Catalogo Whistle 2018

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Prestazioni e leggerezza per andare sempre avanti, per spingersi oltre il limite. Whistle propone per la stagione 2018 una linea di ebike, mtb e road bikes per le competizioni o per uscite in relax. Whistle opera da sempre prestando la massima attenzione alla qualità e alla sicurezza dei suoi prodotti. Tutte le biciclette rispondono agli standard qualitativi dell’Unione Europea ed i nostri partner di produzione conducono rigorosi controlli come espressamente richiesto dalle norme ISO ed EN.

Performance and reduced weight to keep going, to push beyond the limit. Whistle proposes for the 2018 season a range of ebike, MTB and road bikes for competitions and for relaxed rides. Whistle has always operated with the utmost attention to quality and safety of its products. Every Whistle bicycle complies with the qualitative standard by European Union. In our laboratories many tests are performed as expressly requested by the ISO and EN standards.


E-MTB FAT 09 E-MTB FULL SUSPENDED 10 - 17 28 - 30 E-MTB HARDTAIL 18 - 23 31 - 33 E-URBAN

24 - 25


40 - 56 57 59 - 63





Il telaio monoscocca prevede una lavorazione del triangolo anteriore come se fosse un’unica tubazione. I vantaggi sono leggerezza, rigidità e pulizia estetica grazie all’eliminazione dei punti di giuntura. The monocoque frame provides for the front triangle processing as if it were a single tube. Advantages are: light weight, stiffness and clean design thanks to the elimination of the joints.


Forcellino posteriore con attacco pinza freno Post Mount. Sistema di fissaggio, con viti parallele alle sollecitazioni di frenata sulla pinza: migliora il comportamento e massimizza le prestazioni, aumentando la sicurezza. Rear dropout that uses the Post Mount standard for the brake bracket. This fixing system, with screws parallel to the braking forces on the caliper, improves the performance, increasing the safety.


L’idroformatura è un processo di stampaggio a freddo di elementi metallici, come sono le tubazioni dei telai. Il procedimento consente di ottenre forme complesse senza lavorazioni oltre lo stampaggio, con la possibilità di creare nervature di irrigidimento altrimenti impossibili, migliorando così il feeling di guida. Hydroforming is a cold-molding process of metal elements such as tubes of the frame. The process allows to obtain very complex shapes without processing in addition to molding. You can create stiffening ribs, thus improving the riding feeling.


I tubi hanno uno spessore differenziato che si riduce nelle zone a minore sollecitazione. Il risultato è un telaio rigido, ma allo stesso tempo più leggero di circa il 15%. The tubes of the frame have different thickness that is reduced by thinning the tube itself into the less stressed areas. The result is a rigid frame, but at the same time the 15% lighter.




La parte inferiore del tubo sterzo è una zona di maggior sollecitazione di tutto il telaio. L’aumento delle dimensioni permette di distribuire meglio gli sforzi e irrobustisce lo sterzo, aumentando la maneggevolezza. The head tube is one of the areas where stress on the frame is very high and in particular its lower part. The increased size allows to better distribute the efforts and strengthen the steerer, improving the handling.


Passaggio interno dei cavi per una linea esteticamente più pulita che permette di evitare rotture e strappi. The internal cable routing provides a clean line and avoids breakage in case of falls.

PRESS FIT 30 Il Press Fit con BB30 alloggia dei cuscinetti maggiorati in due calotte inserite a pressione nel telaio per l’utilizzo di guarniture con perno da 30 mm. La scatola del telaio da 68 mm o 73 mm riduce il fattore Q al minimo.

The Press Fit 30 with BB30 accommodates oversized bearings in the two cups pressed in the bottom bracket to allow the use of crackset with 30 mm axle. The bottom bracket by 68 mm or 73 mm reduces the Q factor to the minimum. Oversized bearings and aluminium axle means lightness.


Il PressFit92 Shimano prevede una scatola movimento di larghezza maggiorata e l’inserimento dei cuscinetti al suo interno. In questo modo i cuscinetti sono nella tradizionale posizione ma all’interno per una maggiore rigidità. The Shimano PressFit92 system provides a wider (92 mm) bottom bracket and the insertion of the bearings inside it. In this way the bearings are in the traditional position, but instead of being screwed outside the bottom bracket, they are inserted inside it for more stiffness of the whole movement and therefore less waste of power.

27.5” PLUS

Dimensione di pneumatici tra i 29”x2,25” e i fat 26”x4”, i vantaggi della maggior scorrevolezza di uno pneumatico stretto uniti al grip e al comfort tipico di uno pneumatico largo. A new size of tyres, between the 29”x2,25” and the fat 26”x4”. The advantages of higher rolling performance of a narrow tyre with the grip and comfort of a large one.


Sistema sospensivo a 4 bracci uniti in 4 punti di rotazione. Il perno della ruota posteriore è isolato dalle forze indotte dalla trasmissione e dalla frenata, inibendo quasi totalmente i fenomeni di ondeggiamento. La ruota segue il terreno anche con frenate decise per più controllo nelle discese impegnative.

Rear suspension system which consists of 4 arms joined by four pivot points. The rear wheel axle is isolated from the forces induced by transmission and braking, almost completely inhibiting the “bobbing” phenomenon. The rear wheel follows the shape of the ground even during a strong brake increasing safety even downhill.

Bicycle of All Mountain category, between Trail and Enduro disciplines with 140 mm front and rear travel, are a compromise between rideability uphill and performance downhill. Geometries are designed to allow the rider to seat back to overcome downhills without jeopardizing uphill rideability, ensured by short transmission ratios to overcome the steepest uphills.


Bicicletta bi-ammortizzata di categoria Enduro, a metà tra l’All Mountain e le discipline Gravity. Con un’escursione maggiore si aumenta la velocità in discesa grazie alla maggior capacità di assorbimento degli urti e di seguire il terreno con le ruote. Aumenta il grip, aumenta la velocità, aumenta il divertimento. A full suspended Enduro bicycle, in the middle of All Mountain and Gravity categories. The higher travel increases the downhill speed thanks to the higher capacity of absorbing the stresses. More grip, more speed, more fun.


Le bici di categoria All Mountain, parente stretta delle categorie Enduro e Trail ma con escursione anteriore e posteriore di 140 mm, sono un compromesso tra pedalabilità in salita e prestazioni in discesa. La geometria è studiata per dare la possibilità di arretrare la posizione di guida per superare discese impegnative senza pregiudicare la pedalabilità in salita, garantita anche dai rapporti corti per superare le pendenze più ripide.


Il perno ruota è il punto di scarico di tutte le forze che agiscono sul telaio. Il perno passante, di dimensioni maggiorate è più rigido, più sicuro e più resistente e garantisce una maggiore precisione di guida. The wheel axle is the point of release of the all forces acting on the frame. The e-thru axle, oversized, is stiffer, safer, more resistant and it ensures a better driving precision.


L’introduzione dei mozzi Boost da 110 mm anteriore e 148 mm posteriore è stata guidata dalla necessità, soprattutto nell’Enduro, di ridurre la lunghezza del carro lasciando invariate le dimensioni delle coperture. Spostando all’esterno la catena per evitare che le corone toccassero il fodero basso, si è reso necessario incrementare la battuta del mozzo posteriore a 148 mm. Ciò ha permesso di allargare di 6 mm le flange del mozzo incrementando la rigidità delle ruote. The introduction of Boost hubs of 110 mm at the front and 148 mm at the rear, has been driven by the need, especially in the Enduro category, to reduce the length of the rear and leaving unchanged the size of the tyres. Moving outside the chain line to avoid the chain wheel touching the chainstay, it was necessary to increase the O.L.D. to 148 mm. This allowed to enlarge of 6 mm the hub flanges also increasing the wheels stiffness.


Il concetto di integrazione permette di mantenere una linea più pulita del telaio e, con l'ulteriore abbassamento del baricentro, migliora le performance di guida. The battery integration cleans the frame design and lowers the center of gravity thus improving the handling.


L’interfaccia motore rappresenta un nodo chiave per il telaio di una e-bike, essendo il punto di giunzione tra la catena di trasmissione e la struttura vera e propria della bicicletta. La colata a gravità garantisce la massima qualità costruttiva, la costanza degli spessori e la stabilità del materiale. The drive unit interface is a key point for the e-bike frame, being the joint between the drive chain and the actual structure of the bicycle. The gravity casting process provides the maximum quality, the constancy of the thickness and the stability of the material.


Interfaccia ottenuta mediante processo di forgiatura, che permette la trasformazione del materiale mediante deformazione plastica. Il procedimento garantisce l’ottenimento di forme semplici, anche con tolleranze dimensionali minime e aumenta la resistenza meccanica del materiale grazie al processo di incrudimento. The drive unit interface is obtained by a forging process, which permits the transformation of the material by plastic deformation. The process guarantees the obtaining of simple shapes, even with minimum dimensional tolerances and increases the mechanical strength of the material due to the hardening process.



Il sistema elettrico Bosch è composto da una Drive Unit (motore+sensore), una batteria ed un computer di bordo. L’offerta di Bosch si declina su tre linee di prodotto: Active, Performance e Performance CX, per trovare la eBike Bosch che fa per te, rispondendo ognuna ad esigenze differenti.

The Bosch eBike System is composed by the Drive Unit (motor + sensor), the battery and the on board computer. Three are the lines of products proposed by Bosch: Active, Performance and Performance CX. Find the eBike Bosch that is more suitable for you.




Trazione perfetta in fuoristrada. La coppia massima di 75 Nm offre più divertimento in salita. Trazione ad alte prestazioni e un innovativo sistema di ingranaggi per sprint rapidi e guida più sportiva.

Appassionati di trekking o di mountain bike o piuttosto pendolari? Nessun problema: la trazione sportiva Performance Line è ideale per tutti i ciclisti più ambiziosi.

Potente supporto fino al 300%.

Più potenza in partenza con una coppia di ben 63 Nm, il sistema perfettamente bilanciato della Performance Line fornisce un supporto dinamico sportivo e una potenza efficiente. La trazione sportiva offre infatti un potente supporto anche a basse frequenze di pedalata.

Active Line di Bosch è il motore ideale per tutti coloro che desiderano raggiungere la destinazione più velocemente e in totale relax nelle proprie attività quotidiane. Tre sensori garantiscono costantemente un supporto perfettamente dosato, mentre l'erogazione della potenza armonica e agile della trazione garantisce un'esperienza di guida fluida e sicura. La coppia massima di 50 Nm garantisce un'accelerazione armonica.

DRIVE UNIT La Drive Unit comprende nel movimento centrale: motore, centralina elettronica e sensori che consentono un’assistenza energica, progressiva e diretta su tutto il range di velocità con una spinta fino ai 25 km/h. Che tu sia un pendolare, un ebiker appassionato di trekking, di escursioni all mountain o enduro, noi abbiamo una Drive Unit sviluppata appositamente per te. Il sistema intelligente a tre sensori Bosch misura oltre 1.000 volte al secondo coppia, velocità e accelerazione, dando così una sensazione di pedalata armonica e riducendo al minimo le vibrazioni. La funzione di riconoscimento automatico della marcia rende la cambiata fluida e previene colpi alla catena. The Drive Unit is composed by the following components located into the BB set: the motor, the electronic controller and the sensors, that ensure an energic, progressive and direct assistance with a thrust up to 25 km/h. Whether you’re looking for an eBike for commuting, trekking, all mountain or enduro, we can offer the best one suitable for you. The Bosch 3-sensor concept measures the torque, speed and acceleration more than 1,000 times per second to create a finely tuned riding sensation and minimize vibrations. The gear shift detection feature ensures smooth gear changes and prevents chain slap.

Cambiata diretta, accelerazione sportiva, ridotta usura dei componenti. Flow immediato e si esce con potenza dalla curva. The ideal drive for offroad conditions. The maximum torque of 75 Nm guarantees more riding enjoyment in the mountains. Powerful drive and innovative gear concept for faster sprints and a very sporty riding style. Powerful support up to 300%. Direct gear changes, sporty acceleration off-road, reduced wear on the components. Instant flow to emerge from curves with power.


Whether trekking, all-mountain riding or commuting: the sporty Performance Line is the perfect choice for ambitious riders. The perfectly balanced Performance Line system focuses on sporty, dynamic support and efficient performance with a torque of up to an impressive 63 Nm. Here the sporty drive offers strong support even at low cadences.

The Bosch Active Line is the ideal ride for those who want to get to their destination faster and in a more relaxed way in everyday life. Three sensors guarantee perfectly delivered support at all times. A maximum torque of up to 50Nm ensures gentle acceleration

A A T C I S T mtb O E ISP MA R UTO A cambio à, il nessun modalit di aumenta mode fun divertimento changing no more For

La modalità eMTB sostituisce la modalità Sport della Performance Line CX e offre le modalità Tour e Turbo. Il motore rafforza in modo dinamico la potenza del ciclista dal 120% al 300%. In funzione della pressione esercitata sul pedale, l'assistenza progressiva del motore automaticamente si adatta alla modalità di marcia individuale. Il motore supporta il ciclista sempre con la potenza ideale, senza che questi debba cambiare modalità di marcia e già a basse frequenze di pedalata. La partenza in salite ripide

1 i EX idealev AM R for S cambiosporti glisystem Il pergearenthusiasts

riesce senza problemi e il superamento in fuoristrada diventa percettibilmente più semplice. Sensazione di pedalata naturale e massime prestazioni sul trail garantite!

The eMTB mode replaces the previous Sport mode of Performance Line CX and switches between the Tour and Turbo riding modes. With a maximum torque of up to 75 Nm, the motor dynamically supports the rider's own pedal power by between 120% and 300%. Depending on the pedal pressure, the progressive motor support automatically adapts to the individual riding style. Without changing riding mode, the motor always provides support at the ideal power level, even at low cadences. Starting on steep slopes is problem free and off-road riding is made significantly easier. This provides for a natural riding experience and maximum performance on the trail.

eMTB Mode

standard Mode

The sports

Sviluppato specificatamente per le eMountain Bike sulla base delle esigenze dei clienti eMTB. I pignoni sono perfettamente adattati alle maglie della catena, consentendo di cambiare in modo preciso e sicuro, anche in pendenze estreme. Così, non è più necessario cambiare modalità in salita e la guida è notevolmente più sicura. Inoltre, la lunga durata e le eccezionali caratteristiche di arrampicata rendono l'EX1 la prima scelta degli eMountain biker più sportivi.

• Semplice con cassetta da 11-48 • Otto marce • Massime prestazioni di cambiata • Varietà di rapporti pari al 436% • Ottime caratteristiche di arrampicata EX1 from SRAM was specially developed for eMountain bikes and redesigned on the basis of eMTB customer requirements. The sprockets are ideally matched to the chain links, so the EX1 can switch precisely and safely, even on extreme gradients without load changes. There is no need to shift gears on steep ascents/descents, making you

significantly safer. In addition, excellent durability and outstanding climbing characteristics make the EX1 the first choice for extremely sporty eMountain bikers. • Single-chainring with 11-48 cassette • Eight gears • Maximum shifting performance • Large range of 436% • Excellent climbing characteristics



Il ciclocomputer all-in-one Nyon integra la funzione di navigazione, il controllo eBike, i dati di marcia e molto altro in un unico dispositivo. Grazie all’app eBike Connect è possibile collegare Nyon al proprio smartphone mediante Bluetooth. Tutto questo, combinato al portale, consente all'utente di provare un'esperienza eBike personalizzata, in linea e interattiva. NAVIGATION Grazie alle prestazioni migliorate e alle nuove mappe, la pianificazione del percorso è stata ottimizzata. Modifica intuitiva del percorso Il percorso può ora essere modificato in modo semplice nel portale con la funzione Drag&Drop e ridefinire così scorciatoie, partenza e meta. Pianificazione del percorso Navigando con il joystick è possibile esplorare il percorso ed orientarsi meglio. Salvataggio come percorso Le attività possono essere salvate come percorsi per una navigazione turn-by-turn. Consumo energetico Informazioni precise sull'autonomia per una pianificazione affidabile.

Navigation The quality of route guidance has been optimised with improved performance and new maps. Intuitive route changes Use drag & drop to change your route in the portal and define new way points, starting points and destinations. Route planning By navigating with the joystick on the map, you can explore your environment quickly and easily, finding your way around more efficiently. Save as route Activities can be saved as routes for turn-by-turn navigation. Energy consumption Detailed information about the use of the batteries for reliable route planning.

Indicatore di quota L'anteprima di quota aiuta a gestire le proprie forze e il supporto del sistema in modo ottimale.

Altitude display in the navigation screen The preview of the altitude on your route will help you to maximise your resources and to get the best possible use from the support offered by the Bosch system.

Nuovo layout della tastiera La nuova tastiera digitale facilita l'inserimento della destinazione o delle tappe intermedie sul Nyon.

New keypad layout The destination input via the new digital keypad makes it easier to enter the tour destinations or stopovers on Nyon.

Dashboard attività Attività, prestazioni e valori vengono rappresentati graficamente su un solo display per un intervallo predefinito. Casella statistiche Visualizzazione di tutte le informazioni, quali km percorsi, velocità media e consumo calorie. Impostazioni L'accesso al sistema eBike per attuare le correzioni è più semplice e rapido.


The Nyon all-in-one on-board computer combines navigation, eBike control, riding data and a host of other features in a single device. You can use the eBike Connect app to connect Nyon to your smartphone via Bluetooth. You can create your own personal, networked, interactive eBike experience on the online portal.

Activities dashboard A graphical display shows your activities, achievements and statistics over a defined period of time at a glance. Statistics box in the portal Display important information, such as mileage, average speed, or calories consumed at a glance - and always in comparison with the previous month's figures. Settings Thanks to the optimised user guidance feature, you have better, faster access to your eBike system, enabling you to set your own preferences.

INTUVIA Con Intuvia potete controllare la vostra eBike in modo semplice e intuitivo. Lo schermo è facilmente leggibile con tutte le condizioni di luce. Grazie all’unità di comando separata, le vostre mani restano sul manubrio per una maggiore sicurezza. In questo modo, avete tutto sotto controllo in ogni momento. Intuvia guarantees easy and intuitive control of your eBike. The display remains clearly visible under all lighting conditions. The separate control unit allows you to keep your hands safely on the handlebar and you are guaranteed a clear view of all riding data at all times.

PURION Il design si fonde con la funzionalità: Purion è il ciclocomputer minimalista per tutti coloro che preferiscono un manubrio con linee essenziali, adatto sia all'uso in città che in offroad. Durante la marcia, è possibile richiamare tutte le informazioni importanti in modo pratico con un clic del pollice, mentre le mani restano sempre sul manubrio. Cinque diverse modalità di guida vi offrono il giusto supporto personalizzato in ogni situazione. Design meets functionality: Purion is a minimalist on-board computer designed for anyone who wishes to focus on the most important information and prefers an uncluttered handlebar. Suitable for use in the city and countryside. You can focus on the essentials and get all important information at a click of your thumb, while keeping your hands on the handlebars throughout your trip. Five different riding modes give you just the right amount of assistance in every situation.



I PowerPack con tecnologia a ioni di litio sono le più moderne batterie eBike sul mercato. PowerPack 300, 400 o 500, il modello non importa: non soffrono di effetto memoria né di autoscarica; anche dopo uno stoccaggio prolungato è possibile partire senza necessità di ricarica. Il Battery Management System di Bosch protegge il PowerPack, incrementadone enormemente la durata. La riduzione di peso del PowerPack si percepisce subito durante la marcia. Grazie al design ergonomico e alla regolazione automatica, i PowerPack sono utilizzabili e smontabili in modo facile, veloce e sicuro.

Bosch PowerPacks with lithium-ion technology are the most state-ofthe-art eBike batteries on the market. Whether PowerPack 300, 400 or 500: they do not suffer from memory effect or self-discharge, even after long periods in storage. You can start them immediately without having to charge them. The Bosch Battery Management System protects your PowerPack, which increases the service life significantly. The low weight of the PowerPacks is reflected directly in the way your eBike handles.



: power E B TU R WE O P Con PowerTube 500, Bosch detta nuovi standard e presenta linee moderne e compatte, combinate con tecnologie di alta precisione. La batteria agli ioni di litio completamente integrata nel telaio della bici garantisce dimensioni ridotte e un design minimalista. Può essere infatti montata a scelta in verticale o in orizzontale. La batteria non è visibile ed è inoltre perfettamente protetta dal telaio. Per offrire maggior comfort, all'apertura la batteria scatta sporgendo di circa 2 cm dal telaio, facilitandone l'estrazione.

With the PowerTube 500, Bosch sets new standards and presents a pared-down, timeless look coupled with sophisticated technology. Thanks to compact dimensions and minimalistic design, the lithium-ion batteries, which can be fully integrated into the bike frame, can be installed either vertically or horizontally. The battery is concealed and perfectly protected by the frame. A convenient function means that the battery pops 2 cm out of the frame when unlocked, making it easier to handle.


KITS SPECS IA R E TT ERY A B TT BA Modello di batteria Tensione [V] Capacità [Ah] Contenuto energetico [Wh] Peso [kg] Cicli di carica Dimensioni [mm]

Battery model

DT / Inside Telaio


rame /F

rame /F



ack /R

rame /F


ack /R Portapacchi

ack /R Portapacchi

PowerTube 500 PowerPack 500 PowerPack 400 PowerPack 300 PowerPack 500 PowerPack 400 PowerPack 300 36







Capacity [Ah]








Energy content [Wh]








Weight [kg]








Charge cycles








349 x 84 x 65

325 x 92 x 90

325 x 92 x 90

Voltage [V]

Dimensions [mm]


Line CX Performance

Deragliatore posteriore Rear derailleur External Potenza nominale [W] Nominal power [W] 250 Livello di supporto [%] Support level [%]




325 x 92 x 82 372 x 122 x 80 372 x 122 x 80 372 x 122 x 80




Plus Active


Plus Active






17 20 MY Active


Internal hub


Internal hub


Internal hub


Internal hub















































Turbo eMTB/Sport

Coppia massima [Nm] Maximum drive torque [Nm]

Peso [kg] Vel. massima assISTITA









































Weight [kg]


Max assisted speed 25 Km/h



Corrente di carica [A] Tensione di alimentazione [V] Dimensioni [mm] Connettore Peso [kg]

Charging current [A] Voltage range [V] Dimensions [mm] Plug Weight [kg]










25 Km/h

25 Km/h

25 Km/h

25 Km/h

25 Km/h

25 Km/h

25 Km/h

25 Km/h

ger char Standard

ger char Compact



220 – 240

220 – 240

190 x 86 x 54 160 x 75 x 45 EU univ.

EU univ.



17 20 MY


Performance CX Cruise Powerpack 400 Purion

10 S_

175 Km

Frame Alu 26” FAT, hydroformed, tapered 1”1/2 Head Tube, Post mount rear brake bracket, E-Thru axle 12x197 mm Fork RST Renegade, 100 mm travel, E-Thru axle 15x150 mm, Tapered, Lockout Headset FSA No.57B tapered 1"1/2 Rear Derailleur Shimano Deore RD-M6000 GS, Shadow Plus Shifters Levers Shimano Deore SL-M6000 Rapidfire-Plus, 10s Brakes Tektro HD-M745, 4 pistons F/R, Rotor 203 mm F / 180 mm R Cassette Shimano CS-HG500 10s 11/42

Max Torque 75 Nm

Range Up to 175 km in Eco Up to 95 km in Tour Up to 75 km in Sport Up to 60 km in Turbo Charge time up to 6,5 hours

Pedals Alu MTB Hubs Au, 32h, INT, F: E-Thru 15x150 mm, R: E-Thru 12x197 mm

Max assisted 25 km/h speed Display PURION

Rims Alu fat, 32h

Power Adjustable: 4 levels Eco: 50% Tour: 120% Sport: 210% Turbo: 300%

Stem Byte Alu Oversize, 60 – 75 – 90 mm Handlebar Byte Alu Low Rise Oversize, 720 mm Seatpost Byte Alu 30,9 mm Saddle Selle Royal Sauris Tyres CST BFT 26” x 4,00”

Black/Anthracite/Green Matt

Motor Brushless Bosch Performance CX 36V, 250W, on the bottom bracket Battery Powerpack 400, frametype, weight 2,5 kg

Crankset Miranda Delta, 18T

18” - 46 cm

75 Nm

Other Functions eMTB mode



B-Lynx SR

Performance CX Cruise Powertube 500 Purion

8 S_

215 Km

Frame Alu, 27,5”, hydroformed, integrated battery, tapered 1”1/2 Head Tube, Rear travel 160 mm, Post mount rear brake bracket, Boost E-Thru axle 12x148 mm Fork Fox 36 Float Factory, 160 mm travel, E-Thru axle Boost Kabolt 15x110 mm, Air, Tapered, 3 Position lever lockout, Kashima coating, E-Bike chassis Rear Shock Fox DHX2 Performance, 205x60 mm, 54x8 mm – 24x8 mm, Ti-Nitride coating Headset FSA No.57E tapered 1"1/2 Rear Derailleur SRAM EX1 Shifters Levers SRAM EX1 Trigger, 8s Brakes Shimano Saint BR-M820, Rotor SM-RT99 203 mm F / 203 mm R Cassette SRAM EX1 CS-XG 899 11/48

Max Torque 75 Nm Battery Powertube 500 Horizontal, frametype, weight 2,8 kg

Charge time Up to 4,5 hours Max assisted 25 km/h speed

Pedals Alu MTB Full

Display PURION

Wheels DT Swiss H1700 Spline TLC Boost

Power Adjustable: 4 levels Eco: 50% Tour: 120% Sport: 210% Turbo: 300%

Stem Kyte Alu Oversize, 35 mm Handlebar Kyte Rise Alu Oversize, 780 – 800 mm Seatpost Fox Transfer Performance, 31,6 mm, remote Saddle Selle Royal Verve Tyres F: Schwalbe Magic Mary, SuperGravity, Addix Ultrasoft compound, 27,5”x2,35” / R: Schwalbe Hans Dampf, SuperGravity, Addix Soft compound, 27,5”x2,35”


Motor Brushless Bosch Performance CX 36V, 250W, on the bottom bracket

Range Up to 215 km in Eco Up to 115 km in Tour Up to 90 km in Sport Up to 75 km in Turbo

Crankset FSA, 14T

16” - 41 cm Ultralight/Neon Red 17,5” - 44 cm Ultralight/Neon Red 19” - 49 cm Ultralight/Neon Red

75 Nm

0116787100 0116787110 0116787120

Other Functions eMTB mode


Performance CX Cruise Powertube 500 Purion

10 S_

215 Km

Frame Alu, 27,5”, hydroformed, integrated battery, tapered 1”1/2 Head Tube, Rear travel 160 mm, Post mount rear brake bracket, Boost E-Thru axle 12x148 mm Fork Fox 36 Float Performance, 160 mm travel, E-Thru axle Boost Kabolt 15x110 mm, Air, Tapered, 3 Position lever lockout, E-Bike chassis Rear Shock Fox Float DPX2 Performance, EVOL, Large Volume, 205x60 mm, 54x8 mm - 24x8 mm Headset FSA No.57E tapered 1"1/2

Motor Brushless Bosch Performance CX 36V, 250W, on the bottom bracket Max Torque 75 Nm Battery Powertube 500 Horizontal, frametype, weight 2,8 kg Range Up to 215 km in Eco Up to 115 km in Tour Up to 90 km in Sport Up to 75 km in Turbo

Crankset FSA, 14T Rear Derailleur Shimano Deore RD-M6000 GS, Shadow Plus Shifters Levers Shimano Deore SL-M6000 Rapidfire-Plus, 10s Brakes Shimano Deore BR-M6000, Rotor SM-RT64 203 mm F / 203 mm R Cassette Shimano CS-HG500 10s 11/42

Charge time Up to 4,5 hours Max assisted 25 km/h speed

Pedals Alu MTB Full

Display PURION

Wheels DT Swiss E1900 Spline TLC Boost

Power Adjustable: 4 levels Eco: 50% Tour: 120% Sport: 210% Turbo: 300%

Stem Kyte Alu Oversize, 35 mm Handlebar Kyte Rise Alu Oversize, 780 – 800 mm Seatpost KindShock E30i-S, 31,6 mm, remote Saddle Selle Royal Verve Tyres F: Schwalbe Magic Mary, SuperGravity, Addix Ultrasoft compound, 27,5”x2,35” / R: Schwalbe Hans Dampf, SuperGravity, Addix Soft compound, 27,5”x2,35” 16” - 41 cm Ultralight/Neon Red 17,5” - 44 cm Ultralight/Neon Red 19” - 49 cm Ultralight/Neon Red

75 Nm

Other Functions eMTB mode

0116787200 0116787210 0116787220


B-Rush Plus SLS 11 S_

215 Km

Frame Alu 27,5" plus, hydroformed, integrated battery, tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, Rear travel 140 mm, Post mount rear brake bracket, Boost E-Thru axle 12x148 mm Fork Fox 36 Float Factory, 140 mm travel, E-Thru axle Boost Kabolt 15x110 mm, Air, Tapered, 3 Position lever lockout, Kashima coating Rear Shock Fox Float DPS Factory, EVOL, Large Volume, 185x50 mm, 54x8 mm - 24x8 mm Headset FSA No.57E tapered 1"1/2 Rear Derailleur Shimano XT RD-M8000 GS, Shadow Plus Shifters Levers Shimano XT SL-M8000 Rapidfire-Plus, 11s Brakes Shimano XT BR-M8000, Rotor SM-RT81 203 mm F / 203 mm R Cassette Shimano CS-M8000 11s 11/46 Pedals Alu MTB Full

Motor Brushless Bosch Performance CX 36V, 250W, on the bottom bracket Max Torque 75 Nm Battery Powertube 500 Horizontal, frametype, weight 2,8 kg

Charge time Up to 4,5 hours Max assisted 25 km/h speed Display NYON

Wheels DT Swiss E1900 Spline TLC Boost

Power Adjustable: 4 levels Eco: 50% Tour: 120% Sport: 210% Turbo: 300%

Stem Kyte Alu Oversize, 35 mm Handlebar Kyte Rise Alu Oversize, 780 – 800 mm Seatpost Fox Transfer Performance, 31,6 mm, remote Saddle Selle Royal Verve

Other Functions eMTB mode

Tyres Schwalbe Rocket Ron 27,5”x2,80”


75 Nm

Range Up to 215 km in Eco Up to 115 km in Tour Up to 90 km in Sport Up to 75 km in Turbo

Crankset FSA, 16T

16” - 41 cm Black/Neon Red Matt 17,5” - 44 cm Black/Neon Red Matt 19” - 49 cm Black/Neon Red Matt

Performance CX Cruise Powertube 500 NyoN

0116787600 0116787610 0116787620

B-Rush Plus SL 11 S_

Performance CX Cruise Powertube 500 Purion 215 Km

Frame Alu 27,5" plus, hydroformed, integrated battery, tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, Rear travel 140 mm, Post mount rear brake bracket, Boost E-Thru axle 12x148 mm Fork Fox 36 Float Performance, 140 mm travel, E-Thru axle Boost Kabolt 15x110 mm, Air, Tapered, 3 Position lever lockout Rear Shock Fox Float DPS Performance, EVOL, Large Volume, 185x50 mm, 54x8 mm - 24x8 mm Headset FSA No.57E tapered 1"1/2

75 Nm

Motor Brushless Bosch Performance CX 36V, 250W, on the bottom bracket Max Torque 75 Nm Battery Powertube 500 Horizontal, frametype, weight 2,8 kg Range Up to 215 km in Eco Up to 115 km in Tour Up to 90 km in Sport Up to 75 km in Turbo

Crankset FSA, 16T Rear Derailleur Shimano XT RD-M8000 GS, Shadow Plus Shifters Levers Shimano SLX SL-M7000 Rapidfire-Plus, 11s Brakes Shimano Deore BR-M6000, Rotor SM-RT64 203 mm F / 203 mm R Cassette Shimano CS-M7000 11s 11/46 Pedals Alu MTB Full

Charge time Up to 4,5 hours Max assisted 25 km/h speed Display PURION

Hubs Shimano Deore HB-M6010, E-Thru 15x110 mm/12x148 mm, CL, 32h Rims Ambrosio Kono40, 27,5”, 32h, E-Bike ready Stem Kyte Alu Oversize, 35 mm Handlebar Kyte Rise Alu Oversize, 780 – 800 mm Seatpost KindShock E30i-S, 31,6 mm, remote

Power Adjustable: 4 levels Eco: 50% Tour: 120% Sport: 210% Turbo: 300% Other Functions eMTB mode

Saddle Selle Royal Verve Tyres Schwalbe Rocket Ron 27,5”x2,80” 16” - 41 cm Black/Neon Red Matt 17,5” - 44 cm Black/Neon Red Matt 19” - 49 cm Black/Neon Red Matt

0116787700 0116787710 0116787720


B-Rush Plus S

Performance CX Cruise Powertube 500 Purion

11 S_

215 Km

Frame Alu 27,5" plus, hydroformed, integrated battery, tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, Rear travel 140 mm, Post mount rear brake bracket, Boost E-Thru axle 12x148 mm Fork Fox 34 Float Rhythm, 140 mm travel, E-Thru Axle Boost 15x110 mm, Air, Tapered, 3 Position lever lockout Rear Shock Fox Float DPS Performance, EVOL, Large Volume, 185x50 mm, 54x8 mm - 24x8 mm Headset FSA No.57E tapered 1"1/2 Rear Derailleur Shimano SLX RD-M7000 GS, Shadow Plus Shifters Levers Shimano SLX SL-M7000 Rapidfire-Plus, 11s Brakes Shimano Deore BR-M6000, Rotor SM-RT64 203 mm F / 203 mm R Cassette Shimano CS-M7000 11s 11/46 Pedals Alu MTB Full

Max Torque 75 Nm Battery Powertube 500 Horizontal, frametype, weight 2,8 kg

Charge time Up to 4,5 hours Max assisted 25 km/h speed Display PURION

Hubs Shimano Deore HB-M6010, E-Thru 15x110 mm/12x148 mm, CL, 32h Rims Ambrosio Kono40, 27,5”, 32h, E-Bike ready Stem Kyte Alu Oversize, 35 mm Handlebar Kyte Rise Alu Oversize, 780 – 800 mm Seatpost KindShock E30i-S, 31,6 mm, remote

Power Adjustable: 4 levels Eco: 50% Tour: 120% Sport: 210% Turbo: 300% Other Functions eMTB mode

Saddle Selle Royal Verve Tyres Schwalbe Rocket Ron 27,5”x2,80”


Motor Brushless Bosch Performance CX 36V, 250W, on the bottom bracket

Range Up to 215 km in Eco Up to 115 km in Tour Up to 90 km in Sport Up to 75 km in Turbo

Crankset FSA, 16T

16” - 41 cm Black/Neon Red Matt 17,5” - 44 cm Black/Neon Red Matt 19” - 49 cm Black/Neon Red Matt

75 Nm

0116787800 0116787810 0116787820

B-Rush Plus

Performance CX Cruise Powerpack 500 Purion

10 S_

215 Km

Frame Alu 27,5" plus, hydroformed, tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, Rear travel 140 mm, Post mount rear brake bracket, Boost E-Thru axle 12x148 mm Fork Fox 34 Float Rhythm, 140 mm travel, E-Thru Axle Boost 15x110 mm, Air, Tapered, 3 Position lever lockout Rear Shock Rock Shox Monarch R, 190x51 mm, 24x8 mm Headset FSA No.57E tapered 1"1/2

75 Nm

Motor Brushless Bosch Performance CX 36V, 250W, on the bottom bracket Max Torque 75 Nm Battery Powerpack 500, frametype, weight 2,6 kg Range Up to 215 km in Eco Up to 115 km in Tour Up to 90 km in Sport Up to 75 km in Turbo

Crankset FSA, 14T Rear Derailleur Shimano Deore RD-M6000 GS, Shadow Plus Shifters Levers Shimano Deore SL-M6000 Rapidfire-Plus, 10s Brakes Tektro HD-M745, 4 pistons F/R, Rotor 203 mm F / 203 mm R Cassette Shimano CS-HG500 10s 11/42

Charge time Up to 4,5 hours Max assisted 25 km/h speed

Pedals Alu MTB Full Hubs Shimano Deore HB-M6010, E-Thru 15x110 mm/12x148 mm, CL, 32h Rims Ambrosio Kono40, 27,5”, 32h, E-Bike ready Stem Kyte Alu Oversize, 35 mm Handlebar Kyte Rise Alu Oversize, 780 – 800 mm Seatpost Kyte Alu 31,6 mm

Display PURION Power Adjustable: 4 levels Eco: 50% Tour: 120% Sport: 210% Turbo: 300% Other Functions eMTB mode

Saddle Selle Royal Sauris Tyres Schwalbe Rocket Ron 27,5”x2,80”

16” - 41 cm Yellow/Black Matt 17,5” - 44 cm Yellow/Black Matt 19” - 49 cm Yellow/Black Matt

0116787900 0116787910 0116787920


B-Rush Plus LTD 9 S_

175 Km

Frame Alu 27,5" plus, hydroformed, tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, Rear travel 140 mm, Post mount rear brake bracket, Boost E-Thru axle 12x148 mm Fork Suntour XCR34 LOR, 130 mm travel, E-Thru axle Boost 15x110 mm, Tapered, Lockout Rear Shock Rock Shox Monarch R, 190x51 mm, 24x8 mm Headset FSA No.57E tapered 1"1/2 Rear Derailleur Shimano Alivio RD-M4000 SGS, Shadow Shifters Levers Shimano Altus SL-M2000 Rapidfire Plus, 9s Brakes Shimano BR-M315, Rotor SM-RT10 180 mm F / 180 mm R Cassette Shimano CS-HG200 9s 11/36

Motor Brushless Bosch Performance CX 36V, 250W, on the bottom bracket Max Torque 75 Nm Battery Powerpack 400, frametype, weight 2,5 kg

Charge time Up to 3,5 hours Max assisted 25 km/h speed

Pedals Alu MTB Full Hubs Shimano Deore HB-M6010, E-Thru 15x110 mm/12x148 mm, CL, 32h Rims Ambrosio Kono40, 27,5”, 32h, E-Bike ready Stem Kyte Alu Oversize, 35 mm Handlebar Kyte Rise Alu Oversize, 780 – 800 mm Seatpost Kyte Alu 31,6 mm

Display PURION Power Adjustable: 4 levels Eco: 50% Tour: 120% Sport: 210% Turbo: 300% Other Functions eMTB mode

Saddle Selle Royal Sauris Tyres Schwalbe Rocket Ron 27,5”x2,80”


75 Nm

Range Up to 175 km in Eco Up to 95 km in Tour Up to 75 km in Sport Up to 60 km in Turbo

Crankset FSA Dyna Drive, 14T

16” - 41 cm Ultralight/Blue/Green Matt 17,5” - 44 cm Ultralight/Blue/Green Matt 19” - 49 cm Ultralight/Blue/Green Matt

Performance CX Cruise Powerpack 400 Purion

0116788000 0116788010 0116788020



e tecnologia anguardia v ’a design all always




Il concetto di batteria integrata nel telaio combina un design ultramoderno, diventando invisibile dall’esterno, alla tecnologia più avanzata. Con l'ulteriore abbassamento del baricentro con batteria all’interno del tubo diagonale, migliorano le performance di guida: si avverte in misura minore il peso della batteria, posizionata nella zona del telaio che subisce minori spostamenti durante la pedalata. La batteria in alluminio nero anodizzato di alta qualità, può essere rimossa dalla parte superiore, inferiore o laterale. Un meccanismo a due fasi garantisce completa

sicurezza e maneggevolezza durante l’inserimento e la rimozione: quando viene sbloccata, la PowerTube si sgancia dal telaio di circa due centimetri e può essere facilmente maneggiata, mentre un dispositivo di sicurezza ne impedisce la caduta accidentale. Il caricamento può avvenire direttamente con la batteria inserita sulla bici. La batteria integrata ha una capacità di circa 500 Wh; misura 349 x 84 x 65 mm e pesa solo 2,7 kg circa. La PowerTube 500 ha una notevole densità di potenza e attualmente è una delle batterie più leggere.

Il team R&D Whistle ha sviluppato una gamma di telai progettati per massimizzare le prestazioni, già incrementate dalla PowerTube. La rimozione sul lato superiore, la particolare

sezione a spigoli smussati del tubo diagonale e la scelta della PowerTube “orizzontale” aumentano la rigidità torsionale del telaio e migliorano ulteriormente guidabilità e agilità della bici. The battery integrated into the frame becomes invisible from outside; it combines an ultra-modern design to the most advanced technology. With the further lowering of the center of gravity thanks to the battery integrated into the downtube, driving performance is improved; the weight of the battery is less perceived as it is located in the frame area which suffer less movements when pedalling. The high quality anodised black aluminum battery can be removed from the top, the bottom or from both sides. A two-stage mechanism guarantees complete safety and handling during its insertion and removal: once it’s unlocked, the PowerTube snaps out of the frame about two inches and can be easily handled, while a safety device prevents it from any accidental fall. The battery can be charged also on the eBike. The integrated battery has a capacity of 500Wh; a size of 349x 84x 65mm and a weight of Kg 2,7. The PowerTube 500 has high power density and is currently one of the lightest batteries on the market. The R&D Whistle department realized a wide range of frames to maximise the performance, yet improved by the PowerTube. The battery removal from the top, the smooth angles of diagonal tubes and the choice of the horizzontal PowerTube increase the torsional stifness of the frame thus improving the endling and the driving performance of the eBike.


B-ware Hf SLS

Performance CX Cruise Powertube 500 Nyon

11 S_

215 Km

Frame Alu 29”, hydroformed, integrated battery, tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, Post mount rear brake bracket, E-Thru axle 12x148 mm, Internal routing, Forged motor interface Fork Fox 34 Float Performance, 120 mm travel, E-Thru axle Boost 15X110 mm, Air, Tapered, 3 Position remote lockout Headset FSA No.57E tapered 1"1/2 Crankset Fsa, 16T Rear Derailleur Shimano XT RD-M8000 GS, Shadow Plus Shifters Levers Shimano XT SL-M8000 Rapidfire-Plus, 11s Brakes Shimano XT BR-M8000, Rotor SM-RT70 203 mm F / 180 mm R Cassette Shimano CS-M8000 11s 11/46 Hubs Shimano Deore HB-M6010, E-Thru 15x110 mm/12x148 mm, CL, 32h Rims Ambrosio Sport, 29”, 32h, E-Bike ready Handlebar Kyte Top Flat Alu Oversize, 720 mm Seatpost Kyte Alu 31,6 mm Saddle Selle Royal Rampage

Battery Powertube 500 Horizontal, frametype, weight 2,8 kg Range Up to 215 km in Eco Up to 115 km in Tour Up to 90 km in Sport Up to 75 km in Turbo Max assisted 25 km/h speed Display NYON

Other Functions eMTB mode

Tyres Schwalbe Nobby Nic, 29”x2,25”


Max Torque 75 Nm

Power Adjustable: 4 levels Eco: 50% Tour: 120% Sport: 210% Turbo: 300%

Stem Kyte Alu Oversize, 70 – 90 mm

Black/Neon Yellow Matt Black/Neon Yellow Matt Black/Neon Yellow Matt

Motor Brushless Bosch Performance CX 36V, 250W, on the bottom bracket

Charge time Up to 4,5 hours

Pedals Alu MTB

16” - 40 cm 18” - 46 cm 20” - 50 cm

75 Nm

0116788400 0116788410 0116788420

B-ware Hf SL

Performance CX Cruise Powertube 500 Purion

11 S_

215 Km

Frame Alu 27,5” plus, hydroformed, integrated battery, tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, Post mount rear brake bracket, E-Thru axle 12x148 mm, Internal routing, Forged motor interface Fork Rock Shox Reba RL, 120 mm travel, E-Thru axle Boost 15x110 mm, SoloAir, Tapered, Remote Lockout, Maxle Stealth Headset FSA No.57E tapered 1"1/2 Crankset Fsa, 16T Rear Derailleur Shimano XT RD-M8000 GS, Shadow Plus Shifters Levers Shimano SLX SL-M7000 Rapidfire-Plus, 11s Brakes Shimano SLX BR-M7000, Rotor SM-RT70 203 mm F / 180 mm R Cassette Shimano CS-M7000 11s 11/46 Hubs Shimano Deore HB-M6010, E-Thru 15x110 mm/12x148 mm, CL, 32h Rims Ambrosio Kono40, 27,5”, 32h, E-Bike ready

Max Torque 75 Nm Battery Powertube 500 Horizontal, frametype, weight 2,8 kg Range Up to 215 km in Eco Up to 115 km in Tour Up to 90 km in Sport Up to 75 km in Turbo Max assisted 25 km/h speed Display PURION Power Adjustable: 4 levels Eco: 50% Tour: 120% Sport: 210% Turbo: 300%

Stem Kyte Alu Oversize, 70 – 90 mm Handlebar Kyte Top Flat Alu Oversize, 720 mm Seatpost Kyte Alu 31,6 mm Saddle Selle Royal Rampage

Other Functions eMTB mode

Tyres Schwalbe Smart Sam 27,5”x2,60”

Ultralight/Neon Red/Blue Ultralight/Neon Red/Blue Ultralight/Neon Red/Blue

Motor Brushless Bosch Performance CX 36V, 250W, on the bottom bracket

Charge time Up to 4,5 hours

Pedals Alu MTB

16” - 40 cm 18” - 46 cm 20” - 50 cm

75 Nm

0116788500 0116788510 0116788520


B-ware Hf S

Performance CX Cruise Powertube 500 Purion

11 S_

215 Km

Frame Alu 27,5” plus, hydroformed, integrated battery, tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, Post mount rear brake bracket, E-Thru axle 12x148 mm, Internal routing, Forged motor interface Fork Suntour XCR34 Air RLR, 120 mm travel, E-Thru axle Boost 15x110 mm, Tapered, Remote Lockout Headset FSA No.57E tapered 1"1/2 Crankset Fsa, 16T Rear Derailleur Shimano XT RD-M8000 GS, Shadow Plus Shifters Levers Shimano SLX SL-M7000 Rapidfire-Plus, 11s Brakes Shimano Deore BR-M6000, Rotor SM-RT64 203 mm F / 180 mm R Cassette Shimano CS-M7000 11s 11/46 Hubs Shimano Deore HB-M6010, E-Thru 15x110 mm/12x148 mm, CL, 32h Rims Ambrosio Kono40, 27,5”, 32h, E-Bike ready Handlebar Kyte Top Flat Alu Oversize, 720 mm Seatpost Kyte Alu 31,6 mm Saddle Selle Royal Rampage

Battery Powertube 500 Horizontal, frametype, weight 2,8 kg Range Up to 215 km in Eco Up to 115 km in Tour Up to 90 km in Sport Up to 75 km in Turbo Max assisted 25 km/h speed Display PURION

Other Functions eMTB mode

Tyres Schwalbe Smart Sam 27,5”x2,60”


Max Torque 75 Nm

Power Adjustable: 4 levels Eco: 50% Tour: 120% Sport: 210% Turbo: 300%

Stem Kyte Alu Oversize, 70 – 90 mm

Black/Neon Yellow Matt Black/Neon Yellow Matt Black/Neon Yellow Matt

Motor Brushless Bosch Performance CX 36V, 250W, on the bottom bracket

Charge time Up to 4,5 hours

Pedals Alu MTB

16” - 40 cm 18” - 46 cm 20” - 50 cm

75 Nm

0116788600 0116788610 0116788620

B-ware HF

Performance CX Cruise 400 Wh Purion

10 S_

175 Km

Frame Alu 29”, hydroformed, custom tubing, tapered 1”1/2 Head Tube, Post mount rear brake bracket, Internal Routing, Forged motor interface Fork Suntour XCR34 Coil RL, 120 mm travel, E-Thru axle Boost 15x110, Tapered, Remote Lockout Headset FSA No.57E tapered 1"1/2 Rear Derailleur Shimano Deore RD-M6000 GS, Shadow Plus Shifters Levers Shimano Deore SL-M6000 Rapidfire-Plus, 10s Brakes Shimano BR-M315, Rotor SM-RT10 180 mm F / 180 mm R Cassette Shimano CS-HG500 10s 11/42

Max Torque 75 Nm

Range Up to 175 km in Eco Up to 95 km in Tour Up to 75 km in Sport Up to 60 km in Turbo Charge time Up to 6,5 hours

Pedals Alu MTB Hubs Shimano Deore HB-M6010, E-Thru 15x100 F, TX505 R, CL, 32h

Max assisted 25 km/h speed Display PURION

Rims Ambrosio Sport, 29”, 32h, E-Bike ready

Power Adjustable: 4 levels Eco: 50% Tour: 120% Sport: 210% Turbo: 300%

Stem Kyte Alu Oversize, 70 – 90 mm Handlebar Kyte Top Flat Alu Oversize, 720 mm Seatpost Kyte Alu 31,6 mm Saddle Selle Royal Sauris Tyres Schwalbe Nobby Nic, 29”x2,25”

Black/Neon Orange Matt Blue/White Matt Black/Neon Orange Matt Blue/White Matt Black/Neon Orange Matt Blue/White Matt

Motor Brushless Bosch Performance CX 36V, 250W, on the bottom bracket Battery Powerpack 400, frametype, weight 2,5 kg

Crankset Fsa, Miche chain ring 15T

16” - 41,5 cm 16” - 41,5 cm 18” - 46 cm 18” - 46 cm 20” - 51,5 cm 20” - 51,5 cm

75 Nm

Other Functions eMTB mode 0116788700 0116788703 0116788710 0116788713 0116788720 0116788723 21

B-ware CX500

Performance CX Cruise 500 Wh Purion

9 S_

215 Km

Frame Alu 29" plus, custom tubing, tapered 1”1/2 Head Tube, Post mount rear brake bracket, Internal Routing, Forged motor interface Fork Suntour XCM RL, 100 mm travel, Remote lockout

75 Nm

Motor Brushless Bosch Performance CX 36V, 250W, on the bottom bracket Max Torque 75 Nm

Headset FSA No.57BP ZS-1 for 1"1/8 steerer

Battery Powerpack 500, frametype, weight 2,6 kg

Crankset Fsa Dyna Drive, Miche chain ring 15T Rear Derailleur Shimano Altus RD-M2000 SGS Shifters Levers Shimano Altus SL-M2000 Rapidfire, 9s Brakes Shimano BR-M315, Rotor SM-RT10 180 mm F / 180 mm R Cassette Shimano CS-HG200 9s 11/36

Range Up to 215 km in Eco Up to 115 km in Tour Up to 90 km in Sport Up to 75 km in Turbo Charge time Up to 7,5 hours

Pedals Alu MTB

Max assisted 25 km/h speed

Hubs Shimano TX505, CL, 32h Rims Ambrosio Sport, 29", 32h, E-Bike ready

Display PURION

Stem Byte Alu Oversize, 60 – 75 – 90 mm

Power Adjustable: 4 levels Eco: 50% Tour: 120% Sport: 210% Turbo: 300%

Handlebar Byte Alu Low Rise Oversize, 720 mm Seatpost Byte Alu 31,6 mm Saddle Selle Royal Sauris Tyres Schwalbe Smart Sam 29"x2,25"

Other Functions eMTB mode

16” - 40,5 cm Black/Neon Yellow Matt 18” - 46 cm Black/Neon Yellow Matt 20” - 51,5 cm Black/Neon Yellow Matt


0116788800 0116788810 0116788820

B-ware CX400

Performance CX Cruise 400 Wh Purion

9 S_

175 Km

75 Nm

DISPONIBILE VERSIONE URBAN (B-WARE RUN CX400) con pARAFANGHI E COPERTURE Urban Available also the Urban Version (B ware Run CX400) with mudgards and urban tyres.

Frame Alu 29" plus, custom tubing, tapered 1”1/2 Head Tube, Post mount rear brake bracket, Internal Routing, Forged motor interface Fork Suntour XCM RL, 100 mm travel, Remote lockout

Motor Brushless Bosch Performance CX 36V, 250W, on the bottom bracket Max Torque 75 Nm

Headset FSA No.57BP ZS-1 for 1"1/8 steerer

Battery Powerpack 400, frametype, weight 2,5 kg

Crankset Fsa Dyna Drive, Miche chain ring 15T Rear Derailleur Shimano Altus RD-M2000 SGS Shifters Levers Shimano Altus SL-M2000 Rapidfire, 9s Brakes Shimano BR-M315, Rotor SM-RT10 180 mm F / 180 mm R Cassette Shimano CS-HG200 9s 11/36

Range Up to 175 km in Eco Up to 95 km in Tour Up to 75 km in Sport Up to 60 km in Turbo Charge time Up to 6,5 hours

Pedals Alu MTB

Max assisted 25 km/h speed

Hubs Shimano TX505, CL, 32h Rims Ambrosio Sport, 29", 32h, E-Bike ready

Display PURION

Stem Byte Alu Oversize, 60 – 75 – 90 mm

Power Adjustable: 4 levels Eco: 50% Tour: 120% Sport: 210% Turbo: 300%

Handlebar Byte Alu Low Rise Oversize, 720 mm Seatpost Byte Alu 31,6 mm Saddle Selle Royal Sauris Tyres Schwalbe Smart Sam 29"x2,25"

Other Functions eMTB mode

16” - 40,5 cm 18” - 46 cm 20” - 51,5 cm 16” - 40,5 cm 18” - 46 cm 20” - 51,5 cm

Ultralight/Neon Orange Ultralight/Neon Orange Ultralight/Neon Orange Ultralight/Neon Orange (urban version) Ultralight/Neon Orange (urban version) Ultralight/Neon Orange (urban version)

0116788900 0116788910 0116788920 0116788950 0116788960 0116788970



Active Cruise 400 Wh Intuvia

7 S_

190 Km

Frame Alu 700C, easy access, custom tubing, Internal routing, Integrated rear carrier, Forged motor interface Fork Suntour NEX HLO P-700C, 50 mm travel, Hydraulic lockout Headset FSA No.10, semi-integrated, 1”1/8

Brakes Alu V-Brake Cassette Shimano 20T

Charge time Up to 3,5 hours

Pedals Alu TKK

Max assisted 25 km/h speed

Hubs Shimano HB-T3000, F, Nexus R, 36h


Rims Alu, double wall, 36h

Power Adjustable: 4 levels Eco: 40% Tour: 100% Sport: 150% Turbo: 225%

Stem Byte Ahead Alu, adjustable Handlebar Byte Alu City Seatpost Byte Alu, 31,6 mm Saddle Sella Royal Nuvola Tyres Michelin Protek 700x40, Reflex, Punctureproof


Max Torque 52 Nm

Range Up to 190 km in Eco Up to 105 km in Tour Up to 90 km in Sport Up to 85 km in Turbo

Rear Derailleur Shimano Nexus SG-C3000 Shifters Levers Shimano Nexus SL-7S31, 7s


Motor Brushless Bosch 36V, 250 W, on the bottom bracket Battery Powerpack 400, racktype, weight 2,6 kg

Crankset FSA Metropolis, Miche chain ring 18T

19” - 48 cm

52 Nm



Active Cruise 300 Wh Purion

7 S_

145 Km

Frame Alu 700C, easy access, custom tubing, Post mount rear brake bracket, Internal routing, Forged motor interface Fork Hi-Ten 700C

52 Nm

Motor Brushless Bosch 36V, 250 W, on the bottom bracket Max Torque 52 Nm

Headset FSA No.10, semi-integrated, 1�1/8

Battery Powerpack 300, racktype, weight 2,4 kg

Crankset FSA Metropolis, Miche chain ring 18T

Range Up to 145 km in Eco Up to 85 km in Tour Up to 70 km in Sport Up to 65 km in Turbo

Rear Derailleur Shimano Acera RD-M360 SGS Shifters Levers Shimano Tourney SL-RS36, Revoshift, 7s Brakes Alu V-Brake Freewheel Shimano MF-TZ21 7s 14/28

Charge time Up to 5 hours

Pedals Alu TKK

Max assisted 25 km/h speed

Hubs Alu, 32h, Quick release

Display PURION

Rims Ambrosio Keba, 700C, 32h

Power Adjustable: 4 levels Eco: 40% Tour: 100% Sport: 150% Turbo: 250%

Stem Byte Ahead Alu, adjustable Handlebar Byte Alu City Seatpost Byte Alu, 31,6 mm Saddle Selle Royal 3050 Tyres Schwalbe Citizen 700x40, Reflex

45 cm 50 cm

White/Black White/Black

0116777900 0116777910



Il concetto “tutt’uno con la macchina”. Il sistema elettrico PW-X con elevate performance di guida porta ad un livello superiore.

Yamaha realized a new drive unit using the concept “all in one with the machine” for design and working. The PW-X Electrical System improves the already high driving performances. Higher torque, lighter drive unit, smarter display, quicker reaction: these are only few of the improvements available on the PW-X electrical System.

DRIVE UNIT L’unità motore è stata completamente riprogettata riducendo l’ingombro volumetrico del 13% e il peso dell’11%, raggiungendo i 3.1 kg che diventano il punto di riferimento per la categoria. Ad un peso minore corrispondono, quindi, una maggiore accelerazione, migliore maneggevolezza e, a parità di montaggio, maggiori prestazioni in frenata della e-bike, garantendo il massimo divertimento in tutta sicurezza. Migliorata inoltre l’interazione uomomacchina: il perno del movimento centrale è di tipo ISIS e il fattore “Q” è stato ridotto 23 mm per garantire un’efficienza maggiore nel trasferimento di potenza, evitando sprechi di energia. Infine il nuovo sistema di fissaggio a due punti garantisce una riduzione dell’effetto rollio in fase di erogazione della potenza e di conseguenza maggiore efficacia nel tiro catena. The drive unit has been completely renovated by reducing the size of 13% and the weight of 11%.It means the best weight on the market: 3,1 Kg. Lower weight, but better acceleration, handling and braking performances ensuring the best fun and safety. It’s improved also the interaction between man and drive unit: the axle is ISIS and the Q factor has been reduced of 23 mm to ensure greater efficiency in power transfer, avoiding waste of energy. The new 2-point mounting system ensures a rolling reduction in the process of power supply and therefore greater efficiency in the chain.



Disegnato specificamente per l’utilizzo in discipline MTB, è piccolo e posizionato a fianco dell’attacco manubrio in posizione protetta dagli urti. Il display LCD a matrice di punti, comunica tutte le informazioni ed è dotato di comando remoto per eseguire tutte le operazioni senza staccare le mani dal manubrio.

Disponibili ora con due diverse capacità, 400 Wh e 500 Wh, le batterie Yamaha sono performanti, leggere, ricaricabili anche a bordo della bicicletta e rimovibili lateralmente, per facilitare l'estrazione sui telai più piccoli. La nuova versione a 500 Wh si distingue per l’elevata densità e il ridotto tempo di ricarica. La particolare forma della base permette un'ottima integrazione con il telaio, per un accoppiamento rigido e maggior sicurezza.

Realized specifically for MTB, the display is little and located near the stem in a protected position from any shocks. It is a dot matrix LCD display and it provides the biker with all the information needed and it has a remote control to ride the bicycle safety without without taking the hands off the handlebar


Coppia elevata, motore leggero, display piccolo ed intuitivo e risposta pronta sono le principali caratteristiche del kit PW-X.

Available now in 2 different capacity sizes, 400 Wh and 500 Wh, to satisfy every range request, Yamaha batteries are lightweight, high performance, rechargeable even assembled on the bike and laterally removable, to simplify operations even on smaller frames. The absolutely new 500 Wh version stand out for high energy density and reduced charging time. The particular shape of the battery seat allow to get to a high integration with the bicycle frame, ensuring a stiffer coupling and higher riding safety.

RISPOSTA PRONTA Grazie alla funzione “Zero Cadence support”, il motore comincia a fornire assistenza sin dalla prima spinta sui pedali, anche con bicicletta ferma. Negli istanti successivi, in modalità EXPW la crescita della coppia motrice è rapidissima, fino ad arrivare al picco massimo, e permette all’utente di sentirsi tutt’uno con la bici.

POWER OPTIONS The drive unit start providing assistance from the first pedaling even if the bicycle is stationary. This is due to the The user can select up to 6 power levels to have the support needed in every situation. The new EXPW (Extra power) assistance level has been projected to give the biker a greater performance:80 Nm of maximum torque and a drive unit support till 120 rpm nof cadence to satisfy even the more demanding user. Unchanged the other already existance levels of assistance: High, Standard, Eco, Eco+ to adapt the performance to tough trails that need more range or to smooth ones. Quick support The drive unit start providing assistance from the first pedaling even if the bicycle is stationary. This is due to the “Zero Cadence support”. After this, on the EXPW level, the grew of the output torque is very quick till the maximum speed and it ensure a perfect interaction between the biker and its e-bike.

A RI E TT ERY A B TT BA Modello di batteria Tensione [V] Capacità [Ah] Contenuto energetico [Wh] Peso [kg] Densità energetica [Wh/kg] Tempo di ricarica [h] Cicli di carica

RE NIT O T U MORIVE D Potenza nominale [W] Livello di supporto [%]

Coppia massima [Nm] Peso [kg] Velocità massima assistita

Nominal power [W]

Yamaha 400 36



Energy content [Wh]



Weight [kg]



Energy density [Wh/kg]



Recharge time [h] Charge cycles

Series PW















Maximum assisted speed

rame /F

Capacity [Ah]


Weight [kg]



Voltage [V]

Support level [%]

Maximum drive torque [Nm] 80 in EXPW mode

rame /F

Yamaha 500

Battery model

Series -X PW




MODALITÀ DI POTENZA L’utente può selezionare fino a 6 livelli di potenza per disporre sempre del supporto necessario in ogni condizione di guida. La nuova modalità di assistenza EXPW (EXtra PoWer) è stata ideata per fornire prestazioni esplosive: 80 Nm di coppia motrice massima e supporto del motore fino a 120 rpm di cadenza per soddisfare anche l’utente più esigente. Rimangono invariate, invece, le modalità High, Standard, Eco ed Eco+ per adattare le performance ad esigenze di autonomia o per percorsi meno impegnativi.





IA ER T AT ER B ICA ARG R CA CH 3,6 Corrente [A] Charging current [A] 230 Tensione [V] Voltage range [V] Dimensioni [mm] Dimensions [mm] 184 x 86 x 50 EU univ. Connettore Plug 0,8 Peso [kg] Weight [kg]

50 70 – 80 peak



25 Km/h

25 Km/h



PW-X 500 Wh

11 S_

175 Km

Frame Alu 27,5" Plus, hydroformed, tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, Rear travel 140 mm, Post mount rear brake bracket, E-Thru axle boost 12x148 mm, Gravity casting motor interface Fork Fox 36 Float Factory, 140 mm travel, E-Thru axle Boost Kabolt 15x110 mm, Air, Tapered, 3 Position lever lockout, Kashima coating Rear Shock Fox Float Factory Large Volume, 7,5”x2,0”, 24x8 mm Headset FSA No.57E tapered 1"1/2 Rear Derailleur Shimano XT RD-M8000 GS, Shadow Plus Shifters Levers Shimano SLX SL-M7000 Rapidfire-Plus, 11s Brakes Shimano XT BR-M8000, Rotor SM-RT81 203 mm F / 203 mm R Cassette Shimano CS-M7000 11s 11/46 Hubs Shimano Deore HB-M6010, E-Thru 15x110 mm/12x148 mm, CL, 32h Rims Alex MD40, 32h Stem Kyte Alu Oversize, 35 mm Handlebar Kyte Rise Alu Oversize, 780 – 800 mm Seatpost KindShox E30i-S, 31,6 mm, remote Saddle Selle Royal Rampage Tyres Schwalbe Rocket Ron 27,5”x2,80”


Max Torque 70 Nm, 80 Nm in EXPW mode Battery Yamaha 500 Wh, frametype, weight 3,0 kg

Charge time Up to 4 hours Max assisted 25 km/h speed

Pedals Alu MTB Full

Black/Gold Matt Black/Gold Matt Black/Gold Matt

Motor Brushless Yamaha 36 V, 250 W, on the bottom bracket

Range Up to 175 km in Eco+ Up to 140 km in Eco Up to 105 km in Standard Up to 85 km in High Up to 70 km in EXPW

Crankset Fsa, 38T

16” - 40 cm 18” - 46 cm 20” - 51 cm

80 Nm

0116786500 0116786510 0116786520

Display LCD Power Adjustable: 5 levels Eco+: 50% Eco: 100% Standard: 190% High: 280% EXPW: 320%


PW-X 500 Wh

11 S_

175 Km

Frame Alu 27,5" Plus, hydroformed, tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, Rear travel 140 mm, Post mount rear brake bracket, E-Thru axle boost 12x148 mm, Gravity casting motor interface Fork Fox 34 Float Rhythm, 140 mm travel, E-Thru Axle Boost 15x110 mm, Air, Tapered, 3 Position lever lockout Rear Shock Rock Shox Monarch R, 190x50 mm, 24x8 mm Headset FSA No.57E tapered 1"1/2

80 Nm

Motor Brushless Yamaha 36 V, 250 W, on the bottom bracket Max Torque 70 Nm, 80 Nm in EXPW mode Battery Yamaha 500 Wh, frametype, weight 3,0 kg Range Up to 175 km in Eco+ Up to 140 km in Eco Up to 105 km in Standard Up to 85 km in High Up to 70 km in EXPW

Crankset Fsa, 38T Rear Derailleur Shimano SLX RD-M7000 GS, Shadow Plus Shifters Levers Shimano SLX SL-M7000 Rapidfire-Plus, 11s Brakes Shimano Deore BR-M6000, Rotor SM-RT64 203 mm F / 203 mm R Cassette Shimano CS-M7000 11s 11/46

Charge time Up to 4 hours Max assisted 25 km/h speed

Pedals Alu MTB Full Hubs Shimano Deore HB-M6010, E-Thru 15x110 mm/12x148 mm, CL, 32h Rims Alex MD40, 32h Stem Kyte Alu Oversize, 35 mm Handlebar Kyte Rise Alu Oversize, 780 – 800 mm Seatpost Kyte Alu 31,6 mm

Display LCD Power Adjustable: 5 levels Eco+: 50% Eco: 100% Standard: 190% High: 280% EXPW: 320%

Saddle Selle Royal Rampage Tyres Schwalbe Rocket Ron 27,5”x2,80” 16” - 40 cm 18” - 46 cm 20” - 51 cm

Black/Gold Matt Black/Gold Matt Black/Gold Matt

0116786600 0116786610 0116786620



PW-X 400 Wh

9 S_

140 Km

Frame Alu 27,5" Plus, hydroformed, tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, Rear travel 140 mm, Post mount rear brake bracket, E-Thru axle boost 12x148 mm, Gravity casting motor interface Fork Suntour XCR34 LOR, 130 mm travel, E-Thru axle Boost 15x110 mm, Tapered, Lockout Rear Shock Rock Shox Monarch R, 190x50 mm, 24x8 mm Headset FSA No.57B tapered 1"1/2 Crankset Fsa Dyna Drive, 38T Rear Derailleur Shimano Alivio RD-M4000 SGS Shifters Levers Shimano Altus SL-M2000 Rapidfire, 9s Brakes Shimano BR-M315, Rotor SM-RT10 180 mm F / 180 mm R Pedals Alu MTB Full Hubs Shimano Deore HB-M6010, E-Thru 15x110 mm/12x148 mm, CL, 32h Stem Kyte Alu Oversize, 35 mm Handlebar Kyte Rise Alu Oversize, 780 – 800 mm Seatpost Kyte Alu 31,6 mm Saddle Selle Royal Sauris Tyres Schwalbe Smart Sam 27,5”x2,60”


Max Torque 70 Nm, 80 Nm in EXPW mode Battery Yamaha 400 Wh, frametype, weight 2,9 kg Range Up to 140 km in Eco+ Up to 110 km in Eco Up to 85 km in Standard Up to 70 km in High Up to 55 km in EXPW Max assisted 25 km/h speed Display LCD Power Adjustable: 5 levels Eco+: 50% Eco: 100% Standard: 190% High: 280% EXPW: 320%

Rims Alex MD40, 32h

Black/Gold Matt Black/Gold Matt Black/Gold Matt

Motor Brushless Yamaha 36V, 250W, on the bottom bracket

Charge time Up to 3,5 hours

Cassette Shimano CS-HG200 9s 11/36

16” - 40 cm 18” - 46 cm 20” - 51 cm

80 Nm

0116786700 0116786710 0116786720

Yonder Sl

PW-X 500 Wh

11 S_

175 Km

Frame Alu 27,5" Plus, tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, Post mount rear brake bracket, E-Thru axle boost 12x148 mm, Gravity casting motor interface Fork Rock Shox Reba RL, 120 mm travel, E-Thru axle Boost 15x110 mm, SoloAir, Tapered, Remote Lockout, Maxle Stealth Headset FSA No.57E tapered 1"1/2

Motor Brushless Yamaha 36V, 250W, on the bottom bracket Max Torque 70 Nm, 80 Nm in EXPW mode Battery Yamaha 500 Wh, frametype, weight 3,0 kg

Crankset Fsa, 38T Rear Derailleur Shimano XT RD-M8000 GS, Shadow Plus Shifters Levers Shimano SLX SL-M7000 Rapidfire-Plus, 11s Brakes Shimano SLX BR-M7000, Rotor SM-RT70 203 mm F / 180 mm R Cassette Shimano CS-M7000 11s 11/46 Pedals Alu MTB Hubs Shimano Deore HB-M6010, E-Thru 15x110 mm/12x148 mm, CL, 32h Rims Ambrosio Crossover, 27,5", 32h

Range Up to 175 km in Eco+ Up to 140 km in Eco Up to 105 km in Standard Up to 85 km in High Up to 70 km in EXPW Charge time Up to 4 hours Max assisted 25 km/h speed Display LCD

Stem Kyte Alu Oversize, 70 – 90 mm

Power Adjustable: 5 levels Eco+: 50% Eco: 100% Standard: 190% High: 280% EXPW: 320%

Handlebar Kyte Top Flat Alu Oversize, 720 mm Seatpost Kyte Alu 31,6 mm Saddle Selle Royal Rampage Tyres Schwalbe Rocket Ron 27,5”x2,60”

16” - 40,5 cm Black/Neon Orange Matt 18” - 46 cm Black/Neon Orange Matt 20” - 51,5 cm Black/Neon Orange Matt

80 Nm

0116786800 0116786810 0116786820


Yonder S

PW-X 500 Wh

10 S_

175 Km

Frame Alu 27,5" Plus, tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, Post mount rear brake bracket, E-Thru axle boost 12x148 mm, Gravity casting motor interface Fork Suntour XCR34 Air RLR, 120 mm travel, E-Thru axle Boost 15x110 mm, Tapered, Remote Lockout Headset FSA No.57E tapered 1"1/2 Rear Derailleur Shimano Deore RD-M6000 GS, Shadow Plus Shifters Levers Shimano Deore SL-M6000 Rapidfire-Plus, 10s Brakes Shimano Deore BR-M6000, Rotor SM-RT64 203 mm F / 180 mm R Cassette Shimano CS-HG500 10s 11/42 Pedals Alu MTB Hubs Shimano Deore HB-M6010, E-Thru 15x110 mm/12x148 mm, CL, 32h Rims Ambrosio Crossover, 27,5”, 32h

Max Torque 70 Nm, 80 Nm in EXPW mode

Range Up to 175 km in Eco+ Up to 140 km in Eco Up to 105 km in Standard Up to 85 km in High Up to 70 km in EXPW Charge time Up to 4 hours Max assisted 25 km/h speed Display LCD

Stem Kyte Alu Oversize, 70 – 90 mm

Power Adjustable: 5 levels Eco+: 50% Eco: 100% Standard: 190% High: 280% EXPW: 320%

Handlebar Kyte Top Flat Alu Oversize, 720 mm Seatpost Kyte Alu 31,6 mm Saddle Selle Royal Rampage Tyres Schwalbe Rocket Ron 27,5”x2,60”


Motor Brushless Yamaha 36V, 250W, on the bottom bracket

Battery Yamaha 500 Wh, frametype, weight 3,0 kg

Crankset Fsa, 38T

16” - 40,5 cm Black/Neon Orange Matt 18” - 46 cm Black/Neon Orange Matt 20” - 51,5 cm Black/Neon Orange Matt

80 Nm

0116786900 0116786910 0116786920


PW-X 500 Wh

9 S_

175 Km

Frame Alu 27,5" Plus, tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, Post mount rear brake bracket, E-Thru axle boost 12x148 mm, Gravity casting motor interface Fork Suntour XCR34 Coil RL, 120 mm travel, E-Thru axle Boost 115x110 mm, Tapered, Remote Lockout Headset FSA No.57E tapered 1"1/2

Motor Brushless Yamaha 36V, 250W, on the bottom bracket Max Torque 70 Nm, 80 Nm in EXPW mode Battery Yamaha 500 Wh, frametype, weight 3,0 kg

Crankset Fsa, 38T Rear Derailleur Shimano Acera RD-M3000 SGS, Shadow Shifters Levers Shimano Altus SL-M2000 Rapidfire, 9s Brakes Shimano BR-M315, Rotor SM-RT10 180 mm F / 180 mm R Cassette Shimano CS-HG200 9s 11/36 Pedals Alu MTB Hubs Shimano Deore HB-M6010, E-Thru 15x110 mm/12x148 mm, CL, 32h Rims Ambrosio Crossover, 27,5”, 32h

Range Up to 175 km in Eco+ Up to 140 km in Eco Up to 105 km in Standard Up to 85 km in High Up to 70 km in EXPW Charge time Up to 4 hours Max assisted 25 km/h speed Display LCD

Stem Kyte Alu Oversize, 70 – 90 mm

Power Adjustable: 5 levels Eco+: 50% Eco: 100% Standard: 190% High: 280% EXPW: 320%

Handlebar Kyte Top Flat Alu Oversize, 720 mm Seatpost Kyte Alu 31,6 mm Saddle Selle Royal Rampage Tyres Schwalbe Rocket Ron 27,5”x2,60”

16” - 40,5 cm Black/Neon Orange Matt 18” - 46 cm Black/Neon Orange Matt 20” - 51,5 cm Black/Neon Orange Matt

80 Nm

0116787000 0116787010 0116787020


MTB FULL & FRONT Per affrontare tutte le tipologie di trail, con telai da 27.5”, 27.5”+ e da 29”, in alluminio ed in carbonio, da XC e da Enduro. Whistle propone per la stagione 2018 una vasta gamma di MTB per prestazioni eccezionali sia nei trail che durante una competizione.


27.5”, 27.5”+ and 29” wheels, carbon and aluminium frames, for Enduro and XC, for every trail. Whistle offers a wide range of MTBs for the 2018 season for outstanding performances in the trails and during a race.



Dure sono le salite da scalare, prima di affrontare la discesa; le Arizona e le Dakota sono equipaggiate con telai che adottano uno schema sospensivo che, ottimizzando il tiro catena e il rendimento della pedalata massimizza il grip della ruota posteriore per affrontare anche i terreni più difficili e sconnessi.

Rigidità, affidabilità, resistenza e peso ridotto per una guida reattiva.

Arizona Perfette per affrontare discese con agilità e sicurezza. Le ruote e le gomme di dimensioni maggiorate permettono un’impronta a terra maggiore, senza che venga persa l’anima scattante della bici, migliorando comfort, divertimento e sicurezza. I perni passanti da 15 x110 mm all’anteriore e 12 x148 mm al posteriore, sono più rigidi, più sicuri e più resistenti e garantiscono una maggiore precisione di guida. Dakota Le Dakota hanno telaio triple butted per la massima leggerezza, garantendo resistenza anche alle sollecitazioni più elevate, perno passante anteriore da 15 mm e posteriore da 12, passaggio cavi interno per una linea esteticamente più pulita e reggisella telescopico con controllo remoto che permette al biker di spostare il suo peso ove gli aspri terreni lo richiedono.

Le Mojag con telaio leggero in carbonio e ruota da 29” potranno soddisfare ogni aspettativa. Hanno mozzi Boost che consentono di aumentare la rigidità delle ruote e forcellino posteriore con attacco pinza freno che sfrutta lo standard Post Mount, movimento centrale con cuscinetti maggiorati sinonimo di rigidità e maggior durata. Miwok e Patwin con telai da 29” e da 27.5” sono realizzate con telaio in alluminio 6061, lega ottimale sinonimo di resistenza e leggerezza. Due famiglie entry level ideali per approcciarsi al mondo delle MTB con successo.

ENDURO & ALL MOUNTAIN Riding uphill before facing downhill. Arizona and Dakota are equipped with frames that adopt a suspended pattern that, optimizing chain tension and pedaling performance, maximizes the rear wheel grip to deal with even the most difficult trails. ARIZONA The right choice to downhill easily and safety. The oversized wheels and tyres allow an higher tyre track without losing the nimbleness and the quickness of the bicycle, improving comfort, safety and fun. The 15 x110 mm e-thru front axle and 12x1248 mm on the rear, oversized, are stiffer, safer, more resistant and they ensures a better driving precision. Dakota The Dakota have triple butted frame to stand even the hardest stresses; e-thrue axle front and rear; inner cables for a cleaner line and to prevent breakings and rips; telescopic seatpost with remote control for a quick adjustment of the saddle position if required. XC Stifness, reliability, resistance and reduced weight for a more reactive drive. Carbon monocoque frame and 29” wheels for Mojag. The front and rear Boost allow to increase the wheels stifness; they have the rear dropout that uses the standard Post Mount, bottom bracket with oversized bearings which means stiffness and longer lasting. Miwok and Patwin’s frame are in alluminium 6061, optimal league synonymous of lasting and lightness. They are entry level bicycles ideal for a biker who want to approach to the MTB world with great success.


ARIZONA 1721 11 S_

Frame Alu 27,5" Plus triple butted, tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, Rear travel 160mm, Post mount disc brake, Press Fit 92, Boost 12x148 internal cables Fork Rock Shox Yari RC 27,5 Plus SoloAir, 160mm, tapered 1"1/2 steerer, Boost 15mmx110mm, Extl rebnd, Low speed comp Rear Shock Rock Shox Monarch RT3 63mm, 3 position compression (open/ platform/lock) Headset FSA No.57E tapered 1"1/2 Crankset Shimano XT FC-M8000-B1 Hollowtech II, 32, BB-MT800-PA PF92 Rear Derailleur Shimano XT RD-M8000 Shadow Plus, 11 speed Shifters Levers Shimano XT SL-M8000 11x1s Brakes Shimano SLX BR-M7000 J-kit, Rotor SM-RT70 203mm F / 180mm R Cassette Shimano CS-M7000 11s 11/42 HUBS Shimano SLX M7010, Boost 15mm/12mm, CL, 32h Rims DT Swiss XM551 27,5" 32h, 40mm wide STEM Syte 3D alloy forged, barbore 35mm Handlebar Syte alloy DB, riser 15mm, 740mm, barbore 35mm Seatpost Kind Shock LEV Integra adjustable 125mm with remote, 31,6mm Saddle Whistle 2059 Tyres Schwalbe Nobby Nic Performance Folding 27,5x3,00

17.5" - 45 cm Acid green matt 19" - 48 cm Acid green matt


0116775510 0116775520

ARIZONA 1722 11 S_

Frame Alu 27,5" Plus triple butted, tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, Rear travel 160mm, Post mount disc brake, Press Fit 92, Boost 12x148 internal cables Fork Suntour Aion RL-R 27,5 Plus Air, 160mm, tapered 1"1/2 steerer, Boost 15mmx110mm, with remote lockout Rear Shock Rock Shox Monarch RL 63mm, with lockout Headset FSA No.57E tapered 1"1/2 Crankset Shimano SLX FC-M7000-B1 Hollowtech II, 32, BB-MT500-PA PF92 Rear Derailleur Shimano XT RD-M8000 Shadow Plus, 11 speed Shifters Levers Shimano SLX SL-M7000 11x1s Brakes Shimano BL-M506/BR-M447 J-kit, Rotor SM-RT54 180mm Cassette Shimano CS-M7000 11s 11/42 Hubs Shimano Deore M618, Boost 15mm/12mm, CL, 32h Rims Alex XM35 27,5" 32h, 35mm wide Stem Syte 3D alloy forged, barbore 35mm Handlebar Syte alloy DB, riser 15mm, 740mm, barbore 35mm Seatpost X-Fusion HILO ACE Internal adjustable 125mm with remote, 31,6mm Saddle Whistle 2059 Tyres Schwalbe Nobby Nic Performance Folding 27,5x3,00

17.5" - 45 cm Orange Matt 19" - 48 cm Orange Matt

0116775610 0116775620


DAKOTA 1721 11 S_

Frame Alu 27,5" triple butted, tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, Rear travel 160mm, Post mount disc brake, Press Fit 92, 2mm E-Thru rear axle, internal cables Fork Rock Shox Yari RC 27,5 SoloAir, 160mm, tapered 1"1/2 steerer, 15mm thru axle, Extl rebnd, Low speed comp Rear Shock Rock Shox Monarch RT3 63mm, 3 position compression (open/platform/lock) Headset FSA No.57E tapered 1"1/2 Crankset Shimano XT FC-M8000 Hollowtech II, 32, BB-MT800-PA PF92 Rear Derailleur Shimano XT RD-M8000 Shadow Plus, 11 speed Shifters Levers Shimano XT SL-M8000 11x1s Brakes Shimano SLX BR-M7000 J-kit, Rotor SM-RT70 203mm F / 180mm R Cassette Shimano CS-M7000 11s 11/42 Hubs Shimano SLX M7010, E-Thru 15mm/12mm, CL, 32h Rims Mavic XM 424 27,5" 32h Stem Syte 3D alloy forged, barbore 35mm Handlebar Syte alloy DB, riser 15mm, 740mm, barbore 35mm Seatpost Kind Shock LEV Integra adjustable 125mm with remote, 31,6mm Saddle Whistle 2059 Tyres Schwalbe Nobby Nic performance 27,5x2,25

17"- M 19"- L


Anthracite/Neon Yellow Matt Anthracite/Neon Yellow Matt

0116775710 0116775720

DAKOTA 1722 11 S_

Frame Alu 27,5" triple butted, tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, Rear travel 160mm, Post mount disc brake, Press Fit 92, 2mm E-Thru rear axle, internal cables Fork Suntour Aion RL-R 27,5 Air, 160mm, tapered 1"1/2 steerer, 15mm thru axle, with remote lockout Rear Shock Rock Shox Monarch RL 63mm, with lockout Headset FSA No.57E tapered 1"1/2 Crankset Shimano SLX FC-M7000 Hollowtech II, 32, BB-MT500-PA PF92 Rear Derailleur Shimano XT RD-M8000 Shadow Plus, 11 speed Shifters Levers Shimano SLX SL-M7000 11x1s Brakes Shimano BL-M506/BR-M447 J-kit, Rotor SM-RT54 180mm Cassette Shimano CS-M7000 11s 11/42 Hubs Shimano Deore M618, E-Thru 15mm/12mm, CL, 32h Rims DT Swiss 483d 27,5" 32h, 22,5mm wide Stem Syte 3D alloy forged, barbore 35mm Handlebar Syte alloy DB, riser 15mm, 740mm, barbore 35mm Seatpost X-Fusion HILO ACE Internal adjustable 125mm with remote, 31,6mm Saddle Whistle 2059 Tyres Schwalbe Nobby Nic performance 27,5x2,25

17" - M 19" - L

Ultralight/Neon Yellow Matt Ultralight/Neon Yellow Matt

0116775810 0116775820


MOJAG 1830 11 S_

Frame Carbon Monocoque 29", tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, Post mount disc brake, Press Fit 92, Boost 148x12mm rear axle, internal cables Fork FOX 32 Float Step Cast Performance 29" 100mm, tapered 1"1/2 steerer, with remote lockout, Boost 110x15mm Headset FSA No.42/ACB tapered 1"1/2 Crankset Shimano XT FC-M8000-B1 Hollowtech II, 32, FSA PressFit Rear Derailleur Shimano XT RD-M8000 Shadow Plus, 11 speed Shifters Levers Shimano XT SL-M8000 I-Spec II 11x1s Brakes Shimano XT BR-M8000 J-kit, Rotor SM-RT86 180mm F / 160mm R Cassette Shimano CS-M8000 11s 11/42 Wheels Mavic Crossmax Elite 29" INT, Boost 15mm/12mm Stem Ritchey Alu 3D forged C-220 WCS Handlebar Ritchey TopFlat Alu 7050 WCS, 720mm Seatpost Ritchey Trail Alu 7050 WCS, 27,2mm Saddle Selle Italia SL X-Cross Flow Tyres Schwalbe Racing Ralph performance folding 29x2,25

17"- S 19"- M 21"- L


Anthracite/Black Matt Anthracite/Black Matt Anthracite/Black Matt

0116785000 0116785010 0116785020

MOJAG 1831 11 S_

Frame Carbon Monocoque 29", tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, Post mount disc brake, Press Fit 92, Boost 148x12mm rear axle, internal cables Fork Rock Shox Reba RL 29" SoloAir, 100mm, tapered 1"1/2 steerer, with remote lockout, Boost 110x15mm Headset FSA No.42/ACB tapered 1"1/2 Crankset Shimano XT FC-M8000-B1 Hollowtech II, 32, FSA PressFit Rear Derailleur Shimano XT RD-M8000 Shadow Plus, 11 speed Shifters Levers Shimano SLX SL-M7000 I-Spec II 11x1s Brakes Shimano SLX BR-M7000 J-kit, Rotor SM-RT64 180mm F / 160mm R Cassette Shimano CS-M7000 11s 11/42 Hubs Shimano Deore M6010-B, Boost 15mm/12mm, CL, 32h Rims DT Swiss 466d 29" 32h Stem Kyte Alu 3D forged Handlebar Kyte TopFlat Alu DB, 720mm Seatpost Kyte Alu 3D forged, 27,2mm Saddle Whistle Breath with hole Tyres Schwalbe Racing Ralph performance 29x2,25

17"- S 19"- M 21"- L

Black/ Neon Red Matt Black/ Neon Red Matt Black/ Neon Red Matt

0116785100 0116785110 0116785120


MOJAG 1832 11 S_

Frame Carbon Monocoque 29", tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, Post mount disc brake, Press Fit 30, internal cables Fork Suntour Raidon RL-R 29" Air, 100mm, tapered 1"1/2 steerer, with remote lockout Headset FSA No.42/ACB tapered 1"1/2 Crankset Shimano SLX FC-M7000-1 Hollowtech II, 32, FSA PF30 Rear Derailleur Shimano XT RD-M8000 Shadow Plus, 11 speed Shifters Levers Shimano SLX SL-M7000 I-Spec II 11x1s Brakes Shimano BL-M425/BR-M395 J-kit, Rotor SM-RT30 180mm F / 160mm R Cassette Shimano CS-M7000 11s 11/42 Hubs Shimano M4050, QR, CL, 32h Rims Alex MD19 29" 32h Stem Kyte Alu 3D forged Handlebar Kyte TopFlat Alu DB, 720mm Seatpost Kyte Alu 3D forged, 27,2mm Saddle Whistle Breath with hole Tyres Schwalbe Rapid Rob 29x2,25

17"- S 19"- M 21"- L


Black/ Neon Yellow Matt Black/ Neon Yellow Matt Black/ Neon Yellow Matt

0116785200 0116785210 0116785220

MOJAG 1833 11 S_

Frame Carbon Monocoque 29", tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, Post mount disc brake, Press Fit 30, internal cables Fork Suntour XCR RL-R 29", Air, 100mm, tapered 1"1/2 steerer, with remote lockout Headset FSA No.42/ACB tapered 1"1/2 Crankset Shimano FC-MT600-2 2 Pieces, 36/26, FSA PF30 Rear Derailleur Shimano XT RD-M8000 Shadow Plus, 11 speed Front Derailleur Shimano SLX FD-M7020-H Side Swing Shifters Levers Shimano SLX SL-M7000 11x2s Brakes Shimano BR-M365 hydraulic disc, Rotor SM-RT10 180mm F / 160mm R Cassette Shimano CS-M7000 11s 11/42 Hubs Shimano M4050, QR, CL, 32h Rims Alex MD19 29" 32h Stem Kyte Alu 3D forged Handlebar Kyte TopFlat Alu DB, 720mm Seatpost Kyte Alu 3D forged, 27,2mm Saddle Whistle Breath with hole Tyres Schwalbe Rapid Rob 29x2,25

17"- S 19"- M 21"- L

Anthracite/Black Matt Anthracite/Black Matt Anthracite/Black Matt

0116785300 0116785310 0116785320


PATWIN 1829 11 S_

Frame Alu formed tubes 29", internal cables Fork Suntour XCM RL 29" 100mm with remote lockout Headset FSA No.11 1"1/8 Crankset Shimano FC-MT600-2 2 Pieces, 36/26, BSA Rear Derailleur Shimano XT RD-M8000 Shadow Plus, 11 speed Front Derailleur Shimano SLX FD-M7025-L Shifters Levers Shimano SLX SL-M7000 11x2s Brakes Shimano BR-M365 hydraulic disc, Rotor SM-RT30 180mm F / 160mm R Cassette Shimano CS-M7000 11s 11/42 Pedals Alu MTB Hubs Shimano M4050 CL, 32h Rims Whistle Alu double/wall, 32h, disc Stem Byte Kute Alu 3D forged Handlebar Byte Keek Flat Alu DB, 720mm Seatpost Byte King Alu 3D forged 30,9mm Saddle Whistle Breath with hole Tyres Schwalbe Rapid Rob 29x2,25

17" - S 19" - M 21" - L


Ultralight/Blue/Neon Yellow Ultralight/Blue/Neon Yellow Ultralight/Blue/Neon Yellow

0116783700 0116783710 0116783720

PATWIN 1830 10 S_

Frame Alu formed tubes 29", internal cables Fork Suntour XCM RL 29" 100mm with remote lockout Headset FSA No.11 1"1/8 Crankset Shimano Deore FC-MT500-2 2 Pieces, 36/26, BSA Rear Derailleur Shimano Deore RD-M6000 Shadow Plus, 10 speed Front Derailleur Shimano Deore FD-M6025-L Shifters Levers Shimano Deore SL-M6000 10x2s Brakes Shimano BR-M365 hydraulic disc, Rotor SM-RT30 180mm F / 160mm R Cassette Shimano CS-HG500 10s 11/42 Pedals Alu MTB Hubs Shimano TX505 CL, 32h Rims Whistle Alu double/wall, 32h, disc Stem Byte Kute Alu 3D forged Handlebar Byte Keek Flat Alu DB, 720mm Seatpost Byte King Alu 3D forged 30,9mm Saddle Whistle Breath with hole Tyres Schwalbe Rapid Rob 29x2,25

17" - S 19" - M 21" - L

Black/Neon Yellow Matt Black/Neon Yellow Matt Black/Neon Yellow Matt

0116783800 0116783810 0116783820


PATWIN 1831 9 S_

Frame Alu formed tubes 29", internal cables Fork Suntour XCM RL 29" 100mm with remote lockout Headset FSA No.11 1"1/8 Crankset Shimano Acera FC-M3000 40/30/22 Rear Derailleur Shimano Deore RD-M592 Shadow, 9 speed Front Derailleur Shimano Acera FD-M3000 Shifters Levers Shimano Acera SL-M3000 9x3s Brakes Shimano BR-M315 hydraulic disc, Rotor SM-RT10 160mm Cassette Shimano CS-HG200 9s 11/36 Pedals Alu MTB Hubs Shimano TX505 CL, 32h Rims Whistle Alu double/wall, 32h, disc Stem Byte Kute Alu 3D forged Handlebar Byte Keek Flat Alu DB, 720mm Seatpost Byte King Alu 3D forged 30,9mm Saddle Whistle Breath with hole Tyres Schwalbe Rapid Rob 29x2,25

17" - S 19" - M 21" - L


Black/Neon Orange Matt Black/Neon Orange Matt Black/Neon Orange Matt

0116783900 0116783910 0116783920

PATWIN 1832 9 S_

Frame Alu formed tubes 29", internal cables Fork Suntour XCM RL 29" 100mm with remote lockout Headset integrated 1"1/8 Crankset Shimano Altus FC-M2000 40/30/22 Rear Derailleur Shimano Alivio RD-M4000, 9 speed Front Derailleur Shimano Altus FD-M2000 Shifters Levers Shimano Altus SL-M2000 9x3s Brakes Shimano BR-M315 hydraulic disc, Rotor SM-RT10 160mm Cassette Shimano CS-HG200 9s 11/36 Pedals Steel MTB Hubs Shimano TX505 CL, 32h Rims Whistle Alu double/wall, 32h, disc Stem Byte ahead Alu Oversize Handlebar Byte Alu Oversize, flat, 720mm Seatpost Byte Alu 30,9mm Saddle Selle Royal Mach/Whistle Tyres Michelin Country Grip 29x2,10

17" - S 19" - M 21"- L

Black/Anthracite Matt Black/Anthracite Matt Black/Anthracite Matt

0116784000 0116784010 0116784020


PATWIN 1833 8 S_

Frame Alu formed tubes 29", internal cables Fork Suntour XCM RL 29" 100mm with remote lockout Headset integrated 1"1/8 Crankset Shimano FC-TY501 42/34/24 Rear Derailleur Shimano Acera RD-M360, 8 speed Front Derailleur Shimano FD-TY700 Shifters Levers Shimano SL-M310 8x3s Brakes Shimano BR-M315 hydraulic disc, Rotor SM-RT10 160mm Cassette Shimano CS-HG31 8s 11/34 Pedals Steel MTB Hubs Shimano TX505 CL, 32h Rims Whistle Alu double/wall, 32h, disc Stem Byte ahead Alu Oversize Handlebar Byte Alu Oversize, flat, 720mm Seatpost Byte Alu 30,9mm Saddle Selle Royal Mach/Whistle Tyres Michelin Country Grip 29x2,10

17" - S 19" - M 21" - L


Black/NeonYellow/Neon Red Matt Black/NeonYellow/Neon Red Matt Black/NeonYellow/Neon Red Matt

0116784100 0116784110 0116784120

PATWIN 1834 Frame Alu formed tubes 29", internal cables

8 S_

Fork Suntour XCT HLO 29" 100mm with hydraulic lockout Headset integrated 1"1/8 Crankset Shimano FC-TY301 42/34/24 Rear Derailleur Shimano RD-TX800, 8 speed Front Derailleur Shimano FD-TY700 Shifters Levers Shimano ST-EF505 8x3s Brakes Shimano BR-M315 hydraulic disc, Rotor SM-RT10 160mm Cassette Shimano CS-HG20 8s 12/32 Pedals Steel MTB Hubs Shimano TX505 CL, 32h Rims Whistle Alu double/wall, 32h, disc Stem Byte ahead Alu Oversize Handlebar Byte Alu Oversize, flat, 720mm Seatpost Byte Alu 30,9mm Saddle Selle Royal Mach/Whistle Tyres Michelin Country Grip 29x2,10

17" - S 19"- M 21" - L

Black/Neon Green Matt Black/Neon Green Matt Black/Neon Green Matt

0116784200 0116784210 0116784220

PATWIN 1835 Frame Alu formed tubes 29", internal cables

7 S_

Fork Suntour XCT HLO 29" 100mm with hydraulic lockout Headset integrated 1"1/8 Crankset Byte Alluminio 42/34/24 Rear Derailleur Shimano RD-TX500, 7 speed Front Derailleur Shimano FD-TY500 Shifters Levers Shimano ST-EF500 EZ Fire Plus Brakes Mechanical Disc brake, Rotor 160mm INT Freewheel Shimano 7s 14/28, threaded Pedals Steel MTB Hubs Alu INT, 32h, Quick Release Rims Whistle Alu double/wall, 32h, disc Stem Byte ahead Alu Oversize Handlebar Byte Alu Oversize, flat, 720mm Seatpost Byte Alu 30,9mm Saddle Selle Royal Mach/Whistle Tyres Michelin Country Grip 29x2,10

17"- S 19" - M 21" - L

Neon Yellow/Blue Matt Neon Yellow/Blue Matt Neon Yellow/Blue Matt

0116784300 0116784310 0116784320


MIWOK 1829 11 S_

Frame Alu formed tubes 27,5", internal cables Fork Suntour XCM RL 27,5" 100mm with remote lockout Headset FSA No.11 1"1/8 Crankset Shimano FC-MT600-2 2 Pieces, 36/26, BSA Rear Derailleur Shimano XT RD-M8000 Shadow Plus, 11 speed Front Derailleur Shimano SLX FD-M7025-L Shifters Levers Shimano SLX SL-M7000 11x2s Brakes Shimano BR-M365 hydraulic disc, Rotor SM-RT30 180mm F / 160mm R Cassette Shimano CS-M7000 11s 11/42 Pedals Alu MTB Hubs Shimano M4050 CL, 32h Rims Whistle Alu double/wall, 32h, disc Stem Byte Kute Alu 3D forged Handlebar Byte Keek Flat Alu DB, 680mm Seatpost Byte King Alu 3D forged 30,9mm Saddle Whistle Breath with hole Tyres Schwalbe Smart Sam 27,5x2,25

16" - S 18" - M 20" - L


Black/Neon Yellow/Neon Red Matt Black/Neon Yellow/Neon Red Matt Black/Neon Yellow/Neon Red Matt

0116783000 0116783010 0116783020

MIWOK 1830 10 S_

Frame Alu formed tubes 27,5", internal cables Fork Suntour XCM RL 27,5" 100mm with remote lockout Headset FSA No.11 1"1/8 Crankset Shimano Deore FC-MT500-2 2 Pieces, 36/26, BSA Rear Derailleur Shimano Deore RD-M6000 Shadow Plus, 10 speed Front Derailleur Shimano Deore FD-M6025-L Shifters Levers Shimano Deore SL-M6000 10x2s Brakes Shimano BR-M365 hydraulic disc, Rotor SM-RT30 180mm F / 160mm R Cassette Shimano CS-HG500 10s 11/42 Pedals Alu MTB Hubs Shimano TX505 CL, 32h Rims Whistle Alu double/wall, 32h, disc Stem Byte Kute Alu 3D forged Handlebar Byte Keek Flat Alu DB, 680mm Seatpost Byte King Alu 3D forged 30,9mm Saddle Whistle Breath with hole Tyres Schwalbe Smart Sam 27,5x2,25

16" - S 18" - M 20" - L

Black/Anthracite Matt Black/Anthracite Matt Black/Anthracite Matt

0116783100 0116783110 0116783120


MIWOK 1721 plus 9 S_

Frame Alu formed tubes 27,5" Plus, internal cables Fork Suntour XCM32 RL 27,5"+ 100mm with remote lockout, E-thru 15mm Headset FSA No.11 1"1/8 Crankset Suntour XCM 38/24T, square axle, BB 73mm Rear Derailleur Shimano Deore RD-M592 Shadow, 9 speed Front Derailleur Shimano Deore FD-M618-L, for double Shifters Levers Shimano Altus SL-M370 9x2s Brakes Shimano BR-M365 hydraulic disc, Rotor SM-RT20 160mm/180 INT Cassette Shimano CS-HG20 9s 11/34 Pedals Alu MTB Hubs Alu INT, 32h, E-thru/QR Rims Alex DM30 27,5", 32h, 30mm wide Stem Byte Kute Alu 3D forged Handlebar Byte Keel Rise 15mm Alu DB, 720mm Seatpost Byte King Alu 3D forged 30,9mm Saddle Whistle Breath with hole Tyres CST Patrol 27TPI 27,5x2,80

16" - S 18" - M 20" - L


Neon Yellow/Anthracite Matt Neon Yellow/Anthracite Matt Neon Yellow/Anthracite Matt

0116773700 0116773710 0116773720

MIWOK 1831 9 S_

Frame Alu formed tubes 27,5", internal cables Fork Suntour XCM RL 27,5" 100mm with remote lockout Headset FSA No.11 1"1/8 Crankset Shimano Acera FC-M3000 40/30/22 Rear Derailleur Shimano Deore RD-M592 Shadow, 9 speed Front Derailleur Shimano Acera FD-M3000 Shifters Levers Shimano Acera SL-M3000 9x3s Brakes Shimano BR-M315 hydraulic disc, Rotor SM-RT10 160mm Cassette Shimano CS-HG200 9s 11/36 Pedals Alu MTB Hubs Shimano TX505 CL, 32h Rims Whistle Alu double/wall, 32h, disc Stem Byte Kute Alu 3D forged Handlebar Byte Keek Flat Alu DB, 680mm Seatpost Byte King Alu 3D forged 30,9mm Saddle Whistle Breath with hole Tyres Schwalbe Smart Sam 27,5x2,25

16" - S 18" - M 20" - L

Ultralight/Blue/Neon Orange Ultralight/Blue/Neon Orange Ultralight/Blue/Neon Orange

0116783200 0116783210 0116783220


MIWOK 1832 9 S_

Frame Alu formed tubes 27,5", internal cables Fork Suntour XCM RL 27,5" 100mm with remote lockout Headset Integrated 1"1/8 Crankset Shimano Altus FC-M2000 40/30/22 Rear Derailleur Shimano Alivio RD-M4000, 9 speed Front Derailleur Shimano Altus FD-M2000 Shifters Levers Shimano Altus SL-M2000 9x3s Brakes Shimano BR-M315 hydraulic disc, Rotor SM-RT10 160mm Cassette Shimano CS-HG200 9s 11/36 Pedals Steel MTB Hubs Shimano TX505 CL, 32h Rims Whistle Alu double/wall, 32h, disc Stem Byte ahead Alu Oversize Handlebar Byte Alu Oversize, flat, 680mm Seatpost Byte Alu 30,9mm Saddle Selle Royal Mach/Whistle Tyres Michelin Country Grip 27,5x2,10

16" - S 18" - M 20" - L


Neon Yellow/Blue Matt Neon Yellow/Blue Matt Neon Yellow/Blue Matt

0116783300 0116783310 0116783320

MIWOK 1833 8 S_

Frame Alu formed tubes 27,5", internal cables Fork Suntour XCM RL 27,5" 100mm with remote lockout Headset Integrated 1"1/8 Crankset Shimano FC-TY501 42/34/24 Rear Derailleur Shimano Acera RD-M360, 8 speed Front Derailleur Shimano FD-TY700 Shifters Levers Shimano SL-M310 8x3s Brakes Shimano BR-M315 hydraulic disc, Rotor SM-RT10 160mm Cassette Shimano CS-HG31 8s 11/34 Pedals Steel MTB Hubs Shimano TX505 CL, 32h Rims Whistle Alu double/wall, 32h, disc Stem Byte ahead Alu Oversize Handlebar Byte Alu Oversize, flat, 680mm Seatpost Byte Alu 30,9mm Saddle Selle Royal Mach/Whistle Tyres Michelin Country Grip 27,5x2,10

16" - S 18" - M 20" - L

Black/Neon Yellow/Neon Red Matt Black/Neon Yellow/Neon Red Matt Black/Neon Yellow/Neon Red Matt

0116783400 0116783410 0116783420


MIWOK 1834 Frame Alu formed tubes 27,5", internal cables

8 S_

Fork Suntour XCT HLO 27,5" 100mm with hydraulic lockout Headset Integrated 1"1/8 Crankset Shimano FC-TY301 42/34/24 Rear Derailleur Shimano RD-TX800, 8 speed Front Derailleur Shimano FD-TY700 Shifters Levers Shimano ST-EF505 8x3s Brakes Shimano BR-M315 hydraulic disc, Rotor SM-RT10 160mm Cassette Shimano CS-HG20 8s 12/32 Pedals Steel MTB Hubs Shimano TX505 CL, 32h Rims Whistle Alu double/wall, 32h, disc Stem Byte ahead Alu Oversize Handlebar Byte Alu Oversize, flat, 680mm Seatpost Byte Alu 30,9mm Saddle Selle Royal Mach/Whistle Tyres Michelin Country Grip 27,5x2,10

14" - XS 16" - S 18" - M 20" - L

Black/Anthracite Matt Black/Anthracite Matt Black/Anthracite Matt Black/Anthracite Matt

0116783500 0116783510 0116783520 0116783530

MIWOK 1835 Frame Alu formed tubes 27,5", internal cables

7 S_

Fork Suntour XCT HLO 27,5" 100mm with hydraulic lockout Headset Integrated 1"1/8 Crankset Byte Alluminio 42/34/24 Rear Derailleur Shimano RD-TX500, 7 speed Front Derailleur Shimano FD-TY500 Shifters Levers Shimano ST-EF500 EZ Fire Plus Brakes Mechanical Disc brake, Rotor 160mm INT Freewheel Shimano 7s 14/28, threaded Pedals Steel MTB Hubs Alu INT, 32h, Quick Release Rims Whistle Alu double/wall, 32h, disc Stem Byte ahead Alu Oversize Handlebar Byte Alu Oversize, flat, 680mm Seatpost Byte Alu 30,9mm Saddle Selle Royal Mach/Whistle Tyres Michelin Country Grip 27,5x2,10

14" - XS 16" - S 18" - M 20" - L 56

Black/Neon Green Matt Black/Neon Green Matt Black/Neon Green Matt Black/Neon Green Matt

0116783600 0116783610 0116783620 0116783630

kangee bmx 1 S_

Frame Alu freestyle BMX Fork Steel BMX Headset steel 1" Crankset 3-pieces, steel 175mm, Cr-Mo axle, alu 26T Brakes Alu U-brake, alu levers Freewheel 9T Pedals Alu BMX 9/16" Hubs Alu 48 holes, Cr-Mo axle 3/8" Rims Alu 48h Stem Alu/Steel Handlebar Steel freestyle with crossbar & Rotor Seatpost Steel 25,4mm Saddle Velo BMX Tyres 20x1,95 PEG 2 pairs steel

11"- 28 cm 11"- 28 cm

White/Blue/Red Black/Red Matt

0116756300 0116756305


ROAD Bici leggere ed affidabili, rigide e confortevoli, veloci, stabili e durevoli. In Whistle crediamo non solo nelle bici da corsa per la competizione; in Whistle crediamo che la bici da corsa ti accompagni nella quotidianità. Innovazione nella Lamok e nelle Sauk è l’introduzione del reggisella in carbonio con sezione a goccia; le proprietà di assorbimento di tale materiale permettono di avere un maggior comfort in sella. Tale scelta inoltre favorisce una maggior aerodinamica del telaio e una riduzione del peso della bici. 58

Lightness and reliability, stifness and comfort, speedy and stability: these are the main features of the Whistle road bicycles. In Whistle We believe that a road bike is not only for competition, in Whistle We believe that a road bicycle is for everydays. The introduction of the carbon seatpost with a drop section is a great innovation in Lamok and Sauk family.The absorbing properties of this material allow a greater comfort during the ride. This choice also favors a greater frame aerodynamics and a reduced bike weight.


Frame Carbon Monocoque, Flat Mount disc brake, tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, Press Fit 86,5mm, internal cables, 12mm E-thru Fork Carbon Monocoque tapered 1"1/2 steering, Flat Mount disc brake, 12mm E-thru Headset FSA No.42/ACB tapered 1"1/2 Crankset Shimano Ultegra FC-R8000 Hollowtech 2 34/50, SM-BB72-41B Press Fit 86,5 Rear Derailleur Shimano Ultegra RD-R8000 11s Front Derailleur Shimano Ultegra FD-R8000 Shifters Levers Shimano Ultegra ST-R8020 11x2s Brakes Shimano BR-R8070 hydraulic disc brake flat mount, Rotor SMRT800 160mm Cassette Shimano CS-5800 11s 11/28 Wheels Mavic Aksium Disc CL E-Thru 12mm Stem Kyte Alu 3D forged Handlebar Kyte Aero Alu DB Seatpost Carbon Aero Whistle Saddle Selle Italia SLS Flow Tyres Schwalbe Durano 700x25

48 cm 52 cm 54 cm 56 cm

Anthracite/Black Matt Anthracite/Black Matt Anthracite/Black Matt Anthracite/Black Matt

0116785500 0116785510 0116785520 0116785530 59


Frame Carbon Monocoque, tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, Press Fit 86,5mm, internal cables Fork Carbon Monocoque tapered 1"1/2 steering Headset FSA No.42/ACB tapered 1"1/2 Crankset Shimano Ultegra FC-R8000 Hollowtech 2 34/50, SM-BB72-41B Press Fit 86,5 Rear Derailleur Shimano Ultegra RD-R8000 11s Front Derailleur Shimano Ultegra FD-R8000 Shifters Levers Shimano Ultegra ST-R8000 11x2s Brakes Shimano Ultegra BR-R8000 Cassette Shimano CS-5800 11s 11/28 Wheels Mavic Aksium Shimano Stem Kyte Alu 3D forged Handlebar Kyte Aero Alu DB Seatpost Carbon Aero Whistle Saddle Selle Italia SLS Flow Tyres Schwalbe Durano 700x25

48 cm 52 cm 54 cm 56 cm 60

Black/Anthracite Matt Black/Anthracite Matt Black/Anthracite Matt Black/Anthracite Matt

0116785600 0116785610 0116785620 0116785630

SAUK 105 11 S_

Frame Carbon Monocoque, tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, Press Fit 86,5mm, internal cables Fork Carbon Monocoque tapered 1"1/2 steering Headset FSA No.42/ACB tapered 1"1/2 Crankset Shimano FC-RS510, 2 pieces, Mega Exo 34/50, SM-BB72-41B Press Fit 86,5 Rear Derailleur Shimano 105 RD-5800 11s Front Derailleur Shimano 105 FD-5800 Shifters Levers Shimano 105 ST-5800 11x2s Brakes Shimano 105 BR-5800 Cassette Shimano CS-5800 11s 11/28 Wheels Shimano WH-RS010 Stem Kyte Alu 3D forged Handlebar Kyte Aero Alu DB Seatpost Carbon Aero Whistle Saddle Selle Italia X3 Flow Tyres Schwalbe Durano 700x25

48 cm 52 cm 54 cm 56 cm

Black/ Neon Yellow Matt Black/ Neon Yellow Matt Black/ Neon Yellow Matt Black/ Neon Yellow Matt

0116785700 0116785710 0116785720 0116785730 61


Frame Alu. Formed triple butted, Flat Mount disc brake, internal cables Fork Road Alu, Flat Mount disc brake Headset FSA No.16CC 1"1/8 Crankset Byte Alu Compact 34/50 Rear Derailleur Shimano Sora RD-R3000 9s Front Derailleur Shimano Sora FD-R3000 Shifters Levers Shimano Sora ST-R3000 Flat handlebar 9x2s Brakes Tektro Hydraulic disc HD-R310 Flat mount, 3 fingers Cassette Shimano CS-HG200 9s 11/34 PEDALS Alu Sport Wheels Whistle Road Disc INT, QR Stem Byte Alu Oversize Handlebar Byte Alu Oversize flat Seatpost Byte Alu 27,2 Saddle Selle Royal/Whistle Active with hole Tyres Schwalbe G-One Performance 700x35 Gravel, folding

51 cm 54 cm


Ultralight/Black Ultralight/Black

0116784600 0116784610


Frame Alu. Formed triple butted, internal cable Fork Road Alu Headset FSA No.16CC 1"1/8 Crankset Byte Alu Compact 34/50 Rear Derailleur Shimano Claris RD-R2000 8s Front Derailleur Shimano Claris FD-R2000 Shifters Levers Shimano Claris ST-RS200 Flat handlebar 8x2s Brakes Alu caliper Cassette Shimano CS-HG41 8s 11/34 PEDALS Alu Sport Wheels Whistle Racing Stem Byte Alu Oversize Handlebar Byte Alu Oversize flat Seatpost Byte Alu 27,2 Saddle Selle Royal/Whistle Active with hole Tyres Schwalbe Lugano 700x25, puncture protection

51 cm 54 cm

Black/Neon Green Matt Black/Neon Green Matt

0116784500 0116784510




MOJAG FRAME Carbon Monocoque 29", tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, Post mount disc brake, Press Fit 92, Boost 148x12mm rear axle, internal cables E-Thru Shimano AX-MT700 rear axle 148x12mm HEADSET FSA No.42/ACB tapered 1"1/2 SEAT CLAMP Alu 31,8 mm FRAME Monocoque carbon UD SPECS Tapered steerer 1"1/2-1"1/8 Monocoque carbon UD BB Press Fit 92 Rear axle boost 148x12mm Integrated carbon dropout Brake caliper post mount Hidded brake caliper on chain stay Integrated cables SIZE 17" - 19" - 21" WEIGHT 1.165 gr * 17"- S 19"- M 21"- L

Anthracite/Black Matt Anthracite/Black Matt Anthracite/Black Matt

1072899100 1072899110 1072899120

* Il peso si riferisce alla misura 19" del telaio grezzo con una tolleranza di ± 4% * Weight is referred to raw frame, size 19", with ± 4% tolerance

SAUK FRAME Carbon Monocoque, tapered 1"1/2 Head Tube, Press Fit 86,5mm, internal cables FORK Carbon Monocoque, tapered 1"1/2 steering HEADSET FSA No.42/ACB tapered 1"1/2 SEAT POST Carbon aero drop FRAME Monocoque carbon UD SPECS Aerodinamic shape With aerodinamic carbon post Tapered steerer 1"1/2-1"1/8 BB Press Fit 86,5 Integrated carbon dropout Integrated cables Di2 ready SIZE 48 - 52 - 54 - 56 WEIGHT 880 gr *

48 cm 52 cm 54 cm 56 cm

Black/Anthracite Matt Black/Anthracite Matt Black/Anthracite Matt Black/Anthracite Matt

1072899200 1072899210 1072899220 1072899230

* Il peso si riferisce alla misura 52 del telaio grezzo con una tolleranza di ± 4% * Weight is referred to raw frame, size 52, with ± 4% tolerance




O) .) ENT VIM .-post Z. O E ) Z L I M E ( ant A R L E . R A L O Z T A U Z R LA EN IRT ORI (perno SEL ENT OC LA E (V TO RO OC ENT sterzo TAL SEL NOT ENT CAR telaio VIM ON N M O Z A A I A L Z Z M tubo C tubo sterzo forcella Z OV RI EL A E O O M S O Z L L H hezza Z O O olo P G g O O E G G g O B B N T TU TU DR AL LU AN AN AN rack lun altezza reach

H (mm) L (mm) B (mm) D (mm)


C (mm) A2 (deg) A (deg) A1 (deg) F (mm) W (mm) S (mm) R (mm) T (mm)















410 440 490

580 604 627

-12 -12 -12

356 356 356

480 480 480

74,2 74,2 74,2


67 67 67

51 51 51

1198 1224 1248

115 125 135

406 427 447

622 631 640

410 440 490

580 604 627

-5 -5 -5

363 363 363

480 480 480

73,5 73,5 73,5


67 67 67

51 51 51

1188 1213 1238

115 125 135

407 428 448

584 594 603

410 440 490

580 604 627

-30 -30 -30

338 338 338

500 500 500

73,5 73,5 73,5

92,1 92,1 92,1

67,5 67,5 67,5

51 51 51

1193 1219 1241

115 125 135

400 422 441

606 616 625

400 460 500

590 590 600

-62 -62 -62

306 306 306

480 480 480

73 73 73

73 73 73

71 71 71

45 45 45

1131 1131 1141

140 140 140

395 395 405

636 636 636

415 460 500

575 597 645

-62 -62 -62

306 306 306

480 480 480

73 73 73

73 73 73

71 71 71

45 45 45

1115 1138 1187

110 140 140

389 402 450

608 636 636

405 460 515

575 615 645

-62 -62 -62

306 306 306

490 490 490

73,5 73,5 73,5

73,5 73,5 73,5

71 71 71

46 46 46

1118 1159 1189

110 120 130

391 429 456

621 629 639














450 500

580 610

-60 -60

290 290

485 485

72 72

72 72

71 71

45 45

1100 1130

160 160

377 408

622 622

ENDURO B-LYNX 16” - 41 cm 17,5” - 44 cm 19” - 49 cm

MTB FULL PLUS B-RUSH PLUS 16” - 41 cm 17,5” - 44 cm 19” - 49 cm

YAW 16” - 41 cm 17,5” - 44 cm 19” - 49 cm

HARDTAIL B-WARE HF SLS/SL/S 16” - 40 cm 18” - 46 cm 20” - 50 cm

B-WARE HF 16” - 41 cm 18” - 46 cm 20” - 50 cm

YONDER 16” - 40,5 cm 18” - 46 cm 20” - 51,5 cm

CITY B-YOU M – 48 cm

B-YOU LITE M – 45 cm L – 50 cm




H (mm)

O) NO ENT PER VIM O M ( ZZA . E Z T Z AL ORI OOrizzontale ALE LA RO ENT E sterzo SEL tubo CAR (centro ER VIM L O A A L tubo M T tubo sterzo ZZA N EL E O O S O L T hezza H O olo R g G O ZZ TUB lun ORI ANG ANg SCA altezza LUN

Hcc (mm)

L (mm)

L1 (mm)


A (deg)

A1 (deg)

B (mm)

S (mm)

C (mm)


74° 74°

65,5° 65,5°

25 25

120 130

452 452

1.70 – 1.85 1.85 – 2.00

MTB FULL ARIZONA 160mm M (17,5") L (19")

450 480

597 615

DAKOTA 160mm M (17") L (19")

432 483

322 370

586 598

556 565

70° 70°

67° 67°

5 5

100 110

438 438

1.65 – 1.80 1.80 – 1.95

432 483 533

362 413 463

584 605 630

560 579 605

73° 73° 73°

71° 71,5° 71,5°

60 60 60

100 110 120

440 440 440

1.60 – 1.70 1.70 – 1.85 1.85 – 2.00

430 480 530

375 425 475

580 600 620

562 577 596

73,5° 73,5° 73,5°

70° 70° 70°

58 58 58

100 110 120

450 450 450

1.60 – 1.70 1.70 – 1.85 1.85 – 2.00

350 410 460 510

295 355 405 455

545 560 582 604

538 540 557 578

72,5° 72,5° 72.5° 72.5°

70.5° 70.5° 70.5° 71°

48 48 48 48

100 110 120 130

430 430 430 430

1.40 – 1.55 1.55 – 1.70 1.70 – 1.80 1.80 – 1.95

410 460 510

355 405 455

560 580 604

553 564 583

74° 74° 74°

69° 69° 69°

60 60 60

110 120 130

445 445 445

1.55 – 1.70 1.70 – 1.80 1.80 – 1.95

MTB FRONT MOJAG S (17") M (19") L (21")

PATWIN S (17") M (19") L (21")

MIWOK XS (14") S (16") M (18") L (20")

MIWOK PLUS S (16") M (18") L (20")

ROAD LAMOK 48 52 54 56

480 520 540 560

520 551 568 583

74.8° 74° 73.5° 73.2°

71.3° 72.6° 73° 73.5°

68 68 68 68

125 150 165 175

405 405 405 405

1.58 – 1.68 1.68 – 1.77 1.77 – 1.86 1.86 – 1.95

480 520 540 560

520 551 568 583

74.8° 74° 73.5° 73.2°

71.3° 72.6° 73° 73.5°

68 68 68 68

125 150 165 175

405 405 405 405

1.58 – 1.68 1.68 – 1.77 1.77 – 1.86 1.86 – 1.95

SAUK 48 52 54 56

MODOC HD 51 54

510 540

465 495

545 560

532 548

73.5° 73°

72° 73°

68 68

115 135

420 420

1.65 – 1.76 1.76 – 1.90

510 540

465 495

545 560

532 548

73.5° 73°

73° 73°

68 68

125 145

405 405

1.65 – 1.76 1.76 – 1.90

MODOC 51 54



23391 23394 23395 23397 23398 23399 23400 23401

9352001438 9352001440 9352001441 9352001442 9352001443 9352001444 9352001445 9352001446


38 40 41 42 43 44 45 46


23390 23403 23404 23405 23406 23409 23410 23411 23412 23413

9352001538 9352001539 9352001540 9352001541 9352001542 9352001543 9352001544 9352001545 9352001546 9352001547

23392 23414 23415 23416 23417 23418 23419 23420 23421 23422

9352001738 9352001739 9352001740 9352001741 9352001742 9352001743 9352001744 9352001745 9352001746 9352001747


38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47


38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47


27585 27586 27587 27588 27589 27591 27594 27595 27596

9352001838 9352001839 9352001840 9352001841 9352001842 9352001843 9352001844 9352001845 9352001846


32006 32009 32012 32016 32017 32018 95365 94749 95366 95367 95368

9325445102 9325445103 9325445104 9325445105 9325445106

38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46


27196 1231100212 BYTE UNICO

55-58 58-61 55-58 58-61 55-58 58-61








4teen HELMET 95392 94752 95393 95394 95395

9322045102 9322045103 9322045104 9322045105 9322045106



27188 1231100220 WIRED 27189 1231100221 WIRELESS

••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •••



COMPUTER BYTE Unico con Torcia

9322512101 9322512102 9322512103 9322512104 9322512105 9322512106



I prodotti sono garantiti dal venditore secondo quanto previsto dalle attuali norme di legge vigenti. La garanzia può essere estesa di ulteriori 6 mesi con la registrazione del proprio acquisto su Non coperte da garanzia Atala tutti i componenti e le parti meccaniche per i quali vale la garanzia del fabbricante. Products are guaranteed by the dealer in accordance with the current Italian laws in force. Warranty can be extended of further 6 months by logging on the Atala website (atala. it). All the other mechanical parts or components are not included in this warranty but are under the manufacturer’s warranty.




92139 5141005200 EASY-GO 200ML 30841 1213367101 BYTE AQUA RED

FARO Byte Sirius


29315 1840111017 Byte Sirius

21514 1268101072 BYTE ZEPHIR

Whistle Bikes è un brand del Gruppo Atala S.p.A. che ne segue la distribuzione in Italia e nel Mondo attraverso una forte rete di vendita. L’elenco completo dei rivenditori di tutto il territorio italiano, è disponibile sul sito Whistle Bikes is a brand of Atala S.p.A. Group which can count on a deep sales network in Italy and worldwide. You can find the complete list of the Italian dealers on the website

a d lgra f ica . it


Atala S.p.A. Via della Guerrina, 108 - 20900 Monza (MB)Tel. +39 039 2045311 - Fax +39 039 2045300

8 1 20

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