | college place, wa
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Daniella Silva Dear Reader, This week, The Collegian is addressing one of the most personal issues on campus: mental health. This issue is often a deeply-stigmatized and uncomfortable subject, which is exactly why we believe it is so important to have open and honest discussions about it in public forums, including the campus newspaper. Our feature writer used the results from our weekly poll as well as an interview with a representative from the counseling center to inform her article. You can read her article in full on page 5. Additionally, the complete results from the mental health poll can be found on page 8. After we released our poll results from last week asking whether or not it was appropriate for us to have Father Boyle speak on our campus, The Collegian received an op-ed response to
the controversy from WWU’s very own Dr. Alden Thompson. The article was written in response to his concern that so many people were outraged without ever having attended CommUnity to hear Father Boyle speak. His op-ed article can be found on page 3. As usual, please continue to read and enjoy all your favorite columns in this week’s issue of The Collegian! If you have any questions, comments or article submissions, you can email me at Stay snazzy and take care of your mental health! Daniella Silva
Week of Worship: Now What?
By Peter Flores
This week we have been looking at the question, “Now What?” in the context of the lives of the speakers and their reflections on certain events or challenges. Here is an inside look at the speakers and their involvement this week.
Meghin Howard
Kathryn Schwartzkopf
I am a senior health science major with plans to work in pediatric physical therapy. I believe that we have life experiences for more than just our own benefit. Sharing what we have learned along the way can be a powerful blessing to others. I prayed about this after being asked to speak, and was impressed that now was the time!
I am a business marketing major. Popcorn is my favorite food group. I chose to speak because I felt what I had to say was relevant and applicable to more than just myself.
Jody Washburn
Alex Aamodt
I am an Assistant Professor of Hebrew and Biblical Studies. I love hiking and playing the piano. When I think and pray about a request to speak, I make my decision based on whether or not there is an idea or message on my heart that is fitting for the occasion. If I have something to say, I agree to speak.
I am a senior English and Spanish major. I’m obsessed with language, finding human-powered adventures, and coffee—sometimes all three at the same time. I decided to speak because I felt like I had something to say, as simple as that sounds, and I also had the hope that my words and viewpoint could connect with someone. I also don’t exactly enjoy being up front, so there is an element of conquering my own fears as well.
SENATE FL9 – Volleyball Equipment PASSED
1.7-Billion-Year-Old Chunk of North America Found Sticking to Australia I’m pretty sure they aren’t going to give it back.
FL11 – RoccBox PASSED
Hawaii’s Governor Couldn’t Correct The False Missile Alert Sooner Because He Forgot His Twitter Password If I can’t get a pass when I forget my D2L password, neither can he.
Senate meets Tuesday nights at 8 p.m. in BWH 201
After Shark Attack, Mom Regains Control With A Bionic Arm The shark didn’t know what was coming. Taco Bell Debuts $1 Nacho Fries, Confirms Customers Can Order Them Inside Burritos, Tacos For Even Less Money The first good thing to come out of 2018. French Police Fine Man For Eating Foie Gras, Watching A Movie While Driving French culture at its finest.
ASWWU JOBS Collegian Layout Designer
college place, wa, walla walla university
| January 2018 Issue 12
Father Boyle, Adventists and Catholics Labels Don’t Count By Dr. Alden Thompson Given the furor over Father Boyle’s Jan. 9 “Homeboy” CommUnity, I was troubled by the survey results published in the Jan. 17 issue of The Collegian. With a standing ovation after Boyle’s closing story, could 39% of the 93 survey participants really be opposed to hearing what he had to tell us? Personally, I was embarrassed that I hadn’t even heard of Father Boyle and the Homeboys. Yet, according to Wikipedia, “Homeboy Industries is the largest and most successful gang rehabilitation and re-entry program in the world.” Every month, Homeboy typically sees 10,000 gang members and sponsors some 800 tattoo removal sessions. An Adventist University should see a host of tantalizing research possibilities here. I’ll note three of them, concluding with some firsthand comments about Father Boyle’s ministry. 1. Northwest Adventist/Catholic relationships. The closing of Walla Walla General Hospital in 2017, along with the subsequent expansion of its Catholic counterpart, Providence St. Mary, is a recent chapter in Adventist/ Catholic relationships. Another chapter of quite a different kind emerged in the early 1990s when devout Adventist laity posted anti-Catholic billboards in the Walla Walla Valley. These two events, combining with a residual anti-Catholic sentiment in American culture, may help explain the sensitivity to Father Boyle’s visit to our campus. However, for many who have Catholic friends, suspicion vanishes. For example, my father, a family practice physician in Clarkston, Washing-
ton, kept the same devout Roman Catholic as his office nurse for 32 years. When the anti-Catholic billboards sponsored by Adventist lay people emerged in Lewiston-Clarkston, one of my father’s former patients, the regent for the local chapter of Catholic Daughters of America, sent him an amazing letter. The Lewiston Morning Tribune had run a front-page story with a picture of the young Adventist couple and their two small children standing by the billboard they had sponsored. My father, a quite conservative Adventist, wrote a letter to the editor, apologizing to the Catholics on behalf of the Adventist church. His former patient thanked him, noting that it was very difficult for the Catholics to defend themselves. She was particularly concerned about the young children, especially since the parents had borrowed $6,000 to pay for the billboards. “Charity from the Catholic Daughters would probably not be especially welcome,” she wrote. But “if you hear that there may be some way that we might help, would you please let me know?” 2. Ellen White on Catholic/Adventist relationships. Ellen White says little about Jesuits. Her negative assessment of their work in chapters 12 and 15 of “The Great Controversy” focuses largely on their deadly work in connection with the French Reformation and the French Revolution. Modern Jesuits would likely be as horrified as Adventists at such activity. Ellen White does, however, speak pointedly about our relationship with Catholics in general. “We should not go out of our way to make hard thrusts at
the Catholics,” she wrote. “Among the Catholics there are many who are most conscientious Christians and who walk in all the light that shines upon them, and God will work in their behalf” (“Testimonies” 9:243). Might Father Boyle be among them? On page 112 of “Testimonies to Minister,” she exclaims, “We may have less to say in some lines, in regard to the Roman power and the papacy.” One general statement from Ellen White is also worth noting: “The Lord wants his people to follow other methods than that of condemning wrong, even though the condemnation be just” (“Testimonies” 6:121). In short, we have plenty for our study and prayers.
printed suspicions; that’s where Father Boyle’s story can help us. Al Deininger was the Executive Vice President at the Adventist White Memorial Hospital in Los Angeles when the hospital became involved with Boyle’s ministry. His recent comments speak to Father Boyle’s character: “Father Greg and The White
have worked together for years helping our community. [He] is the most wonderful Christian man. Period! … He has a fearless love for human life and for showing people a better way…. Simply put, Father Greg is one of God’s hands in Los Angeles.”
I should also note that at the Jan. 9 Community, Boyle did not “occupy the pulpit.” He didn’t even use a lectern. He wore no Catholic robes and didn’t even pray for us. All the praying was done by faithful Adventists. 3. Ignoring Labels in the New Testament. If one focuses on deeply held suspicions, the Samaritans and the Gentiles would be the Jesuits of the New Testament. In Luke 10:30-37, Jesus commends the Samaritan for showing mercy to the wounded Jew. Similarly, in Acts 10, God commends Cornelius for his prayers and “gifts to the poor” (NIV), and sends him to meet Peter, who was terrified at the thought of being in the same home as Gentiles. In short, the labels “Samaritan” or “Gentile” didn’t mean a thing. Plug in “Jesuit” in place of “Samaritan” or “Gentile” in those stories and see what happens. Still, it can take a long time to overcome prejudices and deeply im-
Father Gregory Boyle at CommUnity. (TOMMY MOEN)
Mariela Smith
Cade Roberts
I am a freshman nursing major. I decided to accept speaking for Week of Worship because I had been asking God to show me something that He was wanting me to do on campus that would glorify Him. When I was asked I couldn’t say no, because I knew I would have been saying no to God.
I’m a freshman nursing major from Portland, Oregon (Great PNW). I’m just sharing the story that God has given me, and I have committed my life to God by following His will, whatever that may look like. The Lord calls, you answer.
Tyler Humphries
Kisa McClosky
I’m a mechanical engineering premed I’m a mechanical engineering, premed major. I enjoy making smoothies. I’m speaking for Week of Worship to empower other students to go for a goal they have in life, even if the journey to the goal is a hard one. I want them to know that God has their back and they can depend on Him to make the impossible possible.
I’m a senior theology major. I am a huge backpacking fan. I said yes to speaking because: (1) Matt asked, (2) I prayed about it, and I didn’t hear a no, and (3) I made an agreement with God during my scaredy-cat years that I would speak for Him if He impressed someone to ask and then impressed me to agree. So, I am speaking.
Sarah Fandrich
Jonathan Muriu
I’m a senior psychology major. I chose to speak because I felt compelled to share my story and encourage people to share theirs. Something about me: I once had a mullet. I also love taming lions in my free time as well as practicing the ancient art of underwater basket weaving. Also, ask me about how much of a burger some people are.
I’m a junior bioengineering major, and I am God’s favorite child. I am speaking because God presented me with an opportunity to serve.
Maeghan Wiseman
Zack Hoffer
I am a junior nursing major with plans to work as a pediatric nurse practitioner. When I was asked to speak for Week of Worship, I thought it was a real opportunity to talk about the challenges I have faced in my life and to share that we don’t have to go through them alone. I believe that sharing your story and relating to people through it can be impactful. My hope is that by sharing how God has helped me overcome the many trials in my life, I will be a blessing to others and encourage them to have a relationship with God!
I’m a freshman biology major. I love anything that has to do with the outdoors. I really love Walla Walla University. I believe it’s the place that I needed to be at. God has become such an active part of my life here at school. It’s amazing. I decided to speak because I felt like it was a perfect opportunity for me to share my beliefs about the God we serve. He is present; He shows up. He inspires and motivates me, and I wanted to try and share that inspiration and motivation with the students of WWU.
Matthew Cosaert I’m a senior theology major with a Spanish minor. The reason I chose to speak for Week of Worship is, on a basic level, because I am the spiritual vice president. On a more personal level, however, I’m speaking because it is a great opportunity for the student body to share their experiences with each other and with the community. This is the only week of the year where the University Church opens its pulpit to a student, and I’m deeply honored to represent Walla Walla University to our community.
January 2018 Issue 12 | walla walla university | college place, wa
A Year in Pictures - 1968
50 years ago, Americans saw their country tearing itself apart. By Zachary White Often, it seems that nothing could compare to the moment in history which we, as Americans, currently occupy. Fifty years ago, in 1968, many Americans were telling themselves the same thing. When I began this column at the end of last school year, I wrote about the 1967 “Summer of Love,” a period of social unrest, racial tensions and violent riots across the U.S. While I was writing that article, I felt America was going through a similar moment of unprecedented social change. Now, a year after President Trump’s inauguration, I look back on his first year in office and the violent clashes which arose at protests of far-right gatherings, such as in both Berkeley, California, and Charlottesville, Virginia. Just as a chaotic 1967 brought on a chaotic 1968 for Americans in the middle of the 20th century, it seems that an unruly 2017 might bring an equally unruly 2018. As always, we should look to the past for both inspiration and instruction going forward. The year 1968 is often heralded as the watershed of the American 20th century.1, 2 The 1968 presidential election forever redrew electoral maps. The Tet Offensive and My Lai Massacre marked a year of U.S. military escalation in Vietnam. The Chicago Democratic Convention in August drew an eight-day protest that was met by violent police backlash, injuring hundreds of protesters. However, perhaps the most traumatic events the nation experienced that year were the assassinations of two of their most prominent leaders. On June 6, Democratic presidential-hopeful and sitting U.S. senator Robert F. Kennedy was gunned down at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, California, after winning several key state primaries. Even more detrimental was the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., in Memphis, Tennessee, on April 4. King’s death triggered a monthlong period of protests that spanned hundreds of cities and resulted in 45 deaths, thousands of arrests and injuries, and crackdowns from the U.S. Army and National Guard. King had been in Memphis to support striking sanitation workers demanding equal pay for black workers, livable wages and better working conditions. As you look at these photos, think about the ways in which history is active in the present. Let the trials of previous generations give context to the trials that we currently face. Let the continuities of injustice between the past and the present disturb you. Let the courage and tenacity of our forebears inspire you as we struggle on. jan/17/1
Chicago Police beat down anti-war demonstrators protesting the 1968 Democratic Convention in late August. (WHENWASTHE.COM)
Esquire Magazine, 35th Anniversary Issue, October 1968. Photographs of President John F. Kennedy (assassinated 1963), Senator Robert F. Kennedy, and Martin Luther King, Jr. (both assassinated 1968), collaged onto Arlington National Cemetery. (ESQUIRE)
February 1, 1968, American photojournalist Eddie Adams captures the raw brutality of the Vietnam War with “Saigon Execution.” The man being executed, Nguyen Văn Lém, was a member of the communist Viet Cong resistance force, and his executioner was a military officer of the U.S.-backed South Vietnamese forces. (TIME MAGAZINE)
Zachary White is a history and sociology double major.
December 24, the Apollo 8 captures the iconic photograph “Earthrise.” It was considered one of the most groundbreaking photographs of its time. (NASA)
The Doors frontman Jim Morrison playing at the Hollywood Bowl. (HENRY DILTZ, 1968)
Sleep: Is It Really That Important? By Forrest Sheperd When I first got to college and moved into the dorm, I quickly realized that sleep is not a high priority for most students. Late into the night, the dorm is still alive with activity. It’s pretty unusual to go to bed early or to have a consistent sleep schedule. In fact, it’s even somewhat of a badge of a honor to describe how late you stayed up last night doing homework or studying for a test the next day. However, isn’t that just a part of college? Is it really worth it to use valuable time every night to lay in a bed for eight hours when you have a list of things still to do? To help us better understand this, let’s take a look at what is actually going on during sleep. Sleep is not merely the absence of wakefulness but rather a highly regulated active state for our bodies. After a long day of using your brain and, therefore, using adenosine triphosphate (ATP, the molecules our bodies use to store energy), adenosine begins to buildup in the brain, signaling to our bodies that it’s time to sleep.1 Caffeine works because caffeine molecules compete to bind to the same receptors as adenosine, tricking our bodies into thinking there is less adenosine buildup than there is. Exposure to daylight prevents us from producing sleep hormones, so when it begins to get dark, our pituitary glands are allowed to release the hormone melatonin. It then enters the bloodstream, telling our body it is time to go to bed and later helping to control our sleep cycles.2 Once we lie down and begin to
doze off, our brain waves begin to become slower and less frequent during light sleep. After around half an hour we enter deep sleep, and our brain waves become very slow and are considered delta waves. Our heart rate becomes slow, our blood pressure and body temperature drop, and our breathing slows down. During this time, our bodies begin to repair muscle, build bone and strengthen our immune systems. Much of this physical restoration is achieved by growth hormone that is released during this phase. After 70-90 minutes of sleep, we enter what is called the rapid eye movement phase (REM sleep), named for the observation that our eyes rapidly dart back and forth under our eyelids. During this phase, our brain waves look as though we are awake. Our muscles are in a state of paralysis, yet our breathing becomes more rapid and irregular, our heart rate speeds up and our blood pressure rises. REM sleep is the time when most of our dreams occur.3 The brain’s self-cleaning mechanism is also about 10 times more active during sleep. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flows across the brain’s surface and picks up metabolic waste as it drains into our lymphatic vessels (a system of vessels with many functions, including removal of waste and fluids).4 After cycling through these 90-minute stages around five or six times, our adrenal glands will secrete cortisol, which will begin to raise our body temperature, heart rate and blood pressure as we wake up.
Does going through this cycle every night actually make much of a difference for us college students? A recent article in the journal Nature and Science of Sleep addressed this question.5
habits of sleep hygiene that we can use to improve sleep quality:
Clarity of mind and ability to pay attention are essential for learning effectively. Even if you aren’t so tired that staying awake in class is hard, having sleep debt will prevent you from learning as much as you could while rested. Once you get through lecture and studying, it is essential to sleep effectively, as sleeping is when new pathways from what we learn during the day are solidified in the brain. Having a busy and stressful schedule like we often do, sleep debt will not only reduce the positivity of your outlook on your tasks but also decrease your efficiency in completing these tasks.6
Avoid caffeine at least six hours before you sleep.10
Sleep deprivation doesn’t just decrease your ability to be an effective student; it also can seriously compromise your body’s immune function.7 While sickness is never pleasant, the fact is that it can seriously affect your ability to do well in school. Among the other ways that sleep deprivation may negatively impact you is that it may affect both our metabolism and the hormones that cause us to crave foods, leading to weight gain and an increased risk for Type 2 diabetes.8 Now that we have seen some of the reasons getting good quality and sufficient sleep (seven to nine hours)9 is important, especially for college students, what can we do to help us sleep more effectively? Here I have compiled some of the most important
Prioritize time for homework during the day, so that you don’t have piles to do at nighttime.
Be sure to get at least 30 minutes of activity (even walking) during the day, but don’t do strenuous exercise within three hours of sleeping, as it raises your core temperature and increases levels of the stress (and wake up) hormone, cortisol.11 Set a bedtime routine. Leave at least 30 minutes before sleeping to not think about school work and do something relaxing to clear your mind. Avoid screens within those 30 minutes before sleeping, as the blue light hinders melatonin production.12 Use your bed only for sleeping, so your mind will associate your bed with sleeping, not eating, etc.13 Limit afternoon naps to less than one hour.14 Set a consistent bedtime and wake-up time, and your body will recognize these patterns and fall asleep and wake up when it needs to (without an alarm)!15 1 Basheer, Radhika et al. “Adenosine as a Biological Signal Mediating Sleepiness Following Prolonged Wakefulness.” Neurosignals, vol. 9, no. 6, 2000, pp. 319–327. Karger, doi:10.1159/000014655. 2 Barrenetxe, J., et al. “Physiological and Metabolic Functions of Melatonin.” Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry, vol. 60, no. 1, 2004, pp. 61–72. PMC, doi:10.1007/bf03168221.
3 “Brain Basics: Understanding Sleep.” National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 22 May 2017, 4 Xie, Lulu et al. “Sleep Drives Metabolite Clearance from the Adult Brain.” Science, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 18 Oct. 2013, 5 Hershner, Shelley, and Ron Chervin. “Causes and Consequences of Sleepiness among College Students.” Nature and Science of Sleep, vol. 6, 23 June 2014, pp. 73–84. PMC, doi:10.2147/nss.s62907. 6 ibid 7 Besedovsky, Luciana et al. “Sleep and Immune Function.” Pflugers Archiv 463.1 (2012): 121–137. PMC. Web. 22 Jan. 2018. 8 Knutson, Kristen L. “The Metabolic Consequences of Sleep Deprivation.” Sleep Medicine Reviews, vol. 11, no. 3, June 2007, pp. 163–178., doi:10.1016/j. smrv.2007.01.002. 9 Hirshkowitz, Max. “National Sleep Foundation’s Sleep Time Duration Recommendations: Methodology and Results Summary.” Sleep Health, vol. 1, no. 1, 2015, pp. 40–43. Elsevier, doi:10.1016/j. sleh.2014.12.010. 10 Hershner, Shelley, and Ron Chervin. “Causes and Consequences of Sleepiness among College Students.” Nature and Science of Sleep, vol. 6, 23 June 2014, pp. 73–84. PMC, doi:10.2147/nss.s62907. 11 ibid 12 Carter, Ben. “Association Between Portable Screen-Based Media Device Access or Use and Sleep Outcomes.” JAMA Pediatrics, vol. 170, no. 12, Jan. 2016, p. 1202. The Jama Network, doi:10.1001/ jamapediatrics.2016.2341. 13 Kang, Jiunn-Horng. “Effects of an Irregular Bedtime Schedule on Sleep Quality, Daytime Sleepiness, and Fatigue among University Students in Taiwan.” BMC Public Health, vol. 9, no. 1, 19 July 2009, p. 248. PMC, doi:10.1186/1471-2458-9-248. 14 ibid 15 ibid
Forrest Sheperd is a biology major.
Feature college place, wa | walla walla university
| January 2018 Issue 12
Brains Can Get Ill Too: Overcoming the Stigma Surrounding Mental Health By Cynthia E. Ochoa I am 24 years old and still have not finished my undergrad. You can’t imagine how many times I have heard the questions, “How much longer until you graduate?” or “What is taking you so long?” About 90 percent of the people who ask me these questions get the default, well-rehearsed, response: “I did a lot of things here and there, took a year off, did some soul searching,” things like that. The truth is, my lengthy and unfinished college career is largely due to a severe battle with many mental health issues. Following my return as a student missionary, after what would have been my sophomore year, I fell into a deep depression. As with most mental health issues, depression brought other factors into my life, such as anxiety, insomnia and dissociation. By the time I turned 23, I had already attempted to take my life three times. One of these attempts happened in the dormitory. Another time, I was hospitalized three days for an overdose that would have killed me if I hadn’t gotten there when I did. A third time, after being caught trying to steal my
(CYNTHIA E. OCHOA) people who answered “yes” to having dealt with or are currently dealing with a mental health disorder are the only ones who are dealing with a mental health problem, that is still 74 people. As someone who has personally been at the bottomless pit that is dealing
During this time I felt terribly alone, but as I began to open up to some of my peers, I discovered that many people had gone through similar experiences at some point in their lives and were also currently dealing with mental health problems. I thought perhaps the saying, “You attract what you are” was accurate, and I was only attracting troubled people just like myself. I got my answer after doing a bit of research. According to a 2017 study done by Mental Health America,1 mental health among youth is worsening. There are many organizations devoted to research and guidance for youth struggling with mental illnesses, and they all have alarming numbers. The National Alliance on Mental Illness reports that one in five college students struggle with a mental health condition.2 One of the most common conditions found among college students is anxiety, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. This organization states that 40 million Americans suffer from an anxiety disorder and that 75 percent suffer their first anxiety episode by the time they are 22. In other words, 30 million Americans begin struggling with anxiety during college.3 Could anxiety also be a problem among the students of Walla Walla University? Sensing the importance of the matter, I set out to discover the truth. Last week’s poll provided me with important insights, but, before I share the results with you, there is something important I would like to point out. The data we gathered comes from 122 individuals who took the weekly Collegian opinion poll. Out of 122 responders, 74 of them have personally dealt with, or are still dealing with, a mental health problem. That is 61 percent of responders. 84 percent of responders said they have or have had a close friend dealing with mental health issues. I know that 122 out of 1,825 students enrolled at WWU this year is a small fraction.4 However, if the 74
Being very afraid that other people will judge them
Worrying for days or weeks before an event where other people will be
Staying away from places where there are other people
Having a hard time making friends and keeping friends
Blushing, sweating, or trembling around other people
Feeling nauseous or sick to your stomach when other people are around6
Depression* If you have been experiencing some of the following signs and symptoms nearly every day for at least two weeks, you may be suffering from depression:
The Twits. (THE TWITS BLOG) dad’s Colt .45 to end my life, I was put on a 72-hour hold in a small mental health care center.
and worried about feeling humiliated, embarrassed, or rejected, or fearful of offending others
with anxiety and depression, that number is painfully high. Sadly the term “mental health” has an ugly stigma attached to it, even today. The term refers to “the condition of being sound mentally and emotionally that is characterized by the absence of mental illness… as reflected in feeling comfortable about oneself, positive feelings about others, and the ability to meet the demands of daily life.” 5 Being mentally healthy is not only feeling good about yourself, but also having positive feelings about others. Suicide attempts are, as other people would see it, the most serious outcome of a long battle with mental health issues. However, even feeling negatively about yourself or others may, to some extent, be the result of poor mental health. In the weekly poll we asked students what they thought the most prevalent mental health issue was among college students, and the number one response was anxiety disorders. The second was mood disorders, which includes mood bipolar disorders. These two responses were the most popular by far. An email interview with Dr. Michelle Naden, the Director of Counseling, Testing and Wellness at WWU provided us with data to support this as well. According to Naden, “Last year 34 percent of our clients were struggling with anxiety of some kind, most often social anxiety. Close behind, 33 percent presented with depression as the main focus of treatment.” For those not aware of what social anxiety or anxiety is, here is some information about the matter. Social Anxiety* People with social anxiety disorder have a marked fear of social or performance situations in which they expect to feel embarrassed, judged, rejected, or fearful of offending others, along with general anxiety symptoms. Social anxiety symptoms include: •
Feeling highly anxious about being with other people and having a hard time talking to them
Feeling very self-conscious in front of other people
Persistent sad, anxious, or “empty” mood
Feelings of hopelessness, or pessimism
Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, or helplessness
Loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies and activities
Decreased energy or fatigue
Difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions
Difficulty sleeping, early-morning awakening, or oversleeping
Thoughts of death or suicide, or suicide attempts7
Disorders such as anxiety and depression are incredibly disruptive to daily life. I once heard anxiety described as your brain perceiving the world differently. An individual’s brain with an anxiety disorder takes both safe and unsafe things and lumps them together, labeling them all as “unsafe.” Something as simple as asking a teacher a question about homework, making a phone call to place an appointment at the doctor’s or approaching a classmate to copy some notes is truly terrifying to someone with social anxiety. Depression also takes a huge toll on someone’s life because when it presents itself it can lead someone to become apathetic and stop participating in their daily activities, even their classes or work.
misconception that there is something wrong or weak about them if they seek counseling. Nothing could be further from the truth. It takes courage to really stop long enough to reflect about one’s life and to decide what matters most to them during this extremely formative time of life.” This idea that an individual is weak if they seek help from a counselor is largely due to the stigma that our society has attached to mental health disorders. That is why it is very important to give mental health problems the same validation as physical illnesses. As Heather Lee, a mentor on our campus, put it, “People aren’t afraid to talk about heart trouble. They are not afraid to talk about when their appendix needs to be removed, but no one wants to talk about a busted brain... That is why that is such a stigma.” Lee also told me that another important thing to remember is to not look down on those who struggle with a mental illness. She says that “people tend to [say stuff] like ‘oh you know, they are totally weird,’ or ‘it’s all in their head,’ or ‘they are just doing stuff to get attention,’ or… “they are so weak, they just can’t deal with life’, or ‘they don’t pray enough.’ … That is a huge thing in the Christian community.” It may help those students hesitant to seek help to know that between 75 and 100 students are seen at the counseling center a week, including students who participate in group counseling, according to Naden. While there are many issues students work through at counseling, it is important to know that counseling is not available only to those with an actual diagnosis. “Often students come in because they are needing support to deal with some significant event in their lives and they are not necessarily anxious or depressed,” said Naden. When I asked what some of the benefits are that a student might get out of counseling services, she said, “I’d say that getting clearer about one’s self and what is needed to flourish in [one’s] life is the biggest benefit. For those who struggle in extreme ways, counseling can help to identify what resources are necessary to support them as they discover how to live their lives according to their preferences. Above all, it seems very helpful to our clients that they feel listened to and respected for who they are, no matter what. There is no judgement in the
I hope, by now, you have a better idea of the tremendously negative impact mental disorders can have on an individual. This is why there are many resources in universities for students to talk through their struggles free of charge, and yet many people hesitate to get help. I asked Naden what misconceptions many students have that keep them away from seeking counseling, even if it is a free resource to them. She said: “Often students don’t realize that we are a completely confidential center and that we don’t share any information with teachers, parents, or advisors. I’m sure that would keep some from seeking counseling! Also I think that for some there is a
Mental Health Illustration. (TED)
therapeutic process, and that relationship context often helps people to be their best selves.” It is my hope that this article prompts those struggling with any mental health issue to reach out and get the help they need to be healthy. Take care of your thoughts and know when it is time to reach out for help. To everyone else, remember to be kind to those around you. You never know what someone is going through and the way that your actions or words will affect those you encounter. It’s 2018 guys–let’s get rid of the stigma once and for all. Information about Counseling Services:8 The counseling center has recently begun a drop-in hour for counseling consultation from 12-1 p.m., Monday-Thursday. 1 state-mental-health-america 2 3 4 5 mental%20health 6
7 index.shtml 8
*Disclaimer: These are not professional diagnoses and should not be taken as such. If you’re concerned that you or yourself may be suffering from one of these disorders, please speak with a doctor or certified therapist. In an emergency, please call 911 go to the St. Mary Medical Center ER. You can also call the Mental Health & Substance Abuse Crisis Line (509-524-2999).
Cynthia E. Ochoa is a health science major.
January 2018 Issue 12 | walla walla university | college place, wa
January 25-31 25
ASWWU Glow in the Dark Dodgeball @ CAF, 7:30-10:30 p.m.
ASWWU Student Week of Worship @ U-Church, 11:40-12:30
ASWWU Student Week of Worship @ U-Church, 11:40-12:30
Friendship Tournament 2018
Ever Ready Web Series Screening @ Black Box Theatre, 6-8 p.m.
CoLab Scrum @ Chan Shun Pavilion 251, Fishbowl, 6-9 p.m.
National Spouses Day
Friendship Tournament 2018
National Green Juice Day
National Chocolate Cake Day National Seed Swap Day
Friendship Tournament 2018 National Opposite Day
Mac and Cheese that Won’t Make You Feel Like You’ve Just Eaten Mac and Cheese By Daphne Novak
were a mac and cheese actually made with cheese.
As I’ve gotten older, I’ve started to pay attention to what makes me feel full and good versus what makes me feel full but not good. Unfortunately, mac and cheese is one of those meals that, while insanely delicious, leaves me feeling really heavy. I’ve avoided mac and cheese for this reason, even my grandma’s baked mac and cheese (which I used to eat to no end).
The good thing about this recipe is that it is really flexible. I decided to put more curry paste and basil leaves in my version because I really like those flavors and wanted them to be stronger.
er to make the cheese sauce (maybe hit up one of your off-campus friends with a blender), and you have to soak the cashews overnight.
Thai Mac and Cheese Lorimer Kitchen
INGREDIENTS • 2 cans Coconut Milk
A couple caveats to this recipe, however, are that you do need a blend-
Daphne Novak is a psychology major.
• 4 ounce jar of Red Curry Paste • 1.5 cups Cashews, soaked • ~20 large Basil Leaves
• Heat a pot of water until boiling and cook 1.5-2 boxes of macaroni (I usually just use 1.5 boxes) until it is al dente.
• 2 boxes Macaroni
• Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
• Unsweetened coconut flakes
• Place the cashews, nutritional yeast, other half of the curry paste jar, five basil leaves and rest of the coconut milk in the blender. Blend until it is super smooth and creamy.
• 2 tablespoons Nutritional Yeast
One day, my friend sent me a recipe for a vegan Thai mac and cheese from Lorimer Kitchen. I was intrigued by the combination of Thai flavors and vegan mac and cheese; I had never tried it before. Time has passed, and this mac and cheese is now a staple dish for me. At this point, I’ve made the recipe probably close to half a dozen times. I believe the Thai spices and the mac and cheese work so well together because the mac and cheese is vegan. This vegan version has a cashew-based “cheese” sauce. The nuttiness of the cashews compliments the red curry paste in this recipe better than if it
• In a saucepan, heat 1.5 cans of coconut milk, half of the jar of red curry paste and 15 basil leaves. Let them simmer for a few minutes until the coconut milk reduces and thickens.
SPECIAL MATERIALS • Blender • Oven • Casserole dish INSTRUCTIONS • Soak cashews in water the night before.
• Transfer the macaroni, cashew cheese mixture and coconut mixture to a casserole dish and mix well. • Add a solid layer of coconut flakes on top of the mac and cheese and put it in the oven until the coconut flakes are toasted.
Thai mac and cheese. (LORIMER KITCHEN)
Garlic Bread and Ice Cream on a Windy Day By Matt Fennell No matter what the Californians tell you, this has been a warm winter. Usually, we get sub-zero days and at least some snow, but this year, we’ve gotten mid-40 mornings and mud puddles as far as the eye can see. Anyways, the point is that I thought this quarter was going to be a winter wasteland, so I put together a list of movies for weekend-watching when we inevitably got snowed in.1,2 I’d like to use this week’s column to pitch you on two of those movies that work as a top-tier double feature. Both are directed by Edgar Wright, both star slightly childish men in a moment of crisis, both are really just relationship films set against the backdrop of genre movies, and both are among my all-time favorite movies. Ladies and gentlemen: “Scott Pilgrim vs. The World” and “Shaun of the Dead.” “Scott Pilgrim vs. The World” Let’s start with the lighter of the two. “Scott Pilgrim vs. The World” is a 2010 film based on Bryan Lee O’Malley’s series of comic books, starring the human personification of a mumble, Michael Cera. “Scott Pilgrim” follows the titular 20-something slacker3 who spends his time aimlessly playing video games and bass guitar, all while recovering from a seriously bad breakup. The film opens by announcing that Scott is still deep in the post-breakup mourning period and is dating a high-schooler. Suddenly, a neon-haired American hipster delivery girl named Ramona Flowers literally roller skates into his dreams. Scott is immediately smitten and spends the rest of the film trying to earn Ramona’s love by defeating her seven evil exes in bizarre “Street Fighter”-esque
fights to the death. The film is a fever dream mashup of 16-bit video games, indie music, Japanese comic books, blink-and-you’ll-miss-them visual gags, pointless conversations and terrible revelations concerning garlic bread. But, somehow, this isn’t a case of style over substance. At its core, “Scott Pilgrim” is a film about growth. It’s a story of putting aside the baggage of the past, realizing your mistakes, apologizing to those you’ve hurt and finding a reason to pull your life together. It’s one man’s journey to a place of self-respect, to a clean slate and to a future full of possibility. “Scott Pilgrim” is a very, very stupid film, but it’s one that I find myself constantly coming back to. There’s something comforting in it; the places I see myself, the fears and regrets that I relate to, and the eventual triumph over those things. “Scott Pilgrim vs. The World” is a movie with a star-studded cast, a bangin’ soundtrack and dozens and dozens of quotable lines. Give it a watch. Shaun of the Dead Second verse, almost the same as the first. “Shaun of the Dead” is a 2004 zombie-dramedy starring the effortlessly-quippy Simon Pegg. “Shaun” follows the titular 20-something slacker, who spends his time aimlessly playing video games and rotting away at a dead-end job, all while limping along in a relationship on its last legs. His girlfriend finally dumps him, and after a night out drowning his sorrows at the pub, Shaun wakes up hungover with the world literally ending. “Shaun of the Dead” is simultaneously a parody and a perfect execution of zombie films. Shaun and his best friend, Ed, go on a mission to get some ice cream,
round up their family and friends and fight their way back to the pub where they can wait for things to all blow over. However, nothing goes as planned, and the film becomes something more serious. While “Scott Pilgrim” is a tale of growth, “Shaun” is a story of acceptance. We’re shown that sometimes bad things happen, and we’re powerless to stop them. We watch as people die and the characters are forced to make tough decisions, all while the tensions ramp up further and further. “Shaun” is a story about the relationship between love and mortality, and no matter how many times I watch it, I’m always afraid that maybe this time, they won’t make it. Once again, this is a film with a talented cast, snappy music, hundreds of visual gags and a heart of solid gold. Well, that’s about all the time I’ve got for today. Thanks again for reading, like always; if you’ve got any questions or concerns, shoot me an email at The Oscar nominations dropped on Tuesday, after I’d submitted this article, so next week, we’ll be talking about those. See you then! 1 I’ll post a copy of that list up on Medium or something. =linkShare-547b157b16a-1516847971 2 Sidenote: Southern got our snow, and we got some high speed winds and a beautiful sunset on Sabbath. Pretty good trade. 3 Scott Pilgrim, by the way, is named after a Plumtree song. Two Plumtree callouts in two weeks. Listen to Plumtree.
Matt Fennell is a computer engineering major.
“Scott Pilgram vs. The World” (IMPAWARDS.COM)
college place, wa, walla walla university
Student Recital: Bryce Weber, baritone @ FAC, 7-7:30
tWWUnes @ SAC, 7 p.m
Girls + Women ONLY Cardio Dance Workout @ Walla Walla Fight Factory and Fitness Center, 3:15-4:15 p.m.
| January 2018 Issue 7 12
page 7
CommUnity: Dr. Sarah Comstock @ U-Church, 11 a.m.
Sweet Treats by ASWWU Social @ ASWWU Offices, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
National Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day
National Plan for Vacation Day
Whoop Em Up Wednesday @ Whoopemup Waitsburg, 6-8 p.m.
National Corn Chip Day
Editor-in-Chief’s Birthday National Backward Day
French Film Series - Marguerite @ Whitman College Campus, 7:30 p.m.
National Inspire Your Heart With Art Day
National Have Fun at Work Day
Thrifting Guide to Walla Walla By Hannah Thiel As a fellow college student who is usually a bit lacking in money but who still enjoys shopping, I thought I would tell you about some different places where you can thrift shop here in Walla Walla. I haven’t had to furnish a home or apartment yet, thankfully, so I usually only thrift clothes, but I’m providing you with some options beyond just clothes today. Goodwill The Goodwill downtown is usually my go-to when it comes to thrifting. Although the prices have gone up this store really has a lot going for it—there are changing rooms and an extensive selection of clothes, it is in a beautiful building and it is in a convenient location. I appreciate the selection of clothes, though depending on when you go, it may be better or worse. I’ve heard a theory that the selection gets better right as the Whitman students go on break, as they apparently donate a bunch before holidays. However,
that’s just what I’ve heard, so don’t take my word for it. Goodwill not only has clothes but also books, furniture, appliances and accessories. The store is in a convenient location if you’re already downtown—you can easily combine a trip to Goodwill with a trip to the Patisserie, the library, The Maple Counter or Thai Ploy, as all are within just a 2-3 minute walk. SonBridge This is a good place to look at furniture and other home goods. They have a clothes section like Goodwill, though it’s not nearly as extensive. If you’re setting up a kitchen, SonBridge would be a great place to look for dishes. Other areas where you could potentially find some treasures are in the game, puzzle and book sections. If you collect records, you’re in luck because they also have a vinyl section. If you need a printer, I’d check SonBridge—I was able to find one there.
tiques or want to decorate a house or apartment, I’d recommend going there. Even if you don’t want to spend any money, it is a fun place to explore. They have a good selection of decorations and furniture. Klicker’s Produce is attached to the antiques store, so you can also pick up some produce while you’re there! Shady Lawn Antiques Like Klicker’s, Shady Lawn Antiques is a location more suited for antique shopping. Most items are fairly expensive, which is why I personally have never bought anything there. If nothing else, however, it’s fun to wander around in. All of the rooms are well-curated, and there are fun things to look at like old globes, diagrams and even a rowboat hanging from the ceiling of one of the rooms. Enjoy your next shopping adventure and happy thrifting!
Klicker’s Antiques If you’re looking for some an-
Hannah Thiel is an art major.
SonBridge Thrift and Gift Store. ( YELP)
Sasquatch’en By Niqolas Ruud The content published in the article below contain elements of satire. “It started when I was 13,” said Walla Walla University theology major, Jordan “Tommy” Tamaleaa, “after I watched a documentary on Bigfoot. “The first time I actually found any evidence of a sasquatch, I was in upstate New York in high school; I had just broken up with my girlfriend and was going on one of those lonely nighttime walks,” he said. “I heard some howling in the school barn; the chickens were all upset. Then I saw these footprints and heard somewhat of a ruckus in the barn. I’m pretty sure that was my first sasquatch encounter.” While he may have a long history with sasquatches, I didn’t know about Tamaleaa’s habits until only a few days ago when I overheard him speaking on the phone with someone mysterious about something even more mysterious. Intrigued, as all bad journalists should be in such an instance, I parked myself
Upon hearing him, I burst around the corner and insisted we have an interview that very minute. Sadly, he needed another 10 minutes or so to finish up the phone conversation, so I worked on my delayed-gratification skills.
truth is, he hasn’t gone sasquatch hunting since this past summer: “I work up at this summer camp in Maine—I like to go there for the summers because of all the unconfirmed sasquatch sightings—but when I’m in school, there isn’t much time.
After the long wait, we sat down on my couch, and he began to reveal his deepest secrets. Warning: what follows is out of the ordinary; reader discretion is advised.
“This one morning I hiked up this mountain called Tumble Down, and there’s this lake at the top. So the fog sets in at about 3:00 or so in the morning and leaves by 9:00 or so. But you see, I have to make sure I’m to staff worship by 7:00, down at the base of the mountain, so I’ll regularly get up at 5:00 to hike to the top and wait for them there in the fog,” Tamaleaa said. “Sasquatches love that lake in the fog.”
Welcome to the world of 20 year-old part-time pastor, part-time sasquatch hunter, Tommy Tamaleaa. “Well, what you might not know about me is that I hold the record for confirmed sasquatch sightings in the upper PNW area,” said Tamaleaa, “but overall I have 17 confirmed sightings here in the Northwest as well as in the Dakotas and the New England/upstate New York areas. “Besides that, I’m actually taking a class at the CC—Sasquatology, SASS 422—and I am the chair of one of the national sasquatch associations, The
As it turns out, state officials drop crates of fish into the lake’s water, so when the crate hits the water, all the fish go free. But Tamaleaa has only one question about all of this: “Where are all the fish going? “That pond just doesn’t have any fish. Heck, I’ve seen the chopper dump that big crate of swimmers before,” he said. “It just doesn’t make sense.” I did a little research myself and found out something else spooky about the lake: no one has been able to swim to its bottom. That’s one deep pond, and this is one deep mystery. “We take teen campers up there, to the lake,” Tommy said, “and this one night the wind was howling like crazy. And since I’ve been studying Bigfoot since I was 13, I doubted it was the wind, obviously.
Tumbledown Mountain, Maine. (GOOGLE MAPS) around the corner and listened to the conversation for a solid minute “Definitely sasquatch,” I heard him say, “Bigfoot is the sci-fi name they have given him.”
Association of Sasquatch Sightings… I’m actually pretty lucky,” he said. While Tamaleaa’s résumé precedes him, recently he’s been slacking. The
Jordan Tamaleaa, Chair, The Association of Sasquatch Sightings. (MARK/MINDY TAMALEAA) utterly wrecked by something pretty big.
neither are you.
“Now I’ve seen things like this before, and the skeptics will all tell you that it’s a moose or something, and I like moose, but they can’t do that,” Tamaleaa said.
My time with the great sasquatch hunter, Jordan “Tommy” Tamaleaa, was nearing its end, but I wanted to know if he had ever had to actually fight off a sasquatch. This is what he told me: “I’ve only had one altercation with a sasquatch. They are really afraid of howling, so I have never actually touched one, but I did howl at one extremely loudly in the wild. I very rarely do any urban sasquatching; nearly all my sasquatching happens in the wild.”
Then came the real shocker: “I think the howling was a mamma sasquatch giving birth; that’s the only explanation. I saw tracks in the clearing, and a mamma sasquatch’s tracks are very distinct because they have three toes.”
“It was about 5:00 in the morning, so I got up to go investigate, before any of the campers got up,” he said.
Tamaleaa said that he also noticed two sets of baby sasquatch tracks, both males (because they only have two toes), to whom, he assumes, the momma sasquatch had given birth.
Tamaleaa said that, as he was walking around the pond, he came across these trees that were “totally messed up.” Upon further investigation, he realized that a space about the size of a dorm room, maybe 12 feet by 15 feet or so, was
“I know sasquatches are very peaceful until messed with, so I got out of the little clearing as fast as I could,” Tamaleaa said. Even with his very convincing evidence, everyone still told him that it was a moose; but he’s not convinced, and
Soon Tamaleaa plans to make it out to the Black Hills in the Dakotas to catch some more sightings. He is only two confirmed Dakota sightings away from the regional record, and I, for one, think that is pretty cool.
Niqolas Ruud is a religious studies major.
January 2018 Issue 12 | walla walla university | college place, wa
Forgive By Parker Bailey Steven McDonald—former U.S. Navy corpsman and a third-generation NYPD officer—was out on patrol in Central Park with a fellow officer. They were following up reports of bicycle theft and were out questioning people. One of the questioned was Shavod Jones, a local 15-year-old boy. He was carrying a sock, and when Officer McDonald asked what was in it, the boy responded with three bullets—one to Officer McDonald’s head above the eye; one to the throat, robbing him of speech; and one that shattered his spine, and paralyzing him from the neck down. Robert Rule was attending the trial of the Green River Killer, Gary Ridgway. Rule’s daughter, Linda Jane, had been one of Ridgway’s more than 70 victims. Like many of the others, she had been strangled, brutalized, and disposed of in the Green River. Ridgway would pick up women by showing them a picture of his son and claiming to be a normal, kind person, when the reality was far worse. An unnamed elderly woman entered a courtroom in South Africa. She was attending the trial of Officer van der Broek, who was responsible for the murder of both her husband and
point in our lives, which means that we have all been presented with the opportunity to forgive. I challenge you to take the opportunity to forgive, whenever you are presented with it, so that you may rise above all the hatred of this world and show people what strength really is.
her only son. The man had come to the woman’s home, taken her son, shot him at point-blank range and set his body on fire to burn while he and his colleagues celebrated nearby. A few years later, they returned again and took away her husband. After she heard nothing about his whereabouts for months, the men returned to bring her to her husband, who was bound and beaten, lying on a pile of wood near the river. She watched as the men poured gasoline over him and lit it. What do these three people have in common? They were recipients of some of the most terrible pain that this world has to offer: loss, and violent loss at that. McDonald lost his ability to speak, breath and move; Robert lost his daughter; and the unnamed woman lost her entire family. All three of them—against what seemed logical, what was expected and what was considered justice—forgave without question or hesitation.
Let me know what you think here:
Forgive. (UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-MADISON) people here that hate you. I’m not one of them. You’ve made it difficult to live up to what I believe, and that is what God says to do, and that’s to forgive. You are forgiven, sir.” The elderly woman, when given the decision of how justice should be served, said, “I want three things. [First,] I want taken to the place where my husband’s body was burned so that I can gather up the dust and give his remains a decent burial. My husband and son were my only family; I want secondly, therefore, for Mr. van
Steven McDonald couldn’t find his attacker after his recovery, so he told the press that he forgave the boy. A while later, he received a phone call from Jones to apologize. Unfortunately they never met in person because Jones was soon after killed in a motorcycle accident. Robert Rule, at the trial, had this to say: “Mr. Ridgway, there are
der Broek to become my son. I would like him to come twice a month to the ghetto and spend a day with me so that I can pour out on him whatever love I still have remaining in me. And finally, I want a third thing. This is also the wish of my husband; and so, I would kindly ask someone to come to my side and lead me across the courtroom so that I can take Mr. van der Broek in my arms and embrace him and let him know that he is truly forgiven.”
Parker Bailey is an engineering major.
We all have been victims at one
Don’t Take the Challenge By Savanna Pardo We are only 25 days into 2018, and just when I thought this was going to the be the year that our country would prosper, a series of national events and internet trends have proved me wrong. A lot has happened in the first few weeks of the new year. The government has shut down, Logan Paul was kicked off YouTube, and, how could I forget, the Tide Pod challenge? Just when I thought the internet couldn’t introduce anymore dangerous and irrational trends, the Tide Pod challenge came along. If you are wondering what the point of this new trend is, don’t worry, you are not alone. No one quite understands the hype of this returning idiocy. For those of you who are not sure what the Tide Pod challenge is, it’s when someone takes a Tide Pod and chews on it until the soap froths
in their mouth. Other teens have been known to “cook” these pods beforehand and mix them with their food. In short, there is no logical point to this new trend. This “challenge” is simply a dare to chew on a mouthful of brightly colored chemicals. This trend is nothing new; it made its first appearance back in 2015 as a meme, which soon faded. It was seen again towards the end of 2017 and has made a comeback for this new year. Social media blew up at the first sight of the Tide Pod challenge revival. People have posted thousands of videos of people performing this “challenge” on Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and Snapchat. Facebook and YouTube are cracking down on the videos that are posted on their sites by deleting them. YouTube’s Community Guidelines prohibit content that “encourages dangerous activities that have an inherent risk of physical harm.” Since Tide Pods have been released
Tide Pods. (GETTY) in stores, there had been a total of eight reported deaths linked to these laundry detergent pods before the challenge was introduced.1 So far, just this month, there have been 39 reported incidents according to the U.S. Poison Control Center, half of which were intentional.2
On Jan. 12, Tide tweeted, “What should Tide PODs be used for? DOING LAUNDRY. Nothing else.” 3 Tide has become very aware of the situation, and they are doing what they can to prevent people from eating these pods. There have even been rumors that Tide is going to discontinue Tide Pods because consumers are eating them. In my opinion, they shouldn’t have to warn people about eating laundry detergent; it’s common sense. They already say on the package that these pods are not to be consumed. This trend should not be treated as a laugh-
ing matter—it is a serious situation. An internet trend should not become a family tragedy. If you know someone who has thought or thinks it is a good idea to eat a Tide Pod, be sure to call the Poison Control hotline at 1-800-222-1222 or text POISON to 797979. 1 laundry-pods-can-be-fatal-adults-dementian773366?cid=par-twitter-feed_20170616 2 3
Savanna Pardo is an English major.
Mental Health Survey Questions 122 Responses
Q1 Have you personally dealt/or are you dealing with any mental health issues while at college?
Have you had/do you have any close friends dealing with mental health issues while at college?
39% 16% YES
Q4 80%
Which of these mental health issues do you believe are most prevalent on campus?
On a scale of 0-10, how comfortable would you be seeking counseling for a mental health issue?
4% 1%
121 Responses*
Next week’s question:
Anxiety Disorders
Mood Disorders
Learning Disorders
Average: 5.64
Personality Disorders
“The next issue is all about Greek life at colleges and what it’s really like. Could Walla Walla University have something vaguely similar? Respond to our poll and let us know!*