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Editors Report
Australia and New Zealand
Ho! Ho! Ho! and a Merry Christmas everyone.
Wow! What a year it has been, ups and downs, highs and lows, but one thing that has been stable all year in this crazy world has been our artists, and their amazing talent. It is so nice to have the comfort of knowing that some things will stay the same or just keep getting better and better, like a good red wine.
Our artists have had a very busy month with their achievements throughout the world and some have also been successful with upcoming exhibitions, well done to everyone. Trish Hoskin had the delight
Our Digital Artists group get into the Christmas Spirit this month with their latest edition Bokeh and Blur when taking
in their Chinese Whispers series.
The monthly Photographic Christmas theme and it was a delight to see the images they designed for you all.

Andrew Haysom shares more of his valuable Photoshop tips in a new tutorial on New Colour Grading Controls.

of interviewing the ever loving Cheryl Parris.
Judi Lapsley Miller shares tips and tricks on creating Challenge was set with a
Dean Hohn shares with us all a set of images taken of a
Gitama Day - Timeline II
Swamp Harrier coming in to land, kindly organised by Trish Hoskin.
Finally I am delighted to introduce to you this month’s Featured Artist, Jenne Jackson. Jenne is a very talented artist from Country Victoria, I know you will all thoroughly enjoy the art she has prepared for you.
Well, that’s it from me, I hope you all enjoy this edition of Artists Down Under and more importantly, enjoy the festive season with your loved ones.
Until next month, stay safe everyone and take care of each other.
Pam Henderson
Backgrounds: Foxy Squirrell Laitha’s Designs - Jai Johnson - White Lane Studio Copyright 2017 ©