Walla Walla University
Collegian 24 October 2013 | Volume 98 | Issue 4
Grant Perdew Editor-In-Chief
As soon as the colorful leaves begin to fall and the tiny blue-death insects take over campus, we undeniably know it’s autumn. A beautiful season, yet as the sun starts to disappear from our lives and midterms creep around the corner, we sometimes can have the tendency to get caught up in studies and friend groups and forget to meet others. We put up our “awesome” masks and don’t let anyone in. Recently, I’ve been learning about the importance of being vulnerable in the book Daring Greatly, by Brené Brown. She explains how vulnerability has the power to transform the way we live, love, parent, and lead. Letting down your shield, however, is one of the most difficult things for people to do. Brown looks at our supposedly narcissistic society through the vulnerability lens and sees the shame-based fear of being ordinary. We may think that we are only as good as the number of likes we get on Facebook.
If we can conquer this fear and understand that we are all ordinary human beings, we are able to break through the walls and create long-lasting relationships. I invite you to be vulnerable this year. Jump in and get involved. Your university experience and life will be more adventurous and fulfilling. This issue may be shorter and lacking our feature story, but it is still full of exciting content to brighten your potentially gloomy autumn days. Enjoy!
want to be featured in the collegian ? Submit your poetry, articles, creative writing, art, and photos to: aswwu.collegian@wallawalla.edu.
life photo by andrea johnson
@ amandadawn5
photo by mason neil
Assistant Editor Nathan Stratte
Head Layout Editor Alix Harris
Head Copy Editor Carly Leggitt
Head Photo Editor Kate Gref
News Editor
Carolyn Green
Feature Editors
Brooklynn Larson Katie Pekar Julian Weller
Opinion Editors
Brandon Torkelsen Rebecca Williams Andrew Woodruff
Fashion Editor
Brenda Negoescu
Sports Editor
Grayson Andregg
Religion Editor
Daniel Peverini
Travel Editor
Joe Hughes
If you are interested in contributing to The Collegian, contact our page editors or the editor-in-chief at aswwu.collegian@wallawalla.edu. The Collegian is boosted by regularly incorporating a wide range of student perspectives.
Food EDitor
Copy Editors
Cover Photo Credit: Erick Juarez, @amandadawn5, Flickr user Kayvee, Kayla Albrecht, Josh Denney
Staff Writers
The Collegian is the official publication of ASWWU. Its views and opinions are not necessarily the official stance of Walla Walla University or its administration, faculty, staff, or students. Questions, letters, and comments can be mailed to aswwu.collegian@wallawalla.edu or grant.perdew@wallawalla.edu. This issue was completed at 1:27 a.m. on 24 October 2013.
Office & Distribution Manager
The Collegian | Volume 98, Issue 4 | 204 S. College Avenue College Place, WA 99324 | collegian.wallawalla.edu
Science & Technology Editor
Andrea Johnson
Local Attractions Editor Timmy Barbosa
Arts & Media Editor Chad Aufderhar
Backword Editor
Diversions Editor
Creative Writing Editor
Eric Weber
Layout Designers
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Erik Edstrom Andralyn Iwasa Ian Smith Jenna Thomas
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Rachel Logan Rachel Blake
Rachel Blake Jassica Choi Lauren Heathcock Lester Biggs Savannah Kisling Carlton Henkes Lauren Lewis
Haley Coon
do re
documentary students reach out // carlton henks Staff Writer WWU’s Documentary Film class, as part of a larger project from the communications department, is helping the people of the Yakama Nation speak out against injustice. The lower Yakima Valley has seen a tremendous spike in the amount of nitrate found in their drinking water wells. An intensive study done by the United States Environmental Protection Agency shows possible causes of the nitrate increase, such as runoff from irrigated crop fields or faulty septic systems. The most conclusive evidence points to the concentration of dairy farms in the area, which are greatly affecting the air, soil, and water.
Jan Whitefoot, a local of the Yakama Nation and activist for this particular cause, said, “There are over 300,000 cows in the Lower Yakima Valley. That’s more cows than people.” Jerry Hartman, professor of communications at Walla Walla University, has been working on this project for quite some time. Last spring, a Kickstarter campaign raised about $1800 for the project. The project supplies the people of the Yakama Nation with audio/visual equipment and the training and assistance necessary for the production of a documentary to raise awareness for their situation. “The goal is for them to own their own story,” Hartman says about the documentary process. The locals will be doing as much work as possible, while the university students assist in various ways.
David Olson, a communications student, says, “It’s exciting to be involved with a project that’s making a difference in people’s lives. We can tell people are energized by the opportunity to have their stories heard.”
photo by mason neil
aswwu open mic night // Carolyn green News Editor At 7:30 on Saturday night, ASWWU hosted Open Mic night at The Atlas. The event was organized by senior art major Karissa Jacobson. Open Mic night gives students the opportunity to share music, poetry, and comedy in front of an audience of their peers in a low-key, familiar venue. About 50 people packed themselves into The Atlas, and close to 10 musical groups performed
anywhere from one to four songs. Jacobson estimates that there have been at least five or six Open Mic nights in the past two years that The Atlas has been open for business. “I like how it gives students a platform to play music in a non-threatening environment. It’s a blast to just jam with friends and have a good time hanging out and seeing some awesome talent that you might not see anywhere else,” said Jacobson. Students are encouraged to display personal works of art they want to sell in The Atlas during Open Mic nights. The next Open Mic night at The Atlas will be held on November 16.
washington senator spotlights human trafficking // rosa jimenez Senior Manager of University Relations Next week’s CommUnity service will feature a presentation by Washington State Senator Jeanne Kohl-Welles. A 2012–14 Humanities Washington speaker, KohlWelles will present “Human Trafficking in Washington: From the Historic Mercer Maids to Sexual Exploitation in Internet Ads,” on Tuesday, Oct. 29, at 11 a.m. in the University Church. Human trafficking is a major issue in the Pacific Northwest, due largely to the I-5 and I-84 interchange in Portland, Oregon. Kohl-Welles offers historical, cultural, socioeconomic, and public-policy
perspectives on human trafficking. She will explore complex questions related to the ethics and policy around this issue in the past and present. Other topics include misconceptions about human trafficking and confronting the fact that human trafficking is a billion-dollar global industry. She will focus primarily on sex trafficking and how and why it happens
"Human trafficking is a billion-dollar, global industry." in Washington state. Historical accounts, film, and current events will be used to provide context. Finally, she will speak about what is being done to intervene
and prevent human trafficking, including new laws, innovative law enforcement approaches, and actions being taken by human-rights groups. Kohl-Welles has been the sponsor of many anti-trafficking bills in the Washington State Senate, helping make Washington the leading state in the country in efforts to eliminate human trafficking. Kohl-Welles received Seattle Against Slavery’s 2010 Lincoln Freedom Award for her legislative efforts. She is a national and international presenter on the topic of human trafficking, speaking frequently with international delegations as part of the World Affairs Council’s international visitors program. Humanities Washington sparks conversation and critical thinking using story as a catalyst, nurturing thoughtful and engaged communities across
Washington state. For more information about Humanities Washington, visit humanities.org.
Number of U.S. states in which gay marriage is now legal.
2.5% Estimated percentage of the entire U.S. population that has attempted suicide.
41% Estimated percentage of the U.S. transgender population that has attempted suicide at least once.
Possible fine for any individual using media for "spreading gay propaganda" in Russia (about 100,000 rubles).
Increase in female Mormon missionaries since the church lowered the minimum age for women from 21 to 19 last October.
6+ Number of people killed on a bus by a female Muslim suicide bomber in southern Russia on Monday.
Same-sex couples married by the Newark mayor Cory Booker on Monday.
Number of Islamist countries in which the death penalty is punishment for homosexuality.
week in forecast 24 Oct Thursday 70° 43°
photo by flickr user united nations
United Nations Day
26 oct Saturday
25 oct Friday
66° 46°
70° 41°
photo by carlton henkes
27 oct Sunday 64° 39°
photo by kate gref
photo by kai kopitzke
Vespers: Student Missions
Mother-in-Law Day
8 p.m. University Church
5 p.m. University Church
Family Weekend
CABL Applefest University Church Fellowship Hall
Family Weekend
Family Weekend
28 oct Monday 55° 30°
photo by flickr user longzijun
Plush Animal Lover's Day
29 oct Tuesday 57° 27°
30 0ct Wednesday 46° 34°
photo by flickr user kayvee
photo by carlton henkes
CommUnity 11 a.m. University Church ASWWU Listens
ASWWU Listens
Late Morning/Early Evening
Late Morning/Early Evening
Outside Ad. Building
Outside Ad. Building
National Cat Day
National Candy Corn Day
Tales From Costa Rica // Kayla Albrecht
Contributing Writer I think they should teach you cuss words in Spanish class. Imagine three sixth-grade boys all talking a mile a minute in a language you barely understand, then: “Teacher Kayla, do you know what that word means?” My ignorant response: “No, what’s it mean?” The kids look at each other with wonder and joy. A whole world of possibilities has just opened up to them. In my classes, they could cuss all they want and I wouldn't know enough to get them in trouble! This was possibly better than Christmas. Let’s just say I was well versed in Spanish profanity by the end of that school day, many thanks to Google Translate. Teaching is hard. It’s really hard. I didn't know I had so much patience in my soul. Here in Monteverde, Costa Rica, I am one of four teachers at a little Adventist school. We teach Pre-K (there’s a two-year-old) through sixth grade, all without textbooks. In the month that I've been working, I've had to confiscate iron rods, break up fist fights, get girls in trouble for kicking boys in the stomach, kill
scorpions, kill cockroaches, kill spiders, kill who-knows-what-that-was-but-wow-ithad-a-lot-of-legs, clean up massive amounts of glue, deal with being food poisoned, shoo cats and dogs out of the tiny outdoor kitchen, and somehow find time to teach students that understand me about as much as I understand them — which isn't a lot. To top it all off, every single one of you posted on Facebook about the fall flavors (pumpkin this, pumpkin that, pumpkin I-want-some!) they now offer in your coffee drinks. I mourned with every post Regardless, in Costa Rica, I find beauty in the people, the location, and the language. And here, I am growing. My first draft for this article talked all about just that — myself and my growth in God. Then I realized there was something more important. There is a woman here named Maria. She is the mother of two beautiful daughters, one of whom is a fourth grader at my school. In order to help pay for their private education, she comes in the morning to cook breakfast and lunch for Krystal and me. After, she leaves the school to walk up and down the San-Francisco-like hills to her four other jobs, where she cooks, cleans, and sweats from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. When I first learned of this, she looked into my eyes and smiled,
saying, “I want my precious children to have a better education than I ever did. So, I work.” She became my living definition of sacrifice and service. Teaching is really hard, yes. Leaving all of you was really hard, too. I felt the sacrifice, but compared to Maria’s life of service, my nine months of service are nothing. Coming here should never have been about me, even though, at first, it was. Every morning when I see her serving me, making my food, I am humbled. So, I miss you all a lot, but right now I am trying to put myself behind the people around me. I am trying to love and serve, like Maria.
photo credit : kayla albrecht
"Let's just say I was well versed in Spanish profanity by the end of that school day ..."
Leadership Award recipient //
Tyler Martin The Philadelphia Collective A group focused on deep discussion of tough trials, reaching out, community building, and walking together on the Christian journey in search of the true character of Christ. Location: 128 W. Whitman
(the brown house across from Rigby)
Time: Thursday evenings at 7.
Friday, October 25 After vespers in the University Church fellowship hall Fresh apple crisp and apple cider Bring your whole family
Volunteers are needed Thursday & Friday to make apple crisp and cider. Stop by the chaplain's office to sign up to help.
Opinion Editor I hear the existence of climate change is still up for debate. I guess that also means heliocentrism and the Holocaust are back on the table. Okay, let's just talk statistics for a bit: About 45 percent of Americans believe in ghosts,1 and 15 percent believe that 9/11 was set up by the government.2 In comparison, only 3 percent of scientists deny the existence of global climate change.3 Yet somehow we are debating about the existence of a basically proven scientific theory. In an interview with Bill Maher, Neil deGrasse Tyson shared this scientific idiom: "Every great scientific truth goes through three phases: First, people deny it. Second, they say it conflicts with the Bible. Third, they say they've known it all along." Many people are in this first phase and believe there is no evidence the earth is warming, but that number appears to be falling. In a 2009 survey, 11 percent of Americans believed there was no evidence the earth is warming, and 36 percent believe that the earth is warming due to natural causes and not due to greenhouse gases.4
Rebecca Williams
Opinion Editor It is safe to say that almost every person has a moral compass. That sense of morality is unique to each individual, but it is almost invariably present. So the question is, where does this sense of what is right and wrong come from? Does it come from religion, or from the media? Does it come from external sources, or internal sources? It comes from somewhere, correct? I have had many discussions with Adventist and non-Adventist Christians alike, and many are under the impression that morality is
"Every great scientific truth goes through three phases: First, people deny it. Second, they say it conflicts with the Bible. Third, they say they've known it all along." not independent of belief in God. I tend to disagree. It is my opinion that a person does not have to believe in God in order to be good. The reason I address this issue is that, historically, Christians were often the worst offenders when it came to immorality in the form of violence. Just think of the Crusades! Ponder how much time, money, and life was wasted by the Christian kings and popes of the Middle Ages trying to convince the world that their religion was the best and that everyone should subscribe to their definition of morality. Today, we live morally because our religion teaches us to be afraid of the consequences of immorality. What would happen if there were no consequences? Would we all just start committing murder left and right? I think not. Plato, in his dialogue Euthyphro, outlines a dilemma which raises this question: Are our actions moral because God sanctioned
If science is so certain of the effects of climate change, why is it still debated? It is not a constructive debate to pit the ignorant opinion against the educated one. American scientists have a tough job. They must continue to entertain those who want to question the reality of climate change itself, while also trying to engage an even larger portion of Americans who are apathetic to this scientific reality. One thing is certain: Between global warming and religious apocalypse, at least I know to bring sunscreen to doomsday. 1.http://www.cbsnews.com/2100-500160_162-994766.html. 2..http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opinion_polls_about_9/11_conspiracy_theories. 3.http://www.skepticalscience.com/debunking-climateconsensus-denial.html. 4..http://www.people-press.org/2009/07/09/section-5-evolution-climate-change-and-other-issues/. 5.http://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2013/02/13/godand-climate-change-column/1917975/. 6.http://www.pewresearch.org/daily-number/jesus-christsreturn-to-earth/.
them, or does God sanction our actions because they are moral? Well, I am a Christian, and I believe that God created us and actively participates in our lives. He is definitely a moral guide, but I don’t believe that if I fell and hurt myself, an atheist would ignore my pain because he or she doesn't believe in God, the “source” of morality. A person can still act on moral principles whether he or she believes in God or not. Those principles can come from anywhere, whether internal or external. I believe that humanity is inherently good; that those who don’t believe in God can be just as outraged at genocide, human trafficking, and child prostitution as those who do believe in God. The world is full of people who are good. Perhaps if we could focus on the goodness of humanity instead of imagining that differences in belief are bad, we could create a better world for ourselves.
Surfer attacked by a shark, had a fistfight with it, and won.
The shark had fists?!
Man spent $100,000 on plastic surgery to look like Justin Bieber. Woke up with a fever.
2.5 lb bag of marijuana found in Seattle thrift store donation bin.
Goodness Gracious //
Yet there is still dissent between those who do agree climate change exists. Many Americans admit that climate change is occurring, yet deny its relevance to future generations. Policies to help reduce the effects of climate change are all future oriented. These policies are targeted at
More than $20 in his pocket.
Congress is less popular than colonoscopies, head lice, and Nickelback.
Andrew Woodruff
making noticeable reductions in the trajectory of our global temperature and carbon emissions by anywhere from 2030 to 2050. To me, that is a big deal. It means I will probably see the effects of climate change and the fight against it within my lifetime. Yet to some, this is why such policies are irrelevant. Polls have estimated that 4 out of every 10 Americans believe that Jesus Christ will return to earth by 2050.6 To the overwhelming majority of those polled, the return of Jesus also means at least a temporary end to our earth. This means 40 percent of Americans believe global and national climate change policies have little or no direct influence on their lives or the lives of future generations.
The World Will End in Fire //
These percentages have been slowly decreasing over the last four years. There are also plenty of common arguments fitting the second phase. My personal favorite is that the global ocean levels cannot be rising because God said he will never send another global flood. New and growing ideas in the religious world suggest we might finally be moving into the third stage. Some of those ideas include that altering the climate too much would be "playing God" and we need minimize our ecological footprint for that reason alone.5
Man breaks record for longest scarf knit while running a marathon.
Seriously, Google it.
"Because I can."
Wally the wolf needs a refresh. photo by high desert river outfitters
photo by arella aung
WWU Athletics invites talented designers to submit proposals for an athletics rebrand. photo by timothy torres
photo by mason neil
The deadline for design submission is November 8, 2013.
For more information, visit wallawalla.edu/rebrand photo by arella aung
photo by high desert river outfitters
Submit proposals to: Marketing and University Relations OďŹƒce at Walla Walla University 204 S. College Ave, College Place, WA 99324 E-mail: holley.bryant@wallawalla.edu Phone: (509) 527-2656 photo by arella aung
f h.
For Halloween I’m going to dress up like a Yankees player just like A-Rod did a few times this season.
Sorry Apple products are consistently losing more weight than you. I’m busy right now, but I would be happy to ignore you at some other time.
You strike me as one of those people who hands out fruit on Halloween.
Here’s to Kim Kardashian and Kanye West for not making anyone else be married to them.
eric weber Diversions Editor & Pontificator
Thanks, mom and dad
For those of you who know me, I’m generally a calm, level-headed, all-around chill guy, but one thing that is really starting to tick me off is when people make fun of Millennials. Recently, for Generation X and the Baby Boomers, bashing on Millennials has become America’s new national pastime and I’m sick of it. It’s time to set the record straight, so here we go. I’m sorry, Generation X, but you’re 40 now, so it’s about time for you to take a Xanax® and start researching assisted living homes. Baby Boomers, why are you worrying about Millennials? Don’t you have bigger things to worry about, like incontinence? Also, can the both of you get out of my way? My iPhone, BlackBerry, iPad, and Android are headed to a U.N. peacekeeping conference. The Millennials haven’t done anything? Wait, you’re right — we only made Pinterest, but you shut down a government, started six wars, and sold weapons to terrorists. Yeah, you have definitely accomplished more than we have. So you can say that we’re going to destroy the nation, that we’re narcissists, and that we’re a bunch of entitled losers, but I can’t take all the credit for that. Instead, I would like to say this: Thank you, mom and dad. You’ve done a bang-up job destroying the world thus far, so you’ll have to forgive me if me and my Best Smile trophy want what you told us we deserve.
an experimental endeavor:
aphorisms on various occasions
Daniel Peverini
Religion Editor Disclaimer: This week I wanted to try something completely different from the past three weeks. Instead of the usual editorial essay, I am publishing a collection of aphorisms that I have written over the past year or so. These aphorisms are not intended as a presentation of reality so much as they are meant to share particularly aesthetic (and hopefully, sometimes insightful) moments. Enjoy!
A refusal to be complicit in the obvious violence that sustains our way of life, a reluctance to allow things to continue as they are and a rejection of collegiality in favor of honesty: These are the things that the Christian is called to today. Love, as opposed to desire, truly affirms the beloved. The gap between the beloved and what makes the beloved desirable is collapsed when the beloved is affirmed as is. “I love you for yourself.” This love is not blind, but rather the only love that sees. Nothing is more essential than imagination, for by it we love one another, have hope for the future, and put faith in God.
Christians are called to total doubt: myself, my friends, my world, and my God. This is so because God Himself has asked, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
Popular Christianity — will the Son of Man find faith on the earth when He returns?
Desire little, and you will receive little challenge. But desire it all, desire the impossible, desire a real change in your world, and you will find that you have a challenge.
The radicality of the gospel: that it looks at this world in all its alienation and says nevertheless that God is faithful to fulfill all this.
The pain that we find on the edges of great joy and great disappointment is a witness to our God-given intensity. Tossed in a sea of darkness shot with light, we feel ourselves to carry a spark of the eternal fire. Our words open up concretely new realities. Thus the Christian metaphor for creation is speech. As we are spoken to and speak, we come to participate in the conversation that is divine life. The greatest thing in life is unnecessary and unprecedented. We call it love. Love is that which exists for no reason but itself. Love needs no reason, for love alone is what we value for itself. “The way things are”: Now here is the idol of our age, the unspeakable force which holds us under its sway for no reason at all. We defy this idol its power, for we Christians worship the one true God.
To be human, as we experience it, is to be in relationship with other humans. We live for others. As Christians, we do not claim to be wise after this world. We are precisely unwise, impractical, weak, and foolish. The beatitudes of Luke are less popular than the beatitudes of Matthew. Perhaps that is because they are accompanied by woes. “Woe to you who are rich, to you who are well fed, to you who laugh, to you when everyone speaks well of you.” A hard pill to swallow: We are culpable for each other. This is why the Hebrew prophets always included themselves in prayer for God’s forgiveness. To question God, to rage against Him and this world, this too is a mark of faith.
Campus Ministries introducing the cabl co-leaders { collegiate Advocates for better living }
CABL is a branch of Campus Ministries that plans fun, free events that promote healthy living. Our mission is to have Jesus at the core of what we do. To help you get to know the CABL co-leaders we’ve asked them two questions: What do you do to stay spiritually fit? What do you do to stay physically fit?
Constant communication. Practicing my trust in God and challenging my faith keeps me in spiritual shape. Anything active: running, intramurals, hiking, swimming, and my new hobby — racquetball.
Trei Decker
Kiana Myers
Post-vespers chills & health education Spending time by myself with God in nature. Road cycling, hiking.
Climbing & camping
Reading the Bible each day, more than just for school work, spending time outdoors where it’s just me and God, singing to PLR on the radio (generally windows up), asking for an awareness of His presence throughout the day. I enjoy hiking outdoors with friends and family, eating healthy foods (except on Taco Tuesday), riding bikes, recess once a week at Davis Elementary with the Friends program, carrying a heavy backpack around campus wherever I go.
Faith hoyt
Health promotion & all of the above
Outdoor fun & last-minute ideas
Reading the devotional My Utmost for His Highest, and finding a quiet spot outside to reflect/talk to God. I try to run at least three miles a week. Also, drinking plenty of water and getting to bed early (seldom possible, but I try).
Here We Wonder //
Rachel Blake
Creative Writing Editor
Here we wonder.
So carefully but carelessly while he carries me on
Under roofs, under canopies, under stars
under the humbling company of the grandest ancestors of heaven
Beneath the struggle and the beauty of who we really are.
I see that I was very, very, very wrong.
Here we wonder
These hands are weak to hold on
Thieves and priests
And for some reason it takes strength to be strong
From empty tables and feasts
But I was very, very wrong
From chaos and peace
When I thought this strength was all gone.
We wonder.
Never did it lie in these bones weak from calling home
And when we stood under lights from the skies
Echoing off dark canyons and valleys and shadows of giants
I felt guilty.
roaming on their own.
I felt filthy from the earth
Throwing stone after stone
Like the skies were my church
Our arms were not meant to hold back these giants,
And I fell from attendance.
And as soldiers never meant to fight alone.
Like this was my quiet repentance
And back in attendance I asked the stars the question.
Like a prayer where I couldn’t finish a sentence
And He just smiled and shown even brighter than ever.
But the wonder in my eyes under the wonder of the skies
I wondered at the curious sight, but I knew I was sound
And the everlasting truth hidden under these lies
In the everlasting arms
did it FOR me.
Where my strength is found.
And I thank the glory of the God of the very story that I trod
— River Davis
NEW BUSINESS G.L. 1 — Joe Hughes for Parliamentarian and ASWWU Chief Justice G.L. 2 — Daniel Peverini for ASWWU Justice G.L. 3 — Nathan Stratte for ASWWU Justice G.L. 4 — Tyler Sherwin for Faculty Senate G.L. 5 — Jacob Giem for Faculty Senate G.L. 6 — Clarabeth Smith for Bookstore Innovation Group P.L. 1 — 56 Personnel Hires for ASWWU
Key: F.L.
Financial Legislation
G.L. |
Governance Legislation
Personnel Legislation
If you’d like to see how senate works, join us Thursdays at 9 p.m. in WEC 217. All are welcome.
photo by jon spracklen
Art For All // Chad Aufderhar Arts & Media Editor In the past I would never have described myself as artistic, but I have begun to fall in love with the idea that art is for all of us. If art can be a mode of expression and understanding, then it doesn’t have to leave anyone out. The arts do not require understanding as much as they encourage observation, appreciation, and participation. I saw the idea of art for everyone expressed at the Fremont Abbey Arts Center in Seattle. I found myself there a few summers ago with some new friends from a music festival I had just attended. They convinced me to stay in town for a couple of extra days to catch some more shows. The building that is home to this nonprofit is a Lutheran Church from 1914, renovated in 2008 to become what it is now. I attended an event called “The Round,” a collaborative showcase of musicians, poets, and live painters. It was a beautiful place and a wonderful combination of different mediums, Student Stories: Austin Hummel Release Date: Thursday at 9:37 p.m.
but I was especially struck by their simple mission statement. “... to curate vibrant & welcoming spaces where people of all ages and incomes can grow in their artistic & social development through arts & cultural experiences.” I witnessed a driven, diverse community focused on growth and I don’t know why it caught me off guard. I find myself attending many of the Abbey’s events when I am in Seattle. Creativity cultivates community growth and I find it contagious. I was pleasantly surprised to become aware of a local nonprofit this summer called ArtWalla. Their mission, stated simply on their website, is “Art for All.” It is that simple, or at least it can be. ArtWalla appears to be increasing their activity in the local community and I look forward to seeing what the future holds. You can check out what they have going on at artwalla.com. If you are are ever headed to Seattle, I strongly encourage you see what is going on in the Abbey at fremontabbey.org. In the meantime, draw, especially if you can’t, write grocery lists of the things you feel about groceries, or just look at something and try to let it change you. Do you have art you would like featured in The Collegian? Email your submissions to: chad.aufderhar@wallawalla.edu
Songs for BigTalkin’ Gardeners
Courtney Barnett “Avant Gardener”
This one is about a panic attack during a hot summer in Melbourne where this singer/songwriter hails from.
Saintseneca “James”
These guys are bringing their voices to the folk revival, and regardless of how you feel about Mumford, these four deserve a listen.
OMC “How Bizarre”
It may be from “way” back in 1996, but it is one of the greatest songs to come from New Zealand.
Conway “Big Talk”
Imagine Ke$ha had a child with grunge and 80’s pop. Don’t stop to think how that is possible; just know that there is less glitter.
Man Man “Head On”
This is one of my go-to bands for musical pep talks and this is the best of its kind I have heard yet.
featured Art Check out this feature about the spiritual journey of student Austin Hummel and his passion for automotive work. Have suggestions of other students to feature?
by Josh Denney
Style Touch-ups // Brenda negoescu Fashion Editor
he quickest and easiest way to update any look is by accessorizing. These style-spoken touch-ups are going to impact your wardrobe impeccably. Try a fashion-forward cutout pointed toe — every girl’s closet should have a daring pump.
Panel cap, $36, asos.com / ASOS iPad case, $18, asos.com / ASOS watch with blue dial, $45, asos.com / Synonymous navy tassel slipon shoes, $50, topman.com / ASOS contrast canvas backpack, $36, asos.com / River Island bracelet with two straps, $17, asos.com
Shoes, $24, lulus.com / Gilded beetle ring, $15, nastygal.com / Dimension caged cuff, $18, nastygal.com / Clutch, $30, lulus.com / NYX Cream lipstick - black cherry, $4, nastygal.com
STYLE TIP Slather on a coat of black cherry lipstick to give your look an extra pop.
Is your wardrobe in need of an update? Feeling like your wallet won't cover it? If so, a guest fashion blogger and myself have accepted the challenge. We're asking for $35 (to cover cost of the clothes you get to keep) and a couple of hours to be your very own personal stylists. We are looking for guys and girls who want to exhibit trendy styles and have the chance to appear in a future fashion feature. If interested, contact me at: ema.negoescu@wallawalla.edu.
The Food Fiend presents
grille d cheese photos by andrea johnson
Andrea Johnson Food Editor Let’s talk about trying new things. OK, so I realize that grilled cheese is not exactly a novel concept. I don’t think I’ve met anyone who hasn’t had it, and furthermore, anyone who doesn’t like it. However, there may be some things you have not considered, such as all the wonderful things you can put in your grilled cheese. You may be skeptical of some of the combinations I have here, but all of these have been tried and tested by my roommates and my boyfriend, and have passed with flying colors. So do yourself and, more importantly, your taste buds a favor and try these out.
Julie’s Pick: Mozzarella, pesto, tomato, sprinkle of salt.
Kindra’s Pick: Sharp cheddar
and swiss, garlic-and-dill butter (homemade by mixing garlic and dill with butter), thinly sliced apple, avocado, caramelized onions, squeeze of lime.
Brenna’s Pick: Sharp cheddar,
caramelized onion and tomato (cooked with a splash of balsamic vinegar), garlic. Add avocado, greens (spinach, arugula, etc.), and a squeeze of lime for another tasty combination.
Slusser’s Pick: Sharp cheddar and swiss, thinly sliced apple, raspberry jam.
M ETH O D 1. Heat the bread on both sides in a pan over medium heat. 2. Butter one side of each slice and place butter-side down in the pan. 3. Add fillings, starting with the cheese so it begins to melt, and close the sandwich. 4. Cook on both sides until cheese melts and bread is golden brown.
The foggiest idea // joe hughes Science & Tech Editor Hello Onions. I am derailing our conversation (well, my soliloquy at least) about colors like a question about the government shutdown in a Don Riley class. Why, you ask? Because I got my first question! This chuffs me more than an Englishman’s steam engine running on Earl Grey ever could. So, the question: High barometric pressure days are clear, lower barometric days are cloudy. Why?
the water molecules start moving fast enough that they break out of the large droplets, and the drops get small enough that you can see through them. Also, when you breathe out on a cold morning, your breath fogs and makes you look like either a catastrophic smoker or a terrestrial dragon. This is because the temperature in your lungs is higher than the temperature outside, so the air isn’t foggy inside your lungs, but when it gets outside it cools off enough to turn into fog. So now that we are under temperature, lets get on top of some pressure (pressing down on me ... ). To do this, I’m going to need to use a graph (don’t worry, I’ll balance it out with a cat picture).
— Ron
This is a really awesome question for a number of reasons: firstly, it’s something really familiar to us here in the valley — the fog is coming. Secondly, it’s also a cool question because it deals with weather, and weather is one of the most complex, unpredictable, and utterly spectacular things I don’t know enough about. The root questions here are, “What is fog, and how and why does it form? What does that have to do with pressure?” Let’s start with “what is fog?” Fog is water vapor. “What’s water vapor?” Water vapor is water that’s small enough to float, but big enough that you can’t see through it. Hold on — small enough to float? Weirdly enough, if you get almost anything small enough, it will float. Floating basically works on density. Density is a ratio of how heavy something is to how big it is; a cannonball is many times denser than a pingpong ball. Because floating is a result of being about as dense as the thing you are in, there are two ways to float: one is to be hollow like a boat or a hot air balloon, and the other is to be small enough that you own all the empty space between atoms. This way usually requires that you be only a few molecules stuck together, i.e., a gas. Fog is a gas that bunches up on random pieces of dust and forms drops that are big enough to obscure vision but small enough to float. It’s almost big enough to fall and be a liquid, but not quite. Pressure and temperature have a lot to do with how large the water droplets are. Water is always a little sticky, but if it’s hot the water molecules will be moving fast enough that they will bounce off dust and other water molecules despite the stickiness. When it’s cold, the molecules move slower and are more likely to stick. Two examples — when the sun comes out, the fog usually burns off. This happens because the temperature rises enough that
This plot tells us under what conditions water is solid, liquid, or gas. At a medium pressure (vertical axis), if you increase the temperature (move to the right), you see it change from solid to liquid to gas; this matches intuition. Now for something a little less intuitive — go to a medium temperature, start in the water section and decrease the pressure (go down). You cross into the water vapor section, which means that the water boils. A few years ago, we did a physics lab here at WWU where we put a glass of ice water in a sealed container and lowered the pressure. Sure enough, the water was soon boiling like mad, ice cubes and all. It was pretty cool lab, and low pressure, too. So let’s pull it all together — when pressure is low, liquid water turns to water vapor, and when it’s cold water vapor sticks together in clumps that make it hard to see. This means fog on cold, low-pressure days, which matches experience. Oh, and here’s the steam (punk) cat:
Capitalize on Opportunity // Jon Mack Travel Editor Last year, my ACA school based out of Sagunto, Spain, took us on a trip to Barcelona. The trip started on a Monday and concluded on a Friday morning. Justin Mock and I were very aware of this and decided to stay the weekend in Barcelona; we realized the school gave us free transportation there, so we only had to pay our way back home. photo by jon mack Opportunity, no? Why not stay for the weekend? Lionel Messi and FC Barcelona, one of the biggest sports clubs in the world, were taking on FC Sevilla that Saturday night at Camp Nou, an item on my bucket list.
Neccesity of the Week
Of course, we did other things during our stay. We stopped in at the 1994 Olympic stadium, rented a couple of mopeds like tourists, and hunted in the narrow streets of Las Ramblas to find the best Spanish pizza. These activities were great for killing time until the main event: the soccer game. Once at the stadium, we sat in the nosebleeds with the other tourists, but it was a great vantage point to watch the passing abilities of the Barça squad. Soon, Justin and I watched Lionel Messi and David Villa slot home to beat Sevilla 2–1. Justin and I wouldn’t have made that trip alone to Barcelona just to rent a moped and attend a soccer match. The school’s trip made it worthwhile to stay the weekend and only pay a one-way fare. When opportunity comes your way, capitalize on it; you just may cross something off your bucket list.
GORE-TEX® shoes.
Why? Because when the rain doesn’t stop, neither should you.
photo by julian canadas
Location: Cataluña, España. Population: 1.6 million. Famous for: Las Ramblas, tapas, La Sagrada Família, Antoni Gaudí, Pablo Picasso, La Plaça de Cataluña, old, white, beached northern European whales, and one of the world’s coolest benches. Major Sports Team: FC Barcelona.
photo by andrea johnson
Immune System Savvy // Justin mock Outdoors Editor Over these last few weeks, I have noticed a lot of people with stuffy or runny noses, glazed eyes, lost voices, and exhausted looks. I don’t know where it started, but a wave of illness has swept across campus. As outdoors editor, I work to provide ideas you can use to get outside and get active, but that can’t happen if you’re sick. Therefore, this article is dedicated to the immune system and how to keep it kicking. We have all heard that to keep from becoming sick, one must get good rest, eat the right food, exercise, and drink lots of water. While all these things are true, by attending my Wellness for Living class, I’ve learned that there are many
more ways to boost the immune system, some better known than others. As we journey into colder months, it’s my hope that you can use some of these tips to stay healthy so you can stay active. Also, throughout the rest of the quarter, I will continue to include a “Wellness Tip of the Week” in order to keep wellness a priority.
Just Laugh it Off Last week, I learned that humor has a big impact on immune function. It turns out that laughter, and even the anticipation of something funny, increases different aspects of immunity throughout the body.1 If you need something to get you laughing, check out “Buffering” by Julian Smith on YouTube.
Attitude Adjustment
Stress and Immunity
Our mental state can have a great influence over our physiological state. In fact, one study showed that those who were more optimistic displayed higher immune response when subjected to a virus. This makes our attitude a weapon in preventing illness. Need help being positive? Here are a few tips:
While we tend to think of stress as negative, some studies show that actively overcoming a stressor can have slight beneficial effects on certain aspects of our immune system. However, passively sitting through a stressor doesn’t provide these benefits and may weaken certain aspects of immunity.3,4
Make a thankfulness list: It may sound silly, but seeing what you have to be thankful for can greatly improve your attitude. Lend a hand: Even if it is small, like providing homework help, doing an act of service can provide us with a sense of worth and purpose.
1. Lecture given by Dr. Andersen, Wellness for Living. October 17, 2013. 2. www.livescience.com. 3. Lecture given by Dr. Andersen, Wellness for Living. October 7, 2013. 4. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov.
Acknowledge your strengths: Writing down your personal strengths and then exercising them is a great way to remind yourself of what talents and abilities you bring to the table.2
Manning’s Return Home Shows His Kryptonite //
andrea johnson
Grayson Andregg Sports Editor Wow. What a crazy week in sports. I think there might be a riot if the first thing I talk about doesn’t involve the No. 1 Denver Broncos going down last Sunday night to the No. 4 Indianapolis Colts. Each quarterback threw three touchdowns and more than 280 yards through the air by the end of the game, but it’s NFL sophomore Andrew Luck who stole the win on his new home turf.
sports, and rarely are they disappointed. Yeah, yeah, I know what all you golf haters are thinking: “The only thing that you could call intense in golf is the fact that no one has gotten mad enough yet to swing a club at someone else’s head.” Or soccer haters that think all someone needs to play soccer is good cardiovascular endurance (which
that watching Jarrod Saltalamacchia smash a grand slam to get the Red Sox into the World Series (again) didn’t get you a little excited. Speaking of the Stanley Cup, the NHL is now in full stride. Though not many games have been played, there are already a few surprises. Who knew that the Carolina Hurricanes could actually keep the ice frozen long enough to get into first place? Hockey is personally one of my favorite sports to watch live. No matter how good the teams are, there are bound to be some big hits and crazy shots.
“If you find something that keeps you wanting more, don’t lose it.”
Sunday was a day of close games all around: Multiple games were decided within the final minutes of the fourth quarter. Intensity is what everyone looks for when they watch
means many of us couldn’t). But there’s no arguing that intensity is what brings us back to watching the Super Bowl, the Masters, the Stanley Cup, Wimbledon, or any other major game. You can’t sit there and tell me
Try to find some sort of intensity in other aspects of life that suit you. If you find something that keeps you wanting more, don’t lose it. We all have things that we love to do. Sports or not, intensity keeps us coming back.
On CAMPUS: We hope you guys all made it out to the last men’s soccer home game. Men’s basketball is starting soon, though their first home game isn’t till November 29. Check out their schedule online to catch their away games. Meanwhile, ladies’ volleyball has one more home game against WWCC on October 28 at 7 p.m., and ladies’ basketball has their second home game the 29th at 5 p.m. Come wearing WWU gear to show your pride and support! See you there.
It’s week four and I’ve seen new couples popping up faster than Kellie Bond quizzes. So it’s time to talk. If you know me at all, you’ll know that I love love. I’m pretty much as cliché as it gets. I cry in Titanic, I weep in The Notebook, and don’t even get me started with The Time Traveler’s Wife. But I, even I, need to say a few things about beginning-of-the-year romances. Let’s just say I speak from personal experience (sigh). Try to hold back the judgment and remember that I’m a much more mature person now. During JumpStart week my freshman year, I was on the prowl. I’ll admit it. Coming from a small Seventh-day Adventist academy, relationship options were limited — really limited. I had been looking across the lunch tables at the same kids since I was in Kindergarten and now that I had packed my bags (and by bags, I mean
two full-sized cars) and moved two states north, I was excited at the possibilities. A little too excited. It’s really quite embarrassing.
Freshly bleached blonde hair and new clothes from the Roseville Galleria, I was ready to find my husband. I mean, that’s what I had been promised, right? That’s why I had signed up! During my campus tour during U-Days of my senior year of high school, my tour guide pointed out all the important features of our lovely campus: “So, this is the guy’s dorm. Ladies, take a look. This is where they sleep. You can wash your cars over here. Or, better yet, get your boyfriend to wash it for you. The University Church is here, where you can go on vespers dates, and the library is over here — it’s really cozy, if you know what I mean.” Wink. Giggle. “They don’t call it Western Wedding University for nothing!” You can’t make this stuff up.
verbatim "If you can't bend down to get a drink at the drinking fountain without being illegal, you shouldn't wear it to work." — Melissa Rae, on office dress code
"I’m not paying someone to make me pee myself! If I’m going to pee myself it’s because I’m winning a bet or being paid for it." — Rebekah Gaines, on the haunted corn maze
"Pushing people down is so much fun! Now I see why bullies do it all the time." — Jassica Choi, after the mud bowl
— John Lubke, on logging into Pottermore Have something funny to report? Email me at: Rachel.Logan@wallawalla.edu.
Logan BackWord Editor
After six months and a lot of tears (mostly my mom’s), I was finally on my own (well, as alone as you can be in a dormitory of women) and ready to start finding my husband — er, I mean, boyfriend. Don’t misunderstand me; my education was important (is important), but as a young woman in a new place, I felt like Sarah Jessica Parker in New York: I was ready to see and be seen. WHAM. Relationship. Three weeks into my freshman year and we were "Facebook official." Those sidelong glances in our 100-level sociology class were just too much to handle. Then there were vespers dates, movie dates, coffee dates, and just dates, dates, dates. It was pretty rough around midterms, seeing how we barely knew each other’s middle names, but we pulled through nicely. And then WHAM. It was over, almost quicker than it started (if that’s even possible).
Now, I’m not saying that you can’t meet the love of your life during JumpStart (or sociology class); what I am saying is to make friends. After my dramatic breakup over Thanksgiving break, the empty box of Oreos next to me wasn’t my only problem. Who was I supposed to hang out with now that the stranger–boyfriend in my life was gone? Don’t spend time trying to find your husband in the first few weeks of this quarter; spend your time finding lasting friends! Besides, there’s no rush. If you’re a freshman, you have four years (maybe even five) before you graduate. So why are you settling down during the first five minutes? To all my freshman ladies: Take a deep breath and just calm down (you too, gentlemen). All right, good people of Walla Walla University — this concludes our public service announcement.
What was your most awkward breakup? “My ex-boyfriend called me on the phone and told me he cheated on me with a man. He then told me he decided to break up with me for him. We were engaged.”
— freshman lady
“My girlfriend was going to visit me up here at Walla Walla, but I called her on the phone a week before she showed up and dumped her. She cried a lot.”
— freshman gentleman
“My girlfriend drove 5.5 hours to surprise me at my house on the weekend I was planning on breaking up with her. I couldn’t do it after she drove all that way so the next weekend I drove to her and broke up with her at church.”
— senior gentleman
"Yesterday I got sorted into Gryffindor! I’m more excited about being in Hogwarts than in college."
“In the sixth grade I went to Astro Camp with this girl I had a crush on. After kissing her for the first time she decided I was awkward and stopped talking to me. All I really remember about that camp was being mad I couldn’t kiss her anymore.”
— sophomore gentleman
confession “I find it hard to pay attention in my class because my professor reminds me of an ex.” Sincerely, Awkwardly Distracted
We have a new, better way to submit anonymous confessions. Type: wwuconfessions.tumblr.com
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