Goodwill Brand Standards

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Goodwill速 San Antonio Graphic Style Guide


Brand Integrity

Goodwill Corporate Brand Architecture Logo Text Usage Correct Color Usage Correct Sizing Area of Isolation Logo Variations and Colors Incorrect Logo Manipulation Typeface Stationery Business Card Letterhead and Envelope Brochure Email Elements - Email Signature Telephone - Script for Voice Mail Presentations - PowerPoint Template “O” Object Messaging Goodwill Sub-Brands Good Careers Center Logo Variations and Colors Incorrect Logo Manipulation Good Choices Logo Variations and Colors Incorrect Logo Manipulation Contract Services Logo Variations and Colors Incorrect Logo Manipulation Temporary Services Logo Variations and Colors Incorrect Logo Manipulation Goodwill Retail Store Signage Color Palette Miscellaneous Store Signage Exterior Donation Signage Environmental Graphics Color Palette

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We communicate about Goodwill in all of our everyday communications both internally and externally. Whether we’re launching a campaign or simply putting a cover page on a proposal or fax, our name is sending a message. Each communication, whether it be a business card, email, or signage that carries Goodwill also carries with it a message about our reputation and influence within our community. We all play a vital role when sending these messages and without proper graphic standards, our identity can become compromised.

The utmost adherence to the graphic standards manual is appreciated and beneficial to every member. When properly used by all, this manual strengthens our public image and impacts everyone we serve.

This Graphic Style Guide is intended as a guideline relative to placement, size and application of the

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Goodwill corporate logo and its sub-brands. Particular typefaces, type weights, and typographic styles are also indicated.

For consistency of brand integrity, the application, placement, and color usage of the logo must be reviewed and approved by the Director of Marketing.

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Goodwill Corporate and Good Careers Academy Brand Architecture Goodwill Corporate

Goodwill Sub-Brands

When shown in conjunction, use as follows

(words only)

Horizontal Layout







The GCA logo and the Goodwill logo should not be used adjacent to one another in any materials without specific approval from the Director of Marketing. The exception to this is stationery, business cards, and Powerpoint Template, which must be printed as shown in this guide.

Good Careers Academy


Goodwill Corporate Logo Logo

This portion of the guide gives strict instructions for correct usage of the logo for Goodwill and other influencing factors of our identity. It explains both written and pictorially the area of isolation (white space around the logo), correct and incorrect size, color usage and color specifications.

Primary Usage: Goodwill Industries The Goodwill logo should always look exactly as it is shown in this guide. It should never be altered, re-spaced or re-designed in any way, no matter how close a match, no other styles may be used. Throughout this guide, whenever we refer to the logo, we are referring to all logotypes with the Goodwill emblem. This system is set up to be somewhat flexible in application, within limitation. Custom applications of the logo will be reviewed on an individual basis and must be requested through the Director of Marketing. If used on social media sites, use the Goodwill logo, in the .jpg format.

Text Usage

The following word marks are protected and owned by Goodwill Industries International on behalf of its members, and are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. GOODWILL® (International Classes 35, 41 and 42) GOODWILL INDUSTRIES® (International Classes 35 and 42) NOTE: When using the name Goodwill or Goodwill Industries—whether in a document or marketing collateral—you must display the registered trademark symbol ( ® ) upon the first use of the name. In a Word document (PC or Mac), the registration R may typically be inserted with a shortcut by typing (r).

Correct Color Usage

Full-Color Usage: When reproducing the logo as full-color, you must use exactly the colors specified. Any other logo or color usage not reflected in this manual is strictly prohibited without express written approval in advance by the Director of Marketing.

Unacceptable Color: It is unacceptable to use any other colors than those mentioned in this guide. If you have any questions or concerns about what colors to use, please contact the Director of Marketing.


Goodwill Corporate Logo Correct Size

Absence of appropriate supporting visual elements (such as photography) does not warrant using the logo in an incorrectly placed or oversized way. The register symbol in the bottom right must also stay proportionate.

As a general guideline, on an 8.5” x 11" sheet, the logo can be no smaller than 0.6487” x 0.9” and no larger than 1.26” x 1.75”. Correct Size

Incorrect Size

Proportionate to 8.5” x 11” Paper

The Goodwill logo can never be sized to less than .25” wide in any application. Sizing the logo any smaller will jeopardize its legibility.



Goodwill Corporate Logo Area of Isolation

An area of isolation is the unoccupied space surrounding the logo. The area of isolation around the logo on all sides should be proportionately equal to the height of the bottom bar. This area is represented by X. The area of isolation cannot have any text, slogans or other design elements within it.

The guidelines for the area of isolation must be followed in all logo uses.

= x


Goodwill Corporate Logo Variations and Colors

Correct Logo Usage on Dark Background Reflex Blue C 100 | M 82 | Y 0 | K 2 R 0 | G 35 | B 149

Pantone Reflex Blue

Correct One-Color Logo Usage Can be used in Black or Pantone Reflex Blue

Black C 0 | M 0 | Y 0 | K 100 R0|G0|B0


Correct Multiple Color Logo Usage

CMYK stands for the Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black ink colors used in 4-color (process color) printing, where

RGB refers to Red, Green, and Blue. These are the colors used on computer screens and other digital displays. The colors are

Pantone Colors are a color matching system (Pantone Matching System or PMS) where inks are mixed into

all of the colors you see are made up of combinations of dots in these four colors.

made up of a combination of these three hues. In process color printing, these colors need to be converted to CMYK.

specific colors which are then printed in a color-matching swatch book. Some process colors are difficult to achieve through process printing, so using a pantone color ensures a consistent color match. 7

Goodwill Corporate Incorrect Logo Manipulation




Changing Colors

Using a New Typeface goodwill


Goodwill Corporate Typeface Futura

The “smiling G” type in the Goodwill logo is a custom illustrated typeface. It is not to be used or reproduced in any form other than the established Goodwill logo.

The only typeface used for body copy and headlines for Goodwill is Futura. Futura comes in many weights and cuts but primarily Futura Book should be used. Other weights such as Bold, Heavy, Light, and Condensed may be used with great discretion. Type selection other than Futura Book should be approved by the Director of Marketing. On a standard 8.5”x11” sheet the body copy and majority of text should be between 8 – 12 point font size. Subject headings should be between 14 – 16 points.

Futura Light Futura Book Futura Medium Futura Heavy Futura Bold Futura Medium Condensed

Aa Bb Aa Bb Aa Bb Aa Bb Aa Bb Aa Bb

Cc Cc Cc Cc Cc Cc

Headline Copy Body Copy lorem ipsum nonsequam rem et aute nos sa prem dolorepe voluptat. Oluptur si sim quam aut fuga. Ut vit et hit lam estisciur aditas sus comniendit as re non pores elendam rem necernam volorione nonsequi aut voluptur sequaessent. Bitatia sus ea voloris dolorest eos molendit iscilla dem rersped ut ilibus exerfererro mod essendisti reptas volecea tiuntiae consequ iatus, sam quuntur suntur sequi

Preferred typeface

Headline Futura Book 16pt Pantone Reflex Blue

Body copy Futura Book 9pt leading 14pts. Black

totat. Apictatest everitiatio. Nequodis il ma deris doluptasin cullorem volectat.


Goodwill Corporate Stationery Business Card 65% Black

Pantone Reflex Blue


Refer to page 7 for CMYK color definitions.

Goodwill Business Card 3.5” x 2” print on dull matte 100lb cover Colors: Pantone Reflex Blue + Black 65%, 100% Employee Names: must use Futura Book

Pantone Reflex Blue

Marla Jackson

Futura Book 11.5pt

President and Chief Executive Officer • P: 210.924.8581 • F: 210.294.3011 Goodwill Industries of San Antonio 406 W. Commerce • San Antonio, TX 78207-3102

Futura Book 9pt, leading 10.25 pt. black 65%

leading 12 pt


Goodwill Corporate Stationery Letterhead and Envelope

Pantone Reflex Blue

65% Black


Pantone Reflex Blue

Refer to page 7 for CMYK color definitions.

GOODWILL 406 W. Commerce San Antonio, TX 78207-3102

Futura Book 8.5pt, black 65%

GOODWILL HELPS CHANGE LIVES THROUGH THE POWER OF WORK. San Antonio | Seguin | New Braunfels | Laredo 406 W. Commerce • San Antonio, TX 78207-3102 • 800.483.9455 •

Futura Bold 10pt, black 65% Futura Book 10pt, black 65% Futura Book 8.5pt, black 65% 11

Goodwill Corporate Brochure Futura Light 34pt

Black 25%

Futura Book 11pt

Pantone 539

Pantone 543

C: 80 / M: 55 / Y: 27 / K: 6

Logo Colors

Pantone Reflex Blue


Futura Light 34pt

Futura Book 11pt

Futura Book 17pt

C: 80 M: 55 Y: 27 K: 6


Goodwill Corporate Brochure Futura Light 34pt

Futura Book 11pt

Futura Light 34pt

Pantone 543 35%

Futura Book 11pt

Pantone 539

Pantone 543

C: 80 / M: 55 / Y: 27 / K: 6

Logo Colors Pantone Reflex Blue


Futura Book 16pt/37pt

Futura Book 25pt C: 80 M: 55 Y: 27 K: 6 Futura Book 11pt

Pantone 539

Black 25% 13

Goodwill Corporate Email Elements Email Signature Email Signature

The following is the designated email signature. No additional statements, logos (social media or other), or personal statements.

Name Title Goodwill San Antonio / Goodwill Contract Services / Good Careers Academy (As appropriate) Office: 210.XXX.XXXX Cell: 210.XXX.XXXX / (As appropriate)

Subject headings should be between 14 – 16 points.


Goodwill Corporate Telephone Script for Voice Mail Voice Mail

The following is the designated voice mail message:

“Hello, you’ve reached the voicemail for (your name) at Goodwill San Antonio. I’m not able to take your call at the moment. Please leave me a message and I will return your call.”


Goodwill Corporate Presentations PowerPoint Template PowerPoint

There are presentation versions for corporate as well as each Goodwill operating division. The following are examples of the various corporate formats:

Title Page

Text Page

Text/Photo Page


Goodwill Corporate “O” Object Messaging C 38 | M 28 | Y 28 | K 5

The use of “Donate” or other words, such as “Shop” and “Jobs”, with an object used to replace the “o” have requirements for use.

Futura Medium C 38, M 28, Y 28, K 5 Title case (initial capital letter)

Refer to page 7 for Pantone and CMYK color definitions.

Keep type spacing consistent only allowing object to change. This is especially important when used in a series.

Materials using this messaging are meant to be used outside of the retail space in the form of exterior signage, banners, or outdoor boards. They use a warm gray CMYK mix, are in Futura Medium, title cased (initial capital letter), and always on a white background.

Any use of the “o” object messaging style requires approval by the Director of Marketing.

D nate Donate Here

Example of Donate type without “o” object.


Goodwill Corporate Sub-Brands Good Careers Center Logo Variations and Colors

Correct Logo Usage on Dark Background

Correct One-Color Logo Usage

Reflex Blue C 100 | M 82 | Y 0 | K 2 R 0 | G 35 | B 149

Correct Grayscale Logo Usage

Gray C 0 | M 0 | Y 0 | K 83 R 0 | G 0 | B83

Correct Color Logo Usage

Refer to page 7 for Pantone color definitions.

Black C 0 | M 0 | Y 0 | K 100 R0|G0|B0

Pantone Reflex Blue

83% Black For grayscale version only

100% Black


Goodwill Corporate Sub-Brands Good Careers Center Incorrect Logo Manipulation Incorrect



Changing Colors

Using a New Typeface


Goodwill Corporate Sub-Brands Good Choices Logo Variations and Colors

Correct Logo Usage on Dark Background


Correct One-Color Logo Usage


Correct Grayscale Logo Usage

Correct Color Logo Usage

Refer to page 7 for Pantone color definitions.



Reflex Blue C 100 | M 82 | Y 0 | K 2 R 0 | G 35 | B 149

Gray C 0 | M 0 | Y 0 | K 83 R 0 | G 0 | B83

Black C 0 | M 0 | Y 0 | K 100 R0|G0|B0

Pantone Reflex Blue

83% Black For grayscale version only

100% Black


Goodwill Corporate Sub-Brands Good Choices Incorrect Logo Manipulation Incorrect



Changing Colors

Using a New Typeface







Goodwill Corporate Sub-Brands Contract Services Logo Variations and Colors

Correct Logo Usage on Dark Background


Correct One-Color Logo Usage


Correct Grayscale Logo Usage

Correct Color Logo Usage

Refer to page 7 for Pantone color definitions.



Reflex Blue C 100 | M 82 | Y 0 | K 2 R 0 | G 35 | B 149

Gray C 0 | M 0 | Y 0 | K 83 R 0 | G 0 | B83

Black C 0 | M 0 | Y 0 | K 100 R0|G0|B0

Pantone Reflex Blue

83% Black For grayscale version only

100% Black


Goodwill Corporate Sub-Brands Contract Services Incorrect Logo Manipulation Incorrect



Changing Colors

Using a New Typeface







Goodwill Corporate Sub-Brands Temporary Services Logo Variations and Colors

Correct Logo Usage on Dark Background


Correct One-Color Logo Usage


Correct Grayscale Logo Usage

Correct Color Logo Usage

Refer to page 7 for Pantone color definitions.



Reflex Blue C 100 | M 82 | Y 0 | K 2 R 0 | G 35 | B 149

Gray C 0 | M 0 | Y 0 | K 83 R 0 | G 0 | B83

Black C 0 | M 0 | Y 0 | K 100 R0|G0|B0

Pantone Reflex Blue

83% Black For grayscale version only

100% Black


Goodwill Corporate Sub-Brands Temporary Services Incorrect Logo Manipulation Incorrect



Changing Colors

Using a New Typeface







Goodwill Retail Store Signage Color Palette

All graphic signage that is implemented throughout the store is reflex blue.

Reflex Blue C 100 | M 82 | Y 0 | K 2 R 0 | G 35 | B 149

Gray C 0 | M 0 | Y 0 | K 83 R 0 | G 0 | B83

Black C 0 | M 0 | Y 0 | K 100 R0|G0|B0

Refer to page 7 for Pantone color definitions.

Pantone Reflex Blue

83% Black For grayscale version only

100% Black


Goodwill Retail Store Signage

It’s Only Fair Sign (example) 22” x 28”

Headline: Futura Bold (size may vary depending on amount of copy)

Body Copy: Futura Book (size may vary depending on amount of copy)

it’s only fair since our goods come from public donations, it’s only fair that every customer have equal opportunity to shop and purchase products! all store employees and volunteers are not permitted to shop or reserve merchandise at the store that they work from.

Because these signs are made at the same size but with differing amounts of copy, the type size may vary slightly. But the typefaces for headlines (Futura Bold) and body (Futura Bold) must remain the same. A good rule to go by for type proportions would be to make the headline to body copy size ratio approximately 5:2. The headline copy should remain all lowercase and have no punctuation for a more friendly feeling. The body copy will remain sentence cased with the exception of bullet points.


Goodwill Retail Store Signage

Employees Only Sign 12” x 4”

Authorized Personnel Only Sign 12” x 4”

Futura Bold

Register Closed Signs 12” x 8”


Goodwill Retail Store Signage Exterior Donation Signage

Thank You - Donation 24” x 36” Donate Directional 31” x 72” Headline: Futura Bold (size may vary depending on amount of copy)

Body Copy: Futura Book (size may vary depending on amount of copy)

Futura Bold

We Cannot Accept 24” x 36”

Headline: Futura Bold (size may vary depending on amount of copy)

Body Copy: Futura Book (size may vary depending on amount of copy)


Goodwill Retail Environmental Graphics Color Palette

Entrance Thank You wall is typically painted Polo Blue.

Benjamin Moore, 967 Cloud White

Sherwin Williams, 6070 Heron Plume

Sherwin Williams, 6242 Bracing Blue

Sherwin Williams, 6079 Diverse Beige

Benjamin Moore, 2062.10 Polo Blue

Reflex Blue

When repainting stores, use Cloud White to cover existing white walls and trim.

* Specific paint color designations are used flexibly when necessary. 30

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