Royal Mahout Paneer Foodservice

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We b rin g mo re t o t h e ta b l e !

Brand: Royal Mahout ORIGIN: domestic MILK TYPE: COW COW

paneer Paneer is a traditional full-fat, rennet free cheese used in Indian cuisine. This vegetarian cheese is pressed until the texture is similar to tofu. Paneer is a great source of protein, making it an excellent meat substitute. This cheese is firm and will not melt, so it can hold its shape and texture in any application. Paneer is a blank canvas and can absorb many different spices and seasonings. It is so versitile and mild in flavor that Paneer can be used in both savory and sweet dishes.


ITEM # 634638 | 4/5 LB

FEATURES/BENEFITS • Great source of protein • Vegetarian • Excellent meat substitute • Produced with fresh milk


• Can be used to make different curries • Use as a stuffing in Indian style breads and wraps • Grill and serve on kabobs and sandwiches • Great dessert ingredient

Ata l a n ta P l a z a , E l i z a b e t h N J 0 72 0 6 | w w w . ata l a n ta c o r p .c o m

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Royal Mahout Paneer Foodservice by Atalanta Corp. - Issuu