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Editors Report
Australia and New Zealand
Welcome to the July edition of Artists Down Under.
As we enter into our second month of winter and more Covid lockdowns, most people go into a state of hibernation, but not our artists, they go into a state of creation. This month they have again provided for you more amazing art that I know is sure to please everyone’s palette.
Our Featured Artist this month is the very talented Christina Brunton. Christina has many years of exhibitions, successful competitions, travel and fun creative photo shoots. I know you will all love her work.
Photoshop is for ever changing and we are very lucky to have one of our amazing artists Andrew Haysom, to not only share his art, but also to keep on top of all of the new changes. He has kindly put together another article of his awesome tips for you, this month on the new way to “Save A Copy”.
Redlands Digital Group have another of their images to share in their Chinese Whispers series.
This month in our MonthIy Digital Photographic Competition, I asked the artists to take something from their backyard and create an image for you. You will love what they have come up with.
I hope you enjoy this edition of Artists Down Under. Stay safe and take care of each other.
Pam Henderson

Rosa Perry - Why Was I Not Made Of Feathers Like Thee
Backgrounds: Foxy Squirrell Laitha’s Designs - Jai Johnson - White Lane Studio Copyright 2017 ©