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MUHAMMADASYRAAFSUHAI MI Addr ess :Kual aLumpur ,Mal aysi a Emai l :wor k. asyr aaf s@gmai l . com Phone :( +60) 199150605 Li nkedI n :Asyr aafSuhai mi I ssuu :i ssuu. com/ asyr aaaf s Avai l abi l i t y :Canst ar ti mmedi at el y( AsofFebr uar y2024) Gr aduat eAr chi t ectwi t hover3year sofexper i encei ndesi gnandconst r uct i on i ndust r yacr ossar chi t ect ur al ,i nt er i ordesi gnandspacepl anni ngdi sci pl i newi t h af ai ramountofi nt er es tandex per i enc ei ns al es ,t r adi ngandbus i nes soper at i on.

WORKI NG EXPERI ENCES Assi st antAr chi t ectI nt er n Adi f azl i Ar chi t ect( 2017) •Assi st edi nschemat i canddet ai ldr awi ngspr oduct i onf orr esi dent i alandcommer ci alpr oj ect s •Pr epar ed3Dmodel sonSket chup •Pr oducedr ender i ngsandi l l ust r at i onsf ordi scussi onsandpr oposal s •Pr epar edpr oposalpr esent at i onsandpar t i ci pat edi nconsul t antmeet i ngs •I nspectt hef i ni shedi nt er i ordesi gnofAeonWel l nesschai nout l et sandmakesur ei ti s bui l tandi nst al l edaccor di ngl y Sal esAssoci at e Ri pcur l( 2014) •Managedgoodsont hesel l i ngf l oorandi nt hest ockr oom •Handl edt hepr ocessofr ecei vi ng,unl oadi ng,sor t i ngandt aggi ngt hepr oduct s •Ensur edt heout l eti swel l managed,saf eandcl ean •Assi st edcust omer swi t ht henecessar yser vi ces

PUBLI CATI ONS&CONTRI BUTI ONS Ur banDesi gnAnt hol ogyf orTer engganuSt r at egi c&I nt egr i t yI nst i t ut e( 2023) •Desi gnedandcont r i but edt ooneofmast er pl anpr oposal sf orPel anI ndukTer engganu Sej aht er a( PI TAS2030) SAWADEE:BangkokTr avel ogue&Jour nal( 2023) •Act saschi efedi t or •Or gani zedandmai nt ai nedt hedi r ect i onofcont ent s,ar t sandf or mat s Thesi s:Def i ni ngNew Pr ogr amsForTypi calEspor t sCent r e( 2022) •Thi st hesi si spubl i shedaspar tofcompl et i onf orMast erofAr chi t ect ur eandasmai n t opi cexpl or edf ort hef i naldesi gnt hesi spr oj ect Envi si onHousi ng2050Compi l at i onBook( 2017) •Pr oj ectofsemest er7wasf eat ur edi nt hi spubl i cat i on •Ver t i calhousi ngpr oj ect

SKI LLS Languages Engl i sh&Mal ay •Fl uenti nconver sat i on,r eadi ng andwr i t i ng Ot herCapabi l i t i es •Pr esent at i onSki l l s •Communi cat i onSki l l s •Anal ysi sSki l l •3DModel l i ng •Leader shi p •Sal es

Sof t war esPr of i ci ency Aut odeskRevi t -I nt er medi at e Aut oCAD -Advance Sket chUp -Advance AdobePhot oshop-Advance AdobeI l l ust r at or -Begi nner AdobeXD -Begi nner Fi gma -Begi nner Lumi on -Advance Enscape -I nt er medi at e Vr ay -I nt er medi at e Mi cr osof tOf f i ce -Advance

REFERENCES Ar i f fAi manAzmi Asi aSpacePl anni ngManager GMG ar i f f aazmi @gmai l . com ( +60) 133183808

Ar .EmbongMohamad Seni orLect ur er Ui TM PuncakAl am Campus embong5863@ui t m. edu. my ( +60) 199874709

SayedMuhammadAi man Seni orLect ur er Ui TM Per akBr anch sayed705@ui t m. edu. my ( +60) 136701 105

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