Viewbook 2009 - Athabasca University

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Website Inquiries Phone 1–800–788–9041 (Canada/U.S.) or 780–675–6100




CHEck out the view at AU Welcome to your AU Viewbook, your view to a closer look at Athabasca University, Canada’s top distance education and online learning university. We know your life is busy, so we’ve prepared this convenient guide that summarizes the more than 90 undergraduate and graduate degree, diploma and certificate programs AU offers. Please take some time to explore the pages that follow and find the university solutions that suit you best. To learn specific details about the more than 700 AU courses available, be sure to visit We look forward to helping you stand out as you pursue your educational goals.

viewbook 2009 contents AU openness


Human Resources and Labour Relations


meet AU student Tamara




AU flexibility


Health administration


meet AU student lisa


Professional Arts


au innovation




meet AU student john


AU excellence




meet AU student yuen






Arts 12

distance education


Business 14

nursing and health studies



Computing and Information Systems 16 General Studies 18


information systems



Certificates and diplomas


next steps



AU Openness: Feel free to pursue your educational dreams AU doesn’t close the doors on your educational pursuits. We make sure they’re wide open. That’s because our philosophy is to remove geographical, financial, social and cultural barriers that limit post-secondary access. In fact, we guarantee access to university-level study to anyone 16 years of age or over. As Canada’s Open University, we provide many opportunities for students to pursue a post-secondary education. If you’re from another university in Canada, you may want to pick up AU courses to be used as credit at your home university. Or if you’re thinking about an AU degree, your two-year diploma can count for two years of credit toward your degree. AU is also open to growth, having doubled our student numbers over a sixyear period. We proudly serve over 37,000 students per year in 87 countries worldwide. And since 1970 more than 260,000 students have registered at AU. So why not be the next person to pursue your educational dreams at AU? Your spot has been reserved!

AU Advantage: OPENNESS

You’re going places. Is your university coming with you?

AU student Tamara in Kingston, Ontario, Canada

Across the country or around the world, AU goes where you do. For AU student Tamara, distance learning is an ideal way to open doors

Her job occassionally requires extended periods of travel, so the

to new career opportunities down the road.

convenience of AU online learning means she can still study for her

Tamara works as a medical technician and is also studying for her AU human science degree.

university degree from a distance. Openness. Another reason why AU stands out as a global leader in distance learning excellence.


AU Flexibility: You’re unique, and so is your schedule Once upon a time, you couldn’t use the words university and flexible in the same sentence. Well that’s not the case any more. AU is structured to fit the specific needs of your lifestyle. So it’s education on your terms, not ours. There’s no need to worry about an old-fashioned application deadline, and all the anxiety that comes with it. With AU’s continuous enrolment philosophy, you enter your area of study when you’re ready. AU flexibility also means you can experience all the advantages of a traditional university in a non-traditional setting like your home, office, cabin or wherever you may find yourself. And once you get started, you can keep right on studying. More than 90 per cent of AU students study all year around. And there’s no need to sacrifice your career for your education–81 per cent of AU students work while studying for their degrees.

AU Advantage: flexibility

When life changes gears, your education shouldn’t get stuck in neutral.

AU student Lisa in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

AU flexibility lets you shift your schedule to suit your situation. For AU student Lisa, being able to customize her education to suit her

AU is proving to be the perfect fit, as Lisa is studying for her AU

specific requirements has been a real plus.

management degree while working full time.

Lisa lived abroad for three years, and when she returned to Canada, she

Flexibility. Another reason why AU stands out as a global leader in

wanted to continue her education on a part-time basis.

distance learning excellence.


AU innovation: new ideas, new technology, new learning solutions Fresh thinking means providing learning solutions tailor-made for the courses you’re taking. At AU, courses are delivered in a variety of ways, from online to print-based to teleconferencing and video. We’re also researching the delivery of course materials using mobile devices. Post Diploma Programs–AU’s post diploma degree programs let students with a two or three year diploma from recognized accredited post-secondary institutions receive blocks of transfer credit for their diplomas. Often, approved two-year diplomas in an area directly related to an AU degree program can receive two years of credit (60 credits). PLAR–You may be eligible for additional credits through AU’s Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition process. PLAR awards credits for learning you have acquired from non-formal education such as work and life experience, job training, and workshops. Another innovation is the AU Press, launched in 2008. This is Canada’s 21st century university press, where research and knowledge is disseminated online through digital media as well as print.

AU Advantage: innovation

Get a master’s degree without getting anchored down.

AU student John in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

AU’s innovative approach is the perfect fit for innovative thinkers. For AU student John, having extra freedom built into his education suits

By studying online with AU, John is free to travel for his job, plan

him just fine.

vacation time when it’s convenient for him, and he never has to waste

John works full time as a statistical analyst and is also enrolled in the AU

time commuting to campus.

Master of Science – Information Systems program.

Innovation. Another reason why AU stands out as a global leader in distance learning excellence.


AU Excellence: You deserve the best learning experience possible As a world leader in distance and online education, AU strives to make your educational experience an excellent one. From the world’s first online MBA, to our first online doctorate program in 2008, AU is always looking for new ways to expand educational horizons. AU has three Canada Research Chairs and a number of professors researching topics as diverse as the northern lights, Canadian social policy, and climate change. A major area of research is distance education itself. It allows AU to be in the forefront of the distance education field. AU is accredited by the Province of Alberta, the Province of British Columbia, and by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education in the United States. No other public Canadian university holds this level of accreditation by a foreign government. AU is a publicly funded institution of the Province of Alberta and reports to the government through the Minister of Advanced Education. Through the Post-secondary Learning Act, the government authorizes Athabasca University to grant degrees.

AU Advantage: excellence

The pursuit of excellence requires study time. And daddy time.

AU student Yuen and his son in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Gain a quality AU education without sacrificing quality time. AU student Yuen can easily make time for family, career and high-level

By studying with the distance education experts and creators of the


world’s first online MBA, Yuen is able to maximize his study time and

Yuen works as a director of information technology and is also pursuing

fit his academic pursuits into his busy schedule. Â

his Executive MBA at AU.

Excellence. Another reason why AU stands out as a global leader in distance learning.


INTRODUCING AU’S UNDERGRADUATE degrees Choices, choices, and still even more choices. This is the section that sheds more light on AU’s wide selection of undergraduate programs. Not quite sure of the area of study you want to pursue? Have a look at the summary of the different programs that we offer. Or, if you’re already certain of your area of interest, please read through the program summary that pertains to you. If you’ve always wanted a university degree, whether it’s for personal or professional achievement, you’re mere pages away from making it happen. Go for it now!

ARTS Bachelor of ARTS undergraduate degrees






NURSING bachelor of nursing

health administration bachelor of health administration

bachelor of professional arts

science bachelor of science bachelor of science in human science 11

Certificates and diplomas

professional arts


Arts: Become well-versed and versatile at the same time It’s often been called “the foundational degree,” and once you have one, it leads the way to a new world of options. It’s the AU Bachelor of Arts, and it could very well be what you’ve been searching for. By choosing arts as your degree path, you’ll broaden your horizons by studying subject matter that runs from a to z. There’s no better way to discover where your true passions lie, while at the same time honing your learning skills, your research skills and your analytical skills. An arts degree prepares you to be a critical thinker with highly transferable and sought-after skills. Upon completion, you may wish to enter graduate school. Or decide to take your well-rounded education and enter the work force. Arts degree grads work just about everywhere. An arts degree teaches you about yourself and the world around you and is a rock-solid academic foundation on which to build your career.



undergraduate degrees

Bachelor of Arts

Three-year (90 credits) degree Four-year (120 credits) degree Concentrations/majors in:

Anthropology Canadian Studies * English French

graduate programs

General** History Humanities Information Systems Labour Studies Political Economy

Psychology Sociology Women’s Studies * four-year degree only ** three-year degree only 13

Certificates and diplomas

Political Science


business: When it comes to your career, we mean business The bottom line? We offer a variety of undergraduate business programs to address the needs of a wide spectrum of students. So whether you’re an entry-level employee or a recent college graduate, are currently studying business at another institution, or are a professional or middle manager who needs a specific university degree or certificate to move your career to the next level, AU has the answer. And here’s a real advantage that makes great business sense. Unlike other universities where students must complete one or two years of a business program, then compete for space in order to finish the degree, you can simply enter your AU business program in year one. Your business education from Athabasca University equips you with the specialized skills and knowledge that employers are looking for, as well as the vital critical thinking, communication and management skills required to advance quickly in your chosen career.



undergraduate degrees

Bachelor of commerce

four-year (120 credits) degree or post diploma General degree or majors in:

Accounting E-Commerce Financial Services

Bachelor of graduate programs


three-year (90 credits) degree or post diploma four-year (120 credits) degree or post diploma general degree or majors in:



Certificates and diplomas

Human Resources Management


computing and information systems: A career choice worth analyzing Have you always been inquisitive, tech-savvy and possess an aptitude for math? If so, then AU’s Bachelor of Science in Computing and Information Systems will be right up your alley. With this undergraduate degree, you’ll enhance your analytical abilities as you learn to solve complex questions using a variety of software tools, operating systems, and languages. The program equips you with the skills necessary for developing and utilizing computer-based information systems in business, education, and other sectors that require processing and management of information. Successful AU Computing and Information Systems grads work in this diverse field as computer and network operators, database analysts, software development specialists, webmasters, and many other satisfying career areas. Another advantage to consider when you enrol in this program is the fact that many of the faculty are active e-learning researchers, and several are world-leaders in their field, so you’ll definitely be in good company.


Computing and information systems

undergraduate degrees

Bachelor of SCIENCE in computing and information systems

Four-year (120 credits) degree or post diploma

graduate programs Certificates and diplomas



general studies: A STUDY in flexibility There’s a reason General Studies is one of AU’s most popular programs. And that reason is flexibility. This degree is as flexible as it gets, which means you have a ton of options available. If you have post-secondary experience at one or more post-secondary institutions like a college, technical institute or university, your credits can count toward your GS degree. There’s no minimum number of courses you must complete from AU, so you just need to gather your post secondary credits together and simply complete what’s missing. And while we’re on the subject of flexibility, here’s another GS benefit to consider. You have the choice of either an Arts and Science or an Applied Studies degree designation depending on your interests.


General studies

undergraduate degrees


three-year (90 credits) degree with designations in:

Arts and science applied studies

graduate programs Certificates and diplomas



human resources and labour relations: the right degree for the job Do you find the study of employment relations fascinating, especially as it relates to social, legal, political and economic factors? Do you want to build your skills, gain new insight and take on more responsibility in your work place? Then the AU Human Resources and Labour Relations program is the perfect educational opportunity for you. It’s an ideal fit if you’re currently in labour relations, a trade unionist or a human resource specialist, and you’re looking to build on your existing credentials. A key benefit is that you can work toward your degree and your designation at the same time. That’s because the Bachelor of Human Resources and Labour Relations meets the degree requirements for the Certified Human Resource Professional (CHRP) Designation which takes effect in 2011. Or, if you currently hold a certificate or diploma as a human resources practitioner, you can use this degree to qualify for the CHRP designation.


human resources and labour relations

undergraduate degrees

Bachelor of human resources and labour relations

Three-year (90 credits) degree or post diploma

graduate programs Certificates and diplomas



nursing: Knowledge that makes a difference AU Nursing Degree–Are you a practicing licensed practical nurse (LPN) or a registered nurse (RN)? Why not move up and get your Post LPN or Post RN Nursing degree while continuing to work and studying part-time online? An AU Bachelor of Nursing degree lets you take your current LPN credits and use them toward your nursing degree. The program features a flexible course delivery so you can work while studying. For RNs, you can use your credits toward a Post RN degree that focuses on building knowledge and clinical practice related to family and community health promotion as well as leadership and management.

health administration: sharpen your skills AU Health Administration Degree–If you’re a health care administrator or manager, the AU Bachelor of Health Administration program will prove to be an invaluable educational experience. It’s the perfect opportunity to sharpen your organizational, analytical and managerial skills to meet health care challenges head on. And if you’re already a graduate of an approved diploma in business administration or related fields, you’ll be eligible to receive up to 60 credits toward your degree. 22

nursing / health administration

undergraduate degrees

Bachelor of nursing

Two-year (60 credits) post RN degree Three-year (90 credits) post lpn degree

Bachelor of health administration

Three-year (90 credits) degree or post diploma graduate programs Certificates and diplomas



professional arts: Use your diploma as a springboard to a degree Your college diploma whet your appetite for learning, but you want more. That’s why there’s the AU Professional Arts degree. If you have an approved college diploma or equivalent, you’re in. This program gives you plenty of options, so one of the hardest decisions will be deciding which area of study to focus on. You can major in communication studies, criminal justice, governance, law and management, or human services. No matter what your area of employment, a professional arts degree will prove to be a definite asset. It’s an ideal way to advance your education and further your career. For example, a degree in professional arts can move you up the ranks. Literally. If you’re a criminal justice major, your professional arts education can advance your rank with police services and the military.


Professional arts

undergraduate degrees

Bachelor of professional arts

Four-year (120 credits) Degree majoring in:

Communication Studies Criminal Justice Governance, Law and Management Human Services

graduate programs Certificates and diplomas



science: Discover your career potential If you’re a naturally curious person, and you’re constantly setting sail on new voyages of discovery, then the AU Science degree has all the elements you’re looking for. It’s time to get discovering, experimenting, learning and growing. Your fascinating educational journey will include courses like scientific reasoning, the history of science, ethics, technology, and the environment. The skills you acquire will prove to be invaluable during your science career. If you’re interested in studying human science, you can customize your degree to best suit your career goals. You can attain knowledge in health sciences, occupational or community health, biopharmaceuticals, management and administration, and research and technology. You may also have the opportunity to transfer credits to pre-medicine, pre-dentistry, and pre-veterinary programs at other universities across Canada.



undergraduate degrees

Bachelor of science

Four-year (120 credits) degree or post diploma

Bachelor of science in human science

Four-year (120 credits) degree or post diploma graduate programs Certificates and diplomas



welcome to the au graduate programs Turn your commitment to life-long learning into an opportunity to fulfill a life-long dream. Earn your master’s degree online with AU. Becoming an AU grad student is all about taking your education to the next level. It’s about pushing boundaries, achieving personal academic goals and going beyond your expectations. Athabasca University provides innovative, Internet-based graduate programs that reach students around the world. Each program offers a spectrum of courses relevant to today’s work environment. Will it be challenging? Yes. Rewarding? Beyond words.

ARTS undergraduate degrees

Master of Arts–Integrated Studies

BUSINESS Master of business administration doctorate in business administration

COUNSELLING Master of Counselling

DISTANCE EDUCATION graduate programs

Master of Distance Education doctor of education in distance education

NURSING AND HEALTH Studies Master of Nursing Master of Health Studies

Master of Science – Information Systems


Certificates and diplomas



arts: a degree built for you by you The AU Master of Arts–Integrated Studies (MAIS) isn’t your typical graduate program. It’s really about studying areas of interest and experience that pertain specifically to your requirements. Customization is key, since you design the learning program that best suits your needs. Unlike most degrees, the MAIS curriculum crosses the boundaries of arts, humanities, and the social sciences. It’s a degree that will challenge you to ask questions and explore all avenues of a problem. The MAIS degree prepares you to view problems holistically, to seek information in new locations, to combine knowledge and research from diverse disciplines, and to explore interdisciplinary methods. This exciting style of learning will bring a fresh, new, and more knowledgeable approach to your workplace or your community.



undergraduate degrees

master of arts– Integrated Studies

master of arts–integrated studies independent track or Specialization in:

Educational Studies Work, Organization, and Leadership Global Change Canadian Studies*

graduate programs

Information Studies* Adult Education Cultural Studies Community Studies Historical Studies* Equity Studies (open)


Certificates and diplomas

* These areas of concentration are under development and may be subject to change. Degrees will not be awarded with these specializations at this time.


Business: the source of online business excellence As an experienced manager, you can be confident you’re making an excellent choice when you take an AU MBA. That’s because this is the original online MBA. It all started back in 1994 when AU’s Centre for Innovative Management launched the world’s first fully interactive online Executive MBA program. Since then it’s grown to become Canada’s largest Executive MBA, and has been internationally recognized for its quality and student success stories. So why not put our online MBA experience to work for you? If you’ve considered an executive MBA while balancing work, family and your studies, the perfect solution has arrived. This rigorous and collaborative program will allow you to learn alongside other experienced managers and leaders from across Canada and around the world. Not only will you learn from your fellow students who are working in diverse industries and positions, you’ll be taught by an outstanding team of professors from around the world. Best of all, the 24-hour online format means you can balance work and family commitments and study at the same time.



undergraduate degrees

Master of Business administration

Online Executive MBA:

MBA with Project Management electives MBA with Energy Electives

Also available: Graduate Diploma in Management

graduate programs

Doctorate in business administration

Doctorate in business administration (DBA)

Certificates and diplomas



COUNSELLING: ENHANCE YOUR COUNSELLING SKILLS An AU master’s degree in counselling is the ideal blend of theory and practice designed with you in mind. Whether you’re interested in a career as a professional counsellor or a counselling psychologist, or are currently a counsellor wanting to take your skills to the next level, this degree will suit your needs. Your studies in this dynamic program will provide you with solid philosophical and theoretical counselling foundations. You’ll also gain real-world counselling skills and strategies essential for working with a range of clientele using a variety of different techniques.



undergraduate degrees

master of counselling

master of counselling specialization in:

Counselling Psychology Career Counselling

Also available: Post-Graduate Certificate in Counselling graduate programs

Post-Masters Certificate in Counselling

Certificates and diplomas



distance education: go the distance Here’s a great educational fit to take advantage of. Athabasca University is a leader in distance education and online learning, so it’s not surprising that we offer graduate degrees in distance education itself. Courses are offered using the Moodle e-learning software platform, which provides you with a variety of flexible ways to communicate. You’ll have opportunities to gain experience with a number of current and experimental delivery technologies and social software systems. And considering the subject matter is always evolving, you’ll come away with the most up-to-date knowledge available. What better way to become an expert in the field of distance education than to learn from the distance education and online learning authority? You’ll work with the most accomplished scholars in the business, including a Canada Research Chair who’s a member of the faculty.


distance education

distance education

Master of Distance Education

Also available: Graduate Diploma in Distance Education Technology Graduate Diploma in Instructional Design Graduate Certificate in Instructional Design

Doctor of education IN distance Education

Doctor of education (EdD) IN distance Education


undergraduate degrees programs graduategraduate programs programs Certificates and diplomas

master of


nursing and health studies: develop new leadership skills Add to your nursing and health care leadership skills with two master’s degree options from AU. The Master of Nursing program contains two streams. The generalist stream prepares you to assume more of a leadership position in the health system. The program provides you with advanced skills that will help you spot trends and provide the leadership to get things done. The advanced stream prepares you for a broader role in the delivery of health services to clients of all ages as a community-based nurse. It delivers the theoretical and clinical preparation you’ll need to take on this leading-edge role. The master’s program in health studies has a similar mandate–to prepare you as a health professional to take on a leadership role as health care changes. The program gives you the skills to identify emerging trends and anticipate future directions in health services and provide leadership in planning, implementation, evaluation, change management, and policy development.


nursing and health studies

master of HEALTH Studies

master of NURSING master of HEALTH Studies

Also available: Advanced Graduate Diploma–Advanced Nursing Practice


undergraduate degrees programs graduategraduate programs programs Certificates and diplomas

master of NURSING


information systems: taking technology to the next level Are you an information systems professional interested in expanding your knowledge base and advancing your career in the information technology sector? Then an AU Master of Science–Information Systems degree will suit you perfectly. As an MScIS student, you’ll develop a common base of skills, knowledge and values in computing and information systems. This program focuses on integration of theory and practice, plus the development of technical, analytical and socio-technical management and communication skills needed by leaders in the IT industry. As an MScIS graduate, you can look forward to a challenging career in the growing national and international information technology and service sector. You’ll be qualified for senior-level positions in database and web design, advanced language programming, network design, project management, software development, business operations, e-commerce, research, and systems administration.


information systems

Information Systems

Master of Science–Information Systems


undergraduate degrees programs graduategraduate programs programs Certificates and diplomas

Master of Science–


au certificates and diplomas An AU certificate or diploma is an ideal way to start your post-secondary quest for knowledge. Build your educational credentials or employment qualifications as you pursue the area of interest that appeals to you.

Certificate of Completion English Language Proficiency Program

Accounting Administration Advanced Accounting Career Development Computers and Management Information Systems Computing and Information Systems Counselling Women e-Commerce English Language Studies Financial Services French Language Proficiency Health Development Administration Heritage Resources Management Human Resources and Labour Relations Labour Studies Marketing Public Administration

University Diploma Arts Inclusive Education 43

undergraduate degrees programs graduategraduate programs programs Certificates and diplomas

University Certificate


next steps Now that you have a better idea about the different AU programs available, we encourage you to visit for more information about the specific area of study you are interested in. Whatever your educational goals, AU’s online and distance learning methods will help you stand out. So be sure to research your options online. We also invite you to order a University calendar, and to contact our Information Centre if you have questions or need some advice. Canada/U.S.: 1–800–788–9041 International: 780–675–6100 Or check out, our online resource to provide answers to questions about Athabasca University.



Website Inquiries Phone 1–800–788–9041 (Canada/U.S.) or 780–675–6100




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