ATG Oxford News 2020

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Brochures 2020 F

irst – we would like to thank you for your interest in ATG.

At ATG, founded 40 years ago on principles of Conservation and Sustainable Development, we are continually conscious of Environmental Best Practice – and as a result, we have not produced any brochures or newsletters for over a year…! The challenge has been to provide more information about ATG trips with the lowest environmental impact. We apologise to those who look forward to receiving ATG brochures and news –and wondered if ‘ATG was still in business’…! All paper used by ATG originates from sustainable sources, but trees still have to be felled, manufactured and transported, before being printed and distributed worldwide …all using energy and pollution-creating fuel. Our 2020 publications, however, have achieved some environmental objectives:

• Reorganised information has reduced the number of printed pages by 58%.

• Using light, ‘uncoated’ 90gsm paper and thinner

covers has reduced the mass of materials used, made recycling quicker and easier and reduced average weight of materials mailed to each person by 61%.

• Rationalising the number of mailing addresses has resulted in a 66% reduction of printed copies.

• Number of trees saved (mature forestry plantation): about 600.

• Paper, manufacture, printing and distribution are all ‘offset’ (see ‘Offset’ page 7).

• Total saving: fewer, lighter pages and a massively

reduced print-run has resulted in a total 87% reduction in paper used and distributed world-wide. The ATG website remains the primary source of information. PS. Feedback will, as always, be very warmly welcomed…

COMMENT …from ATG's founder and Managing Director Christopher Whinney

4............ 40 Years

ENVIRONMENT 5............ Too Hot for Walking? 6............ Believe it or Not? 7............ Offset Principle 7............ Offset Calculator

TRAVEL & TRIPS 8............ High-Speed Trains 9............ Getting There... 12-13... Footloose 14-15... Escorted Trips 16-17... Pieve a Castello 12-17... Trip Dates & Prices

ATG TRUST 2-3........ Completed Projects 2............ Trustees 20.......... Fundraising Events

BOOKING 10.......... Trip Grades 10.......... Fitness Quiz 11.......... Making a Booking 18-19... Booking Conditions

Ad Terrae Gloriam (ATG) Trust – 2020 ‘Giving something back..’ The ATG Trust is a registered charity no. 1082542

THANK YOU! In 2020 the ATG Trust will celebrate its first 20 years and the completion of a wide range of Conservation and Sustainable Development projects. This has been made possible entirely thanks to the generosity of ATG clients – attending ATG Events (see page 20), their donations, bequests, buying the ATG Salad Book and goods donated by ATG suppliers at ATG ‘Fairs’; and, not least, by travelling with ATG – enabling us all to ‘make it happen’…. Conservation of the natural world, together with Sustainable Development, particularly at community level, may be a ‘drop in the ocean’ in relation to the complexity of scientific, social and political challenges posed by the Climate Emergency; but Trust projects have received international recognition, and continue to change lives for the better.

Butterfly Conservation

Mahout School

Project to reintroduce the large blue butterfly, following its extinction in 1979

Project to create a Mahout training centre, sustaining their remarkable traditions



'ATG projects are possible thanks to the Irini Chapel Crete

Restoration of a shrine with 14C Byzantine frescoes

generosity of ATG clients'

Trust News Trustees: Mike McCart (Chair), Catherine MacRae and Judith Kilby Hunt Trustee and Administrator: Jessica Jenkins President: Sir Geoffrey Bindman Hilary Daniels stepped down as a Trustee and Chair of the ATG Trust at the end of 2018. We are extremely appreciative of her long-standing involvement with the Trust, during which time some superb projects were delivered in Greece, Italy and the UK. We thank her very much for her contribution.


Abbazia di S.Pietro in Vallé

Turner’s House Trust

Project to restore the ‘Madonna & Saints’ fresco, dating from 14C

Production of a film about restoration work at Turner’s House

If any ATG clients would be interested in becoming involved with the ATG Trust, we would be very pleased to hear from you. The Trust is looking for two new Trustees, ideally one with a finance background and one with a legal background. The Trustees meet twice a year, usually in May and November.


Pathway Restoration

For further details please contact Jessica Jenkins via 01865 315 613 or

Restoration of the 13C Porta Romea, one of the village’s gateways

Clearing the north city wall paths around medieval Colle di Val d’Elsa

Umbria, Italy

Tuscany, Italy

Find out more:

Twickenham, UK

Tuscany, Italy

Sant’ Eutizio path

Bevagna Madonna

Rozmberk Shrines

Bedouin Candles

Restoration of ancient pathway, between Norcia and Abbey of S. Eutizio

Restoration of 13C wooden sculpture of the crucifixion, owned by S. Giacomo

Restoration of 12 Stations of the Cross leading to Rozmberk Castle

Candle-making project to provide sustainable income for the Bedouin

Gavelli frescoes

Azogyres Bridge

Tomba Sirena

Four de Py Bread Oven

Restoration of a cycle of frescoes by Lo Spagna (1518) at Gavelli church

Repair of a 19C bridge along a historical path from Azogyres to Anidri

The restoration of the Etruscan ‘Tomb of the Mermaid’ in Sovana

Restoration of an existing building to its original traditional character

Laikipia reforestation

Yew Forest Conservation

Tuixent Madonna

Santa Roma Church

Land afforestation project to reverse soil erosion and improve fertility

Conservation of the protected European Yew (Taxus baccata)

Restoration of a statuette of the Madonna (12C-13C), Tuixent

The conservation of this Romanesque church – an architectural gem

Damaraland Training Centre

La Madonna di Loreto

San Leolino

Geraci Roman Road

To refurbish the centre at Mai Go Hai and train local people as rangers

Restoration of La Madonna di Loreto church overlooking vineyards, La Morra

Restoration of the 15C polyptych by Mariotto di Nardo

Conservation of a section of Roman road between Gangi and Geraci

Umbria, Italy

Umbria, Italy

Umbria, Italy




Garrotxa, Spain

Piedmont, Italy

Czech Republic

Tuscany, Italy

Catalonia, Spain

Tuscany, Italy


Dordogne, France

Catalonia, Spain


+ (44) 01865 315 678:


ATG: 40 Years

40 Years Ago...

FASHIONS IN TRAVEL have continually changed over the past 40 years. In the 1980s many people booked their holidays six months or more in advance – Escorted group trips lasting from 10 days to three weeks with inclusive flights. Then in the 1990s independent (ATG Footloose) trips started to become popular – as ‘a la carte’ itineraries lasting 10-14 days – which in the new millennium became week-long and 5-day trips with set itineraries, and increasing numbers of people booking their flights independently.

ATG was founded on principles of Conservation and Sustainable Development. Why?

The only predictable feature of the Travel Industry seems to have been its unpredictability. Apart from economic uncertainties, there are too many variables influencing consumer choice – from media frenzy to exchange rate fluctuations; political shenanigans to civil unrest; technological innovations to Climate Change…. Clinging onto legacy (past performance) quickly becomes a liability, and failure to listen to clients presages failure itself. A business model without flexibility and resilience, the belief that volume of business can be decisively influenced by ‘marketing and price’; and success measured by brand recognition and market share, may prove delusory – as in the recent demise of industry giant Thomas Cook. In 1989 ATG adopted a business model based on quality, value, long-term development, adaptability and resilience. To deliver consistently improving Quality, numbers of people working with ATG are limited to a small, cohesive group that meets regularly to discuss and create policy for the future….

ATG founder and Managing Director Christopher Whinney had recently completed walking from London to Rome, inspired by the idea of sharing the experience of ‘journeys on foot’ as a travel product, entering a world in which objectives of commercial enterprise all-too-often seemed to conflict with best environmental practice. ‘Journeys on foot’, often in remote areas of natural beauty, would operate at a level directly involving the people of each area, their families and communities, their local economy and environment. Conservation and Sustainable Development seemed to be a good foundation.

40 Years On, neither Conservation nor Sustainable Development seem to have fared well in the world…! Degrading the planet seems to have gathered momentum, with loss of species and habitats, and increased pollution of land, sea and air, affecting the planet’s climate, threatening ‘Life on Earth’ as we know it. In terms of Sustainable Development, in addition to the ATG Trust projects, ATG itself has had some limited success – although largely by default! 40 years of ‘pioneering’ over 2,000 miles of walking routes through previously ‘unknown’ areas across Europe (‘corridors of conservation’ still kept clear and free of rubbish by ATG) has transformed some communities along the routes. ATG’s reputation for meticulous research and Quality has resulted in many of these routes becoming official ‘marked’ routes; whilst ‘new’ ATG destinations and the associated routes and hotels have been adopted by competitors – and individuals. Today the ATG website is busy – receiving hundreds of hits for every booking actually made through ATG! is a popular ‘Reference Site’!

ATG founder Christopher Whinney having walked to Rome – 1976.


See ‘Giving something back’ on page 2.

Find out more:

Too Hot for Walking? As the climate becomes progressively hotter and less predictable, many people are asking – ‘Will it be too hot for walking? ….What if…?’ The simple answer is: there is no simple answer, but eventualities that cannot be averted can, at least, be anticipated and managed.

What if…? As the delights of travel often involve experience of the new and unexpected, ATG’s preparation and planning, for every individual client’s trip, has always covered a range of certainties and uncertainties: certainty that they will experience the delights of ‘happening upon’ the best that each area has to offer; as well as anticipating experiences that, if not ‘managed’, could impact negatively on enjoyment of a trip, e.g. ramifications of Climate Change.

ATG Managers All ATG trips – whether independent ‘journeys on foot’ (Footloose), or Escorted trips in Europe are provided with an ATG-trained Manager and a vehicle. Escorted European trips also have an ATG Tour Leader, and Worldwide trips have a trained ATG Leader and a local Manager. Is it really necessary in the 21st century, to provide this level of service, contingency planning, and constant availability of Managers on every trip? The answer is a question: Is it responsible in the turbulent 21st century, on the cusp of ever greater uncertainties, NOT to provide this level of contingency planning and service?

Walking Routes ATG walking routes are offered/‘open’ only at optimum times of year – best for flowers, wildlife, swimming, and according to meteorological records – weather conditions.

ATG does not just research a single route between destinations. Many possible routes are explored and the best selected, resulting in the inclusion of options to suit a range of walking abilities and weathers: high routes with spectacular views, that may become impracticable in poor visibility – cloud-cover or blizzard; lower routes, possibly hotter in summer, but often including options of shady forest walks, places to swim in lakes, rivers and the sea; and, of course, ‘wet weather routes’, for when stream crossings are flooded. But even with these options, what if…there is a Climate Emergency?

How can the ATG Manager help? The Manager can: • Alert you to weather forecasts, and circumstances that may affect your trip • Provide you with the best ‘inside’ local information – about the area in which they live • Advise you about the route and walking options • Drive to provide ‘pick-ups’ and ‘drop-offs’ • Organise hotels to facilitate early breakfast for ‘sunrise’ starts in instances of very hot weather • Arrange to have your room ready early at the next hotel after an early start • If you decide to start/finish your walk in the cool of late afternoon – ensure that the hotel keeps your room (!), and that you will get dinner… • Make arrangements to ensure that you have sufficient water during your walk • Rescue you –if you have any problem • Assist with any medical issue or emergency (all ATG Managers have current First Aid certificates with particular focus on outdoor activity and weather-related issues) • ‘What-Ifs…?’ Relax and enjoy – ATG and its Managers are there to ensure the success of your holiday!

+ (44) 01865 315 678:


Believe it or Not? Media Frenzy? Fake News? Scientific Hypothesis or Fact? Whatever the explanation, the planet is getting hotter. Was 2003 a Climate Change wake-up call? – when a heatwave in Western Europe was responsible for the deaths of an estimated 35,000 people? Trains can ‘use 50% less fuel per passenger than planes for the same trips’, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. ‘Solo car travel is the biggest culprit when it comes to emissions, producing nearly twice that per passenger of trains and three to four times that of buses’. How much CO2 do cars emit? ‘Burning one gallon of gas creates 20 pounds of carbon dioxide, and the average car emits about six tons of carbon dioxide every year’.

CO2 emissions of a cruise ship are more than 1,000 times greater per hour than travel by train’. A recent German study indicates that the air pollution created by a 3,000-passenger cruise ship is equivalent to that of 1,000,000 cars. Conundrum ‘Why do two of the largest polluters on the planet get tax breaks? Aviation fuel is tax-exempt and marine diesel taxed at a lower rate? Are increases in the price of travel and food politically unacceptable?’ ‘Studies (2019) indicate that in the EU, where emissions have increased by 21% over the past three years, there are no insuperable legal barriers to prevent the introduction of a tax on aviation fuel, in line with taxes on fuel for other means of transport, and perhaps leading the way towards reciprocal worldwide action’.

How much pollution do trucks cause? ‘Travelling at 50mph a 3.5-7.5 tonne truck emits 560grams of CO2 per mile, a 15-20 tonne truck emits 934 grams of CO2 per mile and a 34-40 tonne truck emits 1,370 grams of CO2 per mile’. Does shipping pollute? ‘It has been estimated that just one mega-container ship can produce the same amount of pollution as 50 million cars. The emissions from 15 of these mega-ships match those from all the cars in the world. And if the shipping industry were a country, it would be ranked between Germany and Japan as the sixth-largest contributor to CO2 emissions’. What about cruise ships? The US EPA estimates that ‘a 3,000-person cruise ship generates 210,000 gallons of sewage weekly. In 2014 cruise ships dumped more than 1 billion gallons of untreated sewage into the ocean.

‘Melting Ice covering Antarctica, Greenland, and in mountain glaciers around the world, is predicted to raise sea levels by 70 meters (230 feet). The White House on Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC would be submerged under 40m/176ft of water, as well as vast, low-lying areas and many major cities’. Greenhouse Gases ‘Methane gas has 25 times the global warming potential of CO2, nitrous oxide 235 times, and sulphur hexafluoride 23,500 times…’ And whilst controversy rages, one thing is certain: ‘The best way to see a country is on foot’ – best for YOU, and not least, ‘best’ for the environment!


Find out more:

The Offset Principle Of course, it is best to simply not pollute or damage the planet at all, but given the status quo, ‘offset’ – effectively compensating for greenhouse gas emissions by funding projects, such as reforestation to absorb CO2 produced – provides an interim remedy in the transition period, pending a projected era of ‘zero carbon emissions’. Policy makers have shied away from mandatory ‘offset tariffs’ on the ‘carbon footprint’ of all goods and services – alarmed by the worldwide socio-economic ramifications. Nevertheless, action that is politically unacceptable to elected representatives remains available to individual citizens, and ‘offset’ (to neutralise ongoing degradation), together with informed consumer choice (to influence ‘production’), provide powerful means to influence the outcome of the Climate Emergency.

‘Green Procurement’, one of ATG’s founding policies, exemplifies the effects of ‘consumer choice’ – ensuring that locally sourced produce, goods and services are used, as well as ‘Sustainable Shopping’ information being provided to clients. This not only eliminates potential pollution from transport – by land, sea and air, but contributes sustainably to local economies. The problem, of course, is cost. Local, organically grown produce, for example, will almost certainly cost more than mass-scale production ‘in season’ from a different region or hemisphere. ATG believes that travel experience without commitment to enjoying local culture and traditions, whether those of the economy, heritage or cuisine, is a travesty!

What is ATG doing? For the past 20 years ATG has officially ‘offset’ all its carbon emissions. This, of course, includes all carbon emissions for which clients are directly or indirectly responsible when travelling with ATG. This practice forms part of the Company’s accredited Environmental Management System (EMS): ATG was the first in the Travel Industry to be accredited with ISO14001. When travelling with ATG you are ‘covered’ by recognised compliance with Environmental Best Practice.

Certificate Number 5739 ISO 14001

Flight Offset Calculator If you have booked your flight through ATG the ‘carbon offset’ contribution is included in the price. If, like most ATG clients, you have booked your flight independently and would be interested to know the cost of offsetting this, you can find ‘Flight Calculators’, and indeed calculators to ‘offset’ your entire way of life! For further information see and

+ (44) 01865 315 678:


Train Travel Option For travel to the start of many ATG trips, train travel is a viable option. From the UK – Eurostar +TGV/Italian Frecciarossa offer fast, comfortable, all-electric travel. ‘Breakfast in London, lunch in Paris, tea in the Alps and dinner in Milan’ is a reality, but same-day travel from the UK is also possible to Turin, Venice, Florence, Rome, Barcelona and all areas of France. There are 14 Eurostar departures from London to Paris each day, the first leaving London from St Pancras International Station at 05:25, arriving at Gare du Nord Paris at 08:50. (Note that there is a one hour time difference between London and Paris). Last train from London to Paris leaves St Pancras at 20:05, arriving at 23:26. Average Journey time: 2 hours 16 minutes.

High-Speed Trains to central Italy The quickest journey from Paris to Rome is via two high-speed trains – TGV trains, which travel at speeds of up to 320 km/h, and Frecciarossa trains (up to 350 km/h). The fastest journey time from Paris to Rome by train is 10 hours and 14 minutes. The average travel time between Paris and Florence is 10 hours 43 minutes. The quickest route is 9 hours 21 minutes. The first train leaving Paris is at 06:41, the last at 19:59. There is an average of 5 trains a day between Paris and Florence, leaving approximately every 2 hours 24 minutes.

Crossing Paris takes about 15 minutes on the metro (€1.90.) or via taxi 20-40 minutes (depending on traffic).

Overnight Trains The advent of high-speed trains in Europe may have undermined the raison d’être of ‘sleeper’ trains. You can take an overnight train from Paris to Rome in 14 hours 25 minutes.

TGV from Paris Avignon

ATG Trips

2.5 – 4.5

Provence: Vaucluse & the Luberon



Classic Dordogne, Lot & Dordogne



Barolo & the Langhe Hills



Hills of Girona





Tuscan routes


Umbria/Lazio routes




Enthusiasts, however, whilst extolling the advantages of overnight train journeys, regard these as ‘part of the adventure of travel’, and emphasise the importance of lowering expectations, and having a positive attitude. Unless you are travelling by the Orient Express, expect (refurbished) carriages dating from the 1970s, the restaurant to have plastic cutlery and paper plates, and be delighted if your microwaved meal-choice is still available, that the wine and coffee are drinkable, the air-conditioning functioning and the train arrives almost on time. Couchettes for 4 and 6 people are available as well as 2-and 3-berth sleeper cabins – as well as a few ‘premium’ (book early) sleeper berths with shower (that may work) and toilet. Which thing having been said, many people would not travel any other way!

Find out more:

Getting There...


Clients travel to join ATG trips, both Independent and Escorted, from countless places around the world, at the starting point of their ATG trip.

Today, few countries visited by ATG outside Europe have evaded ‘official’ negative scrutiny, and although ‘salient incidents’ may be hundreds, even thousands of miles from areas visited by ATG, government ‘Advice to Travellers’ prevails, often invalidating insurance.

Meeting Flights Many clients like the certainty of being met on arrival at the airport – for an onward transfer to the first hotel. On Escorted trips an airport meeting time is specified for a group transfer to the first hotel. As part of our service ATG is also pleased to make taxi bookings on request, with reliable taxis based in the area of the ‘first hotel’. ATG has no contracted or financial involvement in these transactions, and clients pay the taxi driver direct. In the event of a flight cancellation or delay, just call the ATG 24-hour emergency number, and don’t worry –we will liaise with your Route Manager, Tour Manager or taxi driver as required.

As our screens are filled with media representations of wars, famines, pandemics, natural disasters, terrorist atrocities, political shenanigans and delinquency, one thing is certain: with the additional pressures of Climate Change, if there is a trip in Europe or elsewhere that you might enjoy, there probably will not be a better time in the foreseeable future – so GO NOW!

ATG Post-Brexit? Clients, concerned that ATG operates extensively within the EU, have asked if their trips will be affected by on-going political shenanigans. The answer is that irrespective of the Brexit outcome, ATG clients' holidays will continue unaffected, fully compliant with EU regulations and secured under ATG's licensing with ABTOT and ATOL. See 'Financial Security' on page 11.


Information provided by ATG includes details of travel options to the start of each trip (the ‘first hotel’ specified in each itinerary). There is also a range of information online about public transport and shuttle services from airports; as well as approximate cost of taxis booked through ATG (see below).


Trip Grades Walk as much or as little as you like. What distinguishes all ATG walking trips is that you can walk as much or as little as you like. Escorted trips are accompanied by a trained ATG Tour Leader and Tour Manager dedicated to the specific trip – with transport – so that participants have a range of walking options. Each Independent Footloose trip is managed by a Route Manager local to the area, who transports your luggage each day – and is there to help! They are always on call and will meet you at the start of the trip, so you can discuss the easier/tougher options in the Route Book.

ATG’s service, support and experience are unique.

Grades Trips are allocated Grades 1-4 according to terrain and length of walk. The Fitness Quiz (right) may help you determine which Grade of trip is right for you. Grades '+’: A grade followed by a ‘+’ sign indicates that it is a slightly higher grade than – say 2, but not as tough as 3. Grades 'range': Grades indicated as – say 2-3 – mean predominantly Grade 2 walks, with the option of Grade 3 walks on one or more days.



Grade 1: Gentle terrain, walking along good paths, tracks and quiet lanes, with a few short, usually gentle, ascents/descents (Fitness Quiz score 10+)


Grade 2: Walking along well-established paths and tracks. Occasional loose (gravel) surfaces, and open meadows. Ascents/descents up to 1 hour (Fitness Quiz score 20+)


Grade 3: Walking along a variety of paths, some stony in places, with ascents/descents of 1 to 2 hours (Fitness Quiz score 30+)


Grade 4: Walking along a variety of paths and surfaces, occasionally challenging, with ascents/descents of 2-3 hours (Fitness Quiz score 40+).

Fitness Quiz: how fit are you? To assess your level of fitness in relation to the various trips, you may find it helpful to complete this quiz: 1. When you hurry/run to answer the doorbell are you... a) Able to carry on a normal conversation. b)Slightly out of breath, but able to speak normally. c) Pausing between phrases to ‘catch your breath’. d)You never hurry/run to answer the doorbell. 2. Do you... a) Run, or bound upstairs. b)Walk quickly/easily upstairs. c) Walk slowly/steadily upstairs. d)Take the lift/elevator. 3. When travelling, without time constraints, in your nearest city or town do you... a) Walk whenever possible. b)Use public transport and walk. c) Drive, circling until you find a parking place close to your destination, then walk. d)Take a taxi door to door. 4. Do you enjoy walking/cycling...

5. After 15 minutes of fast walking to catch the last train, how long does it take to ‘get your breath back’ and for your heart to stop pounding? a) 1 minute. b)2 minutes. c) 4 minutes. d)You would rather miss the last train than hurry to catch it. 6. Do you enjoy the challenge of walking/cycling (slowly) uphill... a) For 3 hours. b)For 2 hours. c) For 1 hour. d)You avoid walking uphill whenever possible. 7. After prolonged physical exertion (say a 10 mile walk, a 15 mile cycle ride, or the equivalent) do you feel... a) Ready to enjoy other/social activity. b)Ready for a nap. c) In need of a day or two to recover. d)Determined never to repeat the experience.

a) More than 10 miles a day. b)5–10 miles a day. c) 1–4 miles a day. d)You never walk unless you have to. To Score: a) = 9 b) = 6 c) = 3 d) = 0 Your total score will give an indication of the trips that might suit you best.

Find out more:

Making a Booking Book online

Further Information

11th Trip Policy

Payment Prices are shown on our website in UK£ and US$. We accept payment in either currency, however you may not switch between currencies for deposit and final payment. Your booking will be secured on payment of a deposit of 10% of the trip price. The final balance is due 60 days prior to departure. When a booking is made within 60 days of departure, a reservation is secured upon receipt of the total holiday cost.

In recognition of client loyalty, we are delighted to offer the opportunity to take your 11th trip free. ATG’s contribution to your 11th trip is determined by calculating the current monetary land cost value of each of the 10 trips taken using the Retail Price Index, adding the totals together, and dividing by 10 to find the average. This amount (average expenditure on 10 trips at current monetary value) can be put towards any trip. Depending on which trip you choose, this may give you a free trip. If you choose a less expensive trip, the balance will be carried forward to your 12th trip. If you choose a more expensive one, you will be charged the difference in price.

• Check availability • Book your trip online • Find out more.... Call From UK: 01865 315678 From overseas: +44 1865 315678

• Talk to someone who knows the trip • Find out about availability • Make a booking • Request a copy of this brochure for •

friends. Copies will be despatched within 24 hours, and usually take 3 days to arrive within the UK and 7–10 days worldwide. Our brochure request line is: From UK: 01865 315606 From overseas: +44 1865 315606


• For all enquiries and information or to request a booking form.

• We will reply within 24 hours

Protection Please note that ATG ‘buys forward’ its anticipated foreign currency requirements in advance, so that the price of your trip is guaranteed against normal currency fluctuations. If, subsequently, the rates improve we don’t benefit, but if the rates fall the price of your holiday is protected. Insurance Please note that insurance is a condition of booking. We strongly recommend that you take out insurance independently as soon as your booking is confirmed. ATG does not provide insurance cover.

274 Banbury Road Oxford OX2 7DY, England

Privacy Policy ATG regards its client data as confidential and as such does not disclose information about its clients to third parties except to those directly connected with ATG’s business.

Your letter will be answered promptly.

The Perfect Gift?

Write to us

Come and see us in Oxford We will be delighted to welcome you, and answer any questions that you may have.

Please note that the 11th trip policy refers to published itineraries only – any extras, such as flights, extension hotels or Double For Single occupancy are not included. Every year we are very pleased to welcome many people on their 11th trip – several clients have taken their 33rd trip!

Customer Service If you have any concerns relating to the processing of your booking, or anything relating to your ATG holiday (either pre- or post-), please call our Quality Control Manager, who will welcome your call in confidence. +44 (0) 1865 315 678.

ATG Gift Vouchers are available now, and make the perfect gift for your friends or family, to put towards an ATG holiday of their choice. Please contact our Reservations Team for more information.

Financial Security 1. Non-flight packages;

You can access The Package Travel and Linked Travel

2. Flight-inclusive packages that commence

Arrangements made

principal under the ABTOT ATOL Franchise. ABTOT cover provides for a refund in the event you have

The Association of Bonded Travel Organisers Trust Limited (ABTOT) provides financial protection under its ATOL Franchise and The Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018 for Alternative

All the flights and flight-inclusive holidays [in this brochure] [on this website] are financially protected either by ABTOT or the ATOL scheme. When you pay for something protected by the ATOL scheme you will be

not yet travelled or repatriation if you are abroad. Please

supplied with an ATOL Certificate. Please ask for it and

note that bookings made by customers outside the EEA

check to ensure that everything you booked (flights,

are only protected by ABTOT when purchased directly

hotels and other services) is listed on it. Please see our

with Alternative Travel Group Ltd.

booking conditions for further information or for more

Travel Group Ltd (ABTOT number 5181, ATOL number

In the unlikely event that you require assistance whilst

2618) and in the event of their insolvency, protection is

abroad due to our financial failure, please call ABTOT’s

provided for the following:


customers outside of the EEA; and linked travel arrangements (LTAs) sold as a

licences and two bonds.


3. Flight-inclusive packages, flight-only and

ATG Oxford is a fully bonded tour operator, with two


outside of the EEA, which are sold to

information about financial protection and the ATOL Certificate go to:

24/7 helpline on 01702 811397 and advise you are a customer of an ABTOT-protected travel company.

+ (44) 01865 315 678:


Independent Footloose News Unknown Tuscany, one of ATG’s most unusual ‘Journeys on foot’, with its unique vie cave (3,000-year-old sunken lanes) and small, crag-top towns, offers many delightful shaded paths – for summer walking, fine views, a boat trip across Lake Bolsena, and has some accommodation upgrades.

Amalfi Coast  Offer Many hotels on the Amalfi Coast have taken advantage of the area’s increased popularity by raising their prices – which are reflected at cost in the ATG trip prices. Availability on this route is extremely limited. Please book early. Clients on the 8-day Superior route are offered a FREE extra (third) night at the idyllic 4H Hotel Palazzo Murat in Positano.

Picturesque, crag-top Pitigliano

Paths of Peneda, introduced in 2019, has delighted Footloose clients with the rare experience of walking in splendid granite landscapes through a little-known region.

A free extra night on 8-day Superior route

Riviera & Portofino. A short distance from the Footloose route between Santa Margherita Ligure and Portofino, are the Renaissancestyle gardens of La Cervara in the abbey complex of San Girolamo, now reopened after restoration. Visits: first and third Sunday mornings of each month, March to October.

Wide views over granite landscapes

Umbria & Spoleto This outstanding walking trip (the one most repeated!) is back! The area is renowned for its flowers, at their best from midMay through June and July, and wonderful Umbrian cuisine.


Enchanting, Renaissance-style gardens at 14C abbey

Travel to Footloose in France There are fast trains to Strasbourg for Classic Alsace, and to Avignon for Provence: Vaucluse & the Luberon – both with short onward transfers. For Classic Dordogne the TGV from Paris to Bordeaux takes 2 hours, then onward trains to Sarlat 2.5 hours.

The Piano Grande, a vast flower-filled plain


Find out more:

01 May to 31 Jul; 01 Sep to 31 Oct

Paths of Peneda (8/5 days)

+ (44) 01865 315 678: 20 Apr to 30 Jun; 01 Sep to 15 Oct

Sicily: From the Centre to the Sea (8 days)

• •

• • • *£1,135

£280 £154 £427 £288







3 – 3+






3 3–4







• £168





£1,015 £196



£1,190 £161







£660 £445

£100 £413 £1,265

• •

• £273


£104 £420











• •




















£182 £715


£357 £985


£510 £400

£1,035 £210

£567 £1,390



• £636















£360 •



5-day Superior





*On this trip the longer route is 7 days

• ~ On this trip the shorter route is 6 days • DFS = Double room for single traveller supplement • * G = Trip grade (see p.10 for info) – Freewheeling (cycling) itinerary available. See website for itineraries and prices.

01 Apr to 30 Jun; 01 Sep to 30 Nov

01 May to 15 Oct

Unknown Umbria & Spoleto (8/5 days)

High Gargano (8 days)

13 Apr to 15 Nov

High Paths to Assisi (8 days)

01 Apr to 30 Jun; 01 Sep to 30 Nov

13 Apr to 15 Nov

Umbria & Assisi (8/5 days)

Gargano Peninsula (8 days)

01 Apr to 30 Nov

Southern Lakes (8 days)

17 Apr to 30 Jun; 01 Sep to 06 Oct

01 Apr to 31 Oct

Roman Roads to Orvieto (8/5 days)

Amalfi Coast (8/5 days)

01 Apr to 31 Oct

Unknown Tuscany & Orvieto (8/5 days) 2

18 Apr to 31 Oct

Southern Tuscany (8/5 days) £785


3 – 3+

16 Apr to 31 Oct

Siena to Florence (8 days)




15 Mar to 31 Oct

*Tuscany & Siena (7/5 days)




01 Apr to 31 Oct

Approach to Rome (8 days)




3 3–4




01 Apr to 31 Oct





Ancient Volcanic Landscapes (8 days)




3 – 3+

01 Apr to 31 Oct






Tuscan Hills (8 days)



2+ – 4

13 Apr to 15 Oct

10 Apr to 30 Jun; 01 Sep to 31 Oct

Cinque Terre (8/5 days)









2–3 £1,035







5-day Standard




£522 £133




£845 *£1,150









Montefeltro & Urbino (8 days)

01 Apr to 30 Jun; 01 Sep to 31 Oct

~Riviera & Portofino (8/6 days)

01 Apr to 30 Nov

01 Mar to 30 Jun; 01 Sep to 31 Oct

Sintra & the Portuguese Coast (8 days)

Barolo & the Langhe Hills (8/5 days)

01 Mar to 30 Jun; 01 Sep to 31 Oct

Hills of Girona (8/5 days)

02 Mar to 30 Jun; 01 Sep to 16 Nov

*Provence: Vaucluse & the Luberon (7/5 days)

01 May to 30 Jun; 01 Sep to 31 Oct


01 Apr to 31 Jul; 01 Sep to 14 Nov

Lot & Dordogne Valley (8 days)

Alto Teruel (8 days)

2 – 2+

12 Mar to 31 Jul; 01 Sep to 29 Oct

Classic Dordogne (8/5 days)



2+ – 4

01 Apr to 14 Oct

Classic Alsace (8/5 days)

8-day Superior





01 Apr to 31 Oct

The Scottish Borders (8/5 days)

8-day Standard


Route Dates


Dates, Grades & Prices 2020


Escorted Trip News Via Francigena 990

new trip

This trip offers outstanding walking (one client repeated this trip 7 times), wonderful views across idyllic landscapes, flower-filled pastures with many orchids – and some excellent dinners (including 3 nights Michelin H) …


Following sections of the earliest recorded route of the Via Francigena, the early medieval ‘main road to Rome’…from Rome, to the earliest and best-preserved overnight stop –ATG’s Pieve a Castello…! See Pieve a Castello brochure page 19.

Unknown Umbria

Outstanding walking across idyllic landscapes

Why Northern Portugal? The answer, apart from its delightful people, outstanding walking and many unique features is – climate.

Flowers ATG offers trips in some of Europe’s most outstanding areas for wild flowers. The best spots include profusion as well as a variety of rare and unique species, variance and hybridisation. Best trips for flowers: Flowers of Umbria, Flowers of the Gargano, Unknown Sardinia, Unknown Umbria, High Paths to Assisi, Lake Garda & the Brenta Dolomites.

The northwest region of Portugal has weather ideally suited to resist the unpredictable excesses of climate change. The area, noted for micro-climates, and picturesque granite landscapes, is influenced by three weather systems – Atlantic, Mediterranean and Continental. As a result, temperatures moderated by Atlantic air provide mild winters, when there is the most rainfall, and summers with average temperatures between 15°-24°C – warm with cooling breezes: conditions perfect for walking.

The Piano Grande, Umbria: carpeted with flowers in late spring

Idyllically situated Pieve a Castello, on the Via Francigena

High Tiber & Lake Trasimeno (a development of ATG’s ‘Piero della Francesca’) offers some excellent walking, good hotels and restaurants, delightful medieval towns, a boat trip on Lake Trasimeno – and outstanding Art!

Granite, 18C granaries dotting a picturesque landscape

See Escorted trips Via Nova & the Camino Real and Vintage Ways to Porto; and Independent Footloose Paths of Peneda. (See also Too Hot for Walking? Page 5). 14

Excellent walking with wide views over Lake Trasimeno

Find out more:

Dates & Prices 2020 Trip






Secret Venice

March 6-10





Flowers of the Gargano

April 22-29





Vintage Ways to Porto

April 22-29





Via Nova & the Camino Real

April 29-May 6


2 + – 3+



Barolo & the Langhe Hills

April 29-May 6




Siena, Chianti & Florence

May 6-13


3 – 3+



Unknown Catalunya

May 9-16





Via Francigena 990 NEW

May 15-22





Southern Lakes

May 16-23





High Paths to Assisi

May 23-30





Camino de Santiago

May 31-June 14





Flowers of Umbria

May 31-June 7





Unknown Umbria

June 7-14





Via Nova & the Camino Real

June 17-24


2+ – 3+



Lake Garda & the Brenta Dolomites

June 28-July 5





Discovering Ladakh

September 5-18





High Tiber & Lake Trasimeno

September 6-13





Sicily: From the Centre to the Sea

September 13-20





Via Francigena 990 NEW

September 18-25





Best of Western Sicily

September 20-27





Barolo & the Langhe Hills

September 23-30





Best of Eastern Sicily

Sept 27-Oct 3





Gargano Peninsula

October 6-13





Via Nova & the Camino Real

October 7-14


2+ – 3+



Unknown Sardinia

October 8-15





Mallorca: Mountains & Sea

October 16-23


4 – 4+



Discovering Oman

November 6-18





Secret Venice

November 6-10





Discovering Chile

Nov 17-Dec 2





Discovering Oman

January 8-20





Discovering Hills of Southwest India

January 13-28





Discovering Sri Lanka

Jan 30-Feb 12







DFS = Double-room-for-single-traveller supplement • See page 10 for ‘grades’ information

+ (44) 01865 315 678:


Pieve a Castello News new trip

Timeless Tuscany

Mornings spent painting Tuscan landscapes, afternoons free at Pieve a Castello, with optional walks or excursions…led by landscape painter David Walsh.

The exponential increase in city tourism during the increasingly hot, frenzied ‘Summer Season’ make Winter, with clear, sunny days and crisp, star-filled nights, the perfect time for visiting Tuscany’s iconic, medieval and Renaissance towns and cities, containing 60% of the greatest works of Art in the Western World – and all within 35 miles of Pieve a Castello…!


Painting Tuscany

Tour Leader David Walsh

new trip

Starting in Rome, this trip visits the ‘world’s most romantic garden’ – Ninfa, before heading North to visit a cluster of ‘gems’ including the Villa Farnese at Caprarola, the Villa Vignanello/ Castello Ruspoli, the Villa Lante…before arriving at Pieve a Castello.

Walking & Eating Through History

This trip has been included by popular demand to take advantage of the skills of Pieve a Castello’s excellent chef! Each day, versatility of the area enables you to visit outstanding local features related to eras of history from Palaeolithic times to the present day, and in the evening enjoy dinner with ingredients available during those times.

The romantic gardens of Ninfa

Tuscan Gardens The trip now includes two gardens designed by Geoffrey Scott and Cecil Pinsent: Iris Origo’s La Foce near Montepulciano, and Le Balze at Fiesole, north of Florence. 16

new trip


Italian Gardens

Tuscany ‘out of season’

Pieve’s excellent chef!

Find out more:

2020 March 24-31 Timeless Tuscany 31-7 Apr  Walking, Language & Libretto April 7-14 As You Like It - 2 14-21 As You Like It - 3 21-28 Great Walks! 28-5 May  Tuscan Gardens May 5-12 12-19 15-22 19-26 26-2 Jun

As You Like It - 1 As You Like It - 1 Via Francigena 990 Italian Gardens Painting Tuscany

June 2-9  9-16 16-23 27-4 Jul

Painting Tuscany As You Like It - 1 As You Like It - 2 Siena & the Palio

July 4-11 11-18

As You Like It - 2 As You Like It - 3

September 1-8 As You Like It - 3 8-15 As You Like It - 2 15-22 Tuscan Gardens 18-25 Via Francigena 990 22-29 Italian Gardens 29-6 Oct    As You Like It - 1 October 6-13 Painting Tuscany 13-20 As You Like It - 3 20-27 Walking & Eating    Through History 27-3 Nov   Timeless Tuscany November 3-10 Walking, Language & Libretto 10-17 Walking & Eating    Through History 17-24 Timeless Tuscany December 22-29 Timeless Tuscany 29-5 Jan     Timeless Tuscany

March 24 Timeless Tuscany: £2,395 (2)* £2,395 Language 31 Walking, & Libretto: (2-3) £2,695 £2,695 April £2,495 (1-2) 7 Pieve: As You Like £2,495 (1-2) It £2,495 (3) £2,795 2: (1) - Itinerary £2,495 14 Pieve: As You Like It (1-2) £2,645 (1-2) - Itinerary £2,645 3: (3) £2,645 £2,495 (1) £2,795 21 Great Walks!: (1-2) £2,645 £2,495 28 Tuscan Gardens: £2,795 (1-2) £2,645 (1-2) May £2,645 (1-2) £2,645 5 Pieve: As You Like (1-2) £3,775 It (1-2) (1-2)

£2,645 £2,645

(1-2) (1-2) (1) (3) (1) (1-2)

£2,645 £2,645 £2,795 £2,645 £2,795 £2,645

(1-2) (1-2)

£2,645 £2,495

(2) (2)

£2,395 £2,395



(2) (2)

£2,395 £1,995

(2) (2)

£2,695 £2,695

*Numbers in brackets refer to trip grade (for ‘grades’ information see page 10) Double-for-single supplement: £375

+ (44) 01865 315 678:


Booking Conditions 2020 All bookings are made and accepted in accordance with the terms set out in these conditions. ATG Oxford is a trading name for Alternative Travel Group Ltd. Booking Conditions Unless otherwise stated In these booking conditions, “you” and “your” means all persons named on your booking (including anyone who is added or substituted at a later date) or any of them as the context requires. “We”, “us” and “our” means ATG Oxford. Making your booking Please telephone or e-mail us or check our website to confirm availability on your chosen trip. To secure a reservation a deposit of 10% of the current trip price, published on our website at the time of booking, is required for each person travelling. A binding contract between us comes into existence on receipt of the deposit. Where a deposit is received by credit or debit card, the final balance, when due, will be charged to this card unless you otherwise notify us. The balance is due 60 days before departure. When a booking is made within 60 days before departure, the total holiday cost must be paid at the time of booking. If we do not receive all payments due in full and on time, we are entitled to assume that you wish to your booking. In this case, we will be entitled to keep all deposits paid or payments due at that date. Please check our confirmation invoice as soon as you receive it. Contact us immediately if any information which appears on the invoice or any other document is incorrect or incomplete as it may not be possible to make changes later. We regret we cannot accept any liability if we are not notified of any inaccuracies (for which we are responsible) in any document within ten days of our sending it out (five days for tickets). We will do our best to rectify any mistake notified to us outside these time limits but you must meet any costs involved in doing so. If you alter your booking If you wish to make any alteration to your booking after it has been confirmed by us, we will do our best to accommodate your request, which must be specified in writing. An amendment fee of £50/US$75 per alteration per person will be made to cover the necessary administration costs incurred. All changes are subject to availability, and if we are able to make the change, you will be liable to pay any costs which result, for example, any amendment or cancellation charges imposed by any relevant supplier. Some suppliers, for example, may treat a change of name as a cancellation and subsequent rebooking. Airlines usually do so after tickets have been issued. For any change of trip or trip date less than 61 days prior to departure, cancellation charges will apply (see ‘If you cancel your booking’…). We should emphasise that we cannot accept liability for any loss, damage or additional expense incurred by you as a result of choosing to make any change. If you transfer your booking to another person If you are unavoidably prevented from travelling, you may transfer your place on the booking to another person, provided that this is done 28 days or more before departure. The person to whom the trip place is transferred must meet any conditions which apply to it. The right to transfer is subject to payment of an administration fee of £30/$60 per person, together with all additional charges of whatever sort imposed by suppliers providing the component parts of the trip. Any overdue balance payment must also be received. For flight inclusive bookings, you must pay the charges levied by the airline concerned. As most airlines do not permit name changes after tickets have been issued for any reason, these charges are likely to be the full cost of the flight at the then applicable price as the airline will treat the original booking as cancelled and levy 100% cancellation charges. If you cancel your booking Cancellation of booking will become effective upon receipt of written notification from you, and the following cancellation charges will be due: Up to 61 days before departure: deposit only. Cancellation 60-43 days before departure: 50% of the invoice total. Cancellation 42-29 days before departure: 70% of the invoice total. Cancellation 28-15 days before departure: 90% of the invoice total. Cancellation 14 days or less before, or after departure: 100% of invoice total. The above cancellation charges apply to the land cost only. If air tickets have been issued, you will have to pay the full cost of those flights in addition. Any previously incurred amendment charges are non-refundable. If the reason for the cancellation of your holiday falls within the terms of your insurance policy, then any such charges (less any applicable excess) may be refunded to you by your insurance company. If you cancel your booking no refund will be issued in the event of the cancelled places subsequently being filled. Cancelled bookings do not count towards the ‘11th Trip Free’. If we alter or cancel your booking We start planning the holidays we offer long in advance. Occasionally, we have to update information on our website or in printed publications both before and after bookings have been confirmed. Whilst we always endeavour to avoid changes and cancellations, we must reserve the right to do so. If we have to alter your trip before departure, any alteration will either be significant or minor. Where an alteration is minor, we will, if practicable, advise you before departure, but we are not obliged to do so, pay you compensation or allow you to cancel or transfer to another holiday without paying our normal charges. A minor alteration is any alteration apart from a significant alteration. A significant change is a change made before departure which, taking account of the information you give us at the time of booking


and which we can reasonably be expected to know as a tour operator, we can reasonably expect to have a major effect on your holiday. Significant changes are likely to include the following changes when made before departure: a rescheduling of more than 15% of a current published itinerary, a change of accommodation to that of a lower official classification or standard for the whole or a major part of your ATG holiday or a change of accommodation area for the whole or a major part of your ATG holiday. If we have to make a significant change or cancel, we will tell you as soon as reasonably possible. If there is time to do so before departure, we will offer you the choice of the following options:(a) Accepting the changed arrangements or (b) Purchasing an alternative holiday from us, of a similar standard to that originally booked if available. We will endeavour to offer you an alternative of equivalent or higher standard for which you will not be asked to pay any more than the price of the original holiday. If this holiday is in fact of a lower price than the original one, we will refund the price difference. If you do not wish to accept the holiday we specifically offer you, you may choose any of our other then available holidays. You must pay the applicable price of any such holiday. This will mean your paying more if it is more expensive or receiving a refund if it is lower priced or (c) Cancelling or accepting the cancellation, in which case you will receive a full and quick refund of all monies you have paid to us (other than any previously incurred amendment or travel charges). If we have to make a significant change or cancel after departure we will, where appropriate, pay you reasonable compensation depending on the nature and extent of the significant change and the circumstances, subject to the following exceptions. Compensation will not be payable and no liability beyond offering the above mentioned choices can be accepted where we are forced to make a change or cancel as a result of unusual and unforeseeable circumstances beyond our control, the consequences of which we could not have avoided even with all due care. No compensation will be payable and the above options will not be available if we cancel your booking as a result of your failure to comply with any requirement of these booking conditions entitling us to cancel (such as paying on time).

by some itineraries make it inevitable that the character, and sometimes the standard, of accommodation may vary from place to place, that, in some areas, hotels may be of a generally lower standard in relation to their ‘star ratings’, and that, as hotels may change ownership and management, new hotels open or are refurbished, so ATG reserves the right to offer hotels of an equivalent or higher standard to those specified in itineraries. Suppliers’ Conditions Suppliers such as accommodation and transport providers have their own booking conditions or conditions of carriage and you will be bound by these so far as the relevant supplier is concerned. Some of these conditions may limit or exclude liability on the part of the relevant supplier sometimes in accordance with international convention. Where relevant, copies of such conditions may be available for inspection at the offices of the relevant supplier. Flights All flights we arrange are subject to the airline’s conditions of carriage which limit and exclude the airline’s liabilities in accordance with international convention / EU regulation. For those who have requested reservations with ATG inclusive of return scheduled flights from the UK, in the event of airlines changing or withdrawing their schedules or services, we will make every effort to arrange suitable alternative flights as close as possible to those advertised. The flight timings shown in our pre-trip information are for guidance only and are subject to alteration and confirmation. Flight timings are outside our control. They are set by airlines and are subject to various factors including air traffic control restrictions, weather conditions, potential technical problems and the ability of passengers to check in on time. Specific information relating to departure and travel arrangements will be sent with your air or other travel tickets approximately 2 weeks before departure. You must accordingly check your tickets very carefully immediately on receipt to ensure you have the correct flight times. It is possible that flight times may be changed even after tickets have been despatched - we will contact you as soon as possible if this occurs.

When you have been advised of an alteration prior to departure, and elect to continue with the trip, this will be deemed to be acceptance of the change(s) and, apart from any compensation offered prior to departure, no further compensation will be paid. ATG reserves the right to change any aspect of any itinerary prior to or after departure in the interests of clients’ safety, wellbeing, comfort or the successful operation of the trip in altered circumstances, or in the light of UK Foreign Office or/and US State Department advice. Payment of compensation, if appropriate, will be limited to any overall cost saving to ATG Oxford, generated by necessary changes made in the interests of clients.

Any change in the identity of the carrier, flight timings, and/or aircraft type (if advised) will not entitle you to cancel or change to other arrangements without paying our normal charges except where specified in these conditions.

Very rarely, we may be forced by force majeure (see below) to change or terminate your holiday immediately prior to, or during, your holiday/scheduled time away. This is extremely unlikely but if this situation does occur, we regret we will be unable to make any refunds (unless we obtain any refunds from our suppliers), pay you any compensation or meet any costs or expenses you incur as a result.

Price of the trip Prices of ATG trips and services are those currently published on our website ( at the time of booking. We reserve the right to change and correct errors in any of the prices, services or other particulars at any time before we enter into a contract with you. If there is any change or error of which we are then aware, we will notify you before we enter into a contract with you.

Escorted Groups’ Guarantee The maximum number of participants on a trip is 16, and the average number of participants on a scheduled ATG Escorted trip is 12. Numbers may fluctuate throughout the booking period as clients ‘sign up’, transfer and occasionally cancel their reservations as late as the day of a trip’s departure. If, at any time after 30 days before the trip's departure, group numbers fall to less than six, we will make every effort to contact you and offer you the options of (a) Continuing with your participation in the trip with reduced numbers or (b) Transferring your reservation to an alternative ATG holiday from us of equivalent or higher standard for which you will not be asked to pay any more than the price of the original holiday. If this holiday is in fact of a lower price than the original one, we will refund the price difference. If you do not wish to accept the holiday we specifically offer you, you may choose any of our other then available holidays. You must pay the applicable price of any such holiday. This will mean your paying more if it is more expensive or receiving a refund if it is lower priced or (c) Cancelling or accepting the cancellation in which case you will receive a full and quick refund of all monies you have paid to us (other than any previously incurred amendment or travel charges). Force Majeure Except where otherwise expressly stated in these booking conditions, we regret we cannot accept liability or pay any compensation where the performance or prompt performance of our obligations under our contract with you is prevented or affected by force majeure or you otherwise suffer any damage, loss or expense of any nature as a result of force majeure. In these booking conditions, force majeure means any event which we or the supplier of the service(s) in question could not, even with all due care, foresee or avoid. Such events may include, whether actual or threatened, war, riot, civil strife, terrorist activity, industrial dispute, natural or nuclear disaster, epidemics / pandemics, adverse weather conditions, fire, UK Foreign Office / US State Department advice against travel and all similar events outside our control / the control of the supplier concerned. Accommodation The cost of each trip is based upon accommodation in twinbedded or double rooms. Double rooms for single occupancy, booked on payment of a nominal fee, may sometimes be smaller than double rooms normally allocated to two people. All room types are subject to availability. The nature of accommodation on each trip is described in individual itineraries. Reservations are accepted on the understanding that, whilst each hotel is usually one of the most characteristic, comfortable and best located for travellers on foot, you are fully aware that limitations imposed

In accordance with EU Directive (EC) No 2111/2005 Article 9, we are required to bring to your attention the existence of a “list” which contains details of air carriers who are subject to an operating ban within the EU. The list is available for inspection at

Once the price of your chosen holiday has been confirmed at the time of booking, we will only increase or decrease it in the following circumstances. A surcharge or refund (as applicable) will be payable, subject to the conditions set out in this clause, in the event of any change in our transportation costs or in dues, taxes or fees payable for services such as landing taxes or embarkation or disembarkation fees at ports or airports or in the exchange rates which have been used to calculate the cost of your holiday. Even in the above cases, only if the amount of any increase in our costs exceeds 2% of the total cost of your holiday (excluding any amendment charges) will we levy a surcharge. If any surcharge is greater than 10% of the cost of your holiday (excluding any amendment charges), you will be entitled to cancel your booking and receive a full refund of all monies you have paid to us (except for any amendment charges) or alternatively purchase another holiday from us as referred to in “If we alter or cancel your booking”. Where applicable, you have 14 days from the issue date printed on the surcharge invoice to tell us if you want to cancel or purchase another holiday. If you do not tell us that you wish to choose either of these options within this period of time, we are entitled to assume that you will pay the surcharge. Any surcharge must be paid with the balance of the cost of the holiday or within 14 days of the issue date printed on the surcharge invoice, whichever is the later. We promise not to levy a surcharge within 30 days of departure. No refund will be payable during this period either. Holiday costs are based on the rates at which ATG Oxford has bought forward currency to stabilise the cost of trips in the event of fluctuations in exchange rates. Health and Fitness Bookings are accepted on the understanding that all persons travelling are normally in good health and physically equal to the minimum demands of the chosen trip. If this is in doubt the Booking Form must be accompanied by a doctor's certificate stating that you, or member of your party, are selfreliant, do not have reduced mobility (can walk at least 1500m) and that it is entirely safe for you to go on the particular holiday you have chosen. ATG reserves the right to decline to accept any persons not equal to the minimum demands of a trip where their continued participation adversely affects the enjoyment of other clients on the holiday. In such a situation we will have no further responsibility toward you including any return travel arrangements. No refunds will be made and we will not pay any expenses or costs incurred as a result of the termination.

Find out more:

Special requests and medical conditions / disabilities If you have any special request, you must advise us at the time of booking. Although we will endeavour to pass any reasonable requests on to the relevant supplier, we regret we cannot guarantee any request will be met. Failure to meet any special request will not be a breach of contract on our part. Confirmation that a special request has been noted or passed on to the supplier or the inclusion of the special request on your confirmation invoice or any other documentation is not confirmation that the request will be met. Unless and until specifically confirmed, all special requests are subject to availability. For your own protection, you should obtain confirmation in writing that a special request will be complied with (where it is possible to give this) where it is important to you. We regret we cannot accept any conditional bookings, i.e. any booking which is specified to be conditional on the fulfilment of a particular request. All such bookings will be treated as “standard” bookings subject to the above provisions on special requests. If you have any medical condition or disability which may affect your holiday or have any special requirements as a result of any medical condition or disability (including any which affect the booking process), please tell us before you confirm your booking so that we can assist you in considering the suitability of the arrangements and/or making the booking. In any event, you must give us full details in writing at the time of booking and whenever any change in the condition or disability occurs. You must also promptly advise us if any medical condition or disability which may affect your holiday develops after your booking has been confirmed. Behaviour and damage When you book with us, you accept responsibility for any damage or loss caused by you or any member of your party. Full payment for any such damage or loss (reasonably estimated if not precisely known) must be made direct to the accommodation owner or manager or other supplier or to us as soon as possible. If the actual cost of the loss or damage exceeds the amount paid where estimated, you must pay the difference once known. If the actual cost is less than the amount paid, the difference will be refunded. You will also be responsible for meeting any claims subsequently made against us and all costs incurred by us (including our own and the other party’s full legal costs) as a result of your actions. You should ensure you have appropriate travel insurance to protect you if this situation arises. We expect all clients to have consideration for other people. If in our reasonable opinion or in the reasonable opinion of any other person in authority, you behave in such a way as to cause or be likely to cause danger, upset or distress to any third party or damage to property, we are entitled, without prior notice, to terminate your holiday. In this situation, you will be required to leave the accommodation or other service. We will have no further responsibility toward you including any return travel arrangements. No refunds will be made and we will not pay any expenses or costs incurred as a result of the termination. Insurance, Passport, Visa and Health Requirements Please note that adequate travel insurance for all persons travelling (including medical, personal accident and repatriation in the event of illness, baggage, money and liability cover as well as loss of monies paid in the event of cancellation) is a condition of booking. Please read your policy details carefully and take them with you on holiday. It is your responsibility to ensure that the insurance cover you purchase is suitable and adequate for your particular needs. You are responsible for arranging, and being in possession of, a valid, acceptable passport and any visas and vaccination certificates required for the duration of your holiday. Information regarding passport and visa requirements is sent with our Confirmation of your booking. You are advised, however, that whilst the information is provided in good faith, requirements may change and it is your responsibility to check, in good time before departure, the up-to-date position with regard to passport and visa requirements with the embassy or consulate of the country(ies) to or through which you are intending to travel. There are no compulsory health formalities for the countries we visit. It is your responsibility to ensure you are aware of all recommended vaccinations and health precautions in good time before departure. Information on health is contained in the Department of Health leaflet T7.1 (Health Advice for Travellers) available from the Department of Health via its website and from most Post Offices. For holidays in the EU / EEA, EU citizens should obtain an EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) prior to departure from the Department of Health (see leaflet T7.1 and the website Health requirements and recommendations may change and you must check the upto-date position in good time before departure. It is the responsibility of the person who makes the booking to ensure that all persons travelling are in possession of all necessary travel documents before departure. All costs incurred in obtaining such documentation must be paid by you. We regret we cannot accept any liability if you are refused entry onto any transport or into any country due to failure on your part to carry all required documentation. If failure to have any necessary travel or other documents results in fines, surcharges or other financial penalty being imposed on us, you will be responsible for reimbursing us accordingly. Liability (1) We promise to make sure that the specified holiday arrangements we have agreed to make, perform or provide as applicable as part of our contract with you are made, performed or provided with reasonable skill and care. This means that, subject to these booking conditions, we will accept responsibility if, for example, you suffer death or personal injury or your contracted holiday arrangements are not provided as promised or prove deficient as a result of the failure of ourselves, our employees, agents or suppliers to use reasonable skill and care in making, performing or providing, as applicable, your contracted holiday arrangements. Please note, it is your responsibility to show that reasonable skill and care have not been used if you wish to make a claim against us. In addition, we will only be responsible for what our employees, agents and suppliers do or do not do if they were at the time acting within the course of their employment (for employees) or carrying out work we had asked them to do (for agents and suppliers).

(2) We will not be responsible for any injury, illness, death, loss (for example, loss of enjoyment), damage, expense, cost or other sum or claim of any description whatsoever which results from any of the following:– the act(s) and/or omission(s) of the person(s) affected or any member(s) of their party or – the act(s) and/or omission(s) of a third party not connected with the provision of your holiday and which were unforeseeable or unavoidable or – force majeure as defined above (3) Please note, we cannot accept responsibility for any services which do not form part of our contract. This includes, for example, any additional services or facilities which your hotel or any other supplier agrees to provide for you where the services or facilities are not advertised by us and we have not agreed to arrange them as part of our contract. In addition, regardless of any wording used by us on our website, in any advertising material or elsewhere, we only promise to use reasonable skill and care as set out above and we do not have any greater or different liability to you. (4) The promises we make to you about the services we have agreed to provide or arrange as part of our contract – and the laws and regulations of the country in which your claim or complaint occurred - will be used as the basis for deciding whether the services in question had been properly provided. If the particular services which gave rise to the claim or complaint complied with local laws and regulations applicable to those services at the time, the services will be treated as having been properly provided. This will be the case even if the services did not comply with the laws and regulations of the UK which would have applied had those services been provided in the UK. The exception to this is where the claim or complaint concerns the absence of a safety feature which might lead a reasonable holiday-maker to refuse to take the holiday in question. (5) Where we are found liable for loss of and/or damage to any luggage or personal possessions (including money), the maximum amount we will have to pay you is £500 per person affected unless a lower limitation applies to your claim under this paragraph (5) or paragraph (6) below. You must ensure you have appropriate travel insurance to protect your personal belongings. For all other claims which do not involve death or personal injury, if we are found liable to you on any basis the maximum amount we will have to pay you is twice the price (excluding insurance premiums and amendment charges) paid by or on behalf of the person(s) affected in total unless a lower limitation applies to your claim under paragraph (6) below. This maximum amount will only be payable where you have not received any benefit from your holiday. (6) Where any claim or part of a claim (including those involving death or personal injury) concerns or is based on any travel arrangements (including the process of getting on and/or off the transport concerned) provided by any air, sea, rail or road carrier or any stay in a hotel, the maximum amount of compensation we will have to pay you will be limited. The most we will have to pay you for that claim or that part of a claim if we are found liable to you on any basis is the most the carrier or hotelier concerned would have to pay under the international convention or regulation which applies to the travel arrangements or hotel stay in question (for example, the Warsaw Convention as amended or unamended and the Montreal Convention for international travel by air and/or for airlines with an operating licence granted by an EU country, the EC Regulation on Air Carrier Liability No 889/2002 for national and international travel by air, the Athens Convention for international travel by sea and COTIF, the Convention on International Travel by Rail). Please note: where a carrier or hotelier would not be obliged to make any payment to you under the applicable international convention or regulation in respect of a claim or part of a claim, we similarly are not obliged to make a payment to you for that claim or part of the claim. When making any payment, we are entitled to deduct any money which you have received or are entitled to receive from the carrier or hotelier for the complaint or claim in question. Copies of the applicable international conventions and regulations are available from us on request. (7) Please note, we cannot accept any liability for any damage, loss, expense or other sum(s) of any description (1) which on the basis of the information given to us by you concerning your booking prior to our accepting it, we could not have foreseen you would suffer or incur if we breached our contract with you or (2) which did not result from any breach of contract or other fault by ourselves or our employees or, where we are responsible for them, our suppliers. Additionally, we cannot accept liability for any business losses. Delay We regret we are not in a position to offer you any assistance in the event of delay at your outward or homeward point of departure. Any airline concerned may, however, provide refreshments etc. We cannot accept liability for any delay which is due to force majeure (which includes the behaviour of any passenger(s) on the flight who, for example, fails to check in or board on time). In addition, we will not be liable for any delay unless it has a significant effect on your holiday arrangements. Complaints and Arbitration Any complaint should be communicated to our representative as soon as it arises. Any verbal complaint should be put in writing as soon as possible if not resolved straight away. If you are not satisfied with the response of our representative or our representative cannot be contacted for any reason, please contact us in the UK during your holiday. If the issue is not resolved, then the complaint should be made in writing to ATG Oxford in the UK within 28 days of the end of your trip. Failure to notify our representative or us direct at the time so as to provide us with an opportunity to rectify the cause of the complaint may result in your loss of any legal rights in respect of the particular matter. We both agree that English law (and no other) will apply to our contract and to any dispute, claim or other matter of any description which arises between us and must be dealt with by the Courts of England and Wales only.

Financial security The Association of Bonded Travel Organisers Trust Limited (ABTOT) provides financial protection under its ATOL Franchise and The Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018 for Alternative Travel Group Ltd, ABTOT number 5181 , ATOL number 2618, and in the event of their insolvency, protection is provided for the following: 1. Non-flight packages; 2. Flight-inclusive packages that commence outside of the EEA, which are sold to customers outside of the EEA; and 3. Flight-inclusive packages, flight only and linked travel arrangements (LTAs ) sold as a principal under ABTOT ATOL Franchise. ABTOT cover provides for a refund in the event you have not yet travelled or repatriation if you are abroad. Please note that bookings made outside the EEA are only protected by ABTOT when purchased directly with Alternative Travel Group Ltd. In the unlikely event that you require assistance whilst abroad due to our financial failure, please call ABTOT’s 24/7 helpline on 01702 811397 and advise you are a customer of an ABTOT protected travel company. You can access The Package Travel and Linked Travel Regulations 2018 here: Arrangements When you buy an ATOL protected flight or flight inclusive holiday from us, you will receive an ATOL Certificate. This lists what is financially protected, where you can get information on what this means for you and who to contact if things go wrong. The price of our ATOL-protected flight inclusive Packages includes the amount of £2.50 per person as part of the ATOL Protection Contribution (APC) we pay to the CAA. This charge is included in our advertised prices. We, or the suppliers identified on your ATOL Certificate or holiday itinerary, will provide you with the services listed on the ATOL Certificate or itinerary (or a suitable alternative). In some cases, where neither we nor the supplier are able to do so for reasons of insolvency, an alternative ATOL holder or supplier may provide you with the services you have bought or a suitable alternative (at no extra cost to you). You agree to accept that in those circumstances the alternative ATOL holder or supplier will perform those obligations and you agree to pay any money outstanding to be paid by you under your contract to that alternative ATOL holder or supplier. However, you also agree that in some cases it will not be possible to appoint an alternative ATOL holder or supplier, in which case you will be entitled to make a claim under ABTOT. If we, or the suppliers identified on your ATOL certificate or holiday itinerary, are unable to provide the services listed (or a suitable alternative, through an alternative ATOL holder, alternative supplier or otherwise) for reasons of insolvency, ABTOT Limited may make a payment to (or confer a benefit on) you under its scheme. You agree that in return for such a payment or benefit you assign absolutely to ABTOT Limited any claims which you have or may have arising out of or relating to the non-provision of the services, including any claim against us, the travel agent (or your credit card issuer where applicable). You also agree that any such claims may be re-assigned to another body, if that other body has paid sums you have claimed under the ABTOT ATOL Franchise scheme. For further information visit the ATOL website at or the ABTOT website at Foreign Office Advice The Foreign and Commonwealth Office publishes regularly updated travel information on its website which you are recommended to consult before booking and in good time before departure. Safety standards Please note, it is the requirements and standards of the country in which any services which make up your holiday are provided which apply to those services and not those of the UK. As a general rule, these requirements and standards will not be the same as the UK and may sometimes be lower. Brochure / website / advertising material accuracy The information contained in our brochure, on our website and in our other advertising material is believed to be correct to the best of our knowledge at the time of printing or publication. However, errors may occasionally occur and information may subsequently change. You must therefore ensure you check all details of your chosen holiday (including the price) with us or your travel agent at the time of booking. Activities and general area information We may provide you with information (before departure and/or when you are on holiday) about activities which are available in the area you are visiting. We have no involvement in any such activities which are neither run, supervised nor controlled in any way by us. They are provided by local operators or other third parties who are entirely independent of us. They do not form any part of your contract with us even where we suggest particular operators/other third parties and/or assist you in booking such activities or excursions in any way. We cannot accept any liability on any basis in relation to such activities. We cannot guarantee accuracy at all times of information given in relation to such activities or about the area you are visiting generally or that any particular activity which does not form part of our contract will take place as these services are not under our control. All bookings are made and accepted in accordance with the terms set out in these conditions and on the understanding that clients have read information relevant to the trip made available to them by ATG Oxford. ATG Oxford is a trading name for Alternative Travel Group Ltd. By asking us to confirm your booking, we are entitled to assume that you have had the opportunity to read and have read these booking conditions and agree to them. These booking conditions only apply to the holiday arrangements which we agree to make, provide or perform (as applicable) as part of our contract with you. All references in these booking conditions to “holiday”, “booking”, “contract”, “tour” or “arrangements” mean such holiday arrangements unless otherwise stated.

+ (44) 01865 315 678:


ATG Trust Events Pieve a Castello Festival Evenings of Music & Gastronomy 19 July – 1 August 2020

Saturday Charity Walks Prehistoric Britain Visiting some of Britain’s finest Neolithic and Bronze Age sites. Walks include a celebrated ATG picnic, afternoon tea and presentation, an ATG Leader and Manager – and minibus for those who don’t want to walk the full distance. £50 per person. Avebury and Pewsey  April 18 After reaching a chalk escarpment there are extensive views, ancient paths and prehistoric site that bring you to the Avebury stone circle. 9.6 miles. Start/end point: Pewsey, which is well connected to all mainline train routes.


Music Viva la Voce! (Long live the voice!) Exploring delights of the human voice – with each concert featuring compositions from a different musical ‘Age’. ©

Sunday 19 July


(c.1150 - c.1400)


Tuesday 21 July


(c.1400 - c.1600)


Thursday 23 July


(c.1600 - c.1750)


Saturday 25 July


(c.1750 - c.1830)


Tuesday 28 July

Early Romantic (c.1830 - c.1860)


Saturday 1 August 20th-21st cent. (c.1920 - Present)

All concerts offer some opportunities (led by the Conductor) for audience participation – to ‘sing along’ – canta insieme! Concerts will be in the 8th Century Church at Pieve a Castello. It has ‘perfected’ acoustics and recording facilities and seating for 100.

& Gastronomy Exploring the cuisine of each successive (musical) Age! With historically available ingredients, and recipes contemporary with the music, dinners are prepared by the Pieve a Castello chef, Alessandro, and served with local wines carefully selected for the regular menu at Pieve a Castello. The full, detailed programme will be available in April.

Castlerigg and Keswick  May 16 From Keswick visit the Neolithic Castlerigg stone circles, then walk to Lonscale Crags, then around Skidaw (option to summit England’s sixth highest mountain 931m/ 3,049ft) before continuing to Bassenthwaite. 8 miles. Start/end point: Keswick. Train – main west coast line to Penrith, then taxi (20 mins) to Keswick. Stonehenge and Salisbury  June 27 From Salisbury, hills with long views bring you to Stonehenge. Distance 11.2 miles. Return to Salisbury by road for tea with the Whinneys. Start/end point: Salisbury, which is well connected to all mainline train routes. NB: Stonehenge visit not included. Summer: open until 8pm, last entry 6pm. £19. Maiden Castle and Weymouth September 26 Approaching Maiden Castle from the coast with extensive sea views, before crossing hills to reach ramparts of Maiden Castle, then continuing to Dorchester. 10 miles. Start/end point: Weymouth/ Dorchester. Train from end of walk back to Weymouth: 11 mins.


Certificate Number 5739 ISO 14001

Alternative Travel Group Ltd., T/A ATG Oxford, 274 Banbury Road, Oxford, OX2 7DY, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1865 315678 • Fax: +44 (0)1865 315697 • Email: • Web: REGISTERED IN ENGLAND NUMBER 1449375 • VAT NUMBER 348 2372 47

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