Saudi Arabia, Riyadh +966 58 381 9990
2020 Riyadh , Saudi Arabia
2013 - 2017 Jazan , Saudi Arabia
Jul 2015 - Sep 2015 Malaysia,Kuala Lumpur
Jul 2016 - Sep 2016 Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
2016 Dammam, Saudi Arabia 2015 Malaysia,Kuala Lumpur 2015 Malaysia,Kuala Lumpur
In 2019 - 2021
In 2018 - 2020 Workspace Environment Policies and Procedures
Prosopis juliflora ,cineraria, Mimosaceae Aloe Arborescens Agave attenuata Dodonaea viscosa, Sapindaceae Zilla spinosa, Brassicaceae
Frontage zone consists of both the structure and the façade of the building fronting the street, as well as the space immediately adjacent to the building.
Through zone is the primary, accessible pathway that runs parallel to the street. The through zone ensures that pedestrians have a safe and adequate space to walk which should be 1.50– 2.10m wide in residential settings and 2.40–3.60m wide in downtown or commercial areas. Furnishing zone is the section in which street furniture, trees, landscaping, transit stops, and other amenities are located. Edge zone is adjacent to on-street parking or vehicle lanes. It is where pedestrians wait for taxis or buses. This zone is often where streetlights, signals, traffic signs, curb extensions, park lets, storm-water management features and other street-related infrastructure are placed. These elements may also be placed in the furnishings zone, particularly on narrower streets, or on the side median where there is a frontage lane. Bicycle facilities maybe included between the furnishing zone and the edge zone.
5.5 M 2.8 M
2.4.8 M