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/////////////// 28.8. 2009, 21.00 Grad Vipolže, Slovenija

THRESHOLD Bara Kolenc, Atej Tutta, Estevan Bruno, Neil Barbisan, Jernej Černalogar, Andrea Cazzolato, Nereo Marulli, Rado Jaušovec, Marek Fakuč Kud Samosvoj

TRESHOLD je umetniški laboratorij, ki se odvija v prostorih gradu Vipolže. Namen srečanja desetih umetnikov s področja sodobnega gledališča, vizualnih umetnosti in glasbe je raziskava pragov umetniškega izraza, ki se vežejo na določene konceptualne zastavitve kolektiva in na sam prostor gradu. Zanima nas predvsem proces, raziskava samih umetniških postopkov in situacij, vendar pa se v okviru procesa občasno zgodijo določene zamrznitve, znotraj katerih se proces hipno zaustavi in se predstavi kot dogodek, akcija, prezentacija. V tem smislu je dogodek TRESHOLD v proces dela zarezan okvir za pogled obiskovalca. Kot tak je po eni strani nedokončan, kolikor je le del širše in večplastne celote ustvarjalnega postopka in njegovih preobrazb, po drugi strani pa je edinstven, kolikor je neponovljiv, in sicer tako v smislu trenutka, v katerem se zgodi, kot v smislu prostora, na katerega je bistveno vezan. Raziskava se dogaja na pragu: na tisti točki, kjer se zarisuje meja med znanim in neznanim, jasnim in nejasnim, med notranjostjo in zunanjostjo. Zanimajo nas pragovi prostora in časa, meje telesa, robovi podobe. Začetek in konec podobe sta vselej zabrisana, podobe soobstajajo v divergentnih serijah realnosti, vznikajo kot dogodki, prehajajo na način metamorfoz, vstopajo v polje vidnega in v polja sedanjosti, vendar obenem ostajajo v nevidnem, ki je bistveni del vidnega. Zanimajo nas pragovi naše raziskave, kje je tista točka, kjer zvok, gib, podoba vstopijo v popolno očiščenost od vsakega pomena, smisla in izraza, in kje je po drugi strani elokventnost dogodka, njegova zgovornost, prenasičenost smisla in pomena. Na obeh robovih – tako na robu, kjer se pomeni skrijejo pred abstrakcijo, kot na robu, kjer pomeni udarijo na površje v popolno konkretnost in udejanjenje, dobimo isto situacijo: smisel postane nesmisel.

Predstavitev projekta Treshold bo v okviru festivala Dnevi poezije in vina 2009. Presentation of the Treshold project will be at the Days of poetry and wine 2009. Presentazione del progetto e inserito nel festival Le giornate della poesia e del vino 2009.

THRESHOLD is a group of independent artists from the fields of visual arts, performance and music. The group is led by the idea of independent creativity and of crossing the borders of any kind, from the objective limitations of production to the inner borders of every art field and finally to the most intimate limits of artist’s personal creative approach. In the inspiring landscape of vineyards in the northern part of Slovenian seaside, Goriška Brda, they have inhabited a ruined renaissance castle Vipolže where they plan to stay for one month and present their work on the 28th of August 2009 at 9 p.m. The group has been interested in the idea of the threshold, the borderline that finally constitutes itself as a fold. The border is always active, provocative in its structure as it constantly calls to step over it. But this step never actually occurs since the border is in constant movement, changing its position and thereby creating always new fields of possibility. Therefore the very action of stepping over the threshold is actually missed. They believe creative work is a constant process, endlessly following its own changeable virtual limits, constantly searching for the minimal difference in the movement of repetition of its praxis, thereby developing the point where its immanent excess folds back into the black hole of its deficiency. For the residential work they decided to proceed in the site specific way. This kind of approach offers them new spaces and a wide range of opportunities for creation, from the space itself to be explored in its concrete reality – its architecture, its atmosphere, its visuality, offering specific sets of performing, visual installations, light and sound design, to the layers it hides in its virtual reality – its history, its former inhabitants, the imaginary, the architectural principles that were followed by its construction and other inputs that will serve them to find the content and the focus of their residential work.

Hvala / Thanks to/ Ringraziamenti: Kud Hrast Vipolže, Salonit Anhovo, Agencija Jota, Zavod Masovna, Kud Krea, Kud Pozitiv, Borut Bučinel, Tomaž Štrucl, Tomaž Belingar, David Rusjan, Drago Pintarič, Medo, Patricija Pirih, Blaž Trušnovec, Tomo, Liljana, Boko, Jure Žbogar, Sašo, Tamara...

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