ATGENDER December 2010 Newsletter

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December 2010 ATGENDER Newsletter Feel free to distribute this newsletter in your networks! If you have any questions or comments, please mail to In this issue: - From the ATGENDER presidents: looking forward and backward, Invitation to a new year - How to renew your ATGENDER membership -Benefits of ATGENDER membership - How to become a new ATGENDER- member.

From the ATGENDER -presidents: Invitation to a new year with ATGENDER Unlike the academic year in Europe, the ATGENDER year runs from January until December. For ATGENDER, standing on the brink of a new calendar year, thus means a moment looking back and looking forward. Looking back at ATGENDER since it became a legal body on September 30, 2009; it becomes clear that ATGENDER has grown quite a bit in the past 15 months. Albeit that we warmly welcome new institutional, individual and student members in order to further substantiate our professional association, some milestones, both quantitative and qualitative, that cannot go unmentioned are: Milestones in the first ATGENDER Year, looking backward: 

ATGENDER s first conference „Beyond European Gender Studies: Transversal connections‟ was a great success. The key notes by Professor Chang Pil Wha (President of Asian Association of Women's Studies) and Dr Malin Rönnblom (Umeå University Sweden), the well-visited panels and the lively round table made clear the necessity of setting up a strong European professional association for Gender Research, Education and Documentation. This conference was organized back-to-back with ATGENDER‟s first General Assembly, and took place in Brussels on February 19, 2010. Both events were kindly hosted by Amazone and Sophia;

The Tuning Validation Meeting took place on February 18, 2010, and the Launch of the Tuning Gender Studies Brochure on November 25, 2010 during the conference „Gender Studies: Setting the standards‟ in Brussels. Both events were, again, kindly hosted by Amazone and Sophia, and made clear how strong the bonds with our predecessor organizations AIOFE, WISE, and especially ATHENA3, which started the Tuning operation, still are. The official launch by Professor Berteke Waaldijk (director of ATHENA3) and Dr Edyta Just (managing editor of the Tuning Brochure), the key note from Dr Zita Gurmai (member of European Parliament, member of the validation panel of the Tuning Brochure), and the round table with the additional members of the validation panel made clear how European and national financial and educational policies are affecting gender studies, and thus underlined the necessity of the existence and

growth of ATGENDER; 

In addition to the publication of the Tuning Gender Studies Brochure, we have celebrated the publication of several „Teaching with Gender‟ volumes! After Teaching with Memories, we can now Teach (with) Subjectivity, the Third Wave, Intersectionality, Gender in Social Work, Gender, Diversity and Urban Space, Visual Culture, and Empires.

On November 26, 2010, Amazone was open to those ATGENDER members that wanted to discuss the future of our professional association. After a lively discussion, the Call for Papers for ATGENDER‟s 2011 Spring conference was drafted, which includes a list of possible topics for ATGENDER working groups (among others Equal opportunities policies, Generations, and New technologies);

We have managed to negotiate fee reductions for ATGENDER members with several journals and book series. Among others the European Journal for Women‟s Studies, Nouvelles Questions Feministes and the Routledge Advances in Feminist Studies and Intersectionality are on board. Keep an eye on the latest information on our website!

We have celebrated a considerable growth of the ATGENDER membership.

Looking forward with ATGENDER means first and foremost: 

Early in 2011, ATGENDER‟s presidents will visit EIGE, the European Institute for Gender Equality in Vilnius, in order to discuss possible collaborations between ATGENDER and EIGE with EIGE‟s Director Virginija Langbakk. In 2010, ATGENDER board member Andrea Peto visited the official launch of EIGE in order to establish the first contacts;

The ATGENDER Spring conference „Feminist Legacies, Feminist Futures: Connecting Research, Activism, Teaching and Equality Policies on women and gender in Europe‟ with a key note by Professor Donna Haraway and panels and round tables on diverse topics, and ATGENDER‟s second General Assembly (GA) will be held on April 8-9-10, 2011 in Utrecht; at the General Assembly, election for a new ATGENDER board will take place.

The 8th European Feminist Research Conference will be held in Budapest in May 2012. The Call for Papers will be sent out in January. There will be available reduced fees and travel grants for active ATGENDER-members. Keep an eye on your mailbox!

In February 2011, Iris van der Tuin will represent ATGENDER during „ADVANCING GENDER+ TRAINING IN THEORY AND PRACTICE: An international conference for practitioners, experts and commissioners in Gender+ training‟ in Madrid, organized by QUING ( She will participate in the round table discussion „Networks for supporting quality in gender+training‟;

We are looking forward to new volumes of „Teaching with Gender‟, the book series ATGENDER has took over from ATHENA3. Several proposals have been submitted, but it is still possible to propose a volume.

We are looking forward to the launch of our new website early in 2011. This website will have several innovative features, and will be interactive. We will try to bring together the information gathered by the Documentation centers and will try to advance information sharing on themes such as: programmes in gender studies in Europe, mailing lists and list serves, gender studies and documentation centers, and so on.

With these impressive lists, we invite you to a new ATGENDER year, and wish you all the best in 2011. Prof. Harriet Silius and Dr. Iris van der Tuin, ATGENDER presidents at

How to renew your ATGENDER membership According to the statutes, ATGENDER membership is valid for one calendar year. Having celebrated one year of existence, ATGENDER would like to invite you to renew your membership (institutional, individual or student). Your support is crucial for strengthening our network and, this way, continue our work in connecting all agents involved in gender research, documentation and activism within Europe. 

Until when: 1. Payment: ATGENDER members must have paid their 2011 fees in order to enjoy the benefits of membership in this year. 2. Confirmation: st 2.1. Institutional members need to send a message to until 1 of March 2011 declaring they have already paid their fees or stating their commitment to do it. st 2.2. Individual members and students must have paid their fee before 1 March 2011 in order to vote and apply for travel grants.

Fees: the fees from 2011 are the same as the previous year: Institutional full € 500 Institutional reduced € 250 Individual full € 75 Individual reduced € 45 Students € 25

How to pay your continued membership fee? All ATGENDER-members, both institutional and institutional members, will receive a payment invoice requesting them to transfer their required membership fee for 2011. If you need a receipt, please contact us at When making a payment through a bank transfer, please indicate the name of the individual or institution in the description field.

How to become a new ATGENDER -member? 1. 2.


Download and fill in the form available at; Send it to or to our postal adress: P.O. Box 164 3500 AD Utrecht The Netherlands You will then receive a payment invoice requesting you to transfer the membership fee to : ATGENDER ING Bank P.O. 1800 1000 BV Amsterdam The Netherlands Account number: 5824181 IBAN: NL76INGB0005824181 BIC: INGBNL2A

Note: the ATGENDER board decides on requests for reduced fee or – in exceptional cases – a complete fee waiver for both individuals and institutions. If you think you or your institution should be entitled to reduced fee or fee waiver, please send a solid justification of your request to The board will decide within 15 working days about such requests.

Benefits of ATGENDER membership: Members of ATGENDER contribute to the strengthening of the networks of students, researchers, activists, policy makers and activists in women‟s & genderstudies, feminist research, gender equality and women‟s organizations. They help the field of this expertise to grow and be heard inside and outside universities. ATGENDER organizes the three-annual European Feminist Research Conference, and supports applications for research funding of individual members by offering options for dissemination. The website of ATGENDER offers members the opportunity to advertise MA-programs, summer schools and research opportunities offered by institutional ATGENDER members, to publish calls for papers for conferences, seminars and congresses organized by ATGENDER members. The yearly conferences offer international networks an opportunity to work together, to prepare applications and publications. The book series „teaching with gender‟ publishes, after peer reviewing and approval volumes on teaching gender by ATGENDER members. 1.

Website and mailing list: 6.1. Advertisement of programs, summer schools, activities on the ATGENDER website. 6.2. Regular information about the association's activities through the ATGENDER newsletter and website (; 6.3. Access to the discussion list / mailing list. th


Attending the ATGENDER Spring Conference “Feminist Legacies-Feminist Futures” (Utrecht, 8,9,10 April, 2011) : 2.1. As an ATGENDER member you are entitled to attend the conference and propose new working groups and workshops; 2.2. A limited number of grants is available to cover travel costs and the conference fees for gender studies students who are ATGENDER-members; 2.3. Institutional members of ATGENDER are entitled to send a maximum of three persons to participate in the conference. See registration-form for details at Registration closes February 1, 2011.


8 European Feminist Research Conference (Budapest, 2012) :


3.1. Individual members and students are granted one reduced registration fee; 3.2. Institutional members have the right to three reduced registration fees; 3.3. Institutional members can apply to host the European Feminist Research Conference th (ATGENDER general assembly, 10 April 2011); 4.

Teaching With Gender Series: - PEER REVIEWED PUBLISHING ON TEACHING GENDER The ATGENDER Board took over from Athena3 the ATHENA Book series: Teaching with Gender. ATGENDER members are entitled to publication of approved manuscripts. For downloads of the first seven volumes in this series see:>publications.


Journals – REDUCED SUBSCRIPTION ATGENDER members are granted one reduced subscription rate for a number of academic journals. Subject to on-going negotiations with various publishers, at this moment the following journals have committed their cooperation: European Journal for Women’s Studies, Nouvelles Questions Feministes and the Routledge Advances in Feminist Studies and Intersectionality


Elections for ATGENDER‟s new board will take place in 10 April 2011: 6.1. Only registered members are able to cast their vote; 6.2. Individual members and students have the right to one vote; 6.3. Institutional members are entitled to three votes.


On behalf of the board & staff from ATGENDER we would like to thank all of you for your support as we now enter our second year. Invite your colleagues and your institution in the field of gender to join us by becoming a new ATGENDER-member. There are many exciting projects coming up, so stay tuned!

Our mailing address is: AtGender PO Box 164 Utrecht, Utrecht 3500 AD

Copyright (C) 2010 AtGender All rights reserved.

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