Atalanta Sweet Onion

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We brin g the wor ld to your table

Brand: Del Destino Origin: SPAIN

Diced sweet Fried onions Del Destino Diced Sweet Fried Onions are made of evenly diced, delectable Spanish white onions that are caramelized and fried to perfection. The final product holds a natural and sweet taste that is labor-saving for kitchens. Packed in its sweet caramel cooked juices, the onions add flare and eye appeal to any part of the menu by enhancing the dimension of flavor in recipes. Item # 562514 | 6/3 kg

FEATURES/BENEFITS • Evenly diced Sweet Spanish Onions • Packed Caramelized to reduce labor in kitchens

CULINARY APPLICATIONS • Pizza and Flatbread Topping • Burgers, Subs and Open-face Sandwich Ingredient • Asian Stir Fry

• Consistent flavor with finished product • Clean label


Ata l a n ta P l az a, E l i z a b e t h N J 0 72 0 6 | w w w . ata l a n tac o r p .c o m

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