Volume 98, Issue 8

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Walla Walla University


Collegian 21 November 2013 | Volume 98 | Issue 8







Grant Perdew Editor-In-Chief

You’ve made it! Break is upon us. Now, you may think you have all the time in the world to catch up in that one class and really learn your periodic table. But don’t be surprised if you wake up after binge-watching all five seasons of Breaking Bad and it’s time to head back to Walla Walla. Soak up your break. Relax, get in those extra hours of sleep, finish that studying, eat more than you ought to, and have a great, albeit brief, vacation. Remember, just one more plunge into studies before an extended holiday! In this final issue before Thanksgiving break, I invite you take a look at the vast array of sections The Collegian includes. Each week, we strive to bring the student body and community a balance of entertaining and relevant content, from the news in the Context section, the Perspective section and Feature dedicated to stimulating discussion, and the Life section dedicated to bringing entertaining and informative content. Last week, we published a letter from Don Riley expressing his concerns





photo by kate gref

Religion | Response | ACA/SM | Opinion Snapshots | Diversions | Creative Writing Column

Grant Perdew

Assistant Editor Nathan Stratte

Head Layout Editor Alix Harris

Head Copy Editor Carly Leggitt

Head Photo Editor

Opinion Editors

Brandon Torkelsen Rebecca Williams Andrew Woodruff

Fashion Editor

Brenda Negoescu

photo by creative commons

Arts & Media | Food | Travel | Fashion | Local Outdoors | Sports | BackWord

Travel Editor

Layout Designers

Science & Technology Editor

Erik Edstrom Andralyn Iwasa Ian Smith Jenna Thomas

If you are interested in contributing to The Collegian, contact our page editors or the editor-in-chief at aswwu.collegian@wallawalla.edu. The Collegian is boosted by regularly incorporating a wide range of student perspectives.

Copy Editors

Cover Photo Credit: Kate Gref, Public Domain, @elzrice, Kate Gref, Creative Commons

Jon Mack

Joe Hughes

Food EDitor

Andrea Johnson

Grayson Andregg

Timothy Barbosa

Rachel Blake Jassica Choi Lauren Heathcock

Religion Editors

Arts & Media Editor

Staff Writers

The Collegian is the official publication of ASWWU. Its views and opinions are not necessarily the official stance of Walla Walla University or its administration, faculty, staff, or students. Questions, letters, and comments can be mailed to aswwu.collegian@ wallawalla.edu or grant.perdew@wallawalla.edu. This issue was completed at 2:15 a.m. on 21 November 2013.

Office & Distribution Manager

The Collegian | Volume 98, Issue 8 | 204 S. College Avenue College Place, WA 99324 | collegian.wallawalla.edu

News Editor

Outdoor Editor

Brooklynn Larson Katie Pekar Julian Weller


Local Attractions Editor

Kate Gref

Feature Editors

Anything Elegant


Sports Editor

John Lubke Daniel Peverini

Carolyn Green

In addition, our feature takes a look at the Gadfly, the only student-produced arts journal from any Adventist college or university. We’re excited to inform you about this unique publication and encourage you, or anyone you know who creates elegant things, to consider contributing to the Gadfly this year. Anything you’re passionate about will do: cell slides, sheet music, and poetry — it could be anything. Submissions are accepted until December 31. With this issue, we hope to inspire you to share your talents. Enjoy, and safe travels!


photo by kate gref

photo by arella aung

Editorial | News | Briefing | #thecollegian Calendar



with the appointment of Sandra Roberts as the new SECC President. This week, The Collegian is publishing responses to that letter: one by Biology Professor Jim Nestler and another by Biblical Studies Professor Carl Cosaert. This is an ongoing conversation in our church right now and it is important to hear different perspectives and to have accurate information.

Justin Mock

Diversions Editor Eric Weber

Chad Aufderhar

Backword Editor Rachel Logan

Creative Writing Editor Rachel Blake


Madeleine Boyson Micah Hall

Lester Biggs Carlton Henkes Savannah Kisling Lauren Lewis

Haley Coon


Iron Chef: WWU // carlton henkes Staff Writer

Patrons of the campus cafeteria enjoyed free entertainment with their dinner on Tuesday night as Walla Walla University held its sixth annual Iron Chef competition. Walla Walla University student Amber Crew and a team of helpers went up against Sodexo’s Iron Chef, Caleb Moss, in a battle of culinary improvisation. The secret ingredient was revealed to be ... apples! The amateur and professional chefs raced to work with less than an hour to design and create the perfect meal. Live footage was streamed to audiences in the cafeteria and Alaska room, filmed by the communications department student

“The amateur and

professional chefs raced to work with less than an hour to design and create the perfect meal.”

employees and Jerry Hartman, film and television professor. The live production was directed by communications students Jessica Montoya and Carlton Henkes. As chefs worked feverishly in the kitchen, floor reporters chronicled the event to the audience. Dusty Williams provided commentary and entertainment, while Tom Creasey interviewed the chefs, giving play-by-play updates.

Miles Rottman, Sodexo general manager, served as the chairman of this year’s Iron Chef. He has done this three times before: once at Point Loma Nazarene University and twice at Dickinson State University. As the evening drew to a close, Creasey commented, “I never thought there was so much teamwork involved in cooking.” The three judges chewed carefully as they rated the dishes. Iron Chef Moss was victorious.

“I never thought

there was so much teamwork involved in cooking.” Crew said, “I really just wanted to have a good time, and I did! It was great to have a creative outlet for my culinary side.”

Office and Promotions Manager, Positive Life Radio With hearts and pocketbooks, Positive Life Radio listeners quickly bridged the 7,500 miles from the West Coast of the United States to the country of Cambodia. During the 15 th annual Rice for Cambodia campaign, which recently ended, listeners pledged $129,610. This amount will buy 216 tons of rice, which will feed 8,640 families for a month. “Through the years I’ve heard about this project but never have taken the opportunity to participate,” says Paul Richardson, Positive Life Radio general manager. “Having recently joined the staff of Positive Life Radio as general manager of the network, I’ve been deeply involved in this year’s collaboration of compassion. What a great opportunity to

look beyond the Inland Northwest to the international needs that are within our ability to affect for good.”

“During the 15th

annual Rice for Cambodia campaign, which recently ended, listeners pledged $129,610.”

Elizabeth Nelson, midday host, recalls a particularly memorable experience with one family. “Two young children, a brother and a sister, decided to pool their money and sponsor a 50-pound bag of rice. That’s enough to feed a family for a month. After hearing that her children


(Wi nter 2014) Col l egi a n Opi n i on Edi tor

how to


1. Download application from ASWWU website.

PLR: Rice for Cambodia Campaign // Sali Miller


2. Send your résumé, application, writing sample and cover letter to aswwu@wallawalla.edu. 3. Wait for your interview.

were sponsoring a bag, their mother decided to donate $100,” Nelson says. During the three-day campaign, station employees were joined by volunteers and student workers. Also part of the event were TransformAsia and Musicianaries 1 — partnering organizations that help fund and distribute the rice. “100 percent of the funding goes for rice. That’s something you don’t often see,” says Ernest Beck, program director at Positive Life Radio. The rice will be distributed in July 2014. For more information about the campaign, call Positive Life Radio at 1-800-355-4757, or visit www.plr.org. 1. www.transformasia.us and www.musicianaries.org

SENATE UPDATE S en a te i s c o n ti n u a l l y s eek i n g wa y s to i m p r o v e s tu d en t l i f e. We wo u l d l i k e to en c o u r a g e y o u to ta l k to y o u r s en a to r s a b o u t a n y s u g g es ti o n s , c o m m en ts , o r i d ea s . Contac t Phi l i p Duc l os at: aswwu.evp@wal l awal l a.edu


BRIEFING | 4 pho to by fo x

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“He is besides, though a little vain & silly, a bird of courage, and would not hesitate to attack a grenadier of the British Guards who should presume to invade his farm yard with a red coat on.”

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“I’m happy, and I don’t need the NFL.”


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“The president should honor the commitment the federal government made to those people and let them keep what they’ve got.”

— Benjamin Franklin, in a letter to his daughter on why the national symbol of America should be the valiant, respectable turkey, rather than the cowardly, lousy bald eagle. ot o


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Percentage of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford's budget that the Toronto city council voted to cut this last Monday (essentially eliminating most of his authority and staff). This was in a meeting to discuss whether to strip Ford, who is of crack-smoking, profanityusing, drunk-driving fame, of his mayoral powers. In the meeting, he knocked over an elderly councilwoman while running through the council chamber.


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“We have no fear when it comes to giving more martyrs in the line of duties.”

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— Bill Clinton, on the president's broken 2009 promise that Americans could keep existing health care plans that they liked. Two to four million plans have been canceled.



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— Former Denver Broncos offensive guard John Moffitt, on his decision to retire (forfeiting about $1 million in salary and a possible trip to the Super Bowl with the 9-1 Broncos) due to concerns for his health.

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— The Iranian ambassador to Lebanon, Ghazanf Roknabadi, in Iran's response to the double suicide bombing at the Iranian Embassy in Beirut, which took 23 lives on Tuesday.



An African-American conductor, composer, and cellist who was known for promoting 20th century composers and working for equal opportunities for female and minority musicians. He was described as “a virtuoso cellist, a sensitive musician, and something of a hero.”

A deeply spiritual British composer who, according to John Rutter, “Believed that music was for everybody and was a prayer.” Tavener was known for writing meditative, passionate, and colorful sacred orchestral music, like his popular cello concerto “The Protecting Veil,” and his dramatic cantata “The Whale.”

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Weight of 5-year-old Indonesian former chain smoker Ardi Rizal, due to his current addiction to junk food. He traded in his 40-cigarette-a-day habit for a 3-cans-of-condensedmilk-a-day one.

45 million Percentage of Indonesia's 80 million children who take up the habit of smoking by age 10.

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Percentage of Americans who smoke cigarettes.

Number of turkeys smoked, baked, fried, or cooked in the U.S. every year for Thanksgiving.

Number of smokers who quit smoking for The Great American Smokeout, a nationwide quit-smoking day put on by the American Cancer Society on the third Thursday of every November — which is November 21 this year. At some American Cancer Society offices, smokers can trade a pack of cigarettes for a cold turkey sandwich.



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Number of of SFE turkeys Obama has Adventi pardoned Theater staff, since becoming WWU president. change

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students for equality // carolyn green News Editor

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” — Declaration of Independence There is an unofficial group on campus that some are aware of but many do not know much about. It’s called Students For Equality, and in the last two years this group has grown in members, supporters, and publicity. SFE is a gay–straight alliance, the definition of which is “a student-led organization ... that is intended to provide a safe and supportive environment for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer/ questioning youth and their straight allies.” The mission statement of SFE is “to provide a safe environment, promote awareness, and start the conversation of tolerance and equality of LGBTQ on the WWU campus and to inform and educate students, faculty, and staff through peaceful means.” SFE is a diverse group, comprised of LGBTQ and straight students, Adventists and non-Adventists, men and women, and also receives support from a handful of faculty members. The group meets weekly and has an average attendance of about 25 people. In its beginnings in 2011, the unofficial group met once a month. Trevor Iwata, a former leader of SFE, said, “At the time, visible support was hard to find and having neutral places to meet were sparse. I remember being scared to have a meeting where anyone would see us.” A major turning point for the success

er of of SFE was the showing of “Seventh Gay eys ma has Adventists” in 2012 at the Power House doned Theater in Walla Walla. Students, faculty, staff, and some administration from e ming WWU filled the theater. “The climate has . changed since then on campus,” said Iwata.

“University students are more comfortable with who they are and what they believe and are gaining their voice.”

John Lubke, an ally to the group, said, “I can see a difference on the campus between when I first started as a student here in 2007 and now. It used to be very taboo for LGBTQ students to be out and open about it, but people are much more receptive now. I’m not saying this didn’t come without hardship and struggle, but I can see progress in the way people are treated.” Groups like SFE, and the people who are a part of them, have greatly helped foster this progress.” Groups similar to SFE have existed on campus in the past, but have never been able to maintain momentum after the leaders graduated. The current leaders of SFE are striving to create a stronger connection between the group and the campus in order to have a more lasting impact.

“We are not a

radical group. We are not violent. We are here to love every student; past, present, and future.”

Adventist colleges and universities across the country now also have equality groups. WWU SFE is a member of the Intercollegiate Adventist Gay–Straight Alliance Coalition. IAGC is a non-profit organization that was started in the summer of 2012. Along with WWU, IAGC members include Pacific Union College, Andrews University, La Sierra University, and Southern Adventist University. Students across campuses and across the country are coming together for equality. Lubke said, “This is not a place for a theological arguments. What drives SFE is much more simple; we hold to the

“We want to

provide a safe campus, and all we ask is that you be brave. Stand up for equality. It's easier than you think.”

idea that people have ‘certain unalienable rights.’ So, religion aside, as humanity, we want to foster a trend of coexistence and understanding. In that vein, however, we recognize our presence on an Adventist– Christian campus, and so we find common ground within this tradition.” As Lubke points out, “God created us equal, and with that as our basis, this group does belong on this campus.” Students For Equality is a force for positive change, but still operates as an unofficial group on campus. One of their goals this year is to gain official club status and affiliation with Walla Walla University. Accomplishing this would help SFE become more established on campus, gain access to more resources, and would enable them to be even more active in helping students pursue the cause of equality. Iwata shared his passion for the cause, saying the following about SFE: “We are not a radical group. We are not violent. We are here to love every student: past, present, and future. We want to provide a safe campus, and all we ask is that you be brave. Stand up for equality. It’s easier than you think. Supporting love and equality could save someone’s life, literally.” Let’s be brave. If you’re interested in getting connected or involved with SFE, contact coordinator Asher Matthews via WWU.SFE@gmail. com and tell him why and how you’d like to be involved. Asher will be able to connect you to the meetings and to the newsletters.


#thecollegian @ mauik01







For more info and to sign up, email ASWWU Outdoors at: aswwu.outdoors@wallawalla.edu


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22 NOV Friday 43° 32°

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Thanksgiving Break Begins

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45° 27°

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50th anniversary of the JFK Assassination

23 NOV Saturday

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Second Service Speaker: Brant Berglin 11:45 a.m. University Church National Cashew Day

24 NOV Sunday 46° 32°

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ASWWU Outdoors Camping Trip Begins Miller Island Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day


On Love // Daniel Peverini

Religion Editor Before I discuss Christian love,1 I want to deal with evil, because love makes little sense unless we first face the evil that so often thwarts our love. The reality is that we experience evil in this our world. Though evil can be defined in various ways, all evil basically functions as temporal contradiction. That is, our stories as we experience them are incomplete in the sense that others who participate in our stories are often out of place. People are alienated from God, from each other, and from themselves. Statements of frustration with evil are universal laments over alienation. “I’m angry at God, who feels absent!” “I miss my dad, who died six years ago.” “I don’t even understand myself any more.” We could provide many more examples, but basically these statements say that someone we experienced in our past or whom we hope for in the future is somehow absent in our present. These alienations tear us apart and ultimately break us. Why are we so broken in the reality of our alienation? I suggest that the source of our brokenness lies in the incredibly good reality that we humans need each other. We humans experience ourselves as both subjects and objects, actors and acted

upon. As persons, we occur precisely in an exchange of selves in a place that is neither mine nor yours but ours. This exchange occurs only in the openness of mutual sharing. This means that we concretely need others to fulfill ourselves. As the examples of alienation outlined above suggest, death is the ultimate evil because death is a seemingly insurmountable tear in time. So long as a person is alive, there is a chance that he may continue to participate in our story. But if he is dead, he ceases to live in time and therefore ceases to be a part of our story. The story that was our story is cut short. Now that the problem of evil is palpable, we can propose love as the solution. Of love, Christians have said that “God is love.”2 What this means is that whenever God happens, love also happens. Of course, the Christian God is the God of Jesus. For Christians, the Jesus story is the story of God’s happening. By implication, the Jesus story is also the story of love’s happening. Therefore, if we are to discover a uniquely Christian definition of love, we need to find it in the story of Jesus. The story about Jesus is a story of death and resurrection, with the defining event being God raising Jesus from the dead. Now, to love is to give my future self the freedom of the beloved. I give myself without reserve to creating our shared world, holding nothing back. I make a promise to promise unconditionally. But if I die, what becomes of all that? Yet Christianity claims that Jesus gave his future completely for the freedom of others, and died in the process. This Jesus, though he died, yet lives. Basically, the death and resurrection of Jesus means that one successful lover now exists. Love really

is stronger than death. The man who lives beyond death is free to give his unending future to the freedom of others. Love, of course, must ultimately be a call to love in return, for love occurs in perfect mutuality. This is so because the lover, typified by Christ, understands that love is the highest good, and is not satisfied by

“Love possesses incredible power to resist evil and to actualize good in real and meaningful ways.” anything less than that his beloved also be a lover. It must also be noted that love is always given and never earned. Much to our frustration, there is nothing that we can do to earn love, the highest good. We can never “deserve” love. Ultimately, this is because all love is itself a gift from God.3 God calls us through Christ to love, and all our love is merely a giving of God’s love. We will experience this love, Christians claim, in personal and conscious resurrection. This is so, not because we need or deserve personal conscious e x i s t en c e, but because in our future

resurrections, we are given to each other without conditions. I will be there for your freedom and you will be there for my freedom. Without the limitation of death, love will be truly actualized. What does this love look like in action? Chris Hedges, American journalist and public intellectual, writes of love in action. “Love places the beloved foremost in life, it sees us make sacrifices for the happiness of the beloved, sacrifices that dent ambition and stunt careers, sacrifices that say there are others more important than ourselves — those we love ... This is a radical way of living, one in stark contradiction to the siren call of self-satisfaction, one that defies the call to live for self. It is the bulwark against the destructive power of those who, angered and alone, seek through power to destroy life. It stymies blind ambition and greed. It creates another way of being.”4 Love possesses incredible power to resist evil and to actualize good in real and meaningful ways. Indeed, according to Paul, love never fails.5 While acknowledging the weight of alienation in this world, Christians even now hope for love because they believe in Jesus as the one who makes love a reality. This hope drives Christians to foolish and bold endeavors as they try despite their alienation to live this love now. 1. This essay draws heavily on Jenson, Story and Promise (Minneapolis: Fortress, 1973). 2. I John 4. 3. For we love because he first loved us (I John 4). 4. Hedges, Chris. Losing Moses on the Freeway. New York: Free Press, 2005, 118. 5. I Corinthians 13.

Campus Ministries

hispanic ministries

Shintell Izquierdo

Hispanic Ministries is a worship opportunity that happens every Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the Gathering Room (next to the High Five room). No, you don’t have to speak Spanish to join; everyone is welcome. Worships consist of fellowship, praise, and studying the Bible. Our main focus is to be a community growing in unity and faith in Christ. We do different service projects around the community, such as giving Christmas gifts to the children at the Farm Labor Camp and visiting churches in neighboring states. To get involved, contact Shintell Izquierdo (shintell.izquierdo@wallawalla.edu). Los esperamos!


Letters to the editor // Carl Cosaert

Dear Editor: The different perspectives in Don Riley’s recent letter to the editor entitled “Giant Leap Backwards for Adventism” and Carolyn Green’s earlier article entitled “A Giant Leap for Adventism” illustrate the difference of opinion that now divides not only the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists (NAD), but also our larger church on the issue of women’s ordination. While the readers of The Collegian have to make up their own minds about whether Sandra Roberts’ appointment as President of the South Eastern California Conference (SECC) is a leap forward or backward, it is important that the information on which they base their decision is accurate. In this case, the following points need to be noted: 1. Female Conference President & GC Policy While it is true that General Conference policy requires a conference president to be ordained, Sandra Roberts was actually ordained last year following the decision of the Pacific Union Conference to ordain without regard to gender. As such, her election is actually in harmony with GC Working Policy E-60. It is for this reason that at the NAD Year-end Meetings last week, Sandra Roberts was officially recognized and seated as the legitimate president of the SECC. The controversy over her appointment really has to do with whether or not her ordination is valid (along with dozens of other Adventist women recently ordained across North America and parts of Europe). Although the 1990 General Conference (GC) decided against establishing a worldwide policy allowing for the ordination of women, it did not vote to forbid it. They simply felt that taking an official stance at that time on the issue would harm the unity of the church. This is something that will probably be addressed at the 2015 GC Session for the sake of unity itself. How were Sandra Roberts and other women ordained if the General Conference did not vote to permit it? An examination of church policy actually states that the issue of ordination falls under the purview of the union conferences that make up our world church. General Conference Working Policy L 45 05 states, “After favorable consideration the local conference committee will submit the name of the candidate with its findings and convictions to the union for counsel and approval.” After the 2011 GC Annual Council denied a request from the NAD and TransEuropean Division to allow non-ordained individuals (that is women) to be eligible to serve as conference presidents, individual unions decided to move forward with carrying out their authority to set their own policy on ordination — a right that they had chosen not to act upon in the past.

3. Biblical Qualifications

Other Perspectives

The decision on whether women should be ordained should be based on biblical qualifications rather than on church policy. It is true that women did not serve as priests in the Old Testament. But what does that really prove? The priesthood was also not open to most men — you had to be an unblemished descendant of Levi, and that means Jesus didn’t even qualify!


has clearly established men to be

the rightful leaders in the home, church, and society.”

— Doug Batchelor, pastor of the Sacramento Central Seventh-Day Adventist Church and founder of Amazing Facts ministry.

The fact is that the Old Testament Sanctuary system was inadequate. It was replaced with something much better: the greater sacrifice of Jesus, and a new priesthood with Jesus as our High Priest after the order of Melchizedek (Hebrews 6:20), and with the priesthood of all believers (1 Peter 2:5–9), meaning men and women. The same is true with the fact that Jesus chose only 12 male apostles. To claim that this requires only male pastors is hardly convincing. Jesus’s apostles were not only males, but they were also Jews. Would it then follow that only Jews can serve as pastors? I do not think so.

“If we exclude one half of a demographic, we exclude half of a whole lot of gifts

God has given to a whole lot of people in the body of Christ.” — Sandra Roberts, newly elected president of the Southeastern California conference of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church.

When we do turn to the actual proclamation of the church after the resurrection, the pages of Scripture make it clear that women played an integral role in that process. Paul identifies several women, such as Phoebe, a leader in the church of Cenchreae (Romans 16:1–2), Priscilla, Euodia, and Syntyche (Philippians 4:2–3; Acts 18:24–26), who labored side by side with Paul in teaching and preaching the gospel. Should women be ordained to gospel ministry? Let the reader decide based on Scripture and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. 1. OrdinationTruth.com, “Netherlands Union Renews Rebellion Against General Conference.“ Last modified July 07, 2013. Accessed November 16, 2013.http://ordinationtruth.com/2013/07/07/netherlands-unionrenews-rebellion-against-general-conference/.

Dr. Carl Cosaert is a professor of Biblical Studies at Walla Walla University. He has been teaching in the School of Theology at Walla Walla University for six years. Before earning his Ph.D. in New Testament and Early Christianity, he served as a pastor for 10 years.

Jim Nestler

2. Ordination and Church Unity Websites such as OrdinationTruth claim that the recent action of the NAD regarding the ordination of women is an act of defiance, rebellion, and apostasy.1 It is true that the NAD is “separate” from much of the world church on this issue, but the lack of uniformity on women’s ordination does not necessarily undermine unity. An example of this can be seen in the different practices of the world church on the issue of local women elders. Although the GC authorized women to serve as local church elders in 1975, it has been left up to the executive committee of each world division to determine if this policy is implemented in their field. For this reason in some world divisions women are not allowed to serve as elders. The diversity of the world church on the question of local women elders has not lead toward “congregationalism” — it is merely an illustration of unity in diversity.

Due to the issue of ritual purity that surrounded the temple, women could not serve because they were “ritually” unclean on a monthly basis at the time of their menstruation cycle or after childbirth. Who today would claim that only healthy men from the house of Levi could be church leaders?

Dear Editor: “[Women’s





fragmentation, congregationalism, and to a disintegration of the collegial relationship that we have in the world church.”

— Ted Wilson, President of the General Conference of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church.

I applaud the recent letter to the editor denouncing on biblical grounds the appointment of a woman as a conference president. Women should know their biblical place and stay in it: Eating bad fruit, helping spies, remaining in the desert for a week every month, cleaning the house, sitting at a man’s feet. How could I forget cooking? Next thing you’ll know, women will be able to vote, drive, and be counted in a census. And maybe even be in a leadership/teaching role as an engineering professor. But biblically, that’s just wrong. Dr. Jim Nestler is a professor of Biology at Walla Walla University and the director of Rosario Beach Marine Laboratory.


Do you want ice cream? // Allison Berger

kindness like that ... so sweet of them to think of me.”

Gem State Academy

Student: “The Rec Room. Where are you?”

Manipulative. That’s a trait I never embodied much. (I suppose you could ask my brother, Elliott.)

Me: “I’ll be back soon. Don’t wait for me, but thank you!”

Rather, starting at a young age, I have spent my life trying to please others and configuring my responses to best fit their expectations and desires. The concept of controlling people to benefit myself is generally foreign. It’s most important to me that everyone feels loved and appreciated, as often as possible. What is it — the Golden Retriever type? The Merchant personality? Yes.

Student: “Um actually we were going to graciously buy you ice cream if you’d take us there. To Coldstone :) Please :)”

But with some kids ... that’s not so much the case. They are sneaky. They are observant and conniving. They find your smallest loopholes, and they are ready to pounce any second on any given opportunity.

Me: “Oh ... I see. ;)” photo by allison berger

Now, luckily, as a dean, I haven’t (yet) seen this tendency flourish to the extreme, though I can imagine a multitude of ways it could. I’m on the lookout. But in small ways, I’ve been floored by what some of my students can come up with. Such creativity! Take this evening, for instance: I was enjoying a lovely fall walk around

the Gem State campus, through some nearby neighborhoods, marveling at the gorgeous trees that are magically Pturning colors and hoto by A llison B erger dropping leaves this time of year.

What a backward way of asking. Shaking my head at my own naivete, I made my way back to the school and prepared a goodnatured negotiation. Coldstone did sound yummy.

A text came in from a student: “Hi Dean Despite creative attempts at bribery and Berger! Do you want some ice cream?” blatant flattery, I’m onto these kids. They are Me: “Yum! Where are you?” thinking, pretty fun, if we can just channel this energy “How nice, they don’t usually extend for good, not evil.


Opinion Editor

Thanksgiving is the worst break of the year. Christmas, spring, and summer vacations are all filled with guilt-free video games, roadtrips, and generally not-school-related activities. However, over Thanksgiving, I always know that I’m neglecting to review or write or study. I usually silence this nagging voice by eating copious amounts of Tofurkey, but come the first Monday back, I regret a wasted week. The worst problem with my lack of productivity during Thanksgiving break is how easy it would be to solve the problem.

I know what you’re thinking: What would I do for five weeks? I get bored after one week at home. However, if we had a fiveweek vacation, students would have a chance to work on their senior project/thesis, visit Canada, play through Call of Duty, or get seasonal work in retail for the Christmas season. Winter and spring quarters have continuity in classes. Unfortunately, fall quarter has Thanksgiving Break — a whole week in which we are able to forget what we’ve learned, not work on projects, and guiltily munch on pumpkin pie.

I thank you for your awesomeness // Rebecca Williams

Opinion Editor My roommate, Christi, is a fabulous gift giver. I like to sing in the shower, so she once gave me a shower radio (probably to give her ears a listening alternative). I bite my nails, so she gave me a nail kit complete with fancy scissors. Her presents have all been unique and thoughtful. The most memorable gift I have ever received from Christi was a set of thank-you cards with “I Thank You for Your Awesomeness!” written on the front. Her excuse for the gift was that I was always using the word “awesomeness,” but this gift caused me to think about the state of my gratitude-showing abilities. I came to the conclusion that they could be better.

So why doesn’t our society emphasize being thankful for a person’s presence in our lives? Perhaps we are too focused on what people do rather than who they are. We are so achievement-oriented that it is almost impossible to separate people from their deeds. Sentences begin with, “Hey, did you hear about so-and-so who did suchand-such?” or, “What’s-his-face [political candidate] said this-and-that and it made me really angry.” We constantly associate people with their actions instead of their particular

qualities. We thank them for what they give us instead of for the way that their presence, ideas, and personalities contribute to our daily living. Now, of course, there are times when what a person makes or does reflects who they are. But I can tell you that the barista who makes my coffee is not a soulless, coffeemaking machine and that the professor who gives you impossible midterms doesn’t exist to make your day worse. They are doing their jobs, but also striving to be themselves, as we all are. We are all searching for recognition. Not for what we do, but for who we are. We fail to thank each other for being unique, which is one of the most difficult things to be. We should all endeavor to be somewhat cheesy, and thank those who impact our lives for simply being. So, in the spirit of the season and, hopefully, in the spirit of each and every day, I would like to say thank you, everyone, for your contribution to my daily life. Thank you, politicians, for having the skills to keep our government in existence, for being brave enough to take on that responsibility. Thank you, educators, for having the knowledge to help us to achieve what you know to be possible, despite our efforts to convince you otherwise. Thank you, friend, for having that

Woman marries volunteer after groom no-shows.

What a good wingman.

$1.1 million in gold bars found in airplane lavatory. Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve found the end of the rainbow.

Sinkhole opens in the middle of a Chicago road. Smells like sulfur and burning souls.

Cheating students 6.3 percent more likely to seek government employment.


Most run for Congress.

“Selfie” beats “twerk” for The Oxford Dictionaries Word of the Year. #YOLO #SWAG #vocabisfun #learnwithmiley4dayz #errydayimtwerkin


Our levels of gratitude coincide with the holiday season. The influx of commercialism destroys the true meaning and history of the holidays. But also, the mere fact that they are holidays indicates that the days, activities, and states of mind are something special, only to be observed during the appropriate season. Each November, without fail, we are

reminded that it is time to be thankful and to start providing things for others so they may express their gratitude to us. However, as soon as December is over and the ball has dropped over Times Square, we go about our daily lives, saying a few “thank yous” here and there, repeating the cycle. I write thankyou cards for Starbucks gift cards and overly baked Christmas cookies. I never think about expressing gratitude simply for the way a person is, and certainly not spontaneously. Sure, when a fellow student opens the door for me, when the waitress fills my water glass, or when my boyfriend sends me a “Good luck on your test” text, I thank them. But I hardly ever spell out the cliché phrase, “Hey, thanks for being you.”



My freshman year, I thought taking an entire week off for Thanksgiving break was the greatest idea since someone showed me how to set up a toaster/fan combo in my dorm room. I had an entire week off to catch up on all the studying I should have done all quarter. I told myself that I’d start working on Monday; no one works on the weekends. Monday morning, I got my books out just as I got a text from some friends wanting to hang out. That evening, my brother challenged me to an all-night Madden tournament, so Tuesday was shot; and Wednesday, my cousins started showing up. Next thing I knew, I was driving back to Walla Walla and I hadn’t even done my reading for Monday.

Starting the 30 , WWU has eight weeks of instruction, takes a week off, has two more weeks, then has tests. However, it would be simple (maybe not) to start classes two weeks earlier, September 16 (for reference’s sake, Whitman starts September 3), then have 10 weeks of instruction, have test week the same week as Thanksgiving, then give students a five-week Thanksgiving/Christmas break.



Brandon Torkelsen

This year is my fourth (and hopefully final) year at Walla Walla, and this year, just like every other year, I am bracing myself for the horrible brain drain that is Thanksgiving break. This year, like every other year, I am planning on getting all sorts of things done during break — there’s a history paper that I haven’t exactly started yet and the toilet has seen better days — but, just like every year, I know I won’t do anything.



Thanksgiving Breaks //

Walla Walla starts inexplicably late. This year, WWU started on September 30.




photo by erick juarez

photo by arella aung photo by carlton henkes

photo by carlton henkes

photo by carlton henkes

photo by erick juarez

photo by erick juarez


Eric Weber

Diversions Editor & Pontificator

Pilgrims and Indians //

Thanksgiving is quickly approaching and I’m not ready. I’m not ready to be around all my family (yes, this comment is directed at you, Uncle Pat. Surprisingly, I don’t want to hear about your guinea pig). I’m also not ready for Christmas music. I don’t like Christmas music, and I absolutely hate “The Little Drummer Boy” — this is not satire: I hate that song. But one thing I’m really not ready for is the lack of cultural awareness we have regarding Thanksgiving. No, I’m not talking about gluttony, although that is a problem. ... I’m talking about appreciating and respecting other peoples’ cultures and beliefs. Contrary to popular belief and our children’s books, the Pilgrim–Indian relationship wasn’t as great as it’s portrayed. Think of it like this: You’re having a nice dinner, some random people show up, they bring a weird–looking casserole, you try it, pass out, wake up the next day, half your family’s dead, and they’ve taken over your house, BUT, you get to move into the closet. We sometimes think it’s appropriate and even cute to make fun of or dress up as people we’ve oppressed. It’s not cute: It’s Robin-Thicke offensive. We need to respect those cultures and appreciate that we still have them. So I hope all of you have a great Thanksgiving. I, on the other hand, have to go to another costume party. I don’t know what to wear, but I’m sure not going as a homeless veteran or Squanto. Maybe I’ll just go as an orange.

This week was five days too long.

The only parade I’ll be attending this Thanksgiving is the one to the toilet.

I’m strongly considering apologizing to you soon. YOU PROVIDE THE PUNCHLINE It’s Thanksgiving day and it’s


, and I’m feeling very




everyone else starts sheer genius I




. But then, my



without notice. Everyone is stunned, then . I’m


and I

at the house. We’re all relaxing and



, but then in a moment of

, and everything becomes






WRITING On Putting On clothes. The clothes don’t fit. Don’t feel right — feel wrong. It’s wrong to hide, to mask the mask we are. We Need free. Need Me be me.

— Alex Lemnah

Good Hair // Micah Hall


It is November. This means I am studying philosophy in Western Thought. This study has inspired me to attempt to prove something logically that has not been proven before. I shall attempt that in this article. Also, because it is November, men around the world are spending this month not shaving portions of their faces either to raise awareness of testicular cancer or because everyone else is doing it.

fine until you actually think about it. If you see someone with a goatee walking around without any shame or regret, you know one thing: He thinks that goatee makes him look better. The idea that they are leaving part of their faces covered for warmth does not make sense because weather acts equally on all

them look more attractive, smarter, or any number of other justifications they can find for not shaving all of their face. In order for this attractiveness to be effective, other people must look at the facial hair in question so they can judge its relative attractiveness. This means that nearly every person with a goatee or other special form of facial hair is literally asking you to look at him and assess his attractiveness. Because we have established that any special form of facial hair is used to increase aesthetic appeal, we can logically conclude that the owner of such hair finds himself attractive. For there is no point in trying to look attractive if you do not believe you can become attractive. So the very presence of an object (facial hair) intended to increase attractiveness proves that the owner believes that he is attractive.

“There is no point in trying to look attractive if you do not believe you can become attractive.”

When a man shaves his entire face, you know he is not putting extra work into his facial hair. He is simply getting rid of its influence on his appearance. If a man does not shave, you can safely assume he does not want to take the time to shave or that he appreciates the warmth that extra hair provides. Either way, he is not putting much work into his hair.

However, some men only shave part of their face. They are proud of their mustache, goatee, chinstrap, or whatever other shapes they fancy for their facial hair. This all seems

parts of your face, and you will either want to warm your whole face or none. Few people have a mustache-shaped cold patch on their faces. This leaves aesthetic appeal as the only acceptable reason for a partial coating of facial hair. Now, most of these people look good with their choice of facial hair, but that is not important. What matters is that they think they look better. They believe that having a portion of their face covered in hair makes

Then, through the reading of this article, it can be concluded that the growing of facial hair is an inherently selfish endeavor. Thank you for reading.

an excerpt from the

2013 GADFLY The day my mom told me he was in the hospital, I pictured him wearing the clothes he always wore.

If you’d like to see your creative writing in The Collegian, email your submissions to Rachel Blake at: rachel.blake@wallawalla.edu

I went into the room, spotless, white walls white light, a dullness of repetition. There were no dark corners, no mysterious things, just the weight of it was there.

I don’t remember leaving but then, standing in the hallway among all the other lives in that place, I remembered a room kept dusty, dark golden light staining old things. My grandpa’s boots, huge mud-caked and nearly half as tall as me. The sharpness of sweat and work and that strange outside smell.

My grandpa came from Wales on the back of a whale or so he said and so I believed. I don’t recall the sound of his voice, only what it felt like. A low lilt, no edges but not round, a safe sound. — Kamia Salango senior, biology


art by rachel smirth

photo by kate gref

art by allison berger

anything Brooklynn Larson Feature Editor

photo by kurtis lamberton

Walla Walla University is full of traditions. Chances are you are already familiar with most of them. There are the fun traditions like bed races during Dead Week, the friendly traditions like the “Hello Walk” on the sidewalk of front campus, and the historically significant traditions like WWU’s Gateway to Service.1 Not everyone knows, however, of Walla Walla University’s most elegant tradition — the Gadfly. The Gadfly is Walla Walla University’s journal of art and literature. Published annually with few exceptions2 since the 1930s, the Gadfly has more than earned its right to be called a Walla Walla tradition. The value of the Gadfly is found in more than its impressive record of consistent publication, though. As a journal of art and literature, it is the only publication of its kind in the Adventist Higher Education system. Although it stands alone, the Gadfly proudly persists as a celebration of talent, freedom, and elegance.

formula by john hawkins

1. For information on these WWU traditions, see Professor Terrie Aamodt’s book Bold Venture.

design by paul johnson

2. There are only two exceptions in which the Gadfly was not published on an annual basis. First, a short period during WWII and then the 2012 edition.

photo by kate gref

art by kevin house


The Gadfly is comprised entirely of submissions from members of the Walla Walla University community, meaning that former and current students, staff, faculty, and alumni are all welcome to submit. Over the years the Gadfly has seen submissions from community members all around the world who represent many different forms of talent. Writers, designers, poets, photographers, and artists have all been published right along with students and professionals of all kinds (medical and business professionals, pilots, librarians, and educators, just to name a few). Anyone who can express elegance can submit and be published, and the Gadfly encourages anyone with a unique perspective or talent to contribute.

The Gadfly’s editorial staff is comprised completely of WWU students. Students organize, design, edit, and guide each edition of the Gadfly from start to finish with complete editorial authority. The faculty sponsors of the Gadfly fill roles of guidance rather than censorship — advising, aiding, organizing, and encouraging the staff as the process goes along. This allows the vision of each editor and the voice of each contributor to shine through in ways that express both beauty and honesty.

Although the official genre of publication — Journal of Art and Literature — seems to identify poets, artists, and storytellers as the only people who can submit content, the staff and sponsors of the Gadfly have long believed that “art and literature” can be understood to include more than what the traditional definition of the phrase would allow. The Gadfly looks to publish “anything elegant” — meaning that all forms of beauty are welcome to be submitted. Mathematical equations, creative recipes, and musical compositions are just a few examples of the modes of expression that can be published in the Gadfly. Over the years, the Gadfly has seen a wide variety of submissions from every area of study, thought, and discipline. In short, the Gadfly wishes to publish beautiful things regardless of their origins.

Overall, the Gadfly is an embodiment of some of Walla Walla University’s best attributes. This campus is one where talent, freedom, and intelligence abound in the staff, faculty, and student body. The encouragement of creativity, diversity, honesty, and beauty has long been a tradition at WWU, and it will continue to be as long as the Gadfly stands by its motto: anything elegant.


Q&A With the 2014 Gadfly Editor: Andrea Johnson


In your definition, what is the Gadfly? I would say the Gadfly is a collaboration among disciplines to show the beauty in everything — science, art, engineering, math — everything! It can be anything on campus.


What is your special vision for the 2014 Gadfly? Is there anything unique you’re doing? I want to get other disciplines (science, music, technology, design, etc.) involved. For instance, in the 2013 Gadfly, a slide of a cell of a lung epithelium was published. It was really cool! I’d also like to include some other things we currently have on campus; for instance, the Lewis and Clark journals and a particular fossil whose carbon-dated age connects in an interesting way with Adventist’s view of the Earth’s age.



What kinds of things can people submit? Photographs, writing, music compositions, recipes, designs, scientific pieces, etc. Anything elegant!



If you’d like to submit to the 2014 Gadfly, email your submission or your ideas to gadfly@walllawalla.edu before December 31, 2013.

How many more submissions do you currently need? We need many more submissions! Anyone — students, staff, faculty, and alumni are all welcome to submit. If you have something elegant to submit but are not sure how to go about presenting it, email gadfly@wallawalla.edu and we will help you out. If you need a photographer, we can arrange that for you.




What inspires you about this whole process? The people I work with really inspire me. Working with Dan Lamberton and other people on the staff makes me really excited to do this. I’m really inspired by other people’s talents and passions.


If you’d like to purchase the most recent edition of the Gadfly, you can do so at the WWU bookstore.



Riding Vibes // Chad Aufderhar Arts & Media Editor You most likely know Kevin Ellis because he was one of the masterminds and the star of what I believe is the best ASWWU Video to date. If you don’t know what I am talking about, stop reading this article and watch Can’t Hold Us on the ASWWU Vimeo page, and then come back. Ellis is a musician, artist, writer, and rapper. I suppose all of those titles are interchangeable and any of them explain why I wanted to feature him this week. He just released his first EP, Riding Vibes, on bandcamp. I talked with Ellis a bit about his music: What kind of music do you listen to? Predominantly rap, but I listen to everything. Some indie pop, jazz, rock, straight-up pop. Yeah, a lot of stuff. I try not to limit myself to one genre because I myself want to be a multi-genre person. I want to infuse hip hop and rap with like bluegrass and jazz. One of these days I’ll learn how to play some of that stuff. What instruments do you play? I play saxophone, piano, and ukulele. Those are the main ones I play. I started playing piano in first grade and I hated playing and practicing the entire time I was in lessons, although there were some songs that I really liked. I liked playing the jazzy stuff on the piano, so whenever I had a piece like that I would learn it really quick.



Minor’s “Remember The Name” and I had never heard it before and I thought, “Oh, that sounds cool,” so I looked him up when I got home, and that’s how I got started into rap. I actually started writing my own music soon after that, too. I was thinking, “Well if they can do it, I can do it.” Of course when you first start, it isn’t that good; it was actually pretty bad. I tried producing my own music, both tracks and lyrics. I had a typing keyboard with a piano keyboard underneath it, and it had these absolutely horrible MIDI sounds and I was producing on that. I didn’t show anybody, though. I tried free-styling too and that didn’t go well, either. I’m still trying to figure out how to freestyle — it’s really hard. The only way to get better is to just do it; you can’t research. Ellis is getting ready to work on a new project and there is talk of a Battle of the Bands appearance, both of which I am excited about. I will most definitely keep you updated on what Ellis is up to in the future, but for now check out his EP at kwemusic. bandcamp.com.

If you are making things or know someone who is and you think the rest of us should know about it, let me know at:


Songs for Adventurous Flag Bearers

Here are some songs that Kevin wants you to hear, so listen up because he knows what is good.

Looking to add a little romance to your life? Put down that take-out tray and try something new: eating with people. Kofi is back in ASWWU Video’s latest offering, a sequel to last year’s Love at First Sight.

Yuna “Lullabies (Adventure Club Remix)”

Also releasing this week is a Barn Party recap!


B. Reith “Mess”

Did any of that stick with you or influence the way you do music now? Yeah, definitely, because I learned how to improvise on the piano and that helps me sort through ideas when I’m trying to come up with a catchy riff for a song. I didn’t self-produce the songs on this EP, but I will on my next project. When did you become interested in rap? Freshman year of high school after school was out one day, someone was playing Fort

Kevin Ellis Riding Vibes

John Reuben


Sam Ock


“Kick It”

“Rest Easy”


FOOD | 19

The Food Fiend presents

Holiday Cheer photos by andrea johnson

Andrea Johnson Food Editor The holiday season is here. Thanksgiving is a week away and Christmas cheer is already coming out the wazoo. As everyone knows, pumpkin is an essential part of the holidays. It’s everywhere. My advice? Just embrace it. Step one: make this recipe. OK? OK. Let me be honest. I love pumpkin, so the other day when I polled y’all on Facebook as to what recipes you’d like to see, I was excited that pumpkin pancakes were the top-voted recipe. I looked up some recipes and experimented. With the help of my roommate Kindra, I came up with a delicious recipe that is delicious straight off the frying pan or cold as a snack — consider it a cookie.

Pumpkin pancakes INGREDIENTS

1 1/2 cups flour 2 tsp. baking powder 1/4 tsp. salt 3/4 tsp. ground cinnamon 1/4 tsp. ground nutmeg 1/4 cup coconut flakes 2 tbsp. honey 1 cup milk 1/2 cup canned pumpkin 1/4 cup applesauce 1 egg 2 tbsp. vegetable oil or melted butter, plus more for frying pancakes

METHOD Combine dry ingredients (flour, baking powder, spices, coconut) in a bowl and mix evenly. In a separate bowl, whisk honey, milk, pumpkin, applesauce, egg and oil/butter. Combine the wet and dry ingredients and whisk until combined — a few lumps are okay. Heat a pan or skillet over medium– low heat. When pan is hot, add oil/ butter and spoon batter onto pan. Cook until browned and then flip, cooking the other side as well.

NOTES AND SUGGESTIONS - Here’s a trick for knowing when your pancake is ready to flip: When the batter starts to bubble, watch the bubbles. If they pop and close immediately, it’s not ready. When they pop and don’t fully close or they close slowly, it’s time to flip. - Try chocolate chips in this — yum! - Make big pancakes, make little pancakes, make fun-shaped pancakes. Have some fun! - If you want your pancakes to taste more like pumpkin pie, buy some pumpkin pie mix instead of pumpkin purée and mix up some batter.

A Final Note

Since this is my last column until next quarter, I thought I’d offer some general food advice (this is a nice way of saying I’m going to kindly yell at you to get in the kitchen). You should really join in the holiday food festivities. There are few things better in life than scrambling around the kitchen with friends and family as you all collaborate on a meal. You think I’m kidding, but I’m not. Chaos in the kitchen is prime bonding time. The meal doesn’t even have to be that fancy. Make tacos or make a fivecourse meal, but cook. Get in the kitchen and try something new. Don’t know what to try? The New York Times has a fantastic interactive online article with a bunch of Thanksgiving recipes and videos to boot.1 I just watched them all and accidentally drooled on my computer. Check ‘em out, and don’t feel like just because it’s the “Essential Thanksgiving” that you can’t use the recipes and tips for Christmas too, or for any other time of the year. Seriously, get cooking! 1. http://tinyurl.com/essentialthanksgiving.



four Places Within 400 Miles // Jon Mack

Travel Editor

I know you probably have plans for Thanksgiving break, but it’s my job to entice you with some other options on where to spend your time this Thanksgiving. Here, on this page, I’ve outlined four places within 406 miles of College Place to visit. I know how good going home can be, but if that’s not your thing, maybe consider some of the options I’ve outlined here in the Travel section. Maybe get a few friends together and explore the great Pacific Northwest.

1. Smith Rock State Park, Ore.

2. Cannon Beach, Ore.

photo by jon mack

#WWUTravel Going somewhere cool for Thanksgiving Break? Instagram your photos with the hashtag #wwutravel and you may just see your wandering adventures right here in the Travel page of The Collegian!

3. Port Townsend, wash.

255 miles from College Place

321 miles from College Place

329 miles from College Place

Smith Rock State Park is known for its excellent rock climbing. The Crooked River cuts through the park and is a great place to adventure, camp, roast marshmallows, and freeze in the Oregon highlands. Whether setting up a slackline, ascending a technical route, or just hanging out by the fire with friends, Smith Rock State Park would be a great choice to spend your Thanksgiving break.

This beach offers breathtaking landscapes. The wonderful tide pools are excellent places to locate all sorts of Pacific marine life. The beaches are long and sandy, perfect for running barefoot or a great game of oceanside ultimate Frisbee or American football. A trip to Cannon Beach is a great adventure to share with a group of friends. Whether camping on the beach or renting an apartment with a group of friends, Cannon Beach is a place that is friendly to all of its visitors.

Port Townsend is a quaint little seaside town that offers a great Puget Sound experience. Small shops line the main drag giving the town a classic coastline vibe. A good hour of harbor sea kayaking is a must when visiting this small town. After a cold hour of that activity, stop by Pizza Factory for a great family-style pie — in my opinion, some of the best in the Northwest. Another great attribute of Port Townsend is that it is within an hour or two’s drive from many great locations such as Port Angeles, the Olympic National Park, Forks, and only a ferry ride from Whidbey Island.

item of the Week Stretchy Thanksgiving pants! Don’t let clothes impede on your ability to pack down the home-cooked goodness. Put on those stretchy pants and turn your fork loose next Thursday.


4. Vancouver, British Columbia 406 miles from College Place

Home of Michael Bublé, Vancouver, British Columbia is a breathtaking city and very worthy of being the place to kick off your holiday season. They probably won’t have a strong Thanksgiving vibe happening next Thursday, but the beauty of the city will give you much to be thankful for. Close activities include spending some time up at Whistler Blackcomb ski resort. They have already opened for the ski season, so the time is perfect to get up to Canada and make your mark on the slopes.


Famous for: Knowing where all of the light switches are in middle of the night, doing your laundry in a machine you know how to operate, knowing that no matter how many times you look in the refrigerator there won’t be anything to eat until after Thanksgiving, knowing the correct degree to which the shower water knob should be turned, and knowing that soon you’ll have to leave, so soak in all the goodness you can find. Location: Wherever your heart takes you this next week. Next Big Event: Your secret family recipe’s annual unveiling at the dining room table for all to enjoy. photos in creative commons



faith & fashion


t’s true that fashion can be used in negative ways — ways that only draw attention to an individual’s wealth and status. But my idea of style is wearing what you see as functional and tasteful, whether it be $2 or $200. I mention $200 because there are individuals who buy clothing according to value. Some prefer to buy one great piece and be able to wash it over and over for years. Others prefer to buy less expensive equally beautiful clothing — still spending the $200 over time because the initial purchase did not offer enough value. It’s important to recognize that just because people are stylish does not mean they are flaunting themselves — it could be that they truly admire the art of clothing and self expression. I believe that humans were created to share their creativity — whether through a painting, a song, a recipe, or an accessory. Being presentable and neat in appearance could mean being inspirational to others. You see, some individuals are better able to perform God’s work and make a greater impact when they feel confident about themselves — sometimes that confidence comes from their expressive apparel. Think about it — why do pastors often dress up when giving a sermon? The thing is, people are more receptive and engaged when the person they are interacting with looks good, classy, and individualistic. As for the fashion industry itself, I’ve seen and experienced things I could never support. But, I know it should never scare me away from sharing and working in an industry I am passionate about. I also know and believe that you can witness to others in industries you may not imagine. So, please excuse my sassiness and humor about UGG boots and old sweat pants being worn to class. I just believe it is important to make a good first impression in order to proceed and work toward a greater cause.

For more photos from our shoot visit our blogs! For Alyssa’s visit diarylamode.blogspot.com, or visit mine at chiffonandcherries. squarespace.com.

Brenda negoescu Fashion Editor



eet my best friend, Alyssa Hartwick — one of the classiest, sweetest, and most lovable fashionistas I know. You may recognize her from a previous Style Profile she was featured in, and you’ve most likely spotted her beautiful smile on campus at some point this year. The day I met her I was literally style-struck! I knew then and there we were going to do great things.

“Style and fashion is an art form that exemplifies the makeup of an individual. It expresses Alyssa has had a strong, ongoing passion mood and personality, giving off an for fashion since she was young. Today, she impression to the world. No other kind has her own fashion blog, Diary La Mode, in which she features style updates and of creative expression is not only created by the artist, but insights on her travels around the world. also worn by the admirer. To Together, we decided to collaborate the artist and the admirer, and work on something we call the “Style Challenge.” Walla Walla students give us $35 fashion is like a personal (or more if they please), and we buy as much diary that is expressed clothing and accessory items we possibly can outwardly in the spotlight to create a look for them (minimum of three for all to see.” items). Basically, we’re providing free styling — Alyssa Hartwick

services to help students discover the benefits of dressing impeccably and on a student budget — they just pay for the clothes.

See, we don’t think that dressing fashionably is about looking cool or becoming popular — it’s a chance to express yourself, your values, and your vision. We believe that fashion is an art in itself and everyone has his or her own unique, personal style. If you're interested in being a part of the “Style Challenge” email me at ema. negoescu@wallawalla.edu and you could be featured in The Collegian and our blogs.


LOCAL | 22

To Ski or Not to Ski // Timothy Barbosa Local Attractions Editor For those of us who are accustomed to the blistery cold that sometime graces the winters in the Pacific Northwest, skiing forever holds a place in our hearts. The sport has come a far way, transitioning from hobby to tradition to necessity, to even the reason for income in a few extreme cases. There are a variety of gorgeous mountains with choice skiing within a reasonable distance for committed enthusiasts. I can’t go over the extensive assortment of resorts and mountains in the area, but the following are favorites of mine and locals alike.



Drive Time — 1:15 (Dayton, Wash.) Drive Time — 0:45 (Elgin, Ore.) Ticket Price — $44 Ticket Price — $35 Bluewood features 400 skiable acres with a Spout Springs is the closest resort to campus 1,125-foot vertical rise. Great for beginners to and features night skiing and two lifts. advanced skiers, the mountain has 24 official runs and choice tree skiing and some of the driest powder around. For backcountry skiers, Bluewood will haul you to the top of a nearby Drive Time — 2:35 (La Grande, Ore.) ridge which funnels into the main mountain. Ticket Price — $35 This mountain compares in size to Bluewood with 900 vertical feet and 1,100 skiable acres. This resort is particularly Drive Time — 5:20 (Bend, Ore.) enticing for Nordic skiers, offering over 30 Ticket Price — $79 With a plethora of lodging options and a km of trails as well as back country terrain.



high-class mountain, Mt. Bachelor is arguably the best weekend getaway ski resort around. Featuring a 3,365-foot vertical rise, 88 runs, 3,683 skiable acres, terrain parks galore, and a Drive Time — 5:23 (Bellingham, Wash.) variety of extreme terrains; Mt. Bachelor tops Ticket Price — $54 my personal chart for Oregon. Near the Canadian border, Mt. Baker is about as close to skiing in the great white north as one can get without a passport. Baker has 1,000 skiable acres spanning 1,500 vertical Drive Time — 3:26 (Wenatchee, Wash.) feet. This mountain has a high uphill capacity Ticket Price — $55 with eight quad chairs and two doubles. Mission Ridge has 36 designated trails with 40 snow cannons prepped to keep runs fresh. With a 2,250-foot vertical rise, this mountain offers 2,000 skiable acres and night skiing.




THE GARDEN VEGAN CAFÉ Cost for two — $18–28 Hours — Mon–Fri: 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., Sat–Sun: 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Trying to show that special someone that you eat right and love the earth? Search no further. The Garden, situated on Main Street, offers the combination of tree-hugger and class and is the perfect place for a lunch date. Sharing high-quality, delicious plant-based foods within the valley, their menu includes hot and cold sandwiches, soups, salads, rice bowls, and the healthiest shakes I’ve ever tasted.


Drive Time — 4:15 (Leavenworth, Wash.) Ticket Price — $65 Stevens Pass is the preferred destination for many Seattle-based skiers offering a 1,800-vertical-foot rise with 1,125 skiable acres including numerous bowls and faces.


Drive Time — 9:00 (Revelstoke, British Columbia)

Ticket Price — $80 This monster is for the serious skier. Revelstoke boasts North America’s greatest vertical rise of 5,620 feet. If that’s not enough for you, heli/cat-skiing is available for a pretty penny and will take you up to the summit of higher peaks. The mountain is not friendly to beginners, though it offers the ride of a lifetime.


Drive Time — 3:24 (Snoqualmie Pass, Wash.) Ticket Price — $60 This mountain is a veritable smorgasbord of winter activities. Offering tubing, trails for snowshoers and Nordic skiers, and night skiing, Snoqualmie’s 24 lifts can move over 34,000 skiers per hour. Snoqualmie has a vertical rise of 2,280 feet and has 1,981 skiable acres.


Drive Time — 8:00 (Whistler, British Columbia) Ticket Price — $109 These hefty mountains offer skiers more than 200 trails, 8,171 acres of terrain, and a vertical rise of 5,280 feet. With over 70 lifts and plentiful parks, this mountain has it all.



Outdoors gear talk: winter // Justin mock Outdoors Editor The right gear can be the difference between life and death when you’re outdoors. It can also mean the difference between a great day in the snow, and a day of longing to be back indoors. With Thanksgiving break here, it’s a great time to take stock of your cold weather gear and make the appropriate changes so you can go outdoors in comfort this winter. Here is some gear knowledge to digest before making a purchase.

Base layer

A base layer, sometimes called long underwear or a thermal layer, is what you Wash.) wear under everything. It is your innermost line of defense against the cold and having the right kind is crucial. Here are three types gasbord and why you should use or avoid them: g, trails d night Cotton: Avoid it! Cotton does not wick away moisture. Once it is wet, it ceases to ove over insulate. If you sweat, a cotton base layer is mie has working against you. s 1,981 Wool: Great at regulating temperature and moisture. Soft to skin and resists odor. Still insulates when wet. Costs a bit more than synthetic.


rs more n, and a 70 lifts s it all.

Synthetic: It is lightweight and wicks away moisture. It dries more quickly than wool and is comfortable. Sometimes not as warm as wool, but usually cheaper. Sources: www.evo.com and www.sectionhiker.com


Here is some gear to consider before an extended stay in cold weather. Clothing: Gloves or mittens, an insulating layer such as a coat and insulating pants, waterproof outer layer, sunglasses or goggles, warm hat, thick socks (not cotton).

TEMPERATURE RATING: Each sleeping bag has a specific temperature that indicates to which degree Fahrenheit it keeps a sleeper comfortable. The general rules for temperature are as follows: • Summer Camping: A +40°F bag will do fine. • Winter Camping: A bag in the range of -10°F to +10°F is needed. • Extreme Winter Camping: A bag rated below -10°F is ideal. MATERIAL: When it comes to sleeping bags, one must decide between synthetic or goose-down insulation. Here are a few key differences: • Down: This is one of nature’s best insulators. It is lighter, warmer, and packs smaller than a synthetic. However, it doesn’t insulate well when wet, and these bags require more care.

Synthetic: These bags are heavier and larger than down, but are easier to care for and insulate better when wet than down. Also, they are often a bit cheaper. SHAPE: The two common sleeping bag shapes are the standard rectangle and the mummy bag, although some companies make a hybrid of the two.

Looking for gear? Be sure to check ASWWU Mountain Rents first, located behind the SAC. They have great rental rates for students, faculty, and staff.

This holiday season, I think we all have something to be thankful for: Football. When this time of year comes around, you can always count on finding good match-ups every weekend. I know that every week I usually mention football more than anything else, but I think it is because it is the most important sport in the nation. I know that a lot of people out there care about the

Every Thanksgiving, we get some classic matchups. The one I’m most excited for has to be the Packers vs. Lions. The Detroit Lions haven’t ever beaten the Packers during the Aaron Rodgers era, which shows that

Rectangle: These sleeping bags provide more mobility. However, they are not as tight to the body, meaning they won’t be as warm. Also, they normally don’t have hoods.

Mummy: These bags are warmer, easier to pack, and have a hood. However, there is less offered mobility, and learning to sleep in one can take time.

Sources: www.sierratradingpost.com and www.rei.com


NBA, but when you look at and compare the progress of the two seasons, the NFL is in a much more tense state, though I will give credit to some of the surprising teams in the NBA. The Indiana Pacers have improved to 8–1, the Portland Trail Blazers have the most wins in the league (as of Monday), and we’re all still waiting for Derrick Rose and Russell Westbrook to heat up.

Sports Editor

Some of my best sleep and worst sleep has happened outdoors. I have had nights during which I slept soundly the whole night, and others during which I shivered in the fetal position, praying for morning to come. If there is anything I’ve learned from those nights, it’s that the right sleeping bag is vital.

Gear: Ice axe, crampons, snow shovel, signal mirror, sunscreen, light, skis or snowshoes, personal locator beacon, waterproof boots, fire starter.

Surprise, Surprise // Grayson Andregg

sleeping bags

Weekly Wellness Tip You need at least 20–45 g of fiber a day. Start the day off with some fruit or whole grains to get you moving in the right direction.

the Lions know how to choke against this team. The other Thanksgiving matchups are Raiders vs. Cowboys and Ravens vs. Steelers, likely quite riveting games if you ask me. Just remember that when you’re about to sit down to your wonderful dinner next Thursday, check the scores beforehand so you don’t miss any action. There are some noteworthy games from last week, too. The Chiefs showed that they don’t have an offense explosive enough to keep up with elite defenses. Percy Harvin proved that he is going to be a valuable weapon for the rest of the year for Seattle, and the 49ers lost a late lead to surprisingly fall further back into the playoff race. This season is going to finish with some excitement. In the NHL, the Anaheim Ducks, Pittsburg Penguins, and Boston Bruins all

have two or fewer losses. These teams are dominating the league along with Chicago, Minnesota, and San Jose. There’s a lot of excitement in that sport as well. I think we can all appreciate the competition of sports this time of year, so lets all just try to enjoy it.



Dear Faculty, Staff, and all other people who give out homework at Walla Walla University: First of all, I, on behalf of the student body, would like to thank you for all the hard work you do. I know that sometimes it seems as if we are uninterested in the general studies classes you teach (because we are forced to take them), but throughout the quarter you have continued to surprise us with class content so interesting and enthusiasm so potent that we have no choice but to look up from our Instagrams to see what all the fuss is about. For this, I applaud you. Let’s get to it, though. Tomorrow is that last day of school before Thanksgiving break, and the last day you have to turn your dictatorship into a benevolent ruling. (Have we told you lately how wonderful you are?) We get it. You have a syllabus to stick to and a departmental head breathing down your neck, but we’d like to ask (rather, beg) you to remember the kind of pressures we’re dealing with, too.


Logan BackWord Editor

confession "Oh




Martin is a cutie. I'm sure I'm not the only who's noticed his



looking jaws! Plus, I hear he's a great guy ... (sigh)."

Sabbath: Genesis 2:3. Sunday–Tuesday is that stage I like to call the: “My baby is home! Never leave me again!” phase. This is the time when parents latch onto their children with the strength of Thor’s hammer and say things like: “Are you getting enough sleep? Are they feeding you all right? Wouldn’t you rather live at home and go to community college?” Wednesday is spent cleaning the house because the “in-laws are coming,” and we need to pretend we live in museum-like cleanliness 365 days a year. Thursday is Thanksgiving, or what I like to call: The Day We Eat So Much Food That We Literally Hate Our Lives From The Moment We Finish Our Fifth Slice of Apple Pie Until We Collapse In A FoodInduced Coma. Friday is Black Friday, the day we are brainwashed into thinking that we need to get up at 4 a.m. to get sales on products that are usually out of season or are about to be replaced with upgrades. Once we stumble back home, burdened with $400 worth of “sale purchases,” we have approximately 2.5 hours to start and finish the homework you assigned. Then, sundown hits. Sabbath again, the day of rest, but it’s really hard to focus on the sermon when all we can think about is all the homework we didn’t finish yesterday. “Where did the time go?” we ask ourselves. “How is it already Saturday?” When the sun finally sets on this stressful day, we want to do our homework — we really do — but all of our local friends begin texting us: “Have you seen the new Hunger Games?” “It’s your last night home and we haven’t seen you yet!” We all know what happens next. Sunday, we meet again: A day of car rides, flights, and uncomfortable moments of intimacy with airport security. By the time we arrive back at our places of residence the sun has set, the laundry is overwhelming, and our $25 beds from Goodwill have never looked so inviting. Just a 10-minute nap ... just a moment. ... BEEP BEEP BEEP. Monday morning. Monday morning? #*$%!#&%*#

In conclusion, I would respectfully urge you to think about the homework you assign to us over break. We recognize that you want us to continue learning, that our brains are still sponge-like, and we should take advantage of this time in our young lives when we can dedicate all our time to our schooling. But we hope that you recognize that we probably won’t. I’m sorry. We’re sorry. Sincerely, Every student that ever was, is, or will be.

“No fluff! Your paper is not a stuffed animal.” — Ron Joliffe, on students’ Research Writing papers

"We'll wait till the new year to have a joint with the boys." — Kristen Taylor, on having a joint worship with the boy RAs


“I think the phrases ‘rap music’ and ‘country music’ are both oxymorons.”

Crushing on You

— Kyle Craig

Let’s just imagine for a minute what the average breakdown is for Thanksgiving break:

Friday: Travel. Most of us won’t even reach our destinations until after sundown, effectively eliminating any opportunity we would have to get a jump start on our homework.


“I’m a jealous God.”

To submit anonymous

— Dan Lamberton, on multitasking in class

confessions, type: wwuconfessions.tumblr. com into your browser and click the Ask Me Anything button at the top!

“If I was a Mayan noble, I would encourage my daughters not to be virgins.”

— Monty Buell, on ancient sacrifices of virgins Have something funny to report? Email me at: Rachel.Logan@wallawalla.edu.

Do you have a lot of homework assigned over break? How likely is it that you have enough time to complete it? “Do pandas eat bamboo? Yes, lots of homework, it’s a pipe dream to get all my homework done. Highly unlikely.”

— Giselle Schmitz graduating senior, english

“Yes, I have a lot of homework. I will get it done, but I will be sacrificing family time, reading time, and time with my high school friends. Basically, all my me time.”

— Karl Wallenkampf junior, humanities and biology

“It’s my fault. I do have a lot of homework over break, but it’s because I assigned it. I have to grade about 200 pages. My wife and I both wonder if this is why we went to school.” — Dan Lamberton director of humanities and creative writing

“Yes, I have lots of homework. It’s pretty unlikely that I’ll finish it. To meet Asian standards — it’s pretty unlikely.”

— Andrie Iwasa senior, graphic design

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