Sonoma Land Trust Annual Report 2011-12

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To Protect the Land Forever

Sonoma Land Trust 2011–2012 Report to the Community


Dear Friends, Our message in this Report to the Community is “full steam ahead!” It has been a challenging year. Public funding — the source of much of our capital — is drying up. Existing parks aren’t just threatened with closure; they are not being maintained. Still, Sonoma Land Trust is playing a long-term game. If the scenic, natural, agricultural and open landscapes we know Ralph Benson and Denny Van Ness and love are going to be here generations from now, the work it takes to protect them must roll on without interruption. And, happily, it has, thanks to the many of you who support Sonoma Land Trust and whose names are listed in the following pages. We are persistent in our land acquisitions and in our land restoration work. This past year was marked with significant milestones in the restoration of a thousand acres of tidal wetlands on the Bay and in placing thousands of acres of redwood/fir forest at Jenner on a trajectory toward a biologically diverse future with very big trees. If you look at topographic and vegetative maps of Sonoma County, you will see that there is one open, natural land bridge across the Valley of the Moon where wildlife might cross from the Mayacamas Range to Sonoma Mountain, which forms the eastern backdrop to Petaluma. It happens to include Stuart Creek, which runs through our Glen Oaks Ranch across Highway 12 to Stuart Creek Run, which is shown on the cover of this report. In the coming years, with the help of our loyal supporters, we will remove fish barriers on the pictured property, create a lovely roadside park and widen the wildlife corridor through the Valley of the Moon up to Jack London State Park. Hats off to our partners at the Sonoma Ecology Center who have mapped this terrain so well. And speaking of partners, we are delighted that LandPaths will be managing the newly established Bohemia Ecological Preserve near Occidental, the acquisition of which was a long time in coming. Again, persistence paid off. In Sonoma County, it’s all about the land. The land is the foundation of our economy and our community’s health and well-being. Thank you for helping to protect the land forever.

Denny Van Ness, Board Chair

Ralph Benson, Executive Director

COVER PHOTO: Along with the potential for restoring steelhead to the creek, lovely Stuart Creek Run in Glen Ellen will be an ideal spot for a picnic or a stroll. Photo by Scott Hess Photography. 2

The Napa side of Live Oaks Ranch in the Mayacamas is wild and uncultivated. Bequeathed to Sonoma Land Trust in 2010, our stewardship staff has been restoring buildings on the property and cleaning it up in anticipation of future guided hikes and volunteer workdays. Photo by Stephen Joseph Photography.

“Nature is not a place to visit. It is home.” — Gary Snyder


and trusts come in several forms. Some focus on conservation easements, some protect land and give it to other agencies to manage, some buy properties and make them into preserves, and some — like Sonoma Land Trust — do it all. Why? Because, at one million acres, Sonoma County is the largest county in the Bay Area and it is also one of the most biologically diverse places in the entire United States.

Despite all of the land protection successes Sonoma Land Trust and the Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District have amassed over the years, a recent report from Greenbelt Alliance reminds us that a quarter of our county still enjoys little protection from urban sprawl or rural subdivision. We still have a great deal of work to do to protect our scenic and ecologically important landscapes for all time, but with your help, we will continue to preserve what we all love most about Sonoma County. We also have a lot to celebrate. Taken together, the projects that occupied us last year and this year cover the entire spectrum of our work: We purchased property, we protected

land with easements, we restored land, we did research and planned how to take the best care of our properties, we planted trees, we got people out on the land, we introduced children to the joys of working on the land, we protected endangered species, we repaired historical buildings, we secured funding to help other agencies save land, and we even played a role in keeping our local state parks open. After protecting more than 27,000 acres, your land trust continues to push the boundaries every day to ensure that our children and grandchildren can enjoy the same scenic landscapes, and clean air and water, that we enjoy today. After all, as we like to say, in Sonoma County, it all starts with the land!


“Loss of the world’s genetic diversity … is the folly our descendants are least likely to forgive us.” — E.O. Wilson

 Clearing the way for fish to run Early last year, we jumped on an opportunity to purchase a little 3.5-acre gem in Glen Ellen that we subsequently named Stuart Creek Run. Though considerably smaller than most of the properties we seek, this one holds big potential — by removing the fish barriers within Stuart Creek that were built decades ago, we’ll be able to provide safe passage to high-quality spawning and rearing habitat for steelhead once again. In time, we also plan to create a roadside park on the property where residents and visitors to the Sonoma Valley will be able to enjoy a picnic or take a stroll along the creek. Currently, our stewardship staff is working with Sonoma Ecology Center,


the Department of Fish and Game, and the National Marine Fisheries Service to determine the best way to remove the barriers at the lowest cost.

Protecting the coast at Rocky Point The North Coast of Sonoma County contains a wealth of grassland and forestland that is largely unprotected and is, thus, a high priority for Sonoma Land Trust. Many of the properties in this region are working landscapes, where cattle graze and timber is harvested. North of the Jenner Headlands, we’ve received a donation of a conservation easement on a 255-acre property called Rocky Point that straddles Highway 1 and contains a variety of habitats. This conservation easement prohibits future development, and ensures that the forests and coastal prairie will be well managed in perpetuity. The owners possess a strong land ethic and are committed to using the resources on their land in a sustainable manner. We are grateful for their foresight in protecting their dramatic coastal landscape.

The main canyon in the Cedars is now protected public land thanks to Save the Redwoods, the Coastal Conservancy, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, and former landowners Roger Raiche and David McCrory. This geologically and botanically unique region near Cazadero is a conservation priority of Sonoma Land Trust. Photo by Scott Hess Photography.

Working together, Sonoma Land Trust and LandPaths created a long-awaited preserve at Bohemia Ranch near Occidental. Here, Sonoma Land Trust stewardship director Bob Neale and LandPaths’ Rebecca Abbruzzese take a moment to enjoy the stunning scenery. Photo by Erik Castro.

Preserving the rarest ecosystem of them all If you haven’t heard of the Cedars, you are not alone. Many residents of Cazadero, which is the closest town, don’t know about it either! The Cedars is remote and truly a world of its own — a land of deep serpentine canyons, weirdly beautiful rock formations, moonscapelike terrain, and rare and unusual plants. Because of its geologically and botanically unique ecosystem, the Cedars Conservation Region has been a priority for several years. In 2007, Sonoma Land Trust purchased a 40-acre property at the gateway to the region; in 2009, we published a conservation plan for the region; last year, we worked with Save the Redwoods League to protect the 500-acre Main Canyon property; and this year, with funding from the Resources Legacy Fund, we purchased a conservation easement on a remarkably diverse 160-acre property that the Larsen Family has worked hard to reforest during their 40-year ownership.

“Uniformity is not nature’s way; diversity is nature’s way.” — Vandana Shiva

 Bohemia Ranch — worth the wait It seemed like the whole county made a joyful noise when Bohemia Ranch finally closed escrow and Bohemia Ecological Preserve was born. It was a long haul, starting in the late 1990s — but protecting significant landscapes isn’t about immediate gratification; it takes time and tenacity. Sonoma Land Trust never gave up on securing this spectacular property for the public and, working in partnership with LandPaths, we completed a complicated transaction that protects the entire ranch and creates a 554-acre nature preserve. Now, this beautiful forested land with a year-round waterfall and serpentine flower fields has been protected forever — and people will have ample opportunity for getting out and enjoying it.


“One cannot be pessimistic about the West. When it fully learns that cooperation, not rugged individualism, is the quality that most characterizes and preserves it ... then it has a chance to create a society to match its scenery.” — Wallace Stegner

 Sonoma Land Trust — the go-to partner

Bringing people together Saving state parks A year ago, we were all stunned to learn that 70 state parks were slated for closure — five in Sonoma County! While everyone was still reeling from the news, Sonoma Land Trust executive director Ralph Benson met with Caryl Hart of Regional Parks and Bill Keene of the Open Space District, and offered to fund a forum to generate solutions. Thus, the Parks Alliance of Sonoma County was born, an ad hoc organization that has been remarkably successful in supporting the nonprofit groups that have worked diligently to contract with the state to run Sonoma County’s state parks. The result of Sonoma Land Trust taking the initiative on this issue of tremendous concern to all of us is that, as of July 1 of this year, all Sonoma County state parks remained open — and will continue to stay open for the foreseeable future with the ongoing support of the Parks Alliance. It’s astonishing what becomes possible when people of good hearts and minds come together to solve a communal problem.

Forestry conference More recently, Sonoma Land Trust convened more than 150 foresters, landowners, economists and conservation professionals to discuss the importance of keeping our Sonoma County forests ecologically and economically viable. This three-day North Coast Forest Conservation Conference held at Shone Farm was a wonderful coming together of individuals interested in protecting the ecological resources of the Redwood Empire and our way of life. Thank you to the Sonoma County Forest Conservation Working Group and the California Northern Region Land Trust Council for partnering with us on this enlightening endeavor that will have far-reaching benefits. 6

Working collaboratively with our partner groups to create a society that matches Sonoma County’s unparalleled scenery is one of Sonoma Land Trust’s goals. For us, the bottom line is the land itself; if there is a good project on the table and we have the resources to help, we will. That is why other groups often request our assistance with structuring and financing transactions, as the Open Space District did to find funding for Sonoma Mountain Ranch in 2009, and as Regional Parks has recently done in asking our help to fund the final 297 acres in the Mayacamas that it is hoped will complete the future Mark West Creek Regional Park and Open Space Preserve. Our acquisitions staff is highly experienced and well regarded, and their assistance to other organizations has led to the protection of additional signature landscapes in our county.

Sharing the land with others Developing a land ethic in the community is only possible when people get out of their normal routines and engage in meaningful experiences on the land. When we give people the opportunity to stretch their legs on our trails, paint a watercolor by a creek, learn the differences between raptor species, immerse their whole being in a tumble of wildflowers, and participate in a workshop about grasslands or forest ecology, we are helping our fellow community members develop their own personal sense of place. This is the role of Sonoma Land Trust’s On the Land program, which began in 2011 and is quickly expanding. Between the public hike series on the Jenner Headlands, our annual wildflower and raptor hikes, open days at Glen Oaks Ranch, environmental education outings with our partner groups, and volunteer workdays on any number of properties, “kids of all ages” enjoyed outdoor activities with the Land Trust last year. This year, the public hike series is taking it further with even more outings that engage one’s senses and mind. Look for a fall schedule soon that will knock your hiking boots off!

The Jenner Headlands is a raptor thoroughfare, with more than 90 birds of prey per hour flying by during the peak of the fall migration. This has made our raptor hike series very popular! Photo by Ingrid Stearns.

“The very process of restoring the land to health is the process through which we become attuned to Nature and, through Nature, with ourselves.”

At Live Oaks Ranch, we’ve been repairing the residences and, at Glen Oaks Ranch, we’ve received a large donation that will enable us to restore the historic stone barn. Glen Oaks Ranch has also been the focus of considerable trail building and native plantings.

— Chris Maser, author of Forest Primeval

 Taking care of the land You’ve heard it before: Acquiring a property is just the first step. After that, our stewardship team delves deep into the land to learn all about its resources and condition, sets in place a plan for restoring it based on the latest science, and then does what needs to be done. That is different for every property, but because of our large acquisitions in recent years, Sonoma Land Trust always has major restoration projects going on all fronts. At Tolay Creek Ranch, we’ve planted hundreds of trees to return the stream to a healthier state. At Pitkin Marsh, our intensive hand-weeding method has contributed to an increase of 723 percent of the highly endangered white sedge.

Student Conservation Association members helped clear trails at Laufenburg Ranch last spring. Photo by Bob Neale.


“Something will have gone out of us as a people if we ever let the remaining wilderness be destroyed.” — Wallace Stegner

Above: Students from Project Regeneration, a program of Conservation Corps North Bay, spent a day digging homes for burrowing owls at Sears Point Ranch — and found an interesting skull along the way. Below: Construction will begin soon on 1,000 acres of tidal marsh that we will restore at Sears Point Ranch along the edge of San Francisco Bay. Both photos by Scott Hess Photography.


But the biggest stories are taking place at the Jenner Headlands and Sears Point Ranch. After several years of planning and fundraising, the Baylands Center has been built to great acclaim. Thank you to architect Olle Lundberg who donated his formidable talent in designing this stunning structure, which has become a greatly admired meeting place for our hikes and other events. To relax on the deck and watch the resident wild animals and birds hunt and play amidst the grasslands is a great pleasure. Also, earlier this year, the final EIR for the Sears Point Wetland Restoration Project was certified. That is an enormous step and means that we can soon start to restore the historic tidal marsh. Our Jenner Headlands team, which includes staff from both Sonoma Land Trust and our partner The Wildlands Conservancy, has been in a race the last couple of years to research and develop the comprehensive management plan that will guide our restoration and outreach activities for the property. This “tome” was completed on time this spring and

Our spring wildflower hikes have become an annual ritual drawing people from all over the Bay Area. Here, Baylands program manager Julian Meisler (seated left) discusses the various plants and grasses found at Sears Point Ranch. Photo by Ellen Gavazza.

“Look! Look! Look deep into nature and you will understand everything.” — Albert Einstein

 contains the goals and strategies for managing this 5,630acre property in a way that will conserve and enhance its substantial ecological resources while providing greater public recreation opportunities. By using active land management tools, such as grazing and tree thinning, we will keep the coastal grasslands in good shape and grow the forests older and healthier. We’ll also be building a parking lot along Highway 1 as a key step toward opening the property for hiking at will in addition to the guided hikes that are currently offered.

Your support drives our conservation work Sonoma Land Trust exists to make sure our remaining wild lands remain intact. Even in this tough economic climate, our efforts to save land have not diminished.

The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Over the past decade, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation has had a transformative effect on conservation and the landscapes of Sonoma County through its San Francisco Bay Area Program. The Foundation made possible the acquisition and restoration of Sears Point, Tolay Creek and the Jenner Headlands. They also provided grants leading to the creation of the Bohemia Ecological Preserve and the protection of the main canyon at the Cedars, and they have funded the Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District to demonstrate the economic value of open space. Across the board, the recent progress that has been made protecting Sonoma County’s natural landscapes has been propelled by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation’s visionary philanthropy. 9

This spring marked the fourth year of a grassland monitoring project at the Estero Americano Preserve, done in partnership between Sonoma State University, the California Native Plant Society and Sonoma Land Trust. Photo by Ingrid Stearns.

Jean Schulz Wildflower Meadow In gratitude for Jean Schulz’s extraordinary contribution that helped to protect the Jenner Headlands, the scenic meadow that overlooks the ocean and bursts into bloom each spring has been named the Jean Schulz Wildflower Meadow. Her gift ensures that future generations will be able to stand in this beautiful flowering meadow and see the same dazzling view that we enjoy today.

Rather, with the help of our donors, we are moving ahead faster than ever before. Thank you for donating to your local land trust. Your contributions remain right here in Sonoma County’s economy and are put to work preserving what you love most about this beautiful place. Virtually everywhere you go in Sonoma County, you gaze upon land that has been protected forever by your donations. Individual donations established the Parks Alliance, allowed us to protect the four properties described earlier, are expanding our On the Land Program, will be helping to bring steelhead back to Stuart Creek and are enabling us pursue a new regional park in the Mayacamas.

“The Holy Land is everywhere.” — Black Elk It certainly is in Sonoma County. Thank you for being a vital part of the work we do to preserve forever what we all love about this exceptional place we call home. 10


Mendocino County 32






46 !


35 ! ! 43



27! !!59 10 55





Lake County ve


17 ! !63 22 ! Healdsburg 47 " 38 ! 54 !





Lake Sonoma


! !


Sonoma County 37 !








Pacific Ocean

13 Santa Rosa 24 ! ! ! " 51 !52 36 19 ! 11 58! !61 ! 62 !40 39! ! 31 ! 30! ! ! " !34 53 28! 15 3 Sebastopol ! ! 14 45 ! ! ! 64 ! ! 29 ! 65 ! 16 ! 42 23 Bodega Bay 44


70 !

Napa County 48 !50



4 25! ! !









Petaluma P






9! 21 !




Marin County


1 20!8 ! ! ! 66! ! !7 68 69 67


San Pablo Bay

Our diversified portfolio of conservation projects ANCHOR PRESERVES 1 Baylands: Sears Point 2 Estero Americano Preserve 3 Glen Oaks Ranch 4 Jenner Headlands 5 Laufenburg Ranch 6 Little Black Mountain owned in fee 7 Baylands: Leonard Ranch 8 Baylands: North Parcel 9 Baylands: Tolay Creek Ranch 10 Cedars: Gateway 11 Freezeout Redwoods 12 Live Oaks Ranch 13 Lower Pitkin Marsh 14 Secret Pasture 15 Sonoma Creek 16 Stuart Creek Run 17 White Rock Preserve Conservation Easements 18 Airport Boulevard 19 Bald Mountain Ranch 20 Baylands: Lower Ranch 21 Baylands: Tolay Creek Riparian 22 Bear Canyon 23 Blucher Creek 24 Bohemia Ranch 25 Canelis Old-Growth Redwoods 26 Cuffeys Cove 27 Dimbat Tree Farm (Larsen) 28 Drake Family 29 Elarra 30 Enchanted Wood 31 Finley Creek 32 Fish Rock Ranch 33 Gird Creek 34 Knaus Forest at Nuns Canyon 35 Little Creek 36 Mason


2,327 127 236 5,630 179 500 244 279 1,665 40 89 572 27 300 2 3.5 92 50 420 528 36 96 7 964 1 1,068 160 34 60 8 240 7 99 36 40 18

Acreage 37 Middle Reach 38 Mill Creek Old Growth 39 Morgan’s Hill 40 Mother Gardens at OAEC 41 Nefertierra 42 Oak Hill Farm 43 OGA Little Creek 44 Old Hill Ranch 45 Quail Hill 46 Rancheria Creek Recesses 47 River Bend 48 Rock Fall Woods 49 Rocky Point 50 Santa Rosa Creek Headwaters 51 Sassin 52 Summerfield Waldorf School 53 Sunrise Redwoods 54 Van Winkle Redwoods 55 Ward Creek 56 Watson Ranch 57 West Ridge Knolls 58 Wild Turkey Hill

44 54 22 3 78 677 73 37 81 602 32 31 255 162 6 32 20 46 240 530 74 8

TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE—ACQUISITION 59 Cedars: Main Canyon 60 Cloudy Bend 61 Harrison Grade Serpentine 62 Laguna de Santa Rosa 63 McCord Ranch 64 Rigler Preserve 65 Sonoma Mountain Ranch

500 388 32 535 2,786 370 283

TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE—stewardship 66 Baylands: Petaluma River Marsh 67 Bel Marin Keys

49 1,500

Transfer 68 Baylands: Halperin Baylands 69 Baylands: Sonoma Baylands 70 Red Hill

11 348 910


Thank You to Our Supporters! The Sonoma Land Trust’s strength depends on the extraordinary generosity of those who are committed to the urgent work of permanently protecting the beautiful, natural, agricultural and open lands that define Sonoma County. Our donors ensure that the innate beauty of our region is protected today and for generations to come. We gratefully acknowledge the following individuals, foundations and businesses that made gifts or pledges from January 1, 2011 to May 31, 2012. You have made a lasting difference for Sonoma County and the quality of our lives. * These generous supporters made a multi-year pledge to Sonoma Land Trust. $1,000,000 +

Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation* Jean Schulz* $500,000 – $999,999

Anonymous $100,000 – $499,999

Anonymous (4) Community Foundation Sonoma County Anthony Crabb and Barbara Grasseschi* Estate of E. Rae Hudspeth, M.D. Peter and Patty Mattson* Resources Legacy Fund Dennis and Carol Ann Rockey Fund of the Marin Community Foundation* San Francisco Foundation* Margaret Spaulding* $50,000 – $99,999

Anonymous S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation Margaret A. Cargill Foundation* Patricia Dinner* Kirsten Lindquist Carolyn Johnson and Rick Theis* $25,000 – $49,999

Anonymous Betty Burridge* Mary and Dick Hafner* Harry and Dee Richardson* The Tukman Family Denny and Kate Van Ness* Carol Williams*


$10,000 – $24,999 Anonymous Harold Appleton Tom and Julie Atwood George and Suzanne Bull Carneros Land Stewardship Foundation Alan and Janet Coleman* Patrick W. Emery and Allison Sanford* Robert and Michelle Friend Judith and Paul R. Gray Pamela Laird and Mark Jacobsen* Phoebe Lang and Sanjay Bagai Margot and Robert Larsen Renate and George Lee Coralyn Mashy Lynne McGraw Mary Mitsui Bill and Jeanne Osterland Eva and Bill Price* Peter Rogers* Maggie Salenger and Peter Haywood* David and Louise Smith* Theodore H. Swindells $5,000 – $9,999 Anonymous (3) Meg Beeler and Tom von Tersch The Mervyn L. Brenner Foundation Robert and Paula Brent* Paul Matthews and Maria Cardamone Commoncents Derek F. Covert and Mary C. Connick* County of Sonoma Transportation Authority Joanne and Gordon Dow Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Garrett Michael and Mary Ann Hasenstab Suzanne Jones Dennis and Nancy Marks Laureston and Barbara McLellan Kevin and Rosemary McNeely Susan and John Millar David Moessinger and Jeri Taylor George Myers and Kathleen Heitz Dr. David Noorthoek Nathan M. Ohrbach Foundation Diane Parish and Paul Gelburd Mark Schlesinger and Christine Russell Steve and Wendy Smit* David J. Thacher Stephen Vallarino and Raini Sugg Howard and Barbara Wollner P. Lynn Woodward Zalec Familian and Lilian Levinson Foundation $2,500 – $4,999 Anonymous Estate of Ann Baumann Walter and Lu Benson Patricia Callahan and David Dee A. Crawford and Jessie Cooley Dale and Nancy Dougherty Lynette Feeney-Burns Joe Ficurelli

Richard and Luisiana Gale Estate of Pauline Gilbert Julia L. Grant Amanda Hamilton and Tim Hemmeter Norma K. Hunt Laura and Larry Martin Glenn and Tricia Melosh Gregg and Anne Nordquist Julia Pollock Anna and Frank Pope Redwood Hill Farm Save the Redwoods League Stephen and Betty Sherer Anne Teller Ralph Jake Warner John Weinstein and Heidi Stewart $1,000 – $2,499 Anonymous (4) Howard Allen Tania Amochaev and Harold Hahn Bill and De Andersen Darius Anderson Artisan Cheese Festival Lindsay and Kirsten Austin Thomas Bachman Russ and Peggy Bair Sharon Bard Marc Benson and Charles Sullivan Ralph Benson Bill and Gail Bettinelli Berenice and Lawrence Brackett Dixon and Sara Browder Peter C. Brown Will Bucklin and Lizanne Pastore George and Suzanne Bull Helen Burch Phillip and Kathryn Carlsen Robert Carr and Andrea Lopinto Mike Center and Marlene Russell Laura Chenel Susan Clark Susan Coleman Fran and Philip Conley Nancy Conzett Cow Patty Pageant Terry and Joanne Dale Ann Halsey Davis Peter J. Davis Dr. and Mrs. Michael Delman David and Lee Devine Phyllis Diebenkorn Beth and Howard Dunaier Ted and Pat Eliot Leslie and Todd Everett Daniel Falk Dave Faris Elizabeth Farrar and Craig Echols Richard Felciano Carolyn Zecca Ferris and Timothy Ferris John and Judith Fisher Neal Fishman and Maxene Spellman* Joan and Walt Flowers Kenneth and Akiko Freeman David Friedland David and Barbara Fromm Penny Gardner Therese Geary Joe and Susan Gorin

Mary and Dick Hafner Scott Hafner and Bill Glenn Hafner Vineyard Susan Hagemeister and Mark Martin Donna and Jim Halow Linda and Dave Hanes Hanford ARC Diane and Bryant Hichwa Sue and Mike Hoey Kimberly Hughes Quincey Tompkins Imhoff and Dan Imhoff Priscilla Ireland and Dale Carroll Helen Issel Kent Iverson Elaine Jacob Lauren Johannessen Ralph and Marcia Johnson Robert E. Kates Valerie and Michael Kobal Ellen and Wayne Krebs Land Trust Alliance Sheila and Paul Leach Maribelle and Stephen Leavitt Leff Construction Peter and Olivia Leveque Toby and Jerry Levine Maryon Davies Lewis Nancy and Tony Lilly Robert Lutolf Greg and Liz Lutz Richard Makdisi and Lindsay Wheeler Dennis and Nancy Marks Sandra Martensen and Alan Selby Allan Martini Dennis Martino Hugo and Beth Martinez Henry McNeely Gerald and Mary Edith Moore Mary Mueller Robert and Sally Nicholson Dick and Gail Odgers The Oliveira Family Trust Daniel Parks Elizabeth and Ralph Peer Barry and Jan Petersen Kalvin and Janne Platt Phillip Polakoff and Nancy Pfund John and Polly Post Louis and Susan Preston Chuck and Kati Quibell Elizabeth and William Reilly Willard and Nancy Richards Ted Roberts Michael and Victoria Rosauer Malcolm and Joan Ross Bill and Joan Roth Paul Rutkowski George Sardina Robert B. Sargent Judith Scotchmoor and Roland Gangloff Tim Severt John and Liz Sheela Dunham and Joyce Sherer David and Roberta Shippey Thomas and Shirley Simone Daphne Smith Michael H. Smith and Joan W. Dinner

Clay and Anne Stephens Chris Stover and Lorraine Bazan Michele and Rich Stratton Jack and Jane Stuppin Sarah Sweedler and Nat Wyatt Jamie Thistlethwaite Laney and Pasha Thornton Three Twins Ice Cream Victor Reus, M.D. and Kira Tiedgens Lisa Togni Quincey Tompkins Imhoff and Dan Imhoff Marimar Torres Sylvia Toth and Zsolt Takacs George D. Tuttle and F. Bennett Cushman Estate of Norma and Victor Waithman Dean Watson and Jan Ogren Ronald Welch and Ellen Watson Nelson and Jane Weller Searle Whitney Diane Wilsey Bruce and Nancy Worthington Michael and Katie Wright Gregory Young and Jean Davis Wilfried and Eeva Zimmerman $500 – $999 Anonymous (2) Rick and Sharon Abbott Steve and Valerie Arelt Stephen and Katharine Atherton Ned and Maxine Averbuck Mary Bachman and William Downing Jeff Baptista Iryne and Ian Black Simon and Kimberly Blattner Jim and Tillie Botz Laura and Kirk Bowman William J. Bryan Bruce and Susan Burdick Bob and Heidi Burke Glenn and Peggy Calkins Brad Hall and Jo Ann Campbell S. Davis and Mary-Claire Carniglia Caryl Carr and David Presotto Steven Cochran Nancy and Stephen Combs Kevin and Nancy Cooper Ronald and Carol Cox Eleanor Crary Lorna Creveling Walt and Nancy Custer Ethel and Eugene Daly Cindy Daniel and Doug Lipton Anita F. Das Nancy Dayton Fred Dickson George and Cynthia Doubleday Steve and Pat Edelstein Robert Ellis and Jane Bernstein Christine Engel and Hugh Helm Celeste Felciano Linda and Gary Felt G. Lee Fitzgerald Tom and Ann Flack Ned Forrest and Leslie Whitelaw Bob and Marcia Fosberg Robert Friese



Nan Kathryn Fuchs, PhD Irmgard and Heinz Gerstle Natasha Granoff Dorothy D. Gregor Gualala River Watershed Council Sam and Ava Guerrera Beth Harper Jack and Deyea Harper Michael and Patricia Hayes George Hellyer Steven Hightower Darla Hillard and Rodney Jackson Phillip and Naomi Holm Meleana Holroyde Gregg and Cathy Hopkins Paul Jaffe and Ellen Fishburn Robert and Linda Judd Joyce Kelly Katrina Killefer Mirka Knaster and Larry Jacobs Walter Krumm Gary M. Beuschel and John S. Kruse James Lamb Liz Linde and Walt Hays Kim and John Lloyd Annette Lomont and Charles Raaberg Marcia Luisi and Richard Strunin Steve Maass Janet Randall and Bruce MacEvoy Jake and Barbara Mackenzie Pat Mazzini Morton and Grace McMichael Jean McVeigh L. Bruce Meyer Trudy Mierkey Lois Miller Scotty Muira and Jim Ethridge Mr. and Mrs. D.E. Mundell Marion Nazworthy Mike Nelligan New Hampshire Charitable Foundation Elisa Rachel Newman Sheila and Jack Nichols Nielsen:Schuh Architects Jack and Hope Nisson Richard and Susan Olness David and Evelyn Osteraas Ann and Michael Parker Perry, Johnson, Anderson, Miller & Moskowitz LLP Darren Peterie and Tom Rusert Gary F. and Jean Pokorny Sharon Ponsford and Chris Jones Peter Poullada and Nancy Sheppard Greg and Gail Ralston Marianne Ramer Jeanne Rayner Dick Reinhardt Bill and Mary-Louise Reinking Nan and Bruce Reitz Michael Ring River Myst Haven Sally and Toby Rosenblatt Marcie Rothman Don and Marilyn Sanders Paul and Patty Schoch Susannah M. Schroll

Schwab Charitable Fund Beverly Scottland Don Seaver Wylie and Judy Sheldon Sandra Shepard and Herbert Wolfram Louis and Jean Sloss David and Louise Smith James and Joyce Smith Mikell Smith Patricia and Thomas E. Swaney Margaret and Richard Tempero Kenneth and Ellen Thompson Casandra Tompkins Nancy and Michael Torres Traditional Medicinals Victor and Karen Trione The Visgilio-Scarborough Family Joseph and Deborah Votek Jim and Cathy Wallace Dick Warmer and Ginny Rubin Warren Watkins and Janis Grattan Michael and Jane Wilson Ann Winblad Joan Woodhull Keith Yamamoto David Zezza Lewis and Patricia Zuelow Stephen and Jackie Zwick $250 – $499 Anonymous (2) Cynthia and Gary Anderson Lynda Angell Renee A. Armstrong Mary Evelyn Arnold Allison Ash and Marc Schwager Ilene Auer Richard Auger and Mary Radu Lauren Ayers Will Bakx and Victoria Lasin Robert and Anne Baldwin Carolyn B. Barber Edward and Susan Barich Linda and Stephen Barnhart Richard Bartlett Alvin H. Baum, Jr. Helen and Robert Berg Bonnie Berkeley and William Smith F. Thomas Biglione Richard Bland Kathleen and Dennis Bloch Donald and Heidi Blumenthal Walt and Sandra Bodley Sandy Bonelli Sarah Botz and Ted Cody Richard and Marie-Eve Brawn Gordon L. Bray Dianne Brinson and Mark Radcliffe Timothy and Margaret Brown Natascha Bruckner Joe and Judy Brumbaugh Michael Shawn Brumbaugh and Jennifer Richardson Elizabeth Bryant and Kimberly Lawton Brenda Buckerfield Wanda Burzycki and Marc Mager Sue Campbell and John McKinney John F. Capitani

Christofer Carpenter Jim and Marcia Carruthers Darrell and Mary Kate Carter Castle, Inc. Tim Choate Richard Clarke Kay Clegg James and Elizabeth Cohee Mary Colhoun Bob and Nancy Cooley William and M. Kim Cordell David and Elizabeth Crouthamel Patricia Cullinan Earle and Susan Cummings Gordon and Nancy Davies Susan Day, M.D. Sandy de Lorimier Paul and Diana DeMarco Edward and Della Dobranski Jenny Downing Peter and Anne Duffield Doug Erickson and Al Mueller Elliot B. Evers John Ewing Cary Fargo and Anna Ransome Carol Farrow Caroline and John Ferrando Dan and Susan Fix Matthew Foehr Donald Frediani and Renata Gasperi Guy and Beverly French Alexander and Ann Frick Joni Fritsche Jeffrey Germaine Cheryl and Derlin German Tim and Pamela Gilmore Jim and Michaela Glenn Alex Goodman Howdy Goudey Michelle Graham Donald F. and Cheryl Green Mac and Helle Griffiss Ann Grove and Wayne Kotcher Doug and Lynn Grundman Sherry Gulmon and Harold Mooney Gary and Teresita Salter Haag Raymond and Amanda Haas Parke and Sarah Hafner Charlie and Anthia Halfmann Michael and Nancy Hall Paul Harris David Hearth and Lauren Hall Dana Kueffner and Peter Heinemann Judy Helfand Jill Henry Rina Hirai and Marianne Perron Tom and Caroline Hoyt Elizabeth and George Huang Tony Huff and Dawn Johnson-Huff Robert Hunter, Jr. Mia James Knud Jensen Harry and Margery Johnson Harold and Mary Ella Johnston Beverly Judd Margaret E. Kaplan Terry and Kathi Karr-Province Linda Kendall

Rich Kuehn and Dean Schuler Judith and Charles Kimball John Kirkwood William Klippert Margaret Kolar Greg Korelich and Linda Osher Bill and Lucy Kortum Rebecca Kuga and Irene Gilbert Andrew LaCasse Jane Lang Sandy and Kent Larson David and Stephanie Lawrence Jack and Mary Lawrence Russell and Marge Lawton John Leahy Julia Flagg Leaver Louisa Leavitt Lamar Leland Philip and Marjorie Lilienthal Joel Linzner and Teresa Picchi Linda Liscom and Ed Power Andrea Mackenzie John Mackie and Kathleen Ecker Linda Marietta Stephanie McAllister and Roger Jungerman Mary Lee McCune Molly Miner Barbara and Christopher Montan Ian and Ellyn Morrison Moyra Moy Kathleen Mugele Lawrence Nagel John and Nancy Neerhout Barbara Nelson and Craig Tracy Russell Nelson and Sandy Slichter William K. Nisbet Deborah and Tadashi Nitasaka Eric and Yvonne Norrbom Steve and Marthe Norwick Daniel O’Connor The Olive Oil Factory, LLC Tom and Trish O’Neill William Oran Tom and Paula Osborne Judith Pace and Sam Zuckerman Nancy and Kevin Padian Rod and Cathy Park Benjamin Parmeter, M.D. Ellen Pastore Buddy and Arline Pepp Fred and Barbara Perry Hal and Renee Peters Linda Petrulias Alan and Sandy Piotter Betty L. Pommon Rhoann Ponseti and Stefan Jonson David Powers Lawrence Prager and Linda Myszak Grace and Harry Pratt Kerry and Terry Price Carolyn and Steven Pride Steve and Lynnie Rabinowitsh Jan Reddick Redwood Region Ornithological Society Patrick Reeves Scott and Marta Rich Neville and Lila Rich S. Brantly and Nancy Richardson Karen Roche and Malcolm Jones

Stephen and Martha Rosenblatt Richard and Anne Ruben Wayne and Sue Rutherford Ralph Samuelson Daniel and Marion Schoenfeld Marlene Scholz Donald and Helen Schulak Bruno Schurter Martha Scott Paul Segre and Megan Stefanki Ed and Suzanne Sellai Bryan and Pat Sesser Kurt Shaver John Sheehy and Laurie Szujewska Andrea and Bryon Sheets Harvey and Deborah Shein Janet Siela Eleanor Silberman and Kitty Ritz Linda and Robert Simon Susan Smile Barry Smith Gary J. Smith and Jamienne Studley Aletha Soule Marlene and Martin Stein Kat Stephens Janann Strand John P. Strebel Randolph and Marged Sugarman Gilda and Daniel Sullivan Stephen and Lori Taylor Joe and Eileen Tenn Elizabeth and Theodore Theiss Lucia Thoenig Ellen Thompson and Vic Wright Michael Tilles Marsha Torkelson George Turner Sally Vella Isabel Wade and Jan Chernoff Alice Waters Ralph and Rosalie Webb George Weiler Frank Welsh and Judith Jones Henry White and Diane Bedecarre Don Williams and M. Elaine Moreno Locke and Cathy Wilson Adolph Wood Shana Woodfield Roger Wright Alfred and Julia Wurglitz Thomas Yarish and Laure Campbell Rand Yazzolino Helene York Jay Youngdahl and Mary Ellen Vogler $100 – $249 Anonymous (6) Liberty Abbott Marc Abbruzzese Keith Abeles Keren and Robert Abra Alla Acheff Charles and Ruth Adams Antonia Adezio and Rick Goodsell Robin Aguillon Stephen Album Raymond and Sara Alden Barbara Alexander

Marc and Meg Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Allan Katie Alvord Robert and Linda Alwitt Seth D. Ammerman Elaine Anderson Ian and Sonda Anderson Janet Lynne Anderson Jerry Anderson and Tricia Coxhead Shelly Anderson Arthur Anglin George Arack, Jr. and Linda Groberg Paul and Judith Archambeau K. Armstrong and L. Presler Don and Vicki Arns Pedro Arroyo Rosanne Arthur Sunni Ashley and Tarek Swelam Carolyn and Douglas Ayer Peter E. Babcock Barbara Babin and James Avera Joan Bacci Linda and Ronald Backstrom Barbara Baer and Michael Morey Mariah Baird John U. Baker and Shaun R. Nelson Lisa Baker Chris and Phyllis Baldenhofer Susan Baldi Jane and Jerry Baldwin Douglas and Linda Balogh Gary and Martha Bannister James and Deborah Baratta Genevieve Barnhart William Barnier Dr. and Mrs. Roger Barron Linda Bartera Helen and Michael Bates Christina Batt and Robet Doyle Olive Bavins Kirk Bennett Diane Berl Rhonda Berney Paul and Yael Bernier Joann and Jack Bertges Linda Biscoe J. Michael and Kathryn Bishop David and Jeanne-Marie Black Hugh Black Janet Black Iris Borg Aldo Borin Joan C. Bossart Janet Bosshard Mary Boster Eugene Boudreau David Boudreaux Homer and Virginia Boushey Becky and Winston Bowen Anita Bowers Paul and Karen Bowes Barbara Bozman-Moss Donald Bradley Mark Bramfitt Gretchen Braren Sylvia Bray and Bernardo Larque Fred and Sandra Brewer Vina and Jon Breyfogle William Bridges

Curious cows at Tolay Creek Ranch take a break from grazing. Photo by Lance Kuehne Photography.

A special thank you ‌ to the S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation for supporting our work to create the Parks Alliance of Sonoma County and our efforts to protect and care for working landscapes.

Anita and Todd Brightman Sarah Brooks Peter H. Brosig and Jane Hook David Brown Henry Bruce Molly Buckley and Don Kurtz Margo Budman Deborah and John Buehler Glen Buelteman Reed L. Buffington Mark Buffo Priscilla and Michael Bull Steven Burden Helen M. and Fred Burger Marcia Burkart Paula and Tim Burkhart Forrest and Betty Burns Tom and Elinor Burnside Patricia Buse-Ruppert Clifford and Valerie Butcher Katharine Butler Rebecca Butler Laurel and Tim Callan Lynn and Dick Carlile Tesa and Robert Carlsen Greg and Cynthia Carr Friends of Efren Carrillo Mary Lou Carson and Melissa Fike William D. Carswell Donna Cavin Stephen and Linda Cederborg Carol Cenci Robert Cerniglia Anne Chadwick Clare Chamberlain Thomas Chamberland LeRoy and Norma Chandler Loise Chapin Ronald and Audrey Chapman Roberta and Doug Chase

Catherine Chatton Cheney Theodore and Lynda Chenoweth Amy Chesnut Francesca A. Chinn Rene and Susan Chouteau Rebecca Christiansen Paul Chuljians Randal S. Churchill John and Lena Chyle James Cleaves Robert and Phyllis Clement Connie Cloak Jim and Lorene Coconas The Society of Cogers of San Francisco Marne Coggan Christine Cohen Karen Collins Taylor McCandless and Thomas Conlon Barbara and Peter Connolly Mary and Michael Connolly Peter and Carolyn Connors Betty and Thomas Conrad Reed and Judith Content Mickey S. Cooke and Erik Holbek Gene Cooley Ann and Robert Cormack Susan Coryell and Bruce Penrod Al and Sherri Couture Elizabeth and Martin Covington David B. Cox George Craft Patricia and Michael Crilly John and Mary Crockenberg Don and Nancy Crosby Christopher Crossland David Crotty Peter Adams Crowell



Gina Cuclis-Tennant and Roy Tennant Katherine and Thomas Culligan Kelsey Cummings James Cutcher Gene and Judy Dale Nancy and Michael Davidson Judy Davis Michael and Lynn Davis Arthur and Jill Dawson Duane and Sheila de Long Esther and Daniel DeBra Eleanor Decker Beth-Marie Deenihan Jay and Jody Deike Dianne Delfino Claire DeMartini Charles and Jana Denegri Bill and Sue Denevan Nona B. Dennis John Dennison Chris Denten John and Patricia Dervin Karla Di Grazia Suzanne Dibble Bob and Joan Dickerson Bruce and Anneliese Dietrich L.L. Dintiman Dennis and Patricia Dong John and Sara Donnelly Frank and Jackie Dono Laraine Downer Nancy Doyle, M.D. James and Colleen Drake Joanne and Michael Dranginis Warren and Susie Dranit Roger and Phyllis Duba Gail Dubinsky Spielman, M.D. Jack Dupre and Marsha Vas Dupre China Dusk and Steven Tierra Ulrike Wolter and Geoffrey Duyk April Eberhardt Barrie Eddy Ken Egel Howard and Irene Ehret Bob and Marcia Eldredge Wendy Eliot and Michael Fitzgibbon Gregory and Darlene Elliott Michael and Carolyn Ellis Leslie Ellison and Nancy Helmers Richard Ely Robert Ely Anna Embree Barbara Epstein Rolfe Erickson Brian Erwin and Christine Hunsicker Ron and Shannon Estill Michael and Janice Eunice Jeanette and Whitney Evans Melinda Evans Emily Evers David and Marie Felciano Kevin and Denise Feldman Lois and Roland Feller Thomas Fetter and Helen Chen Emily Ozer and Antony Fields Patrick and Sienna Fisher Bill and Susan Flora Matt and Marilyn Flores Richard and Carolyn Fogg

Margaret and Robert Foulks Ann and Michelle Fouts-Reppun Michel Elisabeth Fox Wendy and Andrew Frank Donald H. and Ann Frazer Charles and Perry Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Friedman Donn Furman Michael Gallagher and Ruth Shapiro Fay Gallus John Gamberg Harold and Marion Garrett Todd Garrett Florence Garvie Kenneth Gaver Jonathan L. Gay Suzanne and Joseph Geary Michela and Martin Gelber Andrew N. Gerson Denise M. Gilbert Margie Gilford Jerald and Virginia Gill Sally Gillespie and Bruce J. Terris Mark Ginsburg Alexander Glass Francis Glennon Dohn and Beryl Glitz Raymond and Bonnie Goepfrich Norman E. Goldstein Kathleen Gonzalez Marilyn Goode John Goodman John C. Goodman Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Gospe Jeff and Ann Gospe Edward Gould and Elaine Adamson Gerald and Sheila Gould Kirk Gould Mary Frances Gould Laura Graham Margaret and L.B. Greaves Drew McCalley and Marilyn Green Marlys Green Miriam Green Russell H. Green, Jr Marcia Greenblatt Fred and Lisa Greenstein Erica and Ken Gregory Terri Griffin Maureen Groper Sally and Jim Gude Rich and Judy Guggenhime Betty Guggolz Phil Guidotti Janine Guillot and Shannon Wilson Kay Gunter Daniel M. and Sarah Glade Gurney Richard Gutierrez, Sr. Phyllis Guttman Patricia and Anthony Guzzardo Tom Haeuser and Antoinette Kuhry Linda and Keith Hale Karen Hales Annie and Winthrop Hall Karlene Hall

Leigh and Maxine Hall Mark and Jasmine Hall David Halliday Doug Hamilton Linda Hammer MicHael and Pamela Hampton Nancy and Dean Hanson Steve and Marianne Harder Donna Hardy Richard and Kathy Harkness Victoria Bonnington and Bill Harper Victoria Harris Terry and Carolyn Harrison Charles Haseltine Bob and Carol Hasenick Lee Hastings Rosemary Hayes Catherine Heater Max and Janice Hein Robert J. Henry Kaye and Lawrence Henzerling Judge Patricia Herron (Ret.) Gloria and Henry Hersch Harry Hicks Bob and Nancy Higham Gail and Robert Hight Thomas Higley Kate Hill Richard T. and Marna Hill Sarah Hill Vicki Hill Mary C. Himbarger Diana Hindley Don and Ann Hines Myron Hinrichs Susan Hirsch and Susan Leal Joanne Hively Sharon and Tyler Hoffman Hohum Conco Arthur and Jean Holden Jean Holroyd-Sills John and Geraldine Holt Charles Homcy Dvora Honigstein and Mary Sue Philp Nancy Hoogendyk Perry Hopkins Robert and Toni Hopkins James C. Hormel, Jr. Megan Hornby and Donald Keister Linda and Joel Hornstein Keith Howell and Paula Smith Faye and Edlin Hubert Jason Huckaby and Michael Schoenenberger Victoria and Charles Hughes Arlo and Patricia Hummel Alex and Martha Hunt Elmarie Hutchinson Lura C. Hutchinson Linda Illsley Richard and Barbara Iverson Sharon Jackson Robert and Deborah Jacobi Craig Jacobsen Alfred and Bonnie Janssen Jim Jardine and Bill Mautner Peter Jaret and Steven Peterson Niels Jensen Patricia Jensen and Richard Adam

Alan Johnson M.D., and Donna Dolislager, M.D. Peter Jones Stephen K. Jones Coby Jordan Jim and Joan Jordan Tif Joyce Paul Judge and Christine Yaeger Robert and Elizabeth Julian Howard and Rozanne Junker David and Lissa Juricich Nicole and Marc Katano Robert Kehn Elwood and Gloria Keller Melissa Kelley Jim and Kathleen Kelley-Markham Alana Kelly Edward and Michelle Kerwin Harriss King Virginia King Lynn Kintzi Joseph Kinyon and Jennifer Stock Jean and Thomas Kirsch Joshua and Luz Kirsch Borell and Janet Kirschen Nancy and Kyle Kirwan Gretchen W. Kishbaugh Daniel and Marilyn Kittleson Peter and Mary Klabunde Dorothy Klein Michael and Sachiko Knappman Nell Kneibler John and Johanna Knight Rose Knight and Ronald Simpson Kevin Knowles and Kathy Lowe Ashlee and Harry D. Koch Michael Kraus and Nancy Sasser William and Susan Krawetz Thane Kreiner and Steven Lovejoy William J. and Beth Krumbein Melinda and Robert Kruvant Serge and Cheryl Labesque Rudy Lacoe and Marguerite Hammett Sheila and Michael Lagios Thomas and Sally Lambert Darlene LaMont and Jim Robinson Robert Landman and Helene Morneau Steven and Monika Lang Terry and Karen Larson John Laslo and Anmarie Roache James K. Lauber and Tim Portwood Virginia Laughlin David Lawrence Willard and Sandra Lawrence George and Ann Lawson Nancy Leavens Dinah Lee Nelson Lee Jon and Bette Legallet David F. Leland and Ann Howald Dan Lennon Andrew Leuzinger and Mary Leveque Jack Levin, M.D. Charles Levine and Elisa Stancil Ethelinda Levy Howard Levy Jerry Levy

Marcia Levy Bob and Elaine Lewon Stephen and Judith Neer Liebling Donald Linch Edward and Beatrice Linsin David Loeb Kristin and Ronn Loewenthal Ruth Lombard and Trymon Hunter Bill and Tieli Long Elinore and Wallace Lowry Lucchetti Properties Olle Lundberg and Mary Breuer Arch C. Luther Lois and Harry Lutz Dorothea Lyman Donlyn Lyndon Stephen Mack Penny MacKenzie Martin H. Mackey Adrian and Ann MacNab Janice MacNaughton Wayne Madgett Peter and Theresa Mahoney Cecily and David Majerus Lewis Manchester Virgilia F. Mapa Barton Foster and Stefanie Maragna Daniel and Virginia Mardesich Anastassios and Maya Margaronis Maryann Marks Kim Marois Jean and Michael Martin Paul Martin and Patti Kozlovsky Robert and Roberta Marton Richard and Gloria Marx Cinda Mast-Gough and Michael Gough James Mathews Nancy Mavis, M.D. Robert G. Mayberry Alison and Mitch McAlpine Andrew and Barbara McCarthy Don McCarthy James and Carol McConnell Lex McCorvey Eugene and Rosemary McCreary Bob Scott and Tim McDonald Jane McDonough William and Josephine McGann James W. McGinnis Paulette and James McHugh Deborah McKay Chuck and Barbara McLaughlin Jim McNely Bob and Marjorie Meadows Bill and Winifred Medin Robert C. Mee Melissa Meith Thomas Menzies and Betsy Karrer Kimberly and James Meredith George and Marilyn Mertens Reva and Dale Metzger Matt Metzler and Wendy Moyer-Metzler Peter Michael Carl Michelsen and Mary Fitch Donald and Jacque Mielke Clay and Ellen Miller Joanne and Barbara Miller

Gerald Missey John Mock and Louise Brewer David M. Modest Eldon and Dixie Modisette John and Cecilia Moelter James and Melinda Moir Mark and Susan Molofsky Robert Moody Jacqueline Moore Ron Morgan Grant Morris and Judith Staples Sheree and Bill Moss Barbara C. Moulton Anthony Mountain and Cheryl Maynard Gerald and Lilly Mugele Ed and Arlene Mulligan Michael and Ellen Mundell Jim and Esther Munger Dr. Douglas Munro Patrick and Emilie Munsch Richard Murphy Charles Murray William and Nancy Murray Neil and Lorna Myers Steve and Valerie Nagle Ann Nally Peggy Nance Penelope Narayan Richard Navarro Daniel Needham Corinne Neuman Donald and Sylvia Nevins Nadenia Newkirk Arlene Nicholson Al and Phyllis Niklas Rosann and Richard Noel Phil and Elsie Northen Lisa Nowell David and Grace Noyes Ed and Marcia Nute Stephen O’Brien Tom and Mary Oesterle Hideko Oga Remigius H. Ojong David Oliver Jeremy Olsan and Ann DuBay Maurine Olson Rudolf and Emily Oppenheimer John and Susan Orb Carol Orme Edwin B. Orrett Jeffery Orth and Nancy Peter Greg and Hanna Ostroff Jane and Mark Otsea Richard Otter Pamela and Alan Page Domenic J. and Birgitta Paino Thomas Paoli and Margaret Coyne David G. Parker Doris Parker Kim Parker Linda Parker Reny Parker John J. Parodi Nancy E. Pasky Johanna and Remo Patri Karlene Paufler Stephen Pavy Lee Perron and Judy White Philip Persons Anne Peterson

Ervand Peterson Joseph and Bonnie Phair Andrea Pierotti John A. Pilling Michael Pinkston Caroline Pipal Martha Pogue Lee Pollard Sally Pooler Penelope Porch Lisa and Jeff Post Jay Poushey Jan and James Proud Larry and Cynthia Pullin James Pyskaty and Crystal Cox Noel Quinn Kathie Ramazzotti Roberta Rams William and Barbara Ramsey Jenny Randall R. Sean Randolph Patricia and Gilbert Raposo Dr. and Mrs. Earl Rathbun John and Cynthia Rathkey William and Suzanne Rayner Art and Elaine Reichert John Reid and Carol Andrews Mike and Judi Reilly Edward and Bobbie Remedios Bill and Sue Remick Ray and Sandra Remy Teresa Renaker and Robin Kojima Barbara and David Rice Howard and Eleanor Rice Dr. and Mrs. Robert Richardson Sigvard and Mary Louise Richardson Audrey Rinker Beth Robb and Raul da Silva Mary Roberts, Bruce and Keith Reinik David E. Root and Marilyn Wolf Dorothy Rose Kalima Rose Paul C. Rosenthal Alan and Gail Ross Janet Ross and Patrick Whitfield William Roth Tom Rouse Monique and Robert Rubin Morton and Sue Rubin Robin Russell Steve and Nancy Russell Robert Rutemoeller and Mary Sue Ittner Patrick Ryan Majid and Helen Salemi Kathleen Sandoval Martha and James Sanford John Sanger Laurie and John Sargent Michael and Mary Savage Robert V. and Barbara Scavullo David and Carolyn Schaal C. Victoria Simonds and Thomas Scharffenberger Yvonne Schell Delia Schmedding Joe Schubert Walter Schug Lucia and James Schultz

Marie Schutz Steve and Georgia Schwartz Anne and William Schwarzer Dean Scott Gary Searby Susan Shaffer Richard and Sharon Shlegeris Alan Siegle and Shelley Brown Martin and Ellen Silge Edith Simonson Jean Simpson David Sims Paul Siri and Kate Bolton Steven D. Skolnik Richard F. Slattery Robin Sloan and Joe Wolff Joanne and Peter Slusser Edwin Smalle Harper and Scott Smith Susan Manuel Smith Patrick Smithson Sara L. Snyder Alan Soule Mildred Spanger Audrey R. Spector Susan Starbird and Michael Riszkiewicz Jean Starkweather Mac Steiger Arnold Stellema and Nannette Meyers Bruce M. and Mary Alice Stephen Hans and Gay Stern Hugh and Diane Stevenson Neila Stewart Ellen Stillman Stephen and Linda Stocking David and Jane Stone Ronald and Joyce Stone Liz Strauss and Mark Hughes Sandra Stribolt Ross E. Stromberg Vic and Chemi Suard Dee and Peter Swanhuyser William and Shirley Swasey Steve Sweaney and Judy Withee Jack and Marilyn Swire Margaret Szczepaniak Daniel S. Talbert Bob and Cindy Tancreto James and Elinor Taylor Linnea Tennison Gladys Thacher Steve Thomas Stephen Thompson and Anne Weaver Monna Throop Denny and John Tibbetts Iris Tiedt and John Allan Sue Tierney Sally Tilbury Christina Toms Margaret Tourje and Jane Krensky Everett and Ilene Traverso Esther Trible Judy Shubin and Michael Troy Ransom and Marilyn Turner Elinor Twohy Francesca and Herbert Tyrnauer Mrs. Lee J. van der Ploeg Janice Vannatta Susan and Steven Vargas, M.D.


Kathy Vaslet Charles and Pamela Vetrano Jocelyn and Gene Vick Terrence and Cristina Wadsworth Richard and Susan Wagner James and Dorothy Walters Tanis Walters Lauren and Mary Margaret Ward Patricia H. Ward Olive G. and Richard Waugh Suzanne Weakley Brian Weatherford and Steve Montgomery Grant Weaver Ronald L. Webb Lorraine A. Wedekind Reuben Weinzveg and Padi Selwyn Arlene and Bob Weis Constantina and Robert Wertz Roger Wery Roger and Eva Westberg Gretchen Whisenand and Dennis Calabi Jane and Richard Wicklund Peter Wiggin Doug and Yvonne Wilcox Don and Gail Wilhelm Kathrin Williams Peter Elias and Mary Williams Susan Winer Sara Winge Michael and Robin Winton Jurgen Woelke Clark Wolf Cameron W. and Frances Wolfe John and Teresa Woodward Chip and Anne Scott Wray Cora and Tom Wright John Wright Ronald and Pieter Anne Wright Elizabeth Wroblicka Tenley Wurglitz Anne Wurr Gail Eva Young and William McNearney Karen Young and Lucinda Romero Louise Young Robert Youngs Peter and Teresa Youtz Konstantin and Susan Zaharoff Sean A. Zamb William Zaner and Geri Cross Larry Zech John Zimmerman Armando and Sandra Zimmermann Matthew Zwerling and Patresa Rollinger


UP TO $99 Anonymous (2) Edward E. Abramson, PhD Susan Ackerman Bruce and Ann Adams Chambers D. Adams Kenneth and Karen Adelson Pam Adinoff Belle Adler Barbara Agapinan Agilent Technologies Sheila Albert Gayle Alexander

Barbara Alhadeff Bill Allen Amy Allis Mary Allison Nabeel Al-Shamma Kunihiko Amano Jeffrey Ames Carrie Anabo Kat and Nick Anast Bill and Janet Anderson Bob and Sue Anderson Cynthia Harrer and Donald Wallace Anderson David Anderson Elizabeth Andrews Marge Anthony John Anton Nicholas and Marcia Anton Susan and Bill Arbios Thelma Arlom Philip and M. Katherine Arnaudo Nina Arrabit Rodrick and Rita Arriaga Marilyn F. Ashlin William and Karen Babula Linda Bacci Bill Baldewicz and J.C. Lipzin Guy Baldwin Jeanne and Anthony Ballestero Patrick Band Carol Banquer Jeanette Barekman Lance Barlas John and Barbara Barr Teresa Barrett Dave Barry Martha Barton Ralph W. Bastian, Jr. George and Larisa Batchelder Martin and Judith Bauman Barbara Baumgardner Joseph and Karen Beall Brian B. Beard Steve Beck and Cathy Ries Yvonne Beckmeyer Martin and Ginny Behr Earl and Linda Behrens Harvey Bell Linda and Alan Bell Leslie Bellis Joyce and Brian Bender Laura Benke Edward and Mildred Bennett Orienne Bennett Janet and Jon Bensick Loretta Bentancourt Greg Beran Jane and Arthur Bergen Lily Berkeley James and Janice Berkland Bruce Berkowitz JoAnn Berman Steve and Judith Bernstein Deborah Bezona Judi Binkley Gay Bishop and Mark Brorstrom Gary M. Bjork Betsy Black Edith Black Kathleen and Douglas Black Ron Blanc Alan Bloom

Richard Bloom and Bridget McCoy Mary Boal Nancy and Richard Bohannon Terry and John Boland Suzanne Bond and Ken Stueben Robert Booth and Pamela Powell Lorraine Bosche Gordon and Tamara Boultbee Terry and Donna Bowden Yvonne Bowers Angela Bowles Kitty Bownass Chrissy Kord-Brady and Michael Brady Susan Braito John T. Branscome Joanne and Louis Braun, Jr. Leanna L. Breese Sean Bressie Susan Briggs Pat and Vivian Brockway Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Brosbe Hattie Brown Owen Brown Gale and Phil Brownell Alan Brubaker Louis Bruni Barbara A. Buck Dorothy Buechy Laurie and Chris Buettner Ruth Burke Kelly Burlingham Rex and Charlotte Burnett Diane and David Burnley Linda Burton-White Calandra Bush and Lou Gouveia Janet Buswell Mike and Nancy Buti Ann Butler Jill Butler Kathleen Buyers and Ron Milton Jerry and Janice Cader Thompson Christine Caliandro Pat Callahan Sarah Cameron Lerer and Jim Lerer Marjorie Ann Cameron Carol Campbell Sheri Cardo Lance Carnes Nancy and Steven Carpenter Albert and Lenore Carrion Mark Carter and Stephanie Chiacos Robert and Blythe Carver Rob Catterton and Gwynn O’Gara Sheila Cauldwell Patricia Chan Tanya Charter and Greg Shore Miranda Chatham Scott and Shirley Chilcott Shook Chung Stephanie and Jack Clark Ed Clay Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Clendenin Linda S. Clopton Deborah Coffey Molly and Richard Cohen Rose Cohen Gay Coleman Collins and Richard Collins

Marlie Collins Karen Collum Claudia Comerci George and Dolores Conlan Julie Connery Adrian Conte Nancy and Kevin Conway Catherine Cook Randall Cook Barbara Cooper Earl Correa Gerald Corsi William Courtney, M.D. Melissa and Bill Cox Thomas and Diane Cox Patti and Jim Crandall Katherine E. Crank Margery Crawford Judith and Robert Creasy Allan and Maureen Crivello Roberta Cronquist David Crowther and James Juanillo Victor R. and Christine Cucina Beverly and David Curry Sandra Curtis Karen Daenen Candice and Robert Dahlstet Kathleen Daley Patrick and Lana Daley Susan and Bill Daniel Victor and Kooch Daniels Chris Date Jessie Dauterman Donald D’Avanzo and Deborah Salomon Dr. and Mrs. Fred David Millie and Jeff Davis Mel and Nancy Davison Christine Deans Maria P. DeBernardi Susan M. Dedominic Chuck and Mary Degagne Sharon Delaney and Ralph Sobieski Jayne DeLawter and Ken Koppelman Jim and Nancy Dempsey Diana Denisoff and Robert Byrne Teresa and Richard Denniston Daniel DePaolo Barbara and William DeVaughn Robette Dias Russ and Judy Dieter Rob and Mary Disharoon Augustus Dizerega Sharon and Daniel Dolan Fairfax and Giovanni Donovan M.L. Doucette Holly Downing and Michael Zander Paula Downing Lloyd and Prue Draper Roelof and Carolina Drenth Susan Ducote Helen Dunbar George and Nancy Duncan Charles Dunkel Kari Dupler Bette Durham Brigitte and Norris Dyer Michelle Eaton

Dan Eichhorn and Julie Leveque Neil and Susan Eisenberg Deborah Elliott and Glenn McCrea Karen Elliott and Anthony Harrison Marion and Merritt Elmore Mari and Michael Emmons Bill English Julie English Gail Enos Joel and Karen Erickson Kathleen Erickson-Freeman Thomas Escover and Harriette Grooh Hazel L. Eshleman Grant and Elizabeth Esterling Fred and Jocelyn Euphrat Noreen Evans Robin Factor Dolores Fahey Akram and Ying Cui Fahmi Yvette Fallandy Randy Falstad and Ann Marie Pleskaczewski Katharine Fanning and Jonathan Nelson Randi Farkas Ben Farnham Robert and Lisa Farnham Dolores and Frank Farr Nancy Feehan Louis and Tamara Fehrenbacher Katharine Feidler Gus Feissel Stephen and Julia Ann Fenner Elaine Fenton Letizia Fernandez Robert and Patricia Ferrand Jeanne Ferroggiaro Barbara Fetesoff John and Mary Field Deborah Filipelli and Michael Sanders David Finkbeiner and Beth Matesi James Finn Alwyn Fischel Charles and Sandra Fisher Linda Fisher and Leah Norwood Ann Fitzgerald Anne Fitzgerald and Brian Lloyd Nancy Fitzpatrick John and Heather Fleischhauer Donald A. Fleming Gordon Fong Margo and Don Forbes Sylvia and Lew Forrest Walt and Ella Forsiak Steve Fowler Farida Fox Kathleen Dowdakin and Robert D. Fox Randi Francis Cheryl Franzini Walter J. Freeman, III Caryn Fried Layne Friedrich Walter and Josefine Frommel Dolores Giustina Fruiht Stephen Fuller-Rowell James and Susan Gale Joe and Shawna Gannon

David Gardiner Betty Garrett Thomas Gast Arlee Geary Pamela and Wayne Gehrke Martin Gerber Ray and Margot Gergus Bonnie Jean Germain David Gettinger Matthew and Josephine Geyer Douglas Ghiselin Edwin and Betsy Giles Helen Gillespie Robert and Jane Gimlin Joseph Giovinco Suzanne Girot Irene Glover Ennid Gmelch Stanley Gold Anne Goldmann and Jonathan Elliot Taylor Mark Goldstein Tessa Fitzgerald and Herbert Golenpaul Anne Golseth Maria S. Gonzales Lea Goode-Harris, PhD Anne W. Goodwin and Carl Finney Carl and Donna Gowan Janet and Todd Gracyk Carla Grady Roger and Connie Graeber Richard and Wendy Grahman Mark and Xandra Grandy Betty Grant Ronald and Sally Grassi Anne Gray Glenna Ness Green Windsor Green Gerald Griffin Martin and Joyce Griffin Ross and Marjorie Grossman Gerry Groves Joseph Grulich Eleanor Guerin Verna Rene Guess Janice Gullarian Evelyn Gurevitch Conny Gustafsson Kelly Gutsch Art Haake Janet Haas Richard Hacker Victoria Haddad Karen and Bruce Hagen Marghi Hagen Lena Hahn-Schuman Lori Hake Georgiana Hale Stan and Diane Hales Linda Hall Bill and Connie Hammerman Diane Hansen Jim Happ Carole Harbard Michael and Cynthia Harmon Catherine Harrigan David Harris Carol Harrison J. Wylie and Kathrene Hartman Ed Hasson

Legacy League We are proud to recognize the long-term commitment of donors who have made planned gifts to the Sonoma Land Trust and who are, thereby, members of our Legacy League. These supporters ensure that funds will always be available to purchase and care for open space, and preserve the character and beauty of our local landscape. Thank you. Anonymous (2) Rosanne Arthur Allison Ash and Marc Schwager Russ and Peggy Bair Olive and Leonard Bavins Meg Beeler and Tom von Tersch Ralph Benson Barbara Biebush William J. Bryan Mark Burchill and Mary Lou Konrad Betty Burridge Sarah Cameron Lerer and Jim Lerer Sue Campbell and John McKinney Mark Carter and Stephanie Chiacos Laura Chenel Ethel and Eugene Daly Peter J. Davis David and Lee Devine Bruce and Anneliese Dietrich John and Sara Donnelly Nancy Doyle, M.D. Margo Eachus Ted and Pat Eliot Karen Elliott and Anthony Harrison Christine Engel Margery Entwisle Celeste Felciano Dyana Foldvary Nan Kathryn Fuchs, PhD Cheryl and Derlin German Susan Gilliland Linda Haering Mary and Dick Hafner Amanda Hamilton Donald and Lillian Hanahan Don Hanesworth Jack and Deyea Harper John Helm Diane and Bryant Hichwa Darla Hillard and Rodney Jackson Michael Houlihan and Bonnie Harvey Tom and Caroline Hoyt Stewart and Jane Hume Carol and Berkeley Johnson Camille Jordan Charles Kittel Gary and Christine Kozel Ellen and Wayne Krebs

Pamela Laird and Mark Jacobsen Paul and Maureen Larson Jack and Mary Lawrence Kathleen Lawton Marcia Levy Elizabeth Lewis Reta Lockert Laura and Larry Martin Peter and Patty Mattson Claudia Mayfield Tom and Vivian McFarling Bob and Marjorie Meadows Lois Miller Molly Miner Dan Blakeley and Angie Monette Margaret Mori Mary Mueller Kathleen Mugele Cynthia Neill William Oran Bill and Jeanne Osterland Mary K. Oswald Kim Parker Marianne Perron Ervand Peterson Art and Elaine Reichert Harry and Dee Richardson Stephen and Martha Rosenblatt Maggie Salenger and Peter Haywood Rosalind Joy Sandler Robert and Carol Sanoff Beverly Scottland Roger S. Sheridan Lyn Smiley-Mackenzie and Laurie Mackenzie Daphne Smith Susan Manuel Smith Chris Stover and Lorraine Bazan Janann Strand Victor Reus, M.D. and Kira Tiedgens Philip Tymon Mrs. Lee J. van der Ploeg Dorothy Van Winkle Liz Vaughn Warren Watkins Dean Watson and Jan Ogren Sy and Shirley Weisman Nelson and Jane Weller Suzanna Wellington Carol Williams Wendy Zukas 19

Elisabeth Hawthorne

Richard and Jacqueline Holmes

An artful bequest Ann Baumann had been a Land Trust member and volunteer for decades. When she passed away this winter, she left a unique bequest to further our work to preserve what she loved about Sonoma County. Her father, Gustave Baumann, was a renowned Southwest woodcut artist. Before Ann died, she arranged for proceeds from the sale of her father’s prints to come to Sonoma Land Trust. The bequest is a strikingly appropriate reminder of the inspiration an artist takes from the land.


Rosannah Hayden Greg Hayes and Robin Fautley Mark Heath Michael Hedley Jean Hegland and Doug Fisher Sarah and David Hehman Sam Heidecke Larry and Victoria Heiges Lawrence and Victoria Heiges Kirsten Helgeson Christie Heller Robert and Rebecca Henn Moss Henry Jo Bentz and Robert Herr Stephen and Aurea Herrick Denise Hill Diana and Jeffrey Hill Norman Hill Jeff Hinchliffe Kirk Hinshaw Renee and Jerry Hinson Billie Hobart Heidi Hochrein Ingrid Hochrein and Mike Tayek Frank and Dianne Hodges Christine Hoex Ned Hoke Karen Holbrook

John K. Holmgren and Elise K. Lomenzo John and Katherine Horn Khysie Horn Ruth Horn Yvonne Horn Sanford and Alice Brittin Horowitz Anderson and Maria Howard Matthew and Joan Howarth Sage Howell Mary Ann Huckaby, PhD Lisa Hug Kim Hughes Michelle M. Hughes Nancy H. Hughes Stewart and Jane Hume Beth Huning Lisa Hunter Richard Hurley Holly Hutter Dawn and Michael Isaacs Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Jackson David Jaeger Namrata Jain Sarah James Craig A. Janakos Albert and Sharon Janulaw

Leslie Jaquith Gordon Jasoni Norma Jellison Harold and Jean Jensen Kevin Joe Bruce and Marjorie Johnson Diana and Gary Johnson Eric Johnson Jere Johnson Robin Johnson Linda Johnston Jennifer Jones Linda Burd Jones Robert and Arline Jones Sam and Kimberly Jones Cindy Jordan Edmond and Theresa Joseph Maryse Joske Charles and Christine Judson Mary Elizabeth Jue Star Justus Nancy Gelbard and David Kalb Howard Kalmer Linda Kammer Bert and Susanna Kaplan Elizabeth Katska and Paul Genovese Bev and David Kavanaugh Beryl Kay Robert J. Kearns III and Patric Kearns Richard Kellar Joanna and Dan Kemper Karen Kenkel Douglas and Jami Kerr Kathryn Kettler William and Mary Keyser Joan Kidd Mary Kimble Patrick Kincaid Sherry King and Malcolm Sibbernsen Herb and Magrita Klassen George and Barbara Klein V. Joseph and Anne Klein Anthony Knickerbocker Judith Koehler Thilo Koehler Jerry Kohl and Freeke Van Kohl Paula Koneazny John and Debbie Koos Susan J. Leber and Richard Korff Brian Kotzian Marshall Krause Timothy Krauss Deborah and Lloyd Kreuzer Candace Krout Karen Kubrin and Susan Rode Dale D. Kuhn Philip La Parne and Luann Schend Pierre and Patricia LaBerge Felix Laks, M.D. Debbie Lambert and JeNe Thomas Laurence Landa Scott Landers and Leah Gold Deborah Landowne Elizabeth and George Landreth Elizabeth Lane Joseph Lang Sean and Chris Lanham Auguste and Etiennette Lapeyrade James and Denise Lara

Michael W. Lardner Paul and Maureen Larson Kathleen and Roy Lasich Jamie E. Laster Louise and Roy Lattimore Anthony J. Lawler Kathleen Lawton Ann Le Brun-Burnett and Norman Burnett Bonnie Lee Robert Leeds Joseph Leese Karen Leet Enid Leff Mark W. Lehnhoff Lorin Leith and Otis Holt Edward and Heidi Lemon William and Paget Lenarz Robert and Janet Leonard Deborah Lesueur Joe and Elaine Lieber Mary and Stephen Lindsay Carol Lingman Lorraine and Bill Linstrom Gary Lipking Marcus Lipton Betsy Livingstone Jan and Stephen Lochner Reta Lockert Scott and Karen Lockhart Charlene Lohmeier Wanda and Dean Lombardi Myron London and Lucinda Ford Marilyn Lonon Lawrence Lossing and Ann Elston Dr. Richard and Phyllis Lowe Linda Lucey Michele and Fred Luna Bruce Lundquist Nola Lundy Eugene and Becky Lynch John Lynch Mary Lyons Bretta Rambo and Walter Maack, M.D. Anis D. Madanat Barbara and Don Madson Diane and Ken Magoon Patricia and Sam Magro Matt and LaRee Maguire Richard and Georgia Maher Fredericka and Michael Mainardi Robyn Makaruk Michael Malbasa and Susan Ross Eileen Ann Maloy Dr. and Mrs. David Marcus Robert and Barbara Marek Charles and Linda Markee Catherine Markham and Ezekiel Neeley Timothy Maroni Kay Marquet Helen Marsh Keith Marshall Julie Marth Gregory Martin Kimberly Martin Willi Martin-Hilliard Kazuo R. Maruoka Carol and Clifford Marvel Patricio Mascorro Ford Mastick

John Mastick and Robin Miller Zieta Mathews Mark A. Matthews and Valerie J. Marshall Claudia Mayfield Maria and Richard Mazer Cindy McCarthy Mary McClary Evelyn McClure Michael and Shelley McClure Dennis and Natee McCormack Maryann McCourt William McCoy and Natasha Beery Linda McCready Melinda McCutcheon Carol Carr and Jim McElroy Lynn McGarvey Stephanie McGill Mike McGuire B. Elaine McHugh Samuel and Beatrice McIntosh Richard McKee and Karen Fink Kathleen P. McKenna George and Marie McKinney Gary McLaughlin Joanne and Terry McLaughlin Patricia McLaughlin Patrick and Wanda McManus Steve and Heidi McNeal Major Eugene Meade, USARetired Kathleen Meek Helen Mehl Owen Mehner Kathleen and Roderick Mehrten Gordon Meininger Craig Meltzner and Elaine Walter Richard and Anabel Menefee Barbara and Gerald Meral Scott Meredith John Merget Kathleen A. Merrill Steven Messner Peter G. Meyerhof Bernard Meyers William Milestone Charles Miller Mary Anne Miller and James Suekama Michael G. Miller, Judy Kenneally-Miller and Kendra Miller Sarah and Dudley Miller Susan Minde Mike and Elizabeth Minigan Vandna Mittal Corinne Monahan Dan Blakeley and Angie Monette William and Rebecca Montgomery David and Cheryl Moore Irvin and Carolyn Moore Patricia Moore Margaret Mori Louisa Morris Adele Mortensen Fraser and Helen Muirhead Dan Mulkey Alan Murakami Thomas Murphey Lynne Murphy Joanne Murray

Robyn Muscardini Gregory Myers Peter and Arlene Narvaez Michael Neisen Barbara Nelson Theresa Nelson Thomas Nemcik Paula and David Newton David Ng and Tamara Liang Esther and Charles Nichol Richard and Brenda Nichols Ken and Karin Niehoff Elman Nielsen Claudia Norby Good Notes Margie and Bruce Obendorf Colleen Obergfell Richard O’Dea Michael Odriscoll Rio and Arrow Olesky June and Darrell Osbourne Mary K. Oswald Susanne Otteman and Myrna Goodman Paul Otterness and Barbara Quein Anne Owen Nancy Packard Diana J. Painter, PhD Judith and Vincent Pallavicini Jane Paneitz Jackie Parker The Parker Family Liz Parsons Bernard and Patricia Passemar Raymond Patrick Jana Patterson Elke and Douglas Paul George and Marianne Paul Greg and Rachel Pedersen Geoff Perel Carolyn Perkins Joel Perlstein Alexander and Ann Peters Michael S. Peters Richard Peters Richard and Joyce Peters Jeff Peterson Margaret W. Peterson Tom and Christine Peterson Val and JoAnn Peterson Frederick and Melouise Pfeffer Richard Pharo II Barbara Phelan Edward Phelan Robert and Rosemary Picott Ralph and Tecla Pierotti Judy Pike Douglas and Janice Pile Steven Pile Stuart P. Pivnick and Alice L. Akawie Bonnie and Paul Plakos Alex W. and Patricia Pleasic Irene Poff Bruce and Jodi Poland Barry Pollock Rory and Deb Pool Kathleen Pooler Michael Porter Carry Poschin Ann Possinger Cynthia Poten

Saskia Pothof Cynthia Powell Sara Press Betty and Andrew Price Judith Prima Thomas Pringle Jeffrey and Nancy Prouty Paul W. Purdom Walter and Georgia Quadres Johanna and Robert Quigley Kathy and John Rabb Andrew Radolf Eugenie Raff William Ramirez Cathy Ramus Mark Randol Joshua Rassen Loren and Margaret Raymond Patrick and Maxine Reagh Demian Reddy Jean Reed Judith Reimuller Laurel P. Rest Roger and Diana Rhoten David A. and Mary Rice Diana and Daniel Rich John and Patricia Rich Anne Richards Frank Riley Michael L. Rilla Bettina Ring Colleen R. Riordan Daniel and Clare Ritter Al and Edith Rivasplata Roger and Dorothy Roberts Frank and Mary Robertson Jeff Wilber and Donna Robertson Beth Robinson Tom Robinson Robin Rogers Michael and Sheila Rokeach Astrid Romanini Bill Ronchelli Maria Ronchelli Barbara and Benjamin Rooks Gregory and Linda Rose Jayne Rosenberg Annette and Craig Roth Marjorie M. Roth Susan Roth Elisabeth Rothenberger Nancy and Larry Rowinsky Michael and Elissa Rubin-Mahon Abraham Rudolph Bill and Pat Ruehmann Joe Ruffatto and Jennifer York Maggie Rufo Don Ryan Maryalice Ryan Elizabeth Ryder-Sutton Meredith Sabini Ann and Art Sachs Anthony Sadoti Marie Salerno Monica Sallouti and Carlie Wilkerson Barbara and Jay Salzman Roger and Deanna Sanborn Rita Sanders Ruth Sanford Norman and Gladys Sanguinetti Claire Sapiro

Arlyne and Jerry Sarquis Loie Goldfield Sauer and Daniel Goldfield Vincenza Scarpaci and Peter Rodda Mary Schaefer Scott Scheffler and Marian Wolfe Kathi Schneider Barbara Schneiders Vreni Schnirman C. Ferdinand and Gretchen Schoch Doug and Pamela Schrock Timothy Schroeder John Schubert Kathleen and Steven Schuler Schon Schurecht Peter Schwalbenberg and Ludmila Ershov Ralph Scott Don and Elaine Scully Chere and Eric Secrist William and Marsha Selhorn Susan R. Selverston Jerry and James Sershen Neil and Karin Shakery Helen Shane and Fred Fletcher Steve and Anne Shapiro Renee Sharp Paula and David Shatkin Mayo Shattuck Emily and Kris Shaul Diane Shaw Dalia and Jeff Sheff Robert and Pam Sibley Mercy Sidbury Stanley and Joan Siddle Shirley Silver Linda Simmel Calvin and Susan Simons Dr. Paul C. Simpson Jr., M.D. Dwight Sims Tom and Marjorie Sims Pat Goddard Sirna Sharron Skinner Lyn Smiley-Mackenzie and Laurie Mackenzie Amy Smith Betty and Earl Smith Dabney Smith Doreen and Vernon Smith Fredrika P. Smith Sally Smith Tim Smith Susan Snow Denise Sobel and Tom Oczkowski Ellen Solomon Madeleine Sone Jean Soost L. Robert Sorensen Ernest Spadafore Mark and Sabrina Speer Pat and William Spicer Katie St. John Jackolyn Stadtman Linda and Randon States Ingrid Stearns Erika Steffe and Don Herold Adam Stein Harold and Vera Stein Chandra Stephens Roger Sternberg


Helen Stevens Lyn and Shar Stevens Ted and Joan Stier Madelaine E. Stiver Sandy and Bunny Stoddard Carol and Michael Stone Dr. and Mrs. James Stone Andrew and Jamie Storck Robert and Ann Storms Stephanie Storms Joanna Stout Tom Strand William and Annette Strickland Janet Strobel John and Susan Strong Wendy Struhl Mark Stupich Peter and Marie Sullivan Ron and Helen Sundergill Sally Sutherland Bettie Swan Linda Swartz Nancy Swartz Shannon Swartz Louellen M. Sweinhart Zeno Swijtink and Thalia DeWolf Kate Symonds Christopher and Mary Szecsey Ira Tager Tony Tamburello and Julie Traun Elizabeth and Wayne Tarr Cynthia Tasker and Robert Conners Nancy Taylor and Chey Mi Hendra Nancy and Leo Tealdi Susan and Steve Teel Judith and Philip Temko Jill and John Templeton Anne Tenbensel Paul and Grace Terrell Sara Theiss Dolores and Neil Thistle Cathy Thomas Frances Thomas Lillian Walker Thomas Richard and Ruth Thomas William Thomas Robert Thompson Robert and Donna Thompson Sarah and Peter Thornton Naomi Tickle Linda Tiffany and David Solnit Lisa and Sebastian Titus Andrea Tobias Phyris Tobler June Tolbert Tom and Rene Tolliver Don and Marilyn Toms Sally Torres Diana Torykian Dolores and Edmund A. Totman, Jr. Kathleen Truax Mark and Cathy Trione Dale and Elaine Trowbridge Marin Agricultural Land Trust Shannon Tubridy Jessica Tudor


Gilbert Tully Denise and Noel Turner Charles W. Tuttle Thomas Tyrrell Joseph and Arlene Ulmer Pam and Gerald Underwood John Uniack Art Valencia B.E. Valentine Diane Van Anda Karen Van Epen Sandra Van Voorhis Sierra Vanderkamp Jan Vannucci Thomas and Adrienne Varin Peggy L. Vaughan Liz Vaughn Nancy R. Vaughn Bud Veliquette Carol Vellutini Debra R. Verdi Randall and Kathryn Vincent Bridget Viratos George Von Haunalter Jan and Joyce de Vries Karen and Jerome Wagner Beth Wakelee Judith Walenta Jennifer Walker L. Reed and Marilyn Walker Richard and Mary Wall Jed Wallach Eileen Walsh Herbert R. Wandel and Sandra Olsen Gary Warden and Crystal Rose Rosamond and George H. Warren II Joseph Wasilewski and Karen Barrett Alice Webb Karen Culler and Tom Weidinger Elaine Weihman Phil Weil Jonathan and Marylynn Weinberger Lenny Weinstein Barry and Robin Weinzveg Shirley Weisman Suzanna Wellington Ken Wells Shelley Werner Aletha and James Werson Marshall Wheeler Sheila and Dan Whipple Barbara Dornan and Charles White Carol and Bill White Richard Whitkus Bodil Wibe Doralyn Wicklund Susan Wielk Jolie Wiggins Pat Wiggins and Guy Conner Kathi and John Wildman Kenneth Wildnauer Patty Wilkinson

Arthur G. and Linda B. Williams Judith Cassel Williams Roberta Williams Tom and Maureen Williams Andrea Williamson Colleen and Mark Wilson Camilla Wilson and Leigh Wilson-Mattson Richard and Sharon Wise Michael and Jane Witkowski David and Dilys Wohletz Martha and Norman Wohlken Patricia Wolffe Wendy Wollish American Assn. of University Women Richard Woodman and Mia James Petrilla Wright and Thomas Babcock Shanti Wright Bradley and Isabelle Wyatt Judith and Robert Yeager Sharon and Jim York Jeffrey and Karen Young Suzanne Young Robert and Dolores Zeni Beryl F. Zimberoff Craig Zimmerman Pamela Zimmerman Kate Zocchetti Barbara Zook In Kind Julie Atwood Event Design John Bertucci Jane and Bernie Brenner Robert Brent Earle Cummings Tom Dwyer Denise Elliott Chris Engel and Hugh Helm Environmental Systems Research Institute Celeste Felciano Freeman Vineyard & Winery Hafner Vineyard Richard and Kathy Harkness Haywood Winery Kit and Judi Ireland Ralph and Marcia Johnson Lundberg Design Claudia Mayfield Donald and Jacque Mielke Elizabeth Newton and Tong Lai Ginn Redwood Hill Farm Steve and Wendy Smit

Anne Teller and Oak Hill Farm Victor Reus, M.D. and Kira Tiedgens Suzanne Weakley The Wildlands Conservancy Matching Gifts Adobe Agilent Technologies Boeing Chevron Humankind ConocoPhilips Cleveland H. Dodge Foundation ExxonMobil Foundation Google IBM International Foundation The James Irvine Foundation John Wiley & Sons Johnson & Johnson Kaiser Permanente Levi Strauss NORCAL Mutual Insurance Company The David and Lucile Packard Foundation Pfizer Foundation PG&E Corporation Foundation Charles Schwab Gift Membership Recipients Helge Bruckner and Renee Bowleer David and Sofia Chen Michelle Cooper Jeanette and Whitney Evans The Kajeckas Family Mark and Jana Fiorito Katherine and Peter Gauthier Ted Andersen and Kat Gledhill Rosannah Hayden Dia and Darrin Jenkins Jon and Sherry Williamson Littman Ellyn Moscowitz Nilda Mulas The Richards Family Robert Sabini Shelley Simmons Richard Stern Irene Theodos Michael and Eden Ashley Umble Sally Vella David and Georgia Vossler Sue Weingarten Andrew Wheelwright Adam and Marta Benson Willner

Thank you, volunteers! In 2011, more than 275 volunteers contributed more than 3,000 hours toward the mission of the Sonoma Land Trust. We couldn’t do it without you!

BACKGROUND PHOTO, pages 12–22: A hike at Tolay Creek Ranch. Photo by Lance Kuehne Photography.

Financial Statements The amounts presented here are derived from the Sonoma Land Trust’s audited financial statements for the years ending December 31, 2011 and December 31, 2010. Copies of the audited report of financial statements are available upon request. STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AT DECEMBER 31 ASSETS

2011 Cash and cash equivalents $ 3,915,741 Investments 5,256,674 Contracts and other receivables 469,897 Pledges receivable 329,574 Deposits and other assets 67,106 Conservation lands and easements 66,984,547 Property and equipment, net 920,447

Total Assets

$ 77,943,986

Liabilities and net ASSETS Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued expenses $ 402,749 Deferred income 237,699 Short-term note payable 140,000 Current maturities of long-term debt – Long-term non-recourse debt –

Total Liabilities $ 780,448


$ 7,142,642 2,488,560 1,288,729 591,640 52,271 66,965,736 935,130 $ 79,464,708

$ 339,393 282,546 – 3,508 – $ 625,447

Net Assets Unrestricted Available for operation $ 3,465,252 $ 4,771,314 Board designated — conservation projects 787,662 707,870 Investment in conservation lands 66,984,547 66,453,736 Total unrestricted net assets $ 71,237,461 $ 71,932,920 Temporarily restricted net assets 5,926,077 6,906,341 Total Net Assets Total Liabilities and Net Assets

$ 77,163,538 $ 78,839,261 $ 77,943,986 $ 79,464,708

Statement of Activities for the Years Ended December 31 revenue and support

Contributions and grants $ 1,751,746 In-kind contributions 17,667 In-kind contributions: Conservation land & improvements 21,944 Project income 906,692 Investment income (92,086) Other gains (losses) (7,741)

$ 6,281,904 11,200 1,106,957 890,348 179,246 (4,346)

Total Revenue and Support $ 2,598,222

$ 8,465,309


Projects and stewardship $ 3,123,604 Governance and administrative 711,749 Fundraising 375,092

$ 2,276,143 665,920 395,608

Total Expenditures $ 4,270,445

$ 3,337,671

Net income before land acquisitions & donations $(1,672,223) Land acquisition expenses (3,500) Land acquisition contributions (net) –

$ 5,127,638 12,905,244

Net income after land acquisitions & donations $ (1,675,723) $ 18,032,882

23 23

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966 Sonoma Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95404

Board of Directors Denny Van Ness, Chair Robert Brent Neal Fishman Ken Freeman Mark Jacobsen

Kirsten Lindquist Pete Mattson Bill Osterland Darren Peterie Harry Richardson

Maggie Salenger Allison Sanford Wendy Smit Margaret Spaulding Carol Williams

Leadership Council John Ash Phillip Carlsen Karen Collins Anthony Crabb Ethel Daly Chris Dobson Cynthia Doubleday Ted Eliot

Michael Ellis Joni Fritsche Thomas Garrett, M.D. Barbara Grasseschi Mary Hafner Michael Hogan Carolyn Johnson Bill Kortum

MaryClare Lawrence Peter Leveque Jean Schulz Daphne Smith Clay Stephens Anne Teller Rick Theis Michael Wright

Staff Ralph Benson, Executive Director Julie Jehly, Acquisitions Project Assistant Kristine Acquino, Acquisitions Project Associate Joseph Kinyon, GIS Manager Karen Arrington, Development Manager Reta Lockert, Donor Relations Director Sheri Cardo, Director of Communications Julian Meisler, Baylands Program Manager Dale Carroll, Accounting Assistant Bob Neale, Stewardship Director Amy Chesnut, Acquisitions Director Tony Nelson, Stewardship Project Manager Paul DeMarco, Director of Finance & Administration Elizabeth Newton, Office Manager Kara Doolin, Stewardship Assistant Project Manager Bev Scottland, Development Director Brook Edwards, Jenner Headlands Project Manager Ingrid Stearns, Outings Coordinator Wendy Eliot, Conservation Director Shanti Wright, Stewardship Project Manager Georgiana Hale, Conservation Easement Stewardship Manager Editor/Writer: Sheri Cardo The Sonoma Land Trust protects the scenic, natural, agricultural and open landscapes of Sonoma County for the benefit of the community and future generations by:  Developing long-term land protection strategies  Promoting private and public funding for land conservation  Acquiring land and conservation easements  Practicing stewardship, including the restoration of conservation properties Promoting a sense of place and a land ethic through activities, education and outreach 24 Printed on recycled paper using soy-based inks

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