Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 10-15 minutes
Makes 6
6 Ears Fresh Corn On The Cob
4 Garlic Cloves, Chopped
2 tbsp. Fresh Thyme Leaves, Minced
1 ½ tablespoons Esprit du Sel Sea Salt
Fresh Cracked Black Pepper, to Taste
1 stick Minerva Unsalted Butter, Softened to Room Temperature
Honey, to Finish
½ cup Crumbled Mt. Vikos Feta

Peel corn on the cob by removing most inner layers of green leaves as well as silk strings, keeping enough green leaves to just cover corn.
Place the garlic, thyme, salt, pepper and butter in a bowl and mix well.
Coat kernels of corn with butter mixture and cover with the reserved leaves.
Grill over medium high heat until kernels turn golden for about 10-15 minutes. (It is OK for some kernels to be very dark.)
Pull cobs off grill and sprinkle immediately with crumbled Mt. Vikos Feta and finish with a drizzle of honey.