ATGENDER SPRING CONFERENCE 2011: Feminist legacies - Feminist Futures Connecting research, teaching and gender equality in Europe 8-10 April 2011 Utrecht
Minutes of the WG1. GREATpolicies: Gender Research and Teaching Policies Friday 8 April 2011: Location Drift 21 Utrecht City centre. ..................... 2 0.- List of participants and profile (alphabetical order) ....................... 2 Saturday 9 April 2011: Location Mitland hotel. ..................................... 6 1.- Setting up a permanent group of interest in ATGENDER ................ 6 1.1.- Exploring new realities: ....................................................... 6 1.2.- Analyzing the role gender equality policies may have in crisis (not only economical) ................................................................. 7 1.3.- Continuing exploration and monitoring of main policy approaches such as mainstreaming and the implications of concepts such as intersectionality as an opportunity or a threat .................... 7 1.4.- Studying national and European policies, how they influence each other ................................................................................. 8 1.5.- Transferring/exchange (cross-fertilization) of gender research to society and societal impact on gender knowledge production and use: mechanisms and actors in different contexts .................................. 8 1.6.- Links to European themes: 2020- SMART Gender policies including diversity of women and men and their role in building Europe ...................................................................................... 9 2.- Transversal themes related to other ATGENDER groups ................ 9 3.-Preparing a proposal for panels at the 8th EFRC ........................... 10 4.- Making a plan for activities, meetings and join publications (journal issue, Teaching with gender, or in another context) .......................... 11
Friday 8 April 2011: Location Drift 21 Utrecht City centre.
0.- List of participants and profile (alphabetical order)
UNIVERSITY/INSTITUCTION Country University of Lofnenburg Swedish secretariat for Gender Research Loughborough University (UK)
Jasna Bakšić-Muftić
University of Sarajevo
Cabó, Anna
Barcelona Provincial Council (Spain)
Debusscher, Petra Duhacek, Nadja
Centre for EU Studies
NAME Alnebratt, Kerstin
E-MAIL this mail is not working
Edstrom, Maria
University of Granada University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Swedish secretariat for Gender Research
University Petre Andrei/ (Romania)
Faculte de Sociologie, Lyon2 (France)
Le Feuvre, Nicky Mlinarevic, Gorana Ranea Triviño, Beatriz Richardson-Self, Louise Van der Werf, Charliene Van der Sanden, Jeannette Woodward,Alison
Labso-ISS, Univ. de Lausanne University of Sarajevo
Universidad de Granada (Spain) University of Sidney, Australia University of Utrecth Universiteit Utrecht RHEA Vrije Univ Brussel&Board Member SOPHIA (Belgium)
Kerstin Alnebratt -
Institution: Swedish secretariat for gender research
Educational /professional background: directror, PhD
Research interest: research policy, gender equality policy
Barbara Bagilhole She was a task force member during Athena3 and board member of WISE. From April 2011 is an elected board member of ATGENDER.
Institution: Loughborough University
Educational /professional background: Academic Professor
Research interest: Equal Opportunities and Diversity across Gender, Race, Disability, Sexual Oreintation, Religion or Belief, Age and Intersectionality.
Web site: Jasna Bakšić-Muftić Institution:University of Sarajevo Research: Gender policies in Europe Anna Cabó She was a task force member during Athena3 and involve from ATEHNA2 in the network. -
Institution: Barcelona provincial council they work to support gender equality policies in the 311 municipalities of the province with more than 5 millions inhabitants.
Educational /professional background: Librarianship and documentation and master in management skills. She is responsible of offering courses (LLL) for policy makers and women in politics also for research project, European projects and sensibilizacion programs on gender.
Research interest: the velvet triangle or the triplex helix Connecting Activism, Policy-making and Gender Research
Petra Debusscher -
Institution: Centre for EU Studies - Ghent University, Belgium
Educational /professional background: PhD in EU Studies
Research interest: Gender Equality in European Union Development Policy, Transnational Women‟s Organizations, Gender Mainstreaming.
Nadja Duhacek -
Institution: University of Granada, Institute for Women's Studies
Educational /professional background: MA candidate (thesis defense in September 2011)
Research interest: Representations of femininity and mathematics in popular culture. Ethnography of gender relations in elementary schools in Serbia
Maria Edstrom -
Institution: Swedish Gothenburg, Sweden
Educational /professional background: Journalism, PhD in journalism and communication
Research interest: gender and media, equality and freedom of speech
Web site:
Alina-Mary Hurubean 3
Institution: “Petre Andrei” University of Iaşi, ROMANIA, Faculty of Social Work
and Sociology. -
Educational/professional background: Lecturer, PhD; course and seminar: Methodology of social research; Methods and techniques of intervention in social work; Cultural models and gender stereotypes. university studies (Bachelor‟s Degree), Faculty of Philosophy, “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iaşi, specialization in Philosophy (1994); Doctor of Political Sciences (2005).
Research interest: 2010-2013 - Post-doctoral Research Program, “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iaşi, with research theme: Comparative analysis of public policies in the European Union in terms of gender equality (gender equality policies).
Web site:; (Association for Social Change).
Laurence Tain -
Institution: University of Lyon 2
Educational /professional background: she is involved in medicine and health with a gender perspective, but the motive to be here is the European master which involves different universities from Hungary, (Budapest), Swizeland (Lausanne and ), Spain, United Kingdom (York), France (Lyon) www.egales.
Research interest:
Web site:
Nicky Le Feuvre For a long time involve in Athena and in the AOIFE. -
Institution: Université de Lausanne (Switzerland)
Educational /professional background: Professor in Sociology of work & gender
Research interests: gender studies, equal opportunity policies, comparative research, women's education, training, work and employment patterns in Europe Web site: Gorana Mlinarevic -
-Institution: Department of Gender Studies, Centre for Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies, University of Sarajevo
-Educational/professional background: candidate in PhD in Women‟s Studies, National University of Ireland, Galway – (I hold Mst in International Human Rights Law from University of Oxford) – main focus women in the post-war societies
-Research interests: Gender and transitional justice; Implementation of Women‟s Human Rights in the societies in transition
-Website (unfortunately still in the phase of development):
Beatriz Ranea Triviño
Institution: University of Granada
Educational /professional background: Political Science Degree and Master Erasmus Mundus in Women's and Gender Studies
Research interest: European Policy. At the moment, I am focus on prostitution policies and the construction of the heterosexual male identity and the relation with prostitution
Louise Richardson-Self -
Institution: University of Sydney, Australia (now in Utrecht University)
Educational /professional background: PhD Candidate
Research interest: Same-Sex Marriage Rights in Western, Liberal, Democratic Countries.
Charliene van der Werf -
Educational /professional background: For now a student at the Utrecht University 1 year master; comparative women's studies in culture and politics
Research interest: Soon to finish research on the glass ceiling in the University of Utrecht. my research interests are firstly, the male view on the glass ceiling debate and women leadership. Secondly gender discrimination against men for example by gender violence, the male victim, childcare.
Van der Sanden, Jeannette Transferring knowledge from academia to society is the subject of the PHD thesis done in the University of Utrecht. Alison E. Woodward, Member of Athena Taskforce 3 and long-time gender activist, living and teaching in Europe for more than 40 years.
Institution: RHEA Center for Gender and Diversity Research and Institute of European Studies, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Educational /professional background: Professor Political sociology
Research interest: equality policies, gender, migration, sexualities
Saturday 9 April 2011: Location Mitland hotel.
1.- Setting up a permanent interest group in ATGENDER Looking for a common interest is the first step to can build a working group than should last for some years. Proposal for a title that can join interests and give us a common framework: GREATpolicies: Gender Research and Teaching for Policies The goal of the interest group GREATpolicies is to stimulate research and exchange between scholars, policy makers and activists working for gender equality in Europe. The context is continually evolving and the group aims to address the following tasks in the coming years: –
Exploring new contextual realities:
Analyzing the role gender equality policies may have in crisis (not only economical)
Continuing exploration, monitoring & evaluation of main policy approaches such as mainstreaming
Studying national and European policies, how they influence each other
Transferring/exchange of gender research to society and societal impact on gender knowledge production and use: mechanisms and actors in different contexts
Linking to European themes: 2020- SMART Gender policies including diversity of women and men and their role in building Europe
The first session was a brainstorming on what possible topics could be researched under each action theme and how they related to other AtGender concerns 1.1.- Exploring new realities: –
Uses and abuses Equal Opportunities Rhetoric by different groups over time
More diverse and complex societies in Europe,
political tendency to the Right and the different sorts of Right(s)- liberal, nationalism, populisms, conservatives
Relation to integration discourse (see affirmative action)
Policy responses to societal questions? Sex (m/f), bodies and health
Nicky: comments on a doctoral student, Soline Blanchard, Toulouse University that is writing a thesis about professionals on equal opportunities, what is the role of feminism professional‟s and/or business and private sector. 6
Another issue to debate is how we prepare people for professional lives, what is the role of university degrees and LLL courses in gender? The Quing Project (Opera) has been working on these issues and it would be good to contact Mikee Verloo and Maria Bustelo. In Madrid, February 2011, there was a meeting, called Opera about these issues. + info: Barbara: Professionalization of equal opportunities also present in the rightist parties, a and how they change the concept of equal opportunities is an interesting topic. Petra: Quotas and integration, and special treatment. Tain: Transexuality and transformation of the bodies Nadia: Equal opportunities is a good opportunity for the economic crisis, it‟s a neo liberal idea but often forgotten. Jasna: How women change things in politics or how they adapted to the national ideas. There is a backlash on public acceptance of equal opportunities and also gay and lesbian. The distance from policy makers and citizens, and also with the feminism movement is increasing. 1.2.- Analyzing the role gender equality policies may have in crisis (not only economic)
Consequences of framing equality as a business case
Other crises- political legitimacy in new countries and gender
Migration and movement
1.3.- Continuing exploration and monitoring of main policy approaches such as mainstreaming and the implications of concepts such as intersectionality as an opportunity or a threat
Mainstreaming (in other sectors?)
Intersectionality (between research, politics and activism)
Implications of concepts such as intersectionality. What does it mean in real life- as an opportunity or a threat
Traveling and translation
Where did feminism go?
Evaluating the need for specific structures dedicated to women or gender and relation to other equality policies
Paradoxes of separate structures- changes in resouces? of ability to deal with gender in combinations?
Nicky: FemCit, < > is an interesting project about the relationship between the changing forms and practices of gendered citizenship in a multicultural Europe and the demands and practices of contemporary women‟s movements. Seems like equal opportunities for
women don‟t want to mix with diversity, and this means no intersectional policies. Sweden has started to use intersectionality, there is an antidiscrimination board and they have asked to work in gender mainstreaming. Traveling concept is very interesting in academic framework but not useful in politics: traveling concepts from academia to politics. In Sweden the monitoring of data has been reduced a lot due to equal tract law. Gender mainstreaming is a good strategy? Evaluating the need of specific structures dedicated to women or gender en relation to other equality policies. Barbara: in UK they start with triple discrimination in policies and find it too complicated, and they move to double discrimination, a bit easier. 1.4.- Studying national and European policies, how they influence each other
Relation of public acceptance to success- cases from new members and old members, potential members (Turkey, Croatia, Serbia, Bosna-Herz. and Balkans)…gender equality legitimacy (quota, sexual orientation) & backlash
Role of elites in policy implementation
Identifying innovation- back and forth with policy actorshow to liaise with EU policy civil servant networks and civil society: contact The European Women Lobby and the European Institute of Gender Equality
Studying role of women‟s and other movements and NGO actors in eventual Europeanization- top down and bottom up, interconnections
Traveling concepts also from EU to association, interconnexion, bottom up and up down. Invite potential members: Turkey, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia, Balkans)
1.5.- Transferring/exchange (cross-fertilization) of gender research to society and societal impact on gender knowledge production and use: mechanisms and actors in different contexts
Education at all levels and science
Health, bodily integrity and social welfare
Poverty and welfare: economics and finance, need of interseccionality point of view
Ecofeminism, urban planning
International relations: development and conflict/peace
Actors needed: Feminism, policy makers and academia
Professionalization, institutionalization, new public management impact
Education at all levels and science
Economics and finance (poverty and wealth)
Health, social welfare and bodily integrity
International relations: development and conflict/peace
Activities proposed: Ask the board of Atgender to collect the report are gender blind (???) Organize a conference for feminism policies in the EU parliament Research Network Gender on the State (RNGS): active web site, contact them to invite to join ATGENDER 1.6.- Links to European themes: 2020- SMART Gender policies including diversity of women and men and their role in building Europe The next framework program for European Union Research (8th) will not be called 8th Framework but Strategic Framework focusing on „innovation‟ and the 2020 goals, utilizing among other things the term SMART <>: research, education and technology program The tendency in the European Research Area is more and more towards financial support for „excellent‟ famous and first level researchers. Framework project, like Quing, with different teams then write a proposal Green paper that is circulating now shows gender is missing, but this is not new, it also happened in 6th and 7th framework. There is a need to respond. Innovation is very much connected with science and technology and transferring knowledge is also innovation and the use of the “triple helix” in spite of velvet triangle is a good sign. Key issues: –
Gender policy and inclusion
Gender policy and innovation (in communicating, affecting and measuring impact of equality policies?)
Gender policy and sustainability
Discussion Two- Strategies toward Policy Makers and activists- Policy implications
2.- Transversal themes related to other ATGENDER groups We could collaborate with
Traveling concepts/ post colonial Europe/generations in gender (see age issues): Global policy exchange ( Korea, Africa, Middle East, Latin America, Canada, Australia, - the diffusion and export of European gender and equality policies- major actors and experiences in translation (see same sex marriage-Louise)
The role of new social media and information technology in communicating policy, awareness raising and education on rights, policies: working group TICs
Social and social welfare
Teaching gender studies
12.30 – 13.30 Lunch 13.30 – 15.30 Project groups Announcements: ESOF 2012 Dublin, 30th June 2011 European Gender Summit 2011, Brussels, 8-9 November,
3.-Preparing a proposal for panels at the 8th EFRC +information: After an informal meeting with the responsibles of the Budapest meeting, we can announce that Alison will be involved in the selection of papers and panels with the Hungarian co-chair. They are also happy to receive not only individual paper but also panels. Our proposal is to post some thematic panels and a round table following the discussion of the day (titles may change): Using and abusing equal opportunities. Beatriz (Granada) Studying national and European policies. Maria (Sweden) Charliene Transfering/exchange research and society: Jeannette, discussant Professionalization, institutionalization: Nicky Continuinting exploration,monitoring Travelling and translating concepts and policies. Kerstin and Nadja, Petra, Aina The structure could be three papers for panel, 20 minutes and time for discussion, total 1 hour and a half, a chair and a discussant (better to choose well know people to attract audience). The chair is responsible for the coordination of the panel, controlling time, connecting participants …etc. We will send a second call of papers from the coordinators of the working group to recruit panel members. Round table with policy makers: title could be: Do (European) gender policies make a difference?
The round table may have 4 or 5 participants: proposal some one from the Commission or European parliament, some one from the Presidency of the Council of the European Union in 2012 / Cyprus), some one from the European Lobby and /or some one from the Tuning Project. Barbara volunteers to be the chair. Logistics and practical issues: -
How to post a paper? There will be an open call on the web site
How is the probability to be accepted? In another occasions is like 9 of 10 proposals will be accepted
Contacting networks and sending call for papers to enlarge ATGENDER. It will be a specific call for papers open to networks, like announced in the 8th conference website. Contacting network: Quing. Anna European Sociology Association, ECPR Gender and Politics Petra/ Alison European Lobby: Nicky EIGE: Barbara (Alison)
4.- Making a plan for activities, meetings and join publications (Journal issue, Teaching with gender book series, or in another context) Meetings: ask for a working group meeting the 7th May in Budapest 2012, proposal for a meeting in European Parliament Seminar: open activity in Barcelona ( or Mallorca) in 2013 for policy makers, and from there plan a publication. Communication: by mail and fix a closed facebook group (Charliene, has just done it) Sunday morning, (from 9 to 10), 3 new working groups meet: national associations, teaching series and students groups.