Ne w s p a p e r o f Wa l l a Wa l l a U n i v e r s i t y
“Since I’m actually in the Collegian room on Collegian night for the first time in my life, I kinda’ want to know what all these people are doing.”
Volume 102 | Issue 04
Balloon Stampede pg. 6
-Tim Kosaka, ASWWU Social VP
October 19, 2017
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Last Things First college place, wa | walla walla university
| October 2017 Issue
The Sandbox Incident By: Meghann Heinrich
Uncle: driver, father of Cousin
Any Pathfinders¹ in the house? Not me; in fact I never was. Oddly enough, though raised as an Adventist pastor’s kid, I never partook of the ol’ Pathfinders. Not officially anyway. I did make the occasional appearance at various Pathfinder events—enough to pick up a few bars of the Pathfinders song and participate in at least one pine car derby. Despite my disinterest in club life, every five years my family made the journey to Oshkosh for the International Camporee,² which brings me to August 2009, the year of The Sandbox Incident.
Cousin: young child in the throes of potty training
Transportation from Grizzly Flats, Calif. to Oshkosh,Wis. can take many forms. For my family it looked like five people in a rental car, crossing state lines and taking names. The key players in this story are as follows:
Shower Thoughts “I am Beyonce always.” - Michael Scott
“Quesadillas are just burritos with only cheese.” - Kyra GreyEyes “When I cut myself shaving I feel like I’m in the movie “Psycho.” - Daniella Silva
Friend: other driver and long time family friend Sister: older sister, voice of reason then and now Me: 13-year-old Meghann, and like most 13 year olds, not really a critical thinker Road trips are fun, but we all know there are limits. We reached ours in record time. Thirty plus hours of driving time is enough to break even the most seasoned road tripper. It’s cramped, the alphabet game turns into a fist fight and next thing you know you’re surreptitiously stealing Gerber baby snacks from your little cousin and praying he doesn’t snitch on you.
Generally speaking, Cousin did a great job alerting the powers that be of his bathroom needs. However, once the signal was given we never knew if we had 30 seconds or 10 minutes to find the appropriate facilities. I can vividly recall flying down the road at highway speeds when the heart stopping, “Daddy I have to go!” was screamed and suddenly we were stopped at the side of the road, frantically trying to unbuckle the child, when Uncle heroically picked Cousin and car seat up together and thrust them outside of the vehicle to sort things out. What a guy. After a harrowing all-night drive we happened upon a huge Cabela’s sporting goods store. We happily wandered around the store in a stupor. It had a huge aquarium and a veritable zoo of animals3 that Cousin seemed to enjoy. Outside there was a picnic
table and a lovely playground to get the wiggles out. We decided to have a picnic lunch right there and sort of regroup before buckling in for another long haul. My assignment was to take Cousin to the playground while the rest set up lunch—a standard supervision job. Cousin and I were having fun, just doing the classic playground thing when he said, “Meghann, I have to go.” In my sleep-deprived state I wisely chose to ignore whatever was said to me and continued swinging. It hit me 30 seconds too late. There was Cousin, squatting in the sandbox, taking matters into his own little hands. I had to hand it to him—the kid didn’t waste time. I bolted to Uncle. “We have a situation; if we hurry we might be able to save it,” I said. It was too late—the deed had been done. Uncle told us to load up in a hurry—no time for our picnic
Verbatim “There must be little gremlins in the air.” –Professor David Lindsey, on why experiments don’t always work
lunch. We had sullied our name, and he thought it best to get out of Dodge before the word got out. Back in the car, things were tense. It seemed the general consensus was that The Sandbox Incident was somehow my fault. In an effort to smooth things over I said, “Give it a few years and we will all be laughing about this!” Sister said, “Meghann, be quiet.” Friend said nothing. Uncle said, “Guess we can just eat on the road then.” Cousin said, “I have to go!” 1. The Adventist version of the boys and girls scouts. 2. which takes place in Oshkosh, Wiscosin 3. Granted, they were taxidermied as a part of the hunting display.
Weekly Funnies Hey! What can’t you eat for breakfast? *sigh* What?
“So he’s basically saying that Plato was a hater.” -Professor Timothy Golden “Adventism is like manure. Pile us up, we stink. Spread us out, we become useful” -Professor Pedrito Maynard-Reid “Quote this! *puts bucket on head*” -Professor Pablo Wenceslao
Lunch and dinner!
“The Walla Walla General Hospital said—well, they dont say anything anymore.” -Professor Nancy Semotiuk “The secret to a good mustache? Jalapeños.” -Pastor José Rojas Email your faculty verbatim or shower thoughts to to be featured!
October 2017 Issue 4 | walla walla university | college place, wa
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Cover | Sophie Bailey
Daniella Silva
Querido lector,
Dear Reader, By the time you read this column, you hopefully attended CommUnity and are aware that Sept. 15 through Oct. 15 was Hispanic Heritage Month. Every year, this is a month when all Americans are encouraged to pay tribute to the Hispanic Americans who have contributed to the success and rich history of this country. To help celebrate, the editor’s note for this week has been translated into Spanish. We have also published an article summarizing the message from Pastor José Rojas, this week’s distinguished CommUnity speaker, below. Of course, we are still featuring all your favorite regular columns this week, so be sure to keep on reading for more interesting stories, recipes, reviews and opinions. However, this week’s publication is not all light-hearted and celebratory. We have decided to feature the Deferred Action for Childhood
Arrivals policy (DACA). The poll question was, “Should the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) applications be reinstated?” and many of you responded with your opinions on this controversial issue. Currently, no new applications are being accepted since the cut-off earlier this month. Congress now has six months to consider whether or not to reinstate the policy for future years. We at The Collegian believe it is important to explore issues such as this and the effects it has on our small community here at WWU. We hope that you, the reader, will ultimately feel informed and able to participate in this conversation. If you have questions, comments, and article submissions for The Collegian, you can email them to aswwu.
Cuando leas esta columna, espero que hayas asistido a CommUnity y tengas en cuenta que el 15 de septiembre hasta el 15 de octubre fue el Mes de la Herencia Hispana. Cada año, este es un mes en el que se anima a todos los Estadounidenses a rendir homenaje a los Hispanoamericanos que han contribuido al éxito y a la rica historia de este país. Para festejar esto, la nota del editor de esta semana se ha traducido al español. También hemos publicado un artículo que resume el mensaje del Pastor José Rojas, el distinguido orador de la Comunidad de esta semana, a continuación.Por supuesto, también tendremos todas tus columnas favoritas, así que asegúrate de seguir leyendo para obtener historias, recetas, crítica y diferentes opiniones. Sin embargo, la publicación de esta semana no es toda alegre y festiva. Hemos decidido presentar la Consideración de Acción Diferida para los Llegadas en la Infancia (DACA). La pregunta de la encuesta fue: “¿Deben restablecerse las solicitudes de
Consideración de Acción Diferida para los Llegadas en la Infancia (DACA)?” Y muchos de ustedes respondieron con sus opiniones sobre este controvertido tema. Actualmente, no se aceptan nuevas aplicaciones desde el corte a principios de este mes. El Congreso ahora tiene seis meses para considerar si reintegrar o no la política para los próximos años. En El Collegian creemos que es importante explorar temas como este y los efectos que tiene en nuestra pequeña comunidad aquí en la WWU.Esperamos que usted, el lector, finalmente se sienta informado y sea capaz de participar en esta conversación. Si tiene preguntas, comentarios y presentaciones de artículos para El Collegian, puedes enviarlas por correo electrónico a (*Translated by Enrique Vado, student at Walla Walla University)
Hispanic Heritage CommUnity with Pastor José Vicente Rojas By: Daniella Silva “I’ve been accused of being Hispanic. I don’t know why,” the speaker began, prompting laughs from the audience. On Tuesday, Walla Walla University welcomed Pastor José Vicente Rojas as the speaker for Hispanic Heritage CommUnity. At a time when discrimination, racism and political turmoil threaten to divide the country, Rojas challenged Walla Walla students to be the salt of the earth (Matthew 5:13). He called upon students to rise above the generational mistakes of the past: “You must rise above this foolishness. You must be Walla Walla students and graduates of character.”
“these people” die—the cases needed to be closed as soon as possible. Despite these experiences, Rojas said, “I’m a proud American just like you... You can have your political convictions; just don’t let them mess with your humanity!” With these words, Rojas moved into the message of his presentation—to act as the salt of the earth regardless of race, gender or affiliation. The Four Roles of Salty Christians: 1. Awaken the flavor of food Just as salt brings out the flavor of a pot of Mexican pinto beans, Christians are called to “bring out the flavor of the gospel for a world who thinks it is tasteless.”
2. Melt the coldest ice Salt is often used to melt black ice on sidewalks and roads—something Walla Walla students are all too familiar with every winter. Much like salt speeds up the melting process of ice, Christians are called to be catalysts and to “make a difference in the life of someone else.” 3. Preserve Salt preserves meat from spoiling. In the same way, Christians should not let our differences spoil the relationships we have with one another. Rojas preached that the more diverse we are as a group, the more we become like God because God represents all of humanity.
4. Inhibit bitterness and accentuate sweetness Adding a pinch of salt to dark chocolate takes away its bitterness and makes it taste sweeter. Rojas said, “We need salty Christians, not bitter ones.” He suggests that only through loving others will we be able to move forward with our Christian mission. Rojas left the campus community at Walla Walla with these words: “Be salty. Rise above it. Show us what God has called you to do.”
Rojas, who is part Native American, Jewish, African American and Mexican, has experienced more than his share of racial discrimination. He has been pulled over numerous times and asked to present proof of citizenship. When he arrived at the White House for his first day of advisory work, a security guard kindly informed him where the garden crew were gathering for work. Rojas’ brother was the victim of a violent shooting in Los Angeles, but the case was closed three short days later for “lack of evidence” despite the presence of witnesses. When the family finally found out about his brother’s death four months later, Rojas was told that too many of
Rojas is a pastor, writer, speaker and former advisor on domestic policy issues at the White House. He has served under three presidents, both Republicans and Democrats, and has helped pass legislation in Congress for humanitarian issues across the country. As a presenter, he is a self-described “joyful, narrative and inductive speaker.” No matter what he preaches about, he strives to convey a sense of hope and optimism to his audience. Since his brother’s murder, he has also been given the privilege of placing a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in his honor. Daniella Silva is a international communication major.
SENATE District 7 - OPEN SEAT declarations of candidacy in the ASWWU offices First meeting happened on Tuesday @ 8 p.m. in the WEC Derek Glatts won poll for District 6
COLLEGIAN WISDOM Neo-Nazi and National Front organiser quits movement, opens up about Jewish heritage, comes out as gay His friends did Nazi that coming Clown jumps out from bushes, boy whacks him with selfie stick, authorities say It was “selfie” defence Florida police apprehend “suspicious” iguana Witnesses say the suspect was shouting: “Iguana go home!” Man fed up with nagging wife hides in forest for 10 years She called and called but he wood-n’t come home. Police “only investigate attempted burglaries at even-numbered homes” They’ll catch the thief even-tually
walla walla university
| October 2017 Issue 4
Dreamers or Delinquents? By Peter Flores There are many Bible verses that have been used for immigration issues, such as Leviticus 19:33 (don’t do strangers harm) and Lamentations 5:2 (our inheritance has been taken by strangers). Some verses are used to prove that immigration is good and
others to prove that immigration is bad. I think because of the nature of a program like Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) we can apply these verses with the same purpose. For those who don’t know, DACA is a program that allows a two-year deferred deportation of illegal aliens who came as minors. This program
also allows them to work legally and go to school during that time. From a religious perspective there are both positive and negative views of foreigners. I am not trying to convince you of either, but I think that taking a moment to process the debate about immigration and its effects is helpful.
Acknowledging that there are opposing views may make you feel the need to agree with one view or the other to feel satisfied. Or perhaps you aren’t even sure what the main issue is. Is it possible that we are called to find some middle ground on the subject? Are foreigners taking advantage of a system designed to help legal citizens?
Perhaps it is our culture today that makes service uncomfortable. The main issue may be perceived unfair taxation, since it’s unclear if funding is going to people who haven’t contributed to the system. Our discomfort may also be due to racism against a people or a simple lack of empathy. What if we didn’t think of contributing money to DACA as taxes but as giving to a charity that doesn’t offer tax exemptions? Would that change the way we thought about the issue? The Bible does seem to portray Jesus as one who helped people in need. People who are uneducated need education and if we can help them get it then that is great. At the same time, we see Jesus as someone who followed the law and encouraged people to give to Caesar what is Caesar’s. So, people who need help should follow the rules, right?
“ ‘When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them.” —Leviticus 19:33 (NIV)
Where does that leave us? There really doesn’t seem to be a middle ground here, and the two sides can’t coexist. However, I think as Christians our call is pretty clear. We should help people in need every time. What we need to figure out is how to do so. If you feel like the help shouldn’t come from your taxes, then donate to a charity. If you feel that DACA is good then fight to protect it. No matter what side you fall on, you are not called to sit on your butt. Jesus specifically called you to help spread the gospel of grace and peace, so do something, and do something personal.
Peter Flores is a theology major.
“Don’t deport my mom.” (JACQUELYN MARTIN)
Volunteers Needed for Christian Aid Center By: Florissa Van De Pol As winter approaches, the need for volunteers to help the Christian Aid Center and carry out important work for disadvantaged members of the community in College Place increases. “The CAC couldn’t exist without volunteers,” says Jeannette Regalado, who is in charge of volunteer and
donor relations. She further explained that each month, around 270 volunteers complete various tasks such as cleaning, cooking and child care. For the busy college student, there are also options with less time commitment, including helping with music at the 30-minute chapel service every night. The application process is easy.
Simply fill out the application online at, or call and request that one be mailed to you. After your application is processed, Regalado explained that you will receive a call to schedule a time to tour the facilities. According to its website, the CAC provides many essential services to the disadvantaged of the community including
offering 30-day stays for women and children during which they have access to two hot meals a day as well as other necessities such as childcare and showers. The program also offers access to recovery and life coaching programs as well as services that assist men in the community. The program was initially founded in 1946 to assist those who were having
trouble adjusting to life in peacetime after having fought in World War II. Since then, it has expanded to include all the services that it provides today.
Florissa Van De Pol is a contributing writer.
Microbes Inside Us: How Do They Affect Us? By: Forrest Sheperd
with our digestive enzymes.4
Welcome to the second edition of “Microbes Inside Us.” Last week we learned all about how our bodies become populated with trillions of microscopic organisms. This week’s subject answers the question: with upwards of 100 trillion microbes on and in our bodies, how do they affect us? As I said last week, we cannot live without them! How can this be? Aren’t we complete with just our own cells? This exact belief was common until the late 19th century. During the 20th century, research on the subject exploded, and we have since discovered that these microbes have an incredibly large impact on our susceptibility to disease, our health and our longevity.
When our microbes ferment the content of our colons, they release chemicals. These chemicals, called metabolites, can be both essential for health and a major cause of disease. Fiber fermentation creates short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs). SCFAs have many functions, such as being the primary energy source for the cells lining our gut, being anti-inflammatory, enhancing our body’s capability to absorb nutrients by creating a more acidic environment5 (after all, they are SCF “acids”), and regulating immune cells.6 Fiber may be one of the most important nutrients humans can get, yet it also happens to be the one in which Western society is the most deficient. When compared to African
Americans, people living in places like West Africa may get 5 to 10 times as much fiber, have 50 times fewer cases of colon cancer and significantly lower levels of secondary bile acids.7 Secondary bile acids are a class of metabolite that are harmful to us and are produced by bacteria that ferment the excess bile acids that make it to our colons. These metabolites are pro-inflammatory and carcinogenic.8 Foods containing choline or L-carnitine produce a compound called Trimethylamine, which is oxidized by our liver to produce the metabolite trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO) and is widely recognized as promoting the development of heart disease, fatty liver disease and kidney failure.9
Our gut microbes likely have psychological effects on us as well. They secrete neurotransmitters which communicate with our brain via the vagus nerve.10 They may even manipulate human behavior by inducing cravings that favor foods that benefit them,11 which has serious implications of making it harder to resist bad foods, or making healthy foods more appealing.
1 Lathrop, Stephanie K., et al. “Peripheral Education of the Immune System by Colonic Commensal Microbiota.” Nature 478.7368 (2011): 250-4. ProQuest. Web. 12 Sep. 2017.
What’s the point of knowing all of this information? To help answer the following question: with all of these incredible ways that our microbiomes affect our health, how can we make sure we have a microbiome that keeps us healthy? We’ll find out next week.
4 Bull, Matthew J., and Nigel T. Plummer. “Part 1: The Human Gut Microbiome in Health and Disease.” Integrative Medicine: A Clinician’s Journal 13.6 (2014): 17–22. Print.
How do they do this? Let’s begin with some of the early effects our microbiomes have on us as infants. The good bacteria supplied to us by our mothers begin to train the immune system to recognize good microbes from bad. How this happens is unknown.1 Children who don’t have these microbes have immune systems with a reduced ability to recognize friend versus foe, resulting in more autoimmune diseases such as asthma, allergies or Type I diabetes, in which the immune system attacks healthy cells.2 Scientists theorize that this protective effect offered by our microbes may exist not only as a result of them crowding out pathogens, but also by their secretion of Immunoglobulin A (IgA), an antibody which binds to pathogens and signals the immune system to attack them.3 The microbes in our gastrointestinal tract are some of the most essential ones because they harvest nutrients and energy out of food that we cannot digest. Fiber, a non-digestible carbohydrate from plants, reaches our colons undigested, and from there our microbes get the job done. They ferment this fiber, releasing nutrients we couldn’t extract
2 Belkaid, Yasmine, and Timothy Hand. “Role of the Microbiota in Immunity and Inflammation.” Cell 157.1 (2014): 121–141. PMC. Web. 12 Sept. 2017. 3 Turnbaugh, Peter J. et al. “The Human Microbiome Project: Exploring the Microbial Part of Ourselves in a Changing World.” Nature 449.7164 (2007): 804–810. PMC. Web. 12 Sept. 2017.
5 Tan, Jian, Craig Mckenzie, Maria Potamitis, Alison N. Thorburn, Charles R. Mackay, and Laurence Macia. “The Role of Short-Chain Fatty Acids in Health and Disease.” Advances in Immunology (2014): 91-119. Web. 12 Sept. 2017. 6 Corrêa-Oliveira, Renan et al. “Regulation of Immune Cell Function by Short-Chain Fatty Acids.” Clinical & Translational Immunology 5.4 (2016): e73–. PMC. Web. 6 Mar. 2017. 7 Ou, Junhai, et al. “Diet, Microbiota, and Microbial Metabolites in Colon Cancer Risk in Rural Africans and African Americans.” The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 98.1 (2013): 111. ProQuest. Web. 6 Mar. 2017. 8 Ajouz, Hana, Deborah Mukherji, and Ali Shamseddine. “Secondary Bile Acids: An Underrecognized Cause of Colon Cancer.” World Journal of Surgical Oncology 12 (2014): 164. PMC. Web. 14 Aug. 2017. 9 Goldsmith, Jason R., and R. Balfour Sartor. “The Role of Diet on Intestinal Microbiota Metabolism: Downstream Impacts on Host Immune Function and Health, and Therapeutic Implications.” Journal of Gastroenterology 49.5 (2014): 785-98. ProQuest. Web. 12 Feb. 2017. 10 Galland, Leo. “The Gut Microbiome and the Brain.” Journal of Medicinal Food 17.12 (2014): 1261–1272. PMC. Web. 12 Sept. 2017. 11 Alcock, Joe, Carlo C Maley, and C Athena Aktipis. “Is Eating Behavior Manipulated by the Gastrointestinal Microbiota? Evolutionary Pressures and Potential Mechanisms.” Bioessays 36.10 (2014): 940–949. PMC. Web. 12 Sept. 2017.
The human body contains more microbes than its own human cells (ACTIGENOMICS.COM)
*In last week’s article, our editors chaged a passage to say microbiomes include bacteria, fungus, parasites, and viruses. However viruses are not organisms and we apologize for any musunderstanding caused by this editorial blunder.
Forrest Sheperd is a biology major.
October 2017 Issue 4 | walla walla university | college place, wa
Athletes, Anthems, and Activism
A Glance at the History of Protest in American Sports By Zachary White Ever since San Francisco 49ers’ quarterback Colin Kaepernick launched his initial protest of racial injustice during the national anthem ceremony before a 2016 NFL preseason game, the topic of athlete activism has remained near the forefront of American political discourse. Tensions came to an all-time high at the end of last month, when threats and criticism from President Donald Trump inspired about 200 NFL players to sit, kneel or raise fists during the national anthem on Sunday, Sept. 24, whereas a week before the President’s remarks, only six players were demonstrating.1 Meanwhile, Kaepernick, now a free agent, filed a grievance this week with the NFL claiming that team owners colluded to deny Kaeper-
nick employment in retaliation for his outspoken racial justice advocacy.2 While national anthem demonstrations are deeply controversial in America today, the views of baseball legend Jackie Robinson on the subject are rarely brought into the discussion. In 1947, Robinson became the first African American to play Major League Baseball, triggering the desegregation of professional baseball and sparking a national conversation about racist Jim Crow laws and customs that culminated in the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s. Today, Robinson is regarded as a national hero, and in 1997, his jersey number, 42, was “universally” retired by all MLB teams. In his 1972 autobiography “I Never Had Made It,” Robinson writes of his attitudes toward the American flag
and national anthem as a black man and former service member living in a segregated society. In the following passage, from which the title of the book was chosen, Robinson reminisces on his first World Series game in 1947. “There I was, the black grandson of a slave, the son of a black sharecropper, part of a historic occasion, a symbolic hero to my people. The air was sparkling. The sunlight was warm. The band struck up the national anthem. The flag billowed in the wind. It should have been a glorious moment for me as the stirring words of the national anthem poured from the stands. Perhaps, it was, but then again, perhaps, the anthem could be called the theme song for a drama called The Noble Experiment. Today, as I look back on that opening game of my first world series, I must tell you that it was Mr. Rickey’s3
drama and that I was only a principal actor. As I write this twenty years later, I cannot stand and sing the anthem. I cannot salute the flag; I know that I am a black man in a white world. In 1972, in 1947, at my birth in 1919, I know that I never had it made.”4, 5 Robinson’s feelings towards the anthem and flag can be easily compared to the explanation Colin Kaepernick gave to reporters in August of last year after his initial demonstration. “I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,” Kaepernick said. Referring to police brutality and a lack of accountability for law enforcement, he continued, “To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and
getting away with murder.”6 While Americans can rightfully disagree about the appropriateness and tactics of the protests that Kaepernick and countless others have carried out in the past year (taking into account the voices of both Black and White military personnel on both sides of the political aisle), it seems clear that these protests should be understood as a part of a long history of racial and social justice activism by professional athletes in the United States. Whether it is LeBron James showing solidarity with the #BlackLivesMatter movement in 2014,7 American track and field medalists Tommie Smith and John Carlos raising their fists at the 1968 Olympic Games,8 Muhammad Ali defying the draft due to his moral opposition to the Vietnam War,9 or Billie Jean King’s advocacy for women’s and LGBT rights,10 American athletes have long refused to let their consciences be silenced in the face of injustice.
1 2 3 Then manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers 4 king-hate-colin-kaepernick-hate-jackie-robinson-article-1.2771561 5 6 7 8 9 10 sports/2013/05/22/billie-jean-king-icons-innovatorsworld-team-tennis-womens-rights/2159071/
Zachary White is a history major.
Colin Kaepernick kneeling for the national anthem. (SANDRA ROSE)
IT Starring Bill Skarsgard and a whole bunch of other kid actors (including that one from “Stranger Things”) Directed by Andy Muschietti Screenplay by Chase Palmer, Cary Fukunaga, Gary Dauberman Review by Matthew Fennell Two years ago, I went to the haunted corn maze (I haven’t been back because all my friends are wimps and decided “once is enough”). At the first fork, a guy with a chainsaw jumped out and we all screamed. My friends ran right and I ran left. I was alone. That’s when the clown showed up. “IT” is the second film adaptation of Stephen King’s 1986 novel/ cocaine-fueled-clown-terror-manifesto. The book and the first movie were massively popular so, just like every popular thing from the 80s, it was bound to get remade at some point. Except, unlike most remakes and adaptations, this one surpassed not only the original movie (which was very bad) but also the book (which was mostly OK, if a little uneven). Also, this one gets right to the point of the nostalgia wave and just transplants the whole setting right into the 80s. “IT” takes the basic plot points of the original story, adapting them to serve as the framing device for a very earnest, very funny, very good and only-kind-of-scary coming-of-age movie. “IT” tells the story of Derry, Maine, a town under attack from Pennywise, a shape-shifting clown monster who eats kids. Bill Denborough, fresh out of school for the summer, has decided that he’s going to kill this clown because he ate his younger brother
Georgie and no one did anything about it. Bill enlists the help of his friends and some of the other local kids being terrorized by Pennywise. Together, they band together to face their fears, risk death and dismemberment, and confront Pennywise at his lair in the sewers beneath the town. Obviously, any story that’s dealing with kids getting eaten runs the risk of either being too silly or too scary, but “IT” manages to strike a pretty good balance. A large part of this comes from the fact that the scares are all pretty basic. Pennywise’s attacks are all fairly surface level—mostly jump scares—and that’s pretty good! This isn’t “Paranormal Activity” or “The Blair Witch Project;” the scares are all pretty “out there.” You won’t spend sleepless nights worrying about the ghost that may or may not be haunting your dorm. Additionally, there’s no Earth-shattering, Lovecraftian, silent-mind-eating terror that will force you to reevaluate your place in the cosmic design. This movie is like a rollercoaster; it’s fun, it’s well put together, and it’s just the right amount of scary. There are dozens of scenes of the kids just being kids, swimming, hurling insults (and rocks) and goofing off. It captures the tone of “E.T.,” “Stranger Things” and “Stand By Me.” It’s a Spielberg movie with just a bit of a bite. Now, I could (and did) try to break down each of the kids’ fear, what it symbolized and the significance of how they defeated it, but that felt a little pretentious. Of course there are some metaphors and deeper meanings at play here, but honestly the message of this movie seems pretty clear—“IT” is a film about learning the difference between irrational and rational fears.
“IT” is about how kids are often placed into situations that aren’t fair. They should be allowed to just enjoy their summers without having to worry about bullies, racism, neglect, sexual abuse and so on. Now to resume my own horror story: There I was, alone in the dark, surrounded by corn and being yelled at by a blood-covered clown. This was a nightmare scenario come to life, and I was trapped. The only thing that came to mind was advice about being attacked by that one type of bear (Brown bear? No, Grizzly bear. Right?): “wave your arms and scream back”— so that’s what I did. The clown loooked a little surprised at first but quickly started back in on me. Luckily, my bear screams had alerted two other guys, Jeremy Ortner and Michael Kainer, who ran in and chased the clown away. The three of us spent the rest of the night fighting our way through the maze, facing our fears and, in the process, becoming great friends. That’s what “IT” is—a movie about learning to ask for help, sticking together and leaning on the friends you’ve got when things get scary. If you haven’t already seen this movie, go see it! It’s super good. I give it 4 out of 5 spooky pumpkins. Here are some other spooky things you can enjoy: “Donnie Darko,” “The Thing,” “The Visit,” “Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency” and the first season of “Homecoming.” Also, look out for some writing about “Twin Peaks” next week! Matthew Fennel is a computer engineering major.
IT poster teaser trailer (STEPHEN KING ANDRES MUSCHIETTI )
Feature college place, wa | walla walla university
| October 2017 Issue 04
The End of DACA
And the Fight for a New Dream By Jacob Sloop Sept. 5, 2017: “Hey, want to do brunch?” “Sorry, I’m busy this morning, but tonight I’m going to the DACA protest, want to come?” he replied. Seven hours later I rounded the corner of Alder and 1st Street to a slowly growing crowd. Across Main Street stood an empty podium. We all stood in silence, a force of solidarity, some holding technicolor signs, others holding hands. It was an experience I didn’t understand; I was ignorant to what had happened earlier that day. Honestly I didn’t know anything about DACA, but this protest seemed significant, so I stayed. At 5 p.m. a collection of speakers rose and one by one told the stories of DACA recipients. I began to understand: these were people brought to the U.S. as children fighting for their right to live in the country they grew up in— their home. For me, in the sweltering heat and smoke, Dreamers’ Protest. (LAND TITLE SQUARE) it was a turning point. I realthat we now know as DACA, allowing ized just how privileged I am children under the age of 16 who had as an American citizen, a job holder, a entered the country more than seven licensed diver, a student and a human years ago to be granted deferred action with a legal home. from deportation and a work permit. Deferred Action for Childhood It garnered a great deal of criticism Arrivals (DACA) is a program initiatfrom Congress and the conservative ed by the Obama administration in public, leading to an attempt to defund 2012. Many conservatives decried the the program but survived as it was priprogram as an overreach of presidenmarily self-funded through application tial power, while others complained fees. In the end, it has allowed nearly it didn’t go far enough to protect our 700,000 young immigrants the chance illegal children. All told, the DACA proto obtain higher education and become gram was more a product of a sluggish employed members of American system than of any other aforemensociety. tioned accusations. Despite the good DACA has In 2007, Congress introduced provided to many of America’s younger an act that would allow the more illegal immigrants, opponents often than 65,000 young illegal students in decry its existence as allowing young the U.S. a path to citizenship. It was illegals to take competitive jobs from called the Dream Act. The bill failed native born Americans. While these in the face of a bipartisan filibuster, concerns are real, the national unembut it didn’t die. In 2011 it reemerged, ployment rate has fallen nearly 50 perpassed the House of Representatives, cent since the policy’s instatement in but again failed in the Senate. Then in June 2012 (8.2 percent to 4.2 percent), 2013, the Act reappeared and passed suggesting that no real harm has come the Senate, but was prevented from to the American job scene from DACA.2 coming up for vote in the House. Many Additionally, some people argue credit these failures to be the impetus that DACA allows illegal criminals behind President Obama’s controverto become protected from deportasial executive action.1 tion—this simply isn’t true. A DACA On June 15, 2012, then-President recipient’s eligibility stipulates a clean Barack Obama announced the policy record, meaning zero DACA recipients
are convicts or felons, nor do they have any major misdemeanors. President Obama’s program only accepts model immigrants. Despite these safeguards, many people still disagree with the policy’s validity, decrying it as a program to legalize illegals. As I had these discussions with both liberal and conservative friends, I began to wonder how DACA benefits America and what potential harm its termination would bring. If we terminated and deported everyone, we would lose nearly a million young members of the American work force and $105 billion in our gross national product annually,3 an amount larger than the GDP of New Mexico or 11 other U.S. states.4 Eliminating DACA would be a huge loss. Despite this cost, DACA was rescinded on Sept. 5, tenuously pending the passage of the Dream Act. Without DACA, what does America stand to benefit from our previous DACA recipients, the Dreamers? The largest and most immediate benefit is intellectual capital. Most Dreamers are highly educated or are finishing postsecondary degrees. These sectors have significantly lower unemployment rates than the national average, indicative of an already hungry market in need of the
intellectual capital that Dreamers will and already do provide. Consequently, it’s safe to say that America needs these young immigrants, even if they didn’t choose us. To better understand the stories of DACA recipients, I reached out to anyone I thought who might know their journey. Eventually I found one woman who I will call Carly. Carly lives in California, is a student and a current DACA recipient. Here is her story: “I am a DACA recipient. I was brought to the U.S. when I was a year and a half old. I’m not sure if I was brought here illegally or legally and then overstayed my visa. I never asked my parents about it. I didn’t even know I was an illegal immigrant until I asked my parents why we never went to visit our family in Mexico and why we never left the state or even the county. “I lived in constant fear of being deported when I found out I was an illegal immigrant. The city that I grew up in had ICE5 raids almost every day for a couple of years—and then they stopped. “It was hard being a teenager and having to hide this huge secret that you never asked for. It’s difficult having to explain to your friends why at the age of 16 and 17 you don’t have your driver’s license and weren’t going to get it any time soon. It was also hard to explain to them why you would turn down acceptances to so many great universities because you don’t qualify for FAFSA or any kind of financial aid. Why you are going to a community college when you had a great GPA and good SAT/ACT scores. Why you didn’t apply for any scholarships because they all require you to be a U.S. citizen. Living in constant fear because now you are going to lose the only thing that made you feel safe. The one thing that allowed you to have a good paying job. The reason why you don’t have to pay out-of-state tuition at school.
Community members standing together. (STEPHANIE ZOLLSHAN)
The U.S. has been my home for 19 years. English is my primary language; it might have not been the first one I learned, but it’s the one I speak the best and the one I am most comfortable with. To even think about going to Mexico makes me nervous. What am
I going to do there? “Teens and adults like me didn’t ask to be in this position. Us DACA recipients are either attending school or have a job. We pay our taxes and every time we renew our permits, we have to go through another background check. We are just people who want to make a decent living and make a difference in this country, a country that has been our home for as long as most of us can remember. I mean, how many 20 year olds do you know that have already had to have 3 background checks just to prove that they deserve to be able to have a decent job and further their education. “So please show some compassion and call your local senator and congressman. Show your support to people like me who just want to live a normal life without the fear of being deported to a country that is foreign to them.”
“It’s difficult having to explain to your friends why at the age of 16 and 17 you don’t have your driver’s license and weren’t going to get it any time soon.” —Carly
For me, this is the story of an American. As the grandchild of British immigrants, I attempted to empathize with Carly, but there is nothing quite like having the illusion of your home taken from you and replaced with the ever-present fear of deportation. DACA allowed Carly to remain in America, and as the DREAM Act once again makes its way through our Congress, we as her fellow Americans have a duty economically, socially and morally to support her and the hundreds of thousands of others who contribute to our country. President Trump’s termination of DACA doesn’t end this story—together we can make it just the beginning of a new chapter for our Dreamers. To find out who your representative is, call (202)225-3121 or visit www. to get involved.
1 New York Times 2 Bureau of Labor Statistics 3 Moody’s Analytics, NYT 4 Bureau of Economic Analysis 5 Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Jacob Sloop is a biochemistry major.
October 2017 Issue 4 | walla walla university | college place, wa
October 19-25 Thursday
Washington Court of Appeals, Div. III @ Village Hall, 1:30 3:00 p.m.
Quick Connections @ Havstad Alumni Center, 7:30-9:00 p.m.
Family Weekend Last day to withdraw from class with a 50% refund
Family Weekend Evensong @ U-Church, 5-6 p.m.
Faculty Talent Show @ Village Hall, 7:30 - 9 p.m.
Student Missions Exposition @ U-Church, 7:30-10 p.m.
Volleyball vs. Northwest University @ Winter Educational Complex, 7-9 p.m. (Musical halftime by Peter Flores)
National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day National Reptile Awareness Day
Prayer, Praise, and Popcorn @ Prayer House, 9:30-10:30 p.m. National Mammography Day
National Get Smart About Credit Day National LGBT Center Awareness Day
Balloonatic By: Hannah Thiel This weekend is the Balloon Stampede in Walla Walla! The Balloon Stampede is an annual Walla Walla event you shouldn’t miss. People from near and far bring their hot air balloons and launch them each morning throughout the festival. The stampede starts on Wednesday officially, but the general public is welcome to watch the launches early on Friday and Saturday mornings. Also, there’s a special balloon-themed event that happens on Friday night at Howard-Tietan Park called Nite Glow. The event takes place at dusk with the park lit by the glow of several hot air balloons tethered to the ground. Food trucks will be there so either bring your own picnic dinner or enjoy dinner from the trucks.
super cold that early in the morning. Bring lots of extra coats and blankets so you can share with friends too! Still, the cold does help you wake up! 4
Make sure to grab your camera on your way out if you’re a photographer! There will be plenty of good photo opportunities.
have a drink to keep you warm and energized. 6
Pull up and find a good vantage point. You can watch from your car if you have a good view from where you parked, or you can walk up close to the action.
Once the balloons have been launched, follow them! Most of them end up landing near the Walla Walla Airport. Maybe head
If you need help waking up, stop at a coffee shop on the way so you
there after you try to follow one for a while (it’s actually surprisingly difficult to follow a hot air balloon in a car!) The view of all the balloons from the airport is pretty magical so I’d definitely head there eventually. 8
Grab a donut on your way back to campus. Roger’s Bakery and Popular Donuts are both good options.
If you need more information about the event, check out the Balloon Stampede’s website: Also, if you want to impress your friends with some hot air balloon slang, check out this article: They’ll be super impressed if you use a phrase like “Convergent Navigational Task” or describe yourself as a “Balloonatic” (balloon + fanatic). However, the website is Australian, so all of this might just be Australian hot air ballooning slang. If you’re an actual balloonatic (or the U.S. equivalent) you should share some hot air ballooning slang with me at Hannah.Thiel@! Have a great weekend everyone!
It’s really fun to see the balloons get launched from close up and then watch them rise and make the sky colorful! Here’s my guide to attending a Balloon Stampede launch: 1
Wake up early Friday or Saturday morning. The launch happens around 7:15 a.m. at Howard-Tietan Park, which is about 15 minutes away from the dorm. If you want to see the whole process, you’ll probably want to be there between 6:15-6:30 a.m. The really exciting part—the inflating of the balloons—happens around 7 though, so if you want to sleep in more, aim to be at the park by then.
Wake up some friends and bring them along too. Definitely warn them the night before though.
Pack lots of layers as it’s usually
Hannah Thiel is an art major.
Kale is Better Chipped By: Daphne Novak Some people would suggest that you make kale chips in the oven, but that is way too complicated for dorm life. Pretty much everyone has a microwave. Making kale chips in the microwave is just as good and, honestly, a little better than doing it in the oven. Maybe it seems a little weird but it’s better than just eating regular potato chips. Plus, with the microwave, you just need one plate. Yay! Less cleanup! Anyways, these chips are simple. Just toss the kale with oil and salt, then microwave it until crispy. I found that the slight browning on the leaves gave a nutty and sweet taste with a great brittle texture—these chips are addictive. From my experience with making kale chips in the oven, getting even crisping is quite difficult; I haven’t actually been able to get them brittle enough to stay crispy for more than an hour or two. I was surprised by how well the microwave worked. The microwave dehydrated the kale evenly so it stayed crispy for a few days.
A thing to note: I read in my “Cook’s Illustrated” book that sometimes kale chips spark when being microwaved. It’s called “arcing.” The authors hypothesize that it has to do with the mineral or moisture content in the kale. Some veggies are just more prone to sparking. I personally haven’t experienced this in the few times I have made kale chips. It seems fairly uncommon. Also, don’t try this with chard or curly leaf spinach—the texture is just off.
Kale chips made by Daphne Novak
Microwave Kale Chips Ingredients: About half a bunch of kale, torn Roughly 3 teaspoons oil However much salt you want Other spices that may interest you Steps: 1
Wash and dry kale, then toss with oil, salt and other potential spices.
Massage kale thoroughly until the kale feels wilted.
Evenly spread the kale on a microwave-safe plate.
Microwave for about 5 minutes. You may need to adjust the time as this is a pretty inexact science.
Daphne Novak is a psychology major.
walla walla university
Monday Family Weekend AGA Breast Cancer 5K @ Positive Life Radio, 9-10 a.m. Women’s Volleyball vs. The Evergreen State College @ WEC, 1-3 p.m. (halftime by EWB) WWU Jam @ U-Church Youth Room, 8-9 p.m.
Women’s Basketball vs. Blue Mountain Community College @ WEC, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Hispanic Ministries @ Prayer House, 7-7:45 p.m.
| October 2017 Issue 4
CommUnity with C.L. Shepherd @ U-Church, 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. National Food Day United Nations Day
Live Cinema: “The Magic Flute” - Royal Opera @ The Gesa Power House Theatre, 6-9:15 p.m. ($15 general admission; $10 students) National Greasy Food Day Chucky, The Notorious Killer Doll Day
National Boston Cream Pie Day National Mole Day National TV Talk Show Host Day
National Nut Day National Mother-in-Law Day
Cultural History Night By: Melissa Ginoza On Saturday Night, Walla Walla University students and more gathered in the Winter Educational Complex for Cultural Heritage Night, an ASWWU sponsored event, to engage in activities provided by campus cultural clubs. LatinX Club, Asian Pacific Islander Club (APIC), Black Student Christian Forum (BSCF), French Club and Student Missions Club opened booths for students to eat cultural foods and showcase items. The event lasted two and a half hours, starting at 7:30 p.m. Students gathered in front of APIC’s event, a popular food-eating contest, to watch contestants eat a variety of cultural food including stinky tofu, durian, century egg, natto, umeboshi, kimchi and ginseng. Enrique Vado, a senior theology student, claimed victory as he finished eating all eight dishes the fastest. Clubs offered a variety of food including elotes, bi bim bap, and fondue.
“I like how there was a variety of food but it went out very quick” said Julie Barrow, a senior civil engineer major. Many students said they would have liked more audience participation. “[Cultural Heritage Night] was good,”said Diane Asumbrado, a junior chemistry major. 'I wish it would’ve been more interactive for the audience.” “Overall, it’s not too bad but it could’ve been better,” said Barrow. “I wanted to participate but they only included, like, 10 people, I felt like I wasn’t involved.” LatinX ended the final event with their president, Emilio Macias, singing “Si nos Dejan.” “I was so nervous; my legs were shaking,” said Macias, with a huge smile. The crowd roared for an encore as he sang one final song—”Somos Novios.”
Photos from APIC’s event last Saturday night (THOMAS MOEN III AND CLAYTON KRUSE)
Melissa Ginoza is a contributing writer.
Global Service Merchandise If you want to be serving looks all over campus like Andreea and Matt here, be sure to head over to the Atlas to purchase some Global Service gear.
T-shirts $15 Hats $20 Sweatshirts $25
All proceeds go towards the project!
An Outdoorsy Interview With Pattie Makvoy By Niqolas Ruud The grand “we” here at Ruud Remarks just love to interview the most outdoorsy people possible for the column. This week proved no different as I sat down with an individual who overshadows all others in our very own rigged “outdoorsy scale.” This man selflessly chose to move from the overpopulated, nasty-looking Pacific Northwest to the extremely outdoorsy mecca of Ohio. The person of interest, you ask? None other than Walla Walla University’s former chaplain “Pattie Makvoy”¹ (when I asked him to spell his name for me, as any good journalist would do, this was the verbatim spelling I was given, so my deepest apologies to the spelling gurus among you for the following cringey paragraphs). I caught up with Makvoy just after the first Circle Church program of this academic year. He looked thin, and I asked him if the food in Ohio consisted of less nutrients than he was used to here in the Northwest. He didn’t respond. Then we got down into the real nitty-gritty: “When was the last time you did some serious alpine climbing?” I asked.
Makvoy responded, “There’s a ride at this amusement park called ‘Alpine Ride.’ And it’s a log flume, and that’s probably the last time I went alpine climbing.”
sured him to tell me about the skiing conditions in the far-off land of Ohio. “They feel like they ski, like if I joke about why ‘I don’t know why I brought my skis out here!’ they’re like, ‘What are you talking about, we have runs,’” Makvoy said. “There is this place called Perfect North, two and a half hours away from Dayton. I think the elevation is 500.”
“The avy risk2 was high, like I’d give it a 10. And like, yeah, you know… the grigri³ and the rope-solo was pretty intense,” Makvoy said. He then paused for a second, before clarifying: “I went alpine climbing because there is a staircase that goes up to the top of the ride, and I had to go up the stairs, and then I came down on the ride.”
“Meters?” I asked. “Feet, inches!” Makvoy replied. “Might as well be inches. It’s like they just have another person with a rope pulling them down the hill.” “When you’re in Ohio, and people want to feel like they’re outdoorsy, they go canoeing.” said Makvoy. “That’s an Ohio thing.”
Shocked that an outdoor enthusiast such as Makvoy (who was once quoted saying, “I love to ski”) would choose to lower himself to the standards of a lowly glissader, instead of a valiant ski-mountianeer, I pres- Pattie Makvoy, alpine climbing earlier this year.
Makvoy proceeded to claim that he “did not go on a canoe trip,” but when I continued to pry, the truth came out: “In 2013 I went canoeing.” Strange to hear two sides of a story from the same individual. Makvoy began to tell me about his son who accompanied him on the fabled trip: “My son was 12; now he’s 16 and drives.” Thank you for that valuable bit of information, Mr. Makvoy.
Since the topic had now changed from lakeside to roadside, I thought it best to ask if Makvoy’s son drove outside. The answer? A resounding, “Yes, yes he does. He mostly drives outside.” I soon realized that I desperately needed to shut down the conversation: Makvoy had truly gone off the deep-end by this time, talking about Camalots and how he and King Arthur had rope-soloed to up to find the avy risk. Intense stuff. Too much for the grand “we” here at Ruud Remarks to even slightly comprehend. Until next time, remember to stay safe and keep your avy risk to at least a 10. 1. Paddy McCoy 2. “Avy risk” pertains to the risk of an avalanche, a mass slide of snow and/or ice, rapidly descending down a snow-laden mountainside. 3. An assisted braking belay device
Niqolas Ruud is a theology major.
October 2017 Issue 4 | walla walla university | college place, wa
More Than a Slogan By Savanna Pardo
As it is October, it’s not unusual to see pink shirts throughout grocery and clothing stores—Breast Cancer Awareness Month doesn’t go unnoticed. Between the 5K runs and awareness fundraisers, it shouldn’t be hard to realize how important this cause is to people. We are bombarded each year by slogans such as “Save the Ta-Tas” or “Save Second Base”. Personally I believe this is a bigger issue than just saving the “ta-tas.” According to, 1 in 8 U.S. women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime. It’s more common than one would think, and the possibility of this disease runs high in many families. In just this year
alone it is expected that 252,710 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed. A number this big shouldn’t be overlooked. We do what we can to raise awareness for breast cancer, but I don’t feel that we’re going about it the right way. It’s great that we as a society are aware of the issue, but we must understand it goes deeper than saving the “ta-tas.” I feel that our primary concern should be saving the women that are affected by this unforgiving disease. Cancer has no remorse, and it doesn’t care whether or not you’re somebody’s mother or daughter. More often than not it is necessary to get a mastectomy, meaning you’re not actually saving the “ta-tas.”
Each year, so many lives are affected by this disease. It leaves some families without mothers or daughters and it’s truly tragic. Survivors don’t go completely untouched either—they’re affected just as much. As we prance around with the iconic pink “Save the Ta-Tas” shirts, some women are reminded of what is left underneath their own: scars and stretch marks. We need to remember that they are more than what is or was underneath their shirts. This issue is bigger than saving someone’s body image—this is about saving the person as a whole. Breast cancer does not discriminate. It can occur in women that have no previous history of breast cancer, all because of genetic mutations. Breast cancer is a serious matter, and it takes so much from people who have done
nothing to deserve it. These proactive slogans that we come up with can reduce women to a single body part. It’s because of this body part that so many women are losing their lives. We need to focus on those who are affected, not the single body part that is affected. I understand that all the pink and the slogans are there to raise awareness. It’s great that we are making this cause known. However, I just feel we need to be more concerned with the women that this disease is taking control over, rather than what these women may be losing. We must be careful with our words. I respect everyone who has overcome their battle with cancer, and those who unfortunately didn’t. This disease should be looked at as more than a slogan. When we wear pink ,we need to have those in mind
who go through hours of chemotherapy and surgeries to protect their lives. So wear your pink and wear it proud, just remember why you’re wearing it and who you’re wearing it for.
Savanna Pardo is an English major.
Why Film Photography is Still Relevant They are cheap
By Parker Bailey
A good film camera these days will set you back maybe $100 whereas a comparable digital camera would cost you around 10 times that. The only thing not cost effective is the film. Plan your shots and the scarcity of film won’t bankrupt you. My film camera cost me around $100, and when it was new it cost $2,300! Talk about a good deal! However, the price of film has gone up significantly, and it’s getting harder and harder to find it for a good price these days. Also, a nice thing I’ve noticed is you can shoot medium format without selling your firstborn child! Great news.
Film photography isn’t better than digital photography—for some things. Digital will likely always hold the floor for low-light performance, convenience, ease of use and, of course, its claim to fame: instant gratification. There are other areas where digital can outperform its predecessor, but film still holds strong for us photographers who know what’s good and what isn’t. Film will always have higher possible resolution Yes, you read that right. Film has higher resolution than your fancy digital cameras. In fact, film has higher resolution than any digital camera ever made to date, and it always will. Here’s why: for film, resolution doesn’t technically exist. The resolution of scanned film is only limited by how detailed your scanner is, and so far no photo scanner has ever been able to scan film to its full resolution. This is because the reaction between light and film that creates the image happens on a chemical level. It is microscopic in size. The only thing that physically limits film in terms of resolution is grain. Unless digital cameras can be made to have pixels the size of molecules, film will hold the crown here. Film can handle highlights better When there is more light than a digital camera can record, all it ends up recording is white. This is not necessarily a bad thing since some areas that are bright or overexposed should look white, but film does not have this
Film is permanent
What you shoot on film stays on film. You can’t delete it. It’s there forever. You can keep your memories as a physical copy without the cost of printing. That’s a plus for most people, but if you have memories you’d rather forget, then I guess just stick with digital and delete your worries away. What do you think? Tell me your thoughts here:
My personal film camera. (PARKER BAILEY) problem to the same extent. When film is presented with the same bright circumstances, it is often more controlled and hits a sort of “color ceiling” that retains the temperature of the light rather than blowing it out to flat white. Joseph Cha, a professional photographer and videographer out of SoCal notes that film “is especially helpful when I’m using the brightest thing in our solar system as a hair light.”
Film doesn’t require electricity
They still work
This one is basic. You can still take photos with your camera without any power source—no batteries and no charging means more time actually using the thing. As far as digital photography is concerned, cameras will likely always run on some form of electricity. Digital cameras have gotten significantly better with up to thousands of shots on a single charge, but thousands can never beat infinity.
More likely than not, if you go pull that old film camera out of your attic, it will still work. The majority of film cameras that were built to any sort of good quality will more likely than not still work after decades of use or neglect. My personal film camera (Nikon F4s) is built like a tank and was made 10 years before I was even born! It works just as well as I could ever expect it to.
Parker Bailey is an engineering major.
Should the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Applications be Reinstated? YES — 76% “Or some other legislation needs to be put in place to help. There is no reason to send people who have lived here their whole lives back to a place they do not know. It was not their fault. There should be a process for these children to get their citizenship rather than kicking them out.” “Individuals brought to the United States as children, raised as Americans, and who know only the United States as their home ARE Americans. Individuals in the DACA program are model citizens who contribute to our society. Immigrants to this country built this country and we shouldn’t try to become an exclusive club now.”
“Because there are so many children that had no control over coming to the US illegally and it’s unfair to punish them for a choice their guardians made. Plus, so many DACA recipients have such a huge positive impact on their community! We need them here to offer a fresh perspective and whatever skills they have. We need to let dreamers turn their dreams into reality.”
NO — 24% “We need rules, laws, and boundaries and they should be respected! Without law and consequence, there would be chaos. With that being said, I think there needs to be an easier system in place for those who want to become legalized citizens to do so.”
46 total participants
Next week’s question: “Is the church today in need of major reform?”
“This should be through an act of congress with 1) tougher immigration and 2) a path to citizenship for those whom are already here with a waiting period and possibly give those with current DACA status permanent residence status currently.”
We, the editorial team, would like to apologize for our misleading question last week. While the DACA applications have been cut off, Congress currently has six months to decide whether or not to pass the Dream Act which, if passed, would not be a reinstatement of DACA applications, but a new program meant to offer a path to citizenship to Dreamers. The question should have been: “Do you think Congress should pass the Dream Act to replace DACA applications?”