The Collegian
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October 4, 2018 | Vol. 103 | Issue 01
The Privilege of Higher Education
Local News p.10
Outdoors p.7
Food p.12
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Editor’s Note Dear readers,
Welcome to The Collegian! In these pages, we hope to create a space with you in mind. We hope to provide a place that will broaden your horizons and, at times, make you laugh out loud. A place where you can go to see the world from a new perspective, or possibly share you own. It isn’t meant to be a place to share hate or bias, like some under-the-table fight club. Instead it’s a space to debate and educate, a space where you can share and be heard. My name is Josephine Baird and I am a senior communications major with a concentration in journalism and PR. I love what I study, and most of the time I don’t really mind doing my homework. I am super excited about where I’ll go and where
my experience with The Collegian will take me. But let’s forget about the future for a second; let’s forget about me. Right now I’m interested in the present. In fact, I’m interested in you. What will The Collegian do for you? Will it become something you glance at, only reading the verbatim section before setting it down? Will it become something you sneakily read during class? Or just when you’re in the bathroom? We hope that you are interested in what we offer, but to be honest, it’s really up to you. Our desire is to provide you with all the resources to make your own decision, after all… isn’t that the purpose of the news?
My biggest wish for you is that you’ll feel connected to this campus and its members. Whether you experience that connection from reading The Collegian or drinking Atlas coffee, I hope you reach out and grab the opportunities that this school year brings to you. And maybe while you are at it, you’ll grab an issue of The Collegian. After all, you know how it be.
Josephine Baird Editor-in-Chief
Week in Forecast Thurs 10/4 National Taco Day Week of Worship — Shortened Class Schedule Fall Classic Tournament starts
Fri 10/5 Week of Worship — Shortened Class Schedule Last day to add a class from audit, withdraw for 75% refund Men’s Soccer team at Evergreen State
Sat 10/6
Sun 10/7
National Noodle Day
National Frappe Day
Volleyball team plays at Evergreen State
Golf team starts 3-day series at Oregon Tech
Fall Classic games after sundown
Men’s Soccer team at Northwest University Volleyball team at Northwest University
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Fall Classic!
Mask Photos!
Join us for this annual academy soccer and volleyball tournament hosted by Walla Walla Valley Academy on the Walla Walla University campus.
Hours for mask photos have been extended! These are the final deadlines, so make sure you come in! Thurs. 7-9 p.m. Fri. 12-4:30 p.m.
Find the full schedule online at https://www.wallawalla. edu/admissions/recruitingevents/fall-classic/
Mon 10/8
Come in Thursday for a chance to win a free drink from the Atlas!
Tues 10/9
Graphic Designer Needed! The Collegian is hiring! We need another graphic designer for our team. If you enjoy designing, if you want to work for The Collegian, or if you’re just interested, feel free to apply at
Wed 10/10
Thurs 10/11
Deadline for Voter Registration
National Moldy Cheese Day
World Mental Health Day
National Coming Out Day
Indigenous People’s Day
ASWWU Elections Community
Loma Linda University School of Dentistry Campus Visit
Volleyball team plays Warner Pacific College (Home Game!)
Applications for degree due for spring quarter graduates
Local Internship Meet-Up
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Travel and Service at Home and Abroad By Meghan Spracklen Welcome back to school! Walla Walla University is obviously the best place in the world to be, but if you want to hear stories about people who don’t get to be here right now, this is the place to hear about them. I will personally be flying to every location I write about (I wish) and interviewing students abroad. To the students who have to be studying in distracting locations such as Spain, France, Italy, and others, it must be so hard to stay focused on school work when you live far away from the glowing Walla Walla area. To the students who have chosen to serve and learn from people while they’re serving, it must be so boring. All jokes aside, WWU is a great place to be and to connect with others, but when some of the people we have connected with are far away, it is good to still hear their stories and be inspired to explore, learn, and serve through either the ACA or SM programs. Every week I will share stories from student missionaries and Adventist Colleges Abroad students, and I am also adding something new. In the past, these stories were shared for former SMs or ACA students to reminisce on their adventures, or for future ones to be inspired to go, but I also believe that there are a lot of opportunities here for adventures and service. Because of this, I am going to explore our community, talk to those around us, find ways that we can serve right here and now, and hopefully retain an adventurous attitude by seeing just how rich our own lives are when we serve others in our area.
became friends and helped me with my terrible Spanish skills. I was able to visit the Mediterranean almost every day, play soccer in the evenings, and see castles far predating the United States. If you aren’t wanting to commit a whole year or quarter to one of the ACA programs, I would highly encourage exploring the summer options since you can still experience a lot without delaying your graduation.
Both the ACA and SM programs are important to me because I have done both—they have helped me learn hard, yet fun lessons and change me, at least in a small way, for the better. I want to start the year off by sharing parts of my experiences with ACA, student missions, and locally. I spent a summer in Spain immediately after high school; it was a beautiful time and a good transition into college. Local mentors
Because of my summer in Spain, I didn’t want to remain in the U.S. very long, so after just one year at WWU, I went to Timor-Leste as a student missionary. TL is a crazy place. It is a small island just above Australia and one of the newest countries in the world. It became a country only 16 years ago after a long, traumatic war for independence from Indonesia. Because of this rough history, the other SM and I were
Photo from often locked in a compound and faced hunger almost daily. Despite these challenges, I wouldn’t change anything about that year because it challenged me, changed me, and ultimately connected me with a different community of incredible people. If you are wanting to experience a different life and maybe change your own permanently, start looking at calls or talking to returned SMs— you might just find someplace that could be your next home for a year. One of the hardest challenges that returning SMs and ACAs to the wonderful WWU face is answering the question: what do I do next? The answer is different for every person and includes students who have remained in College Place, but maybe knowing more about the opportunities here can help with that answer. I will be discovering as many local service opportunities as I can
find and sharing them here. If you know of someone who could use volunteers, student expertise, or even just a greater audience for their service project, please contact me (information below) and I will try to share their need and story here. For the second week of the first quarter, the service challenge is simple: find someone new on campus and genuinely ask them about their life. Make someone feel welcome and remind each other that one of the best parts of Walla Walla is the people, both near and far. Here’s to another great year, wherever you are reading this from, and don’t forget that the WWU community is the best place to be.
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A Focused Heart By Emily Ellis Disneyland is a place where young and old go to escape from the real world and see beloved characters come to life, experience the thrill of Splash Mountain, and listen to “it’s a small world” on repeat. Kids run around getting autographs from Cinderella, begging their parents for Mickey Mouse ears, and shouting for joy during their favorite ride. Disneyland executives were curious as to what drew kids to the experience at Disneyland, so they hired Kare Anderson, an anthropologist and article writer for the Harvard Business Review, to watch the children as they experienced the wonder that Disneyland had to offer. As she watched the families roam around the happiest place on earth, she found that what captured the children’s attention most was not the dazzling princesses, loveable costumed characters, wildest ride, or overpriced food; what captured the children’s attention was their parents’ cell phones. Disneyland has been around for over 60
Photo by Disneyland Resorts
years. It costs $97 per person per day. 1 This is a place that is almost every child’s dream, and yet what they were most focused on were their parents’ cell phones. A mom pulls out her iPhone to check her Instagram, a dad checks the stats on the latest game or maybe checks out food options on Yelp that are cheaper than what Disneyland has to offer. Whatever the case, the cell phones suddenly became the center of the child’s world. This study lead Kare Anderson to the profound conclusion that “what we focus on controls our thoughts, our actions, and indeed, our very lives.” 2 And so I ask you, what are you focusing on? It’s the beginning of a school year. Chances are you have hit the ground running and school has already consumed your life and your focus is on the 1,000,001 things that are due next week. Or, you have been told that when you graduate you won’t find a good Adventist spouse, so your focus is making sure your Instagram is perfect and that you posed just right for your Mask picture in order to attract the perfect mate. Maybe fear of the future has consumed you and you don’t know what post-grad life will
be like, so your focus is on building up your resumé to impress potential employers. Whatever your focus is on, I’m just going to tell you that it will in fact control your life. However, you are more in control of your focus and thoughts than you think, and it is completely up to you what you allow your mind to rest and dwell on. “But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves don’t break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” 3 This verse is saying is that we have a choice as to where we place our treasure. Is our attention on things of this earth or in heaven? It’s not saying that you must sell all your things and become a hermit, but rather that in day-to-day life, what you are focusing on will control your life. Wherever, whatever, and whoever you place value in is where your heart is. Some of you are desiring a connection with the Creator. Maybe you have been wanting to go deeper in your relationship with God but your focus is on something else completely. Instead of letting Christ capture your heart, other things are.
Last year was hands down to the ground one of the hardest school years for me. It’s not that I was academically challenged per se (I have one of the easiest majors on campus), but emotionally I was a roller coaster. I let ministry completely consume me. I questioned my future and wondered if I was cut out for the career I had chosen. I allowed myself to be far too concerned about my image on social media and compared my circumstances to those around me. I was filled with insecurities and fell quickly into depression. My focus was far from God. This all started to change over summer break. During my time working at Sunset Lake Camp, I was able to recenter my life around God and what was most valuable to me. Through deleting my Instagram account, choosing to actively focus on Christ, and striving to know Him more each day, I became more confident in who God made me to be and less worried with my image and my future. Now that the school year is starting, I am worried about falling into my old ways. I am concerned that other things will capture my heart and that the stress of the school year will get the best of me once again. However, I am determined to store up my treasures in heaven instead of earth. I challenge you as this school year begins to write down what your goals are for this school year. Maybe you want to get all A’s and B’s, start living a healthier lifestyle, be more active in service, or want to appreciate the beauty of life more. Or maybe you are wanting to go deeper in your relationship with God. Whatever it is, is your focus on your goals or are you distracted by other things? Where are you placing your treasure? What are you allowing to capture your attention?
[1] disneyland/ [2] [3] Matthew 6:20, 21 CSB.
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Avoiding Stress The Science Way By Alex Parkhurst School has started. Some students and faculty are excited for the new year, while many others dread the inevitable amount of work and stress that are sure to accompany the new year. Whatever your personal feelings about the start of the school year may be, chances are that you already are or shortly will be experiencing stress, whether it stems from anxiety over that first test that you have to take or is caused by relationship problems. Luckily, I am here to tell you what you can do about your stress problems. The first strategy to use when trying to lower stress in your life seems easy—just avoid situations that cause stress. To avoid stressful situations, you may want to hang out with friends that decrease your stress levels, rather than with people who increase your stress levels. If you can replace the stressful elements of your life with non-stressful elements such as exercise, nature, a massage, or even a fun comedy show, I’m sure that you will notice that your stress level decreases. However, some stressful situations can’t be easily avoided. If you are unable to completely avoid a stressful situation because you are required to endure it (e.g. a paper or exam), then you can help cleanse your body of the hormones that contribute to psychological stress by exercising.1 Exercise increases the brain’s production of endorphins, neurotransmitters that help you feel good. Another benefit of exercising, whether you swim in the pool or go for a run, is that it often helps you forget about whatever was causing you stress earlier, because your brain is so focused on taking that next step or lap. After I go for a run, I always get that “runner’s high” and feel less stressed for the remainder of the day. If you don’t have the motivation to exercise daily, it might help to start an exercise buddy system with a friend who will incentivize you to work out. A study examining the stress levels of doctors found that those who were more involved in teamwork felt less stress—another reason that you might want to work out with a buddy.2 In the same study, it was also shown that doctors who had a better sleep schedule experienced less stress, so get your sleep!3
Exercise is excellent for reducing stress levels, but sometimes exercise only sidesteps the main issue—it might just be a way of treating the symptoms of a stressor rather than treating the underlying problem. Often just having somebody to talk to is a good way to get to the root of the problem and figure out what is causing you stress. After you determine what your stressors are, you can face them. I am my own worst enemy when it comes to stress; I stress myself out with bad habits and procrastination. To avoid stressing yourself out as I have done, you may want to collect your thoughts and write them down. Maybe you feel like you have a million things to do and the weight of it all is dragging you down. After you have written everything down, you can then try to diagnose what your stressor is. From there you can organize the tasks that you need to accomplish and put them in order on a to-do list. Next, it would be wise for you to plan specific periods during the day when you have time to check items off of your to-do list. If you stick to your devised plan, you may find that you feel less stressed after completing your to-do list. This plan of action works for me when I remember to use it, and I hope it works for you too. Here’s hoping for a stress-free year!
Fall Means Festival At WWU By Griffin Leek Walla Walla University has transformed into a thing of beauty since my freshman year in 2015. For me, it was probably the closest I’d get to living in the wild west, considering College Avenue was just a closed off dirt road at the time. Now WWU has expanded its efforts to make this campus a beautiful haven for all of its students. Freshman year is the most important of them all. Not only is this a time when you learn to grow both as a person and in your faith, but it is also a time to make lifelong friends and lasting memories. The Associated Students of Walla Walla University (ASWWU) hosts a number of fun social events throughout the school year. By far, my favorite event is the annual barn costume party event held in October. The atmosphere is so exciting—everyone is just having the time of their lives.
The most enjoyable game at Barn Party is bubble soccer—everyone is filled with energy, running around, and bumping into each other. Others are more reckless, crashing into everything. In order to have the best experience with the game, don’t do what I did my freshman year and try to balance on top of the inflatable ball, because I fell and fractured my right arm on the night of my first social gathering in college. I guess that is exactly why it’s mandatory to sign waivers upon entering the Halloween-themed shindig. Make sure to mark your calendars and prep your costumes because barn party is coming Oct. 13!
1. Seaward BL. Physical exercise: Flushing out the stress hormones. In: Essentials of Managing Stress. 3rd ed. Sudbury, Mass.: Jones & Bartlett Publishers; 2014. 2. Firth-Cozens J, Moss F. Hours, sleep, teamwork, and stress. Sleep and teamwork matter as much as hours in reducing doctors’ stress. BMJ. 1998 Nov 14;317(7169):1335-6. PubMed PMID: 9812928; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC1114246. 3. Ibid.
Photo by Clayton Kruse and Tommy Moen
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Introductions By Niq Ruud When I was about six or seven, my parents planted a plum tree in our backyard. It had gotten its start as a small sprout, situated in a simple plastic pot. I don’t remember thinking much of the tree when I first saw it. It was summertime, and the tree had spent most of its short life living in the local Walmart’s parking lot. They dug a hole, removed the tree from the pot, and proceeded to stick the roots into the aforementioned pit. I remember sitting on the dirt next to the tree, wondering how it could ever grow from something so small into something as massive and strong as the trees across the street, which sported tire swings and birdhouses. But as I grew, so did the plum tree. By the time I was nine, I could climb up into the bottom few branches and sit there without fear of them breaking. By age 10, I had even built a small platform in some
of the stronger branches with some of my dad’s scrap two-by-fours. I would sit in that tree for hours. Sometimes reading, sometimes thinking, and all-too-frequently taunting my little sister due to her diminutive stature on the ground. The blossoms each spring were a light pink, beautifully contrasted with the tree’s maroon leaves. Those blossoms brought so much hope, hope for the plums the tree would one day produce. However, summer after summer, the plums tasted terrible. They were hard and they were bitter, but they looked oh so beautiful. To this day I’ll never know why I found the sight of those plums so irresistible when the taste was so detestable. But for some reason, I kept trying to eat them. It was like I was addicted. In a way, the beauty and serenity of the great outdoors draw me back again and
The author, sitting in his favorite plum tree. Photo by Lynda Ruud.
again, just like those plump red plums did half a lifetime ago. In all honesty, being outside can sometimes proverbially taste disgusting: maybe you got lost in the heat of a blizzard. A snake’s fang may have nicked your knee. Your rope got chopped in a torrent of rockfall. Or maybe a cougar popped out at you at the most inopportune of times. In the end, the plum was worth it—not because it tasted bad, but because nothing compares to its beauty. Hello there, I’m Niq, your resident writer of riveting nature narratives and the occasional fictional fallacy. Each week, here at “Ruud Remarks,” I’ll work to bring you stories from our community here in the Walla Walla Valley—stories which have the unique opportunity to fill a void many of us may feel as we tarry through the school week. Truth be told, this column may or may not fulfill your outdoorsy needs. We’re all different. We all crave different realities.
However, if your craving is, at least partially, the great outdoors, I hope this weekly bite can help tide you over until the weekend’s feast (even if it tastes a little gross). For some of us, being in the outdoors is a spiritual experience. For others it’s simply a place of refuge, while still others find clarity of mind in a space where our physical bodies can be pushed past their former limits. I’ll tell my stories—I love telling stories—but I also want to tell yours, and even give you a space to tell them yourself. So if you have a great story from the out-of-doors to share, share it with me at As many of us know, lots of great things happen outside buildings, off of our phones and computers. This column is a space for those of us who crave adventure to put those distracting things away, if only for a minute, and bask in the glory of the beautiful plum that we call the Pacific Northwest.
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Privilege of
By Meaghan Ashton
are available to you with a degree.
Hello there! I’m Meaghan Ashton, a proud social work major, and a new member of the Collegian team. I’m here to help you get rid of your back-to-school jitters, welcome you back to college, and remind you how lucky you are to be here at WWU receiving a higher education. You have been given the opportunity to pursue a degree that interests you, inspires you, and launches you into a promising future. This may be easy to gloss over or take for granted, and it often is, since attending college is generally regarded as the obvious next step for your future. However, not everyone has the opportunity to go to college. Higher education takes resources, consistency, hard work, and dedication.
As you already know, college is meant to prepare you for all sorts of things in life, both professionally and socially. The projects you construct, the events you participate in, and the relationships you build are all subtly (or not-so-subtly) assembling your adult persona. You are gradually becoming the person you want to be. We should all be excited to learn that with a college degree, research points to an increase in your overall happiness and stability. Studies also indicate numerous benefits that result from the completion of a college degree. I will narrow it down to four: money, benefits and career advancement, job security, and future investment.
Look at you. You’ve made it here. You have the incredible chance to make something of yourself and your future. This chance and your time here should be treasured. Many of us may feel excited to be at college, attending a university with a high level of prestige and a reputation for service that offers a multitude of worthwhile experiences. The promise of a new school year is thrilling! But at the same time, whether you are an itty-bitty freshman or a confident senior, you may be feeling a bit overwhelmed. It is often true that the first weeks of college may be strenuous; these weeks are typically cluttered by complicated syllabi, intimidating exams, and new possibilities. I wanted to take a motivational spin on a welcome back to school article by sending out a friendly reminder that you are, in fact, lucky. By the end of your time here, you will recognize that these years play a critical role throughout your adult life. Completing an education and making strides towards a career is not an easy task, but the advantage of higher education is tremendous. Please allow me to help you recover from your denial that summer is over and lessen the sting of losing your freedom by pointing out the benefits that
First things first, taking the chance to enrich your life will literally make you rich—at least to some degree. Money is a fundamental factor to life; whether you find yourself counting pennies or having too many greenbacks to count, money determines your economic circumstance, thus engineering your social status. In this way, obtaining a college degree is predictive of your future financial success. The State Higher Education Executive Officers Association’s national report states that bachelor’s degree graduates earn an average annual income of about $50,000, master’s degree graduates arrive at an average of $70,000, and doctorate degree graduates’ incomes vary.1 Evidently, your annual income increases with a college background; however this is only on an individual level. Households with more than one post-secondary degree stand to make anywhere from an estimated $90,000 to $140,000. Suffice it to say that careers requiring more skill and offering higher pay demand post-secondary degrees.2 On top of having above-average wealth, the economic status of a household with post-secondary education gives you and your family advantages. You can reap economic benefits including the essentials: healthcare, retirement, investments; as well as the extravagances:
travel and splurges.3 Without a professional degree, it is likely that benefits like these cannot be offered to you. So, how can going to college and receiving a degree be a pathway to a successful and fulfilling career? One that is full of passion, better pay, and more benefits than your pre-college days? Perhaps you worked at Walmart as a cashier and found no joy in that—no shame if you did—and went back to your college dorm more motivated to work towards a degree that would lead you into a field more catered to you and your interests. The skills you develop in college appeal to the professional world. You are taught self-discipline, punctuality, critical thinking, and professionalism. With these skills under your belt, you become employable to industries that look for a broad range of qualities—offering you upward mobility, opportunities, and job security. In today’s competitive economy, it is difficult to attain job security, let alone job satisfaction, in your day-to-day employment. As college students, we can find some hope in knowing that college graduates are less likely—though it is not guaranteed—to suffer from an economic recession or long-term unemployment. Those most at risk are blue collar workers, often in service industries, with only high school diplomas. Money, economic benefits, and job security are not easy things to come by. By attending college, we have access to these things, granting us a level of privilege that not all people have. The comparison of these opportunities is striking. Take this for example: a study from Harvard University’s student newspaper, “The Crimson,” surveyed students on their family background, stating that nearly all Harvard students are from families that have an average annual household income of $125,000.4 Considering that the average American family household income is just under $60,000 as of 2016, this is cause for concern.5 Obvious disparity in income cor-
relating with gender and racial demographics is particularly concerning.6 The bottom line is that individual earning potential dramatically increases with the addition of a college degree. America’s economic gap is radically increasing between wealthy and poor populations.7 The obvious consequences of this are discrepancy, lack of opportunities for economic advancement, and lack of diversity in positions of power. Climbing the social ladder—attempting social mobility—is nearly impossible due to lack of resources to get to the wealthy top if one comes from a lower income-household. Those who do not have the opportunity of attending college but completed a high school degree stand to earn an average annual income of around $35,000, as of 2018.8, 9 Assumptions and judgement aside, receiving a college education, especially at a private university, has been disproportionately granted to those who have a family history of post-secondary degrees. With this background of advantage and money, one can see a clear indicator of privilege. Here, we have access to valuable resources that others may not have. We have accredited professors, experts in their respective fields, a University staff committed to our success, and academic advisors that mold us into ideal college students. Our university experience is supported by resources that shape us into professional applicants ready for esteemed positions. The prosperous aspect of higher education can be forgotten amongst everyday stressors, academic deadlines, and miscellaneous distractions. It may be difficult to clearly see how lucky you are when you are up to your ears in homework, hazy from studying all night, and juggling a dozen responsibilities. But don’t forget, with higher education under your belt, you’ve achieved a degree that communicates to the world the value of your work and effort. You can choose to look at college as a
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Higher Education future investment, a time of opportunity, a benefit to your life, and a blessing. The research suggests that if you have a post-secondary degree, it sets up your future family to have the same opportunity as you did. Clearly, the employment benefits, advancement opportunities, and better job satisfaction resulting from a college degree allow you to live a life where your career interests you and will give you a more rewarding life. So, take this chance on life and on yourself. Enrich your life. Grow. Thrive. Excel. Because what we have here, collectively as a
student body, is a privilege. Make the most of your fortune.
5. Tanza Loudenback. “Middle-class Americans Made More Money Last Year Than Ever Before”. Business Insider. September 12, 2017.
1. “Median Household Income in the United States in 2017, by Educational Attainment of Householder (in U.S. dollars).” Statista. 2018.
6. Becton Loveless. “Benefits of Earning a College Degree.” Education Corner. n.d.
2. Ibid.
7. Ibid.
3. Becton Loveless. “Benefits of Earning a College Degree.” Education Corner. n.d.
8. “Median Household Income in the United States in 2017, by Educational Attainment of Householder (in U.S. dollars).” Statista. 2018.
4. Evan Mandery. “Why I’m Skipping My Harvard Reunion (A Call to Action)”. HuffingtonPost. May 6, 2014.
9. Becton Loveless. “Benefits of Earning a College Degree.” Education Corner. n.d.
Graphic by 2013 March Supplement, Current Population Survey.
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Walla Walla Police: First Fatal Shooting Since 1975 By Zachary White As Washington State and the country at large engage in a heated discussion around police violence this year, the Walla Walla Police Department shot and killed a person for the first time since 1975 on Sunday, Sep. 16. Christopher Adam Borland, age 40, was reportedly armed and suicidal when he was shot multiple times in the arms and extremities by three Walla Walla police officers: Eric Eastman, Nathanael Small, and Kevin Toon. Borland was killed between the Myra Road roundabout and Mill Creek Bridge. The next morning, Sgt. Kevin Braman spoke to the public at a press conference, saying that the three officers had been put on administrative leave, and described them as “very capable” officers. All three officers had joined the department in the last three years and reportedly responded to the threat Borland posed after attempting to de-escalate the situation with verbal commands and non-lethal weapons. The Tri-Cities Metro Special Investigations Unit and the Walla Walla Police Department both say they are investigating the shooting. According to Braman, Walla Walla police officers are not equipped with body cameras or vehicle cameras. 1
lice killings of three pregnant women of color: Renee Davis, a 23-year-old Native American woman; Jacqueline Salyers, a 32-year-old Native American woman; and Charleena Lyles, a 30-year-old black woman. 5,6 In June of 2017, 20-year-old Vietnamese-American Tommy Le was killed by King County police hours before his high school graduation. He was unarmed—holding a pen—when he was shot twice in the back. 7 While the national debate on police violence in the United States has largely centered around NFL anthem protests and hashtags like #BlackLivesMatter, these abstract debate
This comes as Washington State will vote this November on Initiative 940 “Police Training and Criminal Liability in Cases of Deadly Force Measure (2018).” According to the ballot, a “yes” vote would endorse an initiative “to create a good faith test to determine when the use of deadly force by police is justifiable, require police to receive de-escalation and mental health training, and require law enforcement officers to provide first aid.” 2 The initiative is supported by the families of dozens of victims of police violence. 3 Among those who oppose the initiative include police advocacy groups such as the Washington State Fraternal Order of Police. 4 In recent years, Washington State has experienced multiple tragedies related to police violence. The past two years have seen the po-
Photo by Greg Lehman.
points are made real in the lives of grieving families in not-too-distant cities like Seattle, Tacoma, and Walla Walla. 1. article_ed0d0b3a-bb6a-11e8-bc6e-7bb86d0b70b7.html 2.,_ Police_Training_and_Criminal_Liability_in_Cases_of_Deadly_Force_Measure_(2018) 3. 4.,_ Police_Training_and_Criminal_Liability_in_Cases_of_Deadly_Force_Measure_(2018)
5. 6. justice-for-jackie-gets-police-use-of-deadly-force-bill-onto-washington-ballot-9ktNeMwOj0aRhaKVxjfwgg/ 7. bubbly-kid-was-fatally-shot-by-king-county-deputyhours-before-high-school-graduation/
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WWU Parking Policy By Aita Sperl
Parking assignment map
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The reason behind the new parking assignments began with safety concerns, said Doug Tilstra, Vice President of Student Life. Last year, students residing in Foreman and Conard Halls expressed concerns (mentioned in a previous issue of The Collegian) with inadequate safe parking close to the dorms. The parking lot next to Kellog Hall is now reserved for women’s dorm residents. This required redesigning the parking areas and “developing a method for the monitoring and protection of the new spaces created for students,” said Tilstra.
“I am very confused. I’m not sure how it affects me yet. I don’t understand why I have to pay to park to go to class,” said village student, Isaiah Taylor. “Will I need to renew my registration and pay another fee next year or is this charge a one-time thing? What does the out of pocket cost go toward? It doesn’t seem like all this extra effort is necessary.” Robert Harvey from Campus Security explained that the fees will fund parking lot improvements such as maintenance, cameras, lights, and security enforcement costs, emphasizing the safety upgrades needed on Foreman and Meske lots.
Walla Walla University
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This fall, some students are frustrated with lack of parking and new vehicle policies on campus that seem to cost them more money for less space. Many have had trouble finding a spot to park and are questioning the $45 vehicle registration fee, which historically has been free. Color coded signs have been added to parking areas specifying which groups are allowed access. The policy updates mostly affect students who live off campus. Village students are limited to central spaces that are also shared with faculty, staff, and guests. According to the parking assignment map, there are six lots on campus reserved just for faculty and guests, and seven more areas that are firstcome first-serve for staff and village students combined. In addition, the city of College Place removed about 15 parking spots on the northside of the WEC, further limiting student parking.
Parking areas
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DARK GREEN Faculty, staff, and guests (Lots A, D, E, F, I, V)
LIGHT ORANGE Women’s residence hall (Lots N, P, Q, R, S) BLACK Reserved areas (Lots W, X) Dark/light green parking regulations enforced: Mon.–Thurs. 7 am.–3 p.m., Fri. 7 a.m.–12 p.m.
General information: (800) 541-8900 Campus Security: (509) 527-2222
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One student said, “I understand the idea they are trying to enforce, but I think we have a different issue of just too many cars
Buildings 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
Accounting and Human Resources Administration Building (ADM) Alumni Guest Rooms The Atlas Birch Street Apartments Bowers Hall (BWH) Campus Security Canaday Technology Center (CTC) Centennial Green Chaplain’s Office Chan Shun Pavilion (CSP) Conard Hall Counseling and Testing Center, University Bookstore, University Health Clinic 14. The Express (DX) 15. Facility Services 16. Faculty Court Apartments
17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.
Fine Arts Center, Melvin K. West (FAC) Foreman Hall Hallmark Apartments Havstad Alumni Center Honor’s House Kellogg Hall Kretschmar Hall (KRH) Library, Peterson Memorial (PML) Meske Hall Mountain View Apartments Risk and Safety Management Powerhouse The Prayer House Rigby Hall (RGH) Sittner Hall Smith Hall (SMH) University Church University Studios Apartments, Guest Rooms
on campus.” There is a considerable lack of parking availability due to a significantly larger freshmen class (the biggest in 20 years) and the number of students with cars this year. It is unclear what will be done about this issue in the future, whether it will be the creation of new lots or another solution.
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Map from Campus Security will be enforcing the parking assignments during day-use hours with more employees this quarter. When asked about the choice not to register a vehicle, Harvey replied, “we can identify unregistered owners and those fines can be charged to their account.” Students are encouraged to contact Campus Security or visit the university website for clarification on the parking assignment map.
1, 2, 3
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LIGHT GREEN Faculty, staff, village students, and guests (Lots B, C, G, H, J, T, U, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) DARK ORANGE Men’s residence hall (Lots K, L, M, O)
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35. Village Hall (VH) 36. Village Housing, Property Management 37. Winter Educational Complex (WEC)
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Tasting Notes: Page 1 By Nicolette Horning Saying that I love food would be stating the obvious. My numerous “foodstagrams” speak for themselves, and I even named my car—you guessed it—Toast. My favorite pastimes include: lingering in Andy’s bulk aisles debating whether or not partaking in a fourth kombucha sample would be morally reprehensible, spending hours in the kitchen calling my mom every 10 minutes to see if she thinks my baklava looks like Yia-yia’s did, and digging into incredible food alongside family and friends. Growing up, the sounds and smells of cooking always seemed to be floating throughout the house. The clanking of pans and the rhythmic chop of a knife through an onion’s layers became the anthem of my childhood. I remember entering the kitchen after my mom had begun a meal and looking up at her as she stirred fasolakia on the stove. She would dip a spoon into the pot, letting a bit of the tomatoey sauce enter it. After blowing on it, she would slowly lower it to me, asking, “What do you think it needs, Nick?” I learned quickly that with Greek cooking nine times out of 10 the answer to that question was, “Olive oil. More olive oil.” If not that, I would travel down the list: “Oregano. Uhh, lemon? Salt.” My mom would pull my stool over, lift me onto it, and hand me an array of seasonings. Side by side my mom and I would splash, mix, add, and taste. Every once in a while, my chubby little hand would release a hazardous amount of seasoning and my mom would laugh and say, “Try it. Let’s fix it.” Her simple response removed my fear of making mistakes while cooking, providing me with a confidence to experiment and have fun in the kitchen. With this mindset, I was willing to attempt cooking anything. Would it be good? Who knew. But could I fix it if something went wrong? Yes. This remains my cooking philosophy today, and I still make a ton of mistakes. Just as I am happy to share a meal I’ve cooked, I’m happy to extend my cooking notebook to you (with a more edits and fewer stains) as I continue to explore the world of eats, one bite at a time. I’d like to kick off the year with one of my
favorite granola recipes that I’ve adapted from my friend Sarah Fandrich’s recipe. Granola’s beauty lies within its wide range of uses: snack on it by the handful between sips of a pumpkin spice latte, enjoy it with milk, stir it into oatmeal, or sprinkle it on top of some banana toast. Heck, throw a handful on some ice cream. You get the point. Without further ado: Autumn Spice Granola
it all together with the liquids. Don’t be afraid to give your granola a taste before it’s cooked and add any additional spices you would like. Maybe you’ll want to add that extra teaspoon of cardamom. Who knows? (Did you preheat your oven? Again, 375º F.) At this point you’ve got everything in your bowl and your granola should look like it has a nice syrupy glaze. Place your reusable silicone baking sheet or parchment paper onto your baking sheet and scoop half of the mix onto it, spreading it evenly
on the pan. Gently place it into the preheated oven. Bake the granola for 10 minutes then stir. Bake for another 10 minutes. Total baking time: 20 minutes. The granola should appear to be golden and the edges should be browning at the 20-minute mark. Take your granola out and allow it to cool. You may also allow it to chill by playing it “Smile Meditation” by Vulfpeck. Did you turn off your oven? Mix in some dried cranberries if you so desire. Pat yourself on the back. You did it. You made it. Eat up.
Here’s what you’ll need: Utensils: • A large bowl • A cookie sheet • A silicone baking sheet or parchment paper • A large, trustworthy spoon Ingredients: • 4 cups oats • They’re currently $0.82 a pound in bulk at Andy’s • ½ cup pecans, chopped to about choc olate chip size • ½ cup pumpkin seeds • ½ cup slivered almonds • ½ cup raw shredded coconut • 1 teaspoon salt • 2 tablespoons ground cinnamon • 1-2 teaspoons cardamom (it’s really your call) • 1 teaspoon allspice • ½ cup oil (coconut oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil ... butter) • ¾ cup maple syrup • Dried cranberries (optional) Process: Preheat your oven to 375º F. Roll up your sleeves, wash your hands, get your large bowl out, and mix all of the listed ingredients together. I usually work from biggest to smallest, starting with the oats and working my way down to the spices, then finally mix
Best Granola Ever Ingredients. Photo by Nicolette Horning.
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Back-to-School Basics: Shoes Edition - Black and White By Gabriela Hutuleac Back-to-school fashion can mean different things for everybody. However, it is key to have some basic pieces in your closet that will go with multiple outfits as your go-to items. Sometimes “the basics” can mean what’s trending, while other times it means so many people have a fashion item because of good reviews. I can’t live without my basics, especially a good pair of white sneakers. I find that if I have these shoes in my closet, getting dressed in the morning is easier. Let’s start with the checkered Vans. It seems like nowadays every person my age has a pair of Vans, but the checkered ones specifically have recently become popular. I received a pair for my birthday last year, and I must say they have been a good addition to my closet. I like that they are super easy to wash and clean, and add dimension to a basic solid-colored outfit. The duracap protects the toe area from busting off easily, and the elastic shoe fits tightly and is easy to slip on.
can be worn with almost any outfit and are very comfy. They have been one of Nike’s best selling products for a while and are the original white sneaker. These can be hard to clean and a bit pricier than the Vans, but completely worth it! Everyone needs a good pair of loafers in their closet. I find that loafers add class to an outfit and can make you look more sophisticated and elegant. Loafers are a unisex style that can be worn with a suit or dress or even jeans and slacks. A plus is that they are super easy to slip on too!
Doc Martens are also classic shoes—they came out in the 1960s and have been popular ever since. Although these are the most pricey, the quality is unbelievable. These are a pair of shoes I would highly recommend anyone to invest in. I love styling them with jeans, leggings, skirts, and mini dresses! The sturdy leather will last for years, and the shoes will fit comfortably when you break them in. Last but not least: skin-tight ankle booties. I have a pair in both gray and black, and they’re perfect for fall and winter. I wear mine to church with a dress, but you can
The White Air Forces are classics—my favorite out of all the shoes I own! My sister calls them marshmallow shoes, and while they are a bit bulky compared to a tight fit, they are the perfect white sneaker. They
Checkerboard Slip-On. Vans.
White Air Forces. Nike.
Steve Madden
also style them with ripped jeans for a stylish yet relaxed look. The heel on these particular Steve Madden booties are the perfect height to achieve a flawless walk. Whether you like to rock the heeled booties or the casual Vans, each of these shoes can fit one’s style. Back-to-school fashion should be simple, fun, and enjoyable. With the right pair of shoes on your feet, you can make anything into a stylish fit and take on the day! All shoes can be purchased at
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Creative Writing: Limbo By Tobi Brown Greetings fellow humans, it is I, the Tobi. I am a sophomore engineering major. Being a sophomore is really strange. When you’re a freshman, college is pretty straightforward—if you don’t have friends, you need to make them, and if you don’t have a job, you need to get one. As a sophomore, you’re more in limbo. You don’t know if you still have that job from last year, if the friends you made are still your friends, or if you get a new ID card or use the same one each year—at least these were some of my concerns. If you haven’t noticed, there are multiple new things on campus including: 400 freshmen, parking lot signs, new rules, chaplains, cafeteria drink vendors, etc. Something else is also new: The Collegian. We have a new
staff, a new editor, and new columns—including this one, a creative writing column (if you hadn’t read the lil’ subtitle). Just like me, this column is in limbo. I’m going to write a story that will continue each paper—that much I know. What I don’t know yet is what I’m going to write about. I think you (aka the readers) should help me choose. My list of ideas is as follows:
On-Campus Mysteries
Depression, WWII, and racism.
Mysteries that take place on your very favorite campus, Walla Walla University! Follow the Walla Walla sleuth Uri Jacob and her sidekick Silas as they solve cases such as the missing grand piano, the disappearing hammock, or the reappearance of Marcos Simeon.
Genre: Historical fiction
The Upside-Down Man
Genre: Fiction, Mystery
Steve is 27. He works at a boring office job in a boring town. He gets paid a boring amount and returns alone to his boring apartment. This is Steve’s boring plan until he dies a painful, boring death. Then one day, his world is turned upside down. Quite literally.
Written with illustrations
Genre: Fiction, Fantasy Written with illustrations
Tobi’s ID card. Illustration by Tobi Brown.
Doc Leroy Brown had always imagined himself as successful. His charm, wit, and humor carried him as far as they could. His grace turned the heads of many. Surely his ambition and drive would carry him swiftly to the feet of success. Experience his journey from carpenter to doctor during a time of the Great
Written with illustrations Moon Valley
Twig has lived with her Nona for as long as she can remember. Her Nona usually lets her go out front alone, but not out back. One day, Twig decides to ignore her Nona’s rule and explores the riverbend and forest. What she finds is a magical world that has revealed itself to her, filled with creatures that she’s never seen before. Explore this young girl’s world in a bildungsroman of epic proportions. Genre: Fiction, Fantasy Written with comics
So, what would you like? Do you like any of these ideas, or do you have your own idea for a story? Direct your votes for what story you’d like to and watch for the next article in the saga.
O c to b e r 4 , 201 8 | Vo l u m e 1 03 | I ss u e 01 | p a g e 1 5
Ask Regan Hi, and welcome to Ask Regan, Walla Walla University’s premiere advice column! Every week I’ll answer your submitted questions by trying (and sometimes failing) to give the best advice I can. You know what makes this even better? It’s totally anonymous! Got a roommate who’s driving you crazy? A special someone you’re not sure how to approach? A giant lake monster that won’t seem to leave you alone every time you go for a swim? Well, you’ve found the right place! Submit your questions and check back here every week to see what marvelous advice I have supplied for you. DISCLAIMER: I am not a licensed medical professional. Please consult Hugh Laurie or another actor who has played a doctor on TV for advice on “that weird rash.”
Hi Regan, I’m a freshman who has never lived with a roommate before. I’m wondering if you have any tips on how to keep the conflict to a minimum. Sincerely, New in Town
New in Town, Sounds to me like you’re already expecting to butt heads with your new roomie—which, yeah, let’s face it, will probably (definitely) happen at some point during the year. That being said, it always pays to make sure you’re honest and up-front. Take it from me, the most passive-aggressive person you’ll ever meet: confront your roommate and stir up emotions that neither of you may ever recover from! It’s not scary at all, and it definitely won’t make you feel like moving to a different state and changing your name. Or living in a little cabin in the woods where you only ever leave for an occasional loaf of bread from the local Co-op. Or playing a never-ending game of checkers all by yourself just to pass the time. Not at all.
How’s this: think of your roommate as a plant—an itty-bitty, green fella you got at the Farmer’s Market from a cute little old lady named Gladys. Just like that tiny plant, your roommate is gonna need sunlight, water, and just the right dose of attention. Sometimes you may not water them enough; other times, too much. Occasionally your relationship may get a little wilted, the conversations might run dry, and heck, you may even forget about them entirely, leaving them to burn to a crisp on the windowsill. Best case scenario, though, they’ll give you the fresh air you need in exchange for the careful attention you’ll give them in return. Forming new relationships isn’t always easy, and even if your roommate is someone you’ve known for a while, sharing a space isn’t something that a lot of us take to naturally. It’s difficult to share our time, resources, and space with another person, so don’t be too hard on yourself if you find that you’re having trouble. Instead, talk about it! Vocalize your feelings, whether it be to a friend, a dog, your roommate, or your local advice columnist. In short, here’s my easy, three-word advice: be a grown-up. College is a new experience in lots of ways and stressful on all counts. If you can, try to avoid conflict with your roommate by not avoiding it at all. Don’t back away from it— run towards it! Not only will it help you stave off any future drama, but it will be a great skill that follows you into the rest of your life. Problems with your future partner, boss, family member, and/or domesticated jungle cat will no longer be an issue thanks to all the practice with conflict management you’re getting during your college years. Best of luck, New in Town, and remember: I don’t know how to give advice!
Got a question you’re itching to have answered? Apply some ointment first, and then visit to ask for advice!
Photo by The Succulent Source.
p a g e 1 6 | O c to b e r 4 , 2 01 8 | Vo l u m e 1 03 | I ss u e 01
Embarrassing Stories From My Youth: “Those Who Can’t Do” By: Regan Hinshaw Throughout most of my childhood, I had a dream of one day becoming a teacher. I’m not sure what about teaching that appealed to me so much (perhaps it was the influence of my then-professor parents), but I felt that it was my natural calling. In my 8-year-old brain, I truly believed in my heart of hearts that I was destined for greatness within the teaching world. I would become the best there ever was, the only one that ever mattered, and the absolute favorite among parents and children alike (I suppose of all the aspirations a third-grader could have, this one wasn’t so bad).
front of the other, reaching out to graze my fingers across all of the things that I believed made the classroom special. The reading corner, with its rocking chair and wide selection of Boxcar Children books; the desks, all covered in a thin layer of Elmer’s glue; the forever-sticky keyboard that went along with the shared classroom computer. Oh, and we can’t forget the cages for the class animals—a snake and tarantula that I kept a fair distance from for the entirety of my elementary education.
In addition to having grand dreams of becoming a widely-loved teacher of tomorrow, I was also an unbelievably dramatic kid. Every day was just another opportunity for a monologue—another chance to deliver an epic, dramatic performance in my bedroom mirror before leaving for school. Turns out that when you combine these two things—a self-proclaimed future teacher and a kid who has been jazz-handing since birth—you get the strangest after-school special known to man.
I made my way around the classroom, deep in thought and making sure that the imaginary cameras recording me for my upcoming feature film were capturing all of my best angles. Accompanied by the swell of the instrumental soundtrack playing in my head, I stood at the front of the classroom and looked out over the sea of desks. I imagined a future captive audience of children, all forced to listen to my monologues as I “taught” them in school. I heard their laughter as if they were a live studio audience from a ‘90s sitcom, and basked in it like the sound was a sunny summer day on the beach.
Picture it: Rogers Adventist School, circa 2005. Everyone is out to recess except me, who has always preferred and probably always will prefer to stay inside and read a book. With no one in the classroom but myself, I wandered slowly with one foot in
I stepped forward and walked through the aisles of desks, mentally preparing for my Oscar-worthy close-up. Reaching to put my palm flat on one of the tabletops, I looked up to the corners of the room and breathed in. In my mind, the director had tears in her
Missed Connections
at WWU
eyes, the cast and crew rapt with attention as I delivered what I could only imagine to be the defining line of my career—“One day,” I said aloud to the empty classroom, “all of this will be mine.” The room sat in silence for a moment, my words reverberating against the ‘hang in there’ posters hung on the wall. I let my eyes close as the imaginary spotlight soaked me in white light and the audience watched, breathless. I was halfway to bowing for curtain call before I heard: “Who are you talking to?” My head shot up, eyes searching for the source of the voice. Towards the back of the room, hidden by a pile of pillows from the reading corner, I could just barely make out the figure of one of my classmates, visible only from the eyes up.
Searching for a reason as to why I would be alone in a classroom, delivering a dramatic monologue, I opened my mouth and then closed it—at a loss for words for the first time in my life. Just as I opened it again to offer a meaningless excuse, the rest of the class returned from recess, filling the room with noise and saving me from a half-hearted explanation. I ran back to my desk and sat with my hands folded in front of me, deathly quiet for the rest of the day. Looking back on this moment, I can gather a few things: one, we’re never truly alone (take that as a philosophical fact, or remember it in the future so you don’t embarrass yourself in an empty room); two, sometimes recess is a necessary evil that can save you from yourself; and three, I never actually wanted to be a teacher—I just wanted to play one on TV.
Verbatim Have you overheard a blissfully out-of-context quote from the WWU Faculty this week? Email to be featured in next week’s Verbatim!
Handy-dandy Wikipedia describes missed connections as “a type of personal advertisement which arises after two people meet, but are too shy or otherwise unable to exchange contact details.” Most often, missed connections are inherently romantic. However, since I call the shots here, such does not have to be the case!
come across as creepy? Fear no more—you can now tell them publicly, anonymously, and from the comfort of your own University newspaper!
For example, is there someone in class you desperately want to be Grade-A platonic friends with? Someone you saw at the DX and were too shy to ask about their rad ascot and handkerchief combo? Was there someone’s voice at Vespers that you wanted to compliment, but were worried it would
Disclaimer: although tempting, please be sure to stray away from submitting any risqué missed connections—my eyes are young and innocent and cannot unread your attempt at a “50 Shades of Grey” rewrite.
If you have a missed connection you’d like to submit, visit to be featured in next week’s issue!